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7th Jul 2008, 19:18
Yep, replied to them but haven't received any further details about the day. I need a life- I'm literally glued to my email and pprune all day hoping for news. :8

7th Jul 2008, 21:13
The guy who sends the e-mails has a thousand things to do, you may well not hear from him again, you have been invited, you have either agreed or declined, just be there on the day mentioned. There are no other dates for the UK and Europe, the other places are for the guys from those parts of the world.
If you read this thread you will see whats involved, as one of the UAE expats who has been for selection detailed the testing.

MC 1
7th Jul 2008, 21:56
guys im in bit of a fix should i apply now right away or should i apply when i get my ppl lisence probably at the end of the month when i have my test scheduled the deadline is still a few months away so what do you think ? any help would be mucho apreciated thx

7th Jul 2008, 22:02
EYZ, as much as you're urging people to not get too crazy with expectations, following the instructions on the e-mail would suggest that we turn up to Heathrow (Airport? One of the surrounding hotels, conference centres?) half an hour before an unknown time :confused:. I'm pretty sure that won't be the last contact before the assessments.

7th Jul 2008, 22:25
It's part of the test, haha... as u get to the airport u have to search for hidden clues that take you on a journey around London working your way up to the final stage... a signed contract.

Good luck everyone.

7th Jul 2008, 22:31
Well obviously it wouldn't be the last contact before the assessment. You will be contacted and informed of the time and place. I'm pretty sure Etihad does not intend on playing hide & seek after inviting you to the interview. :}You have been selected, now all you have to do is wait.

I know it's hard, but we all need to just relax. And the time will come.

Good luck to all:ok:

7th Jul 2008, 23:44
I called HR and they said that the 12 selected candidates will be partaking in an aviation medicine experiment that involves positive g-forces and the separation of penises from bodies! it doesn't sound fun so I suggest all of you not to show up to the assessment dates and locations just so you won't have to experience such an ordeal.:ok:

I deserve this more than all of you :mad:'s. I'm half black, and I'm pretty sure you guys don't know how hard it is to grow up knowing that no matter how hard you try you still don't belong!
And can the kid's please go back to school!:=

Oh and to make things crystal clear, I would eat a baby to fly an airbus:), even that big airbus that carries the smaller airbuses in it's forehead!

Just thought I'd make this interesting:8

8th Jul 2008, 09:51
hmmmmm, babies, how do you cook them? I would like that they contact me right now, because I have to know if I can travel by train the same day or I have to stay in Frankfurt the day before.....

8th Jul 2008, 10:07
If it is anything similar to the UAE day, I would work on 8am and 1pm as the two starting times, depending on which one they put you on.
I would imagine those trsvelling will be on the later one!

8th Jul 2008, 11:26
Yeah thats one thing... on the email they asked us to reply if the answer to certain questions was yes. One of those questions was "are u available on the 28th?". Well, and i say, it depends on the time! I answered yes, but if the interview is at 8am, well, they would have also had to ask about availability on the 27th, right?

8th Jul 2008, 11:35
IT's correct...this is the problem...They had to write also the time of the assesment..thus everyone can do the travel check and then answer yes or no for that day....

However,we wait the e-mail and we continue to prepar for the day...:ok:

(If anyone have answers,write here as soon as possible....thanks)

8th Jul 2008, 12:09
If i had to take a guess, i'd say that they'll use a hotel in the airport itself. That would make sense. Anyone knows what hotel Etihad uses for their FRA and LHR layover?

8th Jul 2008, 12:19
Hi all,
I receve e-mail about the assestment day on the 28th in frankfort......
Anyone know witch kind of question they can make or witch kind of test we will do?
Hope to see you all there......



8th Jul 2008, 12:29
Ull find more info on this same post

8th Jul 2008, 12:44
Ciao antes 56,
anche tu a francoforte?
I am italian too but i live in belgium for work...
If you have any information about that day please e-mail me at [email protected] i will be happy to help you if i can.

Good luck and see you there.

8th Jul 2008, 17:43
Rapha, my date is the 29th of july but I cannot make it because I am working! I have emailed them and asked them if I can do it on the 30th of July...I hope this doesnt sabotage the whole process?!

8th Jul 2008, 20:37
Rapha, my date is the 29th of july but I cannot make it because I am working! I have emailed them and asked them if I can do it on the 30th of July...I hope this doesnt sabotage the whole process?!

No just makes the selection a little easier.


987 to go!

8th Jul 2008, 22:15
Is it true that 1000 of us have been shortlisted?? I dont think so. I went to an emirates interview for cabin crew once and there were about 200 people for day one, and it was HECTIC! They had to cut some heads on the first day basing themselves on the way you handed in your resume (2 second impression of you)... and then wait for a callback. After which, about 70 people turned up, for 10 vacancies.

That'd makes more sense.

Considering that 80% of applicants know pprune, and 50% of them are active posters (and not all of them have been shortlisted), i would say we won't find more than 100 people in each assesment. That makes 200 people total... Am i talking nonesense?

8th Jul 2008, 22:27
Well,I just want it to know If I'm too late for this venues as I've only aplied few days ago!if they are assessing candidates in august I might get a shot!well,when I joined BA there were 7000 aplications for crew,2000 got interviews,600 got the job...will be tough

9th Jul 2008, 06:40
Etihad use the Airport Sheraton in FRA and the Park Inn in LHR. There is a very good chance these will be the location's of the testing.
Yes 1000 have been shortlisted, not 1000 for LHR, but worldwide, some may roll over into next year.
I would assume that if you have been asked to attend on the 28th, you should plan an overnight before, a little rest might be a good thing before all those tests!!

9th Jul 2008, 07:20
why aren't they taking CPL holders?

I'm a CPL holder and I applied some time in early June. My Status is Blank ... what gives :confused:

9th Jul 2008, 07:32
Hi All!

I received an invite to the UAE Expat selection day in mid-June but was not in the UAE at the time so couldn't attend. I sent them an email reply but never heard anything since so am afraid I screwed it up a bit and missed my chance! Anyone else write into EY saying that they couldn't attend the given date and heard anything back? Anyone know whom to contact at EY or have a telephone number?

Thanks...and good luck all! :D


9th Jul 2008, 09:02
Hi Guys

Can one of you tell me the best place to practice for the expected Compass test please?



9th Jul 2008, 11:01
palks, i'll be there on the 29th, but still waiting to get more information from them.

i know someone who has got through and he says the tests are similar to those of CTC. apart from that, i don't know much more......yet!!!


9th Jul 2008, 11:13
It has all been mentioned before on this post. Basically, day one is only for written, multiple choice tests on basic math, physics... about 5 or 6 tests. Main issue apparently is time. Since they dont let u use calculator, you will have to multiply and long divide on paper and that takes longer than with a calculator. It has also been said that they are not looking for the smartest guy, they want someone who they can sit next to for a 10 hour long flight.

I believe there is no personal contact on this first stage.

9th Jul 2008, 11:14
wow you put the guys number on a public forum....:ugh:

But thanks for the hookup:8:ok:

9th Jul 2008, 11:18
No worries ZaaZoo I got it from Switch board at recruitment. I was going to call him back but I figured it may actually only damage my chances. I was going to ask a silly question like when will I get my email telling me what time to arrive etc. I just don't want to waste his time.

So what are the CTC tests like and is there anyway to practice for the Compass test?

I think we should all have passed the team work objective by now :P



9th Jul 2008, 11:21
Cheers Aeromar :)

9th Jul 2008, 11:24
I would strongly suggest NOT contacting Akram.

1st- He is not is charge of this!
2nd-He is very busy with a million things, not just cadet pilot recruitment.

Whoever put his number on the forum, I would suggest in the strongest terms you remove it.
Those contacted will be contacted again in due course.
As other people have said practice some maths, I have no idea what compass tests are but its not what EY are using!

9th Jul 2008, 11:31

It's been removed. Ey I'm new to this post, do you work at Etihad then?


9th Jul 2008, 12:32
CTC assessments aren't that daunting tbh. it's a case (as you've probably heard a thousand times) of 'it's either you have the aptitude or you don't'.
they included hand-eye co-ordination (through use of a joystick, witht he aim of keep[ing the crosshair in the middle of the screen...hands, where you are given voice commands of different scenraios with relation to what the 'man is holding in his hands'...flying though boxes, again with the use of a joystick...identifying patterns within patters...and multi-tasking with hand-eye co-ordination and counting.

have a read of the CTC topic. all the info is on there. but you havent got anything to worry about.

not sure how much it correlates with the etihad assessments.


9th Jul 2008, 13:25
But this thread is about Etihad right?

9th Jul 2008, 13:40
Someone compared the tests to CTC

9th Jul 2008, 13:46
yes....i know someone who starts at Al Ain this month and he told me the tests are similar to CTC.

9th Jul 2008, 14:56
EYZ can you please let me know that who is incharge of this cadet pilot programme? Information will be appreciated

9th Jul 2008, 15:39
It has been said that whoever is in charge of the cadet program is not exclusively in charge of it, and has a million other things to do. It's also been mentioned that whomever has already been invited to attend the first stage, will be contacted again for further details. In my opinion, contacting etihad at this point wouldn't do anything but harm to your application since patience is highly expected in these kinds of process.

All what's left to do now is wait and practice long division... no calculators allowed.

9th Jul 2008, 16:12
You said before you had a CPL/IR so you're disqualified right?

9th Jul 2008, 16:21
Wasn't me... i have a ppl

EDIT: not for me, ok...

9th Jul 2008, 21:25
no that was directed towards hani....

9th Jul 2008, 22:06
Yes zaazoo Im CPL/IR holder and i have mentioned that thing in my application too. I dont know if i am disqualified or not cuz didnt recieved any rejection letter so far infact month ago recieved an email stating that my application is shortlisted thats it.

9th Jul 2008, 23:35
Gotchya...anywho if the EY test is like the CTC one, what does the CTC use? and what the hell is CTC?

10th Jul 2008, 07:39
CTC are a training company based in Southampton/ Bournemouth in the UK.
Check the CTC thread. Lots of info about their tests there.

10th Jul 2008, 09:05
Ok, this is just an opinion, so take it with caution. Do you guys really think EY will use CTC tests on the first stage? It would be way too expensive. And as from what i've seen on the CTC webside, each testee requires a computer and certain hardware (joystick...). I think, and once again, take this just as a humble opinion, that they will not use CTC tests, but regular test sheets.

10th Jul 2008, 14:58
Hey guys,
I've just received my email invitation,to the assesments on the 30th o july!I replied as I cant make it on that day,I requested the 29th if is available!anyone there with the same problem?did they gave you another date,how was their response?:ok:also I'm through the CTC programme,but thats another story..

10th Jul 2008, 15:07
I guess the point now is not how the assesment will consist off as they all(OAT,CTC,CABAIR,FTE..)follow the same "core" which is the pilapt!I think the point now is start preparing,as you might have on your day 10/20 very enthousiastic wannabes and you never know,they might like them all,and the decision might come down to your results,so I'm off to the town library,need to brush up my maths lol:}

10th Jul 2008, 15:09

we will just have to wait and see what the tests will be like.

good luck to all :)

10th Jul 2008, 15:20
Yeah, thats my advice. Practice speed math, pen and paper. I dont even know why we started talking about standard tests when one of the people that posts here already said he had been to stage one, and that the tests are simple multiple choice pen and paper kind of exercises (no calc). And he said that the main issue is time, so none of the exercises is difficult, they just need to be done quickly to make it on time.

Damn pprune, dont stop working now!
At this poing im using PPRUNE just to know who is the first one to be emailed the details (second email), as till now, all i got is a date and the name of a pretty big city.

10th Jul 2008, 15:24

Totaly agree with you!no margin for error,I've done that mistake before you know!
I've tried twice for oxford,failed the first time and passed the second but them couldnt get the funds!The reason I've failed first time was because it came down to basics,didnt do too well in the tech test!something that I was very good at school...
So at this time with Etihad I rather work on the basics aswell as interview technique,doesnt matter what will be on the day as long I'm prepared for it,motivation is high!
Good luck to you all:ok:

10th Jul 2008, 16:01
i think the second stage would be CTC like testing. The 1st round will purely be to eliminate most candidates....only the "cream of the crop" will make it through:}

10th Jul 2008, 17:09
dammit, why am i not Einstein or something!

10th Jul 2008, 17:31
Don't worry Aeromar27 , we don't need to be eintsteiners but more chuck yeagers lol !
practising basics quickly Is the best I think , see you in Frankfurt

good prep to everybody !

10th Jul 2008, 18:20
dont think mr. yeager would be any good in an airbus though.

Still no second email? anyone?

10th Jul 2008, 19:40
no 2nd email here

but just being patient :)

10th Jul 2008, 20:06
no 2nd email either....I hope I didn't put my chance into jeopardi by not accepting that date,I'll hate my employer by not liberating me if Etihad withdraw my application:confused:

11th Jul 2008, 01:18
why am i not Einstein or something!

nobody wanted to fly with him for a reason.......

11th Jul 2008, 06:50
Im guessing, but for those who said they could not make a date but could make another, it would depend on if there was any space on that other day!

11th Jul 2008, 09:48
Hi everyone.

I've not posted, but I've been following this thread. Congratulations to all the guys with invitations! I see that all the people who've posted about getting invites are those who have previously posted that their status was 'under review'. Scouring the posts, no one who earlier said they had a BLANK status has recently posted that they got an invite.

I'll start a rumour (but based on the above evidence), that BLANK status guys are getting treated differently (and your guess is as good as mine as to what that means). I'd like to invite anyone who was status BLANK and has received an invite to kill my rumour! Looking through the psots, it seems that if you're in Europe, and you applied one or more weeks ago, then you should have received an invite this week. I use Rapha_BA's posts as evidence: he applied approx 5th July, he went to under review on 7th, and got an invite on 10th.

I've applied too, this week. Let's see what happens next week! I have a few more thoughts on the status BLANK rumour (on WHY you might have been BLANKED), but some of those thoughts are a bit too spicy! I'll wait to see if anyone with status BLANK posts to say they have had an invite.

EYZ, can you find out more details about status BLANK? You've posted earlier that it doesn't matter, but I think it does now. Do you think you can find out what the cut off date is for sending out invites to the July invites? Or if they are full already and not inviting anymore? Also, since you're the inside guy, do you have any idea what kind of contract the cadets will be on for the 6 year bond period? I assume they're not going to stay on AED6000/month and al-ain accommodation? Do you know what the UAE Nationals cadets have been offered?


11th Jul 2008, 12:16
are you serious?

EDIT: Oh, hehe, sorry i got it all wrong. I'm afraid i know what you mean by different treatment. Like in no treatment at all?

About the conditions after training in horizon, i recon you would start living as a normal first officer in the company, living in abu dhabi and making as much as a non cadet expat first officer. With the corresponding bond for 6 years with some kind of economic responsibility should you leave the company before initially agreed.

11th Jul 2008, 14:26
Well,end of the day its a license,and a job in the end,the best start!!dont forget that humility is the secret,doens't matter if you are an inside guy,if you're friends with the owner,if you dont have the aptitude,you wont fly!!!
The first thing you're told when joining BA,main 3 aviation rules:preparation,preparation,preparation...

I know a lot of people within our business,including our chief pilot,I still have to go through selection like anybody else who wants to join,independently of my length of service and how many people I know!

I dont know guys but i think the best now is simply shape ourselves to what could be an oportunity of lifetime!Would be great to share experiences with anyone here on the forum,independently of being succesfull or not,every little helps:ok:

11th Jul 2008, 14:27
i think you would be 2nd officer for a while on 2nd officer pay( which would be peanuts)...and then move onto first officer with reduced pay for the remainig period of 72 months.


11th Jul 2008, 14:31

I too am sharing your sentiments as my status is also Blank. It's been blank for over a month or so and there isn't any indication that I will get called for an assessment at the end of this month.

As you have already mentioned those who have been 'Under Review' have already been invited as they have now moved to inviting the rest of Europe.

Even a simple email to say that I may be considered for future intakes would suffice. At present, I'm feeling slightly demoralised lest to say losing hope! :(

All the best to guys who have managed to get an invite.

11th Jul 2008, 14:40
still,I rather be a second officer with them than strugle to get a £65k with the uncertainty of getting a job or not!

A first officer I've flown with other day told me that the panorama isn't good for the next 24 months,at least for european carriers.There's a bit of anxiety within the longhaul flight crew,the A380 and the b787 are delayed,which the airline saw with good eyes as if our planes are delayed,it means everyone else are too,competitors bought aircraft to expand too,we arent growing so arent they!but,there's two sides of the coin,the 747 for examples will be phased out,that means jobs and oportunities...simple guys!

then remenber United announcement,100 aircraft grounded,Ryanair 20,TAP asked their government for help,so as Alitalia....

Yes,second officer,dont care,"you dont start to build a house from the roof"...humility,start from the botton and slowly but surely you'll get to left hand seat:cool:

11th Jul 2008, 14:50
Hi guys,

Rapha_BA, I totally agree, despite people's 'links' aviation is one industry where you won't get the job if you don't have what it takes. The risks are way too high. By the way, I wasn't in any way implying that you have inside connections when I used your application as an example, I was just trying to point out that most people got their invites this week. :ok:

However, like CruiseControl says, a yes or no is better than a BLANK. A yes is nice, a no is a bummer, but you get over it. Being left in limbo, well I suppose that has its benefits (its not a 'no'), but it seems like a little bit of false hope. It's even worse when you consider that the entry requirements aren't phenomenal (no bragging intended). That said, I think those with BLANK still have some hope. As those with invites have said, they were asked if they can make the date, and if they can't presumably they might get called again, so maybe BLANKS still have a chance. I still can't help thinking that BLANKS are being treated second-rate though, which is a shame. I'm all for humility, but I'm even more for open honesty.

My thoughts on the bonded 6 year employment: assume they want to recoup 500k over 72 months, that's approx 7k a month. Using the EY website FO pay of approx 25k per month, you could expect 18k per month during bonded pay. Realistically, I agree that one won't be an FO upon graduation, and will probably play SO for a while. Let's also assume that they are prudent and don't want to wait the full 72 months to recoup their outlay. I reckon they will recoup in 3 years, which means 14k per month. So 25k-14k gives 11k. I think that will be the pay for 3 years, as SO. After 3 years you'll be an FO, but perhaps earning the 18k a month as above (they have to get some monetary benefit out of this). After 3 years at 18k, you'll move up to the full FO base pay of 25k per month. This all excludes any consideration of inflation of course.


11th Jul 2008, 14:54
:ok:Ahh no mate,in no way I thought that!matter of a fact I have absolutely NO contacts with Etihad at all!!!
I mentioned that because someone asked EYZ if he worked for Etihad,but he never answere,my point was that working or not,should be fair for everyone!

11th Jul 2008, 14:56
Do SO's have identical work loads to FO's?


11th Jul 2008, 14:56
ah yeah,and the figures do make sense!

I believe SO would work as "heavy" on long range services like cathay pacific operates,not sure,anyone can shed some light?

11th Jul 2008, 15:04

My reading lead me to believe SOs do more legwork, e.g. pre-flight checks, etc. I think its all good though, we need that stuff engraved in our brains. :ok:

CruiseControl, I have had one thought about BLANK status. It could be a random bug or something in their software, and perhaps one of the HR people presses 'the wrong button' causing everything to crapshoot, and perhaps they lose the application. The whole status entry completely disappearing (no title 'Status:' and no entry after it, that's what I gather from the earlier posts) is just too odd an implementation. I wonder if there's any benefit in putting in a second application to see what happens? Could you have bad luck twice?

Oh, and for those 'under review', has that now changed after you've received an invite?

However, I'd like others (who have some experience on the HR side of things) as to whether the EY HR computer system would flag a double application. Personally I don't think it should matter, this isn't a lottery, and two applications can easily happen in many systems if the user double clicks the submit button.


11th Jul 2008, 15:16
Well...As i understand...they put you on the A320 at the end of the course..I don't think you will go on long haul...

For quicksilver911:

Are you sure about the pay of the SO/FO?..I mean, It 's very high retribution:cool: (I hope you are right!!:))..

11th Jul 2008, 16:45
On paper it might seem as hig retribution and for an 18 or 19 yr old that may be right, but really its still in the "nut" kingdom...very close to peanuts.

11th Jul 2008, 16:56
So...I think you are right...but,if it's only "penauts"...How we can live there?I don't think they will pay for accomodation,trasport ecc... after the completation of the Course..

11th Jul 2008, 16:58
i heard that once you become an F?O, you start with half the pay and this gradually increases over the next 6 years to par with the starting salary of an F/O.

11th Jul 2008, 17:13

I'm guessing that the SO/FO renumeration is about that much. I have no concrete evidence, just some maths-based assumption. I've also calculated the 3 year SO, 3 year FO schedule through basic aviation understanding and basic financial estimation, and I could easily be wrong. I'm almost certain they will cover accommodation after graduation. Airlines in that area usually have large residence complexes, or they offer a certain amount of rental cover if you want to get your own place. I think the bonded years will be comfortable living, but not enough to make much savings (dependent on how 'average' a spender you are :))

For the level of seniority, I think the pay is acceptable. (Let's not start flames on humility, and 'airlines don't owe you anything'). If after six years EY moves a cadet to full-scale FO base pay at 25k, and presumably another 3-5 years later to Captain's base pay at 35k, I think that's a pretty good career deal; till retirement, if you don't get fired and they don't go bust. The prior can happen quite more easily than here though, so hone your diplomacy skills.

The KEY question is not pay, however. You know that after a few years in most countries you will move up to that kind of pay in a similar time frame, and you will earn that kind of pay for like 20+ years until you retire, so its not really worth considering the early years that much (that's my opinion).

The KEY question is, are you (and your partner/kids if applicable) willing to live in AUH. I remember people talking about moving back home, and needing to change licenses to do that, etc. I think moving back, or living separately from your family (they being in Europe) is a significant undertaking, and requires deep consideration. I know we all love flying, but love is blinding :)

As regards the work of the SO, I'm not too knowledged, but yeah apart from doing extra legwork, he can also be flight engineer (doing all the calcs, radio, etc, but not really holding the stick) on the bigger, older planes, but I don't think Etihad any of those? I think it applies to the 747 basically, maybe the a340-600? Have they they taken delivery of any of those yet? Maybe the a380 runs that kind of configuration as well?

I'm confused now. I don't think they will make SO's on graduation, if, as I said above, they don't have the aircraft. I think graduates will be FO's, but with cut rate pay. But again, remember that the big part is moving to AUH for a heck of a lot of years (6 + 1.5 training). Geez, I was just starting into uni and THAT was a loooong time ago!!!


11th Jul 2008, 17:56
dubble^2 suggestion works quite well as well.

Starting at 1/2 pay, and building up to full pay at the start of the 7th year basically gives them a net saving of 525k.

Assuming 67 flying hours a month in the right hand seat from day one, you'd be in line for captain of a320 (5500 hrs) at 6.8 years, or a340 (7000 hrs) at 8.7 years. Those hours are the requirements on the EY website. Now, don't get your hopes up, no one said you'll get those hours from day one, and no one said your not gonna take holidays, and no one said things won't change in the future. However, I think captaincy (of something) in 3-5 years seems possible. I think that's also normal in the industry, right?

11th Jul 2008, 18:09
Just submitted my application :ok:

11th Jul 2008, 19:25
Yup quicksilver...its not an easy thing moving! I lived in AUH for about 14 years, moved to canada for about 8 years, and i found it very different when i went back to visit! The people are just different mentally and appearance wise...

I think whats even more difficult is that the training is in Al Ain. Al Ain is a tiny and remote city in the middle of a desert. Look it up on google maps. looks quite depressing!

I think another aspect EY should take into consideration is the chance of selected cadets flopping on the whole thing after getting in. Specially younger ones! (including myself)

just my $0.02

11th Jul 2008, 19:52
And sadly, the more they make us wait, the harder it'll be to arrange a flight and the hotel... not to say that the flight is getting more and more expensive by the hour.

they say "reply to this email if you are available on the 28th and ...."

Well, i would be available if you told me the details now. If the assessment is at 8am, i will need a hotel and a Sunday afternoon flight (no good for last minute bookings), and that is another variable... on the other side, if this is an afternoon assessment, the hotel would be needed till Tuesday. See my point? Luckily we still got 17 days.

11th Jul 2008, 20:12

I think you can safely do the trip in one day, if you can find flights with the right departure times. Fly in 27th anytime and check in at the hotel. Sleep (if you can control the excitement). Do the interview on 28th, fly out the night of 28th. I recall the June interviewee at AUH said its 2.5 hours long, so flying out at night should be fine. They won't bring the session to an end too late at night.

If its anything like UK interviews (not just aviation interviews), then 2.5 hours will probably mean 1pm start, 3.30pm finish. This allows people to depart in the morning, and return home by night time. :ok:


11th Jul 2008, 20:13
Well the idea of flopping is something each individual has to think of, and make up their mind on, before they even get invited to the interview. What I mean to say is that, you have to be prepared and understand the pros and cons of everything, and know for yourself what you value, and what is most important to you.

The last thing you want to do is waste not only your time, but the valuable time of the recruiter, if you are not even sure you would want to live in AUH/Al-Ain. And, d_d I personally think EY does take into consideration the chances of a candidate ‘flopping’ on them. This is done by multiple stages of tests, and interviews, and more interviews, which greatly minimizes EY’s chances of selecting the wrong candidates. Do you agree?

As for becoming a Captain (quicksilver911), I think it’s not as simple as 3-5 years of service, and bam your promoted. From what I read it is mostly later on in your life around mid-career (35-45). Mind you, this would be the captain of a larger aircraft (A330 or bigger). But having said that, I guess a lot depends on you and how fast you want to excel, and the airlines needs at the time. Also, you simply have to be the best at what you do. Airlines do have check-rides every 6-months I believe for every pilot. The pass mark is no longer the traditional 50%-60%, but it is 85%-90%. Keep in mind that these standards are set because of a multi-million dollar machine, and 100’s of lives in your hands. All in all, 3-5 years to captain is questionable, but the speed at which one becomes a captain is dependant on themselves. Some F/O, stay FO’s for the rest of their careers, because they can’t handle the responsibility, leadership skills, and for various other reasons.

Anyways, good luck to all that have been invited!

11th Jul 2008, 20:22
skhan11, thanks for the info on captaincy. I knew it wouldn't be just about logging hours, and your post was insightful for me. :ok:

11th Jul 2008, 20:29
Hey, no problem man. That is why we are here for right, to help each other out and share information.


11th Jul 2008, 20:48
Here's a good example of that. I use to work for Emirates, and there, people who would join the company in the normal way (non cadets) would get promoted very quickly. On the other side, locals who joined the company through the cadet program had a limitation and they could not be promoted to Captain till the 6th year of employment (if i remember correctly). Main reason for the fast upgrade being:

-They grow like none other and these airplanes have crews for breakfast (was it 10 capt, and 10 f/o per aircraft?). Say this is correct... for each airplane they need 20 new employees, and there was a time when i was at EK, that they would get something like 1 brand new 777 per week! They had that new car smell... priceless.

-Great percentage of new-joiners gave up commands on their previous companies to work for emirates. So they are proven to be able to take command responsibilities. There is only one thing worse than a Captain who has never been an FO they say, an FO who used to be a captain. :}

-and... have you seen the requisites?? You could be an astronaut before being able to join one of these companies in the normal way, lol. There are also direct entry captain possibilities.

Anyway, lets not try to run before we learn to walk.

11th Jul 2008, 20:59
funny staff lololol:D

11th Jul 2008, 21:12
That is true, I really would not worry too much about command just yet!!

As I understand the bond is 5 years, your basic salary is deducted over those five years to cover the course costs. You still get normal F/O allowances, accom etc. The deductions are high at first and reduce over the bonding period.
As for failure, I'm sure there will be some form of guarantee scheme in place.

11th Jul 2008, 22:47
Any of you guys have facebook?
I started a group on their...check it out.

"Etihad Cadet Wannabe's"

Wanna see what you nerds look like...:ok:

PM for name....

11th Jul 2008, 23:16
i would say, for whomever is interested, a couple days before the interview in Frankfurt, that we should make some kind of pre-contact. One thing that i have proven to be very useful is to know someone to talk to during the waiting minutes in the lobby. Maybe go for a coffee before the interview, and for a beer once it's over. I dont know, it helps overcome the nerves.

On the other side, i wouldn't reveal any real names here, or emails. So we have to find a way to add each other to face book or msn without revealing any personal info on the open forum. Maybe private messages? Feel free to PM me and ill add you to my facebook. Note that im invited to the Frankfurt intervew.

12th Jul 2008, 10:25
Good...I think it's a good thing!...

12th Jul 2008, 13:18
Here is a link to our new facebook group.

Etihad Cadet Wannabe's | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=19207413701)

12th Jul 2008, 14:46
Have anyone that couldnt make it to the dates given by Etihad heard anything from tnem yet?I just need to swap 30th for 29th...

12th Jul 2008, 15:19
Keep in mind that Friday and Saturday are the weekend days in the UAE. Expect something from them during the week starting tomorrow Sunday.

12th Jul 2008, 21:10
Hi chaps, just to let you know that something DOES come of this application form! I have had an email back (less than 24hours after completing the form) to say come to Heathrow on the 30th of July. Keep rocking and you'll get there in the end!


12th Jul 2008, 21:44
I was invited for that date aswell,the problem we still on the dark regarding to where,what time to be there!besides that,excitement is taking over:ok:

13th Jul 2008, 08:31
SWB-737, seriously?

Mine hasn't even moved from 'Applied' yet.

flyvirgin have you had a response?

(BTW, congrats, and good luck, SWB-737!):ok:

13th Jul 2008, 09:44
I guess its possible that he get the email as the UK is being invited now, he just got in before the door closed.

13th Jul 2008, 11:19
U mean the second email?

13th Jul 2008, 12:48
I was wondering about a fact....

but during the 18 months of the course....How we are going to mantain us?...I mean, everyone need to eat or going out in the evening or for the clothes....

As I understand, the life there is not so cheap....

13th Jul 2008, 13:50
As stated on the website, we will have a monthly pay of 6000 dirhams. When i lived in Dubai, my salary was about 9000 dirhams and since my accomodation was also provided i was doing well. It's perfectly possible and confrotable to live on 6000 dirhams. And probably in Al Ain its even more confortable since Dubai has gotten really expensive.

13th Jul 2008, 14:07
Anyone know what the visual requirement is?

Have anyone been invited without having the Class 1 Medical?

13th Jul 2008, 14:18

They're going to assess medical and dental after the first round or two. I'm not sure when exactly, but they don't require you to have it done beforehand. Class 1 Medical is not required, but a bonus. They want people with no or very little experience. As an example, CPL holders are disqualified.

I think vision requirements will be as usual, a few +/- is ok, provided you wear corrective lenses. Don't know what their limits are.

If you've applied, have you received an invite to an interview?


13th Jul 2008, 14:23
I just applied today, so I don't think I will get invited for the interviews in July. Hopefully there are interviews in next month or later.

I have been searching all over UAE CAA's website and I cannot find the medical requirements for Flight Crew.

13th Jul 2008, 14:33

Well, one guy above says he got an interview email within 24 hours. Another has received one within a week, so you never know! Keep us updated! :ok:

I imagine the health requirements are the same as any Euro CAA, though I'm not an expert, and I don't know the differences between the European CAAs' medical requirements.

GCAA's website has broken links to their medical documentation :uhoh:


13th Jul 2008, 21:36
I've joined the Facebook group, thanks for creating it!


14th Jul 2008, 11:16
Guys..i’ve just got my 2nd email.

9am start on the 29th. Looks like a night in a hotel then for me.

And it says we won't be told of what to expect.

14th Jul 2008, 11:36
Thanks to all that joined the facebook group!

14th Jul 2008, 11:47
2nd email everybody!

Ok... it says that they can't provide information about the following stages, but for information they said that we will only need to be in Frankfurt for this one session. Does that mean that they don't know where the next sessions are, or that the next sessions are not in Frankfurt?...

Well, what's important is that on the 28th we have to be at the Sheraton in Frankfurt by 08:30am (30 min earlier than 09:00am). Good thing is that the hotel is right in the airport so i might stay there.

See u guys there.

14th Jul 2008, 11:51
Hi all ! I've got the 2nd mail too, got to be at 9:00am at the Sheraton hotel for the FRA assessment. I'm a bit curious about what they say in the mail about timings for the next stage of the assessment, any ideas of what that could be?

I joined the facebook group too, seems like I'm the only girl...

14th Jul 2008, 11:55
way to go guys !! & gal :P u'll kill it ;)

14th Jul 2008, 13:07
Hey People, Just curious as to why they would not take CPL holders, wouldnt cpl holders be far easier to train to the required standards in a shorter period of time? Im suprised they did not offer a training program for people with a cpl license/MECIR similar to QANTAS's Commercial Cadet program where they already have cpl licenses. I just recently got my cpl (150Hrs CASA license) but i applied for this when I only held a PPL, The only difference between being eligable for me was a flight test. I am yet to recieve an email by the way still "under review"
From what I have read here i will have to wait to apply direct entry when i have suffice hours!
I Should not have listed my CPL document on the application, just left it as PPL :ugh:

14th Jul 2008, 13:28
Anyone from SE Asia got anything ?

14th Jul 2008, 13:48

the 2nd round, if a candidate passes the first round successfully, will most probably be in AUH!

14th Jul 2008, 14:29
Oh, thats great! I even have people to stay with there. I used to work for Emirates.

14th Jul 2008, 15:37
Avesh im asian and i recieved an shorlisted email on 17/04/08 Im also a cpl holder after that didnt recieved any email regarding to assessment.....Dont know what they r planin...... I think they are not inviting aussies and asians for this scheme...

14th Jul 2008, 15:58
U got shortlisted in April? Make sure you ask them about your CPL, you dont want to travel all the way to an assessment so that they kick you out cause of a CPL.

Anyway, good luck with that. Maybe they have prepared new interviews in countries closer to yours.

14th Jul 2008, 17:50
13:00 30th August park Inn Hotel Details of second assessment to be confirmed then :S


14th Jul 2008, 18:00

Got an e-mail at noon confirming that my assessment time is 09:00 in the Park Inn hotel. Then around 40 mins ago I got an identical e-mail with a different time on (13:00).

What's going on?!

14th Jul 2008, 18:05
Same here! Twice the chances of getting through...

14th Jul 2008, 18:17
aaaaaaarghhhh Impatienceeee!!!!!I think hotmail will go to court and get a restraint order on me for arrasing my email page,waiting for the precious Etihad email confirming my interview:\

14th Jul 2008, 18:26
Hahaha, i have it set to the highest volume so that messenger starts BEEEEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEEP U GOT MAIL!!!!!!!... all my neighbors know whats going on at this point!

14th Jul 2008, 19:01
Me too! I think I'm just going to go to the earlier one at 9am, the brain will be nice and fresh in the morning :ok:

14th Jul 2008, 19:01
Congrats to everyone who got in on the first haul.

I've just applied for the second intake. Noticed about people having a CPL, im in training for my PPL, anyone else get in with a PPL?


14th Jul 2008, 20:25
Rapha, didn't you reply to them saying you couldn't make it?

Anyway, if you are around London, you could just try dropping in. Show them your dedication! It's not entirely gate-crashing, you did get invited after all.


P.S. I'm still on 'applied'. Might be a liiiittle too late for me. Oh well, good luck to the rest of you! :D

14th Jul 2008, 20:36

i too have another email. firstly i was told at 09:00, then just got home and found out they want me at 1pm.

have you guys replied asking what's going on?

14th Jul 2008, 20:46
I've sent them an email back about it, will keep everyone posted about what's going on. Seems to be a fairly widespread problem so hopefully should be fixed soon! In the meantime am going nuts 'Braintraining' on nintendo :8. Yep, I'm sad...

14th Jul 2008, 21:02
Now im worried cause i didn't get 2 emails with different times... I WANT A 3rd EMAIL!:*

14th Jul 2008, 21:08
Hi Guys,

I have received the 2 emails as well. Im feeling happy and worried at the same time. Has anyone stayed at the park inn before? is it any good?


14th Jul 2008, 21:18
it looks ok. but at £75 a night...i'm sure there are cheaper places close by

14th Jul 2008, 21:56
For those wanting to stay the night before the interview days, I have found some good deals.

A night in the Park Inn @ £54 Bed and Breakfast, that's what I've booked at http://www.lastminutelondon.co.uk (http://www.lastminutelondon.co.uk/)

Or, just a 5 minute walk away is the Thistle, 4*, which is just £35 at http://www.lastminute.co.uk (http://www.lastminute.co.uk/) Or just £38 with Breakfast as well!

Hope that helps


14th Jul 2008, 23:12
The exam takes aprox 2 and a half hours, including the intoduction.
I think i did great in most of them, except maybe one of the math ones.
Its not that it was hard, it was quite simple, the thing is that it had the kind of math i used to do back in grade 10 in highschool, and i have not practiced that in like 3 years, i dont think i failed thou. but if we had been given more time i guess i would have been able to remember how it was i used to solve it. by the way , they dont let u use a calculator, so i suggest u practice ur subtractions and divisions on papaer, cus must of us havent done any of those in ages, u know how it is that we get used to using the great calculator.:ugh:
also practice stuff related to percentages, common fsctors, algebra, angles, and CONVERSIONS! thats the part were i went bad, with the conversions, feet to metres, miles to km, etc.
One thing i forgot to mention is that when they invite u to the assesment , they dont tel u wat u are gonna be assesed on. and many of us mistakenly went there with the idea that we were gona have a face to face interview. it turns out we didnt... no interview for on on the first stage.
Man i ust wished sumone had warned me about all these before i did my assesment hehe.

14th Jul 2008, 23:23
i joined the face book group and the admin has only added the 1200 noon slot am i the only one for that one
or what

15th Jul 2008, 00:18
Well we didnt have any specific times so, I put it as an all day event i.e 12AM to 1159Pm

ANywho If you have joined the group post your real names and pprune user names in the forum on there so we know who is who, and who will be attending what date...

15th Jul 2008, 04:07
WOW! Talk about expansion/growth and Etihad reaching new heights!... Check it out fellas, its a good read.

"Etihad Airways has placed today one of the largest aircraft orders in commercial aviation history at the Farnborough International Airshow in the UK...The total deal for up to 205 wide-body and narrow-body planes is worth approximately US $43 billion, at list prices. It comprises 100 firm orders, 55 options and 50 purchase rights in a combination of Boeing and Airbus aircraft..."


15th Jul 2008, 08:35
I just wanted to find out...

How many of you who have applied are 26 years old AND have been invited to an interview?

15th Jul 2008, 09:08
Thanx for chipping in Hani !
Guess we'reon a wing an a prayer...
maybe I'll go ahead with the Indigo program......

15th Jul 2008, 09:28
Hi Cruise control, Im 26 and will be at the 1pm session on 29th! have 25 hrs towards ppl, hope that helps. I also have a degree and masters so I dunno if that also gave me a good start.


Too low
15th Jul 2008, 09:50
Hi everybody, I will be at the 1pm session on 29th too. I'll probably go there with my car, so if anyone is going there from manchester, PM me and we can share the petrol cost. :cool:

15th Jul 2008, 11:10
palks.....yes you are right.
double check guys, cos they won't be able to reschedule you if you arrive at 1, and it should have been 9am.

confusing to say the least.

15th Jul 2008, 12:09
Does anybody know if there will be any non UAE national cadet classes after 2008, say in 2009? Is there a good possibility of it? I would really like to apply, but I need to finish my college education and can't see me giving it up right now. I have heard rumors of other foreign airlines, especially in the Middle East, opening up their cadet programme to non nationals in the near future, any news on that? The Etihad programme seems like a great opportunity if one can get accepted, I wish there were more cadet programs open to US citizens.

15th Jul 2008, 12:19
Yeah, would be glad to know, if further intakes will take place next year. Maybe EYZ can help.

15th Jul 2008, 13:35
I am still waiting the 2nd e-mail....I don't know what they are doing :}

I have see the article from the Farnborough airshow about the ethiad....It's crazy!! more than 100 aa/mm bought and same as option and rights of purchase!

I think they will grow a lot!....good for us:ok::ok:

15th Jul 2008, 14:53
Yeah,2nd email,managed to change to the 29th session!now is a lot of preparation!!
I'll see you guys on the 29th,actually if you want to meet for lunch before the assesment,as its a 1300,that should be cool to break the ice!anyway,just drop a line,good luck to all:ok:

15th Jul 2008, 15:23
am i the only 1 on the 9am assessment on the 29th??

15th Jul 2008, 16:06
Nope! I just got a further email telling me that they made a mistake sending 2 messages and that I'm at 9am on the 29th. Obviously they want to see the best first? :p

15th Jul 2008, 19:14
am i the only one at 9 am on the 30th july

15th Jul 2008, 20:04
Hi guys,

i received today the second mail with my assesment date on 28th july at 13.00........

At this purpose, i would like to know if someone has already done the assesment and what kind of test do....

Thanks a lot


15th Jul 2008, 20:25
Does any body know what is ment by secondary deploma required to get on the scheme, is it the same as Alevels or gcses.

15th Jul 2008, 20:56
I think is A-levels mate:ok:

15th Jul 2008, 21:00
Have you applied because iam in the middle of my alevels at the moment and iam 18 in october so dont know what to do

15th Jul 2008, 21:12
yes mate,my interview is end of this month,the 29th!send them a email or apply and mention in the application that you're nearly finishing.Dot worry you'll get a chance as they'll need loads of pilots after this big shopping spree they've done

15th Jul 2008, 21:34
Incidentally, which email address have you guys used to communicate with Etihad HR?

15th Jul 2008, 22:30
Just use the same one u replied the first email to. It's a human who reads that email.

16th Jul 2008, 08:52
Hi Aeromar,

I've not received an email from them. I remember in earlier posts people saying the generic careers@etihad email addresses don't work. I was wondering how you guys (who got 9am and 1pm emails, for example) were contacting HR to find out which time you were really assigned. Did you guys get emails from real people? E.g. [email protected], or was it still some generic email address that's not broken? E.g. [email protected].


16th Jul 2008, 09:36
Ok guys, whose booked all the cheap hotels? You could have left me one!
I looked last night to book and they had all gone, ended up booking at the Holiday Inn for £90!!! :{

16th Jul 2008, 10:52
just write to [email protected] ([email protected])...


they contacted me from [email protected]

16th Jul 2008, 10:55
Dear god! anyone booking in the Sheraton where the interview in Frankfurt is to be held?

Anyone wants to share a two beds room? i don't snore

16th Jul 2008, 11:41
I got 9am on the 30th! just trying to find areas to look into any got any insight on what we can expect??

16th Jul 2008, 13:17
just prepare for everything,physics,maths ,business awareness...with interview or not,we'll feel a lot more confident!

16th Jul 2008, 16:01
I've been invited for the assessment the 28th in FRA. What to do if I want to change it to the 29/30th in London?

It seems that they don't reply on questions when you mail them..

16th Jul 2008, 16:25
I am also invited to FRA... but I still haven'y received second message.. from them... and you?

16th Jul 2008, 16:31
Hi, I didnt recieve the second mail for FRA either.

16th Jul 2008, 17:02
when you accepted that you can manage to assesment?

16th Jul 2008, 18:46
when did you apply you think there is chance if i fill the app form in of getting interview at the end of the month or is there another date for interviews

16th Jul 2008, 18:57
I applied a week ago and received first email in 13th of july

16th Jul 2008, 19:27
I have recieved the 2nd e-mail but I want to change it to London. But the damn people that work at Etihad has a tendence to not reply e-mails..

16th Jul 2008, 19:27
I applied on July 13th, but have not received an invitation yet. Status is still "Applied".

I guess there will be more interviews as the closing date is 31/12/2008 and they state that interviews will be carried out throughout 2008.

16th Jul 2008, 19:46
Yes but if you don't attend on the date you can't come back for a 2nd assessment.

How many pilots do Etihad want?

It seems that it would be alot of people who is attending on the assessment days. I wonder if it's worth spending 700 dollars or more to FRA with hotel for the assessment..

17th Jul 2008, 07:18
From the stuff I hear EY are looking for quite a lot of cadet pilots for next year.
Only you can choose if spending money to get a free ATPL and job with a national carrier who just ordered another 100 aircraft is worth it.
As you said they do seem to be inviting quite a few, but now I think about it, I guess they would so that they only get the best ones, only inviting 10 people would make it quicker though!!

17th Jul 2008, 08:48
who else is goinf to Frankfurt at 13:00??

17th Jul 2008, 11:16
Hey everyone!

I was invited to Frankfurt on the 28th initially but I humbly replied "if at all possible i'd like to attend in London on the 30th". It took a few days but they responded with a new invitation to London. "the switch" is not impossible. (hintedy-hint-hint Colla)

I have a 9am assessment so flying in on the 30th is not an option. Anyone like to split a double room with me (M/25) tuesday-wednesday ? if so pm and we'll arrange something.

17th Jul 2008, 14:12
Good Day to all!

I have a place at LHR at 9.00am on the 30th and will be staying in the Park Inn on the evening of the 29th. It would be great if a meeting and a few (soft)drinks could be arranged that evening as we could probably learn a lot from each other. Also, if anybody from the 29th Assesments is still about that would be excellent.

Good luck to everybody. With the airline expanding at this crazy rate I think our chances are increasing, and to fly the 787 or A380 would just be amazing.

Also I have just joined the Facebook group, great idea! Thanks for that.


17th Jul 2008, 14:13
Thanks for the information. Fellow svenske kamerat. hint hint

I think I'm going to wait a few days and if they don't reply I just send another one ; )

But the site says that they need just "12 vacancies"

Or did I miss something?

17th Jul 2008, 14:37
From what I gather there are 12 places for the intake in Nov/Dec of this year, but with the constantly expanding fleet Etihad will doublessly be recruiting more pilots after this time. It would be stupid to go through all this again when they could find all of the best candidates first time around.

17th Jul 2008, 17:20
True true.

I just hope they change my assessment to London.

17th Jul 2008, 19:47
Ok, im for the 28th in FRA, arriving on 27nd. I invite anyone who is up for a drink on the 27th to send me a private message and we can exchange msn.

17th Jul 2008, 20:25
Hi All does anyone know what we are going to be doing at the assessment? Are we going to sit maths and physics tests etc?

Cheers Max

17th Jul 2008, 21:50
Well I've been revising loads but whilst looking over Trig and Circles etc I was a bit unsure as to whether it will even be included in the exam..if we are not allowed a calculator are we expected to know Sin, Cos, Tan and Pi off by heart, and then expected to multiply it during calculations? Now I am even more worried than I was before I started revising!

17th Jul 2008, 22:29
I don't think so! A-level maths is basically all trig and you don't need to do things like that.

Like we were told, the questions are fairly simple...

Problem is, I am used to doing lots of past papers for exams, this time there are none:ugh:

18th Jul 2008, 00:15
Cool, thanks. I am assuming then that the tests will be similar to that of Foundation GCSE, because you really need a calculator for Higher...

Oh well, just hotting up on all the subjects I can. What formulas are people learning, s=d/t, a=f/m, m=w/g.....any more?

18th Jul 2008, 07:43
I have no idea what those formula mean!!
As I understand you would be better practicing basic maths, some long maths, so that you can do them quickly, very quickly in some cases!!

18th Jul 2008, 08:20

s=d/t is Speed = Distance/ Time
a=f/m is Acceleration = Force/ Mass
m=w/g is Mass = Weight/ Gravity.

just learn basic GCSE type maths.

18th Jul 2008, 10:59
Thanks for the formula explanations, still not sure they are required though!!

18th Jul 2008, 11:22
From prior examinations of this nature I would guess you need to be to Foundation GCSE standard but have the ability to do it all very quickly as time will be the main problem for most people. Not only are they testing your maths skills but also your ability to work under pressure. Be sure to revise long multiplication and division, percentages and conversions so that you can do them very fast.

I have just bought the OAT Maths and Physics softwares which are to the level that airlines look for. I will let you know what they are like later today...I have literally just signed for them.

18th Jul 2008, 11:24
After having done similar exams in the past I would guess this will be foundation GCSE material but tested in different ways. You should revise so that you know how to do things very quickly as they are not only testing your maths skills but your ability to work under pressure.

I would reccomend knowing long division and multiplication, percentages and data representation very well.

Also I think the motion equations are a little bit too advanced. You would require a calculator to do those with any speed or accuracy.

Speed = Distance / Time and equations of that level will definately be needed though.

18th Jul 2008, 11:58
regarding the interview, i guess it'll be q's about their fleet, their history, why you want to fly for them, what qualities would you bring to the airline...normal style HR q's.

18th Jul 2008, 12:03
But the interview isn't on the first day, so I am not going to worry about that.

Anyone know if we have a numerical reasonsing test as well?


18th Jul 2008, 13:06
Know percentages, and ratio's:O

19th Jul 2008, 16:24
My assessment is 1 pm on Wed. 30th July. Haven't got any more annual leave from work so might have to pull a sickie... :rolleyes:

19th Jul 2008, 16:42
Began to get a lil worried,I was wondering if with the announced expansion,they'll keep some of us on a sort of "hold pool" for future scheduled training courses!not that I'm losing my hopes but 12 places for more than 500 of us,only the nearly "einstein/astronauts" could be selected as they would represent a less margin of risk for the airline!any thoughts?

19th Jul 2008, 16:49
Hi guys!

I'm invited to go to Frankfurt on 28th July, why don't meet together on 27th, as Aeromar has said?

We could talk and prepare us!

For example, we'll have to go with "elegant" clothes or casual?

Moreover, the assesment stage will be only on 28th or it will takes more days forward?

Thanks and good luck

19th Jul 2008, 17:18
hey zazoo and the rest of the people on the facebookgroup, could you guys make the facebook group private or somthing? Or an invite-only sort of thing. I want to join but i dont want it to show on my facebook groups!

If you can't then ill just join regardless.


Thats the 1st thought that came to mind. 1st off, I think theres a little over a 1000 of us (and counting) for 12 spots! Im guessing they'll boil down this number down to maybe 200, 100 or 50 after this 1st round. So basically they'd take the top 200,100 or 50 top scores of the 1st round assesment. Thats what I think atleast. Any ideas>??


19th Jul 2008, 18:03
Maybe there will be more than 12 places! Who knows!

I think I would wear smart clothes, professional job=proffesional look
Might help!

19th Jul 2008, 19:14
Well,yeah...It would give me a great boost If we had a chance to compete for places throughout the year of 2009,as this airline gets deliveries nearly every month.
I'll give you the insight of how it happens at BA,we lose 30-40 pilots a year due to loss of medical licence,plus around 50-100 sometimes more,on retiring captains or flight crew leaving to othe career moves,and,we aren't expanding as agressively as Etihad,still,BA has a holdpool for direct entry pilot,some cadets of OAT,CTC...
Would be cost effective for Etihad on assess this candidates untill end of this year as announced,and then isntead of dispose 80 out of 100,to keep a larger number,and perhaps give a chance to the ones who meet the most important of the criterias which is the ability to communicate effectively,approachable personality,the ones who can take feedback and are able to be a great leader by being humble honest and emphasise professionalism.I read an article on the net that the first group of cadets,the group with nationals only,they had a course of maths & physics,to put them up to the standard desired by Horizon,so that tells me that some of those 12,if not all,weren't the smarter guys...
What I would say is, out of the let's say,1000 interviewed,get the 500 best,divide in 3 groups A,B,C..group A were the one who managed a level lets say 8/10 on a overall performance(aptitude+personality+interview result)B 5-6/10 and C a minimum of 3.

Group A fills the 2009 initial classes,considering 2 groups of 12 per month,the remaining,have to improve levels on aptitude by doing another exam mid year.

well,having a break on the study,so thought in post the idea:ok:any thoughts?

19th Jul 2008, 20:55
I hope so!! Im a little too pessimistic:eek:

Good luck too all those doing the assesment in less than 10 days from today!:ok:

19th Jul 2008, 21:21
10 days,14 hours,40 minutes....God I'm so sad...lolololol:}

20th Jul 2008, 22:17
silent day... i guess everyone has the ticket in their pockets, a hotel room booked, and realized there's nothing left to do than wait (and maybe do some yoga).

21st Jul 2008, 12:23

Well I'm more of a Thai Chi (spelling??) guy myself but hey ho.

I think the best policy will be to wait and see - have been doing the usual brushing up - Maths, aptitude etc. that I did for CTC (I didn't pass that but they invited me back to try again this september as I was very close) so I am hoping this is a good bet.

I'm not entirely sure that we'll see them cream off any top percentile from this first stage - I imagine they will have set pass marks for the first apptitude tests and then those that meet these criteria will be invited for further assessments (and given what happens at other schemes this will bring down the numbers quite considerably) - being a whizz at Maths and even displaying the highest apptitude levels won't necessarily make the greatest Commercial Pilots - I'd imagine Etihad therefore will look at more than just this. (certainly everyone else does.)

See some of you on the 29th at Heathrow - looking forward to it - with some healthy levels of fear to!


21st Jul 2008, 19:22
tai chi chuan... reads tai ji juan

21st Jul 2008, 21:50
well.....voodoo anyone?lololololol!might find some witches in the yellow pages:}

21st Jul 2008, 21:53
hey aeromar, bit nervous about the assesment as is in just over a week, was just wondering if apart from evryones initial worries about maths is there anything else which we could be assesed on? Am also on the 29th at heathrow at 9 will see you there guys

21st Jul 2008, 21:56
hey guys was just wondering if anyone had any idea of what were gonna be assesed on other than just mathematical skills.....am pooping it slightly.lol. Am on the tuesday 29th at 9!! At heathrow isnt long now!.lol.

21st Jul 2008, 22:08
I think the assesment will cover pilot aptitude in general,physics/maths,hand-eye coordination,memory,multitaskin,verbal reasoning...!dont know man,I've been reading,playing FSX,doing equations...I was considering a bit of black magic too lolo:}

21st Jul 2008, 22:17
dan19ppl, (your name pretty much sums up your overall situation hahaha)


Id say the assesment will be pure math (percentages, ratios, divison, non calc. allowed) and verbal/logical reasoning. Verbal reasoning is very tough btw so Id suggest everybody practice on it. The hand eye coordination stuff will be for 2nd round because testing those things requires computers and such which which im pretty sure would be in AUH.

21st Jul 2008, 22:26
yeah,good shot!tried the voodoo thing,but it required a sacrifice to the Gods,and I'm not willing to give up my dog lol:O

So I guess maths and verbal reasoning will be!

21st Jul 2008, 22:39
the math is pretty much Numeric Reasoning. Also, dont forget Logical Reasoning. Its those weird shapes and patterns and you have to identify the next shape based on the set of pictures, for example.


22nd Jul 2008, 05:07
GREAT! for some reason im good with those little shapes! i wish everything in life was tested through tilted triangles and sequences of circles and squares.

22nd Jul 2008, 08:19
Hi everyone,

Have been keeping a track of this thread for a while now. Just wondering if anyone could advise me on this.....

I know someone alluded to the scheduling of tests/interviews being based on the applicants' country of abode - which I assume is the case with European nationals at the end of this month (LHR & FRA)..
But does anyone have any idea when the selection round for Sydney is scheduled to take place? I've been "under review" for a while now and haven't as yet heard anything back from Etihad.

Best of luck to those attending the selection process this month :)

22nd Jul 2008, 10:28
i dont know kuzukuzu. Something came into my mind though. Considering there will be assessments in FRA and in LHR (confirmed), and most probably in other places of the world too, dont u think that they would only do such a big selection if it was for more than 12 vacancies?

If i wanted 12 people for my company, I would probably just go to one main country and i would find 12 suitable ones for sure. Only good news about that though. Maybe they are considering cadet programs as their main pilot source... considering this is the best way to assure that people stay in the company, and do not run away like some other westerners do as soon as their AC stops working.

22nd Jul 2008, 11:33
do we have any idea what type of maths its going to be? because the words numerical reasoning give me the impression of interpreting graphs, tables, and other numerical data to answer questions. but the other guy who did the tests says the questions are more like conversions, long division, multiplication etc. Its a tough call! I guess we should prepare for both!

I do agree that the computer based aptitude tests are likely to be in AUH otherwise Etihad would have to transport a dozen computers around the europe.

I've found that the logical reasoning tests come in one of two forms: 1) spot the pattern in the changing diagrams and discover what the missing one is OR 2) all the diagrams have something in common (for example they all have 2 triangles) and you have to select one that has the same unique property from four/five options. and i think they both require completely different skills!

22nd Jul 2008, 12:42
As I understand our aussie friends will have to wait until September, its the States next.
I am not sure that the cadet scheme is the main way for EY to get pilots, I think the direct entry route is quicker and cheaper!!

He is another thought, if the people in the UK, and Europe are the first ones to be tested and then they publish all the tests on here and facebook, will it not give a real advantage to those in Canada, the US and Australia who are being tested after but are all competing for the same places?
If I was on the first selections I would be careful about reducing my chances by revealing all the questions, anyway its just a though!!;)

22nd Jul 2008, 13:22
Well, you are absolutely right. Not only to protect one's chances but also to keep the process as fair as possible.

22nd Jul 2008, 14:18
I definetly agree with EYZ.

I also think that whoever made the facebook group to privatize it. You are making this more competitve for yoursefl, we all know how powerful of a social networking/advertising tool facebook is. You are giving this scheme free advertisement, and from what i heard, this whole scheme has not been very advertised! Thats why im not joining the group (yet), have many wanna be pilot "friends" on FB.

Its a tough life:ok:

22nd Jul 2008, 17:29
I hope that there won't be any assholes that will reveal the solutions of the exam of Frankfurt.

That's would be so stupid, also because you know that companies, Etihad included, looks the forum each day.

But, I have an asking: if there we'll be aproximately 50 people, how it will be possible that we'll can expose all our CV in the interviews?

22nd Jul 2008, 19:29
what did u guys type in the application form, category "references"? is it allright just to have two NA references, or should i include references from my former student jobs which have nothing to do with aviation? thanks!

22nd Jul 2008, 20:28
What do you mean by "how are we going to expose our CV..." 50 people is not too many. In an Emirates open day for cabin crew you would probably find 300 people on stage one. Easily. And again, apparently there are no interviews on stage one. As the email says, only an introduction and tests will be conducted.

23rd Jul 2008, 01:25
Managed to jus submit the application for Etihad Cadet early this morning at about 0200hrs Singapore time. As anyone would have expected, I was having fun with the NA fields and all the rest of 1 and 0 digits.

Have been reading the posts here and I suppose everyone who applied is still waiting for EY to revert? Anyone knows if at age 31, EY will still consider giving you a shot if you can show them where your interest lies? Being Singaporean, have previously applied to the SQ Cadet scheme, but was not selected after Final interviews....screwed me up a bit, considering my dream was to be a pilot since young....

Would someone please revert on the age 31 query please.

Also, for all you fans out there, SQ is hiring pilots for cadet training in big batches. Mainly recruiting cadets from HKG, Malaysia (KUL, PEN), India (BOM). Do log in and try your luck. Make dreams come alive!

SQ Site: www.singaporeair.com.sg (http://www.singaporeair.com.sg) => choose careers, then technical crew/pilots.


23rd Jul 2008, 09:38
Hi, im afraid you are over the age limitation. All of us who have been called for the first assessment stage next week in Frankfurt or in London are under age 27. As it says on the website, the accepted age range is 18-26.

Thank's for the singapore tip!

23rd Jul 2008, 19:05
for Aeromar, from the section "Recruitmen process" on Etihad website:


Shortlisted candidates will undergo a personal interview. This may be conducted by telephone, on a one-to-one basis or as part of an assessment center. The Company conducts suitable skills and personality tests as part of the process for selected positions. After the successful completion of the personal interview, candidates will have to undergo an administrative clearance process."

This was written also for the pilot programme.

24th Jul 2008, 03:43
I have it from an insider, there will be no interview just some tests, it would be hard to interview so many people in 3 hours!!

24th Jul 2008, 17:17
See you at LHR on the 30th! I'm hoping it cools down a bit by next week! I live in Windsor and it's ROASTING! ;)

25th Jul 2008, 05:56
Hey did you guysmake private the etihad cadet group on facebook:? Because i cant seem to find it anymore!

Someone invite me , who do I PM here?


funky monkey
25th Jul 2008, 06:27
my understanding at 26yrs, that is the cut off. 31 might just be too old! sorry pal. have to pay for it like most of us did! certainly worth it tho!
good luck:ok:

25th Jul 2008, 07:24
Hey did you guysmake private the etihad cadet group on facebook:? Because i cant seem to find it anymore!

Whats ur email?

25th Jul 2008, 08:44
I applied 2nd of may but have yet to hear anything. Seeing that many have received emails and talk about the status of their applications, I can't seem to find the 'status' column under 'my workspace'. There was also some talk about asians not being invited, can anyone shed some light on this?


25th Jul 2008, 10:54
Hi, this is how it would look like. Apparently there are a couple nationalities they are leaving on hold, maybe for assessments in the future.
Good luck!

25th Jul 2008, 16:49
Hi guys how are you all going?
little bit nervous yet , not ? I'm even in FRA since tonight and I invite everybody traveling during the week-end and planning to get downtown to PM me , then we can meet and have a drink up here
have nice journeys and see you on monday anyway! good prep !


25th Jul 2008, 17:54
Hi all,

I receved the 1th e-mail for the open dayin Frankfurt for the 28th of july but aftersendind my disponibility i didn't receved any e-mail back, I tried to contact that by e-mai 2 times but no answer......

What do you think about?
Bad luck or disorganization?
Anyone elsein the same condition?

Thanks and good luck to all the futures colleagues.....:ok:

25th Jul 2008, 18:26
I guess that it's due to bad organization, because I did not receive any 2nd e-mail, even though I confirmed my availability on monday...

26th Jul 2008, 04:24
If you were initially invited you should attend if possible. Dont worry about the second e-mail, you know the times of the selections. Pick one. If you dont just read this forum. I repeat ONLY if you were initially invited, then come as you name will be on the invited list!

26th Jul 2008, 07:45
hi everyone

can anyone tell me that which nationalities r on hold?:sad:

26th Jul 2008, 07:56
As I understand there are no "nationalities" on hold or not allowed. Its a worldwide scheme, however the selections cannot take palce in every country, so they will go to the countries with the largest amount of applications, those people from other countries can either make there way to these locations or not. Nobody from outside europe has been invited anywhere as those selections have not been confirmed yet.:ugh:

26th Jul 2008, 11:40

26th Jul 2008, 18:48
As the dates approach,I just would like to wish the best of luck to you all attending the assesment on the 28th FRA,29th and 30th LHR!:ok:

26th Jul 2008, 19:48
I've found this online guys Third class of Emirati cadet pilots starts training | Etihad Airways (http://www.ameinfo.com/157508.html) basicaly it says that the candidates go through a foundation course of maths and physics to bring them to the standard required by Horizon,so makes me think that even if you dont show that you're great mathematician you can still go through,but then,if there's no interview on the first stage,how the hell will they consider you for the second stage if you're not given a chance to show how comited will you be,your personality and bla bla..?confusing....:ugh:

26th Jul 2008, 20:55
Perhaps, but I don't think expats will be treated the same as locals! I doubt they have to compete against 1000 people for 10+ places. Maybe more a case of can we see your passport?

And as for an interview, how can they interview all of us, along with tests and introduction in 2.5hrs?!

26th Jul 2008, 21:05
If they wont send you to this foundation course,then yes,would make sense filter out the candidates with poor mathematical skills but if you are preparing them before the flight training,it doesn't really matter if the candidate looked a but "average" in the assesment.So,firstly,the only way to give a fair chance to people is to interview them on at this stage,secondly,I dont think the groups of candidates will be bigger than 8/10 plp,so it is possible to carry on interviews,as I've seen it done by FTE !one test on verbal reasoning,some maths,some physics,memory and multitask,about hour and half then 40 min to an hour of interview!well,I'm gonna carry on with preps,I'll trust Eyz and not worry much about it.

26th Jul 2008, 21:10
Obviously will depend on how many people will be there on the day,if you have 8 guys in the 9 am session for example,you divide it in 2 or 3 groups,while one group does the tests others are interviewed,and other watch a presentation,if you have some good 10 people assesing you is not impossible to be done in 2 half hours!I'm at recruitment in my company and we asses pilots and crew,sometimes 25 pilots per session a day.

Ah,roll over,what do you mean as the expats will be treated differently?whats the background on your assumption?:confused:

26th Jul 2008, 21:39
Well i guess the ground for his opinion is the fact that cadet programs in that area of the world used to be exclusively for locals. That and many other advantages completed the range of benefits local people enjoy. I saw it myself when i worked for emirates as cabin crew and must admit that initially i thought everything was easier for them.

After some time and many many flights with both expat and local (former cadets) pilots i got to understand that there is seriousness in the process of intaking cadets. Senior pilots who were involved with the selection of both cadets and regular entry pilots would explain me that, selection processes like this one, are not about friendship or contacts, but strictly about aptitude. I even met several locals myself who didn't make it through the selection process for the cadet pilot program, and had to consider joining the company as cabin crew.

The company is spending around 150 grand on each cadet, i don't think they want to make mistakes.

Anyway, i already packed. I'm leaving tmoz morning to FRA. Me is excited, restless!! don't know if ill be able to sleep today.

26th Jul 2008, 22:25
Aeromar,I'm sure you'll be ok,you seem to have the knowledge as I believe,from what I've read so far from you ,you've done your homework,so when you step on that assesmnt room on monday,think why are you there and I'm sure you'll be fine!wish you best of luck:ok:

I see his point but like you said we are in 2008 and I dont believe such company would support this sort of double standards in their selection for such important role.

So if they wont offer a brush up foundation course for the cadets on the global scheme,that would show that Etihad is taking steps backwards...which i do not believe is true.
They would simply be more prepared than the other cadets and consequently could lead to a improved performance!they should promote equality and fairness in the process.

26th Jul 2008, 22:36
I think Aeromar is on with his thoughts....im excited for you guys!

27th Jul 2008, 08:33
Oh wow, that was close. I was about to leave to the airport to catch my flight and just by accident i checked my email and saw that my decision of spending a bit more money to stay right in the same hotel of the assessment was almost a waste of money. Thing is I had booked for the Sheraton, BUT realized that my booking was in a Sheraton miiiiiles away from the one at the airport. There are like 10 Sheratons in Frankfurt.

Thanks god i noticed on time and changed reservation back to the correct one. I could already see myself arriving at the one i thought i had booked and having the lady at the couter tell me what an idiot i was! U sure u wanna be a pilot! Haha, cant even book a hotel!

So, yeah, as we accorded, lets meet at the reception at 1900h.

27th Jul 2008, 09:57
Hi Everybody,

This thread it over 40 pages, so i've not gone through it.
I wanted to ask has anybody got their assessment on the 30th at London Heathrow @9am?


27th Jul 2008, 10:10
Hi everyone

I wanted to wish you all good luck for this week of assesment....

See you tomorrow in FRA :ok:

27th Jul 2008, 12:56
hello hassan, yer there's about 4 or 5 of us that we've counted for the 30th. where are you travelling from?

27th Jul 2008, 17:21
My assessment is on the 30th at LHR, at 1 pm.

Have to get a train from Cardiff at 9 am to allow for delays on First Great Western! :ugh:

27th Jul 2008, 19:15
Folks one last time....the will be about 50 per session per day, there will be NO interviews at this round!!

Relax and enjoy!:O

27th Jul 2008, 19:15
best of luck to all who r going for exams.

the basic of these topics in maths and physics could be helpful in exams i presume.


1. Linear equations
2. Polynomials
3. Quadratic equations
4. Solving algebraic inequalities
5. Roots simplification
6. Differential equation
7. Integral and derivate
8. Function analysis
9. Trigonometry
10. Exponential
11. Basics of complex numbers
12. Basics of probability and statistics


1. Basic Physics sizes (length, mass, angle, t°, volume, speed, acceleration)
2. Units (meter, kilogram, second, amps)
3. Distance traveled, speed, acceleration
4. Weight, mass, density and volume
5. Newton's laws, inertia, forces
6. Determination of center of gravity
7. Work, energy, power (kinetic energy, pressure energy)
8. Thermometric scales: °C, °F, °K
9. Pressure, density, t° of a liquid or a gas
10. Perfect gas laws, Boyle-Mariotte law, Gay-Lussac law, Dalton's law
11. Change of state of a liquid/gas/solid
12. Basics of electricity: DC and AC, tension, equivalent resistance, Ohm
13. Basics of magnetism: magnetic field, permanent magnet, lines of flux


27th Jul 2008, 21:57
ermm ... help me out ...... what computer tests???? do u know something I don't?

28th Jul 2008, 11:23
Ok, i just came out of the interview and i wont say anything about it. I will though give u one piece of advise. Do whatever u can to relax! Relax, relax, relax, relax. Sleep well the night before and don't let your nerves betray you.

Examiners are nice.

28th Jul 2008, 11:32
hi guys
i hope all of you who had assesment today i hope it went all good but could you please tell us
not in detail but basic
was it
maths test
physics test and interview in the end

plz plz plz help us out

we'll help you in the second assesment

28th Jul 2008, 11:38
or a more general term, in average was it easy or difficult?

28th Jul 2008, 12:05
all the best guys as the assessments :)

28th Jul 2008, 12:20
As i said before, all i can say to help you is that you should relax, as nerves can be your enemy. I dont think anyone will give out information as it wouldnt be fair to the rest of the applicants. Oh, and by relax i mean do whatever suits you, rituals, yoga, stressball squeezing.. whatever, but dont let your nerves condition the way you perform.