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Shaka Zulu 15th Feb 2008 23:23

Flying T, if you are the same one as on the airwork forum then drop me a line.
Since we both trained in Michigan......
On the 777 for 2 years now with BA.


Flying Torquewrench 17th Feb 2008 17:04

ATC83 and Shaka Zulu,

Thanks for your reply's. I have heard that 2000TT hours 'rule' also but it might be easier for BA to put me on the FBW in LHR as i am already A320/A321/A330 rated.

But we will see first there is the big step of actually making it through the selection process. :ok:

Thanks, FT

Shaka Zulu, you got a PM.

captain_toga 18th Feb 2008 10:40

Recently got a "thanks but no thanks" email from BA after my online application.

Does anybody know if they offer any kind of feedback or not?

I have 1750tt with 1500 on widebody - 90% LH flying. I thought my application was at least in with a reasonable chance of getting an invite but apparently not!

Would be interested to hear if anybody has applied this month and if you have been invited for selection what your background is?


Knee Trembler 18th Feb 2008 10:54

Captain TOGA. Try not to take it personally. I also got a rejection at the first hurdle in 2005. Had 4000 hrs TT with 2800 on Med jet.

I'm fairly sure that the first stage checkers are not pilots and have a checklist to apply - e.g. 2000 hrs, flown within 6 months etc. If you fall outside this then that's it. It's hard, but at least unbiased.

Regarding feedback, I failed the sim in October and am still waiting for feedback ;) . Although I have no complaints with the system and do not dispute the decision, it would have been useful to know exactly where I fell down and whether it's worth bothering again. After all, feedback was offered in the rejection email.


Junta Leader 18th Feb 2008 11:01

Feedback v hard to come by, guess they have lots of PFOs to deal with and don't have time to give feedback to them all....

Oh well, least I can try again in 11 months...


JonnyTheCrayfish 18th Feb 2008 11:15

Can't say for sure what criteria they use to invite people to phase 1, but I know the 2000tt and flying time during the last 6 months are not cut-off points. From previous threads it seems that the questions you have to answer in the application play quite an important part, which is why some people spend a few weeks in working on those answers. Apparently around 80% of the applications don't make it to phase 1, and many of those that do have only the minimum required experience.
I'd say give it another go as soon as you can (think it's after 11 months), just re-work your answers a bit, give it a good think, and your fortunes might change.
Good luck for next time!:ok:

Cloud Bunny 18th Feb 2008 12:10

Anyone ever been rejected at the Application Form stage on a re-application having been rejected after Day One the last time?
Can't reapply for another month or so yet anyway.
Just panicing, that's all!! :uhoh:

Stuck_in_an_ATR 18th Feb 2008 14:57

Anyone ever been rejected at the Application Form stage on a re-application having been rejected after Day One the last time?
Yep... Had to wait another year for another attempt - if that helps you :E

BTW - anyone know if the number of applications is somehow limited? Tried three times, made it to stage 1 twice, didn't get any further... It's not that easy to put me off, so I plan to try once again as soon as my 12 month ban is over :} Just wonder if they're gonna talk to me anymore...

bowly 18th Feb 2008 21:03

Does anyone know how helicopter pilots get on in the sim assessment?

sidtheesexist 18th Feb 2008 23:22

Bowly - at least 4 of the bus skippers I've flown with are ex rotary - hope that encourages you.

StuckinanATR - best of luck mate - hope your determination and perserverence pay off!

Re the on line application - took just under a mth for me to complete......I'm led to believe that many are rejected for (1) grammar (2) spelling (3) punctuation (4) not meeting the upper/lower limits for numbers of words in written answers - in summation, a lack of attention to detail! Hope this is of some use.

Cheers, Sid

FliegerTiger 19th Feb 2008 05:48

Cloud Bunny

I failed day 1 selection last year & was rejected this year at application stage.


wobble2plank 19th Feb 2008 08:08

The BAC 1-11 simulator was a 'step up' after my huge analog choppers :eek:

Lots of ex rotary pilots in BA and it doesn't take long to get back into the fixed wing groove. Remember, you are going the 'easy' way round. :p

As to the sim assessment, they are not 'generally' looking at you being able to fly a 747. If you could do that then Willie Walsh wouldn't be moaning about training costs all the time. Trawl the thread and yo will see that the sim is about 'being in the ball park' flying wise and good crew co-op and the ability to take constructive criticism and learn from it.

Have fun

Cloud Bunny 19th Feb 2008 11:18

I failed day 1 selection last year & was rejected this year at application stage.

Hmmmmm, bad luck - not what I was hoping to hear. :uhoh:
Whats the score with maintaining some answers used in your previous application? For example my reasons to join BA have not changed, my job experiences and what I have learnt from them obviously haven't changed, my "major change in the workplace" is the same as last year to name 3. These were all obviously winners last time so can I keep these in or do I have to think up new answers to all questions?
Interested to hear opinions.

katanapilot 19th Feb 2008 21:05

New answers
Cloud Bunny:

The answer to your questions are on this thread, but in summary for me:
3 questions the same - very similar answers. 15minutes editing.
One totally different question - couple of hours to answer.

I edited my answers just in case they compare them to a previous application, but I think the premise of 'if they worked last time they will be good enough this time' will see you through. Spell check, grammar check, proof read and DON'T go over 200 words! For first-timers, if you were to spend less than three or four hours answering the questions, think very hard before you submit them. Just my advice.

Hope this helps; good luck - it's worth it.

CIPO 20th Feb 2008 10:32

Can you explain the totally different question from Last year??? Because i'm looking at last years application form & the questions from this year. They are word for word the same...........:confused:

katanapilot 20th Feb 2008 12:48

CIPO, I was comparing 2006 with 2007, not seen the 'current' questions!

Flying Torquewrench 20th Feb 2008 18:10

If you pass the first day do they still hold the second phase on the following day? And how long do you have to wait when you are not available on the next day?

From all the days they hold selections in April i am only available for one. And IF (BIG IF) I make it through to the next stage than I would not be available the next day. So would like to know what BA's take on this is.

In addition to this has anybody tried to reschedule their selection date outside the dates mentioned on their website? The day before my selection date i have got a night flight from the US which gets back into the UK at 5.00 am. However i am a bit reluctant to call them as i don't want to end up with a date in May or June.

Any advice welcome.

Thanks FT.

Sy Clic 21st Feb 2008 08:49

If the Big IF was good news, it is presently very doubtful whether you will get a Sim check the following day due to the Sim being booked out til April-ish already. Probably something to do with pilot requirement at the mo, you've probably seen the recruitment figures for LH /SH in previous threads.

In addition to this has anybody tried to reschedule their selection date outside the dates mentioned on their website?
Not sure what you mean. Rescheduling is a consideration for any application if your plan changes, but you can only book the dates they publish. On my selection day only 7 out of 12 turned up, one person canceled that morning! It might even be worth contacting the HR dept at the last minute for any late slots, should you be in the UK.
Obvious Top-Tip- get a good nights rest before the day. The selection day is long, arduous and demands your ultimate concentration. You will kick yourself if you rock up, eyes bleeding and then fail. You can't reapply for 11 months...apparently.:eek:
Good luck.

LVLCHG 21st Feb 2008 08:59

I think the average wait for a sim date is 3-4 weeks. I waited 5 weeks for a sim slot, so I think being called for the sim the following day is very highly unlikely!

Good luck.

in_flight_shut_down 21st Feb 2008 11:19

has anyone who attended the DEP assesment day last week received a call or a letter yet?

i need to be put out of my misery!:{

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