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A PPRuNe FUND - To assist pilots and would be pilots to achieve their goal

Spectators Balcony (Spotters Corner) If you're not a professional pilot but want to discuss issues about the job, this is the best place to loiter. You won't be moved on by 'security' and there'll be plenty of experts to answer any questions.

A PPRuNe FUND - To assist pilots and would be pilots to achieve their goal

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Old 15th Jun 2000, 23:44
  #41 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Ok, I thought I'd put my tuppence worth in...
Great idea by the way!
I agree with TPuk when he says that under-18s should not be excluded, I'm 16 and have wanted to be a pilot for as long as I can remember.
Maybe a good age would be 16 or 17 when a person is old enough to solo or apply for a licence.
Grandad Flyer, great idea about the forms for the collection of wannabe data. I think that would work successfully.

I'd also be interested in a mentor, that sounds a great idea.

I may not know very much about aviation yet but if this scheme carries on into the future you can certainly count me in as a mentor/instructor.

Another idea here, how about not funding a full flying course but offering a part-sponsorship? - maybe 50 or 75%?

Anyway, I look forward to seeing this progress.



[This message has been edited by DarrenMoore (edited 15 June 2000).]
Old 16th Jun 2000, 00:39
  #42 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

A Very good Idea!!

I have just posted on the Wanabees area, with regards to this fund, But, now I know.

I would love to take part in this on a very professional basis, if the committee wants me to.

Take Care

Old 17th Jun 2000, 11:53
  #43 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

For some time now, Horatio and I have been exploring the possibilities of what can be done to give something back to the industry that has given us so much. It followed on from an idea proposed by Raw Data some months ago. It is now coming together under the stewardship of IFR.

Before we all get carried away with Scholarships and Sponsorship, we need to think about what we CAN do initially. My thoughts were about holding workshops for wannabees where they could meet other pilots, try the various tests that a lot of airlines use, learn about CV's and interviews, and not have to pay rip-off prices to line others pockets in the process.

Mentoring, and local workshops around the country seems like the best place to start. We are a VERY long way from sponsorship. This is about harnessing the wealth of experience in PPRuNe and sharing it. So please don't get your expectations too high, or start sending begging letters.

Bear in mind that all of the volunteers have day jobs ( except maybe IFR ) and, while happy to give some time to this project, have to make a living themselves.


Old 17th Jun 2000, 15:31
  #44 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Day job, Hamrah!
Is that what you call it!

A Feral Animal.
Old 17th Jun 2000, 15:45
  #45 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

kbf1, mentoring pilots - that's a very happy idea and well worth investigating.

Perhaps I could be funded to take trips round the world and spread PPRuNe ideals and pilot philosophy. Now there's a thought.............

How about I start in July - since I'm off to see Tip O'Dean's auntie in a couple of weeks. The kiwi / oz pilots could do with some velvet toned instruction

Old 18th Jun 2000, 10:20
  #46 (permalink)  
ozone ranger
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IFR, I really like your idea.

At the current time I am helping a young pilot from Panama get his ALPL for the US. I am now back into corporate aviation and he is cleaning my airplanes to earn extra money for flying. He also goes on test flights and I let him fly a little bit. The airplanes he gets to clean and fly are a Sabre 65 and a Falcon 900EX.

All I can say is that when I was his age I would have given anything to to just around that type aeromachine.

So I am with KbF1, I will be happy to give 5 pounds (Is that about $200.00 USD?) to help new pilots.

Old 18th Jun 2000, 13:18
  #47 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Mentoring is a great idea, wish I had had one. As for the fund, don´t like the idea of paying for a bunch of euro-licenses, as most of the cash will end up in the coffers of the big, bad local IRS. How about bashing the head of the JAA instead, and try to get them to reverse the new foreign license conversion rules. Anybody who´s put in a couple of years of labor can afford an ATP in Gods own country. Let´s help guys converting, instead of giving handouts to a select few.
Old 18th Jun 2000, 14:59
  #48 (permalink)  
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Ozone Ranger.

Good views there. A young lad would be very excited indeed to have someone like you to encourage him. And he gets a little hands on too. Lucky lad indeed.

kbf1's idea is indeed a good one. And five pounds is not much. However, I do wonder if the the registered members would accept it! I just don't know. There is indeed 15k+ members, but only a small number are avid readers and contributors to PPRuNe so it may not be as good as it sounds. Had it been done at the time of registering!?.....who knows. But worth noting that over a thousand new members have joined in recent months. Food for thought I think!

Your thoughts and views are noted and thank you. 5GBP is just about $8 by the way.
Old 18th Jun 2000, 17:37
  #49 (permalink)  
WX Man
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Whilst on the surface of it, Bigmouth's idea is a good one, it might in the long term (IMO) be counter productive as training moves abroad. Now although I am an advocate of training abroad, I appreciate the value of training in this country (that's why I'm planning to do all the rest of my training in the UK rather than in the US).

Mentoring is a superb idea. I know that I have benefitted a great deal from advice given to me by people I know in the industry (many of whom I met through PPRuNe). One in particular, you know who you are!

What an invaluable source of information the mentor is- there's only so much you can read in books. PPRuNe itself also serves as an excellent tool for wannabe pilots like myself... in fact, I'm amazed when I meet a fellow wannabe who denies the existance of the site.

The scholarship, well how can anyone say that that's a bad idea. My vote would be for the scholarship to not be a general amount of money to be spent on flying training, but should be a set aspect of the training for the road to an ATPL: say, for people who are choosing the modular route, a payment made directly to the course provider of their (or the sponsors') choice for something like the CPL skills course, or the ATPL groundschool course. For people choosing the fully approved route, a payment of the same magnitude made to the school of their/ their sponsors' choice.

For the mentoring scheme, an on line application form might be a good idea. This way all required details would be put straight into a database (very much like the EasyJet on line application form).

One thing that I do think would help a great deal is the reinstatement of NVQ relief on flight training. It's all very well for me to sit here on my R's typing this, doing it is a different matter. A while ago, I was in the process of draughting a letter (which I was going to post on PPRuNe for people to copy, alter and send to their MP). This was calling for the removal of VAT on flight training in the wake of removal of NVQ tax relief. Actually turned out that I didn't know very much about tax law and how flying schools and clubs operate, so I couldn't put my point across well enough.

In light of this, I have been exploring the subject a little further (emphasis on the word 'little'), and hope to have something at least in my head soon. With the power of the sort of people who are on the committee, this move would have extra momentum... if a whole load of people who have nothing professionally to do with aviation (yet) do it, MPs and the press are less likely to listen. A letter with 'So-and-so, Very Senior Bloke, We-Pay-You-Lots-Of-Tax Airways' is more likely to be get a reaction.

Apologies for the long message, but I think that thing about tax needs to be addressed. I would be willing to continue research on the law concerning this.

[This message has been edited by WX Man (edited 18 June 2000).]
Old 19th Jun 2000, 02:22
  #50 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

WX Man, I completely agree with you regarding NVQ.

As a matter of interest I was a member of the three-man Industry Committee set up to review and recommend whether the NVQ scheme was to continue or be junked. We took depositions from all sides of the Industry, including the Flying schools, both in writing and in open session. We considered - and recommended that it be retained (albeit with a slightly different content for Level 4).

The Government almost immediately threw it out!
Old 23rd Jun 2000, 23:50
  #51 (permalink)  
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As you will have noticed Stan has been beavering away with a few ideas to raise funds. They are getting a good response too.

This project is important to us and must not be allowed to fall off the edge the way the last one did - apparently. With the help of the team, I will do my best to ensure that it doesn't.

Keep supporting us with your ideas. I have a good list of brilliant mentors now, (we can do with more please) and we will get that going very soon I hope.
Old 25th Jun 2000, 04:53
  #52 (permalink)  
FE Hoppy
Posts: n/a

I like this thread a lot.
I'm sure that a lot of ppruners would be willing to make volantary contributions to any fund set up. I know I would, and I'm out of work right now.

PS anyone need an L1011 FE????
Old 26th Jun 2000, 11:25
  #53 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
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Mentoring has to be a great way for disseminating the enormous amount of expertise of this forum's members in a way that will strengthen the industry by providing more enlightened, more motivated, and more able recruits.

But I think that the issue of what to spend funds on requires more thought. Training scholarships are on offer from many other sources - Air League, GAPAN, RAF, etc.

PPrune should be thinking about filling the gaps in the industry. A benevolent fund for families who have lost an aircrew breadwinner has to be an important use. I presume that those employed by the big carriers have good death-in-service benefits. But there have been some tragic deaths in the last year of pilots who are probably less well-covered. I am thinking of those that fly bizjets, air taxis, air ambulances, and GA instructors. PPrune could step in.
Old 3rd Jul 2000, 07:17
  #54 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
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IFR & Co,

What an excellent idea! I thought it was only fair to use my own experiences as a UK wannabe training abroad due to lack of finances to verify and even add some other ideas.

May I suggest that if the scholarship idea does go through then the funds be directed toward impoverished students. I say this as the whole idea of this thread is about helping the young and inexperienced pilots financially isn't it? I know this idea could cause a messy debate so I shall leave it and hopefully would have planted the seed in the minds of the commitee. Perhaps a better idea would be to offer the funds in the form of a loan as previously suggested, payable on first employment as this way a lot more people can benefit from a revolving pool of money. This would be difficult to administer and manage but it's only an idea! The mentor scheme and any post licenece workshops are the ones which I think are priceless. This type of thing is very difficult to nearly impossible to buy and the so called co's that do offer it are only in it to bankrupt a near destitute new licence holder! As a few fortunate wannabes know it is an unbelievable boost to talk to someone in the game when you feel your own training and skills are going pear shaped. They say talk is cheap so here's hoping............

A Londoner in Vancouver.


Where do I send the Fiver?

There are Old Pilots and Bold Pilots, but no Old Bold Pilots.
Old 4th Jul 2000, 01:44
  #55 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Great ideas on this topic.
The mentoring idea is excellent, although
I'm torn between needing a mentor or a
cheerleader type person to help me
over the last few hurdles and the fact
that I have considerable experience
which others could use. In other words
I need a mentor but I could be one.
There are plenty ike me so perhaps
this could make up for the shortage
of ATPLs who are actually in the
airlines. Lower level mentors if you
Also in regards to sponsorship I
suggested this in a slightly different form
a while ago.
Someone suggested aiming it at the more
impoverished wannabee, this is good.
But I would go further don't set up a
competition to choose a candidate who
quite frankly is so damm good that he/she
would probably get into the RAF/BA etc
This defeats the purpose. It should be aimed
at the failures ie most of us who were shown
the door by these illustrious organisations.
In other words there needs to be a form
of discrimation against those who don't
need much financial help. If you tried to
borrow money but were refused you are
ideal. The people who need the help
are those who are not quite the high
flyers, if I can use that term. The worst
nightmare for this type of award would
be for it to got to someone who found
him/herself with a choice, PPRuNe or
BA, Hmmmm what will I choose.
Another suggestion perhaps it
could fund twin time or IR time or pay
for an Instructors course or sim time or
whatever for a larger number of pilots
More admin for the organisers certainly
but a greater spread of the goodies.
Perhaps like a pyramid scheme only
legit the masses could fund quite a few
Wouldn't it be better to help 10 or 20 a year
than to simply fund one lucky stiff?
It' worth a thought.
Old 4th Jul 2000, 02:39
  #56 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I think that all the ideas here are excellent, one of the best ideas for along time. I like Hamrah's idea of wannabe pilot workshops to discuss and help out those seeking jobs, or advice on gaining a licence etc... This would not cost a great deal but would be most helpful to us all!
Personally, I feel that we need to look at realistic ways of raising cash and the idea about a yearly registration fee is excellent, I don't think many would moan at this as long as it went to a good cause - which it will! I think sponsorships/scholarships should come a little later when the commitee has been established and there is a little more idea of where things are taking us! One step at a time is needed!
Also, I would be more than happy to sit on a selection commitee for potential wannabe to be sponsored!
This is a great idea and I am really excited, lets really make a go of this and do a good job!
Old 4th Jul 2000, 21:39
  #57 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Great idea.

Should you need a test case for how well wannabees would use said funds - I'm more than willing to volunteer.

Seriously though, this would be a real lifesaver for those of us who can't get 'Daddy' to but us a Beemer, a skiing holiday, or a 50 grand bank loan (See 'Georgie' thread)

Old 10th Dec 2000, 05:00
  #58 (permalink)  
David Johnson
Posts: n/a

I remember this post from a considerable time ago and was wandering whether anything had become of the "mentoring" system. I am now at a stage where I think I could benefit from the help of someone that knows more than I do about the details of sponsorships and indeed being a pilot in general. If anyone would be interested in maybe proffering some advice etc then I would be extremely grateful.

Basically - 18 years old and doing a AERO ENG degree. RAF Flying Scholarship and Air League Engineering Scholarship. PPRuNer for 3 years!

It's a big world out there and if anyone can help then I would be extremely grateful.

[email protected]

[This message has been edited by David Johnson (edited 10 December 2000).]
Old 10th Dec 2000, 12:40
  #59 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Now isn't that a co-incidence?

There I was, being given the elbow on another forum, for doing setting this up, and up pops the old thread.

So the details on SEASONS and GREETINGS on R&N can be moved to here so that we can get on with the PPRuNe Fund without 'offending' anyone. Sarcastic? Yep!

I'll do that a bit later but I will keep this thread for the MAIN fund news.
Old 10th Dec 2000, 15:07
  #60 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

I won't put all the posts from R&N over here but this is my response to one or two who wanted to start putting cash into the fund. Dr Syn was the one who put the spur, with spikes, in the place it hurts most. So I had to do something!

Still I am grateful that the ole' thread was bought to the fore again. Thanks David, and 'anyone' involved!

Your comments are warming my cockles!

Danny has 'kindly' lumbe.....asked me if I would take on the job of Treasurer of the PPRuNe Fund. I have, of course, accepted because I have a love affair with PPRuNe - why can't it be a woman? In fact I formed a committee for the Fund six months ago for the purpose of encouraging wannabes. So that we could pay towards some of their costs for perhaps a PPL, IR, etc., etc., and, if at all possible, providing we can perhaps persaude the airlines to participate financially, we might be able to award a flying scholarship now and again to our wannabes.

It was obvious at the start it would take a Gatbash type event to get it started. Well! It looks like it has, with around £700-£800 pounds - maybe more.

'Oldboy'(who is not at all, and is a very nice guy) paid £400 for the auctioned signed picture of the Battle of Britain Pilots, and promptly gave it back to be auctioned another time. See what I mean?

Go 'sold' two jump seat rides at over £100 plus each, and our raffle took around £270. We had to pay for those people who didn't turn up so under the bash rules I have already asked them to send me cheques for £21.50, the same amount that everybody paid and that should raise the total further. Three cheques are apparently already on their way.

I am opening the 'The PPRuNe Fund' bank account tomorrow. I note, with great pleasure that some of you are wishing to contribute and I ACCEPT!!!!!!!!

Please send what you can and make cheques payable for the time being, to The PPRuNe Fund at 5 Station Approach, Belmont, Surrey SM2 6BW. I hope that I can also set it up so that you can send straight into the account. I think that is a must. But the above is OK but in the meantime please do send me a cheque to add to those I already have. We are over the £1000 mark now and we just want to keep going.

So kind people we want your dosh for our wannabes. We already have a mentoring scheme in place which is and will be run by BUZZOFF, a Training Captain with guess who. But keen as mustard and with a small "crew" of mentors, who will of course develop a selection process to send our first wannabe to his ATPL.

The Fund will give it a kick start so please send us money now, and if and when you can. Just think! If all 22,000 PPRuNers sent £5 each we would have £110,000 in the bank. Enough for one scholarship in 2001 and costs.

But that can't happen 'cos a lot have gone on their way. BUT......the new ones! Well we might just have to have a membership fee.........but more of that later. But....then again you might prove me wrong!

I can be a bit pushy so might as well send some money as soon as you can. I'm gonna put £50 in so if someone feels the same we could be getting a big account soon. Dr Syn matched me right away - so thanks Doc.

The aim is that PPRuNe will be the MAIN, yes the MAIN, source of new pilots for the airlines in the next few short years. I find that bloody exciting, and YOU who fly, those like ME who have, know what it takes. Loans, re-mortages and every kind of debt to get there. But we can put something back.

GO under Hamrah, uses the phrase "let us put something back" all the time for example. And does. He encourages and talks up to wannabes, so do two of his guys and my fellow Moderators, PPRuNe Towers and CrashDive and, of course, Danny. So, I am going to adopt that phrase and from now on the slogan of The PPRuNe Fund will be


I look forward to receiving, and feeling, a paper clip through an envelope

BTW, with the great help of Stan I will still be organising the May Bash! Oh yes!

[This message has been edited by InFinRetirement (edited 10 December 2000).]

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