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13th Apr 2007, 00:23
HI, Im new here and to tell you guys honestly this forum helps a lot esp to those who havent had any experience in assessment and interview yet. and Would like to congratulate you all who made it at EY.... hope to hear more of your experiences there =)

Also, Just wanna ask if EY chose only those candidates who have a cabin crew experiences? Hope someone can help me =) Thanks a bunch =)

13th Apr 2007, 00:39
My name's Jasmine and I was one of the people who got through the final interview held in Melbourne 02.April. I remember "Oxgyn" and "TanyaD". Hi, girls~!! It's so good to see you guys here:p Have you heard anything from Abu Dhabi yet? I really hope we all can work for Etihad!! Plz keep in touch with me!! Have a great day!!

13th Apr 2007, 01:27
:) Hi, can somebody tell me what day(s) is the weekend in Abu Dhabi? Im about to call them but im not quite sure if their HR office is open. Thanks :O

13th Apr 2007, 02:00
Hi Nickvan,

Thanks for the reply to my pm, I have just sent you a pm in response to your reply. Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Keep us posted on your news with Etihad.

13th Apr 2007, 02:05
Hi Webwebbingloop

Are you going to AUH for the Cabin Manager's position on Saturday?

Were you at the March 23rd Assessment day for Etihad?

I have pm'd you, maybe you could get in touch?

13th Apr 2007, 02:35
Hiya all!

Just saw on the Etihad careers website that they will be conducting interviews in Vancouver on April 15th and 16th. The interviews are by invitation only- You have to apply on-line and if you meet their criteria they will I guess send you an email? or call? inviting you to the interviews. I have already applies on-line myself and was wondering if anyone else has, and if so- have they got invited to the interviews yet? Very curious!! Ciao!

13th Apr 2007, 03:26
Hi everyone, I just received an invitation for an assessment at Etihad but I'm hesitant to go. They specify at the invitation that I need to reach 214cm on tip toes so I can proceed with the assessment. Sadly, when I measure myself at home, I was able to reach 210cm only. :sad: Do I still have a chance? Does anyone here had the same experience but still went and made it to the final interview? Please enlighten me on this matter. All opinions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. :)

13th Apr 2007, 03:41
Hi Jasmine,

Glad to see you on the site, the more the merrier !!!

Still haven't heard anything yet, but do know of someone who has had an unsuccessful email so I'm hoping that no news is good news.

It's two weeks on Monday so hopefully we'll hear something next week, if we don't I think I'll ring them cause I'm getting very anxious as I really want this.

I remember a few people from the final interviews but only by what they were wearing, I'm terrible with names, did we chat at all? That final interview stage was such a blur. :bored:

Have you heard anything yet?? Is there anyone you keep in touch with?

Tanya ;)

13th Apr 2007, 05:30
I was only one asian looking girl, Tanya. I'm for sure you remember me now. Right?!:O

I don't keep in touch with anyone from the interview day. I've been really regretting why I didn't get anyone's contact number on the day. Anyway, I found out this brilliant website today and saw you and Oxgyn! Lucky me:p

Has someone really received an unsucsessful email?? Oh no~!! How come?? I feel sorry for the person--;; I haven't heard anything from Abu Dhabi yet. I've been so nervous and anxious since the day. Well, you are right, Tanya!! No news is good news!! I will let you know straight away when I hear from them.

Good luck for you and have a lovely weekend:ok:

13th Apr 2007, 06:05

hi, just want to ask how did u received the invitation? did they call you? nwez, go for it girl.. there's nothing to lose... we'll never know if they would consider it, right =)

13th Apr 2007, 07:02
Hey all again...

Tina_24 - weekends in UAE are Friday and Saturday. They change it whenever they feel like it??. When I was in DXB in May last year the weekend was Thursday and Friday. :ugh: :ugh: :ugh:

Its taken me 3 days so far to complete half of my medical. Got Mon/Tue next week before its complete. I think ill be drugged by next week :O

Samara - I have got your details and pass it onto the guy I know. Let me know if he pm's you ok. Have a great weekend.. Ill bump into him tomorrow hopefully. Im at work so he should be checking-in at around 1300 during my break at work ;)

13th Apr 2007, 14:18
Hi All,

I attended and interview in London in the middle of March, Got through to the last stage and have not heard anything yet (4 weeks) am very anxious as I want the job so much. Has anyone else heard anything?, or had to wait this long? or is 4 weeks wait a bad sign?

Any advice would be appreciated.


13th Apr 2007, 14:29

I would call them by now if I were you. A few of us from March 23rd Assessment day were all given the go ahead via a phone call then an email on April 10th from AUH. Approx 2 weeks.

I know they have been busy as they informed some of the blokes who called to find out what the delay was..but 4 weeks? :yuk:

13th Apr 2007, 15:09
Hi Nickvan

Haven't heard anything yet. Have you heard from him?

13th Apr 2007, 15:51
Hi Tina,

they called me though i wasnt the one who answered it, they leave a msg to check my email saying i have invited for their assessment day on the 22nd...i do hope that they will email or get in touched w u also...

Goodluck to us and hope we can joined EY too!!!

Pray for us :)

13th Apr 2007, 20:25
2 weeks since the interview and still any news... I'm a little afraid... :{
Cheer me up, guys... Hugs from Vienna

13th Apr 2007, 21:38

He's flying out today on the Etihad flight to AUH. Ill be working out there this arvo. So will try and find him and pass the message. :}

14th Apr 2007, 01:11
hi tina_24, I received an email of invitation from Etihad. I'm scheduled to attend the assessment on April 22 at Inter-continental Hotel. Yup, I've decided to try my luck. Who knows, right? If it's for me, then well and good. If not, it's still a very interesting experience. I'll let you know what happened. Thanks for the encouragement. Good luck on your application too. :)

14th Apr 2007, 05:19
Hi Nickvan, Congrats :D on making it through, I hope your flying soon. I attended the Bris 20th assessment day, made it through to the final round, but haven't heard back from them either. Do you have any contact details for the recruitment team or anyone else I can contact in regards.

Oh, and did you apply for CC or CM?

Any info would be much appreciated.


Kind regards.


14th Apr 2007, 11:39
Ive realised the Recruitment team are heading back to Australia, BNE/MEL/SYD next month.

Interesting as the EY check-in counters in Sydney have brochures on information & how to apply for Cabin Crew, as passengers check-in their welcome to take one.

They must be really desperate for CC coming back downunder..or maybe us Aussies are just too good they got to come back for 2nds... :} :} :} LOLLLL

14th Apr 2007, 11:55
Hi guys,I m new on this web site,and I was really happy when I found this out:) .I m italian girl so...sorry for my english.I had the interview with Etihad on 29th of March in Dublin.I got through the final interview.We were only in 5.But I didn t hear any news yet.Anyone of you knows If they call you even if the final interview was usuccessful???:(
If I want to call them what should I ask for?and sombody have the number?

Any reply will be really appreciate

tks every one and good luck!!! :p

15th Apr 2007, 04:51
Hi! Would you know where the assessment will be in manila? and did you just apply online?


15th Apr 2007, 12:03
Hi evryone :O

To Nickvan, thanks a bunch for confirming that wid me =) really appreciate it =) Nwez, good luck through out everything =)

To bancrofti88 & warmheart623l;
I called them just now to update my application.. i just hope to hear from them soon.. dont wanna miss this opportunity =) Nwez, i hope to see you guys there and fly together to AUH :D :D

15th Apr 2007, 12:14
hi guys

This is fast.. i just called them a while ago... to confirm if ever they got my online application and asked them if i got the chance to attend assessment. They told me that they'll get back on me asap... After 10mins... got a call from Etihad HR and invited me this 22nd of April... hhaaaa..... M really grateful and excited !!!!! =):)

15th Apr 2007, 12:37
Hi Tina,

Can you please PM me the phone number you rang. I am trying to get onto them now but the number I have seems to be ringing out.

Thank you

15th Apr 2007, 13:11
I've got the number now. I should have opened my eyes when I was looking on the website.:eek:

Anyway, has anyone who attended the Melbourne interviews heard anything back yet?


16th Apr 2007, 08:06
Hi, all.
Finally, I received a management approval email and phone call from Abu Dhabi today. Oh my goodness:p I'm looking for people who need to do the medical examination like me. I think it will be good to prepare and share everything together.
Tanya~ Have you heard anything yet??

p.s I'm in Melbourne

16th Apr 2007, 08:42

Thanks for your help. I contacted HR and soon afterwards was sent an email. I've now got the go ahead to complete the medical.

:ok: Hope to see you in AUH!:O

16th Apr 2007, 09:15
Hey all, not sure if i might hvae met some of u melbourne ppl at the interview, my name's kris lam, the guy who didnt have a tie.
Neway i just got managements approval today not too sureif that means im hired or that i need to send them some more information and see if i get through the next level.

REgarding being a flight attendant with etihad can one save money? whats the pay in aussie dollars per month on avrg including allowances? i also heard that living costs there are aournd the same as europe, which sounds pretty expensive.

Neway would love it if neone could answer the questions. good luck all.
oh btw, do u think it would be better to finish a university degree before being a fa or if selected would u guys recomend becoming a fa and then mayb studying? very vague question, i know..

16th Apr 2007, 09:22
i'm in manila and i got an invite...:O i'm really nervous.. well goodluck to me...

for those who got in... congratulations!

16th Apr 2007, 09:34
Hi Krislam,

Congrats buddy..

Do us all a favour and Defer Uni :mad: hahahaha this is a once in a chance lifetime for most of us.....dont waste it I reckon :O

But most of us posting under this topic are in the same boat as you.

You should try reading your email again. You have been succusful but one more step is to complete the medical forms that were given during your final interview. If you didnt hand any references, certificates, resumes on the day of the assessment, then you need to forward them through to AUH via email. If already then no need to worry. As for $$$ No idea..will be on the contract..I know they got a payrise few weeks back...
Just proceed through with medical.

Once completed, medical forms you will need to forward your documentation back to AUH. Their medical team will have to re-check your medical forms and see if you are missing any tests etc etc. This ma take 2-4 weeks.

Once approved.. A Contract will be forwarded to you....This is where all your questions will be answered buddy.

You have a week to sign the contract and forward back to AUH. The final communication from AUH is your departure date. They will notify you once you send and sign the contracts. Unfortunately I did ask EY about leaving with the group that made it through in Sydney..but we will be put into different batches and each batch commences training on different dates :{ so flying lonesome to AUH


Ps. Good On Ya Birdsofparadise!! Looks like an Aussie Invasion happening... :p

16th Apr 2007, 10:46
Hi all

first of all any perth-onians here?? i was at the perth assessment day and just received management approval last night. looks like its time to show the world what the ozzies are made of!!

hope to see everyone some day at 35000ft and maybe time to pary hard in new york or paris!!!

if anyone needs info on the recruitment day feel free to send me an email and will give as much info as i was given before my assessment day.

good times had by all

16th Apr 2007, 11:11
Hi, just been carrying out some research as off to AUH in nxt 6 months from DXB, from the Tech side, re accomodation. Been looking at buying as DXB is too expensive and found an opp that is 10-15 mins from airport. Not ready till end 08, but seems good value. If you want any info pm. me Cheers

16th Apr 2007, 11:13
Mod deletion - posted in Nokia Speak

16th Apr 2007, 13:31
Hey everybody, it certainly will be an Aussie invasion. I also got my email today telling me to go ahead with medicals and provide them with two written references. And I know of one other guy who was at the Melbourne interviews who also got his email today.

Well it's time to be a crash test dummy and pin cushion all in one and get those medicals started !!!!! I'm looking forward to getting them all done, not a huge fan of needles :ooh:

Anyway, congratulations to all that have received their emails and best of luck to all who are attending interviews.

I'm sure we'll keep each other informed on our experiences and I look forward to seeing you all in AUH !!!!! WOOOOHOOOO !!!!!!

Take care

16th Apr 2007, 16:59
hi Guys
I just wanted to say WELL DONE to all you Aussies who have got in.
I have been watching this thread for a few weeks now, i feel like i really know all of you now.... lol
I flew with EY in Feb from Manchester to AUH and then a connecting flight from AUH to Muscat and return, and i must say, they were great.
I was cabin crew for a few years here in the UK, and my dream was always to be a Steward, and i can tell you now that EY is real flying and all the works.
The planes are pure luxury and the crew on all my flights were excellent.
Please let us know how you get on and keep in contact with what life is like, don't just leave me, please keep me informed and like i say, Well done and enjoy this once of a lifetime oppurtunity !!!!!!!
Michael xxxxxxxxxx

16th Apr 2007, 18:36
hey mike16, why did you quit flying ? is it because your age ?
I mean, I`m 31 and this summer I will start flying
(I got an offer letter from EK).

saving money depend on your spending, right ?
and since there`s been salary increment in EY,
now you can get as musch as 3000 AUD / month.
maybe a little bit more, depends on flights.

16th Apr 2007, 19:54

No i did not leave cabin crew because of my age, i am only 35, and i feel like an 18 year old inside, and still party like an 18 year old too.. lol

but i also have a relationship now, but beleive me, if i could i would be out there with you guys, all i will say is , go for it and enjoy, you lucky buggers.....

Mike x

16th Apr 2007, 20:48
Oi Oi Oi!

Hey congratulations to everybody for making this far! :D

The down under crew to join the ranks of Etihad will hopefully have 2 new members.

My partner and I both received the green light. I took today off work to start the medical.

Good luck to anyone still awaiting news, I'm sure you'll shine through.

Ciao for now!

Hope to see you all in AUH.

Kind regards,



Hey buddy!

Any news on your blood tests?

How long did your med tests take?

Talk soon. :ok:

16th Apr 2007, 23:24
Birdofparadise,:} :}

Its taken me a few days to do the medical. I thought I could do it in 2 days but thought wrong.
You need to go back and forth to the doctor and dentist. Also Xray places to get your xrays done. I started on Thu last week and today is my last day where I get my results and final vaccination.

Then email the documents this afternoon:ugh:

17th Apr 2007, 01:04
Hi there!:O

Wanna congratulate to all of you who made it! :D :D Blessings really pour on you guys! i hope it will eventually continue!
I'm quite excited for this coming assessment. And this forum really helps a lot.. Thanks for all the tips and advice ! =)

17th Apr 2007, 03:20
Hey all..

Finally completed my Medical! MISSION ACCOMPALISHED

Looks like im all good to go....:p
Just forwarded them to Etihad in AUH.

All together had 6 needles in 4 days :ouch: :ouch: my arms are aching

Thank God its over...now waiting for my contract :ok:

17th Apr 2007, 16:20
OMG! Guys, i just also recieved my mail and I can do my medicals now...
I'm so glad i already started 2 weeks ago with doing the tests...
Did you guys do a Pulmonary Function Test? My doc wants me to do one in order to give her okay to the "respiratory" section... im not sure if i really need a do that... only got an appointment on the 25th... soooo loong to wait.
Wish i was in australia... seems to go very fast there... my doc needs me to wait 2 weeks inbetween every vaccination she gives me...

And, nickvan... can ya tell me,... as im not from an english speaking country, my docs dont really know what she should put into the findings line next to the examination points... here we have something like "O.B." which means something like any findings or everythings OK. What would an english speaking doctor write in there!?!
However,... hugs, hope to see ya all very soon in auh.... hugs, mat

17th Apr 2007, 21:45
Congrat Violinplayer21c! its about time huh! :D

I forwarded my documents yesterday and called them to confirm it was received.

The conversation then turn to "How soon can we get you here Nick?"
They got me on the spot. My medical will be assessed within 2-3 days max. We were already organising my departure date.

HR in AUH said they were bringing people over the next 4 weeks. As training batches are commencing every Sunday for the next 4 Sundays. So he's booked me in for departing 19th May 07!!! Which is the last batch before another batch is organised which will take awhile he said.
As people are still handing in their medicals...and not enough to start a new batch. Ahhhhhhhh its falling into place.

Violinplayer21C. In Australia my doctor put NORMAL for the findings. I think thats what they use here.

18th Apr 2007, 02:25
hey glad to see its all going ahead:) i have my last dentist app on monday and then will send everything off. Did u send all your dentist xrays as well? and do we need to send the chest xray to?

18th Apr 2007, 06:21
I was wondering about that too... no idea how i should scan in that huge chest x-ray thing!!!

18th Apr 2007, 10:18
Attn: Nickvan!

Congrates on getting a starting date with EY! It is a real proud moment for you!

I was reading your posts and wondering how you got you medical docs to EY so quickly? Did u fax, email, post or some other way. Could you please advise when u get a moment.

Thank you in advance

Safe flying!

18th Apr 2007, 10:37
Question to everybody who already completed their medical:

Anyone had to to a Pulmonary Function Test? (The thing were they lock you into a glass chamber and measure your in and outgoing airflow crap)

18th Apr 2007, 11:19
Was anyone else told that Etihad was comming back in 4 weeks to complete the recruitment process and if so, has anyone heard anything yet?

18th Apr 2007, 12:16
HI all

just got a call from Etihad and he was asking how i was going with my application. i told him when im starting my medicals (next monday) and he pretty much turned straight away and said how available r u to start. im like WOW!! this is sudden. I said when are you wanting to get crew over there, he said asap. he asked me how i felt about 6th or 13th of may??!?!?!?!?!?!!? talk about up and go. but hey its all for a good reason.

anyone here Etihad are looking to invest in smaller aircraft either 737 or A320? they want to get them in by late 2008 for shorter routes and keep the big babies for long haul. good time we're getting in, if tyhey had the smaller planes already in, I rekon all crew would start small and work their way up! Go straight into the long haul!!!

18th Apr 2007, 12:30
Hi webwebbingloop -

I scanned all of my documents/test results/vaccination certificates to AUH. They received them straight away.

MAIL?! Not a very smart idea. The email from Etihad specifically advised to forward them to that email address given. One of the guys was going to send them..but wont reach AUH till next week or even long.... and if they go missing!?:=

As for the X-Rays they are not required to be scanned. Well thats what I was told. How can you scan a Chest X-Ray? you'll just get 1 lung in...:p Im just going to attach all of them and take em with me.

FA1 - They are coming back to MEL/SYD/BNE from May 11th & 12th Starting in Sydney. BNE and MEL 14th/15th May.

violinplayer21c - Pulmonary Function Test?..WTF? Never heard of that one before?
Were going to the Middle East buddy...Not Middle Earth :} :}

ozziecrew - I spoke to them again tonight and now my 19th May Departure is now a question mark. Management chaging things around and need people earlier... They are needing people to commence 06th or 13th. So im just going to wait for them to advise of the next dates...

18th Apr 2007, 13:03
Hi everybody, I'm a Newbie, hello to you all...

Flyca86, I was one of the last 5 left in Dublin too! - I was the blonde girl first in for the very last interview, I haven't heard anything from yet either :confused:
If I do I'll post - goodluck to you anyway - and if you hear anything, feel free to email me!

Well done to everybody thats gotten through already :D

18th Apr 2007, 14:04
Hi All,

Well i've started the medical gauntlet and had my first needle today, I get to have the rest on Monday.

It's time for dental x-rays, chest x-rays and blood tests Thursday so that's going to be a fun and interesting day !!!!

violinplayer21c I've never heard of the Pulmonary Function Test?? and my doctor didn't mention anything about that sort of thing today when I had my consultation. Why do you have to wait two weeks between vaccinations, I'm getting all of mine in one day.

Nickvan - well dear, it seems you may be going earlier than you thought, it's all good, it means you'll be in the air and flying as cabin crew quicker.

Nick did you have to have some Man2 test where they inject something under your skin and then you go back in two days to see if you have had a reaction????? Just curious, it seems like a weird test to have done?

Anyway, it really does seem like they want the Aussie's over in AUH and onto their flights as quick as possible, awesome !!!!

To all of you completing their medicals, best of luck and to all who are attending open days or interview processes stay positive and be yourself you'll shine through !!!

Talk to you all soon


18th Apr 2007, 14:14
Hey Tanya :} :}

No we didnt get the man2 test. Doctors in Australia dont do it anymore..or something along those lines....So we didnt do it..too much hassle.
Medical paperwork States "Strongly Advised" no compulsory.

Also if you do this test..you need to get the Yellow Fever and this test done the same day OR you will have to wait 4 weeks apart before you can do the Yellow Fever or vice versa....Yellow fever is a live vaccine and needs to be taken together with the Man2. Or wait 4 weeks!:ouch:

So my doctor just wrote a medical certificate advising BCG/Tuberculosis test not recorded...bla bla bla

18th Apr 2007, 15:39
Hey again!
Same here, I was asking about the medical, and they turned right away... and said we can do all I did'nt do yet in the UAE... but WHEN CAN YOU START!?! March 29th, May 6th, May 13th? I answered, I'll be fine with the 6th but 13th is okay too.... so let's see what the answer is... WOWOWOWOWOW!
Gosh, I got so many things to do... cancel my mobile contract, internet, television, change my bank account to a devise account etc. etc. etc.

nickvan, when would you like to go? Would be so cool if we could start the same date.
Hugs to ya all...

18th Apr 2007, 17:41
Hey Guys, we were given a medical form to fill in at the end of the day - should I go ahead and get it done anyway? probably not though - until I get a phone call or something..
By the way, was it very expensive to get everything done? I'm thinking that if I get this and go about getting the form filled in its going to be really bloody expensive! :eek:

18th Apr 2007, 19:01
Hum, well depends... no idea how the medical system is in Ireland...
However, here in Austria, the federal social insurance (everybody must have that, it's the law) pays for most of the examinations, if theres a reason for them.
In this case, there werent, so I had to pay for most of them... 80 EUR at the dentist, 60 EUR at the eye-doc, 100EUR at the institute of tropical medicine for the vaccinations, 45EUR for the bloodtests... hum thats it so far, I think. So like 245EUR so far... we'll see what else they'll need ;)

18th Apr 2007, 22:55
hey hey violinplayer21c

My original departure date was 19th May for training 20th May. But now I dont know whats going on. When they called lastnite, they asked if I wanted to come earlier like 6th or 12th May. But was too early as Ive got my farewell bash on the 12th May & I need to sort out crap from work etc etc.

Fingers crossed for the 19th May. Looks like you'll be there before me :}

Hey ruthietwos, I was thinking the same when I got the medicals. But its a tough one..but same token it does take time to do.. unless you want to do the freebie ones first..if you do get medical fees waived in Ireland?

19th Apr 2007, 09:20
Hey Nickvan, I dont think i'd get any freebies! even a trip to my GP costs me 55 euro :(

I'll give etihad a ring first to see if I should go ahead with them.. plus - i was looking at it yesterday, at the dental section... and I know i'm going to have to have some dental work done!

cardboard boxes for shoes for me for the next month...:*

19th Apr 2007, 09:57
If someone was not successful with a job at Etihad as cabin crew how long does the applicant have to wait in order to re apply again?

19th Apr 2007, 11:27

I believe its 6 months.

19th Apr 2007, 14:42
Hey Guys,

Is there anyone from Canada who has been chosen and is heading to Abu Dhabi? For all the others who have been chosen, when are you guys departing for Abu Dhabi?

19th Apr 2007, 15:38
Deleted due Nokia Speak

19th Apr 2007, 22:18
i was chosen in canada and am supposed to head to abu dhabi, have no idea when. i have given them my preferred date but have not heard from them yet. i'll get kicked out of my apartment at the end of this month, hope all my friends are ready to show me their kindness, lol! i am almost done with my medicals though they mentioned that u have the option of doing the unfinished parts once in abu dhabi. what about u? when r u leaving?

21st Apr 2007, 17:37
Just found out that EY will have an open day in Singapore in May13 but their website said "by invitation via online application". I uploaded my application in Mar 31 but never heard from them at all, would it make a difference if i update and upload my CV again?? How long before the OD would they send out invitation? anyone knows?

And then I found out the agent Inter-Excel Advisory is organizing a walk in in Singapore on Apr 29 as well. This is what it says in their website:

Please courier or post detailed CV (kindly include your height & weight), one full length and 4 passport size photographs in office attire (Only those with photographs can be shortlisted for the final interview by Etihad Airline officials in Kuala Lumpur & Singapore )

Do i really need to post my CV to the agent and wait for their invitation before I can attend the walk in?? If I need to post my CV, it shouldn't be called a walk in right?? I have nightmare about screening by agent than by the airline directly. What if i didn't search elsewhere I wouldn't know the agent is organizing a walk in because it isn't mentioned at all in the EY website. Anyone can kindly give me some advices plssssssssssss

21st Apr 2007, 19:16
You will have to go for the pre screening by Interexcel - shortlisted candidates will then be invited for the final screening day by Etihad on 13th.

The interview on 13th is not an open day - it is a final round for shortlisted candidates. I went for the last round in March through Interexcel - 120 candidates for the final day only 8-10 made in the end. Good luck.

21st Apr 2007, 20:23
Hi Guys

I've applied for Etihad as they are having a open day in Glasgow, I'm looking for some advice

what shall I expect at the open day? Whats the next step after that?

How long if I am successful will I be able to go out?

I'm a bit confused about the medical reading some posts does it mean I will get the medical done in abu dhabi?

I really want this job its my dream but I'm worrying as I have no experience I am a retail manager at the moment?

Any tips or advice for the interview much appreciated!


22nd Apr 2007, 06:56
Dear ALL!

I was wondering if anybody out there could help with some information in relation to...how long after your final interview should it take to hear a yes or a no! If they are leaning towards a yes...if the next step after your final a security check??? and how long after this??? And if you get the green light to proceed with your medical, is that pretty much a offer of employment if that checks out all ok???

Thank you in advance for your responses and information!

22nd Apr 2007, 10:00
When I got my EY offer, I got it 2 weeks after the final interview.
And yes, when you get that mail or phone call it says that your application has been approved by management and they need you to fill in the medical. Yep, you got the job depending that you pass the medical, and you will do unless you have hiv or something:)

Good luck!

22nd Apr 2007, 10:02

How are you!? My exact thoughts few weeks back when I was waiting for the answer from them. Its going to be the longest 2-3 weeks of your life. :ugh:

Your application needs Final Management & Security Approval.Once this is done they call you to check your email like they done with me. The email will advise you to proceed through with medical BUT do not resign from your current employment.

Once medical done, you usually wait for the contract to be dispatched out..my medical was all ok with EY Medical team, now which im waiting for is the Contract which will be emailed through this week as per HR :}

22nd Apr 2007, 10:22
I've applied for Etihad as they are having a open day in Glasgow, I'm looking for some advice

what shall I expect at the open day? Whats the next step after that?

How long if I am successful will I be able to go out?

I'm a bit confused about the medical reading some posts does it mean I will get the medical done in abu dhabi?

I really want this job its my dream but I'm worrying as I have no experience I am a retail manager at the moment?

Any tips or advice for the interview much appreciated sorry my post might ramble a tad!

22nd Apr 2007, 11:27
Wow...just noticed on Etihad Careers website.

There are 1200 VACANCIES for Cabin Crew! & 70 Vacancies for Pursers!

Also noticed they taking a big chunk out of Bahrain. With the loss of quite a few Gulf Intl Cabin Crew with the latest restructure. EY Have gone in for the kill and have 3 consecutive open days in Bahrain.

Good on em.

22nd Apr 2007, 12:17
If someone have HBV,does that make him/her unsuitable for being a cabin crew in Etihad???

22nd Apr 2007, 12:28
Hi all,

Well, I've nearly finished my medical. I will get about four needles tomorrow, the eye test and that's it. YEAAAHHHH!!!! I am excited to get all the paperwork to them.

They seem to be wanting the males to start immediately, are there any females they have wanted straight away. It seems all the posts for immediate starts are from guys. Just curious.

Hey Nick, how are you going honey? What's happening with you now, have you got your contract, when is your departure date set for???

Hope everyone is going well with their medicals.

Take care

22nd Apr 2007, 16:05
Tanya... is there anyone at all who already received their contract!?!
I've sent my medical 3 days ago... but I guess they are still havin' their weekend over there... so... hum... i hope I can join may 6... anyone else interessted for may 6?

22nd Apr 2007, 22:27
Dear Mytcrew and Nickvan!

Thank you very much to both of you, for the information that you provided!

Yes it is a long wait, when you are waiting for something that you really want.

Hope to meet you both soon at EY!


23rd Apr 2007, 00:04
Hi Guys!

We had our assessment yesterday, 22nd here in Manila, and 32 (i think) made it thru the final interview. we were like 60+ in all. The recruiters were reallt nice and made us comfortable. It was a long day and we enjoyed it.. Just waiting for the 2 weeks =) Hope everyone would make it. Thanks guys for this forum... it helps a lot.

Nickvan, Thanks so much for the help!! =D

flying explorer
23rd Apr 2007, 02:20
congratulations tina!:D i hope you can make it till the end. any idea when they will have another assessment here in manila? where was it held?

by the way, for ladies who have long hair, how do you keep it in place? do you use a mousse or a gel?

23rd Apr 2007, 05:15
Hi all

just had teh majority of my medical done, the only thing keft is dental stuff!! also the tuberculosis thingy, did anyone go and have that skin scrape???? coz im not sure if its recommended or has to be done? its that thing where they put something in your skin and u go back in 3 days to see if u have some rash or something??? have no idea!!

well as far as i no there are only about 5 or so from Perth that made it!! makes me feel good hahahahahah!!!

see ya all soon!

does anyone no when after the may training batches/school what dates r in june??? and is there going to be Arabic big brother hahahah??? could u imagine? not...

23rd Apr 2007, 07:36
i'm one of the 30-something who made it on the 22nd... lucky for us... guess we'll gonna be joining you guys with the waiting hehehe...

23rd Apr 2007, 09:49
Hi, all~!!

I received a call from one Etihad HR officer today, and he asked my preference for joining date. I said 'beginning of June', so he gave me '3rd. June' Also, he sent me an email - 6 pages of cabin crew contract form attached.

I haven't finished my medical exam yet, so i was quite suprised when I got the call. I've only finished my dental exam and 6 vaccinations(but still two more to go:rolleyes: ) You know what? I'm doing my urine and blood tests tomorrow. I know I'm really late, but there was a reason. Anyway, I hope I can send all the results by the end of this week or coming Monday.

Umm.... I feel very strange now:rolleyes: I keep asking myself 'Are you ready to go there? Are you really?' It is worse becuase of my boyfriend seating next to me with so sad face:{ Be strong Jas~!!!!!!!!!!

I'm gonna miss this bloody beautiful country AUSRALIA~!!

Nickvan, Ozziecrew, Tanya..let me know you guys' commencement dates!

23rd Apr 2007, 09:51

there is a chance not to be accepted even after completition of those forms :-(, but that doesn't happen very often.

Do not inform EY about stolen passport yet, as he/she doesn't know if they've been accepted or not. But what they can do is to apply for new passport as soon as possible. If they get job with EY, than inform them immediately as they need passport number and copy for UAE residence visa.

23rd Apr 2007, 12:32
Tina_24! :D :D

Congrats girl..!!! im happy for you..good my info helped you....

Jasmine1004, I just got my contract sent to me..ive just signed it and forwarded it back to AUH!!! Now waiting...they have not put a Commencement date but left it blank. So Im waiting now :} :} the date of departure..

To everyone else..good luck and hang in there..Im crossing my fingers for 19th May 2007! :E

23rd Apr 2007, 12:43
Did anyone of you receive a confirmation when you sent your medical?
How long inbetween sending medical and receiving of a contract?
Hugs, violinplayer

23rd Apr 2007, 13:04
well i havent even finished my medical and they called me tonight asking when can i start again. i said once my medical is all dont i will send u all the medical stuff and once thats approved i will look throo the contract and then let them no......

EY HR person went onto tell me that we must be misuderstood as i have already got the position and i can resign tomorrow from my job?!?!?! i want to make sure my medical stuff is all approved before i sign anything, just in case somethin may be wrong with me!!! but they really are keen for us to get over there hey!!!

is all going sooooo fast, im actually scared and anxious now!!!!

if anyone out there has heard of possible dates could u write them all down for me...cheers guys

24th Apr 2007, 06:28
Flying Explorer,

They told us that they'll be recruting more often than before in MNL so dont lose hope :ok: They told us that they'll be recruting every month or at least every other month. Last Feb, they were here as well,they didnt inform that thru their site, however it was thru their rep agency here in MNL, East Gate, familiar with that? Just a piece of advice, go for both, what i mean is apply online and to the agency as well. There's nothing wrong with it =D Then regularly check their site if there's a recruitment drive in MNL. so with the agency, regularly call to check if there is. =D :O Hope this will help you. Thanks btw =D

24th Apr 2007, 06:40
Etihad has the 6-month thing if fail during the day when meeting the EY recruitors. They just had interview in Singapore in Mar 07, but they are having another interview in May 07. According to the Inter-excel agency doing screening on behalf of EY, EY recruitors will disqualify u on the spot if u apply less than 6 months.. Anybody can confirm this????

Btw, did EY recruitors still ask u to choose 1 item out of few & give reason why u chose that item??? What reasons do u normally give?? Any helpful tips will be useful.

24th Apr 2007, 07:31
ok for those who has seen the contract!! how do u feel about it??? do u think there are some things missing? I found it to be very breif, nothing about working overtime, how many days we are working for per month, if we get the 250dirahms on days we are away from base at an overnight, staff travel concessions, flying pay as an hourly rate?

if anyone has knows anymore than me, plase fill me in, im just used to big complex contracts??

cheers all

24th Apr 2007, 12:30
Hey there... I think theres not much to change about the contract... Accept it or leave it i guess...
However, yeah, it's pretty brief and leaves a lot of freedom to the employer... but I'm okay with that... even though things sounded much different at the assessment... especially as they told us it was a 3 years renewable contract... but check closley... it's only 2 years. And within the first 6 months you won't get sick leave (strange to me... what are they gonna do when I catch a flue... force me to fly or just fire me!?!) etc. etc.

And guys, if you have been flying before for longer than a year, don't forget to send in your work certificate... you'll get a higher pay than people who have no experience...

Hugs, vp

24th Apr 2007, 15:36
hi guys

i was wondering if any of middel eastern airlines recruit male bahraini for cabin crew position?

i have never seen one in any middel eastern airline except GF.

any information about this is highly appreciated,:)

24th Apr 2007, 19:36
Hi aaaxe,

Look at the Etihad Careers website.

They have 3 open days in Bahrain May 1, 2 & 3 next week.

Try your luck....I think the open days are for existing Cabin Crew?! who are already with Gulf Air. But the way things are planning with Gulf. Appears Etihad are taking in many of those foreign Cabin Crew who will lose their jobs over at GF.

25th Apr 2007, 03:46
Anyone know what type of apartments are available for cabin crew that work for Etihad in AbuDhabi?

25th Apr 2007, 07:18
Dear EYTRUTH and any other current EY crew!

I am just about to make a final decision on whether to pack up my life and at some great expense $$$$ to relocate to AUH! Have been offered a contract as a cabin manager! I have read alot of posts on here and other forums and can't help think that there are alot of negatives here at EY! alot of people leaving, unfair roster system, low pay (no they have just uped it a little) but it is still worth it?? difficult life living in AUH for a westerner etc....just hoping that you could offer some personal advice from your own experience on what would you do!, knowing what you know now! Any advice and information I would be dearly greatful for. I guess it is a situation of the not knowing and to make a proper decision it requires as much info as possible.

Thank you in advance

25th Apr 2007, 08:40
Hello to you all again,

I finally did it, my medical is finished and has been forwarded to EY. I received an email back almost immediately asking when I can start, I emailed back with first week of June, waiting on their response now.

How are you going with your medicals ?? They do seem keen to get everyone over there and that's fantastic news for us. I agree it's all becoming reality now, but you are right, you need to be strong and at least try it, if you really dont' like it after six months then you can always go home. Anyway, it's all very exciting for us now, life is great !!!!!

Summer Lee
Great to see another 30-something here. I'm glad to know I won't be alone in the 30 club, lol. When are you heading over, where are you from?

I haven't received my contract as yet but the issues you raised seem to be very valid one's. I really want this job but don't wish to be taken advantage of either. Are you going to ask anyone from HR your questions?? The whole overtime thing concerns me, I'd just like to make sure we are paid accordingly?? Keep us informed.

Do you still need any assistance? I'm sorry for the delay but it's been absolutely madness trying to get all of this medical done in a few days. If I can provide you with any information just let me know.

I don't know of anyone else who has actually received their contract as yet from the group. I know a few that have sent their medical info in and have been given a rough departure date, but they need to wait for their contract. They seem to take about one week between receiving your medicals and forwarding your contract. 6th May is coming around very quickly, good luck. I'm looking for anytime in June.

It's all very surreal, I've been wanting this for such a long time and to finally have it unfolding in front of me is such an amazing feeling. I'm going to miss my family and friends dreadfully but am so excited about the new life that awaits me.

Good luck to all attending interviews shortly.


25th Apr 2007, 09:26

Thanks for all the information that that you guys shared. You dont know how helpful it was to me. My assesment was last april 22 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Makati. We started at 8:30 am and finished around 6:30 pm. The recruiters were really nice and wonderful they went out of their way to make things interesting and fun.

here's how the day went

1. Video showing about EY and AUH

2. Small lecture and after questions (there were none, thank god)

3. Reach test (theres no cheating this one)

4. Then they devided us into 2 groups- one group took the exam. The other set were interviewd one on one

5. Elimination:uhoh: (I made it, whew!:E )

6. break for lunch

7. Public speaking exercise (you will draw lots,you are given a topic on a piece of paper, then talk about it in front of the group, you will be timed for one minute)

8. Group dynamics

7. Elimanation:uhoh: ( hahaha again I made it)

8. One on One final interview ( success again)

9. Filling up of forms-medical, security, personal and other stuff.
we also submitted picutres and other documents

10. END

Now all I have to do is wait for the email from ABU DHABI, then I commence medical. Hope I get in:)

thanks everybody.

25th Apr 2007, 09:35

well done on making it through the whole way. looks like your in the hot seat to succeed. keep us all updated.

to everyione that is going or may be going, i am penciled in on june 3. they seem to think that its definate, but i am not signing anything until my medicals are fine. and they give me the all clear!!!

25th Apr 2007, 09:40
for those who have got the contract or waiting on one. if you read it creafully you may think there are things missing. On teh careers website it says that there is a layover allowance, however on the contract there is not. I email EY asking about this descrepancy and have been told that the layover allowance has not been implemented yet and is not in the contract yet as they may be sued. It went on to also say that this allowance will be in effect by OCT and will be for ever crew that works for EY not, just the ones starting in OCT onwards. so that clears that up. Also it doesnt mention how many days we are working a month, which i have ben told by nickvan that is 6 days off in AUH.

thats it for now i think

peace out and party hard!!!

25th Apr 2007, 10:51

As im working as EY cabincrew... we had already got allwance since last month. the amouth of layover allwance depend on yr destination.

Middle east/ GCC/ Sub continent ==> 10AED/hr
Asia/ Far East ==> 12AED/hr
Africa / Aus ==> 14AED/hr
Europe/ America ==> 16AED/hr

it calculate from off duty to next departure.

Minimum off day will be 7 days per roster... infomation about duty hours u will find out form OMA (operation manual A). U able to make request for a flight or 4 days off once a month !!!


25th Apr 2007, 10:51
so trolleytrollop,

was there also height and weight assesment on your selection day?

just wondering...because I am also gone try my luck soon
anyway, well done and fingers crossed :)

25th Apr 2007, 11:18
To elisa4
height and weight will be measured in the same time u doing your reach test...
and there will be another one during ur medical test."but if u passed the first one,idealy u'll pass the second one"
Good Luck

25th Apr 2007, 11:22
CHO_ICE, thats really strange that EY tells us other things than you do.
I was told about layover allowances at the assessment too (besides minimum 3000USD pay per month, 3 year renewable contract and no fees for quiting early... but thats all another story)... but as ossie told us, EY says that layover allowances will only be introduces in october for cerw joining from then on... but you do in fact already receive allowances... strange thing... guess we'll only find out in AUH...

25th Apr 2007, 11:26
Ah, and one more question coming up...

as we will be payed in Duty Days (250AED each)... are the days spent off on layover also Duty Days and paid as such, or are they "DAY OFF on destination" or something?

25th Apr 2007, 11:37
thanks guys!!

sorry to interrupt the talking about layover ammowances, but i have another query about height/weight: how strict are they about this?? I am not fat (don t even look fat), but my weight is two KG above the weight I should have maximum (according to the calculation of my BMI, I am 2 kilo "overweight")
if they are really that strict, than it would be better for me to wait for a next open day and lose weight in the mean time; in stead of going now, being disapproved for my weight and having to wait for another six months...
does anyone have any info on this?? thx

25th Apr 2007, 11:51
Actually they did not even measure my height and weight... i just had to fill it in in the medical form...
And even if they measure it... if they don't like the way you look, they wont hire you even if your bmi is just perfect...

25th Apr 2007, 11:54
They r not that strict about overwieght (i mean about 2 kgrams over)
And I should Advice you not to let the chance get away...seems you are in Bahrain..they will held open days on 1st,2nd,3rd of May,Go girl and get your chance....
Don't worry about 2 kgm,just think how u gonna to be perfect in ur screening,thats what ur worries goes for.
Wish you Good Luck.

25th Apr 2007, 12:14
thx for the support everyone :} really makes me feel good :ok:

the reason why i doubt: some time ago i went for an assesment day at Gulf Air... I got pretty far, survived the eliminations, but than I failed the grooming, and was sacked because of my weight (same weight as now)... pretty stupid :mad:

i will give etihad a try, hope they are more human :}

25th Apr 2007, 15:25
Hey guys,

Is there anyone joining EY on the 13th of May? I have been totally out of this thread as I have already went through the interview, got the job, sent the contract and am now leaving soon. I'm getting really anxious, can somone who went through this please tell me what to expect when I land in Abu Dhabi. Thanks a million! This forum is really helpful.

25th Apr 2007, 16:00
Hey Cheena!

I planned on starting on the 6th or 13th... but they havent told me anything final by now... even though I have sent my contract... but maybe I'll see you there... I'd also be very interessting whats gonna happen when I'll arrive in AUH and what we're gonna do the 2 days before the training starts...

25th Apr 2007, 17:17
Hi Tanya,

I am prepared I think ! Got an email inviting me to the assessment day.

I'm so nervous though, on the day do they do all the assessments and interviews and the same day? They wont ask me back next day?

How long after the interview shall I expect to hear?

Thanks Tanya I appreciate it hopefully may see you out there!

Oh and many congratulations!

25th Apr 2007, 17:38
Weeflygirl... don't cha worry ;) I think it depends on the amount of people invited, but usually you'll be there for one day, no need to come again the next day. And if you pass the final interviews, you'll get a call and email informing you that you did it in about 2 weeks from the assesment day.
You'll be fine! Just give your best... Hugs, violinplayer

25th Apr 2007, 18:22
Thanks Violin I'm so excited Its my dream job hopefully I have the right experience they are looking for I am a manager of a mobile phone shop in the uk big pink network lol so I think I have the right customer service backround the funny thing is in my job I recruit people I could breeze our job interviews its just I dont know what etihad are looking at!

With regards to medicals anyone got a ball park figure on how much it is in the UK?

25th Apr 2007, 21:27
Hi Webwebbingloop

Haven't had much chance of late to catch up on this thread but having read your last post, I wanted to get in touch and ask you a few questions, I hope that you don't mind me asking, but if you don't ask, you don't get and I hope that you may find a moment to reply, here goes:-

You mentioned that you've been offered the position of Cabin Manager, may I ask when they offered you the position? Was it very recently?

Did you attend the assessment day in Sydney on 23rd March?

Are you currently working for an airline?

If so, is your current position that of second senior/sfs/csd/inflight manager?

Did you have to have a separate interview for the Cabin Manager's position or did they interview you for that position on the assessment day if you attended one?

Have you been given a start date and if so when?

From reading your previous posts, you sounded as though you were very keen in taking the position and couldn't wait for the offer, do you have something in particular that is making you have second thoughts?

Sorry to bamboozle you with all these questions, but I'm very keen to find out as my partner is in a similar predicament to you and your answers would certainly help with decision making.

Thanks for taking the time and hope that you will reply soon.


26th Apr 2007, 07:32
Hi Weeflygirl,

Just relax and be yourself on the day, the people who conducted the interviews in Melbourne were fantastic and made the day enjoyable. I think they can really tell when you are not being yourself.

I'm sure your current job will help you with answering any customer service orientated questions they will ask you.

It was great to get it all done in one day, it was a long day but it was fantastic to know you had achieved something at the end of it.

It took them two weeks exactly to get me to proceed with my medicals and I have just sent them through now, hopefully I will get to start in early June.

If you have any questions just PM me and I'll help wherever I can.

Best of luck and have faith in yourself.


26th Apr 2007, 08:28
:} G'day allllllll....

I called EY lastnite to find out what the GO was as Im planning to depart in 3 weeks but still no confirmation.

EY finally advised my departure date Thursday May 17th! A few days before the actual training.

Anyone else starting the training on May 20th??????

EYTRUTH - Would EY care if I shaved my head with number zero on the clippers? or would I need to grow it abit? I never have hair :p

26th Apr 2007, 09:49
Nick I can think of at least one guy off the top of my head that has a really short shaved head as well as quite a few that have shaved head that would be like a 2 or 3

26th Apr 2007, 10:11
Thanks for the info Pinkus.

I might just be on the safe side and grow it to number 3.

26th Apr 2007, 10:43
Hey Nick,

OH MY GOD !!!!!!! You've finally got confirmation and you're leaving, WOOOOHOOOO !!!!

I'm really excited for you. I bet you're jumping out of your skin !!!

Are you nearly ready to go?? I spoke to Ryan today, he's a really nice guy. He advised that he was forwarding my contract and that early June is fine for me to start.

Dreams becoming reality, how lucky are we.

Anyway, have an awesome night and I'll talk to you in the next couple of days hun.


26th Apr 2007, 11:03
Hum,... wow thats so great they assigned you a departure date, nickvan!
They told me I can start on the 6th, but still no confirmation and any info concerning departure date etc... I hope I'll get news from them soon... it would be only like one more week until I'd have to leave... gosh...:ooh:

26th Apr 2007, 11:43
Thanks Tanya for all your help

wish me luck on monday lol!

Hopefully I'll have some good news :D

26th Apr 2007, 11:53
Hey Weeflygirl,

Of course I wish you all the very best of luck. I really don't think that you'll need the luck, just be yourself and I'm sure you'll shine through.

Keep us updated.

Take care

26th Apr 2007, 12:21
I was given the same choice of date and I chose the 13th. I thought I had confirmed that, but when I called Ryan last friday, he told me nothing was confirmed and that he was still waiting for my decision. So do not wait for him to get back to you. Either e-mail him or call him right away. I would e-mail as he responds very quickly. Hope to see you there:)

26th Apr 2007, 14:50
Cheena, thanks... ya know, I've been emailing and talking on the phone with R. like a hundred times the last few days because he still needed my Hemoglobin Test and the signed contract... and I even asked again what I should fill for starting date in the contract. He said I should leave it blank, I'll be signing the original soon in auh. (whatever thats supposed to mean).
Then when I sent it I asked if the offer with the 6th is still avail. No response.
Then when I sent the Hemoglobin Test yesterday I asked again if theres any news, and I stated my prefered airport for departure... no response till now.
So I hope I can get news on Sunday... but I'm not very sure about the 6th anymore, cause, if he tells me on sunday that I should leave on the 4th or something, I'll have like 5 days including a sunday and austrian independence day to get all things done prior to dep.... nooooo waaaay!
Hum, but I'll call him on sunday... they have their weekend now I guess.
Hugs, hope to see ya soon in auh.

26th Apr 2007, 20:13
Nickvan, don't worry about the hair cut, we have some quite bold crew here, lol. The worst thing that can happen to u is to be told to grow your hair ;-)

Webwebbingloop, tough decision. In general it's not bad here, but keep in mind that things which r normal for us westerns are not normal here. U will join EY as Cabin Manager so u will have good money, your own accomodation, and so on. Just be prepeared to work with morons sometimes (cockpit included). Things r not ideal here, there r changes but they come slowly. If u r not risking too much, come, give it a try. My advice is to stick 6-12 months, and than u will have a clear picture of your future actions.

Contract thing
Welcome to Middle East guys! EY is famous for its contracts, which change over night. Many things r not precise, many things r not written, but that's the way how they work here. But, u should not be a fool. Once when u arrive here, if they change your contract totally, act on this. There were few cases in the past where the whole batches left the training because of these things. Also, almost a year ago, there was a batch where they tried to give them different salaries than what was promised in the contract, so people were complaining and threatning to leave, so they didn't change anything. So, be smart!
They do tell u contract is for 3 years, but it's 2 years on the paper. The truth is your contract is renewd after 3 years, and your residence visa as well. Not to worry about this.
The contracts we have in Europe and the rest of the normal world, are very precise, not like here.
Also, keep in mind that as a worker here, u almost don't have any rights (and this is for all foreigners in UAE), unions do not exist, and any kind of strike is prohibited. Employer can do whatever he wants :ugh:

27th Apr 2007, 03:59
:ugh: :ugh: :ugh: Wow Eytruth...

very interesting reading.......

I hope it doesnt work out like the other batches when we arrive there.

Alot of people are saying EK was just like this in its first 3 years of operation and expected on many new carriers at its young age. One of these people is My Uncle and few family friends who have been with EK since 1987 and is still flying with them.
I really do hope things improve over the next few years as Im planning to be working abroad for the long run.
Possibly with EY. With EY Im just happy to be part of a young Airline that will hopefully become on par with many of the well respected Airlines today, EK, SQ, MH etc etc etc in the future as people are predicting.

Lets hope the Best are yet to come! hahaha :}

27th Apr 2007, 07:11
TanyaD, im from manila... indeed this is the longest two weeks of my life! thanks guys for so much help!

27th Apr 2007, 09:01
Hi there!

is there any one really experienced,in middle east.

I'm csd at qr and looking for change , but as seen all this don't want to go trough same thing again....
_grooming?? regulations? highlights? whos in charge?
_sep ,service trainers?? and their nationality..
_is crew allowed to have alcohol??guests?? security at crew buildings?
_working atmosphere?? bunch of back stabbers???
_crew rest in flight? at base??

basically if you worked for for qr before ,would appreciate honest update how things REALLY are?

27th Apr 2007, 09:02
Ikya, How long has it been since your interview process??? Best of luck.

EYTruth, thank you so much for your honesty, you are fantastic.

I received my contract today and have a couple of questions to email Ryan but I'm very excited that it's all coming true very quickly.


27th Apr 2007, 09:32
Nickvan, my personal opinion about contracts is that those bad things mentioned will not happen again. EY desperately needs more crew as loads of people resigned in previous period. Second, u guys r coming from Oz, and not to offend anyone, but u stand for your rights, things just can't pass easily with you ... and the CEO is Aussie :-)

TanyaD, thanx :O

Goingup, EY is totally different from QR in many ways. QR is more like a military, I have quite a few friends there.
The SEP trainers r British, Philipinos, Arabs, etc ....
Yes u can have alcohol, but of course, u can't drink 12 hrs before the flight. U can keep alcohol in the flat, but u will need liquor licence (most people don't have it, lol)
Guests are allowed till midnight, and in some buildings till 01:00. If u want to have someone for longer period (ie. vacation) u will get company's permission without problem.
Working atmosphere - relaxed! Nothing like QR. We do have back stabbers, but u don't come across them very often. But, u will have flights with s...y crew (they don't go out, they r lazy on the flight, etc)
Crew rest - u will get one if the flight time is over 8hrs. But sometims, if the flight is not full and the Cabin Manager is cool, u will get one even on shorter flights ;-)
Anything else? Let me know ....

27th Apr 2007, 09:48
Thanks very much!!!
what about that grooming???
anything that pisses you off?

who is the cabin crew manager?
assistant cabin crew manager?

i suppose there is no contract between qr and u?

shoud i start packing?

27th Apr 2007, 10:27
EYTRUTH...your full of knowledge... :D luckily your already working for EY. 8 Hours with no rest? Im not sure if thats too long or not..ive never been Cabin Crew before so dont know..

Im assuming just like your 8 hour day job you get 30 min lunchbreak. But with flying you'll probably be busy during the meal services only? which is obviously not 8 hours long.

Now ive gotta worry about that alcohol permit :ugh: lol

27th Apr 2007, 11:40
Hi guys and gals,

I guess these questions are directed at the ever faithful EYTruth or any other current cabin crew.

I'm just wondering when you start your training are you provided with a uniform, if not what is the dress code (so I know what to pack!!!)?

Also with the apartment what furniture etc is provided, queen size bed, tv, cutlery, dinner set, bed linen etc. or do you have to buy all of this stuff when you get there?

Also in the contract it doesn't actually mention anything about the layover allowances??? Is that standard? It does state that you get flying pay of AED250 per duty day.

What are the hours worked per month, if you work over that do you get additional pay or is it still at the same rate of normal pay?

What is "Grade DF"?

Thank you so much for your help, I've never had to deal with a contract like this and it doesn't seem to have much info or maybe I just have too many questions, lol. (typical female!!!)

Hope all is well with everyone.
Take care and talk soon

27th Apr 2007, 14:44
This question is for EYTRUTH. Do you know anything about the dental benefits, Do we get them? And if so, does it start right away?

27th Apr 2007, 14:59
Hi Cheena, :}

It states in the contract you will receive upto AED 2000 per year re-imbursable on receipt of actual dental claims. Bla bla bla.....rest will be found in the policy which will be handed to you on joing the company.

And....... EYtruth this is when you jump in.......:ok: lol

27th Apr 2007, 15:10
Thanks Nickvan :)
I hope dental work is not expensive there, cause 2000 AED seems kind of less for the whole year. I would love to see that policy booklet or maybe EYTruth can enlighten us all.

27th Apr 2007, 19:46
Lol, yes u r covered for the dental thing. Well, depending on work it could be quite expensive, but basic things r covered with insurance and it's enough. Cosmetic things - no! Yes, it starts from the beginning :)

TanyaD, as for the uniform, I got it once when we started service training. I don't know how is it now, maybe u will get it in the first 1-2 weeks, not sure. During the training u r supposed to be in bussines attire. One time u will be allowed to wear causal clothes, as u will do ditching and sliding. That will be fun :}
As for the accomodation, I think u will be in hotel or apartments. If its hotel, no need for sheets and rest as u will be provide with. If u r in apartment, whole stuff will be there, but it's not new. I was in apartment in the begining, and I bought cutlery and some dishes as I didn't want to eat from something somebody used before. Don't worry, these things r cheap here.
U will get allowances. I dunno why that is not in contract.
U usually have around 80-95 flying hours, sometimes less, depending on your roster. For the extra hours, some people say yes, some say no. When I asked Crew Controlling I was told we don't have that. But some crew say we do, (if your duty hours are above 110h, u r payed 40AED per extra hour). I'll have to check my salary slips, and if I discover something will let u know.
Grade DF is economy class crew.
Nickvan, don't worry about hrs. U'll get used to it.

28th Apr 2007, 04:07
Hi, guys~!!

Finally, I sent my medical and contract to Ryan today. Oh~ I'm so glad that there is no more things to do:D:D My medical test.... bloody medical test gave me such a hard time!! It was such a long journey!! At the biginning, 3? 4? GPs refused doing this for me because of time consuming I guess.. so I actually started getting medical test almost 1 week after I received a call from Etihad.:ugh: Also, I had to get my urine and blood tests twice because of nurse and doctor's mistakes:ugh:Nothing was wrong with my healthy body~!! I reckon I've lost at least 2 kg so I'm going out for massive dinner tonight. Hahaha:p

:) Tanya~ Apparently, we will be staying at a residential hotel during 8 weeks training period, and we can actually wear uniforms about 3~4weeks after the starting date. When's your commencement date? I've asked Ryan to give me "3rd.June" as we discussed on the phone last week. I'll let you know when I hear from him soon.

:) Ozziecrew~ How's everything going? I haven't heard from you for a long time(?).:p I hope everything's okay with you!! Keep in touch~!!

:) Nickvan~ You are finally heading to Abu Dhabi soon~!! That's fantastic!! You know that you helped me a lot when I was absolutely lost in the biginning of my medical journey:p Thanks heaps~!! I'm looking forward to seeing you in Abu Dhabi. Take care and see you soon~!!

28th Apr 2007, 08:25
Hi Jasmine

Congratulations on finishing your medicals, it's a lot of work isn't it, soooo many needles (yuk) and tests to be done !!!

Will you be flying home before you head to AUH or will you be leaving from Melbourne?

I have told Ryan I am available at the start of June and I will also request the start date of the 3rd June so hopefully we can start together, that would be great.

The weather in AUH is about 40degrees so that's why I wanted to know about the uniform, otherwise what do you wear to the training days??? It's going to be something to get used to having such hot weather, but I'm sure we'll climatise and get used to it.

I'm very anxious and excited and am looking forward to receiving my flight details, I'm not sure how much notice they give you before they actually give you a departure date.

Well I've signed my contract and will email it across on Monday so fingers crossed my date will be confirmed.

Anyway, hope all is well with everyone.

Thanks so much for your response EYTruth, you really are a wealth of knowledge.

Talk to you all again soon.


28th Apr 2007, 11:37
Hey guys

from what i have read it looks like the majority of the june 3 traingin school is going to be ozzies, i no that myelf and another chick from perth are going to be there (given my medical is all sweet) and looks like some others from MEL will be there as well!!!

its going to be a messy batch!!!! hahhah

28th Apr 2007, 12:14
hi guys etihad assesment day coming to brisbane soon and was just looking for a few tips if anyone has any regarding the open day cattle call like routine. have ben flying for nearly 3 years but lets just say i work for the ol' low cost carrier in oz. i dont know if that will go against me or not lol love the people i work with, hate the management.

is it any better at etihad re: crew salary, hours (i currently do up to 140hrs a month with extra call out days ontop of that) and if they are generally looking after their crew eba wise etc etc

if anyone could help me that would be great, would love to be os in the UAE and think this would be a great opportunity. very excited that i gotthe invite.

thank heaps

xo C

28th Apr 2007, 12:33
Hi Ozziecrew,

good to see you back. I'm sure your medicals will be fine.

It certainly does seem like it's going to be a bit of an aussie invasion on June 3rd training course. Sounds like trouble to me, hahaha.

Actually it sounds great, we'll be able to help each other out with the studying, I hear there's heaps of it!!!!

Make sure you keep us updated.


28th Apr 2007, 12:48
TanyaD Wooohoooo! did you remember to Arm doors & Crosscheck? :} Mmmmm an Aussie invasion June 03rd huh?? :ugh: Hearing about Eytruth info on the contracts....feel sorry for any of the HR departments who have to deal with a big bunch of Aussies with our standup strong morals on UNIONS and all in Australia if they stuff us around huh..hahahahaha...Unfortunately it aint gonna be Power to the People..but Power to you know who........:yuk:

Wow...not fair..any other Aussies joining May 20th Training apart from 2 of the other boys who made it through with me in Sydney. Well at least we'll have 3 weeks more seniority then you guys 03rd June...haha
:} :} :}


29th Apr 2007, 04:49
First of all...hello!!…hey everyone, im new here!

Im sooooo happy to know that Ive been accepted into the Etihad Assessment Day in Brisbane 15th May!! Its been a my dream job for the LONGEST TIME and something I really want to happen in this point of my life!! So wish me luck!!

By the way, is anybody else going to this assessment day??

Soooo....finally to the point. When asked one on one questions....such as 'why you wanna work for EY?' or 'why you wanna become CC?'

what do you think they REALLY wanna hear? what were some of your answers?

29th Apr 2007, 05:51
desmayani are you going to assessment day or invite day?
i have recieved an invite for the 14th May from 1200-1800, open day is from 0800-1200 on the 14th as well, then on 15th is the actual internet invitation day. i think, am confused a little to which one im meant to go so am re-confirming with kimberely in recruitment today.

am a little nervous even though i have flying experience as is everyone i suppose. i hate interviews, all about trying to be calm when inside your jumping lol

good luck with your day, i might see you there maybe

xo C

29th Apr 2007, 06:49
Hey All!
Just wanted to let ya know that R just called and said everything is very fine now, and asked when I want to start.
So I'll be starting May 13th! I'm hoping for PM's for people joining on the 13th too!

29th Apr 2007, 14:09
just went for the walk in conducted by the agent Inter-Excel Advisory & I am invited to attend for the actually assessment day on May 13 in singapore, feeling happy but also worried because EY just came in Mar and they only chose 10 out of 120?? omg, seems sooooooo difficult to get in.........

I read thro all the posts already but still feeling lost, any advice on how to prepare myself better?? also wanna ask if EY very strict on scar? I have a very long scar from snokeling 2 mths ago on my right leg and it is still very obvious, are they gonna check our body scar on the assessment day? is cabin crew required to wear stockings during work?


29th Apr 2007, 18:24
Hi everyone,

I wonder has anyone got an invitation to go for the assessment in LHR either on 2nd /3rd of May? Do you know would the formate/quetison of the interview be very different to those held in Australia?
I hope I will get it...and even meeting you at EAU.

29th Apr 2007, 18:41
Sorry to everyone,

it's me again...i just wonder could anyone tell me how long does the one to one interviews last? I think there are two interviews, if people managed to get through the first one. What kind of questions did they ask u?


29th Apr 2007, 21:58
To tsteddy2004
The first interview take (3:10 min)
The second one ,which you will going to be invited for it the next day"if you pass the first assessment day" (15:30)
Good Luck

29th Apr 2007, 22:06
lol we all seem so excited yet confued about this whole thing dont we :)

the fact is if they like what they see and hear from us, they'll pick us.

it seems recruitment is on the up and up with all the A380's being ordered around the world, depending on seating configuration, staff on any one A380 can be from 15-20 crew, this is why they are all recruiting, Etihad, Emirates, Qantas etc etc

if they like you they will give you the job. simple as that, no-one ever knows what they look for as the personalities are so diverse in all airlines.

So just be yourself and good luck. Its a little like lotto,except you have to wait for an answer lol

i was wondering if anyone from Etihad cabin crew could tell me what the salary is like at the moment both training wage and full salary first year, as i am a little hesitant to give up my well paid flying gig over here in oz. little scary, i did some sums and think ill only be getting half of what i would here, i know its about the experience but i do need to live, save and shop of course lol ;)

any information will be greatly received,

thanks xo C

30th Apr 2007, 00:51
I was wondering if anyone who had applied online from Melbourne has recieved an invitation to the MEL recruitment day on the 15th MAY, that's not the CV drop off day. Does anyone know if they are interviewing for cabin managers in this round in Australia? Thanks for any feedback!!!

30th Apr 2007, 04:23
:) Cherrie,
You may be getting half of what your getting in Australia. But are you aware you have no bills to pay - electricity, gas, water & rent free all taken care of by Etihad. Wages are tax free. The amount of disposable income you'll be getting in AUH would probably be more then what you'll receive in Australia?

I have my contract with me. It has your basic monthly base wage + duty pay per day BUT the Layover allowances are not yet on the contract in writing. BUT as per other Etihad Cabincrew on this forum. We do get the layover allowance.

I guess all you need to worry about is FOOD/GROCERIES? oh yeah and YOUR SHOPPING SPREES while in New York or Milan :} :}

:) Gloria,
I never knew they would do Cabin Managers recruitment in Australia?. The last time they did that, a few of the Aussie blokes who were applying for Cabin Managers were flown over 3 weeks ago to AUH for the Cabin Managers Assessment day.

30th Apr 2007, 18:06
To Fire_107,

Thanks so much for ur help!

1st May 2007, 06:49
Hi tanya

Yeah I cant believe I am hopefully about to live my dreams as far as I can work out if you get final interview you've pretty much got the job....????

I put down the earliest I can go is July. But I have 2 weeks vacaction booked in september so I might need to wait til October :uhoh: to come out.

But kim says she will look into it and see what they can do I think they are recruiting fast.

I am meant to go to the emirates day this week as well but I am wondering if its worth my while Etihad is my 1st choice.... What do you guys reckon do I have the job?????

Oh I hope these 2 weeks fly in (no pun inteneded) :D

1st May 2007, 07:44
:} Weeflygirl....

Congratulations on getting through to the final interview :D

I think you pretty much get it....I only know 1 girl who didnt get it out of the 10 in Sydney...

Wow is there any chance you can get a refund for your trip in September? I mean the job with Etihad is a holiday in itself! and wont cost you a cent.:=

I think Etihad are recruiting like crazy..spreading like wildfire...They need batches to start asap..with their new Aircrafts and Routes starting in 2007. From what ive heard HR crew at EK are a nightmare to deal with and horrible and totally opposite to the Friendly nature of Etihad HR...so its nice of Kim to find out for you...im sure if this was EK..they'll tell you go and jump perhaps? lol a big organisation probably wont care...

The problem you may have is...will they still be doing intakes for training around that time? As training are done in batches...unless they train you on your own? lol I wonder how many they have taken already out of the 1200 Cabincrew they looking for.....As Ozziecrew was saying before..with all these 1200 new crew..I hope it doesnt lower the Standards of the Airline with 1200 freshmen starting from scratch :p like myself..no experience whatsoever................:E haha

ps. Kim and Clarissa are glamours...:eek: lolll

1st May 2007, 08:20
:) thanks nickvan for your info, its a little hard to work out where to shop now lol lets just hope i make it through their cut. i hope the last 3 years of flying hasnt gone to waste. am just biding my time till i can get over to the UAE, such a beautiful part of the world. i travel there every year but have never got out to AUH.

well if luck is on my side, i might see you soon. good luck with everything your going through, let the oz invasion begin i say.

xo C

1st May 2007, 10:44
Thanks nickvan

I dont want to cancel it as its Jamacia for my anniversary going to be apart from huuby for a long time so 2 weeks together is ideal.

I emailed kim told her I can start earlier if need be the problem is 7 weeks training then I need to fly for a few weeks before I could holiday.

Quick question are in laws allowed on our travel benefits?

1st May 2007, 11:43
weeflygirl...hey your question about in-laws..

When I applied online for the Cabin crew position. It only gave me the option of Brother, Mother, Father, Wife, Sister, Husband, Son, Daughter, Brother Inlaw, Mother Inlaw & Father Inlaw...But no Sister Inlaw!?
I have only sister inlaws..so itll be sad if they cant be under me in the travel concessions.

Anyone know why sister-in-law not in the list? Would it be a Culture thing?

1st May 2007, 11:49
To Nickvan:
Yes Nickvan;its something connect to Culture.
because in Arab countries they don't blieve that sister-in-low"neither brother-in-low" is a real relative (its something close to religeion more than culture).

1st May 2007, 14:28
Thats odd?

Oh well right 13 days wait til I find out if I've got the job!:bored: :sad:

1st May 2007, 19:38
Hey Guys.. I still haven't heard! :( I'm begining to lose faith! :uhoh:

It was a full month ago I had the interview now..

Nickvan - I'm actually excited for you reading your posts! Be sure to fill us all in on what happens from now on in!!

1st May 2007, 21:08
I'm interested in an interview held in Canada in May.
Does anyone know where the interview will be? I checked the EY website, and it only says "Canada." I'm hoping it would be in Toronto.
If anyone knows, please let me know!!! -thanks:)

sec 3
2nd May 2007, 04:59
Will be in Vancouver:)

2nd May 2007, 05:43
can somebody tell me about EY interview,north america?????

2nd May 2007, 05:45
just registered in this forum few minutes ago.....bare with me please...:O :O :O

2nd May 2007, 05:52
hi flyingbuffalo!!! i would guess you are from buffalo?? not sure about the interview in canada, but there gonna have interview in east and west coast, and midwest by june.....not sure about the dates?????

2nd May 2007, 06:06
Helloooo ! Anyone have Etihad HR phone number? Thanks!

2nd May 2007, 08:52

Why don't you give the HR department a call, you should have heard one way or the other by now, they normally take about two weeks????

They are all lovely people in the HR department (I annoy them on a regular basis) so I'm sure they'll be only too happy to help you.

There are so many people who apply to them you want to make sure you don't get lost in the paperwork.

Let us know how you go


2nd May 2007, 08:58
:) CanuckUAEbound

If you just call the EY Head Office number (which you can get by click on the 'About Etihad' tab on their website and then the contacts link.

When you speak to reception you just ask for the Cabin Crew HR Department.

Hope this helps


Up n Away
2nd May 2007, 13:25
Can anyone who has been through or going through the process for CSM/Purser please indicate your process and how long you have waited or are still waiting for reply. I have been through process and am still waiting on reply. :\ I know they are very busy getting CC schools arranged and wondering if they are delaying the CSM schools for now. If you don't want to discuss online please pm me. Really appreciate any info.

Congrats to all of you soon to be joining the ranks, you will love your new career!!! Best of Luck :D

2nd May 2007, 15:39
hey trolleytrollop... where did you apply here in manila? how does the process go and what did you do/have to make it through?

2nd May 2007, 16:00
hey Wildcherry,

yea. you have a good guess! haha. i'm from buffalo,the home of chicken wings. but i'm an international student from japan, and i'm graduating this month. So i'm going home in 2-3wks. i don't think i'll be here until June, so i can't have an interview in Jun e in the US. Are u from canada?
btw, i'm not sure abt the date, and that's actually one of the info i really need too!!

3rd May 2007, 00:12

Please help!

I was wondering if anyone could tell me the questions for the final interview in the Etihad selection process?

How long is this final interview?

Thank you.

Cdn F/A
3rd May 2007, 02:51
Hey gang,

Noticed some questions about the Canadian recruitment sessions...I got an email this AM from them asking me to attend a session. I had the choice of Toronto (May 5 & 6) or Vancouver (May 8) Thought it was funny since I didn't even have a complete application (missing my pics) Will be heading to the Vancouver date- so if anyone has any words of wisdom, bring it on...;)

3rd May 2007, 05:33
hello everyone. i just stumble upon this forum... and i think i might hit the jackpot. coz i do have a few questions im unsure about

first off, regarding the salary. im grade DF, and when converted to $AU I am getting paid more at my current job (which is part time) than being a cabin crew. I do realise you get flying allowances and most of the things (accomodation etc) are paid for but the basic salary still seem so little. just wondering if anyone is having the same confusion? coz i thought cabin crews get paid pretty well. or is AED 2500 per month (during probation) is considered a good pay over there? im really curious about the pay, otherwise i would jump right into it.

and also, i read the the earlier posts, so its around 80-90 flying hours per month?

and the contract that we will sign when arrive in Abu Dhabi, are we able to get a copy of that before arriving there? since this is big life changing move, i would like to be certian of what im signing and getting into. but i will email ryan for a copy, hopefully he will email me back soon, coz i will be resigning from my job tomorrow :uhoh:

sorry if im typing so much, i just want to make sure. but ryan seem so nice on the phone

thankyou everyone!!

3rd May 2007, 06:06
Congrats & Welcome Sandy306..

Your question about the salary was on everyones lips when they received the contract.

I believe the AED2500 is only during probation then it goes up to the next bracket AED3000 something like that? Keep in mind your duty pay + layover allowances. Add all that....maybe your looking at approx AUD $900-$1000 a week?

Ofcourse you'll be getting more at home then when in AUH. But there is absolutely nothing to pay while there...Everything is taken care of. So what you get in your hand is your disposable income. Thats how I take it....Rent free, utility bills all taken care of...so your pay is yours to keep & save. :} On the other hand back home..its the total opposite.

3rd May 2007, 07:09
Hey trolllytop and tina. I fell the same way guys. Been waiting for the call and anticipating for it but it seems that it would really take a while before they call us. There are 27 peeps on the first assessment and 32 on the 2nd. Would it really be possible that we're all hired? WHew! Its killing me. :eek:
My friend asked me to ask this question...i just hope someone can help us if ever we really make it...she wants to know if any one of us would know where we can get cheap vaccinations for our medical. She's been asking around and the cheapest she can find is Php9k! Doesnt include the dental and other medical exams. Heard from other people that it would cost us around 20k for the whole exam! whew! Help anyone?

Goodluck to all of us!

3rd May 2007, 07:26
Please can anyone help?!

What kind of questions are asked at the final EY interview? How long does it last for?


3rd May 2007, 07:30
those who got accepted in manila, how many male applicants were accepted with you then?

3rd May 2007, 07:59
Hi pinklemonae!

Please check your inbox..sent you a PM.

Also to everyone else who might know...how long before they send you the email with the flight details..etc etc? Im booked to fly out on the Thursday 17th May for the 20th May training.

Do they send you a checklist on what to bring?!? I knows it 14 days to go but I want to start preparing...AND I have to start searching for a place that can do 24 Passport pics..12 White background and 12 Blue background...Wonder why Etihad need so many..lol :}

Goodluck to all you Pillipinos out there...!! It might a an invasion of the Phillipines instead of the Aussies..hehehehehe


3rd May 2007, 08:45
Assessment Day Questions...:hmm:

do they ask situational and/or hypothetical questions like:


Decribe a time when you have had to deal with an angry customer?
Can you think of an example of when you’ve demonstrated excellent customer service?

What would you do if....?
How do you keep an unaccompanied minor entertained during a flight?

etc etc?

sorry to be a pain guys...I just wanna cover everything in my preparation for the assessment day coming up on the 15th...wanna make sure i dont miss out on anything you know? ;)

3rd May 2007, 09:17
Hope all of us make it to EY then let's party! eheheh.

3rd May 2007, 09:28
Watch the video for they might ask something about it. Like how do you feel about the rules of UAE. Some personal questions regarding ur CV's might be asked too. Here in the PI we were asked to choose from the things in the floor. Flower, empty glass, cellphone and news paper. Then the interviewer will ask why did you pick that stuff.

They might ask:

Describe ur ideal or dream house.
Describe ur most memorable vacation.
What's your favorite sports of hobby?
(that's for the 1 minuter)

Final Interview:

What character do you think should a cabin crew possess?
What character do you thnk you possess to be a cabin crew?
What would you do if a passenger (or in EY we treat them as guests, right Peeps? :O ) vomitted on you?
How would you feel or what what would you do if a housemate cooks smelly food?

Good luck pink...where are you from BTW?

3rd May 2007, 09:56
Nickvan (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=171243),
thx for the reply. made me feel better to find that im not the only person confused by the base salary. hey you on the same training day as me, 20th May. so they havent sent you flight details yet? like tickets and stuff?
and one more question before you get sick of me, do we gotta go get our visas and stuff? i havent dont it yet, prolly 2mrw since i finish work early 2mrw.

Its a hard decision for me, as my current job is ok and is getting better. so its a tough decision since i dun wanna regret it later. coz with EY, i havent sign the contract yet (ryan said i can sign when i get there) and from reading the posts (how EY is known to change their contracts overnight), i dun want to arrive in abu dhabi and realise i dun like the contract. then what am i gunna do?? any suggestions? coz with the current pay, i can live with that, but if they reduce it.. then i rather stay where i am.

3rd May 2007, 11:32
for the ppl going for the inteview, just make sure in group activities you participate and be sincere. coz by the end of the interview day we got the chance to talk to one of the lady that were part of the interviewer panel. she was saying there was on chick that was rolling her eyes and stuff when Kim (the etihad lady) was doing the presentation and slides, but when it was time for the one-on-one interview, the girl was acting all happy and friendly... so basically it was all an act. and the lady was saying she was observing ppl, the way they react to the presentation when they think noone is looking at them.. so yea.. but im sure none of you guys will be rolling ur eyes anyways :=

but yea.. dun stress too much over it. make it a relaxing and enjoyful day

3rd May 2007, 16:53
A few reminders

A Private Message is exactly that - do not post on the forum asking about PM's or telling the world that you have sent one.
Post on this thread if you have something factual or relevant to say about Etihad - this does not include updates on your state of mind or degree of happiness/unhappiness/uncertainty/worry etc.
Posts on this thread must be in English and may not include Nokia/text speak
PPRuNe is not a chat room or a substitute for text messages - it is a venue for professionals. Behave as one, or go elsewhere.

flying explorer
4th May 2007, 02:33
thanks for the reminder TightSlot.
wannaflEY, thanks for sharing. where did you apply for eithad? can you give us tips how you made your CV pls? im working on pictures now. getting ready for my business attire and removal of varicose veins. please help me get in. thanks :) and God bless in your endeavor:)

4th May 2007, 02:57
Hi Guys,

Please give me information on Etihad layovers, how long do they stay in Colombo, Toronto, JFK, etc. How are the hotels?
If you are willing to share impressions on Etihad experience please do so, as I got accepted and I need to take decision who to join, Emirates or Etihad.Thanks.

4th May 2007, 05:05
I applied last april in Intercon manila. Walk in only. Had my online application ready weeks before the assessment day but they didnt contact me so I decided to walk in. Dont worry too much. From what i hear from the EY people they'll be back in Manila once or twice a month for continues hiring of CCs. I just did my CV's like the regular CV's you see. I just updated my 8 year old CV's with my work experiece and some personal stuffs about me. heheh.
I hope i know a way on how to get you in. I'm still waiting for my call or email for the result of the final interview so I'm not really really in yet. But hopeful. :) i suppose, just a piece of advice, you just have to be yourself when you get there. forget all the negativities and just enjoy the assessment. First you'd feel you're in Pleasantville but the people from EY would surely make you feel comfortable after a while. Good luck to you. Hope we all make it there.

4th May 2007, 08:05

You go for EK, treated better, better buildings, better pay, (better allowences, flight pay and basic), and everything is very organized(at least when you get down there:))

EY is a great airline, but it really depends on if u wanna live i AUH or DBX, wana work for the impressive EK group or want to be with a small newly started airline, which is definetily exciting as well!

EY will be such much better, but it will take a couple of years before trainingfacilities and buildings are all the same standard.

I had the same choice as you have now, EY or EK and I chose EK.
Have some friends that are doing training w EY now, and they are all....You take EK!!!!:) But they love AUH.
I personally love Dubai, been flying down there with my airline all the time, know many in EK, and I am confident w my decision. Although EY has a fantastic product and the crew is really great at service:D

Good luck with whatever you choose!!!!

4th May 2007, 08:48
what video did you watch and where can i find it? is it for those who passed only? how many male applicants were accepted? do you know? i know female applicants have no limit per recruitment period but for males it's a percentage count of the females.

4th May 2007, 08:56
Thanks so much for yr advice, I ve been in EK 3 years so I know the conditions, what I want to know is how does the roster of EY look like. How long are the layovers? \How many days off you have in the month and the layover/turnoroung ratio. Thanks so much for help. Regards

4th May 2007, 11:12
The video is part of the assessment. ABout EY and UAE only. No biggie. For those who passed the reach test or first part of the assessment. I cant remember.

There are 6 or 5 males on my assessment day. Same as the other assessment day were accepted till the final interview. The number of male people they will accept...that i dunno.

Sorry...i know i can explain things alot clearly...just not in the mood right now. hope somehow this can help. PM me for ur other concerns. alright? good luck man!

5th May 2007, 07:15
Manila friends...Has anyone got a call or email from EY now?

5th May 2007, 13:28

Do the etihad HR team contact you in 2 weeks after final interview?

One of the girls on my interview went through a agency and they said dont be surprised if its longer?

I cant take any longer?

5th May 2007, 23:59
:} weeflygirl

It can take longer then 2 weeks even if you didnt go through an agency.

Our assessment day on the 23rd March in Sydney. We waited till 18 days we heard back on the 10th April with a phone call from HR and an email. So it took approx 2.5 weeks. Trust me HR over there is flat chat....it all depends..some people wait longer then 2 weeks. :eek:

I was told in the final interview within a week, the other blokes were advised within 2 - 3 weeks....so you get the drift...anything can happen.

Remember their sending all the files right after each assessment day back to AUH for processing. They are having open days almost everyday around the World. So they probably backlogged with files and all. :ugh:

Hang in there Weeflygirl..hahahaha

6th May 2007, 03:28
hi everyone
i want to know how to pronounce etihad airways in english?

6th May 2007, 03:38
In English, I guess Etihad is pronounced “United”.

6th May 2007, 04:51
I know that the post wasnt really for me. Let me just say that I feel for weeflygirl. The waiting part is really hard...thanks nickvan for making us somehow feel relieved with what you said. At least the waiting will be more exciting now. Longer than 2 weeks! eeeeeK! hahaha.
For us still waiting...let's all be patient. People in EY could be swamped with ton's of workload with their daily assessment around the globe. Let's just all pray that we make it...Be blessed everyone!

6th May 2007, 06:03
Can someone tell me if EY take married applicants for cabin crew???:confused: dunno if I made the right decision getting married 6 years ago??( JUST KIDDING HONE :p :p )hihihi..........

6th May 2007, 08:57
Nickvan wannefly
i'm dreading this wait now already this week has dragged by!

I applied to Emirates yesterday got through first cut not the 2nd not too bothered would rather have Etihad!

Wildcherry I am married and they didnt ask me about it I told them my hubby is planning on joining me out there.

Infact they seem fine about my marriage at least we "look" stable and well balanced lol :D

To the EY crew do you know where I can see photos of the apartments etihad provide?


6th May 2007, 13:05
I agree with most of the things u wrote regarding EY or EK choice. Just to correct u about salary thing. We got salary rise, and the package is now very good, almost the same as the one in EK.

The new training academy will be finished in 5 months and it's state of the art, as it has all the facilities like in EK.

EY wasn't a good choice years before, but now it is. It's not ideal company, but things r changing, and it is getting better. Let's just see how the current management will lead the company. If we face major crew resignings again, that would be a real sign of something going wrong in the EY.

6th May 2007, 20:03
Thanks!! ;) ;) I really thought that will be an issue..
By the way, can husband stay there with us?? Hows the accomadation??? :confused: :confused:

7th May 2007, 00:45
Manila Peeps...

hi there guys! Heard any from EY? goossshhh.. its really a torture, i always get goosebumps every time my phone rings! post- alarm thou =D
Anyways, can someone give me their email address? remember... for those who made it, we were given email add where we can follow up our application And what subject and message should we put there? I lost my notes. thnx so much and hold on tight! =D

7th May 2007, 01:06
:} Hi EYtruth,

Will you be able to inform us when will a layover happen? Is it if a flight is over a certain flying time? or is at the discretion of EY?

I would suspect the regional routes will be turanarounds? But read somewhere else that the Colombo flights which is approx 4hrs are 24 hr layovers?
Please clarify...

Thanks in advance :ok:

7th May 2007, 08:41
Nickvan fon't worry too much about the photos. I remember running around the day before I left and paid about 60 aud for all of them. No where had blue background and I wound up going to the craft store and buying a metre of blue cotton!!!

When I got here they only ended up asking for about 4 of them andthey didn't ask for them on the first day. It is alot cheaper to get them done here and they all have facilities for a blue blackground.

7th May 2007, 08:54
Does anyone know what type of accomodation is offered to Etihad cabin crew in Abu Dhabi?

Is it similar to what Emirates offers their cabin crew?


7th May 2007, 08:55
Thanks for the info Pinkus..but I finally found a place that would do it..after a million phone calls around Sydney.

So I guess we get the Visa issued on arrival into AUH at Customs.

7th May 2007, 11:55
I'm not out there yet awaiting the call!

Your hubby cant stay in the provided apartments but you can apply for a live out allowance to help with rent if you need it.

Your hubby needs to get his own visa too he cant travel on yours all though you can travel on his! Bit sexist but hey ho thats the way it goes!

1 week down another week of torture to go!:uhoh:

7th May 2007, 13:48

I saw your post on Etihad forum. I think it's great that you have made it into Etihad Airways. CONGRATS! I am also attending Etihad interview this sunday. I made it thru Inter-excel interview round and this sunday is the final. I really wanna get it bad. Any word of advice? HOw's the interview like? How long did you take to find out if you made it thru?

your respond will be greatly appreaciated!


7th May 2007, 14:32
:} Jia:} & all the newbies..

Welcome to the forum. Almost every 3rd post on this Etihad Topic is how long till we wait? or what sort of questions will they ask us?

All the answers lie within this post. If you dont mind reading through 25 pages worth..then you'll be fine..lol :} Ive answered your above questions a few times on here..but to save repetitive posts. All your questions will be on here...just browse & read through.

Good luck!

7th May 2007, 14:53
it seems as tho, it was us asking all these questions about the open days, interview questions, whats it like, pay etc etc etc not that long ago. now theres a new lot of keen crew comign through with all the same stuff, and its only been like 3 weeks and i only got 3 weeks to go!!

before we know it we will be at 35000ft all the time!!!

7th May 2007, 14:59
Hi all,

Just a really quick question, can someone tell me if EY supply you with shoes or if you get them yourself? I just want to know if I should bring mine with me or if I'll get a new pair when I arrive.

Thanks guys and chat soon.


7th May 2007, 18:46
I would say all flights above 5hrs r layovers in EY. The rest r turnarounds. Recently we started doing CMB and DAC as turnarounds (like in EK), but we still have this destinations as layovers as well.

U will get complete uniform, shoes included :p U will get belt for your skirt too. But for some time during training u will be in your own clothes. Once when u start flying and if u experience problems with EY cabin shoes, u can buy something that suits u, but companys doctor has to approve it.

8th May 2007, 05:30
Hey all,
I sent an application. I have a couple of questions, so i sent them an e-mail at the provided e-mail address. However, the mail failed to deliver twice.
I sent the e-mail to [email protected].
If anyone knows the correct address, or if this is correct and they are having a trouble, please let me know.


8th May 2007, 05:49
did they have a dress code in the open day, like formal, or is business attire enough?

8th May 2007, 05:52
Business attire will do. Suit, necktie...etc.

8th May 2007, 05:58
We had 1 bloke in Sydney's open day that wore jeans, sneakers & white collarless daggy shirt. He made it through to the 2nd round. But got cut in the 3rd. So anything can happen..regardless your grooming and appearance?
He must've impressed the Recruiting Officers, putting his dresscode aside..

8th May 2007, 09:24
PH people. Dont lose hope. We'll make it through. PRAY lang. It will help. Okay? Good luck to us! Be blessed. :)

9th May 2007, 03:59
hey guys.. its been 2wks.. anyone assessed last 22april2007??? pls let us know if anyone get a call already.. because im planning to call them.. cant wait to know the result on their security check.. i hope i passed... pls anyone... thanks so much!!

9th May 2007, 04:15
Hi Everyone!!
Just wondering if anyone on this forum was at the Etihad assessment on May 6th in Toronto.

9th May 2007, 10:58
Hey guys,
just to let u know, another, brand new crew building is on the way! Still don't have much info, but as soon as I find out, will let u know :ok:

9th May 2007, 11:42

Thanks for the info, that's awesome news, they're preparing for the big growth spurt they're about to have.

Keep us updated.


9th May 2007, 13:09
Eytruth :} :} :}

That sounds awesome..does that mean the existing crew move into the new Apartments and us newbies take their old ones? hehe...

Fingers crossed we get those new babies...:ok:

9th May 2007, 14:17
To all our fellow Etihad Hopefuls in Manila :ok: :ok:

Dont lose hope...As weve said many many times before...alot of us had to wait more then 2 weeks..some cases worst then others...3 or even 4 weeks with one bloke in the U.K

They so busy over there...Im due to fly out in 7 days to AUH for training and I still havent got final confirmation email with flight details etc etc..so bear with them :rolleyes: .

9th May 2007, 14:43
People...we just have to be faithful. They told us to e-mail them if ever we dont get a call or email, right? Then let's do it. Thats the best thing we can do now. Also...that email will prove that we're really interested for the position. No assurance but its better to try.

9th May 2007, 17:42
good point wannafley officially my 2 weeks is on monday So I'll wait til after then.

One of the girls on my final interview got an email saying she wasnt successful so no news is good news!

10th May 2007, 02:25
:eek: Just a note to all of those with interviews for the 14/15th May in Brisbane, THE ASSESSMENT DAYS HAVE CHANGED!!!

You will prob get a private number call on your contact number so PICK IT UP!!! they are now scheduled from what i can tell on the 17/18th May , same times as on your invitation, just different days.

If anyone is on the 18th let me know, ill see you there

xo C

10th May 2007, 04:47
yeah the assessment day has changed to the 17th and 18th of may. changed for SOME reason?? Im going to the one on the 17th. anyone else coming on this day??

...and just letting you know...for those going to the OPEN day (CV drop off) i personally called the people at aviation australia (the interview venue) and they said that the date of the OPEN day is still the same...which is 14th may from 8-11am. :)

10th May 2007, 07:48
Question...when you got the call from EY and told you to proceed with ur medical...did they give you a certain time frame to finish your medical exam. Like a month or two weeks?

10th May 2007, 08:07
Hey guys,

Anybody was invited on 15th May Abu Dhabi?????:O

10th May 2007, 09:09

The email just said proceed through with medical. No time frame was given. BUT a few of the blokes here received phone calls to check up on how their medicals were going. So if you take too slow they ring you up just how they rang the guys here...I handed mines in about a week and half after the email....the others took abit longer then me.

I know they need the medicals ASAP. They need batches to start immediately..they even asked how early we can start!

10th May 2007, 10:40
That fast? Argh. They havent started calling people here in Manila but I had mine confirmed to continue for medicals last tuesday. I hope that they would give us enough time to process it because of work schedule in my current job now. ANyway... another question...when you sent them the result of your medicals, how long did it take them to tell you to resign to your job and start packing your things? I'm sorry I have alot of questions. Its just that you're such an inspiration. Been reading alot of your posts. Good luck to you! Hope to see you there in Abu Dhabi. :)

10th May 2007, 10:45
:rolleyes: hei nickvan, how long did it take for them to call you..?? wen was your assessment?? weow,,, im really excited bout the result of mine...

10th May 2007, 12:25
:} wannaflEY & madambfly -
It was probably within a week after I submitted my medical they rang us to confirm our preferred departure date. They'll give you the options on starting..they prefer early as possible. Training commences on Sundays. So they'll fly you over a few days before it commences. When you confirm your date of training thats when you could resign and organise. All together Ive had 5 weeks to organise since I opted to start on the 20th May.

March 23rd was my assessment day. Im now leaving within 2 months to start a new chapter!! :sad: :sad:

10th May 2007, 13:49
To Nickvan,

Congratulations to you! Thank you for sharing your experiences it sure helps many forumers. One question though, how many in your batch made it through the assessment?

11th May 2007, 03:57
So yeah....
I went through the Toronto Assessment. It was fun. A lil' crazy. So yes, I got till the final interview. The interviewers, seemed happy with my responses...., so what exactly happens now?? I understand that the papers and forms we filled get sent to Abu Dhabi ( I miss Abu Dhabi), but what exactly happens to the papers in AUH?? I really would like this job, A LOT, and I'm hoping I get it...., I just wish I knew what they do in Abu Dhabi. Is it another stage where people get cut at?? Do a lot of people get cut? I still got a week and 2 days before my 2 weeks answer should be sent to me, but Im a lil' worried.
If anyone could shed some light, I'd appreciate it...A lot.

call me jojo:)

11th May 2007, 04:51
Also, has anyone been through the Medical? I would like to know what we have to go through if I have to go through it. I heard theres a dental section, and it kinda worries me coz I just chipped a part of my tooth out a few weeks ago. So it means I gotta go get it fixed I'm guessing....??


Call me Jojo:)

11th May 2007, 09:30
:)A friend of mine who went to the Assessment day in Sydney today said there were approx only 40 at the assessment day. Only 1 cut was made! The first cut left 12 & then the recruitors came out and informed everyone was going through to the final interview & no final cut was made...:D

How good did those last 12 feel know that they all made it through to the final interview:)

11th May 2007, 10:23
Thanks Nickvan

Cheers to your friend and the other 11 that made it through the assessment all the way to the final interview...but the question is.... are you taken for sure after you get through the final interview?? or could you possibly get a no after that??


call me jojo:)

Ps. Im questioning because Im currently one week into the "2 week"wait after the final interview in Toronto.

11th May 2007, 10:58
Hey missing_auh,

The answer to your question is NO... :sad:

I know one person from my day didnt go through. She got the email first. I hear another person in Melbourne also got an email saying they couldnt proceed through with the security. These guys were notified well before us the successful ones. So no news is good news I guess?

11th May 2007, 12:58
Hey all!
Got an email yesterday evening with all details, flight info etc... I'll be leaving tomorrow morning for AUH... wish me luck... i feel so bad, got a foodpoisoning and hope to be fine until tomorrow :sad:

All the best to all you future EY collegues, I'm sure you all will do just as fine and even better than I did. Hope to see ya soon in AUH!

Yourz violinplayer21c

11th May 2007, 13:40

Thanks for being so sweet and helpful. You have really done a lot for us waitting people. Its been 3 weeks since april 22, no word yet from EY:confused: . But I heard that a few people recieved REGRET :{ mails last week. So I guess at this point I would like to recite our favorite line for EY hopefuls "NO News is Good News".

Tomorrow is the start of the work week in Abu Dhabi. I'm praying for a miracle.:)

keep the fate guys


11th May 2007, 14:27
ehh... i'm still waiting... have a great time over there you guys! x

11th May 2007, 14:34

How many received the regret letters in Manila?

11th May 2007, 16:13
A few days ago I applied for EY online and requested to be interviewed on this Tuesday because at first i was sure I could make it on the open day,which is this monday and after that I found out that I had to work on Monday and would be free on Tuesday intead(R you guys confused yet?:ugh: )

Anyway,I got an e-mail from EY today saying I am not short listee candidate(probably I made it too urgent and they can not arrange my interview?)I still want to ask for a leave from my work and walk in there this Monday anyway.Question.....is it possible that I make it too final round and I could be failed just because the judge or Abu Dabi management team found out about my rejected status?If that is what is gonna happen,i'd rather not bother to go then because that means they are going to fail me after all.Has anyone heard of such a thing?What do you suggest me?Shall I go still?

Many thanks in advance.


11th May 2007, 16:16
Hey Nickvan
thanks a bunch. I guess I should be more optimistic. Im hoping having lived in AUH for 14 years helps....

thanks again

call me jojo:)

11th May 2007, 16:59
hello guys..
can anybody tell how r rosters like?? or whats the longest trip or layover u´ve got?? being trying to searched, but reading 26 pages of the same is quite boring;)
thanx and might see u soon!

11th May 2007, 21:53
hey guys:)
is anyone starting on the 3rd of june? any idea when we get the flight details? is it like a week before?

11th May 2007, 22:32
I think the longest one till now is AUH-BRU-YYZ-BRU-AUH (9 or 10 days block), theres 4 nights JNB and 3 nights GVA.
Most of layovers you will find 24h and the long one I mentioned will be gone very soon as well so hurry up! :}

11th May 2007, 23:45
Hey guys...I have a question for any current EY crew. How are your flights crewed? Here in Canada we crew 1 f/a per 40 pax. So for example our A330 carries 360 pax so we crew 10 f/a's. Just curious.
Thanks in advance:)