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aba71 24th Oct 2009 22:16

Shortly afterwards we signed a contract with Lufthansa, Cargolux, Virgin Atlantic, Malasyan, Saudia, Garuda.
And at one point the Titanic was afloat.......
Correct me if im wrong, but didnt AAI loose Lufthansa, Virgin and Garuda b'coz of terrible performance?
This thread will go on forever. Some bitchin about conditions, some proclaiming AAI's success..
Me for one are happy to be out of there, even though I did have some great times there, and that was all thanks to some fine crews i had a chance to work with.. The company itself is a disgrace...

That said,

Happy flying everyone

UFGBOY 25th Oct 2009 08:28

Aai/ Britannia
They did have contract in if my memory serves me 1996 with L10-11 at MAN; they also used to bring a B747 up from STN for the weekend for coverage as well

411A 25th Oct 2009 15:52

They did have contract in if my memory serves me 1996 with L10-11 at MAN; they also used to bring a B747 up from STN for the weekend for coverage as well
And 1997, and two dedicated L10 aircraft in 1998, at MAN.
Then, then axe fell on their maintenance due to the UKCAA action, and Britannia bolted in '99, and leased from Aer Turas...I know because I flew the airplane.
Freightops is full of horsepucky...nothing new there.:eek:

Whiskery 25th Oct 2009 20:58

...............axe fell on their maintenance due to the UKCAA action,
We'll have to start calling you Bob the Bull:mad:hitter. As I have told you before, there was nothing came out of that action because the whistleblowers were compulsive lyers and disgruntled ex-AAI staffers. AAI ended up with a nice compensation cheque, compliments of the UK taxpayers and it was business as usual.

You just never seem to get your facts straight....and to quote your goodself...............

...nothing new there.:eek:

411A 25th Oct 2009 22:15

....and it was business as usual.

Without the two aircraft Britannia contract, the following year, which went bye-bye.
AAI has always had problems with their maintenance support, and I suspect it hasen't changed one bit, now.
Codheads in charge, expect poor results.:eek:

oceancrosser 25th Oct 2009 22:56

From 411A:

SVA is done for them, not much else is left.
I have no connections to AAI except knowing a few guys flying there, but
is that why they apparently have 11 airplanes flying Hajj for SVA this year?

Referring to 411A´s posts in general, his posts on this thread appear to be the usual drivel.

411A 25th Oct 2009 23:44

...is that why they apparently have 11 airplanes flying Hajj for SVA this year?
Hajj is a different matter altogether, oceancrosser (as you may or may not know...more than likely, not:}) however, the true test of AAI flying for SVA will come next year.
SaudiArabia has a brand new aircarrier with 744 equipment, which will eat into AAI's business greatly.
I expect there will be no longer-term contracts in Saudi for AAI, and their Hajj business will likely decrease as well.
Those foreign airlines that are counting on long term business from SVA had better make different plans....sooner rather than later.

tiger19 26th Oct 2009 00:09

this new Saudi Airline must be close to a start as a mate of mine who was flying B747-4's for Oasis out of Hong Kong has just started with this Saudi mob.

411A 26th Oct 2009 00:11

They have started flying already, as their AOC was issued October 5.

dynasty744 26th Oct 2009 01:04

Well with the 3 passenger 400's that AAI have added to the SV contract this month, along with the 2 cargo 400's already there and another to arrive early next year, I'd say things were looking pretty good for AAI in the Kingdom.

411A 26th Oct 2009 02:42

I'd say things were looking pretty good for AAI in the Kingdom.
Watch the next eight months carefully, as many changes are afoot at SaudiArabian Airlines....and not to the advantage of leased-in equipment.

hoover1 26th Oct 2009 03:58

what do you guys hear of that AAI bought 49% of a U.S. company called xtra Airways that operates b737. I think that AAI is going to put a 747-200F on their certificate.

dynasty744 26th Oct 2009 04:02

Watch the next eight months carefully
8 months!! In the world of contract flying I would say that is later rather than sooner

mutt 26th Oct 2009 04:26

411A is actually right, SVA will attempt to get rid of ALL leased passenger aircraft by summer 2011, at that stage they will have about 40x A320 and 6x A330's on the apron.

Hajj operations are different as they are a short term requirement, the cargo aircraft will most probably stay due to the IPO.

AlWafeer commenced operations on the 20th Oct but they arent flying for SVA...... Edited to say that they arent flying, both aircraft are on Apron 11, one still with the MH registration......


Freightops 26th Oct 2009 18:13

A411, MUTT and aba71
You have no idea how long contracts AAI has with SAUDIA or other carriers.
You are just 3 unhappy guys with no life other than bitch about AAI.
You wont listen to reason nor facts.
Those statements you have are only wishful thoughts of 3 men who have obviously not gotten over AAI.

Air Atlanta has always completed contracts until its expiry and if they have not been renewed its for commercial reasons. Except for Virgin and Iberia after 9/11

As for the Icelandic economy. Its in a lot better shape than many western countries. However its not looking good for USA these days a bankrupt goverment living of the Chineese running 2 wars. A411 its better to think before talk. For my friends the British its not looking good either if you read FT today. Dont misunderstand me because it gives me no pleasure knowing of other peoples misery unlike some people.

To all my other collegues and friends at AAI I wish you a good and successful hajj:ok:. The others go on with your lifes.:ugh:

411A 26th Oct 2009 19:43

You have no idea how long contracts AAI has with SAUDIA ...
You are just 3 unhappy guys with no life other than bitch about AAI.
You wont listen to reason nor facts.
Those statements you have are only wishful thoughts of 3 men who have obviously not gotten over AAI.
Hmmm, the above referenced poster is clearly and totally in the dark....:ugh:

mutt 27th Oct 2009 06:47

You have no idea how long contracts AAI has with SAUDIA
I suggest you read my post again, I didn't particularly mentioned AAI, I said that SVA were aiming to get rid of ALL LEASED PASSENGER AIRCRAFT! I also gave you the courtesy of explaining WHY this is possible!

Finally, what on earth makes you think that I have ever worked for AAI?


fergineer 27th Oct 2009 07:21

freightops......mutt is a legend on Saudi ops and anything he says is about as closer to the truth as it can get......he offers advice to anyone and as I say gives it freely. I would believe anything he says about Saudi ops.

747guru 28th Oct 2009 07:36


At the risk of "thread creep"....

Not sure which economic articles you have been reading in the FT, but the article I read this week reported on McDonald's Hamburger Chain pulling out of Iceland due to the weak Krona.....I am struggling to think of another country in the world where McDonald's has pulled the plug?

I am not sure this is an endorsement of Icelandic economic strength???

Perhaps one reason why AAI has survived the economic storm so far, is down to the fact that like most aviation companies, their income is in USD, but they pay their (well paid?)Icelandic crew members in the extremely weak Krona, therefore advantageous for the company?

Bealzebub 28th Oct 2009 07:54

Not sure which economic articles you have been reading in the FT, but the article I read this week reported on McDonald's Hamburger Chain pulling out of Iceland due to the weak Krona.....I am struggling to think of another country in the world where McDonald's has pulled the plug?
McDonalds haven't done anything. Many of their restaurants (all 3 in Iceland) are franchises, and the Icelandic franchisee is terminating the agreement, citing the high cost of having to import most of the ingredients from Germany. It isn't the first time something similar has happened, it also happened in Barbados and Bolivia for economic reasons, as well as Bermuda, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago.

jumbolloyd 28th Oct 2009 08:17

Wow...now there's something in common with the rock...list of "Third World " countries...:sad:

Freightops 28th Oct 2009 12:20

Take your Pick.
FT.com / Search

Im sorry that I dont compare the economy by the presence of McDonalds.

If you want to go into banking scandals.

How much have the British, Dutch, Americans and others had to pump into their banks to save the economy.

How much did the world loose to the Lehman Brothers and JP Morgan on the housing loans of which Fitch and Moodys gave a AAA stamps. We can go on and on. Fortis, Dexia, Northern Rock Bank of America etc. Yes the Icelandic Bankers played recklessly. Just like everywhere you go. However the common man is paying the bill. Same as all around the world except in China where the growth is more than 8%.

About the regulators we can go on and on. Enron Madoff etc.

The EU countries that are in the deepest recession are Latvia, Lithuania and Ireland.

If you want further info on the economy I suggest going to FT.com and search.

Freightops 28th Oct 2009 12:43

IMF on Iceland.
FIS - Worldnews - Iceland making progress on economic recovery, IMF says

The interest rates have been met already.

I did not look on McDonalds.com

747guru 29th Oct 2009 07:26

Icelandic Economy

It is indeed the Icelandic Franchise Owner who is pulling out of Iceland, however a spokesperson from McDonald's declared that they will NOT be looking for new partners for Iceland....enough said I think?

The Economist financial magazine periodically lists a "Big Mac Index" (a crude, yet effective way to compare the cost of living in many countries around the world by using the price of a Big Mac converted from the local currency into USD for comparison purposes).

It appears that iceland will be falling out of this index, as they do not sell Big Mac's any longer.....not even a Fish Mac? :bored:

747guru 29th Oct 2009 07:29

IMF Report
....of course Iceland is "making progress", the country was bankrupt....so the only way is up from here? Good luck to you all!

MCAFFERTY 30th Oct 2009 09:11

and still the start of the Ethopian is delayed...

empty promises?...

Yobbo 2nd Nov 2009 15:42

Does anyone know what is going on with the pay ? I just received a confusing email in broken English from Airborne mentioning more delays .

Whiskery 3rd Nov 2009 03:21

Yobbo. See my post #234 on page 12 of this thread.

Nothing has changed my friend.

lpokijuhyt 6th Nov 2009 15:50

So what country is the highest on the Big Mac index?

G.S. Willy 6th Nov 2009 17:16

Big Mack
Norway is on top of the list for 2009, I am unsure if this is good for the Country, as high prices, goes along with high wages, with reduced competitiveness as a result in the long run.

superspotter 9th Nov 2009 18:14

Well it's definitely not India, gutted when I went into Maccy D's in Calcutta and saw nothing but chicken on the menu boards:uhoh: :)

starcatcher737 3rd Jan 2010 13:05

Same as last year, pilots have been sent on unpaid leave:ugh:

Whiskery 8th Jan 2010 09:45

When there is no work, AAI pilots are always sent home on unpaid leave.:mad:

411A 8th Jan 2010 11:41

When there is no work, AAI pilots are always sent home on unpaid leave
And, this is the same at many other charter airlines...no honey, no money.:}

18-Wheeler 28th Mar 2010 13:58

I hear on the grape vine that AAI have lost the contract with MAS in KUL and from 1-6-2010 a US carrier will be taking over.
IS that right?

Nippon1 29th Mar 2010 09:04

You are correct...it is official...last day April 30th....it looks like the end for the Classics

Warmair 29th Mar 2010 17:01

Any idea of which US operator?

747JJ 29th Mar 2010 18:30

I was sad to hear that the MAS is to go. I had some of the best and funnest times in KUL with a good group of people out my tenure with AAI. MAS was a good contract and made a good revenue during good times for AAI. I doubt that AAI would have let the contract go if it was feasible for them to continue. I sincerely hope that something else comes along for those who still work there would certainly face some hardship.

For what its worth, I hear that Southern Air has underbidded AAI quite considerably. Might the "Kopper-Tool" be re-introduced to KUL :eek: Wether Southern can actually perform with that low of a bid is another matter. I have my doubts that they will.

JONOAHBFN 1st Apr 2010 11:51

How sound is the SV contract
Understand that Air Atlanta have definately lost the MAS contract, how sound and on going are the contracts with SV, the two 747-300's must finished hheir contracts, unfortunately those it should affect have already left for SV (6 x F/E's). Also hear they have a contract out of OSLO for upto 5 aircraft, sound good but expensive. Think of all those blonds, more expensive than in KL though.
Will be having a lovely Easter.

Earl 3rd Apr 2010 22:45

I keep reading about this Kopper axe incident.
I was the F/E that operated this flight with him, JFK/LOS
You have to remember this was just after 911, they were taking everything from us that was normal before this, if any had gone through TSA that day we were harassed more than normal, cant really blame the captain, but TSA was more of a pain than normal, guess any of us could have lost it at this point.
The Nigerians did not have money for flight plan fuel, kept asking us to accept less,even asked the pax for donations, was not a good situation for any involved, security had to be called for the pax fighting in the back, flight attendants punched in the face etc.
Yes it is a funny story, probably one that is best told in a pub with friends.
We all refer to this now as the Kopper axe, but you had to be there to understand the true meaning of this and what actually happened.

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