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28th Jul 2008, 13:36
was there any aptitude test or not

28th Jul 2008, 13:44
During the first phase of the assessment process candidates heard several presentations from senior members of Etihad's flight deck crew, as well as undertaking comprehensive personality and English language tests.

Candidates progressing to the second and third phases in April will then take part in more rigorous activities varying from security checks to aptitude and medical examinations.

28th Jul 2008, 13:53
All tests are designed with statistics in mind, and they have demonstrated what skills and aptitudes pilots should have in order to make a good airman. Having that in mind i could say that every test that will be conducted during the whole process (as they explained during introductions) can be considered an aptitude test. The content of the tests will not be revealed by anyone for obvious reasons, and try not to make any conclusions from when i mention the word aptitude... they will not sit you on a flight simulator to fly a precision approach if thats what you had in mind.

Also, try not to believe most of the rumors out there, we are lucky that the examiners are very straight forward, normal people and will answer any question that you make during the process. They did mention pprune and facebook and it felt like they were actually sorry that they couldn't cope with all the information thirst that all applicants have shown. They simply have no time to explain everything to each applicant. So, again, just relax, and know that this is one of many chances we will have to achieve our goal of becoming a pilot. As always, good luck.

28th Jul 2008, 16:49
I understand not wanting to reveal the exact content of the tests, I would be the same, but could anyone just tell us if its a pen and paper job or on a computer or both?

28th Jul 2008, 20:53
Wow keepin it the down-down low....:rolleyes:

28th Jul 2008, 22:28
Please Bigga, I insist. And sorry that i say it over and over again. I just wouldn't like to see anyone letting out that sort of information. When we came in that room we had no idea how the exames would be, and if someone let you guys know even the slightest detail, it wouldn't be fair to the rest.

29th Jul 2008, 05:30
hi aeromar

i hav given one cadet pilot test in in india. the question there were quite difficult covering all the topics i wrote in my previous post. so wat i want to ask is this that difficult.

29th Jul 2008, 14:24
hi aeroamr

approx how many people attended the assesment?

29th Jul 2008, 15:25

29th Jul 2008, 15:47
Please mates,

Nobody give out detailed info as to be fair to all of us. I haven't even been to an assesment yet !

Michael 443, I have 2 questions,

How many hours was the overall assesment? and where exactly was it located? Was it in an Etihad Office or At the Airport or wah?

29th Jul 2008, 15:54
Its about 3 hours and it takes place in a hotel close to the airports Etihad flies to.
Its all apptitude tests.

29th Jul 2008, 17:39
just done mine,need a drink man!!!sorry no infos,end of the day,is you against me lolololol!good luck for the candidates tomorrow:ok:

29th Jul 2008, 19:53
What were most people in London wearing?

I'm not sure whether to just go smart-casual or whether to wear a full suit :confused:

29th Jul 2008, 20:10
suit mate!business like!you dont wanna show up in jeans and t-shirt,you know...I think,if I was an assesor,first thing that would come to my mind "the lad didn't even bother to wear a tie"....
It looks more professional:ok:

29th Jul 2008, 20:27
I wasn't thinking of jeans and t-shirt anyway, just short-sleeved shirt and tie but no suit jacket.

I'll wear a full suit just to be on the safe side!

29th Jul 2008, 21:23
Good luck all :ok:

29th Jul 2008, 21:46
Guys, know that after the assessments tomorrow in London, there are still some assessments to take place in other cities in the future. So, the rule of not letting out any information on the tests should still be respected. Not only for keeping your chances high, but also to keep mine.

30th Jul 2008, 00:27
that's not being arsch anyway and Mr aeromar you're definetly right: reeeelaaaax.
Now everybody in europe is done let's wish you all good luck for this week ahead the first email ! I wish you all had a good time in FRA downtown after the assessment, really nice having met you there and hope to see you soon! assessment staff were very nice, I enjoyed a lot their sense of humour (almost for the joke with air france)
guys have fun and think you are on the video...!

Mr 4

30th Jul 2008, 00:27
I've been watching this thread for the last few months and I appreciate all of the info I've gleaned from it and I have applied to this cadet scheme myself. However, I'm a little confused about all of this talk of "don't reveal any of the test details". I understand that it seems unfair to divulge information about assessments to those who haven't been assessed because its like ruining your own chances by giving away information and giving others a leg up that you didn't have coming in to the assessment. And I also saw someone's post that referred to Etihad staff monitoring these forums as well. But isn't that the reason why there is a forum like this one? For the most part, we're all anonymous outside of those who joined the Facebook group. Not to say that I want someone to tell me, "the answer to number 32 is B", but we're all here to share information and learn from other, whether they're rumors or not. At the end of the day, I think it doesn't matter who knew what or how someone told them the tests will proceed because you can receive all the inside tips and tricks but if you don't have what they're looking for, as far as aptitude, attitude, etc., you just won't get chosen especially since they're only choosing 12 in this round. And it won't be the end of the world if you don't get chosen this time...its been mentioned that this might not be the only selection and there are plenty of, albeit dwindling, opportunities in the world. Just keep ya head up and stay positive. And I'll be happy to share whatever I can after the assessment.

30th Jul 2008, 00:56
well said stonyisland!!! People are treating it like its some top secret government information, and Aeromar is just tripping out…hehehe… you need to take it easy mate and like you said yourself... just relaaax…

and as for sharing information aeromar you did not have a problem when the guy from middle east stated how the assessment was. and now you have a problem telling someone how many people came to the test, and if its on computer or not?? Okay then? get real man

30th Jul 2008, 07:51
I advise moderators close down this thread, if people are going to start sharing answers;

Stonyisland: ''And I'll be happy to share whatever I can after the assessment. Today 01:27

30th Jul 2008, 09:10
I have to say it's been interesting following this thread over the last couple of days. It rather resembles a pack of seagulls scrapping over a discarded chip. I think you'll find the assessors are sufficiently intelligent to be able to decide whether a candidate is suitable or not without basing it purely on some arbitrary examination.

I'm afraid that by getting so excited about beating each other into silence, you're totally missing the bigger picture.

If nothing else, consider this is in terms of CRM:

P1 - "Can you give me the SAM VOR frequency please?"
P2 - "No, I'm not telling you, it's a secret you might be after my job."

Just remember that if you really believe that Etihad are reading this forum, perhaps you should spend more time thinking about how you appear from what you write. This includes your attention to detail, such as spelling and grammar, and your attitudes towards others.

That's my advice to you all, anyway.

Too low
30th Jul 2008, 09:48
If nothing else, consider this is in terms of CRM:

P1 - "Can you give me the SAM VOR frequency please?"
P2 - "No, I'm not telling you, it's a secret you might be after my job."

LOL!! Nice try :D
Everything you need to know has already been said on this topic. Work on your basics maths skills, pratice some logic test, chill out and everything should be fine!
What else do you want to know? The exact purpose of the questions?! We might be nice people, we're not stupid! :=

30th Jul 2008, 09:55
I have also been following this thread for quite some time and find it quit puzzling how before the assessments eveyone was friends, acquantances, email buddies etc etc. And there was speculative advice flying all over the place.

Then when people do have concrete advice to give, it's not given.

I completely agree with not sitting here and going, q1 is c, q2 is d, q3 is b etc etc, but look at the threads of FTE, CTC, OAT etc, there is loads and loads and loads of advice on there about the tests, what to expect and the various stages and yet so many people fail / miss the grades and don't quite get through.

I attended the assessment yesterday at LHR and the chap said they had been monitoring pprune and Facebook and they asked us not to tell anyone, and that is fair, but to everyone who is up in arms about it. Etihad is one opportunity, there are plenty out there.

And being totally honest, if you don't know what to expect, then maybe you've not done your research. I say this as someone who has done CTC was about to FTE in October. Those who really want to fly have a fairly good idea of what to expect.

I would also interested to hear anyones opinion on what they actually thought of the scheme described?

30th Jul 2008, 10:13
Ok, someone mentioned that letting out any more info wouldn't make any difference since they are only picking 12. Thats THE first rumor that the examiners tackled. They are picking more, do you really think they would wander around the whole world to pick only 12 people?

Yes, it had already been said what the tests where all about several weeks ago. And that's about all the information you need. Any other information like, how long you have for each test, and how long the breaks are between tests, are extra information that, as said before, none of the people knew before hand.

This has got NOTHING to do with "can u give me the freq of that VOR?". I know chances are really low. And my thought is: I am really worth it, but i will not be able to prove so unless i go to the next stages. It all depends now solely on the results of these first tests, and that's why they are so important. It is very possible that the people who would make great pilots, get ruled out just because of the fact that they are not walking calculators. Let me tell u, i know I'm not the smartest out of ten. I also know i have never met anyone more vocational than me, and i also know that i do have aptitudes. So, all I'm trying to do is to keep this as fair as possible. For me, and for everyone else.

30th Jul 2008, 11:14
Ok, someone mentioned that letting out any more info wouldn't make any difference since they are only picking 12. Thats THE first rumor that the examiners tackled. They are picking more, do you really think they would wander around the whole world to pick only 12 people?

Yes, it had already been said what the tests where all about several weeks ago. And that's about all the information you need. Any other information like, how long you have for each test, and how long the breaks are between tests, are extra information that, as said before, none of the people knew before hand.

This has got NOTHING to do with "can u give me the freq of that VOR?". I know chances are really low. And my thought is: I am really worth it, but i will not be able to prove so unless i go to the next stages. It all depends now solely on the results of these first tests, and that's why they are so important. It is very possible that the people who would make great pilots, get ruled out just because of the fact that they are not walking calculators. Let me tell u, i know I'm not the smartest out of ten. I also know i have never met anyone more vocational than me, and i also know that i do have aptitudes. So, all I'm trying to do is to keep this as fair as possible. For me, and for everyone else.

:DAnd the grammy goes to.....lol.Lets hope the Etihad guys saw that;)

Cmon, Omar I like you and Raf, but really whatdid you think the point of exchanging emails and me creating the facebook site was so we could share info....thios is just silly now....we were supposed to be looking out for each other.
I understand the reason why you want to keep it confidential, but really, some you win, and some you lose.
Don't worry you two will both still be Captains on our fleet:ok:

30th Jul 2008, 11:59
Exactly Palks, as much as the Etihad scheme is a good chance, if you really want to be a pilot, there are lots of other ways.

From taking the assessment yesterday and seeing some of the posts, some guys are making a huge deal out of it.

Aeromar is right, fair is fair, but the person you should respect the most is the Captain that spoke to us in the assessment. He said we would rather it was kept fair, so for respect to him, I think we should. (And I'm not bottom kissing)

However as I said before, if you want to go on one of these integrated schemes, it really doesn't take a genious to work out what's expected!

Ps, does anyone have any opinion on the scheme as it was described? rather than on just asking for what the assessment is about?

30th Jul 2008, 12:39
just had the assesment all i am gonna say about it that it was very well orgainised and the assesors are funny with very good sense of humour,
well appart from hope to see every one at AD.
cant wait now until nov ????

30th Jul 2008, 14:10
Honestly I could care less, haven't said anything about it,but its just wierd....this whole thing is like dealing with my girlfriend...sometimes she does stuff that I don't understand.....and I look like this->:confused: and then wanna do this ->:ugh: get one of these ->:ouch: and she looks at me like this ->:eek: but then i smile like this ->:} cuz we're both workin for the same thing....

30th Jul 2008, 14:51
I think Aeromar is right. To be made a part of this sheme would be like winning the lottery in the first place since the odds are already 130:1 of getting in (provided everybody is equally competent)- so why make your odds any worse. I think giving ANYTHING away will give people an advantage in that their confidence will be higher, they'll have more relaxed body language, especially if they know something like the format of the tests. Yes, we are all 'friends' here on pprune though it's plainly obvious that people would like to gain an advantage by knowing what's coming- otherwise you wouldn't be asking about it.

So, as far as tipping people off- The first test involves herding chickens into a pen and the top ten fastest herders compete in a cook-off to make the best tiramisu. All followed by disco dancing. That's the best you'll get off me.

30th Jul 2008, 14:59
Ok, I don't know what I started here, but I was just a little confused as to why there was so much secrecy all of a sudden. If it is true that there was an Etihad staff member who asked that those of you who have been tested not share details I respect that and I won't push the issue. Im in the united states anyway so I don't even know when/where our assessment will be but when it comes I will try to help others out with info without breaking any bounds on what info I can and can't share.

30th Jul 2008, 15:29
Leyahl, Herding Chickens?

I had to chase cows round lhr! That's a tough assessment!

30th Jul 2008, 15:51
just chilll !!!!!

i think we hav to call a ceasefire now coz everyone is behind their line of control and ready to fire since i m in the neutral territory coz i dont know wen r they going to come to india for the tests think we should call a truce.

since no one will share wat was in the assessment and i dont want anyone to coz it will simply ruin their chances and since the competition is very tough i dont think its good everybody should hav a fair chance.

all of u who had an assessment can share in detail how did u prepare urself dont think like u hav given the tests share it like u r abt to giv it but in detail. (and dont lie or misguide pleezzzz.)


30th Jul 2008, 19:35
why r u going to delete your post and pretend like u said nothing, THAT is no fun, everyone should know ur smart:

"Danny man, let me tell you that reading what you just wrote there was harder than Etihad's tests. I don't care about spelling or the common web-abbreviations like "u". But please, please use commas and periods. Not doing so renders a whole sentence unreadable.
...since the competition is very tough i dont think its good everybody should hav a fair chance.

You don't??

Please, i dont want this to be seen as the typical reply of the smartass correcting everyone else on the forum. It's just... it's commas and periods we're talking about here.
____________________________________________________________ __

1) dear aero, who made you the boss of this forum?
2) why r u such an edgy ass since you finished ur assessment?
3) why did you just give away the test?..."""reading what you just wrote there was harder than Etihad's tests"""
4) you are not suppose to reveal anything, and you just decreased my chances a lot
5) i don't want anyone decrease my chances :ugh::rolleyes:
6) maybe dannys first language is not english, whats it to you? no one told u 2 reply like a wise guy
7) he was just tryin to coll things up
8) if you don't have anything positive to say, don't say it... that include me 2 from now on

Please, i dont want this to be seen as the typical reply of the smartass correcting everyone else on the forum...no one told u 2 do that... It's just... u do sound like that and thats exactly what u sound like a smart ass who is **** scared :ugh:and don't 4get to let me know the mistakes i made

30th Jul 2008, 19:50
Geee what happened to this thread, chill people!

Was at the 9am LHR assessment today, found it pretty tough to be honest but that's all I will say.

The assessors were great and really made the whole experience easier, also helped to relax my nerves. They did say they read PPrune so if they are reading this, thanks!

Good luck to everyone!

30th Jul 2008, 20:02

how many people where at your assesment today?

30th Jul 2008, 20:05
Erm, about 36 people I think.

30th Jul 2008, 20:24
Hi folks, if the Etihad people are looking at this webpage they must be wondering about the squabbling children writing in and wonder if they are grown up enough to be pilots ?

30th Jul 2008, 21:10

ok, look there are 6 tests in the selection.

The tests examine different things, all are under pressure through time.

Stop acting like kids, read this forum there is enough info, there is also much b++++++T but dont worry about it.
Be as prepared as you can and come relaxed.

30th Jul 2008, 21:42
WOW, the assessments finish and look how things are looking on the forum. There is a lot of immaturity, more than I had thought. Anyways people, you all need to just chill out! Just take a deep breath and know that you are done! I take it today was the last set of assessments in Europe, cheers to those who finished. Now it's our turn, the NA's and the Aussies. Can hardly wait!

Once again, everyone just take it e-z!

31st Jul 2008, 07:25
Does anybody know when can we expect them in Asia

31st Jul 2008, 08:08
I took the tests on Tuesday at LHR and would like to wish people the best of luck for their assessments wherever they might be.

The day is enjoyable and the staff are most friendly, which makes it relaxed.

31st Jul 2008, 09:11
Back to it........

HAs anyone that has not been able to attend,had the oppurtunity to attend a different assesment? I think I will be in training for an airline here in the US when they have our assesments, I will be willing to pay to fly somewhere else, but its up to the etihadists....

31st Jul 2008, 11:41
Well,ladies and gents,this is Raf,I've been following this last 2 days,didn't want to add my input as I want it to see how far would go...Well,guys,a bit of background on me...I've always,like many of us,wanted to fly,since my dad took me on a flight from Curitiba,Brazil,to Rio on a Boeing 737-200 of TransBrasil airlines(went bust)He knew the captain and I had the chance to visit the flight deck,watch the landing and bla,bla...I was 6 years old!Well,my family isn't well off, 100k is a bit out of my budget so I've been fighting really hard to get this,and the war isn't over!!!God knows how hard I've tried,I've got accepted at OAT,I've failed CTC,its been up and down but let me tell you,I'm still working and most importantly,I'm still smilling.I know a guy who took 5 years to complete his license,he flies for Iberia now on A340's,he had an office job,9-5 then at 7 he would go to a restaurant to wash dishes,then at 12 would run outside nightclubs to sell hotdogs to drunken losers on friday night.This,my friends,I call passion!I'll be very honest with you,I've studied my ass out the past 2/3 weeks,since the time of my aplication to the time I was invited to the assesment,I didnt have much time to prepare,as Is very hard to study while you do safety briefings,serve gin and tonics at 30.000ft and push duty free trolleys up and down,but I've tried my best.Honestly,I think I've done well in 5 out of 6 tests(thats already information,as when I walk in there I didn't have a clue how many tests were).I'll be very disapointed if I'm not up to second stage,I'll be very annoyed if the guy who was chosen before me,was the same guy I told that in the first test the standard was such and such,and the third test you had to do this and that,so he had a better preparation...Now,you smart asses,what make you think you deserve this more than me,or zazoo,or aeromar,or anyone else on this forum,or anyone else who didn't know this forum was created?????Why are you so much more special than us?Now,this is a competition in the end,true,there is more than 12 places,but the odds are high,so instead put knifes on each others back,stop and think:1-Did I prepare enough(look back at my posts,you'll see that I urged people on count ONLY on themselves,and prepare.I NEVER HAD ANY ******* HELP,and you ALL sound like spoiled little brats fighting for a candy)2-How passionate about this I am?3-If I dont get it,what is my contingency plan?4-Be honest with yourself(eg. well,I'm not good at physics so maybe should work on that.)5-Put yourself on the shoes of the other fresh faced candidates,as nervous as you on the day and try to think why would be fair for you to put pressure on someone like aeromar to give out the info that he never had.Get real guys,I think the problem here is that you guys forgot the basic and I believe,the best quality on a pilot,which is HUMILITY!!!!!REMEMBER:you cant build a house from the roof,you must start from the bottom...is a rule for everything in life,second :God gives with one hand and takes it with the other...,failure now doesn't mean you arent able to make it one day,and at last,doesnt cost you anything to be humble.If anyone at Etihad see this forum,I think many candidates are already out of this run for lack of maturity.

31st Jul 2008, 14:04
quite an outburst there,

31st Jul 2008, 14:16

ok, look there are 6 tests in the selection.

The tests examine different things, all are under pressure through time.'

EZY, why on earth are u giving information out? yes ok it may not be the exact contents but its more than what i knew when i went along. The word stupid does spring to mind, obviously other peoples chances of getting better results in the assessment than that of your own is your top concern.....good on you....

31st Jul 2008, 14:24
How long will this whole selection process run ?

I mean all the stages of selection second, third...... and so on.

good luck to those who already gave their tests:ok::ok::ok:

31st Jul 2008, 15:01
palks....i believe it will be in september from what the chap said.

were you at the assessment on Tuesday?

31st Jul 2008, 15:10
If anyone didn't enjoy the test, surely we all agree that the presentation videos were so cool!!!!!!!

31st Jul 2008, 15:40

i dont think thats how it works.

After they test everyone they intend to test, they'll putt together all the results from all over the world and convert into percentiles. THEN will they email people with the generic "We're sorry to inform you.." or "We're pleased to inform you..."

Thats what I think because I know LSAT and MCAT exams are calculated that way.

any ideas?

31st Jul 2008, 15:43
It seems a lot of time and energy goes into speculation, lets just go with the flow. If anyone gets through then put that time and energy into revising for the next test.

31st Jul 2008, 15:47
Not much activity on here since the tests, i thought everyone would be discussing how the feel it went??(without disclosing) I was at the wed 9am assessment and thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, there was a great atmosphere of opportunity. The staff where great and I enjoyed meeting like minded eager applicants from the range of backgrounds; I wish you all luck in your quest for selection and like everyone hope to make it out to Abu Dhabi to show that I got what it takes. First things first roll on that 'Maybe' email.All the best people!!

31st Jul 2008, 15:51
palks...i take it you were sitting to my left then. i was talking with the chap wo was next to you about oxford. what a small world ;)

hope your well

31st Jul 2008, 17:47
link142, I'd strongly advise you remove your post. That is not new information; it has been posted before multiple times from someone who took the tests in Abu Dhabi. Calling someone stupid like that isn’t going to help anyone bro, that is not decreasing anyone’s chances! If someone does the research properly they can find more than enough information on this very thread. Like I said you all need to chill out!

Anyways, If you had your assessment, great! A statement like Adams is more than sufficient… “I took the tests on Tuesday at LHR and would like to wish people the best of luck for their assessments wherever they might be…The day is enjoyable and the staff are most friendly, which makes it relaxed.”

If you don’t want to even share that, than don’t bother saying: “I did the tests but nope my mouth is closed, I can’t say anything, my mouth is closed, I can’t say anything. No one else say anything”. I mean no one was really asking you to begin with! Just the experience: good/bad is more than good enough. If you are not comfortable with that, than don’t say anything. I mean come on; I challenge anyone to find if anyone asked for a breakdown of the tests and questions/answers.

I hope no one will take offense to what I said. Try understanding where I'm coming from. And as for anything else, like Ralph said, it doesn’t cost anything to be humble people!


31st Jul 2008, 22:39
Ok, i think i have to defend myself and explain a couple things. When you guys started "defining" what info should be let out, and i said that i was sorry that i wouldn't talk, everybody went ballistic.

I could have just not commented at all, but instead i decided to give my reasons for not letting any details out. I'm sorry if i made someone uncomfortable.

1st Aug 2008, 03:57
Aeromar, your reasons for not letting information out are totally valid. It’s a competitive world, and we are all competing for the same thing. No one wants to give anyone the upper hand. All of us on this very thread: We all want (some more than others) an opportunity at this position, and we would do quite a lot to be 1 of the 12 international cadets for Etihad.

Having said the above, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out we are all working towards a common goal, and that we are on this thread to help each other out, and share information. Now that does NOT mean I want you to tell me or anyone who didn’t write the tests the questions or the answers to the 6 tests.

The bottom line, what I am saying is let’s all get along the way we were before the assessments in Europe. How is that, too much to ask for? Let’s not separate and divide us amongst those who did the tests and those who didn’t.

Like for instance more than the tests, I am curious to know how many more cadets are they looking for next year? Are they looking for a massive expansion just like their fleet? Did they mention that to you fellas at the assessment?... Also Palks, you said 2 weeks and they will let you know. Then that would probably mean that they are not comparing your test score with the rest of the candidates, but simply a ‘pass’ is sufficient for next stage?

Anyways guys, there has been some misunderstandings on this thread. Let us all move past that! Hope we all cool now:ok:

1st Aug 2008, 06:32
In London, we were told they are looking for 9 cadet pilots only from the candidates in the UK and Germany, and then after that, 9 candidates from worldwide (could also include the candidates from the UK and Germany who didn't get one of the previous 9 places).

The first 9 from the UK and Germany will be starting ASAP in October/November and the second lot of 9 would start in 2009.

1st Aug 2008, 06:59
You get a yes definitely email if your one of the 9 possibles for November out of the Euro lot. A maybe lets see how well you do compared to the rest of the world for next year, and lastly thanks for coming but sorry you didn't get through.

BTW has anyone seen some of the videos on you tube? Love the night shots of the cabin interior :p

1st Aug 2008, 07:50
Didn't the guy say there was 9 places for November and then 4 courses of 12 for next year?
I know he said that the first 9 will be filled by the UK and Europe selection.
He did specifically say that your reply would be no or maybe, and nobody will find out about their results until the world had be tested.
On a seperate point, I can't remember who said it, but someone called me stupid, I would urge caution with this, firstly I'm not, secondly if Etihad are looking at this site, calling each other names is not going to look good.

Lets just behave like the professionals that he said we should act and dress like, on that point, if you are going to future events, wear a shirt and tie and leave your jeans benind!! It was mentioned by him.

1st Aug 2008, 10:48
From what i remember, the first thing they tackled was the rumor that they only need 12. They said they are selecting people for future batches, BUT that they also need to complete November's batch. Therefor, the cream of the crop from these last assessments will be put in November's batch. The rest will recive a "thanks, but no thanks", or a "thanks you are being considered". The ones who received the latter will have to travel to Abu Dhabi for more tests and the whole trip would be paid by the company. So, summing up, 3 groups:

A few joining in November.
The ones going for future courses.
The ones who should forget about Etihad (for now).

They never said any numbers. He repeated that consistently, and the only clue he let out was that chances are 1 to 10, and that from 6000 applications they have considered 1000 people for stage one worldwide. So, doing some rough and irresponsibly unrealistic math we could look at the number 100. Some of them to complete Nov's batch, some others to start joining ab next year. The examiner also said that the ones joining in November will receive news before the rest. The others will not hear anything apart from the "no" or the "maybe" email until they finish all assessments worldwide. And that could be a 2 month wait.

There was one more thing that he cleared out. The age limitation was there for the moment you applied. So, if u were 26 by they time you went to stage one, and then you turn 27 but they have already called you, that would be no problem. The only event that would get you out of the program is if you obtain a license before the time they re-contact you. So everybody out there finishing their ATPLs or CPLs, it is time for some real planning. I already decided not to do my ATPL exams in November. That way i have more time to study, and to hear about them. I also let my medical 1 expire (don't wanna spend 200euros), hehe.

And ONE last thing. For those of you thinking ahead, worried about the fact of obtaining a non JAR license. Cause after all, then you would have 2 bonds with the company. The 6 year bond for the payment, and the license bond by which you could only operate in a UAE company. Well, he said that Horizon Flight Academy is about to obtain JAR approval, so we would all have JAA licenses and no need to sit more CAA or GCAA exams should we ever consider coming back to good ol' Europe.

1st Aug 2008, 21:28
Good Evening All,

I was at the LHR 0900 Assessment, and would like to say that I really enjoyed the experience. It was good to meet some likeminded people and I wish everybody the best of luck. Frantic refreshing of emails is going to slowly becoming a way of life!

I am interested in how people found the tests. I have to say that, considering this is essentially an international competition which will take only the cream of the crop to an airline job, I really didn't think the tests were overly complicated. They could have been a great deal worse. I also struggle to see Etihad picking the top candidates on the test results only - the people who do the very best will not necessarily make the best pilots - and am thinking that our CVs may play quite a large part in the selection process.

The staff were very nice and the overall atmosphere was surprisingly relaxed. As I was signing in the Captain responsible for the scheme was flicking through CVs, he turned to the lady assisting with administration (please forgive me for not knowing names, I do have them written down but am not at home) and said "WOW, this person has wanted to fly since they were young.....they are 18!". Truly a classic line.

Once again, good luck everybody!


1st Aug 2008, 21:41
I guess we have all wanted to fly since we were young, although some people I was speaking to just said they just applied because they couldn't get a job from their university degree!

I have posted talking about amazing Etihad promotional videos and you tube clips and had no response. Surely you guys and girls have seen them?

If anybody flies on VATSIM, do you fancy joining me for a few Etihad flights, maybe OMAA-KJFK :p:p

1st Aug 2008, 22:17
Hi Rhythm08,

I hope the people who have just applied for the sake of it are snooped out and eliminated at this stage. I think that unless you have a real passion for it you would not get through stage two and would be wasting someone elses place - and you would definately have trouble completing the training whilst keeping your spirits high.

As for the promotional videos, they are stunning. Some of the aircraft shots are amazing and the interiors look so so plush! They are only missing some real life low level fly-bys which I really think the world needs more of, especially in 340s! :p "Sorry Goose, but it's time to buzz the tower" :O


1st Aug 2008, 22:29
Hehe I know, although if you do a search on airliners.net at Al Ain the last picture is of the gorgeous A330-200 with two Extras flying side by side for last years air show. Although the tests were laid out simply i could definitely see how easy it is to make mistakes on them. Like EYZ said, its the time pressure!

Do you do any online flying?

P.S nice to have a true passion related conversation :)

1st Aug 2008, 23:30
See now everyone is calm......wooooo saaaaaaaah:D

Anywho cadets(lol wannabe"s)
I was thinking, Do you think the selection process, based just on assessments is enough?
Just because someone is booksmart doesn't mean they can communicate with others, is a fun person to be around, or better yet-fly a plane.

'So you've wanted to fly for a long time?' 'Not really.....just couldn't get a job with my masters degree in sock knitting':8

2nd Aug 2008, 06:57
I think I know what the first tests were designed to do. I don't want to give it away though because it may give the future applicants an inkling of what they will be tested on :p

Then in the second stage Etihad will evaluate people person types I guess.

Al Ain looks ultra perfect to begin a career in aviation, unfortunately I have never been :( Has anyone else been there? Whats it like?

2nd Aug 2008, 10:39
EYZ said: '' Lets just behave like the professionals that he said we should act and dress like''

Thank god theres at least one sane person on this forum. So many of you guys are acting very immaturely over this. The instructions given were clear and concise. Others who have yet to be tested, I suggest you give up looking for hints or answers on this forum and get back to good old preparation by the book :ok:

By the way, just a general question about the cadet scheme; In the 5 years we are bonded do we stay on the A320 and if so after we have completed our term, can we move on to the likes of the A330,A340?

2nd Aug 2008, 10:52
Hi everyone, I was just wondering the same thing as Bobby101, is it still worth applying for this scheme if you are a UK resident.

I am just completing the application, but it seems from the above posts that the november batch will be filled with UK folks, and then they're moving onto the rest of the worldwide applicants???

Hope there's still a chance for us UK peeps :ooh:

Many thanks in advance for any info!

2nd Aug 2008, 11:30
Of course, just fill in your application, you've got nothing to loose. In case they consider calling more people, unless you have an online application, you are out of the game.

About the "vocation" factor. Well, i would have LOOVED it if they had analyzed our vocation. That would have given some of us such great advantage. I know you guys out there, spending hours in airports just for the sake of feeling at home, and watching and staring, sometimes even letting a tear fall. Also those of you who have made flight simulator the second most important thing in your life for how helpful it is when for when you study Instruments, and for when your friends prefer to play play station as well. And what about those who have the superpower of boring their families and friends, and can't even conceive why would someone not love this whole thing. Ever since we where little little little, ever since we can even remember.

Good thing is that all people who are as vocational (and freak) as I am, have a way to making this love contagious. So if they would have assessed that in the beggining, they would surely have gained a bunch of pilots who, over all, will LOVE their jobs as they make Etihad a new member of their families and daily concerns, and to whom, the 5 year bond with the company were just words they completely ignored cause we never considered leaving the company at all. Bond, Shmond! You don't leave the company which gave you an opportunity like this one...

2nd Aug 2008, 12:57
Well I tried not to look at any of the promotional stuff on youtube etc because the chances of getting in are still so slim! No point in getting excited..

Does anyone know if this programme is just a one off or likely to continue running after next year? We were told that there is essentially no advantage in cadets vs experienced pilots and with the way things are going I don't think there is going to be any shortage of them in the foreseeable future.

It would be interesting to see how they compare candidates CVs though(if they do at this stage), with such a wide age range there is bound to be a lot of differences in qualifications. Well lets hope I get through, studying for ATPLs has got to be more interesting than engineering at uni.:ugh:

2nd Aug 2008, 14:44
"About the "vocation" factor. Well, i would have LOOVED it if they had analyzed our vocation. That would have given some of us such great advantage. I know you guys out there, spending hours in airports just for the sake of feeling at home, and watching and staring, sometimes even letting a tear fall. Also those of you who have made flight simulator the second most important thing in your life for how helpful it is when for when you study Instruments, and for when your friends prefer to play play station as well. And what about those who have the superpower of boring their families and friends, and can't even conceive why would someone not love this whole thing. Ever since we where little little little, ever since we can even remember.

Good thing is that all people who are as vocational (and freak) as I am, have a way to making this love contagious. So if they would have assessed that in the beggining, they would surely have gained a bunch of pilots who, over all, will LOVE their jobs as they make Etihad a new member of their families and daily concerns, and to whom, the 5 year bond with the company were just words they completely ignored cause we never considered leaving the company at all. Bond, Shmond! You don't leave the company which gave you an opportunity like this one..."

Aeromar 27, please don't take offense when I say this as I'm trying to be as polite as I can, and secondly it is none of my business.

It's just some of your posts including the above appear to be aimed at none of the open readers of this forum, more like whoever you think at Etihad is reading this thread.

I will be honest and will admit that I have typed out a few posts similar to yours, however I stopped and thought; hang on a minute. If any of these guys get to interview they could use this as answers to interview questions. I'm just nicely trying to say that your reasons for wanting to be a pilot and how deeply absorbed into aviation you are is something that in this kind of process should stay yours until asked by the company.

By the way it's not just you, I've read a few posts that have made me cringe and think, who are they writing this stuff to?

As you know I'm not the most active poster here so try not to take offense just consider what I'm saying :p



2nd Aug 2008, 16:38
Well, on my passport it doesn't say Aeromar27 you know... and i don't expect anyone private messaging me saying "wow, we read your post about your vocation, why didn't you say that before! get ur ass to Abu Dhabi ASAP!".

I think I'm mature enough, and have been working ON aeroplanes long enough to know that vocation and passion, are not that important on the daily operation. I've met captains who build kit aeroplanes with their kids on their days off and still get goose bumps after 30 years of service, and captains who almost hate their jobs EVEN when they hop on a brand new 77W which smells like a new car. Both of them get the job done, but one enjoys it more than the other, and when u work with him, you can tell. Im sure all of you who work as flight attendants know what im talking about here.

As i said, i was talking to the people out there who have a vocation as strong as mine (they know who they are), and that in some way feel it's unfair that some people who are giving this a try, do it just because they didn't really know what career to go for and cause they like the uniform(and they sure have the right! dont get me wrong... its life). Again, they might as well become great pilots. That was all i wanted to say.

2nd Aug 2008, 17:03
Don't get me wrong every feeling you described is exactly how I feel, except feeling accommodated for at many UK airports is a rarity and the trips cost too much :p So just soak it all up when I travel or if I'm accompanying my friend on one of his Fly be flights as an FA.

Are you a flight attendant? (Aeromar27)

By the way I take your point about people who are just applying because it seems like a cool career and they probably are qualified. If they are what Etihad wants theres not much us hardcore flying addicts can do.


2nd Aug 2008, 19:02
So we are on the same page. And you must agree that vocation makes a good employee, and also that for "protecting" their investment, it could have been taken into consideration, right?

I'm 26 years old. When i was a kid, my vocation (obsession) was very childish, but as i grew up it matured with me to the point of knowing that its not passion alone what flies the airplane from A to B. On that fact have agreed with me numerous pilots during the long conversations i had with them when i was cabin crew. All of them would notice immediately that someone who loves aviation will never consider it an effort to learn new things and to soak himself in knowledge and more knowledge. They also detected my positive "freakness" when while the rest of the crew was having their horizontal rest, i would spend the time reading the a/c manuals in the cockpit, sometimes even explaining them things about the aircraft which they had forgotten since their last refresher... hehe. (vocation booster) Good times.

Again, with no intentions to impress anyone, knowing that im not the only one who has been in the position im about to describe.

Do you know how it feels when a senior 777 or 340 Captain tells you things like:
-man, you are really going to love this job once you make it.
-get your ass off that fa uniform and start doing your pilot thing, you got what it takes!
-we could use a couple like you...
-if only the company saw the conversation we just had about why electric right HYD pump has to be turned on the first, and off the last.

You know, after a lifetime of wondering whether one will make it or not, and right before the eyes of Etihad, some thoughts come to one's head. How on earth am I going to prove this to them like i did to all those other pilots!

2nd Aug 2008, 19:59
It's just some of your posts including the above appear to be aimed at none of the open readers of this forum, more like whoever you think at Etihad is reading this thread.

Networking..So many different ways to do it!

2nd Aug 2008, 21:21
oh, and about the IVAO date... just PM me and ill fly too. But, dont expect me to do KJFK-OMAA... i will only do that flight when they pay me, hehe. I suggest OMAA-somewhere in india.

3rd Aug 2008, 09:49
I suggest OMAA-somewhere in india.

Hmm..:hmm:. OMAA- Abu dhabi international airport, UAE...

Just curious, Did anyone with previous flight experience get a call for the assessment??:O

3rd Aug 2008, 11:34
Yeah, a couple of us have PPLs and are studying for the ATPL.

For the IVAO flight i mean we should fly from OMAA to any airport in India, maybe VABB

3rd Aug 2008, 12:08
Just wanted to drop a quick line and say that I found the assessment day a great experience. Even though looking back I know I could have done alot better than I probably did on the tests. This is the closest opportunity I have had to getting on board with an airline to do what I have always wanted to do.

Good Luck to everyone who have there assessments coming up.


4th Aug 2008, 08:48
I'll see If can sort something out with a few VATSIM controllers in that region and do a mini event for us guys and any Ad-Hoc pilots.

I'm suggesting Abu Dhabi - Cairo, simply because I know the Egyptian FIR is really trying to make it's self on the global VATSIM map. Plus it isn't too far. Just purchased the 8800GT XXX, it's amazing :O

Just a quick one, where have the suggestions that they screened 6000 cv's came from?


4th Aug 2008, 09:17
I had a 8800GTX and it was good. I bought now a 9800Gx2, now THATs something else.

4th Aug 2008, 09:31
Really? without going off topic I heard that the 9 series was awfull lol

So what about these 6000 Cv's where has this come from?

By the way, Is anybody at work today like I am? Does life not seem so mundane now after getting a taste of turning your hobby into a job.

4th Aug 2008, 11:56
any news from etihad anyone?
i just cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!

4th Aug 2008, 12:00
hey everyone , just been reading the latest info, particular thanks to aeromar for clearing up some of the recruitment process.

From this information is there any point in UK residents still applying as it looks like all the europe tests this year are over. I say this as the application deadline on the website is listed as the last day of December of this year.

Did they say if they would conduct any more tests next year?

Also, of those who attended the assesment what was the general age of applicants? (i.e. were there more degree holders than non degree holders did it seem)

many thanks to you all and good luck!
http://www.pprune.org/forums/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif http://www.pprune.org/forums/images/buttons/report.gif (http://www.pprune.org/forums/report.php?p=4304519)

They said that if you got a NO thanks email that after imposign a 6 month ban on reapplying then you certainly should try again.

This may indicate a hope that the worldwide programme becomes a rolling one.

Afterall there can only be so many Emiratees that want to do it!

4th Aug 2008, 12:46
too bad for me, by the time the 6 month ban would be over for me, i would already have finished my ATPL and i would be 27.

4th Aug 2008, 21:46
Well,now you know what to do when you get the "REJECT" stamp omar.....

5th Aug 2008, 00:29
I noticed in the news items in my workspace that Etihad is going on a U.S. road show for cockpit crew to New York, Chicago, Denver, Phoenix and Miami all in the month of August. To me it seems as if they see that there is a large pool of qualified direct entry FO's and CA's that will possibly be furloughed from their regional and mainline airlines coinciding with fall schedule cutbacks in the United States and I have a nagging feeling that we (Americans, Canadians, etc.) won't be recruited for the cadet program as heavily as other regions of the world. Does anyone else agree or am I over-analyzing this?

5th Aug 2008, 08:43
You are over analyzing IMO. These people receive new aircraft on a regular basis and considering the cadet program will only feed them 30 pilots a year they need other ways to staff the airplanes. I also believe it's easier to convince an American pilot to leave his regional company and go for the big irons, easier than in Europe. They also did that in South America. When flying to my assessment from Madrid, I flew Lan Chile. I happen to know some people in the company so i stepped into the cockpit to say hi. I remember the captain told me that various middle eastern companies had gone asking almost every captain, if they wanted to join the company.

These companies offer such a great package, it's not hard for them to take pilots from other companies.

5th Aug 2008, 13:34
Check your PM please
Thank You :)

5th Aug 2008, 14:28
Thanks, speak soon.


5th Aug 2008, 19:34
Hey there,

I hold an ICAO PPL and applied for the cadet programme not long ago.
Will Etihad recruit people from Europe in the future or has the recruitment stopped for a while on this part of the continent?


5th Aug 2008, 21:37
Well, this is only speculation, but since they told us (assessed in europe) that further information would be given once US and other countries have been assessed, i dont really know how long you would have to wait for another assessment in Europe. Know that, from this spree of assessments, November's batch, and future courses next year will already be covered. So, set your priorities having in mind that you might have to wait a long time, and that if you continue training beyond your PPL then etihad would rule you out for a Cadet Program.

Good luck

5th Aug 2008, 23:07
Thanks alot

6th Aug 2008, 11:13
I have some info for your:

Next scheduled assessment days: JFK 25 August, YYZ 27 August; SYD and JNB to follow in September

6th Aug 2008, 11:21
oooo where are you getting this info

6th Aug 2008, 13:13
From one of their e-mails.

6th Aug 2008, 13:32
Oh. haha Sorry thought you had an inside source :P

6th Aug 2008, 21:51
why would they do NYC on the 25th of august when they have a pilot roadshow event in NYC from August 13-16? Is the 25th the end of the us roadshow tour? It just seems like that date is a little late (i'm not saying that you are lying or anything like that). And AvEnthusiast how did you get one of 'their' emails? DO you work for Etihad or did you just take the assessment like everyone else

6th Aug 2008, 22:15
If its the 25thim screwed.....will be in training with another airline.

BTW everyone denizD is my twin bro

7th Aug 2008, 04:07
Don't get confused, the US roadshow is for direct entry pilots, the 25th is for cadets. However from my information there has been a disappointing response from North America for cadets so they are combining the US and Canada into the 25th, so all those in Canada better start booking tickets too!

7th Aug 2008, 05:46
I wish I could have an inside connection or made through this program. Please don't insist how I got that from one of there e-mails because it's annoying, but for sure its from their e-mail as we have always aka EYZ confirming things.

7th Aug 2008, 12:22
I just got the email. And they said "Thanks, but no thanks..."
I'm so sad. Good luck all of you.

7th Aug 2008, 12:24
When did you do your assessment Aeromar? I havn't had an email yet :(

7th Aug 2008, 12:29
aww, good luck wherever you go now;)

7th Aug 2008, 12:30
i got the mail too.
same as aeromar.
Good luck all

7th Aug 2008, 12:32
I just got thanks but no thanks too.. Ah well time to move on:cool:

7th Aug 2008, 12:34
Hi everyone...I got my second mail!!

The want me to go to abu dhabi at the end of august or on october/november!!

I am so happy!!!

Anyone else got news about???

I am so sorry for the guys don't pass!..but I believe one day we will meet on the Sky!!!

7th Aug 2008, 12:35
Rythm08, that might, but just might be good news... i went to the first assessment in Frankfurt, and the email i just got was sent to a huge list of people, so.... maybe they already sent all the "no". Keep us informed.

7th Aug 2008, 12:38
So far, it looks like it's down to the age...:rolleyes:

7th Aug 2008, 12:41

I don't want to steal your thunder but the email states that you are under consideration for the second stage, which means that there is still a chance you might not go to UAE. I obviously hope you do though.. Good luck everyone!!!


7th Aug 2008, 12:48
I know...but I am happy...
Good luck to everyone!

7th Aug 2008, 12:53
I got the 'maybe' email as well. Unlucky to those that didn't get through!

7th Aug 2008, 12:57
Thanks But No thanks Same luck
oh well Life doent stop here
Need to wait another six months now

God Help US Please.

7th Aug 2008, 13:01
I have the email but aol won't open it!!!

All my other emails open though, how frustrating :(

7th Aug 2008, 13:04
haven't made it either. oh well... florida here i come :)

7th Aug 2008, 13:10
I've been invited to the second stage!!

They've asked me which is more convenient - end of August or October/November.

I have a vacation booked for the end of August so I've replied and said October/November is more convenient for me.

Hopefully it'll give me more time to prepare too.

Good luck everyone! :)

7th Aug 2008, 13:19
167 rejected emails i guess it is the age factor and solely the tests we did as i have got Meng in Aerospace and PPL Holder also as far as iremember the tests went pretty good but dont know what went wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!

7th Aug 2008, 13:23
Yeah, it all comes down to the age and the CV.

7th Aug 2008, 13:25
How are you guys just saying it's all about age and CV? Why would they waste all this money on the tests?

7th Aug 2008, 13:33
Oh no, don't get me wrong. Of course the tests were considered and it was fair, not the best way to test people, but fair after all. But are you really saying that 160ish people didn't do well on the test? My bet is, they got a certain amount of applicants who had passed the test, but they needed to cut out more people... the only criteria left is the age and the CV.

On the email says that we can reapply after 6 months, but here is my decision. In November i will have already finished my ATPL, so ill take the other road (more expensive, but also more rewarding). See you guys in the sky.

7th Aug 2008, 13:40

Have you got space in your suitcase?:}

7th Aug 2008, 13:42
also got the thanks, but not thanks e-mail

but....I NEVER attendet the assessement day in frankfurt because i couldn't make this day. answered this on the 8th of july as reply for the invitation..never got an answer!

in the invitation e-mail they say, as you know guys:

"If you can't make this day, please contact us and we will inform you about another assessement day scheduled"....

f**k it!

7th Aug 2008, 13:53
I'm surprisingly ok! I thought i would be devastated! I just realized im in this for the long run. This was not the last door i will knock on! I immediately contacted all my friends who already fly for companies and they cheered me up so much!

sirnaish, i'm really sorry about what happened to you. This proves once more that first stages in these massive selections are only a matter of luck. They need to focus on a few people to conduct proper tests so they need to get rid of a couple. I am 100% sure that among the rejected people there are truly valuable people, completely awaiting a successful carreer as pilots. Don't feel that being rejected because you couldn't make it to the assessment was something personal. If you are already in aviation, do as i did. Call the people who have already gone through this, they will be of great help.

As soon as i got my rejection email, i called my flight school and told them: Listen i need an aeroplane TODAY! They gave me the digits of somebody who had booked the cessna and i told him. U, I am flying today... whether u come with me or not! So, hey, im putting on my 2 sripes pilot uniform and heading to the airport for a little aeronautic treat.

ptt ptt

7th Aug 2008, 13:57
By the way I'm 18 in August, so at the other end of the age spectrum.

I didn't get through, but I will take my PPL have some fun and re-apply in 6 months time. Plus today on a positive note I just landed a really good job to pay for my expensive hobby :P

Everyone keep positive, doesn't mean we're not good enough to be pilots. If the owners of Etihad would have stopped at lifes obstacles five years ago, we wouldn't have an Etihad to apply to!

Everyone you will see me on VATSIM for about 15 hours tonight, will help relieve the pain of rejection :O

7th Aug 2008, 13:58

Where do you fly then?

7th Aug 2008, 14:00
Think I shall continue to prepare to do an ATPL the way I have been. Im getting abit tired of Airlines testing potential candidates on things which have nothing to do with flying an airliner.

Congratulations to everyone who has nearly made it to the next stage.

See you in the skies.

7th Aug 2008, 14:02
Deltacat13...hop in :P

7th Aug 2008, 14:14
Adam :ugh: hoping:-)

7th Aug 2008, 14:18
deltacat, i fly in Spain, im from Madrid.

7th Aug 2008, 14:20
I wrote down what I remenbered from the tests after I left the hotel and checked,and double-checked 2,3,4 times and I was 100% sure that I did very wellbut today isn't a very good for me,so only thing I have to say is to wish the best of luck to you'all(at least more luck than I ever had)and congratulate the fortunate ones who managed to go through(make us proud)take care

7th Aug 2008, 14:28
Just got the No Thanks email, am devastated. I thought the tests went really well. Would like feedback from them but cant see it happening!! If there is an age factor then applying again in 6 months isn't going to help. Congratulations for those who got through and good luck in the next stage!!

7th Aug 2008, 14:28

Yeah i got that one;)
I meant where in Spain? Any impulsion to go to Jerez?

7th Aug 2008, 15:06
Hi guys,
well I'm sorry for you who missed this one , keep on , that's far to be the only way to get to the sky !
congrats for you who got it today , I'm glad to say you I got the good email today as well, hope to be and see you in Abu Dhabi by the end of the mounth or in october/november.
let's go for a barbecue and driiiiiiinks (I know it's not a definitely Yes but it's an enought good reason for a party ! )
cheers , good afternoon to everybody


7th Aug 2008, 15:29
Hey guys. I also got the "maybe" e-mail - am over the moon without a full "yes"!! Condolences to those guys who didn't get through, especially Adam who I had a chat with at the first round. Sounds like a lot of you are half way to being pro pilots anyways. Good luck in the future!

7th Aug 2008, 15:30
Deltacat13, when i lived in Dubai, i interviewed myself with a former Flight Training Europe instructor (jerez), and funnily enough, he worked at Horizon at that time, the flightschool EY will send the cadets to. I was considering Jerez's flightschool until i realised that its actually twice as expensive than any other flightschool anywhere else. And one wonders why, after all, all u get there is a fATPL and 200 hours. For that same money i will do it all in my flightschool for about 40K less and including the MCC (and more flighttime).

7th Aug 2008, 15:37
And i suppose that's all selffunded?

7th Aug 2008, 16:37
Any US/CAN candidates get an email regarding the Aug 25th assessment? I applied back when they first opened the applications and been 'Under Review' for some time. I'd like to purchase my ticket to JFK as soon as possible if I am invited.

7th Aug 2008, 16:55
As I understand the US/Canada was also suppose to go out today, but didn't it should come out Sunday.

The results have nothing to do with anything other than the 6 tests i'm told. If you have the "maybe" mail you passed all the tests or failed one by one, age etc never came into it, you did not come for selection if you did not meet the requirements.

I understand the programme will run and run, practice a little and re-apply.:ok:

7th Aug 2008, 17:02
Yes Deltacat13, Jerez's is just a regular flightschool and you pay for it 100% out of ur pocket. The main difference is that its just too expensive and that the price includes accomodation on site. So, for a spanish guy like me, its not worth it paying that price provided i already have my house... see my point? This flightschool is intended for foreigners like you, who need a place to live while they study. It is a very good flightschool, but everyone knows that after training, the flightschool u went to is almost transparent to the companies, as the only thing they will value is jet flight time.

7th Aug 2008, 18:50
Anyone got an update for applicants who have had a blank status for awhile? I applied back in the first week of June and ever since my status changed from applied to blank I have not received an update.

7th Aug 2008, 19:59
Anybody else recieving 2 emails, 1 saying "no" and 1 saying "maybe". Totally confusing, it has knocked my confidence to how accurate Etihad have been with the whole thing to be honest......

7th Aug 2008, 20:09
Hi everyone,

Got the thanks but no thanks email as well wonder if it was my c.v or the fact I don§t have a PPl yet, as I felt the exams went ok, disappointed but get the chance to reapply in 6 months should have PPl by then.

Good luck to everyone going to Abu Dhabi.


7th Aug 2008, 20:17
i ask cos i got an email from some polish guy, no idea who it is, and it says 'No Subject' in the subject column. i am pretty sure its just junk, but seeming as most people have received emails, you never know.

The email we received had no subject, and was from someone at Etihad with a Polish sounding name..

Have you actually opened your email to see what it says? :*

7th Aug 2008, 20:27
My email was from a woman and it was emailed to other 170 ppl. My God, how many rejects does that make now:hmm:

7th Aug 2008, 22:23
Thats exactly what I said to my friend who also went on one of the assessments down in LHR. The email was very unproffessional. What happened to the days where when you went to an interview/assessment, you sat down, and got more of a grasp for the potential employee through conversation. You can judge a person alot more through 10/15mins of a proper structured interview with set questions and verbal communication with maybe a few tests, rather than sticking them infront of several tests and then just get rid of them barely being able to put a face to a name. I appreciate its a mass recruitment scheme, with thousands of potential candidates, but Etihad could have well missed out on potentially brilliant applicants through running tests which reflect nothing about the industry and the job. Now they are flying people out to Abu Dhabi and may find some applicants just cant grasp the co-ordination.

An assessment/interview is just as much the potentail employee assessing/interviewing the company, as it is the employer interviewing/assessing the potential employee.

I have been left very dissappointed with the whole thing.

I dont want to seem like a sore loser, but I am just very dissappointed with how the whole thing has been done.

7th Aug 2008, 23:43
Washly, you sort of have to understand too though that interviewing 7000 applicants for 15 mins won't tell them much about the person. The fact is you have to have the aptitude! Not only does Etihad carry out the aptitude testing, but many employers these days, the first thing they do is aptitude testing. That includes business like jobs, clerical, pilot and the list goes on and on (most airlines, and all air force candidates have to get through aptitude testing)... And, it is the most effective, and efficient way for them to select 'the cream of the crop'...

Anyways, I know it must be disappointing for those that didn't make it through, but remember that the struggle never stops. And also, remember that no one can take away the most important thing from you; which is your passion for flying! So keep flying, and building those hours!

8th Aug 2008, 07:55
Am trying to convince myself that these arent the real results, as the original emails came from 'cadet pilot' but my optimisim is begining to wain!! I was suprised how quick the results came!! Oh well congrats to the stage two'ers!!

8th Aug 2008, 09:02
sirnaish (http://www.pprune.org/forums/members/270429-sirnaish) we're in the same boat, also could not make in that day. I have send 3 mails to Etihad and not a single answer, just now came this rejection mail. I answered on that too, of course. I go to goddamn next European/UK assesment day no matter what.

8th Aug 2008, 09:19
has anyone actually made it through to the next round ? sorry to hear about all the rejections, feel for yas :sad:

8th Aug 2008, 10:12
Skhan11 : Anyways, I know it must be disappointing for those that didn't make it through...

Well you obviously made it through so you have no idea..:E

8th Aug 2008, 10:22
@MarcoFF :

not great that the same thing happend to somebody else!

that really shows how unorganised :ugh: they are in the new "Etihad Training Center" !

we have to keep fighting, shouldn't we? :ok:

8th Aug 2008, 10:37
Your right Skan11, Im just dissappointed I guess. Yeah the job I have now I was put through aptitudes tests etc, its just frustrating how industries implement these things which I still continue to question on what they have to do with anyting.

I shall continue on my PPL anyway.

8th Aug 2008, 11:11
guys..if it wasnt meant to be...it wasn't meant to be.

don't pin your hopes on just one scheme. i am not..and have other options to explore/ undertake in the near future.

good luck to all those who got through and to those who are about to sit the assessment.

8th Aug 2008, 12:14
You can judge a person alot more through 10/15mins of a proper structured interview with set questions and verbal communication with maybe a few tests, rather than sticking them infront of several tests and then just get rid of them barely being able to put a face to a name.

I think you might be missing something here. Yes, you can judge an applicant more through a structured interview, but the tests were not designed entirely to judge people. That will be done in the next stage in Abu Dhabi. I believe they were designed to eliminate the people who cannot cope under pressure.

Etihad could have well missed out on potentially brilliant applicants through running tests which reflect nothing about the industry and the job. Now they are flying people out to Abu Dhabi and may find some applicants just cant grasp the co-ordination.

Why should someone who doesn't do well in the tests necessarily be a brilliant candidate? OK, on the other hand, someone who aced the tests might turn out to be poor candidate later on, but they've certainly made a good start.

The tests were not meant to reflect anything about the industry or the job. Remember, the scheme is designed for people with no experience of flying, so they don't expect you to be able to label a jet engine, explain how wings generate lift etc. They just want to find the candidates who are good at basic maths/physics/English, cope well under pressure, and who show the potential to go on and succeed in the later training.

I have been left very dissappointed with the whole thing.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I feel the whole scheme is very well planned, and very well structured.

8th Aug 2008, 13:31
HDP I believe they were designed to eliminate the people who cannot cope under pressure.

I get your point. And to some extent it is true. But don't just bag ppl up..
I'm pretty sure a lot of ppl here that didn't make it have to deal with pressure in their every day jobs. So some of the elimination process could well be just down to luck..

8th Aug 2008, 13:59
I get your point. And to some extent it is true. But don't just bag ppl up..
I'm pretty sure a lot of ppl here that didn't make it have to deal with pressure in their every day jobs. So some of the elimination process could well be just down to luck..

I wasn't trying to insult the people who didn't get selected - it was just a general observation. As you say, it could also be down to luck, but it would certainly not be the main deciding factor.

8th Aug 2008, 15:30
hey I to have just got the thanks but no thanks e-mail.bit gutted as I thought I had done well in the tests and came out feeling confident,ohh well. just adds to experience, looks like im off to florida to start the modular training. well done to all those people who have been selected for the next stage,all the best.

Papa Burgundy
8th Aug 2008, 16:00
What kind of standard are you guys who have been (or might be) invited to the next stage are at? Do you all hold PPLs? Are you all University graduates?

8th Aug 2008, 16:51
I received the maybe and I'm an 20 year old undergrad with no flying experience. But as they said, selection for the next stage is only based on the results of these tests so flying experience and background should have no impact yet.

8th Aug 2008, 17:26
I wasn't trying to insult the people who didn't get selected - it was just a general observation. As you say, it could also be down to luck, but it would certainly not be the main deciding factor.

Of course it was down to luck. This was only about getting rid of some people. Its the only way to make it, and its understandable. If it was not a matter of luck, a lot more people would have been selected, or are you saying that 170 people didn't finish all the tests. Of course they did, and im sure it all came down to the words they used in the CV, and probably the font they chose.

It's acceptable that they conducted it this way, otherwise the selection process would have cost them more time than the actual training! imagin having to interview 6000 people. Another thought is... i fly already right? and i've had one emergency so far, landing gear not coming out. Now THAT was pressure, and im here, am i not. The last thing i would have needed to do in that particular moments is math exersices. Or is it like, OH GOD, THE LANDING GEAR IS STUCK, QUICKLY, HOW MUCH IS 2378 times 1/23!

There are better ways to assess people, they are just not viable. So as far as i know, they could have chosen any imaginable way of getting rid of people. At the end of the day, it's their game.

8th Aug 2008, 17:50
Of course it was down to luck.

Maybe partially, but I wouldn't agree entirely. It's just my opinion, and I might be wrong, so don't hate me for it.

or are you saying that 170 people didn't finish all the tests.

No, but on the other hand, are you saying that 170 people got 100% in the tests? :confused:

8th Aug 2008, 18:58
not 100%, but certainly more people than the amount that called back... its just a way of making the selection more "manageable" for them. They need to handle smaller numbers. With this process they will get good people, but im 100% sure that with this kind of initial head cutting, they have ruled out truly valuable employees. But hey, again, this was like some superstar handing out autographs... a matter of luck.

Don't get me wrong.

8th Aug 2008, 21:01
Aeromar, I think you are taking this harder than you said you were.

You're mad because you thought your love for flying and the flight experience you have was enough to almost guarantee you a job. You probably thought or still think that you are more qualified for the job than some of the applicants who are going through with no flight experience, and that sir, is a cocky attitude or what the FAA tests here in the U.S. call a 'macho attitude'. Everyone knows it is easier for someone to teach a person who is willing to learn rather than someone who thinks they have seen it all. And the fact that you and others are calling luck the determining factor serves only as discouragement to those who haven't yet taken the assessment. I have no doubts that there are people from Etihad watching this thread, and the fact that they may, or may not know your name, Omar, should serve as a warning. You may have not made it this time but you may be called back when more pilots are needed. By the way has anyone from the Facebook community made it through?

8th Aug 2008, 21:04
Aptitude tests measure how quick it takes you to realise things. The quicker you realise things, the more intelligent you are.

The only way of mesuring how you will preform under a stressful situation is through time constrained aptitude tests.

So the best people at preforming under stressful situations and acting in a well thought out intelligent manner were selected.

Stop acting like a spoilt child and grow up-your competing against everyone else and everyone was in the same situation. You were'nt as good as everyone else-it's not Etihads fault.

8th Aug 2008, 22:02
Who said it was Etihad's fault? In fact I tried to explain my understanding of why these proceses have to go like this on the first stages. They just simply can't test 6000 people, so they set criterias in the most fair way that they consider. They thought math was the way to go, and i respect them. I flew as cabin crew for a big company and i know how non-detailed the first stages of assessment were.

I have more than moved on, and I'm going to class more happily now that i got an answer. Do you know how hard it was becoming to open a book everyday, having in my head that Etihad might have been just around the corner? Unfortunately i can't go for the next Cadet Program. I would be happy to, but my plans involve turning 27... and my ATPL exam is in November, so wish me luck.

I knew you would get me wrong, i knew it. I would have loved to be selected, i had great expectations (and who didn't) and I am entitled to a little disconfort. Wether to share it in a respectful way or stay in silence is my choice.

I never said that my love for this was a guarantee for getting the acceptance. It is though a guarantee for that i will get the job whenever they assess me aeronautically when i apply with my CPL in hand, and that is something i have to convince myself with, cause otherwise i wouldn't even be doing this at all. I never said either that i was better than anyone else...

9th Aug 2008, 00:14
Dear SirJ,

and if some people during the test done was worried?

Did you know that Einstein too wasn't selected for a place in the University of Zurigo, with a selection test?

Simply I think that the exam went bad, also for me, because maybe I wasn't prepared enough or I was too worried, or other people was more lucky than me during the test.......stop.

It was a chance, I didn't get it but I continue to live with a smile on the mouth, because in the life of a person a test represent only a chance, nothing else.

But probably I'm writing to a troll, or, worse, to a candidate that received the maybe-email and now he's thinking a little like a poor moron.

Good luck for the people invited at the second stage.

9th Aug 2008, 08:29
If you actually knew what you were talking about you'd know that he never wanted to attend said institution as like many very intelligent people in history, disliked the structure and teaching methodoligies of classes and lectures etc. Its also been said that he scored exceptionally well in the analytical part of the exam, no suprise there, but he fell down in the engish part, as it was not his native language and never had time for languages in earlier school days.

So, my point was -

how do you compare everybody on a level playing field. The only answer is through an aptitude test which tests problem solving ability.
how do you see how they will preform under pressure - apply a tight time limit to the aptitude tests.As has been said, Etihad wanted to select people who could problem solve quickly and in a pressure situation like having problems during a flight and how you step through proceedures in order to locate a problem and save your life and the lives of others. I can see a direct correlation between the above points and what I've just said.

Can you now tell me how Etihad could compare such a large group of people using the above points, without the use of an aptitude test.

If you get worried answering a few general knowledge questions and a few mathematics questions in a quiet conference room in a hotel, I'd hate to see you at 35000ft and encountering a problem with an aircraft.

9th Aug 2008, 11:00
I suggest you all take a step back for a second and calm down :ok:

This is getting far too out of hand and is unacceptable behaviour for potential future first officers. Petty bickering is not going to solve anything.

9th Aug 2008, 12:07
First,or you are all very silly or just naive(no offence ha)but this is simple and obvious!BA sponsorship scheme was,ran in a similar way,matter of a fact I've flown with a senior training Capt. today and he told me that thats the way it goes,just like Aeromar said!Cathay pacific,same thing,so as emirates!is no rocket science!on my specific case,I can reaply and the only thing I can do is simply work to put my standards higher(which were)and instead of finish all the exams with 99% sure that they were ok on time,I'll try to do it in half of it,maybe wont be margin for error,maybe I get a place lets keep hope!for you all awaiting for your tests good luck,for you all waiting for the second stage,well done and good luck!

p.s-Some of you have been email me asking for what went on the exams,my answer,GET REAL!like I quote before on this forum,I'm gonna try again,the max I can do is "teach you how to cook and not give you the plater ready"understand???

9th Aug 2008, 12:13
So every pilot that hasn't done an aptitude is a bad pilot?

Nah.... I don't think so.... :rolleyes: (how much pilot are flying now, and they haven't done any apt. test? People can change during their life, remember... intelligence too.)

However I think that an aptitude test it's a good way for selections, there aren't other fast methods.

But I repeat it again: the test gone bad because people wasn't prepared enough (and in this fact I was stupid, may, yes), and I can't talk about details of the test because it wouldn't fair for the new applicants.

9th Aug 2008, 12:52
If you want to prepare yourself for the test: read the good parts out of this forum (not the ones where some guy mocks some other guy because he is a lying bastard or is stupid or whatever).
There was a guy from Dubai who did selections a while ago and posted a good summary of the tests without going to much into details, I think it is around page 30 or something :), this really helped me....
Also just do some math in your daily life: if you see the price of something in the supermarket try to calculate the price/litre and stuff, like this you train your grey cells in your brain ;)...
Anyhow, I don't think doing (like Rapha_BA says) half the tests and knowing all is correct is better then doing the complete test and thinking all is correct.... you should do the complete test and knowing all is perfectly correct....
You should (like I did) skip the questions you don't know and do them later on when you finished all the other questions, you just have to stay calm and think, it ain't that hard...
I didn't had the feeling of stress during the tests of Etihad, damn, the tests were really easy if you compare it to some of the tests you get in the selection proces of the army: one of the tests was almost the same (won't go into detail ;) ), but in the army I had only 5seconds to answer the question (now you have an average of about 10-20sec) and I had twice as much questions....
Anyhow, see you all in Abu Dhabi (if I make it :p, well I already have the 'maybe' email), if not now maybe next year...

Bradda G
9th Aug 2008, 13:34
Hi everyone!

Applied for the cadet program on July 23rd and I currently have my application status as: "under review".


Jamaican PPL
Age: 22

Does anyone have an e-mail or phone contact info. for HR? They have an assessment here in JFK on August 25th and I haven't received a time slot as yet. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

PS I'm assuming the assessment is basically an Aptitude test. Am I correct?

Bradda G

9th Aug 2008, 15:13

...gosh you glitter with confidence:cool:

9th Aug 2008, 16:30
"...(not the ones where some guy mocks some other guy because he is a lying bastard or is stupid or whatever)."

The guy are talking about is SIrJ or me?

10th Aug 2008, 03:47
Hi everyone!

Applied for the cadet program on July 23rd and I currently have my application status as: "under review".


Jamaican PPL
Age: 22

Does anyone have an e-mail or phone contact info. for HR? They have an assessment here in JFK on August 25th and I haven't received a time slot as yet. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Your gonna have to wait and find out like everyone else who has yet to take the test.....

Bradda G
10th Aug 2008, 03:59
How many of us here in the 'west' going for this gig?

10th Aug 2008, 09:59
Well, I remember some said on this thread let's go back to the road of modular. Are you going to go for it? at this tough times and furloughs and laying offs.

10th Aug 2008, 11:52
Hey guys,

Really I feel falling out over this is unneccessary (goodness I hate trying to spell that word!)

I was lucky enough to get through. My CV shows an enthusiasm for the industry and a longing for the job (20 hours AEF when I was young) but other than that is not stunning. My A Levels are mediocre but, to be fair, in the right subjects and my Higher enducatin is ongoing with the OU. Really the only way I feel I could have impressed them was with my test results.

But it isn't the first time I have done apptitude testing and it certianly wasn't the first time I attended for interview - this time lucky enough to get through last time (CTC) I had a near pass in one part so I am on hold for 6 months.

I know I test well now, but this wasn't always the case so not making it this time shouldn't be a barrier. If I had thought so I wouldn't be still trying. I Have doen a lot of practising.

Also I assume that like other organisations thier criteria were quite high, so If you didn't pass this time it doesn't mean that you wouldn't make an excellent FO.

I don't believe this was down to luck, these tests are designed to have high attrition rates so you would expect more fails than passes but lets not be disheartened.

Am happy to still be in the game for now but it is still only a maybe! There's a whole other round to go!

I hope everyone remembers there are plenty of opportunities out there including reapplying for this scheme in 6 months. I have plenty of back ups including the modular route, and they are still running, as even though this scheme is my preferred choice, it's the job I want, and I am not willing to put all of my eggs in one basket.

Good luck eveyone, hopefully see some of you in AD whether it be form this set of applicants or the next time you apply.


P.S. Rapha_BA - you LGW based? think I may have seen u on the day and know who you are.

10th Aug 2008, 13:02
Matt101: I have plenty of back ups including the modular route...

Well not everyone has other options. For me, this was the only route...:cool:

10th Aug 2008, 14:15
Okay well maybe I suggest you go and make some back up routes - apply to CTC, look out for Flybe schemes with Cabair and FTE, look for local flight schools for the modular route etc etc, I don't have a big wadge of money sat around I will be funding it myself If I have to and making friends with my bank manager!

There are opportunities out there if you want it enough.

10th Aug 2008, 14:24
There is no such thing as the only route. There are 2 easy routes, and endless other ways that do require effort.

Easy routes are, having a sack full of money to go from PPL, up to a Type Rating with a bunch of Type flight time. The other easy route are Cadet Programs.

The other routes involve studying something else (not an 8 year degree u know) so that you can access a decent salary for getting ur licenses little by little and then build up time as a flight instructor. I also thought i had no way of making this since my parents are not rich enough to maintain me, unemployed, and paying for a 100.000 euro training. Then i grew up, worked my ass off, met a person who would sponsor me, got a loan, and here i am, working my way up to the big irons.

I flew with a first officer once, and he told me that he hadn't touched and air plane until he was like 30. He always wanted to become a pilot, and one day he woke up realising he still had time. He had a regular job (i think school teacher), and now he flyes a 777 and is due for command.

10th Aug 2008, 19:45
Yeah guys that's when you have the money to selffund, when you don't have them, you can't do.. Don't you think i don't know about all these schemes, trust me every day looking at them and thinking 'Boy, i wish i had something to start with...' :hmm:

10th Aug 2008, 20:22
Bradda G what are your initials? Do you live on LI? Farmingdale state?

Bradda G
10th Aug 2008, 20:59
ZZ check your PM. You going to JFK on the 25th?

10th Aug 2008, 21:21
Hey Deltacat13

I think I said - I have no money - literally! lol But Modular training doesn't have to cost the earth - 3 years or so living like a hermit and working like a trooper and you could probably fund it - I'd be moving back into my parents house as well to save money! Luckily their house is a Pub so hopefully drink and food should be okay too and I have no family and I live next to an airport so okay there are some bits which will be easier for me but I'm sure it still wouldn't be impossible for you.

There is my secret plan in the open! haha don't steal it, EY have far from given me a job yet!

All I am saying is don't give up on your dream! (I almost did when Ab Initio courses died but thankfully got myself together and realised there are ways - sell your soul, or patience!) you can reapply to EY in 6 Months too!

Chin up chap!


10th Aug 2008, 21:34
I wasn't trying to "mock" anyone or anything else.

I was merely stating fact. You not getting through and being of the opinion that it was down to "luck" that people got through instead of you, is a childish and immature attitude.

If you see it from the recruiters side - they genuinely want to recruit the best people because its their necks on the line, if say for arugements sake they picked people who in the end drop out.

This attitude of "people are out to get me" and it was all "luck" getting through is no excuse. You've got to work on raising the bar for yourself so that if another opportunity comes around again you can overcome it. If you were worried going into the exam, work on that, because everyone in the room was in the same boat and your putting yourself in that sort of state will do you no justice.

ultimately, what I was trying to say is drop the attitude where you blame everyone else for not getting through. Put the effort instead into you making sure you get through the next time :ok:

11th Aug 2008, 00:57
Has anyone got an official invite for the 25th? That is living in NY or around the area?

Bradda G
11th Aug 2008, 01:44
The website now says that North America's assessment will be in the end of August. So, I guess they are combining YYZ and JFK...

11th Aug 2008, 02:38
Also, are any US based candidates considering dropping by one of the road show events just to chat with recruiters, etc? There's one coming to my city but considering the timing of the road show and our expected assesment day near the end of the month, I have a feeling that the people in charge of the cadet programme are not the same group traveling on this road show.

11th Aug 2008, 03:04
I dont think anybidy got emails for north america! And where does it say in specific the Cadet Pilot assesment is on the 25th at JFK??


11th Aug 2008, 05:53
It is evident that most of you "new" guys to this thread haven't read any of the posts ahead of your own.

Here is what those of us who were here from the beginning already know...

1)There is a source from Etihad that posts information regarding the test dates and locations.

2)Europe already had their assessments on the 28th (Frankfurt) 29th+30th(London)

3)North America will be tested next (both US and Canada)

SO far all the dates that have been posted in this thread were in fact actual testing dates.

I feel better knowing that none of you "new" guys have read the previous posts in the thread because alot of information regarding the test was disclosed and I think I as well as others in the US and canada who have been on this thread since march 2008 have an advantage.

11th Aug 2008, 08:23
Adding to DenizD,

4) Etihad almost never contacted anybody in Asia / Middle East even in Abu Dhabi...only very very few ppl holders (most of them non GCAA issued) as far as I have seen in the posts from Mid May & don't know if they called them back.

5) The cadet Pilot program will start sometime LATE this year (not as planned).

Does anybody know when would Etihad start assessing UAE expats?, I had to postpone, cancel & shorten most of my summer vacation activities...believing that they might contact us first (expats)...I don't blame them, they are working hard enough in the summer (large amounts of flights daily from AUH).

Congrats for those who made it through the first stage in Europe, So Sorry for those who couldn't make it through & Best of Luck to those in North America, SYD & JNB.

Can anybody take a look on this flight Academy's training program & give me his opinion about joining it...

Airline Pilot Training Institute, Commercial Pilot Training Dubai (http://www.daeflightacademy.com/)

11th Aug 2008, 17:42
Ok, its sort out the facts time again!!

The Etihad Cadet programme starts next week for expats, its been running for sometime for UAE nationals. The November date for expats has not moved.

Those who have applied from North or South America and all area's around this should have had an e-mail this week asking them to confirm their interest, if you didn't get one, I would e-mail [email protected] quickly!

As I understand the selection is still at the end of the month, as for the UAE and the middle east, from my contacts that is going to happen Oct/Nov time it seems.:ugh:

11th Aug 2008, 19:02
EYZ,do you think we could be reassigned to a different assesment in a diffetent country if we could not make a selection date¿

11th Aug 2008, 19:26
Hey EYZ my twin brother ZaaZoo received an invitation for the 25th assessments in New York but I did not get one. I sent an email to [email protected]. But I am wondering, could it be that I did not receive an invitation because we are brothers and our information is identical?

11th Aug 2008, 21:19
Thank you EYZ...I can now leave to BAH to write my JAR 66 exams by the end of August + get extra line maintenance training in DXB in Sept.

Bradda G
11th Aug 2008, 21:51
"...I feel better knowing that none of you "new" guys have read the previous posts in the thread because alot of information regarding the test was disclosed and I think I as well as others in the US and canada who have been on this thread since march 2008 have an advantage."

Qoute from DenizD

Not anymore :) Ummm...just for reference: I read ALL posts on this topic prior to your comments.

Cheers mate!:ok:

11th Aug 2008, 23:36
Hey everyone. I have been reading through nearly all the 50-page forum here.

I am from Europe, and still did not apply for this scheme yet. However I read that the assesment for Europeans took place already. Does this mean, if I apply now, it's useless? Even though the expiry date is 31/12/08?


12th Aug 2008, 01:53
Not anymore :) Ummm...just for reference: I read ALL posts on this topic prior to your comments.

:=Then you would have already known that the US and Canada were already being tested together, right?

12th Aug 2008, 09:06
I got the email... But it says if you have a CPL then you are not eligible?


12th Aug 2008, 10:28
I think bad things will happen to you if you lie to Etihad.....and by the way if you do have a comm and live in cali, your better of than most of us here. You can still get a decent job out in cali flying , whether it's mail or monitoring traffic.

12th Aug 2008, 10:51
Yeah, I will apply anyway... back to that application!

12th Aug 2008, 11:14
Really since when did they stop accepting cpl holders..I wonder.Theres a great airline based out west,its called goJets i know they will def take a look at you...definitely.Anywho, how much is it gonna cost you guys to come to jfk¿i know the last minute hotels will be a killer.

12th Aug 2008, 11:20
Do you guys really think a CPL is something you can hide? As soon as they begin with ur paperwork they will find ur CPL. First, the UAE is ICAO, and second, Horizon flight academy is on it's way to become JAR approved. From the moment they start associating ur passport with ur license number they will see that you already have one.. and they might not like it.

12th Aug 2008, 11:40
Zaazoo, I just booked my ticket and hotel right now... 2 days, over $700! :bored: (And that is not even at a good hotel) Damn NY is expensive! Anyways, I will be there the day before, see you guys! Oh, and who ever is a up for a brief chill the day before, let me know. We'll link up. Take it easy gentlemen.

12th Aug 2008, 13:38
Deja vu...I remember the other guys planning on meeting up before their tests. At least if we all fail we will can talk about skhan's 700 dollar hamburger.Hopefully i'll get more than 2 weeks to study as i'll be in training to begin a hopefully short career as a male flight attendant.:ugh:The things I do for aviation:{haha

It's gonna be really..........Not straight
YouTube - Travelocity Attendant Ad (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMwgaT9ISGo)
"No,i'm not a pilot but I did stay in a holiday in last night!"

12th Aug 2008, 21:59
Hey ZaaZoo, that 700 dollar hamburger is suppose to be real good! Hopefully it turns out good for me. And, it's just like you said yourself bud, "the things I do for aviation!" :O

Hopefully it'll be all worthwhile in the end!


13th Aug 2008, 09:59
I have a JAR-PPL 122 hours TT. ATPL exams completed.

they rejected me :ugh:

should i try again or i can't????? :sad:

13th Aug 2008, 11:58
Has anyone received any details for the second phase?

13th Aug 2008, 12:50
no, i replied to the "maybe" email and still waiting to hear a response. I would say they will be responding soon, especially if they end of August date is to be finalised.

13th Aug 2008, 13:25
I have a JAR-PPL 122 hours TT. ATPL exams completed.

they rejected me :ugh:

should i try again or i can't????? :sad:(Sudan19)

Wait a second, you took the assessment and didn't make it through? How do you know the reason you weren't selected was because you failed the test?

Has anyone received any details for the second phase?(adriaairways)

I noticed that this is your first post on the forums, did you make it past the first stage yet? (The assessments) Or are you just curious to find out what is going to happen next? If you visit Etihad or if you just type 'etihad cadet pilot' into google there are over 76.325 billion websites that provide Etihad's outline of the hiring process. From what I have read here on the forums, if you made it past the assessments you were given a date to go to Abu Dhabi (This is the part where we throw in your second phase inquiry) and from the on...........................................

I would say they will be responding soon, especially if they end of August date is to be finalised.I would also say they are going to be respnding soon......logically to those who have already have passed the assessment phase and those who will be in the coming days. I am guessing the tests,since we are in the year 2008, are administered on a computer. So Etihad, being able to get the test results in a matter of seconds should have absolutely no problem contacting the correct people when the time is right. They are a very capable crew, Etihad.

13th Aug 2008, 13:33

Yes I made it past the first stage in Frankfurt and I assume they should reply with the details soon if the second phase will really be at the end of the month.

13th Aug 2008, 14:04
guys I got a problem :
I went to frankfurt and received the "maybe" email last week I answeared immediately to go as soon as possible to abu dhabi. today I received another one stating I declined the invitation and I wouldn't be invited anymore. that's a very big problem I'm beeing throwed out of the program.
do somedody else got this problem?

see you guys bye bye


13th Aug 2008, 14:14
I have the same problem too. I don't know what does this mean now. I have never declined the invitation and I have been in Frankfurt like you said.

13th Aug 2008, 15:20
Wow, what's going on? What did the email say exactly? Were you supposed to reply?

13th Aug 2008, 16:24
I'd get an email off to them or really even better a phone call asap to clarify the situation - Are you sure it's not part of the ranking as the first email was only a maybe rather than a definite yes????

I hope it's just a mistake!

13th Aug 2008, 16:27
To my surprise I received the same mail.
I'm just confused because I replied asap that I could attend the next stage at the end of August as well as in OCT/NOV. Besides, I've never received an e-mail informing me that I would be thrown out of the programme, as they've mentioned in the 1st sentence of the e-mail.

13th Aug 2008, 16:52
Is the sender of this most recent email the the same as the one who sent you the maybe email?

13th Aug 2008, 18:00
I also got that email, it was a mistake, 10min afterwards I received this one: "Cadet Pilot would like to recall the message, "Information Letter"."

It was a mistake, some1 from etihad who helps me with something confirms this :)

13th Aug 2008, 19:11
I received an invite for NY on the 11th, replied same day saying I would be there and I replied again today just to be safe, but I haven't heard anything back yet?

Anybody have the same issue?

13th Aug 2008, 19:14
They don't send confirmation of receipt of your email. For Europe, they sent out the 1st email with the date, then another one later on with time and where to go etc.... so wouldn't worry

13th Aug 2008, 19:50
Anyone with the 'maybe' email received further details yet? Apart from that accidental one saying you'd been rejected!

13th Aug 2008, 20:28
hey people glad to hear to all hose who made it through , does anyone know what happens after the second assesement phase ?

13th Aug 2008, 20:28
I received an invite for NY on the 11th

Wait a minute, theres another testing day now? I'm assuming you mean september 11th?

13th Aug 2008, 22:00
I received it on the 11th of August, for the 25th seesion.

13th Aug 2008, 22:46
Ohhhh, I thought you were saying you invited for a test date of the 11th of a coming month.

14th Aug 2008, 09:56
Hey pilot...I guess this thread is slowly dying. I liked it when the Europeans were still waiting to take their assessments, it was much more livelier then lol. But basically all we 25th of August invites are doing is sitting and waiting for more details.

Separate note:

Why is nobody posting?!?, if you decided to post in this thread you unknowingly took an oath to post everyday or close to it! Man, I miss the Europeans!



14th Aug 2008, 10:05
you are funny denizd !
as a good european let's write today ! I received the email as well stating it was a mistake ... that's not good for the heart I thought.
good luck for your assessment in jfk , good day to everybody !


14th Aug 2008, 11:15
Why is nobody posting?!?, if you decided to post in this thread you unknowingly took an oath to post everyday or close to it! Man, I miss the Europeans!

If they're anything like me they're checking their emails too often to see if they have been given a firm yes and a date for the second phase.

If the EY informant has any idea when we will hear if we are lucky enough to have been selected for August phase 2, my heart would appreciate it! Do we have to wait until after the New York Assessment? just this seems like rather short notice - not that I mind but you know - I'm severely nervous right now!

14th Aug 2008, 12:09
Probably a dumb question but would you think booking airline tickets and hotel before they reply is fine? I am assuming yes because I have already been "invited" What do you think?

I think booking the hotel/flights is definately a good idea....

If the EY informant has any idea when we will hear if we are lucky enough to have been selected for August phase 2, my heart would appreciate it! Do we have to wait until after the New York Assessment? just this seems like rather short notice - not that I mind but you know - I'm severely nervous right now!

I think they will wait for the NY assessments to see who makes it through and then combine the 'select few'.

I wouldn't worry though Matt you already made it past the first stage, all you basically have to master now is an interview.

14th Aug 2008, 12:56
No, I think you got it a bit wrong, it doesn't work quite like that. From what I gather, the Euro guys (and gals), who made it past the 1st day are being invited to Abu Dhabi for phase 2 for the Nov 08 start, I think maybe as early as the end of this month. The JFK and other assessments that will follow (I think SYD, and JNB) will be for cadets starting in 2009. So in a sense, our European friends will get first crack/shot at being the 12 international cadets!
I THINK that's how it is going to go down!

There, that is my post for today Deniz...:)


14th Aug 2008, 13:14

14th Aug 2008, 16:41
Firstly - loving the Frog


I think the 12 places Myth is dispelled (the interviewers mentioned one course that needed filling in NOV (already some UAE people on it) and four more next year so far- also teh Cabin Crew recruitment has said 50 vacancies since the airline started) - we were told that after the intial thanks you've passed email there would be a wait for further info about the next stage as they wanted all the results first - but the August phase 2 seems like maybe it will only be for the EU guys with the rest of the world (and more EU perhaps) attending the Oct/Nov Phase 2.

But I am totally just guessing so ignore me entirely really.....

I guess the biggest reason it's gone quiet on here is that someone said about 170 odd people are already out of the running so I guess they will not be posting much anymore.

I know I shoudl just be more patient but you know it's a career dream and all.....

Good luck to those guys in USA - but please try not to do too well! Just the same as me haha!

14th Aug 2008, 18:37
O rly Dooniz is it funny pictures time?

Anywho,Still no word on when or where i can take the test if i cant make the original.

14th Aug 2008, 21:17
hey everyone, I am from Pakistan and I applied for this aswell, but I haven't heard anything from them yet. Has anyone got any idea when they would be coming to asia for assessments? I tried to email them at
[email protected]
but immediately after sending, i get a delivery failure notice :(

15th Aug 2008, 00:36

15th Aug 2008, 13:09

can someone please answer my question.....i went to the assessment on 29th jul at LHR, still have not heard anythin back whilst everyone else has, however wen i go on to Etihad's career website my application still states under review....now if i was rejected would the application not state that too? what did yours say if they said no to you?

pls help!!

thanks guys

15th Aug 2008, 14:06
Hello once again

Have posted a similar question a few days back but got pretty much unnoticed. Does anyone know if there will be any assesments for us europeans if we applied now, or if we have to travel to the other assesments, or if there will be other tests next year?

Any info is greatly appreciated, and sorry for posting the same question!

Good luck to all

15th Aug 2008, 14:52
Hi people...

@ Suleman, we...sorry I really don't know...but being in Abu Dhabi, Oct/Nov would most probably be for Abu Dhabi & other places around it (for you a 3 hour flight)...as I understood from EYZ...
Just go through the posts in the back & get any possible info.

@ PPL152, again..I & most of us don't know, but definitly there will be another assessment tests for EU applicants this and/or next year...

@ link_142, I don't know if you can contact [email protected]

Deniz D... I'll try to post as much as I can...the problem is that I am not the Funny type :ugh: C U all in AD

Bradda G
15th Aug 2008, 15:22
Posting to do my daily contribution as 'directed' by DenizD.:ok: Still waiting for details on time tho...:hmm:

Cheers all!
Bradda G

15th Aug 2008, 15:32
Hi everyone,

Hope the test preps are going well.

Who has made travel arrangements to head to NYC?

I still have not and, I need more detail, namely the time (9am, 1pm, assuming it follows the EU selection process).

Does anyone know what hotel the assessments may be in? (what hotel Etihad uses).

Have people just booked to go down on the Sunday (24th) and just stay close to JFK on Sunday, fly out late Monday?

Any information will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


15th Aug 2008, 16:13
Geez should I book this damn trip to NYC or not? Its $700 and i have a feeling etihad is going to flop on us last minute.

God dammit the test is in less than 10 days.:ugh:

Bradda G
15th Aug 2008, 17:33
I believe Etihad uses the Doubletree Hotel in Jamaica, NY. About 1/2 mile from JFK???

Don't 'qoute' me on this tho...:ugh:

15th Aug 2008, 17:37
I'll be driving to NY on 8/24 and after visiting JFK and LGA to take pictures, I'll be headed back on the 25th.

I'm still waiting like everyone else for a time.

15th Aug 2008, 17:41
Hey guys it was quite last minute over here too - but then these guys are traveling around the world doing this assessment and they are all pilots/cabin crew (at least the ones in the UK were) aswell so I guess it's just a case of sit, wait and see, they'll respond when they can.

If you have been given a date and city - why not aim to get there the evening before anyway so you can be relaxed and rested.

Though I personally couldn't afford to stay in NYC anywhere nice............:eek:

15th Aug 2008, 17:50
To the european guys, did etihad use the same hotel for the assessment that thier pilots/CC stay at?

mohamed farah
15th Aug 2008, 18:03
What are the test preps... I dont know what to expect, can someone please tell me what to study and how to prepare for this exam I dont have a clue to whats going to be on it or how to prepare for it.

15th Aug 2008, 18:08
I know little about this scheme and wonder as to when selection could be and how it would be arranged should my application be accepted...

When is the UK/EU due another assessment. Does it come at a cost?

Good luck to the North American bunch - enjoy it.

Bradda G
15th Aug 2008, 18:13
Luckily I'm local to JFK!:)

(18min commute):ok:

15th Aug 2008, 18:21
bradda youre a lucky bradda for being so close:cool: