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Kapitanleutnant 31st Jan 2014 15:02

Wonder how the recently announced restriction on Indian carriers will affect this whole offer??? Anyone have any ideas?

Sounds like Indian carriers will not be able to increase flights to the US… just stick with what they currently have. Not sure if that means they can increase service to existing cities or what.



Taylor01 1st Feb 2014 13:24

Incorrect info
1. You will only be gone from base 4 days at a time. (confirmed in a email to me)
2. You will not be sent to other destination...read above post for more info.

From previous post:
Does anyone have practical knowledge of how the rosters worked in the past, and how they might, or are proposed to work with these contracts. If you operate out of your base, there's 28 hours, and that leaves 52 for the rest of the month. Unless they plan to leave you in a hotel (cost) or put you on night turnarounds, it would seem that you could have quite a bit of time off during your six weeks on.
Menon told me that it'd be only JFK-AUH-JFK run, 4 days on( including 26 hours of flying +48 hours layover at AUH) / 5 days off at JFK(DGCA FDTL requirements). Then repeat. Hotel at AUH and either hotel or $1800 per month allowance at JFK, your choice. After 5 roundtrips (45 days) you'll have two weeks at home. That's the general idea but reality could be a bit different.

Taylor01 1st Feb 2014 16:13

The way I see it
I agree about the health care issue. It will be around $1000 USD for me and my family. You are correct my contract say Mumbai base. But I have been told via email that I will be based, after the first month of training in JFK/EWR. Like I said before I will let you guys know what happens. My kids live back in the US and I have been in the Middle East for 7 years, it is time to go. If I can see my boys every other month for 2 weeks, it is better than twice a year here. This whole industry is a gamble as we all know and here you are only as good as you last flight. I will take my chances and hope to fly with some of you guys once this all gets worked out. Good luck to you all.:ok:

Stuck_in_an_ATR 1st Feb 2014 16:43

Hi guys,

I worked for Jet (on a different type) a couple of years ago and I think I can offer some perspective for those who consider the job. So, here's my 3 Rupees worth:

- the contract was generally respected, never had any problems
- pay was mostly on time (there was about 1-2 week delay at some point), but never was short-changed, always got what was due...
- things promised outside contract were adhered to
- Expat Cell personnel was helpful and flexible. Mr. Mennon was a very nice Gentleman
- not even once had to travel in Economy (even though my contract stipulated Economy tickets only). Once or twice, when Premiere was full, was offered a crew bunk. Also airport staff was generally very helpful and respectful towards 'captains'
- health coverage in was very good (used it only for minor stuff, though)
- hotels ranged from very good, to not-so-good

- things tended to be disorganized at times
- rosters were constantly changing and we were worked to the limits (120hrs/mth), but that was domestic flying
- living in India is not everyone's cup of tea...
-sometimes dealing with evem simple things required utmost patience (like, getting a cell phone, changing bank account details was almost mission impossible).

Hope this helps...


Stuck_in_an_ATR 1st Feb 2014 18:42

Re basing: IIRC, everyone's original contact stipulated Mumbai as base, and after release on-line we got a written notification of base change. Make of it what you will...

fullforward 2nd Feb 2014 08:07

Hi Banana
You're spot on.

For those of you thinking they will secure you doing pairings US AUH only, don't hold your breath. It will never happen, period.
They have enough guys willing to accept ANYTHING to be strapped on a flight deck again. These guys pretend showing some discontent etc, but they actually don't care.
They have good pensions and are there only for the "Indian adventure" or running away from the fat and boring wives...sorry.
Jet is legitimately taking advantage of the "greed factor" of this kind of people.
Of course there a people who badly need the job. But they are the minority.
These professionals will never see any improvement on terms thanks to the first group.

Circumnavigator 4th Feb 2014 19:48

Well, based on my previous 3+ years experience with Jet, here are how medical coverage worked in the past. There were 2 types of medical insurance for expats at Jet ( and you had 2 plastic cards with all the numbers):
- While in India we had a policy with Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. for ourselves and immediate family members. Works OK, several guys had some minor issues, like "Delhi belly", food poisoning etc. and that insurance was accepted by majority of nicely equipped private hospitals, no questions were asked.
-While flying all over the world outside of India, Jet crew were covered by policy with MedAire ( "Google" it). I don't remember if anyone ever used it, so no experience to share.

Also to protect my family while they often visit me on the layovers at bases such as BRU, SFO, PVG etc., I bought a emergency medical travel insurance through CAA ( Canadian AAA). Cost around $320 for three of us.

Regarding possibility of Jet sending you to operate flights from AUH to BOM/DEL instead of JFK, I guess it could happen especially if they need to bring you to BOM for recurrent training, medical, visas etc. but that's not going to be on the regular basis. They have enough Indian crew who wants to be close to home. That's happened in the past when we used to operate SFO-PVG-BOM. Expats operated only SFO-PVG-SFO leg and our Indian friends stay close to home with BOM-PVG-BOM flights.

It's a very dynamic situation over there with new bases to be open and
it's too early to demand some kind of stability, I think.

Circumnavigator 11th Feb 2014 00:41

Actually Jet has been operating to JFK and EWR through BRU for six years now, since the end of 2007. I've been based there myself for a while. And just a week ago I sow a Jet's A330 at EWR. So those are not a new bases and shouldn't be affected. However ORD could be under question. I hope Jet will start YYZ out of AUH using 777, instead of BRU with A330 they are flying now. Could be a great deal for us, canucks.

For the back up plan:

Feb 10 (Reuters) - India's Jet Airways Ltd , the country's No.2 carrier by domestic market share, said on Monday it did not expect a big fall in revenue due to a recent rating downgrade of India's aviation safety by the United States.
Jet, which sold a 24 percent stake to Abu Dhabi's Etihad last year, is replanning its U.S. strategy after the downgrade, a senior company executive told analysts on a conference call. The airline posted a $43 million net loss for the December-quarter on Friday, its fourth straight quarterly loss. .
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration downgraded India's safety rating to Category 2 on Jan. 31, meaning Jet and state-run Air India, the only two Indian carriers flying to the United States, cannot increase flights.
United Airlines, which had a code-share pact with Jet, said it was suspending placing its code on Jet flights effective Feb. 1, following the downgrade. Jet currently operates seven flights a week to the United States.
"However, there is no restriction on Jet Airways placing its code on any U.S. carrier's flight, including United. So, we do not expect a big reduction in revenue because of this downgrade," Raj Sivakumar, senior vice-president of alliances and planning at Jet, said on the conference call.
"We are in the midst of replanning our strategy of offering consumers viable options into the United States over the coming days and weeks," Sivakumar said, without elaborating. He was replying to a question on whether Jet would use Etihad's network to add more flights to the United States.

So go figure..

Fluke 11th Feb 2014 00:55

Four Aces,
The word is the Jet, Turkish Airlines arrangement will continue through to October now.
The contract with the middle eastern carrier is likely to collapse with the FAA downgrade so all US bases are very doubtful.
All can be blamed on the total incompantcy of the Indian DGCA

falcon10 11th Feb 2014 03:15

Is this operation replacing ey's usa to auh flights or augmenting them?

captjns 11th Feb 2014 10:51

The contract with the middle eastern carrier is likely to collapse with the FAA downgrade so all US bases are very doubtful.

Not necessarily. EY is in a position where they can re-deploy their assets from other routes for their US route expansions. Jet Airways aircraft can be used to fill those EY routes.

Fluke 12th Feb 2014 05:26



However the American bases will not be offered. A bit like what happened to the Brazilians when São Paulo was taken out of play with Turkish.

Would Jet have enough crews ?

captjns 12th Feb 2014 10:44

Absolutely true Fluke. No expansion to the US under Jet's AOC until the FAA's downgrade has been rescinded.

With the desire of M/E carriers to increase their presence in the US, some are taking a dim view.

There are petitions circulating about in the US regarding the prospects of opening US Immigration Pre-clearance Immigration services in Abu Dhabi.

Many beyond the boarders of Euroland, M/E, and India are not in the know about the partial ownership of 9W by EY, nor their desired increased presence under the guise of 9W. Sort of the old "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing".

captjns 16th Feb 2014 02:18

Regarding the downgrade, it was announced that the Indian GCAA expected to meet the FAA requirements by March, and to be returned to their previous grade.

Rather unfortunate that the DGCA has had quite a few years to get their act together. Unfortunately it takes a threat to get the to act. Remember the 2010 Good Will Games. Many countries threatened to pull out, if India did not get their act together.

Well, the FAA, backed by ICAO, gave the Indian DGCA to get their act together. India tested the waters, and well you all know the rest of the story. Now folks don't you think it would have been easier to comply with all the task cards rather than sit around with their thumbs up their Arses.

captjns 17th Feb 2014 16:14

Maybe we shouldn’t judge where the DGCA sets or where they loves to put their thumbs

The DGCA had quite a few years to get their act together or else based on findings discovered a few years ago.

The DGCA was aware of the deadline established to correct discovered weakness and deficiencies.

What is the concensus.... Would the downgrade not be put in place if the DGCA showed good faith in demonstrating they were making every attempt to rectify the issues the FAA found on behalf of ICAO.

pilotbaba 18th Feb 2014 02:03

Is history repeating?

Jet Airways to sack 72 expats to take locals on board - The Economic Times
You are quoting an article which is almost 2 yrs old...

captjns 19th Feb 2014 18:53

Can EY really continue their long haul expansion plan without 9W aircraft and crews? Re-deploying their assets? I’m not sure EY would be happy to put the B777 3 class aircraft on short flights like Turkish’s is doing now.

This is a given known... 9W won't be increasing their presence in teh US for the foreseeable future until the DGCA category is upgraded. It's up to the DGCA to satisfactorily complete all outstanding task cards. For the time being 9W assets will have be be deployed over EY routes. EY assets will have to be deployed to the US.

Absolutely true Fluke. No expansion to the US under Jet's AOC until the FAA's downgrade has been rescinded. Could they be planning not using Jet’s AOC??

EY had no plan on using 9W's AOC. The board of directors of 9W would direct the officers to apply for routes to the US under 9W's AOC.

With my limited experience with the DGCA it would appears they don’t do anything quickly and if it takes over a year to rescind the downgrade.
Then again not if the DGCA choosed to engage the services of consultants to help them complete the outstanding tasks.

Do they even feel the downgrade warranted?
I doubt the DGCA would admit total fault.

On the other hand EY will not wait for the DGCA they will expand and if they need India aircraft or crews they will find a way don’t you think?
Absolutely... redeployment of assets... physical and tangible

Regarding the downgrade, it was announced that the Indian GCAA expected to meet the FAA requirements by March, and to be returned to their previous grade.
I wish them every bit of luck in their endeavours.

One can only hope for a timely upgrade but more importantly a well trained, a fairly compensated, standardized inspection team would be more helpful in the long run.
True Statement:ok:

Taylor01 20th Feb 2014 06:28

true stuff!
Just to let you guys know. I got an email yesterday and there will be no delay in hiring or start dates. The only thing that might happen is the JFK -AUH flights might be delayed from an April start to November. The base are still a go!:ok:

OMAAbound 20th Feb 2014 10:27

Had a coffee with 9W pilot this morning, who was very forthright of what he thinks is going to happens. He says that the 9W aircraft will be deployed on the LHR and one other route, in May, at the same time as they were meant to be deployed to JFK, this freeing up the required 2 EY 777's required to free up for AUH-JFK.

fullforward 24th Feb 2014 08:18

AFAIK pretty much the standard stuff with 9W.
You sign a free pass with them.
Considering the droves of cheaply available retirees don't hold your breath for any improvement.
Those guys aren't exactly demanding...

captjns 24th Feb 2014 09:05

Does anyone have experience of working under this type of contract. Is this a standard contract, or has it evolved over the last few years.
Same lingo for the 737 contract. Much lower loyallty bonus though for the Fluff drivers

777AV8R 25th Feb 2014 13:57

9W Contract...
WOW...sign the contract and go! This is a great gig for someone who doesn't want anything close to organization in their life.

Oh..and 'policy changes'...it depends how on how good the Chai was in the morning as to how they interpret 'todays' policy details.
...and you'll only do this once.

Incredible India

Flyer28 28th Feb 2014 16:36

Salary in Jet Airways
Hello everyone, could someone tell me where the salaries are paid, i.e. into an Indian bank or a bank of any country of your choosing. Thanks very much

777AV8R 4th Mar 2014 10:45

Reality Check...

I'm trying to figure out what the reality is.
You can't use that question and be thinking of India at the same time. Its like having a 'route discontinuity'.

NG_Kaptain 17th Mar 2014 17:25

Boeing B777 Line Captain

This is unique opportunity for retired or close to retirement B777 captains to extend their career to age 65

New base options are now available. Apart from Mumbai, bases in Abu Dhabi (AUH), New York (EWR and JFK) and Chicago (ORD) and are offered. Five days on / five days off rosters are offered in the US. Up to 28 captains per base are planned.

Candidates up to age 63 are acceptable. Candidates who have not flown the B777 within the last 42 months are acceptable on a case by case basis.

Customer will pay for recurrent training of selected candidates who are not current. Recurrent training is done after candidates have successfully completed their screening and have a signed their employment contract.

Our customer, requires fifty (50) B777 Line Captains and six (6) TRIs for 2014 employment.
What has been the response so far? I'm a T7 captain who threw my hat in the ring for this gig but have not committed. There are too many things that don't add up plus the track record of Jet and how they have treated their contract pilots in the past. The main attraction to me was that they were "offering" bases in the US, but they have the option to change that at any time.
The travel benefits also leave a lot to be desired, if I were to be confirmed business, upgradeable to first that might work but economy on a twelve to fourteen hour flight just doesn't suit me.
Right now I'm working for an airline in AUH that is going to be using Jet to some flying for us, pay and terms are good, duty travel is confirmed business class and personal travel is ID 50 or 90 business or first, my choice, I reckon it's probably best just to stay where I am.

dignified 21st Mar 2014 18:00

DGCA and JA new policies to retain experienced pilots
I just got invited for a B777 NTR preliminary SIM assessment in BOM; the market is dry and yes, they will take Boeing heavy jet experience any takers? It remains to be seen who is willing to pay the 36 month bond? :sad:

Canuck15 25th Mar 2014 11:21

And exactly where is this info from , no one in the expat cell seems to know about NTR T7 interviews

captjns 26th Mar 2014 20:11

Per Expat Cell 700 on type required... DGCA requirement.

JamaicaRum 28th Mar 2014 05:00

First time user here.

Just received word from Jet Airways that they are basing me out of Abu Dhabi till the end of 2014. :ugh: So much for the JFK Bases. I told them my contract says JFK but they said they can switch it depending on the needs of the company. :=

The writing is on the wall!! I knew I shouldn't have taken this position. The contract they present is worthless and although I was forewarned, I regrettably ignored all the info from my peers.

And the worst of it is, my family has already moved back awaiting my JFK basing. Which appears not be in the cards anytime soon. Wait till the wife hears this... :sad:

Stay away from this worthless contract gents. And don't resign from wherever you are. I'm in the process of going to see if I can get my old job back.

rdr 29th Mar 2014 15:10

Its time for liars like Old Bold Pilot and Boeing 777 Line Captain to crawl out of their holes and explain this.

JamaicaRum 29th Mar 2014 17:31

Old Bold Pilot is too busy sending me PM's that have zero information and rhetorical based questions.

He answers questions with a question. It's obvious he's part of the scam and running around in circles.

JamaicaRum 31st Mar 2014 16:15

Correction guys...

Upon further pressing today, Jet Airways HR advised me that in-fact Abu Dhabi basing will not be possible and that my family and I will be based out of BOM.

JFK (or any USA) basing is a long shot at this point and now they are saying it could be 2016 (if at all). This story gets worse by the day.


captjns 31st Mar 2014 17:51

JamaicaRum says

Upon further pressing today, Jet Airways HR advised me that in-fact Abu Dhabi basing will not be possible and that my family and I will be based out of BOM.

JFK (or any USA) basing is a long shot at this point and now they are saying it could be 2016 (if at all). This story gets worse by the day.
One of those unfortunate events having the Indian Aviation System demoted to a Category 2 after you joined with 9W. Put a crimp into the North American expansion program.:{

NG_Kaptain 1st Apr 2014 17:15

If ET offers first or business class to screenings with no out of pocket expenses while 9W offers economy class with a submission for refunds for expenses, this shows the Jet needs to improve their terms. Additionally the carrot of US basing then withdrawing after signing shows a lack of principles on their part. I'll be withdrawing my interest and stay right where I am.

JamaicaRum 7th Apr 2014 04:42


I'm confused. Jet Airways is still putting out this literature however I was told as recent as last week by Menon that my family and I would "not" be based out of JFK. Instead we'd be living and based out of BOM. The JFK bases are a long shot and at best, would not be happening for at least a year, most likely longer (if ever). This US Basing is dependent on FAA approval which does not appear to look favorable at this stage.

How, can they tell me one day that USA Basing's are not likely to happen for quite some time yet still post JFK Basing's?

This airline doesn't seem to be able to keep their facts straight. Very scary... and quite concerning.

777AV8R 7th Apr 2014 13:20

All I can do is laugh. Why don't people read and believe the posts? And to give up a perfectly good job to go there? Furthermore..for those who think the CAT 2 will be lifted anytime soon, it's time for a reality check. Maybe in 2 years.

B744-B777 12th Apr 2014 17:47

Jet Airways
I want to add to the various posts that there is no truth to the NY basings, a colleague who just completed his line training was told that there are no more THY Istanbul vacancies and that they have the numbers required for that base. There are many Jet Airways Indian B737 pilots being trained in Etihad to fly the B777 and they will be based in UAE for 18 months and expat pilots will be based in Abu Dhabi. My recruitment agency is hopeless as are the others, do not believe the ads for any US bases, that will not materialize for at least one and a half years. There are RUMORS floating that they will even be terminating expat B777 pilots. Please believe what is being written, these are not negative rumors, they are facts. If not for my age I would have been out of here by now. Don't believe the ads and the promises that Jet Airways will make.They will not honor them.Everything they advertize or state is misleading.

777AV8R 13th Apr 2014 16:19

You don't say....
I guess some don't read previous posts. I feel sorry for you all.

The adage, 'Buyer beware' and 'if it sounds too good to be true, it is', fits.

Been there done that.

steemer100 18th Apr 2014 02:00

FullForward..... you are stupid cowardly asshole! Every pilot that accepts a contract position does it because it suits THEIR situation. Some do it just to continue enjoying a career with a Foreign airline and others do it out of necessity. Don't be so easy to judge....Dick head!!

fatbus 18th Apr 2014 03:14

I agree with steemer . FF time to take a break and make it a long one . On the ignore list.

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