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18th Jul 2016, 08:19
Hello everyone, I'm doing my stage 2 soon and am hoping someone can answer a few questions for me. Firstly how much of the airplane detail do we have to remember and secondly what can i do to revise for feast and dart.
I'd also be interested to know this. Also, for anyone who has done stage 2 recently and made it through all the tests, how long did it take? I know the email said done by 17:00, but earlier in this thread I think people were saying it could be a lot quicker than that.

18th Jul 2016, 12:29
Hi Saisay and 0880,

Stage 2 has three parts, every one is knockout.
1.- Test about the document you got by email ( about 20 minutes plus time to check it) If you pass then
2-.- FEAST ( about 2 hours, 2'30 hours)
If you pass, you have a little break, maybe a snack, if you don't pass... go out, time more less 12:30, 13:00....
3.- DART ( about 1 hour, maybe 1'30) Every one has to finish the test, so you will have to wait there, so .... between 16:00 -17:00

They will send you an email telling if you have pass or not.

Good luck!!!

18th Jul 2016, 14:23
Hi could you check PM's please?

18th Jul 2016, 15:28
did it!! :ok:

20th Jul 2016, 20:34
Good luck to anyone on stage 2 Friday

22nd Jul 2016, 13:45
Hi all,

Found this thread today and I have a question. Stage 3 seems to be described by everyone as just a competency interview, but I'm attending in August and my email says the day will consist of a Competency based and Technical Interview; a Personality Profiling Interview and a EuroControl Computer-Based Assessment. Where did these two extra activities come from?!

Can any recent Stage 3ers shed any light on this?


22nd Jul 2016, 17:22
Is anybody going to the Stage 3 this Wednesday? (27th July)

Just cramming up on the airline details now (surely we don't need to know specific seat numbers for obscure Embraers etc, do we? Anyone who's done stage 3 already care to comment??) and going over all the terminal control area names etc as well as the various technologies.

Getting nervous and hoping I've done/will do enough prep!

23rd Jul 2016, 12:54
Makehimfly - I think they mean the personality based questionnaire at the end of stage 2 forms the basis of your personal interview - i.e. they taylor it to the responses you gave.

25th Jul 2016, 12:22
Shaft - ...and the "EuroControl Computer-Based Assessment"?

I thought I'd finished all of that with FEAST and DART at stage 2!

25th Jul 2016, 14:12
Tomorrow is my stage 3! Managed to get that booklet inside my head in time! Anyone booked for tomorrow?

25th Jul 2016, 21:10
Hey guys, I've been invited to a stage 2 day but can't decide if it's worth going because it's right at the bottom of the country and will cost >£200 to get there and back (and if I pass, that amount again for stage 3, and again for the medical bit). It's a shame they don't reimburse expenses because it limits a lot of potential candidates.

Would you say in your experience that people have decent odds of being offered a place? Especially a student without much work experience. Imagine it's a great job but can't decide if it's worth that much with a chance of failing, plus I suck at big interviews XD

26th Jul 2016, 10:24
HotshotJacko, the odds are not decent at all. When I did my stage 2, only 1/3 made it to the end of the day. I haven't done stage 3 yet, but based on the infographic on the NATs website I imagine an even smaller fraction will make it through that.

That said, if it's something you want to do you might regret not at least trying. You could always wait a few years until you are no longer a student and have a job, that way the money won't be as big of an issue.

26th Jul 2016, 15:09
Check PM's

26th Jul 2016, 15:10
Well that's me out at DART - might have another crack in 2 years as I think I know what I did wrong and bloody kicking myself now.

26th Jul 2016, 16:47
Hi saisay,

Congrats on passing stage 2! - I have my stage 2 next week and I am just wondering if you prepared in any way for feast/dart?
Just I'm in the dark at the moment at what to do as a lot of previous people said not to prepare for the tests, but then it's a horrible feeling feeling unprepared haha
Hi Chloe. The only preparation I did was learning the material they send you. For FEAST/DART, everything is well explained before starting the tests. I don't think there is much you really can do to prepare, especially for the DART. Good luck with your stage 2.

27th Jul 2016, 15:41
Now waiting at the airports for my return flight to Portugal. Looks like my stage 3 yesterday went OK and was enough to earn me a ticket as an Air Traffic Controller Trainee!!! I'm so happy that this Ryanair flight os going to feel like an Emirates flight!!!!!!!!!

27th Jul 2016, 15:52
Yuju Congratulation MNAsantos!!!!

28th Jul 2016, 04:45
Ahh enough lurking.

Somehow managed to fail Stage 1 on the diagramatic and spatial tests.

This was really quite a kick in the teeth as i'd always considered spatial awareness among my strongest abilities and part of the reason for applying.

Apparently not.

28th Jul 2016, 13:16
Those who passed Stage 3 and WON'T be on august's course can contact me, as I'm interested in sharing a house!

31st Jul 2016, 07:00
Congratulations MNA!

I'll hopefully join you! Got my stage 3 in a few weeks.

Did you have two different interviews and another computer test, like my email invite says?

31st Jul 2016, 22:44
Hi I've gotten through to Stage 2 of the application process and I am in the process of learning the booklet for ATC knowledge test but could someone who has just passed this stage beable to enlighten me as to what the FEAST and DART test entail and how can I revise for them?

Thanks guys 😁

1st Aug 2016, 11:41
Congrats MNAsantos! I knew on the day that you'd get through. Young guy clearly switched on logically. Nice one!

2nd Aug 2016, 10:15
Hi there guys
Just want to say first thank you to everybody on here, have found the information very useful, and congrats to all who have made it through.
I have my stage 2 tests upcoming, and am in the process of studying the provided booklet to best prepare myself. I have a couple of questions if anybody would be able to answer them, the first being how many people (if any) fail at the first testing stage? (which I understand to be based on the information we have been given to study) and if so is there any areas of the document that warrant particular attention?
And the second is simply whether there is anything I can do to better prepare myself for the FEAST and DART tests - I am aware it more of a 'you have it or you don't' scenario but if there is anything somebody could PM me it would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards

2nd Aug 2016, 13:39
Hi there guys
Just want to say first thank you to everybody on here, have found the information very useful, and congrats to all who have made it through.
I have my stage 2 tests upcoming, and am in the process of studying the provided booklet to best prepare myself. I have a couple of questions if anybody would be able to answer them, the first being how many people (if any) fail at the first testing stage? (which I understand to be based on the information we have been given to study) and if so is there any areas of the document that warrant particular attention?
And the second is simply whether there is anything I can do to better prepare myself for the FEAST and DART tests - I am aware it more of a 'you have it or you don't' scenario but if there is anything somebody could PM me it would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards

Hey J if you find out anymore info could you give me an insight also?


2nd Aug 2016, 18:44
For stage 2 you don't need much preparation. Make sure to study that booklet and play some tetris just to wake up some parts of your brain.
Answering to that question regarding the failure of applicants in previous stages, yes there are people failing, but that will only remind you of how lucky you are reaching stage 2 and that you need to invest time in this, if this is what you want to do!

2nd Aug 2016, 18:50
Absolutely, just savaging away at my desk atm. What date are you down for? I've the 16th.

I haven't booked a date yet too scared cause I don't know how long the preparation is going to take 😓..

How long from receiving the booklet did u book ur assessment date?


2nd Aug 2016, 18:54
For stage 2 you don't need much preparation. Make sure to study that booklet and play some tetris just to wake up some parts of your brain.
Answering to that question regarding the failure of applicants in previous stages, yes there are people failing, but that will only remind you of how lucky you are reaching stage 2 and that you need to invest time in this, if this is what you want to do!

What sort of questions were there on the ATC test and what was FEAST like? Any pointers at all would be fab!

And congrats on passing stage 2 😁


3rd Aug 2016, 12:29
What sort of questions were there on the ATC test and what was FEAST like? Any pointers at all would be fab!

And congrats on passing stage 2 ��

Giving out any details would kind of defeat the point of the tests. Other than learning the information they send, you are supposed to go in blind. The tests are well explained before starting so you shouldn't have problems understanding what to do.

3rd Aug 2016, 13:48
Well they only give the dates around a month or so in advance so you would assume that is sufficient for learning the material. I understand it is more a test of your commitment to actually learning provided information, although I could be wrong.

3rd Aug 2016, 14:56
Giving out any details would kind of defeat the point of the tests. Other than learning the information they send, you are supposed to go in blind. The tests are well explained before starting so you shouldn't have problems understanding what to do.

Yea I suppose that's true I'm just feeling the pressure and don't know how long I should give myself before booking the test. Any pointers on how much detail is needed on learning the different planes? That section seems slightly in depth.

3rd Aug 2016, 16:49
The time frame given if you booked now (i.e. three-four weeks probably) should be more than enough time. Learning the details of a couple of aircraft a day is definitely manageable.

3rd Aug 2016, 18:59
I haven't booked a date yet too scared cause I don't know how long the preparation is going to take 😓..

How long from receiving the booklet did u book ur assessment date?

Hi NicFrances90,

can you send me a PM?


Crazy Voyager
3rd Aug 2016, 19:18
My, possibly percieved by some to be harsh, opinion.
If you need more than a week or two to learn a booklet of, what is it, 10 pages? Then you will not pass the courses.

You will, in particular for the first few weeks, be bombarded with information. I believe the pace is 7 lessons per day (average might be slightly less but expect at least 5 a day for an average of 6). You will be tested on it and although formally you don't have to, most people learn large chunks of manual verbatim.

ATC luckily is not that theory intensive compared to many other things (I used to study engineering and that was a lot worse in my opinion). However there are phases (beginning of a rating course and beginning of validation training) when you will have to absorb a large chunk of material in a very short space of time and apply it in practice. If you need weeks to learn a booklet, you're not going to like learning large chunks of an ATC manual verbatim. In particular not while juggling other subjets as well.

Might seem harsh but that's my take.

Two weeks is by far sufficent to learn the booklet, in all likelyhood one week would do but I realise people want to prepare meticulously so give it two weeks for a bit of margin.

The Many Tentacles
3rd Aug 2016, 20:21
The booklet in question is about 30 odd pages now, it was smaller when I went through the application process although that was 14 years ago now. That said, it's very easy to learn it, if you really want to.

Crazy Voyager has it right with the rest of it though, you will get absolutely bombarded with things to learn in the first few weeks and if you're concerned about your ability to learn a few basic facts from the booklet then you will struggle.

4th Aug 2016, 01:52
Well, I get frequently get asked about FEAST, DART, ATC Knowledge, MULTI-PASS and Interviews, so once again I will give some tips.
For FEAST, DART and MULTI-PASS you don't need preparation, just play some games like tetris and it will me more than enough (the tests are hard, but remember to remain calm even if you think you are gonna fail.
For the interviews all I can say is that you should have that normal interview preparation. Think about what they can ask you and why are you applying for the position.
Finally, for the ATC Knowledge test you only need a week to learn the booklet. The test is fairly simple for those who study a fair amount of the booklet.

I know I live in Portugal, but I believe that some worry too much about studying the booklet that they forget about essential stuff, for example, how to arrive on time.
Public transportation can have delays, so never catch the last minute train! In my case, I stayed at an hotel near to Southampton Central Station and at 6 in the morning I got the train to Swanwick (I may sound like an old man that likes to arrive one hour before the test, but in the end I get to do the test and those who laugh and manage to be late will not be doing the test, harsh but pure truth).

I hope I helped those in need and hope to have someone joining me as an Air Traffic Controller Trainee :D

4th Aug 2016, 20:08
Thanks for all the info guys hopefully I make it! 😁


4th Aug 2016, 20:10
Well they only give the dates around a month or so in advance so you would assume that is sufficient for learning the material. I understand it is more a test of your commitment to actually learning provided information, although I could be wrong.

They gave me dates which were a week later from sending the booklet but I've waited for other dates as I thought that was too soon. Good luck btw 😁


4th Aug 2016, 20:12
Hi NicFrances90,

can you send me a PM?


Hi I'm not 100% on how to send PMs on this.. You can email me on [email protected] if that's any easier.


4th Aug 2016, 20:16
Well, I get frequently get asked about FEAST, DART, ATC Knowledge, MULTI-PASS and Interviews, so once again I will give some tips.
For FEAST, DART and MULTI-PASS you don't need preparation, just play some games like tetris and it will me more than enough (the tests are hard, but remember to remain calm even if you think you are gonna fail.
For the interviews all I can say is that you should have that normal interview preparation. Think about what they can ask you and why are you applying for the position.
Finally, for the ATC Knowledge test you only need a week to learn the booklet. The test is fairly simple for those who study a fair amount of the booklet.

I know I live in Portugal, but I believe that some worry too much about studying the booklet that they forget about essential stuff, for example, how to arrive on time.
Public transportation can have delays, so never catch the last minute train! In my case, I stayed at an hotel near to Southampton Central Station and at 6 in the morning I got the train to Swanwick (I may sound like an old man that likes to arrive one hour before the test, but in the end I get to do the test and those who laugh and manage to be late will not be doing the test, harsh but pure truth).

I hope I helped those in need and hope to have someone joining me as an Air Traffic Controller Trainee :D

Thanks so do I.. I have been wanting to do this job for forever!!


5th Aug 2016, 16:16
The only prep other than learn that booklet I could give is play the NATS games esp the Runway and Gateway ones.

Paying for anything is a total waste of time.

19th Aug 2016, 20:23
Got my stage 3 coming up soon, can anyone who's been recently tell me how long it took and how much waiting around there was? I know the email said it should finish by 16:00, but they said the same for stage 2 and that ended up being significantly quicker.

27th Aug 2016, 15:21
Hi everyone!

I turned 18 today and am about to apply. I have been waiting for this ever since discovering the world of ATC a few years ago. Its been a pretty hard choice but I have decided to withdraw my university application in order to take a year out and try to gain a place as a trainee air traffic controller. I am aware that the chances are slim but it would be so great if i make it. Does anyone know of any 18/19 years olds that have made it? Looking for a quick morale boost XD.
@j0sh Yes 18/19 year olds do get on the course so don't let that put you off but make sure you have some experience of visiting a tower or control centre by the time it gets to stage 3 to back up your application. Most students are between 18-40 so quite a variety.
However to be honest I would say you don't need to take a year out for this. Firstly the application process can be a long one but you only need to take a day out for stage 2 and a day out for stage 3. And secondly because a lot of the people who get onto the course with NATS are actually successful in their second or third attempt, and you have to wait 2 years in between application attempts.
So by all means submit an application now (NATS are recruiting at the moment) but don't put your life on hold for this. Go to university if it is a course you are interested in, organise a tower visit if you can, gain some life experience, and just keep plugging away with the NATS applications alongside this. Hopefully you'll make it first attempt, but most people on the course had a couple of attempts before being successful! Good luck!

28th Aug 2016, 14:26
Hi Guys,

I passed my stage 3 on the 4th of August and have been booked in for a medical on the 3rd of October and have been told (all things going well) that I will be starting in Feb.
Has anyone else heard anything from these dates or is expecting to start feb?:ok:

30th Aug 2016, 22:35
Hi Guys,

I passed my stage 3 on the 4th of August and have been booked in for a medical on the 3rd of October and have been told (all things going well) that I will be starting in Feb.
Has anyone else heard anything from these dates or is expecting to start feb?:ok:
Hey, I passed my stage 3 last week, also told I'd probably start in February. Haven't booked my medical or done any of the paper work yet though.

31st Aug 2016, 06:30
Hi Tim, I was told that I will be starting in Feb as well! Congratzzzzz!!!!!!!!

By the way, do you, by any chance.... Want to share a house during the course?

1st Sep 2016, 22:07
Thanks to all on here your comments have been really helpful! I have my Stage 2 Assessment on the 6th September so if anyone has any other tips they will be much appreciated :)

2nd Sep 2016, 18:10
Hi Tim, I was told that I will be starting in Feb as well! Congratzzzzz!!!!!!!!

By the way, do you, by any chance.... Want to share a house during the course?
MNAsantos... Yes I do, what on earth made you think that! ;) I don't know how to private message on here so if you figure it out let me know! Also if Sinope reads this, he can do the same!

3rd Sep 2016, 15:36
Hi all, thought I'd check in as I've just passed the stage 1 assessment and received an email to say I've been invited to stage 2 (although there isn't any dates yet).

Does anyone have any insider info as to when new dates might become available?


5th Sep 2016, 23:56
Stage 3, you'll be there until 16.00 ish or those we've interviewed in the past have been. Learn your info packs and research what you can off the internet, youtube, phonetic alphabet etc. Show some initiative........ good luck!!

6th Sep 2016, 19:43
MNAsantos... Yes I do, what on earth made you think that! ;) I don't know how to private message on here so if you figure it out let me know! Also if Sinope reads this, he can do the same!
You can send me an email and we can start looking for a place.

10th Sep 2016, 00:36
Hi, I've been a long time lurker on these forums (over 5 years) but now that I am finally graduated from University I decided to bite the bullet and apply for NATS.

I just completed by Stage 0, it's 1:30AM atm, but I am wondering how long it takes them to get back to say whether I can do Stage 1 or not. I thought it was automated and instant. Can anyone shed any light?

Edit: Nevermind, I got a e-mail at 6:01AM confirming I passed stage 0 and a invite to stage 1 tests in case anyone else is wondering. I guess the system automatically marks the tests at specific times (like a cron job).

11th Sep 2016, 11:11
Took the stage 0 test yesterday and got the email to say I had passed. Deciding when best to take stage 1. Does anyone have any tips for completing stage 1?

12th Sep 2016, 13:15
Hi everybody

I am doing my stage 2 assessment on the 30th September. Really looking forward to it! :) Let me know if anyone else is booked onto the same date

12th Sep 2016, 19:51
Hi storey23
Can you send me an email or PM?

12th Sep 2016, 20:57
Hi everybody

I am doing my stage 2 assessment on the 30th September. Really looking forward to it! :) Let me know if anyone else is booked onto the same date

Hi, I think I'm going to book onto the same date. Really apprehensive, just hope I can memorise the info on time.

13th Sep 2016, 12:38
Hi, I think I'm going to book onto the same date. Really apprehensive, just hope I can memorise the info on time.
Go for it. Once you've booked on, it'll really spur you on to knuckle down and revise

14th Sep 2016, 19:43
Is there any chance of me getting into the stage 2 on the 30th of September if I do (and hopefully pass) stage 0+1 on the 15th? Or would I have wait for a later date since its only a 15 day gap? Just quite busy with work right now and I want to be in a relaxed state attempting the online tests.

In the exact same boat as you here, finished my Stage 0 last week but too busy with work to get time to do the Stage 1. I would guess if we manage to pass that we'll probably get a later date, but at least that may give us more time to study the booklet / balance our workload with our current jobs.

16th Sep 2016, 12:05
Afternoon all, i have not long since left the Phase 2 assessment stage (and the fact im posting this at 1300 means i was unsuccessful). However i hope to provide a bit of an insight for those of you who are hoping to take your phase 2 soon.
Firstly the General Knowledge test, i cant stress enough how much you need to learn the booklet they send you, there is only about 30 Multiple choice questions and they aren't too stressful.
Secondly is the FEAST, my stumbling block. This test for me was horrendously hard, with a large variety of different subjects being tested. They seem to go for information overload, in which you have to recall bits of information such as; listening to a conversation and picking out specific info, Random numbers generated and you choose between 4 options, Different shapes with different colours and filtering, Spacial awareness to name a few. Bear in mind these are all against the clock, but also each question changes ie. The shapes have different colours, the question could be turn all green diamonds into blue boxes, however by the time youve read the question you have about 2 seconds to select the correct answer.
I would suggest to anyone going for this to give brain training games a go, and make sure you brush up on your maths abilities ie. 2 Planes @ X Mph covering X Miles, how long until the meet etc.
On the selection i have just done (12 of us), 2 failed the General Knowledge test and 5 of us failed the FEAST. This is before we done the DART test, so i dont know how many will pass overall.
You do not get any feedback on areas you failed, and are simply escorted out of thee building straight away, so be careful if like me you have to wait for a flight!
All the best to those who are entering the selection phase.

16th Sep 2016, 17:46
Hi guys. I hope you don't mind me asking as it's a bit off topic but I'm looking to apply next year and I've got a question about what happens should you be successful:

NATS make it clear that you have to be prepared to move anywhere in the country should they offer you a job, but what happens in practice? Are you asked where you'd like do go and do they try and accommodate this? Do you have the opportunity to transfer to another location later on if a position opens up somewhere you'd prefer?

Many thanks.

16th Sep 2016, 19:12
Afternoon all, i have not long since left the Phase 2 assessment stage (and the fact im posting this at 1300 means i was unsuccessful). However i hope to provide a bit of an insight for those of you who are hoping to take your phase 2 soon.
Firstly the General Knowledge test, i cant stress enough how much you need to learn the booklet they send you, there is only about 30 Multiple choice questions and they aren't too stressful.
Secondly is the FEAST, my stumbling block. This test for me was horrendously hard, with a large variety of different subjects being tested. They seem to go for information overload, in which you have to recall bits of information such as; listening to a conversation and picking out specific info, Random numbers generated and you choose between 4 options, Different shapes with different colours and filtering, Spacial awareness to name a few. Bear in mind these are all against the clock, but also each question changes ie. The shapes have different colours, the question could be turn all green diamonds into blue boxes, however by the time youve read the question you have about 2 seconds to select the correct answer.
I would suggest to anyone going for this to give brain training games a go, and make sure you brush up on your maths abilities ie. 2 Planes @ X Mph covering X Miles, how long until the meet etc.
On the selection i have just done (12 of us), 2 failed the General Knowledge test and 5 of us failed the FEAST. This is before we done the DART test, so i dont know how many will pass overall.
You do not get any feedback on areas you failed, and are simply escorted out of thee building straight away, so be careful if like me you have to wait for a flight!
All the best to those who are entering the selection phase.

Thanks for sharing your experience, really helpful! Hoping to do my Stage 1 this weekend.

16th Sep 2016, 21:47
Hi guys. I hope you don't mind me asking as it's a bit off topic but I'm looking to apply next year and I've got a question about what happens should you be successful:

NATS make it clear that you have to be prepared to move anywhere in the country should they offer you a job, but what happens in practice? Are you asked where you'd like do go and do they try and accommodate this? Do you have the opportunity to transfer to another location later on if a position opens up somewhere you'd prefer?

Many thanks.

They will send you anywhere, regardless of your preference so don't apply if you aren't prepared to be posted anywhere. There's occasionally opportunities to move to a different unit but it is rare.

Request Orbit
17th Sep 2016, 03:38
You might be asked, and if you're very, very lucky you might get what you asked for. It's based almost entirely around where the "business need" happens to be at the time.

Don't go in expecting somewhere convenient, when they say you should be prepared to move to anywhere, they mean it. If you do get something you'd like, that's great but don't count on it unfortunately.

22nd Sep 2016, 10:02
Hey guys,
I've just gotten through Stage 0+1 and got an email saying they will be in touch but there are no planned assessment days currently.
Anyone in the same position? How long do you reckon it'll be before they will hold another day?

24th Sep 2016, 15:03
been watching this thread for a long time now so decided to make an account.
I have recently applied and failed on stage 1 tests :( on the NATS website it says you can only apply once but I thought you could apply 3 times with 24months in between what is the case here? is there anyway to apply before 24 months as I failed the online tests not the FEAST or DART tests or is it any bit of application you have to wait 24months?

thanks for any help and good luck guys

The Many Tentacles
25th Sep 2016, 12:15
If it says on the website you can only apply once, then I guess you can only apply once. If you really want to know the answer then ask HR

25th Sep 2016, 15:42
Lukie100 Without sounding too inconsiderate, in all fairness if you have failed the Stage 1 tests, then the likely hood of passing FEAST is very slim as it is like Stage 1, only 100 times more difficult.

26th Sep 2016, 02:25
Lukie100 Without sounding too inconsiderate, in all fairness if you have failed the Stage 1 tests, then the likely hood of passing FEAST is very slim as it is like Stage 1, only 100 times more difficult.

Yeah I thought if I couldn't pass the stage 1 then further on would just be even worse.
Was annoying as stage 0 tests I found fun and easy but just the diagrammatical tests I jumped straight into without fully reading instructions so lost a bit of time working it out.
Just remember to do the examples first and make sure you understand them guys if anyone plans on doing them

27th Sep 2016, 09:44
I wouldn't say the FEAST is a 100 times harder. They are different tests. The Stage 0+1 test, you really do need to pay them the respect they demand and not to skip the instructions. Likewise with the Stage 2 as the instructions are paramount. They are also a chance to take a break from the test itself.

Don't be put off, give it another go in 2 years. You'll be that bit wiser.

27th Sep 2016, 15:52
I wouldn't say the FEAST is a 100 times harder. They are different tests. The Stage 0+1 test, you really do need to pay them the respect they demand and not to skip the instructions. Likewise with the Stage 2 as the instructions are paramount. They are also a chance to take a break from the test itself.

Don't be put off, give it another go in 2 years. You'll be that bit wiser.

Yeah will do cheers, I'm not going to give up that easily. I'm waiting for email back from NATS Careers to see if the application process has changed to one application (as website now says) now so will post on here when I find out incase anyone on here wants to know if it's changed

28th Sep 2016, 18:35
Can anyone give an idea as to how long the application process is taking at the moment? I've read back some more through this thread and seems it used to be very slow, but is now better.

I wasn't planning to apply until next year as I've got a house that I would need to sell prior to commencing training (should I be successful), but if the application is taking the best part of a year then there's no need for me to wait.


28th Sep 2016, 18:41
If NATS have really reduced you to only be allowed to apply once, this seems like a poorly produced blog post. Second time lucky for trainee air traffic controller - NATS Blog (http://nats.aero/blog/2016/09/second-time-lucky-for-trainee-air-traffic-controller/)

Jake Longstaff is proof that if you want something hard enough you should never give up. (Although we no longer allow you to apply twice)
Bold added by me.

28th Sep 2016, 19:59
@Flamin Squirrel

I started my application in April and would have been on course in December if I could have left my current job earlier. I did have to wait 6 weeks for the final interview stage though. It can be as little as 4 months if all goes well but you are at the mercy of the college as it's them that give the dates.

I know someone who has been told they may be on a course date late Feb but don't quote me on it.

I personally wouldn't sell my house before or during the application process as it's really difficult process with no guarantees.

Could you not rent it out if you were successful?

30th Sep 2016, 11:35
djblu1980 (http://www.pprune.org/members/457763-djblu1980) thanks for the info. House wise it's... complicated! I won't bore you with the details. I've started the application process at any rate; I'll figure something out.

Have people bothered uploading their CV during the initial application? Is there any benefit? It doesn't seem essential as it says you can just use your profile details.

30th Sep 2016, 23:32
Yeah will do cheers, I'm not going to give up that easily. I'm waiting for email back from NATS Careers to see if the application process has changed to one application (as website now says) now so will post on here when I find out incase anyone on here wants to know if it's changed
I failed the old-style stage 1 the first time around; I didn't have a clue what I was going into. It's always worth trying again if it's something you really want. I did, and I've been with NATS for nearly 4 years now ;)

1st Oct 2016, 16:21
What is the dress code for the stage 2 assessment day? The email said 'smart', but i was wondering for people who have been to an assessment day recently whether people were wearing suits or not?


2nd Oct 2016, 09:31
Also regarding arrival time, I have 2 emails that contradict each other. One says to arrive for 8:00 am, but the other says to arrive 30 mins before the start time (which is 8am).

What time does everyone recommend to arrive for the assessment day, is 7:30 a good time to aim for?

5th Oct 2016, 18:35
What is the dress code for the stage 2 assessment day? The email said 'smart', but i was wondering for people who have been to an assessment day recently whether people were wearing suits or not?

When I did my stage 2, most people wore suits. People were arriving from about 7:30 to just before 8:00, probably best to lean towards earlier.

6th Oct 2016, 09:59
I had my stage 2 recently, passed the paper and FEAST test. Unfortunately, I was not invited back for a Stage 3 assessment after the DART test. I am absolutely gutted

7th Oct 2016, 01:36
There are only two ways of arriving on time, either you arrived exactly at the time or ealier. You don't want risking arriving late, it will cost you all your hard work so far.
Go dressed with a suit. In my case I wore chino pants and a shirt, but in stage 3 I wore my suit (guess I didn't want to use the same outfit)...

7th Oct 2016, 11:59
Well I bit the bullet, applied and I'm through stage 1. Unfortunately, there are no dates for stage 2 at the moment. The waiting game begins....

9th Oct 2016, 23:13
Hello everyone,

I booked stage 2 for the 15th of November. Anyone scheduled for the same day?

I have seen people asking over and over again what to expect from stage 2 but apparently I did not manage to find a proper answer following their questions. Could anyone who took part to a stage to provide me with some useful information please?

Thanks so much.

11th Oct 2016, 01:55
The most useful information is to study the booklet they send you, and arrive on time. The rest will be explained to you on the day.

11th Oct 2016, 15:00
Hi Can anyone who has done stage 3 tell me what both the competency based and the technical interview is like, what type of questions did they ask?

12th Oct 2016, 23:44
Well, we can only give certain tips. Be calm and be honest! If you are unsure about something, tell them you are and give an answer for the question (remember to explain everything in a short by rich way, this way you will have time to answer everything).

18th Oct 2016, 08:29
Hi guys,

I'm gonna have the stage 2 tests on the 26th this month.
I passed all FEAST, DART and multi-pass with AustroControl two weeks ago but ****** up the interview.
Did anyone pass those before and applied for NATS and didn't have to do them again?
Also is it necessary to know all the speeds, altitudes etc. for the first test? I know many of them but don't wanna go there too stressed :-(

The ones who still have to do their tests wish you all good luck with them!!

19th Oct 2016, 08:58
Hi guys,

I'm gonna have the stage 2 tests on the 26th this month.
I passed all FEAST, DART and multi-pass with AustroControl two weeks ago but ****** up the interview.
Did anyone pass those before and applied for NATS and didn't have to do them again?
Also is it necessary to know all the speeds, altitudes etc. for the first test? I know many of them but don't wanna go there too stressed :-(

The ones who still have to do their tests wish you all good luck with them!!
Hi mich_65

I did my stage 2 about 1 month ago.

A guy at my assessment had also done a FEAST and DART test recently. He actually got taken out of the assessment day as you are not allowed to take these tests within 2 years of each other.

I don't think you will be allowed to do it. I would definitely double check as you may well be wasting your time

20th Oct 2016, 07:55
Hi mich_65

I did my stage 2 about 1 month ago.

A guy at my assessment had also done a FEAST and DART test recently. He actually got taken out of the assessment day as you are not allowed to take these tests within 2 years of each other.

I don't think you will be allowed to do it. I would definitely double check as you may well be wasting your time
Hi storey23,

I can't apply with AustroControl ever again and I couldn't apply with another company if I would've failed those tests. But I passed them and they only didn't take me because of a reason that doesn't have to do with the job.
I've also spoken with eurocontrol and they confirmed that. I just can't do it with them because I will be over 25 when the course starts next year.

Would still be nice if someone else could state similar experiences?

Thanks :-)

20th Oct 2016, 11:17
Forgot to ask, I assume that guy failed the tests before?

20th Oct 2016, 13:26
Forgot to ask, I assume that guy failed the tests before?

Hi Mich_65,

Can you send me a PM or email?


20th Oct 2016, 17:38
Hey guys,
I am new to PPRuNe and thought I should post in this thread, I am about to send off my ATCO application to NATS and Eurocontrol but have heard that you can only take DART/ FEAST test once every 2 years, so if I take this test for the Eurocontrol application process, does that mean I will not be able to take it for my application to NATS or vice versa? :ugh:

21st Oct 2016, 07:51
Hey guys,
I am new to PPRuNe and thought I should post in this thread, I am about to send off my ATCO application to NATS and Eurocontrol but have heard that you can only take DART/ FEAST test once every 2 years, so if I take this test for the Eurocontrol application process, does that mean I will not be able to take it for my application to NATS or vice versa? :ugh:
If you have for example the Eurocontrol test first and pass and in the end prefer to go on with NATS or Eurocontrol doesn't take you in the end there is no problem.
If you fail those tests with any of them you need to wait two years. Then you have one opportunity to repeat them.
:-) Good luck

25th Oct 2016, 10:00
Hey guys,

Could anyone provide any information on whether this new Multi control test is included in the FEAST 2 part except from the DART ?

Kind regards

27th Oct 2016, 12:07
I passed the written test and FEAST yesterday... but got the dreaded email this morning saying I'd failed DART.

If anyone's got ideas for other interesting aviation related careers (I have a mechanical engineering background, but not aviation related) please let me know. Sigh.

1st Nov 2016, 15:44
Forgot to ask, I assume that guy failed the tests before?
No, he passed..

2nd Nov 2016, 18:55
I passed the written test and FEAST yesterday... but got the dreaded email this morning saying I'd failed DART.

If anyone's got ideas for other interesting aviation related careers (I have a mechanical engineering background, but not aviation related) please let me know. Sigh.

Look on the bright side, at least you can apply again in a couple of years if ATC is still something that interests you.

I had my medical recently and found out I'm slightly colourblind, so I'm out for good.

2nd Nov 2016, 19:54
Aww so sorry to hear that, especially as you did so well to be one of the 1 in 100 or so to get through. I guess it's only a bright side for me if I get through the second time!

I originally wanted to be a professional pilot, but I can only get a Class 2 medical (so I'm OK for ATC and private flying, but not commercial) so I know how it feels. That said, I honestly think not getting through these tests hurts more than being told I can't fly professionally; feeling like a failure isn't nice.

I felt FEAST was fine for me. Because of the number of questions in each section, you get a chance to get into the swing of it. DART ramps up in difficulty so quickly I didn't realise how much I needed to plan ahead before it was too late.

Can you tell me what multi-pass like in comparison?

The Many Tentacles
3rd Nov 2016, 08:28
Have you checked the part about the medical with NATS as I believe their requirements are more stringent than the CAA ones for an ATCO, or they were last time I really paid attention to them

3rd Nov 2016, 11:02
Aww so sorry to hear that, especially as you did so well to be one of the 1 in 100 or so to get through. I guess it's only a bright side for me if I get through the second time!

I originally wanted to be a professional pilot, but I can only get a Class 2 medical (so I'm OK for ATC and private flying, but not commercial) so I know how it feels. That said, I honestly think not getting through these tests hurts more than being told I can't fly professionally; feeling like a failure isn't nice.

I felt FEAST was fine for me. Because of the number of questions in each section, you get a chance to get into the swing of it. DART ramps up in difficulty so quickly I didn't realise how much I needed to plan ahead before it was too late.

Can you tell me what multi-pass like in comparison?
Without wanting to give too much away, the multipass does require planning ahead and a lot of multitasking, though once you get a rhythm going everything generally runs quite smoothly. Everyone on the day seemed to find it easier than the DART.

And The Many Tentacles is right, you need a European Class 3 medical certificate for ATC (at least with NATS). If you can only get a Class 2, you might be in the same boat as me.

3rd Nov 2016, 12:26
Unless it's changed recently, a Class 2 Medical is more stringent than a Class 3. Class 1 is the highest standard.
When I started, the ATCO requirement in The U.K. was Class 1, for both NATS and non-NATS ATCOs. The was the same as for a commercial pilot, but with slightly more leniency with regards to the frequency of re-examination.
I think the change to a Class 3 for ATCOs came during the mid-2000s?

3rd Nov 2016, 12:52
If that's the case, this whole thing is a bit confusing. My report says I'm fit for EASA Class 1 and 2, fit for UK Class 1 but unfit for European Class 3. Maybe European Class 3 is more strict only on the colour vision requirements?

3rd Nov 2016, 17:49
Correct, you can't really prepare for FEAST and DART.

With regard to the knowledge test, I would learn as much detail as you can. While I wouldn't describe the test as difficult, you can easily fail if you don't prepare properly.

7th Nov 2016, 04:05
Just got back home from my stage 2... I missed the knowledge check by 1 mark!!! Gutted and means I can't apply again for 2 more years :( I was confident going in and having re-read the pre-reads after I got out I missed a stupid mark by talking myself out of it! Very frustrated.

9th Nov 2016, 14:07
Hi frnds.
I am preparing for NATS exam . Can anyone who has preparation syllabus which they send for preparation..
Plzz send me on. [email protected]


12th Nov 2016, 13:13
Can anyone give any advice on how to revise for the stage 0 online application tests
Thanks :))

13th Nov 2016, 11:37
Freddie: this site has examples of what you'll encounter on the stage 0 test https://www.savilleconsulting.com/PracticeTests

14th Nov 2016, 17:15
Hello everyone, please can anybody give any examples as to what questions they ask on the knowledge test? They have quite a few aircraft facts and figures - how much of it do we really need to know?

And advice in general about the Stage 2 test would be greatly received, I am nervous! Thank you :-)

16th Nov 2016, 12:13
Hi Guys!
I have just been given a start date of 6th Feb next year!! Has anyone else who passed stage 3 heard anything yet?!

17th Nov 2016, 00:34
Hi Guys!
I have just been given a start date of 6th Feb next year!! Has anyone else who passed stage 3 heard anything yet?!

Guess what? I got that start date as well :D
If you want to add me on facebook, send me an email and I can send you my Facebook, will be helpful if we want to share a house or smth...

21st Nov 2016, 05:37
I am seeking information on training plans. Anyone able to help (sim hours for each discipline etc.) please pm (or point me in the direction, can't seem to find it by searching, if it is contained here).

Crazy Voyager
21st Nov 2016, 08:14
For what reason? That type or information might very well be comercially sensitive.

21st Nov 2016, 10:15
Why? In order to get some idea if what we do in the country where I work is in the ball-park.
I understand the sensitive nature of the subject, but that very sensitivity makes it difficult to know where the bench marks are- nobody advertises this stuff.
The CAA is highly considered where I am, and am hoping for a contact.

24th Nov 2016, 21:10
Hi Guys!
I have just been given a start date of 6th Feb next year!! Has anyone else who passed stage 3 heard anything yet?!

Myself and a colleague have been allocated this course date too.

I believe there are 15 allocated to the course.

Kind of excited and nervous at the same time! :D

Request Orbit
25th Nov 2016, 07:25
Some people here will thank you for explaining those tests so much... but by applying to NATS you sign a non-discloser agreement that can have serious consequences for you... Not saying you need to take this off, but I'm suggesting you to think about it...

Might want to delete your post then since he's deleted it and you kindly quoted it for him and left it for posterity

25th Nov 2016, 09:05

I've just passed the Stage 1 NATS test, and have been told that there are currently no dates scheduled for the Stage 2 Assessment Day. Does anybody know how regularly they hold these? Do they just wait until there is enough demand before inviting people?

Thank you

26th Nov 2016, 02:39
Might want to delete your post then since he's deleted it and you kindly quoted it for him and left it for posterity

Done! I didn't notice I quoted the whole thing...

30th Nov 2016, 17:12

Myself and a colleague have been allocated this course date too.

I believe there are 15 allocated to the course.

Kind of excited and nervous at the same time! :D
Send me a message and I'll give you my email address if you want?

12th Dec 2016, 16:31
Hi i'm new here just about to do my application can anyone tell me how long roughly it will take before i start at the college? Thanks

12th Dec 2016, 16:55
Also any tips for what will look good on the cv?

16th Dec 2016, 17:33
Well, I sent my application in April and I have been invited to a training starting in April next year.
It really depends...

23rd Dec 2016, 18:28
@MNAsantos I have also had the email today offering me an April start date! Very excited

27th Dec 2016, 09:16
Hey All, I've been following this thread since I passed my stage 0+1 but haven't posted yet. I'd like to say a thank you to everybody who's contributed because it's really helped so far. And a congratulations to those who have made it through!

Last week I took my stage 2 and I have been successful, A bit over the moon as I thought the couple of errors I made on the DART might have been my stumbling point.

I'm booked onto my stage 3 on January. Competency based and Technical Interview; a Personality Profiling Interview and a EuroControl Computer-Based Assessment. The interviews I understand but can anybody shed any light on the computer based one? It says to study the same pack as as Stage 2, therefore is it ATC knowledge based again? And any general tips for the interviews would be awesome, thank you.

31st Dec 2016, 10:27
Hi guys, has anybody starting on the January course been told whether they are aerodrome or area route yet?

Crazy Voyager
31st Dec 2016, 16:28
Unless it has changed again since I was there it doesn't work like that anymore. You will all do a basic course and after the basic course everyone who passed is allocated a stream, you don't know when you come to the college what you will do.

3rd Jan 2017, 19:09
Ok thanks Crazy Voyager. I believe it is still done this way too but have also heard stories of whole cohorts being put down a particular route from day 1!

Anybody else on the April course?

4th Jan 2017, 21:25

I'm also on the April course (or what was the February course). Looking forward to starting!

I was on August 25th Stage 3 Assessment, anyone else from there?

Will in the end have taken me just under a year to join since applying in May last year.

5th Jan 2017, 10:01
Yes, Aprik for me too. If anyone is looking to for someone to share a place, please email me!

5th Jan 2017, 12:05

I'm also on the April course (or what was the February course). Looking forward to starting!

I was on August 25th Stage 3 Assessment, anyone else from there?

Will in the end have taken me just under a year to join since applying in May last year.
Hey, I passed my stage 3 on 25th August too. Failed my medical unfortunately but still keeping an eye on things because I was told the medical requirements may be changing in the near future.

Nice to know someone from our group made it through, good luck with the course.

5th Jan 2017, 14:36
Gutted to hear that saisay. I'm not sure it'll make you feel any better, but I had a torrid time with my medical, with a considerable amount invested on further testing to in the end, get me the certificate. Was touch and go from September till just before Christmas. Fingers crossed that those requirements change sooner rather than later.

Santos I'll be renting but am hoping I'll get a place to myself, if that's too ambitious I'll be sure to drop you a message. Feel free to drop me one.

Could any veterans advise on whether there is any guidance provided by NATS in regards to getting somewhere to rent? Or are we assumed to be big & grown up enough to sort ourselves out? :D

5th Jan 2017, 16:58
@Tiddy11 MNAsantos - excellent! Good to find some other people on the course too.

Perhaps we should setup a fb group?

6th Jan 2017, 22:38
Yes! PM me and I will give you my facebook!

9th Jan 2017, 17:01
If anyone else is in the April 2017 intake & would like to join a Facebook chat group. Then please drop me an e-mail (click on my name to the side) with your Facebook address and I'll be sure to add you in.

Thanks and good luck to all those still applying!

12th Jan 2017, 17:52
Has anyone else recently passed their stage 1 and looking to book their stage 2?

18th Jan 2017, 16:47
Hi guys
Would you be able to shed any light on how to revise for the diagramatical and spatial reasoning tests?
Thanks !

19th Jan 2017, 02:10
There is no way you can study for those tests. Remember to be organized and concentrated during the test!

19th Jan 2017, 17:46
Freddie - I passed those tests today. The spatial one involved picking the odd shape out, out of 4 shapes. The examples only help so much as although you can keep doing them, they are the same examples.

Some shapes fairly easy, some not so as they are rotated and not uniform. Some I just guessed.

Diagrammatical one you have an input-output type diagram that has 3 parts, with one of the parts missing which you have to pick out of 4 possible options.

Again some were easy but they became a lot harder, and I had to guess a few.

With both tests the problem is time. On quite a few questions I ran out of time.

Passed though!

They each take about 20 minutes.

20th Jan 2017, 14:47
Remo - Yes I have just passed Stage 0&1 and have booked a Stage 2 day in February.

21st Jan 2017, 10:25
ijeffery, Glad to hear, Well Done!
Thank you for information, much appreciated :)

22nd Jan 2017, 13:52
Hi I submitted my application and have just received a link to stage 0 tests. I was wondering if everyone that has been successful in your different stages would you all consider yourselves to be A/A* standard in education?

23rd Jan 2017, 08:01
Hi I submitted my application and have just received a link to stage 0 tests. I was wondering if everyone that has been successful in your different stages would you all consider yourselves to be A/A* standard in education?

I'm fairly good at maths but never great at English. I took grades too long ago for them to mean anything now.

All you need is C grade in 5 GCSE's, be fluent in English, have a bit of luck and the determination to not throw in the towel.

Good luck!

23rd Jan 2017, 23:44
Pagee - not an A/A* person here as such but degree level eduacated and being a Maths teacher (previously ) probably helped here.

Tbh the fact I have always been good at tests has helped me get this far. If you are good at those generic IQ Mensa type tests you should be fine. It's the time factor that I think is the worst bit.

26th Jan 2017, 11:13
Just to say, This post is amazing and has really helped me through my interview process so far!
I am looking at booking my stage 2, and NATS is encouraging me to book it for within the next two weeks (so i can possibly start in March), however, I would like to study more and prepare myself.
Would you all advice me to wait and book at a later date, or should I go for it and possibly start in March? I'm not too sure on what to expect, and not sure on how much preparation I will need, does anyone have any top tips?

Also, If i was not to start in March, how often are the intakes? I don't want to wait forever to start!

Thank you

26th Jan 2017, 16:09
I would just go for it. You can't really prepare for Stage 2 anymore than you can for Stage 1, with the exception of the written test; but 2 weeks is plenty of time to prepare for that.

26th Jan 2017, 16:46

How long did it take you to hear back after your first online assessment?

I timed out on some questions, not a lot though. Very fast paced, but hopefully got a lot of the answered questions correct!

27th Jan 2017, 17:59
Hi folks,

Long time lurker, first time poster. Recently passed stage 2 so thought I'd offer a couple of tips from my experience.

I'd say the most important thing to bear in mind with the aptitude tests is that they are designed to break everyone, you may feel like you are failing even if you are doing well. I thought I had thoroughly screwed up in parts of FEAST yet still passed. Do not panic if you feel its starting to look dire.

Without giving away any unfair advantage, the motivation paper is pretty simple if you put some time into studying the booklet. I probably spent about 10 hours in total learning it and I felt confident answering all but one question on the test.

29th Jan 2017, 09:04
Hello all!
Has anyone got their stage 2 next Saturday?

I'm starting to panic about not knowing every detail of the document that we have to access online!

30th Jan 2017, 15:56
Also does anyone know the typical wait between passing stage 2 and receiving an invitation to book stage 3?

30th Jan 2017, 16:45
Hi folks,

Long time lurker, first time poster. Recently passed stage 2 so thought I'd offer a couple of tips from my experience.

I'd say the most important thing to bear in mind with the aptitude tests is that they are designed to break everyone, you may feel like you are failing even if you are doing well. I thought I had thoroughly screwed up in parts of FEAST yet still passed. Do not panic if you feel its starting to look dire.

Without giving away any unfair advantage, the motivation paper is pretty simple if you put some time into studying the booklet. I probably spent about 10 hours in total learning it and I felt confident answering all but one question on the test.
Hi, I'm currently prepping for my stage 2 on the 4th of Feb.

The written test is worrying me a little bit, is it a multiple choice test, how long is it etc? But also- do I need to know every single operator and every example listed? Do I focus more on the first section of the booklet than the second (the aircraft types)?

Much appreciated.

(feel free to send me an email via this website, as posts can take a while to appear on here!)

30th Jan 2017, 18:19
Hey everybody,

I'm considering applying for ATC. Was hoping you could point me in the direction of some good practice resources.

Want to make the best attempt I can cos' two years is a long time to wait for re-application.

I've come across the Jobstestprep package, is it worth buying or are there better resources to use.

Any and all advice welcome.

31st Jan 2017, 13:01
Hello guys,

Just passed this morning the initial S1 online tests, currently waiting for a Stage 2 Assessment Day, anyone around in this situation? Good luck to everybody :)

31st Jan 2017, 14:50
Anybody on yesterday's Stage 3 heard anything yet? Haven't stepped away from my phone 😀

1st Feb 2017, 00:07
Hello guys,

Just passed this morning the initial S1 online tests, currently waiting for a Stage 2 Assessment Day, anyone around in this situation? Good luck to everybody :)
Sort of - passed Stage 0/1 last week, booked onto Stage 2 for 21st Feb

1st Feb 2017, 19:11
Hi everyone, I have my Stage 2 in a couple of weeks, the study text is quite detailed, especially the end section!

Not getting my hope up right now, had laser eye surgery about 5 years ago (still at 20/20) and not sure how strict they will be if I do get to the medical stage!...?

Good luck everyone!

1st Feb 2017, 20:17
Hi everyone,
I've got my stage 2 assessment on Monday the 6th. just wondering if any of you who passed stage 2 can tell how much of the airplane detail you've been asked in the exam?
Many thanks

1st Feb 2017, 20:21
Hi everyone,
I've got my stage 2 assessment on Monday the 6th. Just wondering those who passed stage 2 "how much of the airplane detail" you've been asked in the exam?
Thank you

2nd Feb 2017, 17:02
As a NATS controller, you guys and girls need to be learning any info given to you as thoroughly as possible, this is the tip of the iceberg - our manual of air traffic is a monster with some sectors worse than others. Get on the internet, watch some videos, listen to some ATC tapes even if they are from the USA and at least learn your name phonetically.

We are not out to get you at the interview but at stage 3 you need to have MULTIPLE real world examples of problem solving, how you've coped with high workload etc. Think Uni, jobs, exams, driving tests etc.

From my memory of aptitude test, they are looking for accuracy - the speed we can work on later. Make the planes miss, worry about the rest later, but concentrate on consistency not speed. They are designed to beat you but don't give up. In ATC you can never give up, it just isn't an option!!

Good Luck, you'll need a bit!!

2nd Feb 2017, 21:02
I wonder how many potentially excellent ATCOs NATS have missed out on, due to their initial reliance on 'aptitude tests'?

3rd Feb 2017, 15:42
I wonder how many potentially excellent ATCOs NATS have missed out on, due to their initial reliance on 'aptitude tests'?
Did you fail the aptitude tests ZOOKER ?

3rd Feb 2017, 16:24
I think NATS may be missing potentially excellent ATCO's by making applicants travel to CTC for interviews and London for the medical. If you live in, or north of the central belt of Scotland and you are successful, you will have ended up paying between £1200-£1400 for T&S.
If only there was a NATS unit with spare rooms, a training section and medical facilities available in Scotland that would be quite useful and I honestly believe NATS would get more applicants.

3rd Feb 2017, 17:02
Possibly, GRUNT, I can't remember offhand.
I took them back in 1978.

Ayr, I thought they had recently opened a medical facility at EGPX? Or is that just for renewals?

4th Feb 2017, 00:48
Hi guys,

I am very happy to invited for stage 2 assessment for ATCO but got a little problem, according to e-mail sent by NATS, I should book and attend within 7 days. but I have seen people on this forum booked their stage 2 process after a month as well.

Please if someone can guide me on that it will be much appreciated

4th Feb 2017, 12:37
Yes I just have passed my stage 1 and waiting for stage 2 appointment, my invitation email said it has to be booked and attended within 7 days. was it case with you as well?:confused:

4th Feb 2017, 17:12
To be honest with you, NATS has around 3000 applications for their training (20 end up being selected), so bearing in mind they are denying 2980 applicants, I believe they have the authority to make the rules as they want without the need to change it (imagine paying all these people to come to the CTC to have only 0.5% being selected).
If you got Stage 2 coming up and are scared about the details of the aircrafts, just study them. I know it can be harsh to say that "If you can't handle the study materials, you shouldn't be attempting" but it's true, as said before, you will go under one year of intense training and if you can't bother to memorize 5 pages of aircraft information (that is more than essential if you are going to be handle them everyday), then I can't see you studying manuals of 200 pages each :/

4th Feb 2017, 18:04
It's a lot more than one year of intense training, often up to 3 or more, depending on where you are posted to at the end of the course. I'd put the workload up there along with a medical, science, or law degree.
It doesn't stop there though. Each year there are competency checks, emergency training and a bi-annual medical examination, (which becomes an annual event after the age of 40). There will be further examinations on new airspace/procedures as they are introduced. There are some excellent controllers, who for various reasons, (often no fault of their own), have failed to validate at units they were subsequently posted to later in their careers.

And for BwatchGRUNT, I found the paperwork, and yes, I failed the aptitude tests by 5%.

4th Feb 2017, 20:11
Does anyone have a success story about getting in the second time round? Just got back from stage 2 and sadly failed the DART. I'm wondering if I should just park this dream up and move on to something else.

4th Feb 2017, 22:17
Hi folks.
I have just come across this forum doing some research into the application process for trainee controller.
I have passed both online assessments and have booked onto a stage 2 assessment centre in April, a long wait because I can't get the time off work before then and I have to travel from the north of Scotland so a decent financial investment too!

Good luck to all those who are in the process of applying and I will follow the progress here quietly.

Crazy Voyager
5th Feb 2017, 04:59
I had at least one person on my course who made it on the third attempt and last I heard they were doing very well (not based at the same unit as me these days).

I would suggest you consider your options, this didn't go as planned so what would you do if this doesn't happen? If you don't know maybe time to try to some other things in life and see. Then you can try again in the future if you still want it, or you can leave it. But that decision is not best made now just after failure I think, rather make it when it's time to reapply. Also then there is nothing stopping you giving it some more time before reapplying if you're not sure. Just don't build your life around reapplying because you are certain you will get in next time, there are no gaurantees in this unfortunately.

5th Feb 2017, 06:36
Thanks MNAsantos and other regarding info, I just wanted to give myself a bit more time to prepare the best I can:8

I am not worried about ATC Knowledge test as I have info available and I can do some research but I am worried about FEAST and DART, I don't know what to expect if any clues on how to prepare It will be great help.

Fear of unknown is the worst fear:confused:

5th Feb 2017, 10:45
Hello Everyone,

This thread has been so useful. I have a question for anyone who knows the answer :P

I was watching a video recently that mentioned that once you commence college training that if you do not pass a test with at least 75% then you automatically are kicked off the course. Is this true? Are there really no second chances?

5th Feb 2017, 10:58
Hello there,

This thread has been very useful. I just have one question:

The other day I was watching a NATs video. In the video, on of the instructors at the college was talking and mentioned that if trainees do not achieve at least 75% first time round in all of the tests that they are automatically taken off the course. Are there really no second chances?

5th Feb 2017, 16:41
Could someone who has recently sat stage 3 please confirm if there are questions based on the stage 2 knowledge booklet in the interview?

6th Feb 2017, 12:45
So I'm heading to my stage 2 assessment on the 23rd of Feb. I'm super excited but also terrified!

I've passed the aptitude tests for the RAF SNCO ATC position last April but this FEAST and DART thing seems really easy to mess up going by the amount of people who seem to fail stage 2!

Any advice on the format of the assessments? I downloaded the FEAST Test app and it seems pretty good in that it covers the general idea of what my RAF tests were but obviously I'm accepting that it won't be identical to what I'll be doing with NATS.

Any advice on the tests and how they're structured would be much appreciated!!

Crazy Voyager
6th Feb 2017, 15:05
@questioner, there is generally one resit allowed (not sure if it's mandated but that has as far as I known always been the standard).

However there are never gauranteed second chances, there are cases where training is suspended and the trainee is recoursed onto another course or into another disciplin. However there are also many cases where training is not resumed and the trainee terminated.

The harsh reality of it all is that if you make it to a basic course start you are by no means gauranteed to make it to unit or to validate at that unit. All I can say though is if you make it that far don't fail on theory. There is no real excuse (in my mind) for failing the theory, most of it is fairly simple it's just a case of memorising large chunks of data. Anyone can be taught ATC theory, the practical side is what gets people and if you fail on theory you've not even given yourself a proper chance at the job.

6th Feb 2017, 15:16
Does anyone have a success story about getting in the second time round? Just got back from stage 2 and sadly failed the DART. I'm wondering if I should just park this dream up and move on to something else.

I'm the one from CV's course who got in on the third try. It's what I've always wanted to do. Each time I learnt from where I'd failed and improved.
It is definitely possible, don't give up!

6th Feb 2017, 15:40
Hello there,

This thread has been very useful. I just have one question:

The other day I was watching a NATs video. In the video, on of the instructors at the college was talking and mentioned that if trainees do not achieve at least 75% first time round in all of the tests that they are automatically taken off the course. Are there really no second chances?
It really depends on the trainee and the circumstances. In theory, you can resit an exam...but if you are making a habit of this, then how are you showing your dedication and commitment to the role? Throughout your career as an atco you are constantly learning, memorising huge amounts of information and applying this in your daily role. There is no easy way to do this, no shortcuts.

6th Feb 2017, 16:15
baking for the OJTIs helps though, or so I've heard

Crazy Voyager
6th Feb 2017, 17:24
or do what the course me and Kimmikins was on and just bake every opportunity, exams, resits, summatives, birthdays, it's a tuesday, I'm sure it didn't hurt our standing with the instructors anyway!

Joking aside I will second what Kimmikins said, there is no easy way in this job, well worth the hard work though!

6th Feb 2017, 18:47
baking for the OJTIs helps though, or so I've heard
Just enhances the overall experience ;)

6th Feb 2017, 18:51
or do what the course me and Kimmikins was on and just bake every opportunity, exams, resits, summatives, birthdays, it's a tuesday, I'm sure it didn't hurt our standing with the instructors anyway
Don't forget a run gone awry, somebody had mentioned cake or the ever popular "just because"!

7th Feb 2017, 10:54
So I failed the second round of online tests. Have been out of education for a while now and haven't really used that part of my brain for a long time so was pretty pleased to pass the first round and was then hoping to have a longer time to sharpen up for the second stage but received an email stating it had to be completed by five days.

Failed the second round of online tests. By how much, I don't know, but would be interesting to know if I was close or not.

Sent an email to NATS asking them to clarify if/when I could re-apply as I've heard stories of current ATC's failing and then trying again a year, two years later and passing.

The answer was below:We are afraid that the role is a one time application only and therefore you will not be able to take the test again or reapply.

Shame if that is the case as I was hoping to retake in the future.

7th Feb 2017, 13:14

I've just booked today for my stage 2 assessment for Friday 10th February and wondered other than studying the information sent if there was any tips?

Thanks :-)

7th Feb 2017, 13:23
"So I'm heading to my stage 2 assessment on the 23rd of Feb. I'm super excited but also terrified!

I've passed the aptitude tests for the RAF SNCO ATC position last April but this FEAST and DART thing seems really easy to mess up going by the amount of people who seem to fail stage 2!

Any advice on the format of the assessments? I downloaded the FEAST Test app and it seems pretty good in that it covers the general idea of what my RAF tests were but obviously I'm accepting that it won't be identical to what I'll be doing with NATS.

Any advice on the tests and how they're structured would be much appreciated!!"


The Many Tentacles
7th Feb 2017, 14:25
"So I'm heading to my stage 2 assessment on the 23rd of Feb. I'm super excited but also terrified!

I've passed the aptitude tests for the RAF SNCO ATC position last April but this FEAST and DART thing seems really easy to mess up going by the amount of people who seem to fail stage 2!

Any advice on the format of the assessments? I downloaded the FEAST Test app and it seems pretty good in that it covers the general idea of what my RAF tests were but obviously I'm accepting that it won't be identical to what I'll be doing with NATS.

Any advice on the tests and how they're structured would be much appreciated!!"


There's been enough posts in this thread over the past year or so detailing what goes on in the tests. Rather than wanting a load of hand holding might I suggest you try looking back though some of the posts from the last 18 months or so - it'll only be a couple of hours of reading

7th Feb 2017, 15:27
Therein lies the problem - they've changed the tests since a lot of people last sat them. I'm more interested to know info about the multipart element but so far I can't find much info about it

7th Feb 2017, 15:28
And also the fact that the failure rate is so high amongst candidates tells me I'd really like to prepare as thoroughly as possible so as not to join those statistics

7th Feb 2017, 15:33
"Sent an email to NATS asking them to clarify if/when I could re-apply as I've heard stories of current ATC's failing and then trying again a year, two years later and passing.

The answer was below:We are afraid that the role is a one time application only and therefore you will not be able to take the test again or reapply.

Shame if that is the case as I was hoping to retake in the future."

Geo90 my friend in ATC was shocked when I told him this too as it used to be a 24 month wait then you could reapply. He says they change the goalposts a lot but he was going to check up and make sure this wasn't a mix up

7th Feb 2017, 19:55
It might depend on what stage you fail at?

As for stage 2, exam 1 (written) and exam 2 (FEAST) are straight forward: read the information booklet for the former, and not much you can do to prep for the latter.

I got to the end and failed exam 3 (DART), and I can give one piece of advice for this one: don't just look at what's going on screen at present; plan ahead.

7th Feb 2017, 21:16
"So I'm heading to my stage 2 assessment on the 23rd of Feb. I'm super excited but also terrified!

I've passed the aptitude tests for the RAF SNCO ATC position last April but this FEAST and DART thing seems really easy to mess up going by the amount of people who seem to fail stage 2!

Any advice on the format of the assessments? I downloaded the FEAST Test app and it seems pretty good in that it covers the general idea of what my RAF tests were but obviously I'm accepting that it won't be identical to what I'll be doing with NATS.

Any advice on the tests and how they're structured would be much appreciated!!"

U04elw2- could you send me a message on this forum please, I've got a few questions about the SNCO ATC with the RAF.


8th Feb 2017, 04:22

I am thinking of applying soon but I have a few questions to anyone who's gone through the process before. Did you get any say or influence over your assigned base during training? And if not, in reality how long into the process would it be before you could transfer and at which stage?

8th Feb 2017, 06:50
U04elw2- could you send me a message on this forum please, I've got a few questions about the SNCO ATC with the RAF.


Done :) just let me know what info you need and I'll see if I know the answer!

8th Feb 2017, 07:05
Thanks flaming squirrel, I'm assuming from what I've read that DART is like a combination of the game on the website and the RAF assessment I did with planes having checkpoints to fly through, obstacles to avoid etc. I remember wanting to cry when I did it 😂 I guess as long as you remember the way they prioritise what you need to do it's less difficult but still horrible haha

Traffic is...
8th Feb 2017, 12:58
I am thinking of applying soon but I have a few questions to anyone who's gone through the process before. Did you get any say or influence over your assigned base during training? And if not, in reality how long into the process would it be before you could transfer and at which stage?

It's a while since I went through but the general theme is that your options and choices will be limited. Firstly, if you're sent down the Area route, then you will only have 2 venues in the UK you can work at.

If it's an airport you're going to, there may be some flexibility if there are a few of you destined for airports at the same time and there is enough slack in the system for people to work out preferences. As an example, it could be that 5 people come off an aerodrome course with 4 destined for EGCC and 1 for EGGW. You might be able to put forward your request but don't expect it to be accommodated. As everyone states, the job is a mobile grade so you can be sent wherever.

With regards to moving unit once valid, the reality again is it isn't entirely straight forward. It worked for me after about 5 years at my first unit, but it depends again on whether where you want to go has vacancies. You can certainly put your name down or apply for transfer, internal vacancies, etc. but once again there are no guarantees. As airport contracts fall away from NATS, then it gets a little tougher to move internally. Of course, other airports will still exist so there's always the chance to move externally if it suits your personal/ family needs.


14th Feb 2017, 21:08
All quiet on here...

Got my Stage 2 on Monday, just rounding off my revision, trying to learn some aircrafts now!

From what I have read cant really prep for the FEAST and DART so fingers crossed from here!

15th Feb 2017, 18:05
All quiet on here...

Got my Stage 2 on Monday, just rounding off my revision, trying to learn some aircrafts now!

From what I have read cant really prep for the FEAST and DART so fingers crossed from here!

Mine is on Thursday 23rd! Let me know how you get on :) good luck!

16th Feb 2017, 12:03
It might depend on what stage you fail at?

As for stage 2, exam 1 (written) and exam 2 (FEAST) are straight forward: read the information booklet for the former, and not much you can do to prep for the latter.

I got to the end and failed exam 3 (DART), and I can give one piece of advice for this one: don't just look at what's going on screen at present; plan ahead.

Flamin_Squirrel, how fast are the planes moving on the screen? Is there enough time to plan ahead or are they pretty quick?

16th Feb 2017, 17:43
U04elw2 the aircraft move relatively slowly, its the precision with which you need to vector them and the increasing workload that makes it difficult. There really isn't much you can do to prepare, other than not panic when things appear to be going wrong.

20th Feb 2017, 13:47
All quiet on here...

Got my Stage 2 on Monday, just rounding off my revision, trying to learn some aircrafts now!

From what I have read cant really prep for the FEAST and DART so fingers crossed from here!

How did you get on??

21st Feb 2017, 09:49
Hey guys,
Got my stage 2 on the 3rd of March, any helpful pointers people can give me regarding the assessments, that aren't obvious! Also, anyone else on here booked in for th same test day? Would be nice to chat if so.

26th Feb 2017, 09:04
Just be very careful - my stage 2 involved 30 questions...15 were based on slightly obscure stuff from the booklet they give you (not obvious stuff at all!) and 15 were nothing to do with the booklet at all!!

10th Mar 2017, 10:55
Hi guys,

I am new here. I have read all posts in this thread from the last 12 months as I believe this information will be the most up to date and accurate.

I am 22 and am will be on at an assessment for Stage 2 of the recruitment process on May 9th.

I have some questions, many of which have been asked and answered in various ways so far. I am seeking some clarity on a couple of things to enable me to be in the best possible position come may 9th.

I will be driving from North West England the day before the assessment. My plan was to drive to the assessment, however there have been some contradictory posts as to whether there will or will not be parking available. As I aim to arrive for 07.20-07.30, will parking be an issue or is it better advised to travel via public transport on the day.

The reason I need to know the above is because I am in the process of looking to book a hotel and want to ensure if driving is not possible, that I am close to a transport link which will take me efficiently to and from the assessment.

On the subject of hotels, I have been struggling to find a competitively priced hotel within 15 minutes drive. Has anyone got a recommendation as to a good hotel to stay in if I am driving to and from the assessment?

Thanks in advance, I appreciate this is a long post.

10th Mar 2017, 18:34
You you are arriving at 7:30, make sure you leave pretty early (traffic there on the M27 can be a little difficult).
At that time you will still have spaces in the visitor parking lot (arrive at 7 just to be sure), but if you struggle to find a place, just park outside.

The Many Tentacles
11th Mar 2017, 13:49
There isn't much in the way of public transport in Whiteley especially at that time of the morning.

There's a B&B just down the road from Swanwick, which is only about a 10 minute drive from CTC - I have no idea what it's like or costs, I just drive past it every time I go to work


18th Mar 2017, 08:51
Hi everyone,

from what I've gathered the DART test on stage two seems to be somewhat like the ATC landing game on the NATS website. Is this correct and if so what kind of level / score on this game would seem around the performance necessary to pass this section?

Additionally, has anyone successfully (or unsuccessfully) taken part in the stage 3 interviews who had a large gap on their CV?


21st Mar 2017, 18:46
Hi everyone,

from what I've gathered the DART test on stage two seems to be somewhat like the ATC landing game on the NATS website. Is this correct and if so what kind of level / score on this game would seem around the performance necessary to pass this section?

Additionally, has anyone successfully (or unsuccessfully) taken part in the stage 3 interviews who had a large gap on their CV?


If you have a gap in your CV, you will have problems getting a security clearance

24th Mar 2017, 11:01
Thanks for your reply,

could you expand on why I would have issues with the security clearance. I have essentially a 4 year gap post university where I was an owner / operator of a small restaurant in Asia. Is there anything I can do about this? Would you advise rebuilding my CV before applying?


24th Mar 2017, 13:23
If you have a gap in your CV, you will have problems getting a security clearance

Congrats @MNAsantos
Regarding your CV, from Portugal I guess, did you had to do some kind of statement of comparability for your PT education diploma?
I'm waiting for a stage 2 date, and traveling from Portugal whenever I book a date. Do you have any advice regarding flights and lodging.

24th Mar 2017, 21:49
I had no problems at all, but you can email me and I can give you some tips on how to get to the CTC.

PS: I don't give answers for the tests (it's impossible)

26th Mar 2017, 13:12
Hi everyone,can anyone give me any pointers as to what questions are asked on the competency/technical and personality profiling interviews at Stage 3 assessment? Thanks in advance.

8th Apr 2017, 14:24
what date is your stage 2 for April? Im also booked for next week.

15th Apr 2017, 11:51
I sat my stage 2 a few days ago. As people have been saying, there is really nothing you can do to prepare for these tests other than read the booklet they give you in advance.

For the knowledge test I would also suggest brushing up on basic maths calculations for speed/distance/time. It isn't difficult though and there really is no excuse to fail this part. FEAST 1 is also not overly difficult if you have the required skills. You cannot teach yourself these and it is best to go in blind.

I reached the DART stage and I'm awaiting the results from that. I had one collision, 2 conflicts and 1 missed checkpoint though so I'm not hopeful, even though the final marked part of that I found the easiest, just took a little bit to get into the swing of things.

Good luck to everyone wherever they are in the process!

17th Apr 2017, 01:58
"Sent an email to NATS asking them to clarify if/when I could re-apply as I've heard stories of current ATC's failing and then trying again a year, two years later and passing.

The answer was below:We are afraid that the role is a one time application only and therefore you will not be able to take the test again or reapply.

Shame if that is the case as I was hoping to retake in the future."

Geo90 my friend in ATC was shocked when I told him this too as it used to be a 24 month wait then you could reapply. He says they change the goalposts a lot but he was going to check up and make sure this wasn't a mix up
Hi, first time poster but have been lurking for a while :)

I'm wondering if anyone can provide clarification on the emboldened statement above? I know that this is what the FAQs on NATS website say but
also that this hasn't been the case in the past.

I'm asking as I failed my stage 1 test last week under fairly incredible and unpredictable circumstances, and whilst I'm not looking for sympathy for that and fully appreciate the need for NATS to be strict when filtering through applications, I'm devastated that perhaps my only opportunity to go through this process could have been stunted by something beyond my control.

17th Apr 2017, 11:15
The 24-month wait period for a second application was a FEAST limitation. If the ANSP decides they don't want reapplications, well, that's their choice then. That, however, doesn't prohibit you from retaking FEAST with a different ANSP (provided the 24 months). Eurocontrol is one option.

17th Apr 2017, 11:48
Hi, first time poster but have been lurking for a while :)

I'm wondering if anyone can provide clarification on the emboldened statement above? I know that this is what the FAQs on NATS website say but
also that this hasn't been the case in the past.

I'm asking as I failed my stage 1 test last week under fairly incredible and unpredictable circumstances, and whilst I'm not looking for sympathy for that and fully appreciate the need for NATS to be strict when filtering through applications, I'm devastated that perhaps my only opportunity to go through this process could have been stunted by something beyond my control.

At my stage 2 last week, the administrator said that they were looking to change this policy and to keep an eye on the website. She didn't specify when they will be changing it and to what, though.

18th Apr 2017, 23:50
The 24-month wait period for a second application was a FEAST limitation. If the ANSP decides they don't want reapplications, well, that's their choice then. That, however, doesn't prohibit you from retaking FEAST with a different ANSP (provided the 24 months). Eurocontrol is one option.
Unfortunately it's not for me as I'm over their age limitation :hmm:

At my stage 2 last week, the administrator said that they were looking to change this policy and to keep an eye on the website. She didn't specify when they will be changing it and to what, though.
Interesting, would love to hear an update if you hear anything regarding that.

Thanks for the replies!

20th Apr 2017, 13:33
At my stage 2 last week, the administrator said that they were looking to change this policy and to keep an eye on the website. She didn't specify when they will be changing it and to what, though.

I hope they do change it! When I applied and failed at Stage 2 I was told I could reapply in 2 years, when I looked again the other week I see that it's changed to only being able to apply once and that's that!
Very short sighted on their part I would argue, especially given that I currently operate in a very similar environment and would (in my opinion) be able to carry out the role and the training.
But hey, they've changed it once who's to say they won't change it again soon :)

21st Apr 2017, 17:08
I have my stage 3 in June, can anyone tell me what the final computer test is? I've heard mention of the strip management test but not sure if this was an old part of feast 2 or not.

24th Apr 2017, 18:37
Hi everyone - just wanted to say thanks for the helpful info posted so far, bits and pieces have helped me pass everything up to and including the Stage 2 assessment so far.

I have my Stage 3 in a few weeks in May, and was wondering if anyone could give me any advice as to any extra things I could learn in advance of the day?

I feel I can prepare for the computer test, competency interview (as much as I can at least!), and the personality profiling interview, but wondered if there was any additional reading I could do to boost my chances? One of the NATS recruitment staff I met at Stage 2 suggested learning the details of several airports across the UK, and perhaps some ILS plates, as well as info about NATS itself.

Are there any people who have undertaken Stage 3 that could tell me if this sort of stuff would be relevant, and anything else I could add to the list?

Thanks a lot in advance! :)

25th Apr 2017, 12:59
Hi Everone!

Passed my Stage 1 last night, anybody have any idea of timeframes to book my Stage 2? Intisl email said i only had 7 days to book and attend?


27th Apr 2017, 09:05
Hey Jonny,
I just passed Stage 1 too, the email I got says that you have to book a date within a week, but the date you book does not have to be within a week (i.e. if you got the email on April 25th, you have until April 2nd to book a date, but you could choose an interview date of May 15th)
(Having said this they all state in the email that due to limited date availability at the moment the 7 day rule may not apply)

... I just followed the link and the next available dates are in June anyway :/

27th Apr 2017, 17:31
Out of interest, what is the average age of trainee controllers? Is being in your late-20s/thirties fairly normal or does it tend to be more graduate-age?

2nd May 2017, 01:36
Hello all.
I'll be taking Stage 3 assessment center next week along with the ATC knowledge test.
Any tips on how to organize the aircraft in the booklet to remember all the details of each?

5th May 2017, 09:33
Anybody going June 23Rd?

6th May 2017, 10:21
Hi Palks,
Chech your mail! ;)

8th May 2017, 14:49
Hi I've recently passed stage 3 and have been given a start date at the college of July 24th. Me and a fellow trainee are looking to rent a place in the area, are there any other trainee ATCOs who would be interested in joining us?

Also to anyone who has already been through the college, any suggestions on the best area to live?

Cheers, Stewart

8th May 2017, 19:55
Hi I've recently passed stage 3 and have been given a start date at the college of July 24th. Me and a fellow trainee are looking to rent a place in the area, are there any other trainee ATCOs who would be interested in joining us?

Also to anyone who has already been through the college, any suggestions on the best area to live?

Cheers, Stewart

Hey Stewart, I am also on the 24th of July course! I have already got accommodation, but it would be good to connect through Facebook! I have set up a closed group, if you search for "NATS 248 Basic" on Facebook. or use the following link:


10th May 2017, 16:11
Hi All

Got my 1st assessment day tomorrow in Whiteley and am really struggling with learning the aircraft's. I have put in some serious time but the aircraft's are stumping me.
Are the ATC questions multiple choice and what percentage are about air
craft please.

Nervous but excited....


13th May 2017, 12:29
Hi All

Got my 1st assessment day tomorrow in Whiteley and am really struggling with learning the aircraft's. I have put in some serious time but the aircraft's are stumping me.
Are the ATC questions multiple choice and what percentage are about air
craft please.

Nervous but excited....


How did you get on?

24th May 2017, 18:01
Hi everyone - just wanted to say thanks for the helpful info posted so far, bits and pieces have helped me pass everything up to and including the Stage 2 assessment so far.

I have my Stage 3 in a few weeks in May, and was wondering if anyone could give me any advice as to any extra things I could learn in advance of the day?

I feel I can prepare for the computer test, competency interview (as much as I can at least!), and the personality profiling interview, but wondered if there was any additional reading I could do to boost my chances? One of the NATS recruitment staff I met at Stage 2 suggested learning the details of several airports across the UK, and perhaps some ILS plates, as well as info about NATS itself.

Are there any people who have undertaken Stage 3 that could tell me if this sort of stuff would be relevant, and anything else I could add to the list?

Thanks a lot in advance! :)

Caity, take it you've been by now. How did it go?

25th May 2017, 17:06
Caity, take it you've been by now. How did it go?

I passed! Got the news last Friday, super excited. I haven't had the terms & conditions through yet so not 100% sure of the start date, but the woman I spoke to on the phone was saying there's still spaces on the end of July course (which I'm assuming starts on the 24th from other posts), so I might be with those guys.

For anyone wanting advice about stage 3 there's not much to say apart from be yourself (cliché I know), revise as much as you can from the booklet they give you, and maybe do a little extra research about NATS and air traffic control. I think I went a bit OTT learning all about ILS plates and things but it can't hurt to show you're keen! In terms of the computer test I think it's best to just go in there and give it your best shot without trying to prepare for it like the others, I think they purposefully don't publish much information about it to see how you get on, and I'm not going to divulge here. Hope that helps anyone with an assessment coming up!

If any of the peeps on the end of July course want to get in contact give me a shout - as soon as I know the start date for certain I'm going to start looking for accommodation and I'd really like to live with others doing the same thing!

Sorry for the essay, good luck to anyone still progressing through the assessments and hope it's good news, I know it's made my year! :)

26th May 2017, 11:11
Hi All

Attending Stage 3 in July; wondering if anyone can clarify if the Stage 3 computer based test(s) is similar in nature to the tests in Stage 2, or something completely different?

Also, regarding the technical competency interview, are the questions they ask specific to details in the handbook (e.g. a specific aircraft's speed etc), or more general questions about ATC practices and regulations in airspace etc.


26th May 2017, 11:18
I passed! Got the news last Friday, super excited. I haven't had the terms & conditions through yet so not 100% sure of the start date, but the woman I spoke to on the phone was saying there's still spaces on the end of July course (which I'm assuming starts on the 24th from other posts), so I might be with those guys.

For anyone wanting advice about stage 3 there's not much to say apart from be yourself (cliché I know), revise as much as you can from the booklet they give you, and maybe do a little extra research about NATS and air traffic control. I think I went a bit OTT learning all about ILS plates and things but it can't hurt to show you're keen! In terms of the computer test I think it's best to just go in there and give it your best shot without trying to prepare for it like the others, I think they purposefully don't publish much information about it to see how you get on, and I'm not going to divulge here. Hope that helps anyone with an assessment coming up!

If any of the peeps on the end of July course want to get in contact give me a shout - as soon as I know the start date for certain I'm going to start looking for accommodation and I'd really like to live with others doing the same thing!

Sorry for the essay, good luck to anyone still progressing through the assessments and hope it's good news, I know it's made my year! :)

Congrats! Bet you're well chuffed. Hopefully you'll get on the July course. I have my stage 3 in less than 2 weeks, and I think I'm probably going a bit OTT on learning technical stuff, so your advice has helped, thanks!

26th May 2017, 13:38
Congrats! Bet you're well chuffed. Hopefully you'll get on the July course. I have my stage 3 in less than 2 weeks, and I think I'm probably going a bit OTT on learning technical stuff, so your advice has helped, thanks!

Thanks, I am indeed! Hope it goes well for you, let me know how you get on!

27th May 2017, 21:22
So it's been recommended to have a go at the games on the NATS website. Anyone have any idea as to what is regarded as a good score?

30th May 2017, 21:06
Congratulations! Could you do me a favour and tell me both the day of your Stage 3 and when you got the news that you passed? Thank you.

My stage 3 was Monday 15th May, and I found out that Friday on the 19th. But they do say in that it could be up to 30 days or something before you hear back, so if you had an assessment on a Monday and didn't hear by the end of the week I wouldn't worry. I would imagine you almost always hear back within a week or two, it probably depends how busy they've been and how many were at an assessment.

If you were still interested about next steps, I'm in the middle of sending off all of these medical / security forms and waiting for further instructions, like getting a date booked for the medical. It can take a while for it to all get processed, I think they say to give yourself at least a couple of months in between finding out you've passed stage 3 and starting the next training course to make sure your medical and security clearance all goes through. All of the information about the requirements for passing a Class 3 medical is available on the CAA website so you can get an idea if you'll have any potential issues, and as long as you don't have a large gap on your CV the security should be straightforward.

Hope some of that helps, and good luck with Stage 3! :)

31st May 2017, 21:02
So it's been recommended to have a go at the games on the NATS website. Anyone have any idea as to what is regarded as a good score?

While the NATS games give an idea of having to deal with multiple 'aircraft' and avoiding tunnel vision, I wouldn't put too much effort into practising them. The games require quick reactions, but that's it. DART requires this too, but what makes it harder is that you have to think ahead and be accurate with your directions as well. The games don't test this. That's my thoughts at least.

4th Jun 2017, 19:04
While the NATS games give an idea of having to deal with multiple 'aircraft' and avoiding tunnel vision, I wouldn't put too much effort into practising them. The games require quick reactions, but that's it. DART requires this too, but what makes it harder is that you have to think ahead and be accurate with your directions as well. The games don't test this. That's my thoughts at least.

Thanks Flamin Squirrel. Decent tips. Can you possibly shine some light on another question. Rumour has it there's a few distance/speed/time questions in the multiple choice paper. Is this true? The email NATS sent only mention to learn the info in the booklet.


5th Jun 2017, 09:20
Congratulations! Could you do me a favour and tell me both the day of your Stage 3 and when you got the news that you passed? Thank you.

I did mine on the 31st of Jan and found out on the 2nd of Feb.

Also a quick reminder, anyone starting on the Basic 248 course in July, come and join our Facebook group to help work out accommodation and ask questions etc!


5th Jun 2017, 20:38
Thank you that's pretty useful! My problem is that I will be coming all the way from Spain so the time I can spend here limited - my Stage 3 would be on a Tuesday so I had in mind staying until next Tuesday?

About the medical and all of the forms, is there anything that you need to fill in person or can you do it online / via mail? Also do you know when will you begin the course? Thanks!

Hi lakupipu, sorry for the delayed response! When you say you are staying for a week after the stage 3, are you hoping to get all the medical stuff out of the way by then? Because there's no way it happens that quick! I'm still waiting for a date for my medical, hopefully sooner rather than later. In terms of all of the forms, you fill them all in and either send them off online or via post, but you will need to get a medical in person. If NATS give you permission, you can get it done by another AME that isn't the one NATS pay for in London. I have no idea if you can get it done by a medical examiner in Spain, perhaps worth finding out if there is one certified by the CAA that you could go to to save you travelling back to the UK just for a medical?

8th Jun 2017, 19:27
Hi folks,

Long time lurker, first time poster. Recently passed stage 2 so thought I'd offer a couple of tips from my experience.

I'd say the most important thing to bear in mind with the aptitude tests is that they are designed to break everyone, you may feel like you are failing even if you are doing well. I thought I had thoroughly screwed up in parts of FEAST yet still passed. Do not panic if you feel its starting to look dire.

Without giving away any unfair advantage, the motivation paper is pretty simple if you put some time into studying the booklet. I probably spent about 10 hours in total learning it and I felt confident answering all but one question on the test.

Hi, I will have my assessment day in 8 days, I have read your post and I would have a question about the motivation paper.
I am a bit worried about the many details of the aircraft's which was given to us, I feel like I know most of it, but having a bit of hard time about the Airlines. Would you mind to tell me a bit more accurately what sort of question shall we expect? I would really appreciate it, thanks in advance!

9th Jun 2017, 21:19
Has anyone else had a message about change of date and venue for training?

11th Jun 2017, 20:07
Thanks Flamin Squirrel. Decent tips. Can you possibly shine some light on another question. Rumour has it there's a few distance/speed/time questions in the multiple choice paper. Is this true? The email NATS sent only mention to learn the info in the booklet.


There were when I did it. I can't remember if it was more than one, but it wasn't lots.

12th Jun 2017, 15:34
Thanks, I am indeed! Hope it goes well for you, let me know how you get on!

Just received the good news from NATS that I'm in pending medical and vetting! Ecstatic is an understatement as I had convinced myself that I'd failed.

They mentioned that there was a course with a partner agency (can't remember the name) for 17 July and one with NATS on 24 July that they were trying to get me on. Due to having to move down from Aberdeen and the fact that I've lived out the country in the last 5 years I don't think this is possible. They have quoted a course date between October and December.

Hopefully the medical goes without a hitch now. Have you had yours yet and been given a start date?

13th Jun 2017, 17:40
Just received the good news from NATS that I'm in pending medical and vetting! Ecstatic is an understatement as I had convinced myself that I'd failed.

They mentioned that there was a course with a partner agency (can't remember the name) for 17 July and one with NATS on 24 July that they were trying to get me on. Due to having to move down from Aberdeen and the fact that I've lived out the country in the last 5 years I don't think this is possible. They have quoted a course date between October and December.

Hopefully the medical goes without a hitch now. Have you had yours yet and been given a start date?

Congrats, pleased for you!

Yes I got an email about that - I still haven't got a confirmed start date, still waiting for a date from them for my medical so I don't know if they're waiting for my certificate before they give me a definite date. Would like to know sooner or later if it will be July though, need to get accommodation etc. sorted and not long to go! Not too bothered if it ends up being on the next course, I just want to know either way. Seems like they're super busy at the moment though with lots of applicants. We shall see!

18th Jun 2017, 12:25
For anyone who has already gone through stage 3 or knows the stage 3 process, is there no longer a group stage?

Also, I don't remember if I gave them my CV up to this stage but do they base their interview on CV's (if they have them!) or is it starting from no knowledge of me whatsoever?! :p

19th Jun 2017, 19:22
For anyone who has already gone through stage 3 or knows the stage 3 process, is there no longer a group stage?

Also, I don't remember if I gave them my CV up to this stage but do they base their interview on CV's (if they have them!) or is it starting from no knowledge of me whatsoever?! :p

If you didn't upload a CV I suggest you take one with you. All the information you need about the day will be on the email they sent you.

19th Jun 2017, 21:25
Hello, I'm going to the stage 2 assessment centre day on 28th June and just wondered if anyone else is and would like to meet? I'll be travelling down from York the day before and could do with calming my nerves!

29th Jun 2017, 11:33
Hello all,

I have my Stage 3 test next week and wondered if anyone that has attended one recently has any last minute advice?

Specific areas to revise for the interview, tasks to practice for the final Euro Control test etc?

Thanks in advance! :ok:

5th Jul 2017, 08:47
Hey guys!

This thread has been super helpful so far! I got the email to book onto an assessment day this morning!

I've booked onto the 17th August!

Anyone else looking at that one? I'm travelling from Devon so have booked a hotel for the night before!

Other than reading all the information, are there any tips to help pass the other assessments? Read a lot about 'cubes'...is there any where these can be practiced?!

Thank you in advance!

6th Jul 2017, 21:28
Hi lakupipu, sorry for the delayed response! When you say you are staying for a week after the stage 3, are you hoping to get all the medical stuff out of the way by then? Because there's no way it happens that quick! I'm still waiting for a date for my medical, hopefully sooner rather than later. In terms of all of the forms, you fill them all in and either send them off online or via post, but you will need to get a medical in person. If NATS give you permission, you can get it done by another AME that isn't the one NATS pay for in London. I have no idea if you can get it done by a medical examiner in Spain, perhaps worth finding out if there is one certified by the CAA that you could go to to save you travelling back to the UK just for a medical?

Medical needs to be done in the UK, but because there is a huge crisis with AMEs, do not expect to get it booked anytime soon...
If you are flying from Spain, you only need to spend one day here for Stage 3.
Regarding documents, you need to send them by MAIL.

12th Jul 2017, 15:28
Did anyone hear anything from last week's (or even this week's) stage 3 yet?

I got an email stating that my medical forms had been processed and that I would be contacted again for a medical, but without any actual confirmation that I have (or haven't) been successful at stage 3!

... trying not to read too much into the medical email without any actual official positive news!

Edit: I was successful! Awaiting medical and a November course date :)

13th Jul 2017, 18:04
Did anyone hear anything from last week's (or even this week's) stage 3 yet?

I got an email stating that my medical forms had been processed and that I would be contacted again for a medical, but without any actual confirmation that I have (or haven't) been successful at stage 3!

... trying not to read too much into the medical email without any actual official positive news!

Edit: I was successful! Awaiting medical and a November course date :)

Congrats! Hopefully see you then all going well with the medical.

Did they say November? Last I heard it was tentatively between October and December.