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Air Macau-money trouble

Old 1st Aug 2008, 17:44
  #21 (permalink)  
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Real model

The Macau pig is sleeping too long. It was monpoly in old days, taking advantage in concession routes in China and Taiwan, under government's shelter. Now another Macau based airlines is here, other foreigner airlines fly into macau, direct flight from Taiwan to China, high fuel price.......those arrows are shooting into its heart. But it still not awake to think and act, just let it bleeding until death.
It is a real model for other airlines to see what will cause you death.
It is hopeless for those key peoples still hiding in the office and just only ask for help.
If they can not suffer from the heat in the kitchen, better leave.
The earth is continuing to rotate without you. Don't try to stop it.
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Old 4th Aug 2008, 15:17
  #22 (permalink)  
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Portuguese negative propoganda in my view, probably because of the corrupt displaced mindless ex Portuguese management , acting in true style Bet there will be a boat for sale soon get the gist???

Crap newspaper crap article....... fed piece by piece to the newspaper by the ex

Only someone with absolutely no brains prefers to brush the crap under the carpet.
If there is smoke, point it out and lets look to see if there is a fire. Only someone hell bent in hiding something would call investigative reporting "negative propaganda".
Whether its a Portuguese or not, does it matter? But one thing you can be sure, The Airport, the Airline and the Casino's in Macau only exit because the ex Portuguese made it so.

MAX was a dead born airline.

What is better an airline that maybe can make it on its own if NX allows it than to keep feeding NX with cash just to keep it running at the discontent of not only its employees but also its share holders. Sure, CA will inject capital, after-all we are in the Olympic Games and the light must not only shine but in must glow in all things Chinese, but maybe not for long. As even the newspapers state the capital involved in NX is a pittance for CA.

Admission to the flight deck is under the authority of the Commander

Its all very good and true for the average PAX, but if you had a little more experience and world knowledge you would know not to support a Captain that had a childish tantrum by not allowing the the inspector on-board. After-all what would have been the worst that could happen. At landing request removal of the CVR and have it sent to AACM for analysis if he was that sure of himself. The Captain in the event was obviously not as confident and cocky as its assumed by the media and hence was scared of allowing an old timer on board. By the way,all the old timer does rumble a lot, he does make good points when it comes to flight safety, something that is scarce in NX.

Chin up boys, your day in the job seekers queue is coming soon, if you can not find a way to present a united front regardless of the form you speak the language of camões.
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Old 5th Aug 2008, 12:19
  #23 (permalink)  
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Bigbadass....... I do hope what you state is an opinion and you really dont believe the rubbish you are spouting. ...... tell me an airline that does not
have problems for the moment but do we need to kick them when we are down. Ulterior motives my man!! are you in the desert yet
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Old 5th Aug 2008, 13:05
  #24 (permalink)  
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My dear "Bigbadass", it seems to me that your big bad rear is in fact a lot bigger than your brain.

Only someone hell bent in hiding something would call investigative reporting "negative propaganda".
Show me one single newspaper in Macau that practices investigative reporting (or any one mainstream news media around the world, for that matter) and I will be willing to offer you one month of my salary. They all work within the (very safe and cozy) "politically correct" environment and I could give you numerous examples both in Macau and elsewhere, but I challenge you to do some research instead. Wake up and specially, grow up!

...but if you had a little more experience and world knowledge you would know not to support a Captain that had a childish tantrum by not allowing the the inspector on-board.
The experience and world knowledge (how arrogant of you!!) I have are exactly the source of my worries about people like you. I've known the above mentioned Captain for much longer than you can imagine and the same goes for that AACM "inspector". Again, I could give you numerous examples about both of them and others, but I'm beginning to get the feeling that I'm wasting my time on you. Of course it is much easier to read all the rubbish (out of spite in this case, and this is a hint if you haven't noticed) that comes out on the news everyday than trying to dig a bit deeper into it and draw the right conclusions.

By the way,all the old timer does rumble a lot, he does make good points when it comes to flight safety, something that is scarce in NX.
The best thing the "old timer" did on behalf of flight safety ever, was to retire from flying. We're all safer in the skies nowadays. And if you don't know (I somehow think you do) his fame preceded him from as far back as Africa and by the way, do you know his story in DHL ? You see, when someone starts a war (which is exactly what happened. Another hint) preparations are in order to avoid these stories surfacing. Embarrassing indeed, but it's a small world and what goes around, comes around sooner or later.

Best regards Bigbadass (whoever you are or whatever your agenda is)
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Old 5th Aug 2008, 17:15
  #25 (permalink)  
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Pathetic bunch...

Get a life all of you!!!!

Surrounded by idiots!!!

Last edited by VMMC34; 5th Aug 2008 at 17:51.
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Old 5th Aug 2008, 22:15
  #26 (permalink)  
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Mr. Alvega,
There you go again, instead of seeing someone that has retired and is trying to do his best, you assume that because he was buddies with old management he must have ulterior motives.

What happened in the past (whether Brazil, DHL, Gulf Air, Air Macau, Gulf Air, Air Macau, some rich Arab, DGAC, AACM, etc). Don't forget how many guys he has helped to get the JAA license. Yes I do know all the persons concerned as well as you!

Regarding other airlines, have a look at BA (who reported a better than expected profit this year) Singapore Airlines, ANA, Cathay Airlines. If Air Macau CEOs haven't been so hell bent in not changing the modus operandi because it proved successful in the past, maybe the story would be different. Apart from the first Singaporean CEO all others have been Chinese with nothing to accomplish other than keeping status quo.

Don't go tell me that its unfair to compare NX with the likes of CX, after-all that was the reason the present CEO used to start the A-300-600 cargo fleet (part of the reason for him to remove the ex-VPFO - for he did not facilitate it as much as the CEO would have liked) which now seems to be backfiring!

Cargo, the guy is completely nuts, the infrastructure for the cargo operations has been on the drawing table of the Macau government but not yet implemented (cargo terminal now completed but still no road or rail links up and running) and this guy jumps the gun and gets the aircraft for he has a buddy in Taiwan that will sell them on the cheap ! Nice way to do things.

As SYLVERSURFER states the problems are not within the pilot department, but half of the guys within the Air Macau PPrune frame seem to try to point their finger at a very small group of pilots for the troubles (half of these pilots no longer operate in NX!).

Regarding your view on the media, maybe you have been hiding away over the last century or so, which is full of examples of scandals exposed by the media, check the internet. Of course not all investigative reporting has to be in as grand a scale as the watergate. But where there is smoke ...

Ask why the FTD had to be paid by the present management when it was donated by Airbus way before these guys took over! Maybe the same reason for the hurry in getting the A-300-600. Is there something fishy here???

Anyway, lets hope the end of the Olympics does not bring any further gloom and doom to NX. 10% decrease in traffic at the time of the start of direct flights, will hopefully prove to be a good omen, but most likely it just means that a lot of clients were fearful of another backtrack by either the Chinese or Taiwanese authorities, the future will tell. I am preparing my CV just incase.

Vietnam seems a good stepping stone for previous NX pilots.

Last edited by Bigbadass; 5th Aug 2008 at 22:40.
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Old 6th Aug 2008, 10:26
  #27 (permalink)  
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Solution for Air Macau

Fire anybody with a portuguese accent. (Flapsssssssssssss, Fuuuuuuuuul, Cheeeekkkkeeeeeedaaaa, Armeddddd, This is not standard!!!! Document 44444444444 whatever!!!!!!!!!!!, you get the point lol lol lol)
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Old 7th Aug 2008, 07:01
  #28 (permalink)  
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There you go again, instead of seeing someone that has retired and is trying to do his best, you assume that because he was buddies with old management he must have ulterior motives.
No, just my conspiracy paranoia.

...Don't forget how many guys he has helped to get the JAA license.
One of them, perhaps? OOOPS!!

(part of the reason for him to remove the ex-VPFO - for he did not facilitate it as much as the CEO would have liked)
This is the best joke I've read so far.

...but half of the guys within the Air Macau PPrune frame seem to try to point their finger at a very small group of pilots for the troubles (half of these pilots no longer operate in NX!).
It's the other half that bothers me.

Regarding your view on the media, maybe you have been hiding away over the last century or so, which is full of examples of scandals exposed by the media, check the internet. Of course not all investigative reporting has to be in as grand a scale as the watergate. But where there is smoke ...
Where there is smoke, there is fire. Who sets the fire alight? Don't always believe all you read, the other half of the truth is missing most of the time. My conspiracy paranoia again, sorry.

Ask why the FTD had to be paid by the present management when it was donated by Airbus way before these guys took over! Maybe the same reason for the hurry in getting the A-300-600. Is there something fishy here???
Very fishy indeed! specially the FTD part. It was never donated by Airbus. I don't know where you got that idea. You are misinformed, to say the least.
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Old 8th Aug 2008, 09:14
  #29 (permalink)  
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Tiger Airways estreia-se nos resultados positivos
A Tiger Airways, que tem rotas a ligar o território a Manila e a Singapura, anunciou ontem
lucros de 218 milhões de patacas no ano contabilístico que terminou em Março. Esta é a
primeira vez que a operadora aérea de baixo custo fecha as contas no “verde” desde o seu
lançamento, em 2004. No ano passado, a Tiger Airways tinha registado prejuízos de 82,6
milhões de patacas. A companhia, baseada na Cidade-Estado e na Austrália, revelou ainda
que o número de passageiros cresceu 73,7 por cento no segundo semestre deste ano,
comparado com igual período de 2007.

This basically states, that against the tidal wave of the world economy, fuel prices etc., Tiger Airways has made a large profit. Something that all those NX CEO lovers think is impossible.

Yes Alvega, your arrogance does suggest that you live with your head buried deep in the black sands of Coloane. Most likely you are one of those that had been given a managerial position by the new administration but you proved not to be as capable as you suggest to be and hence gave up on the position.

Anyhow, I hope more guys follow my example and start applying for other jobs, as no doubt NX monopoly status should be revoked soon by the government which no doubt will result in total collapse, although, not before we have another display of pilot gentlemanly behaviour well know in NX, fist fighting, name calling etc., preferably in full view of the passengers.

Cheers and see you at OTT.
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Old 8th Aug 2008, 11:06
  #30 (permalink)  
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I take my hat off to the voice of one good soul in these dark hours.
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Old 8th Aug 2008, 11:44
  #31 (permalink)  
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Very fishy indeed! specially the FTD part. It was never donated by Airbus. I don't know where you got that idea. You are misinformed, to say the least.
My information I assure you is 100% correct, maybe you shouldn't be so fast to trust what is said but rather ask to see documentation.

But of course by now with the old pilot management out of the way, maybe not so easy to get the proof, those beautiful shredding machines can do wonders.

Call it what you want, but when even the TAP representative in Macau states that the current crisis is not due to fuel price because the amount allocated for fuel in the budget was not spent, then the financial state must be for ... Corruption, embezzlement, misappropriation, theft, stealing, robbery, thieving, pilfering, purloining, pilferage, appropriation, swindling !!!
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Old 8th Aug 2008, 12:14
  #32 (permalink)  
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This dialog is going nowhere. I insist that your FTD idea is flawed. I don't know what kind of documents you have seen, but I saw a few too and I maintain what I've stated on this matter.

Call it what you want, but when even the TAP representative in Macau states that the current crisis is not due to fuel price because the amount allocated for fuel in the budget was not spent, then the financial state must be for ... Corruption, embezzlement, misappropriation, theft, stealing, robbery, thieving, pilfering, purloining, pilferage, appropriation, swindling !!!
For once we are in tune. I agree entirely. Only one thing, this TAP representative is no choir boy either.

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Old 9th Aug 2008, 04:32
  #33 (permalink)  
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the information is correct.
few MAX guys are now working in NX ( attending the so called orientation programme). the guy suffering from the ferry accident was offering 1. to take no pay leabe or 2. to resign.
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Old 10th Aug 2008, 11:27
  #34 (permalink)  
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Excellent news from Tiger,and Cathay and probably a few others,but then again,they are not state run companies with the sole reason for existing being to serve a role in the big picture,providing cheap transportation for the islanders
Is NX a State run company?

Did it ever provide cheap tickets to Macau residents?

Is it easy to buy a ticket for travel with NX from a travel agent in Macau?

If your answer to all these questions was NO, ada boy go to the front of the class!!!

NX never did care Macanese travellers, never did equate their travel needs within is plans nor cater for the Macau travel agencies!

Its only care was to get the Taiwanese traveller to China, and of course now its realising that, this principle was fine for launch but it should have done a lot more.

Even little young Viva Macau knows this and is trying to capitalise in this deficiency of NX, but of course with monopoly at its core, Macau aviation is basically castrated and going no where fast!!!
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Old 10th Aug 2008, 15:01
  #35 (permalink)  
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what i'm about to ask will probably make you all burst into a big laught!!!

but hey?? if thats the least it will release a bit the pressure goign on on this thread!!

i just wanted to ask you guys if there will be any chance for a FO who passed the interview with airmacau in march to be called inn for the job anytime soon?

funny enought?:-)

well...i it really that bad?? got 0 time on type...and bloody would have done good to me to get that job!!!:-(

is there absolutely no hope for airmacau to survive the disasters they are facing now?

let me know if you want/care,

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Old 11th Aug 2008, 09:37
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well...i it really that bad??
got 0 time on type...and bloody would have done good to me to get that job!!
Man if you have to ask, maybe you need to ask mother if you can put the landing gear down before landing!

But seriously, any chance you have to land a job on a jet (specially a A320) just jump into it with everything you got. Que sera sera as they say.

Good luck, one thing is for sure, you will learn a lot with NX!!!
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Old 11th Aug 2008, 10:37
  #37 (permalink)  
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Yeah youll learn Portuguese and how to get by in aviation without any english.
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Old 11th Aug 2008, 11:00
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Yeah youll learn Portuguese and how to get by in aviation without any english.
Excellent example of the decrepit mentality that putrefies the sky around Macau.

The guy has problem writing English (maybe to pretend not to be a Brit) but uses it against others... good job

No matter what you think of your work place atmosphere etc, one thing you all nut-cases (half-wits, dunces, dolts, ignoramus, cretins, morons, imbeciles, simpletons, nincompoops, blockheads, jug-heads, boneheads, knuckle-heads, dumb-asses, dipsticks, thick-heads, meat-heads, pinheads, pea-brains, birdbrains, jerks, nerds, donkeys, nitwits, twits, dingbats) have to admit that you are glad to have landed a job on the A320. Most of you in this thread probably got your type rating with NX. So zip it up if you have nothing good to say to an aviation newcomer!

Remember how you felt in his position and give sound advise ONLY.

If he joins NX and the worst comes to worst and NX closes he gets a type rating for free, what better than that!!!

Otherwise, he joins gets his hours and is free to let his license roam around looking for a new job. Remember the one legacy still intact in NX (maybe not for long) is that guys with this license have been able to land a job in just about any Airline (Singapore, Korea, UK, Spain, Malaysia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Vietnam, Khazakstan, Qatar, Portugal, Sharjah, etc.).

By the way, for those with deficient English:
Legacy - a thing handed down by a predecessor
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Old 11th Aug 2008, 12:19
  #39 (permalink)  
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ok...thanks for the answers so far...

but let me ask you guys know if macau is still in a position to require the services of FO's with zero time on type?


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Old 12th Aug 2008, 00:47
  #40 (permalink)  
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Arrowhead you say???

Saw Arrowhead the other day, so he's definitely not departed the fix......................yet.

I would suggest he's keeping busy with "other" things, rather than worry about the pending implosion of NX.
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