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randomname 17th Apr 2008 11:59


But I joined first!

shake 'n' bake 17th Apr 2008 18:48


Many thanks for that. Got my Stage 1 results in less than 24 hours - still reeling!

Best wishes,


Mungo Man 19th Apr 2008 14:31

I'm getting a bit confused over the Employment History Section - wonder if anyone else has had the same problem:

It says "Please list in reverse chronological order"

When I add my most recent job first, then add an older job, the older job joins the top of the list so its becomes chronological. OK, so I delete them and add my oldest job first, then more recent jobs and so on, but this time it builds the list from the top down and it again becomes chronological.

How the hell do you make the list 'reverse chronological'?:ugh:

I'm going to take a break and hopefully the answer will be staring me in the face when I get back...:{

King Halibut 19th Apr 2008 16:11

Hmm, yes, I see what you mean. I just did it as most employers want. Last job first! I shall find out in a few days if I did it wrong :E

edward england 19th Apr 2008 17:10

Frustrated me too for a while, but put them in as asked in reverse chronological order. Although it displays them in the opposite sense on that page, it sorts them out for the final submission.

Best of luck...

Aviator 101 22nd Apr 2008 02:36


What are the requirements to apply for this selection?


Aviator 101 22nd Apr 2008 02:45

Disregard, I found it ;)

Gear_Up 23rd Apr 2008 10:00

Hi all. Just wondered if anyone else who took the day 1 assessment on 17th of this month has heard if they've got a sim ride.

If anyone has and is thinking of doing a sim practice before hand let me know as I'd be interested in sharing costs. Is this still frowned upon by BA?

Totally stunned I've got this far, especially after what I thought was a pretty average performance.


katanapilot 23rd Apr 2008 17:32


I know people being pulled out of the hold pool almost immediately, as recent as 2 weeks ago, ie get the call to say you have passed the sim, job offer at same time. Don't think the pool is very deep at the moment!

As for aircraft type, if you have >2000hrs, you will very likely get the -400, as far as I know no-one been offered the 777 yet but the plan is for ~50 DEPs for the 777 this year: courses will probably start to materialise later as the 4 new hulls start to arrive. Less than that, you will get A320 LHR. LGW A320 usually the destination for SSPs/cadets.

There is a small trickle of 757 courses, nearly always going to type rated guys.

757_Driver 25th Apr 2008 12:39

Application form Q's
Application form Q's:

I've drafted the answers to the 'essay' questions on the application form. 3 out of 4 i'm happy with, however this one:

Give an example in your current role of when you have made an important decision. Consider the sources of information, how you prioritised and the final outcome

I'm not sure about. I'm guessing its more aimed at SSP applicants, and I have a million examples from my previous (non aviation) career, but it clearly says "in your current role". I've drafted a number of responses but I'm not really happy with any of them, and they all seem rather contrived.
What sort of 'situations' did anyone else on here use to form the basis of this answer?

Mach trim 28th Apr 2008 07:22

Is there going to be a lot of attrition at BA over the next few years ?

Could someone let me know what kind of roster to expect if say hired on the -400 ?

Being junior what's it like for the first two-3 years ? In regards to roster, days off,etc.

Am a 320 Captain in Barcelona.
So wondering about salaries on the various options for the intially, is it the same regardless of type ?

If I get hired wondering about commmuting from Barcelona if its possible ?

Thanks for the help.


FlyingTom 28th Apr 2008 08:57

Attrition since 2006 at 31st March:
Retirement went from age 55 to 65 in 2007, it seems to have reduced retirements by about 30/year so far. Those 30/year will mostly be spread over a rolling next 5 years as most will go at about 60. Numbers in brackets are the actual retirements so far. A constant 40'ish/year are ill health.

Current joining seniority is 3225, SH command is 2473, LH command 1122.

The big worry is OpenSkies. If routes start going over (like at JetStar, ClickAir) no matter how many retire your seniority will remain stationary for ever unless you change contract to lower terms, presumably.

These numbers were published before the expansion a/c were ordered, 4 x 777's in 2009 (though one already lost due to Hatton Cross!). Don't treat these figures as Gospel.

2006 112
2007 133 (100)
2008 109 (80)
2009 71
2010 83
2011 109
2012 119
2013 101
2014 90
2015 116
2016 101
2017 74
2018 72
2019 83
2020 108
2021 147
2022 158
2023 163
2024 138
2025 117
2026 106
2027 109
2028 86
2029 93
2030 77
2031 66
2032 69
2033 61
2034 39
2035 28
2036 14

Blighty Pilot 29th Apr 2008 08:45

Well here goes!! I hit the submit button on Sunday night. 3rd time lucky I hope. I am already nervous because last time I was invited for interview within 24 hours of replying. The time before that took 4 days for BA to get in touch. Does anyone know what the process is at their end following an application and the current lead time on getting back to people??

Solent Trout 29th Apr 2008 12:35

Blighty Pilot - it was about 5 working days for me to get invited for interview.

As an aside - the only date on offer for interview at the moment is 18th June, which I can't make, so I am waiting for another date to come up. Anyone else in the same boat?

Blighty Pilot 29th Apr 2008 14:16

Thanks Solent - perhaps al is not lost then :hmm:

King Halibut 29th Apr 2008 15:57

I got an email on the Tue after sending it off on the Fri. 25th June for me.
Heard from mates at BA the 74 fleet is a bit stuffy with the 76 lot being a hoot.
I'm 75 rated but would take a mule with a red, white and blue saddle if offered.

Anyone got the new interview questions? I have heard tales of people on here keeping them for themselves, naughty boys :confused:

emb-145 29th Apr 2008 16:24

DEP Day One Assessment
Afternoon all,

Mainly aimed at those of you who have successfully gone on from Day One - with regard to the interview questions "Give an example of when.... you have improved customer service/made a team decision others haven't liked" etc. etc. Are they looking for answers relating to your current role as an airline pilot or just looking for general examples in any previous job you may have had, flying or otherwise.

Comments much appreciated.

Also, does BA require another in-house medical? - just curious as the requirements on their website states it has tougher regs than usual - isnt the CAA Class One tough enough?!

Many thanks,

BCAL 29th Apr 2008 17:20


No extra medical (well I didn’t anyway).

For the interview examples. I found they were normally happy with an example from anytime in your working life or school/uni etc. If they do ask for one from your current role and you’re really stuck you could say you only have an example for that question from a past (non aviation) role. It worked for me.

I think what’s more important is you have an example for the question as they won’t let you off and will keep coming back to it until you give them one. If you have used an example already on a previous question, don’t be afraid to return to it if it’s relevant to another question.

Good Luck

emb-145 29th Apr 2008 18:03

Thanks BCAL - sound advice, roll on interview day...

GMIMA 1st May 2008 21:15

up to date books
hi is there any up to date books to help with pre course study for assessment day one?

ta very much

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