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ZAZOO 28th Aug 2009 01:59

I totally agree with you, you should browse through the African Forum and threads, its terrible these days.

Oh well I am happy just reading these days.


411A 28th Aug 2009 02:37

What do you think ?
Leaving aside the derogatory comments for the moment, I watched as an AAI ground engineer replaced an INS unit years ago...with NO serviceable tag.
When I asked about this..I was told...'never mind, it works, I hope'.
This was just before the airline was grounded in the UK, for ten days.
Draw your own conclusions.:rolleyes:

Atlanta-Driver 28th Aug 2009 05:37

Proxus and reality check
Why Proxus old chap.A bit incensed are we not? I see from your profile that you are a student and perhaps not quite familiar with the intricate system that could be described as segregation by contract and nationality with AAI.

Air Atlanta has for years among with other Icelandic companies resorted to what one can only describe as racist and discriminatory employment practices with the assistance and full acceptance of FIA/FFF. Many of our esteemed colleagues from the rock had the indecency to flaunt and rub their superiority and untouchability in our faces with great satisfaction and regularity. Not all of the Icelanders where at this though but those few malicious ones where louder and more aggressive painting the rest with the same brush of guilt. Ie: Guilt by association.

You might find that due to these practices add the economic disaster Icelanders are unfortunately starting to have a reputation around that is not enviable.

I recommend you read through all the AAI thread on the forum and talk to some of the contractors before you throw on us your righteous indignation about a matter that you clearly know nothing about.

Hope this gives some background and eases your distress.

Whiskery 28th Aug 2009 07:10

This was just before the airline was grounded in the UK, for ten days.
Yes 411A, due to bull**** fed to the CAA by a couple of lying whistleblowers. The Airline was vindicated and substantially compensated for the disruption.

proxus - Cod head no different to being called a Pom, Yank, Yarpee or Convict (Aussie). Lighten up and look at it as a term of endearment!;)

znote6224w 28th Aug 2009 19:36

Well said, well put, the nail on the head and all that. Whish I had you way with words. Wonder what EU has to say about all this Iceland/Crawley/Guernsy mess.

411A 28th Aug 2009 20:00

Yes 411A, due to bull**** fed to the CAA by a couple of lying whistleblowers
IF the UKCAA had followed up, they would have found the totally bogus serviceable tags (few, that were there) provided by AAI's guy at MZJ, who was told to hire a DAR to properly document the spares (but didn't)...simply because AAI was too cheap to pay the bill.
What goes around, comes around.

Sadly, Whiskery has totally duff gen...no surprise there.:rolleyes:

proxus 28th Aug 2009 20:06

Why Proxus old chap.A bit incensed are we not? I see from your profile that you are a student and perhaps not quite familiar with the intricate system that could be described as segregation by contract and nationality with AAI.
Thank you for reminding me to update my profile. That information is 9 yrs old now.

You're absolutely right, I do not know the claimed intricate threads of national segregation woven into this company and my point was not directed at it.
No matter what, in a civilized discussion "Ice Nigger" would not be used.

But if I'd use my layman eyes, I can try to make a comment about this company. As far as I can see, it an Icelandic founded company were mostly the Icelandic pilots work on a union contract. To meet extra demand the company hires in contracted pilots who are, by my understanding, on a lesser T&C than the pilots with the union contract which is in my eyes pretty normal. Almost all the time, it has been better to have a backing of a union than to be on your own, right?

So the time goes by and after some years the contracted pilots get pissed off because the union pilots are rubbing their contract into the faces of the contracts ?
So what, because of some few stupid union pilots, do I deserve to called derogatory names on a public website?

And as far as discriminatory company goes, how about one Icelandic airline who does not hire Icelandic pilots, Jetx! They have openly stated that they will not hire Icelandic pilots (they're afraid that we want to join a union if there's to many of us in one place).

So my point is, even though you have had some run-ins with a few, don't transfer that to us all.

Nippon1 29th Aug 2009 08:48

Well we should know soon as my court case against AAI/Airborne is scheduled for Sept 28th in the UK.....One of the main points will be the relationship between Iceland/AAI/Airborne and their place in the EU.

400tons 30th Aug 2009 10:18

Atlanta-Driver you are 100% right:D
OMann,give us this email and link,I will also sue them!:E

Urraca 30th Aug 2009 11:08

"We fired you" you sound like part of the problem, first of all I was not fired. :=:=:=

TheWanderer 30th Aug 2009 13:26

Iceland has an interesting website: asi - www.asi.is regarding its labour market.
Parts of the site are also available in english: asi - Labour market

Document "Rights and employment terms of foreign workers on the Icelandic labor market" (page 2) :

Wage terms of foreign employees and control of them
According to Icelandic law, wages and other terms of employment as negotiated by
the social partners shall be minimum wages irrespective of gender, nationality or
employment period for all employees in the relevant field of work in the area covered by
the agreement. This also applies to all employees of employers who are outside of the
organizations of employers or have not themselves entered into collective agreements
with trade unions. The agreements of individual employees and employers on worse
terms of employment than stated in the collective agreements are invalid and not
binding for the employee.
So if an Icelandic company is giving contracts with worse conditions than their own collective agreements, these contracts are null and void?
What happenes to these contracts?

SE210 30th Aug 2009 16:24

I flew for Air Atlanta a few years back, and I was actually not unhappy about the company.

About the discrimination issue mentioned earlier, I believe that the FIA contract pays it's pilots in Icelandic kroners. Since the Icelandic curreny is only worth about 20% of it's value 2 years ago, the FIA contract is not attractive right now.

Can anybody confirm this?



Whiskery 1st Sep 2009 10:28


where is Byrno? what is its code
LKTB - Czech Republic

Aviator 101 3rd Sep 2009 22:12

"And as far as discriminatory company goes, how about one Icelandic airline who does not hire Icelandic pilots, Jetx! They have openly stated that they will not hire Icelandic pilots (they're afraid that we want to join a union if there's to many of us in one place)."

Actually proxus I do believe that they have Icelandic pilots, at least on a flight with them last month from Malaga to Iceland there was a Icelandic pilot flying.

proxus 5th Sep 2009 12:49

Well if that's the case then they might have changed policies as it would be illegal to discriminate against one nation. (esp. it's own countrymen)

zfwmac 12th Oct 2009 06:32

So, anyone know how Nippon 1 got on with his court case?

Nippon1 12th Oct 2009 07:57

Nippon 1 court case
Due to procrastination court case delayed until Nov 18th.......The good news is that it is being held in my home town so at least I dont have to travel.

paco59 12th Oct 2009 18:10

Why is the icelandair pilot union is not doing anything about non JAR pilots with validations flying JAR aircraft when icelandair pilots sit at home with no money?

santa barbara airline use smartlynx Jar aircraft but use canadain and american pilot. they have no jar and on validations??!!

on my last flight the canadian fleet cheif was laughing he didn't have jar license? why is this so. why people not complain?

Atlanta-Driver 13th Oct 2009 04:50

Latcharter come Smartlynx is a starnge operation. What I've been told by people who worked there that operation is about as messy as any third world country could provide.

I am quoting some of the people here that have worked for this operation as well as my own experiences with the now unnamed people as the forum rules require.

A few years back there was what I have been described as the unholy triangle.

Fleet chief of the 767 suffers a napoleon complex being of relatively short in the height deparment. He is a good example of one that uses his skin tone as an excuse for incompetence. I can attest to this after meeting him several times in LGW while his tenure with Excel/Air Atlanta on the 767 and will stand by my words in court if required. Apparently every pilot disagreeing with him is either racially moivated of after his job. He will promote people based on their ability to kiss his hindquarters rather than their ablity.

Manager of crew resources of Smart Lynx I unfortunately know personally. It was said that while in Jakarta office during a hajj pilots rather talked to the plant in the office than to him. Other than that in Lagos during the Nigerian airways deal with AAI he would be busy fighting his fellow workers over local prostitutes attention :}

The unnamed crew contract manager from Ireland. Same gentleman who was in charge of Air Atlanta contracts at one point. Enough is said of him on this forum so no need to elaborate or is there? However he is no longer in charge.

Between the three they made the operation into a bananashow.

I understand AAI policy for contracting people or rather letting them go. If on a downturn they will empty their S.hitlist and then reduce by nationality Icelanders being the last

What I cannot understand is Smartlynx firing all European pilots from 767 with one exception and keeping only Americans and Canadians. I know why they do it, the chief only keeps his buttbuddies in the company and lets anyone with a percieved or real problem with his personality go.

l It does NOT sink into me why are non EU nationals allowed to work for a EU company WITHOUT work permits. Why where what was then Latcharter employees allowed to live and work in UK without a UK work permit like the so called chief pilot 767 and why governments do not do anything anything about the matter while hundreds of European pilots are unemployed.

situation normal 18th Oct 2009 14:51

I spoke to Icelandic pilot the other day, he told of how smartlynx wants to put the 2 767's on Icelandic reg., Is this the End of smartlynx/latcharter ?

cp35 19th Oct 2009 17:56

AAI In trouble
You all must have seen the email from airborne today, it seems that AAI is having cashflow trouble and as usual they will pay the contractors last.

cp35 19th Oct 2009 17:58

AAI In trouble
AAI has not paid the contractors salaries today as they claim they are waiting for one of there customers to pay. cashflow is usually the first sign of trouble.

747JJ 19th Oct 2009 18:53

I am sorry to hear that. I sincerely hope that this is just temporary and the usual SVA late payment. Keeping my fingers crossed and with best wishes.

znote6224w 20th Oct 2009 08:38

Everything in AAI is temporary. IŽll bet there will be an email in your inbox later today or tomorrow stating that contractors with fees under 4.000 will be paid first. After all money for the football team and the christmas party must have priority. Heard people are refusing to fly untill paid.

747guru 20th Oct 2009 23:23

Late Payment of Invoices
...the miracles of miracles remains that AAI is still in business at all!!! There were "cashflow" problems, even in the cargo go-go years (2003-2007).

Maybe the company is saving up to help pay back the $5bn dollars that "the Rock" owe to the Dutch & UK Govt's for the failure of Icesave etc....just a thought....

but on a serious note, I hope you all get paid soonest....otherwise "down tools" is my advice...

MaxBlow 21st Oct 2009 09:16

footballteam ? What footballteam ? Did I miss anything ?

Freightops 21st Oct 2009 11:59

411A and Earl 2 grumpy ex emplyees.
411A you were fired. You left the 1011 at a station where there was no maintenance with the APU running and the fuel pump burned over due to fuel starvation. THE AIRPLANE COULD HAVE BURNT DOWN. We all know you dont like AAI. You dont have to. If you want to write something then at least stick to the truth.

Earl you claim to be an expert. Whenever something happens at AAI its only speculations. I remember a cetrain accident in SHJ where you started the first day on this forum. Dont you owe to your fellow crewmembers at least showing the professionalism to wait at least for the preliminary report instead of what you wrote? You kept leaving and coming back until they had enough and say no more. Ive heard from your friends that you hate it where you are. This is your own fault. Why are U playing the victim here?

747guru 21st Oct 2009 18:00

Football Team

The only football team I know of that is remotely connected with "The Rock" is West Ham Utd in UK, but I hear that the fish head owner was a forced seller recently when he amassed debts of $300m.....yikes!!!

3 Holer 22nd Oct 2009 05:52

Heard people are refusing to fly untill paid.
Hell will freeze over before that happens. :mad:

Binthere 23rd Oct 2009 07:27

Stll no pay
Still no money in the bank!! More excuses from them..........
Maybe someone who reads this will have a few answers. If we are all contractors and as such our contract is with Airborne, surely they are responsible for paying us regardless directly. Nowhere in my contract with Airborne does it say my pay transfer is directly related to Airborne being paid by AAI. If I have done the work and submitted my 'work invoice' to Airborne then the onus is on them to pay me as agreed. If they do not have enough money in the Bank to pay people, then surely they are insolvent? Being insolvent and continuing to trade is fraudulent, isn't it? especially if they continue to offer contracts to new people during such times? Regardless if they try to hide behind an address in Gurnsey but continue to trade from offices on the UK mainland.
Anyone have any constructive ideas about this?????

747JJ 23rd Oct 2009 09:05

Actually, unless this has changed of late, all my contracts with ACE, Airborne had that clause regarding customer airline's failure to pay. I've seen similar with drafts elsewhere as well. No pay from customer no pay to the contractor.

Whiskery 23rd Oct 2009 09:27

My Daddy once told me:

"Son, if your boss can't pay you this month's wages, he's got :mad: all chance of paying you double next month!"

Unless you like working for ziltch, I would seriously consider alternative employment!

weido_salt 23rd Oct 2009 12:18


"Unless you like working for ziltch, I would seriously consider alternative employment!"

Well, the AAI cheerleaders are starting to change their tune!!

Where you gonna go, with recent experience on an obsolete type? Even worse with guys operating on a validation I would have thought. Don't give me that "wide body time" c:mad:p either. Fly the flight deck and the rest will follow.

AAI are getting what they have deserved.

Whiskery 24th Oct 2009 06:59

Where you gonna go, with recent experience on an obsolete type? Even worse with guys operating on a validation I would have thought. Don't give me that "wide body time" c:mad:p either. Fly the flight deck and the rest will follow.
Fine, then fly for no pay - it ain't going to bother AAI! :rolleyes:

411A 24th Oct 2009 15:28

If you want to write something then at least stick to the truth.
What you have omitted, Freightops, with your nonsensical diatribe, is that I was TOLD to leave the APU operating, by the Gatwick maintenance malcontents, who then cancelled their travel to the airplane...and forget all about the APU.
This would be in keeping, of course, with the AAI lack of maintenance oversight, inability of using a DAR at MZJ to properly certify spares, then installing these illegal spares on line aircraft.
I know the folks that were at MZJ, and have all the details.
AAI, still being run by malcontent locals, will never change...and I expect will slowly fade away.
Good riddance, I say.

Freightops 24th Oct 2009 18:30

411A Tell the truth.
First of all you left the airplane in STN where we had no maintenance personel. Second you knew that the airplane would be parked for consirerable time there. Third you as a captain should not leave the airplane unatended with the APU running.

Dont forget that you also tried with your friend the colonel to get AAI to do business with you in MZJ. AAI refused. Then your friend threatened AAI that they would never be able to take aircrafts out of there.

AAI has been a very forgiving company. Many people left and were welcome back.

Is this how you are going to spend your early retirement trying to tear down AAI with homemade version of lies?

God help us all.

Why dont you enjoy your retirement attending to your cats?

I have seen lots of comments from you and replies. It seems that people are getting a bit tired of you a long time ago. You just dont want to see it.

Do everyone a fabour 411A. or RW. Take a vacation or something.

747JJ 24th Oct 2009 18:52

Love is in the air...

411A 24th Oct 2009 20:02

Love is in the air...
Is it ever.:ok:
AAI lost their Britannia contract (two aircraft) due to their grounding by the UKCAA, and it went to Aer Turas...paid better, too....especially for yours truly.
Thanks, AAI!
All the relevant details were sent to the UKCAA (including the bit about stiffing the DAR at MZJ that was eventually hired to certificate spares...then (no surprise), not paid.
What goes around comes around, and AAI will (has already) suffer the consequences...including hiring Jerry Springer to 'try' to promise folks...then back away.
Sadly, AAI is but a shell of its former self...now up the creek without a paddle.
Even the 'Prince of Darkness' called me up at 4am some time ago, asking for a...'position for our Flight Engineers'...what he really meant to say was...'hey, I'm out of a job, let me in.'
Fat chance that will happen.
Ugandan (Malta passport) nationals not accepted here....ever.

Yup, love in the air, all around....!:}

Freightops 24th Oct 2009 20:16

Again you have no idea what you are talking about.
First of all we did not have a contract during those years with Britannia.
We did a occasional flight for them when they had AOGs.

We had a contract with Caledonian and Monarch. AAI did not lose any contract during this because the CAA found nothing wrong.
Why dont you accept the facts?

Shortly afterwards we signed a contract with Lufthansa, Cargolux, Virgin Atlantic, Malasyan, Saudia, Garuda.

We had a contract with Britannia in the early 80s on a B737.

The prince of Darkness is already reaching retirement age and cannot fly as a captain after 65. If he wants to be a flight engineer good for him.

AAI is already moving from the Classic to the -400s so they dont take on any more engineers.

Why dont you stick to things you know about silly old man:ok::D

411A 24th Oct 2009 21:31

AAI is already moving from the Classic to the -400s so they dont take on any more engineers.
Of course not, and they have failed totally.
AAI will die a slow death...goodbye, and good riddance.
SVA is done for them, not much else is left.
The codheads will have to suffer...ahhh, poor babies.:{:{
Their currency is in the tank, inflation rampent, economy in the toilet...the end of the road is...soon to arrive.
Couldn't be more pleased!

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