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SIA jobs

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Old 17th Jun 2001, 05:36
  #21 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Bonding is a way of life here. Do not expect to not be bonded, unless you are type rated on our fleet. Even then you can expect a bond foisted on you at some point down the road when you are "upgraded" to a different fleet. I suppose the latter is fair dinkum from the employer's point of view.

If chosen for the A340 with past A320/321 exp, you will still be required to go through the full conversion course. There are many ex-320 capts flying the 340 here having done precisely that. Depending on your experience level, higher experience levels will be offered 340 or 777, while low exp levels will be offered 310. However, 320/321 capts can expect 340 or 777. Non-747-400 type rated capts will not be offered the 747 on expat terms, and accepting 747 on local terms is not advisable. Accepting local terms is not a viable option for expat allowance, housing assistance, children's education assistance, and more than likely no Provident Fund either.

The major shortage is on the 777 with rumours that some spanking new 777's might be parked in the desert for a while, due to the same. There is considerable movement happening from the 340/310 to 747, the rationale being that newcomers fill slots on 310/340/777, while incumbents are rewarded with a move to the 747 aka "Mother Fleet" where all the moolah is.

Failure rate is low once you are past their initial assessment. I guess the initial sim ride sorts out the undesirables. I assume you will be refunded your bank guarantee if you fail a check ride in the initial stages. I don't know about later. However, if you are fired for disciplinary reasons, you may deservedly kiss your money goodbye.

Min 2 Days off each rostered week where possible depending upon COP, and accrued days off given upon return from COP. As per Collective Agreement, you get 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 days off for 6,7,8-10,11-13,14-15,16-18,19-20 consecutive days away respectively, from base.

A little note i'd like to add is that all 340's were planned to be disposed off by 2003. The situation, however, is dynamic, and some 340-300's may be retained, and together with the 340-500's expected in march 2003, may form a tidy little fleet.

The biggest fleet will eventually be the 777, and they will have a nice mix of long, medium, short, and very short routes. The type mix will be 777-200, -300, -200ER.

[This message has been edited by locgreen (edited 17 June 2001).]
Old 17th Jun 2001, 05:54
  #22 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Locgreen thank you for the information you provide which is accurate and unbiased. Singapore is most probably not everybody’s paradise but it is a very livable place with good accommodation and schooling. There are a lot of open ended problems with management that hopefully will be looked into in the future, but one thing is certain, you never have to worry that your paycheck is not in at the 21st of the month. SIA is not a "firing" airline and once you passed your initial training, the base checks are a complete non event and if anybody is unable to this standard he has a problem. But it is like anything else, what appeals to you might be a nightmare for me, so at the end of the day it is you yourself who makes it here or can't wait to bolt!!
Old 17th Jun 2001, 06:41
  #23 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


You mention misinformation rampant in this forum. May I ask you to which information you refer?
Old 17th Jun 2001, 07:39
  #24 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

For Easy, LocGreen, Insider, Farside, and other SIA incumbents -

Are all components of traditional 'expat' terms still being offered to current / qualified 744 captains? Layover talk suggests that the full package is now only available for 777 positions - comment?

As an alternative, may an interested 744 captain forgo a SIN base in favor of a SIA Mauritius position in LHR / LAX / SYD? If so, at what point might a candidate express a preference for a specific domicile without being regards askance?

Lastly, are there differences other than compensation (such as rostering, flight / duty limits, and vacation / leave practices) associated with the SIA Mauritius positions vice SIA 'expat' terms in SIN?

Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge and considered opinions.

Old 17th Jun 2001, 10:58
  #25 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

It is not perfect, but it seems to be a decent job.
I'll go try to find someone who could lend me the bond money...Any ideas?

Thanks you all folks for the unbiased information.
Old 17th Jun 2001, 18:44
  #26 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Tosh26...the misinformation i allude to is that perpetuated by the likes of Titan, Gladiator, et al, with regards to SIA. They have allowed their emotions get the better of them, and have often spun fiction for my reading pleasure. I suppose they have their reasons, but my point is that their views are not truly representative of what goes on here.

747400CA...the expat package offered for SIN based expats is the same for all fleets, with
the stated differences in basic salary, and flying allowance, depending upon fleet. The expat allowance, housing allowance, children's education alowance, etc remains the same. The subtle diff between earlier expat packages and now is that they have quietly removed their contribution to SIA Provident Fund for newcomers, which was 10% of basic salary. If it is of any consolation, that money invested with a local bank here has been giving poor returns over many years, and many have yet to make back their principal.

You can opt for SIA (Mauritius) for basing in LHR/LAX/SYD provided you have right of abode there. I must admit my knowledge vis-a-vis overseas bases is inadequate. You may need to look carefully at the tax issues involved. Tax will be your responsibility, and not SIA's. The terms and conditions are different for overseas based crew. They fly to AOC limits (not governed by Collective Agreement which is more restrictive);, operate 6 month block rosters as opposed to the haphazard 6 week rosters for SIN based crew; are not part of the pilot's union (ALPA-S); but over all, i'm told, lead a fairly cushy life. The salary structure is definitely worse off as you don't get expat allowance, housing allowance, and education allowance, and you have to pay higher taxes compared to singapore.

I'm afraid that is all i can contribute to the topic of overseas bases.
Old 17th Jun 2001, 19:26
  #27 (permalink)  
Morse Code
Posts: n/a

All you guys , thanks for the information.Can somebody please tell me if there are decent schools offering the english curriculum and how expensive are they!
Also, the deal on leave passages and id 90's

Old 18th Jun 2001, 07:19
  #28 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


To the eyes of a Singaporean (brain washed under the iron fist of Lee Kuan Yew) any opposition is misinformation.

The truth will speak for itself. All the pilots interested in SIA jobs will one day come back and tell it the way it is. I am patient, time will tell.

You can run but you can't hide.
Old 18th Jun 2001, 10:50
  #29 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Thank you LocGreen for your assistance.

Sxx month rosters and a 'cushy' schedule sounds intriguing - can any captains employed through SIA Mauritius (or those SIN-based with acquaintences there) speak to the specifics of LHR/LAX/SYD flying?

Thanks again to all.
Old 19th Jun 2001, 12:44
  #30 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Thanks a lot for your precise and useful information.

I have visited SIN several times and liked very much its orderliness, cleanliness and efficiency, but then I recognize you may look at it in a different way if you're a resident.

In any case, even if SIA would consider me, with the kind of money they offer and the high cost of living in Singapore, plus bank guarantee interests/expenses and having at the same time to send the money for mortgage payments back home might be an impossible situation for me.

Maybe you guys have the financial soundness to go for it, but I think I'll wait for their next round of ads.
Old 19th Jun 2001, 14:38
  #31 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Te Rangi

Thanks for the note. Yes a lot of people who either phone me or I see down route feel exactly the same way you do.

Most seem to be keeping their powder dry and not making application, as they sense that SIA could have major recruiting problems soon and will be faced with the stark choice of either upping the package significantly towards the end of the year, rather than fiddling around the edges thinking people won’t notice - or keeping to their “new improved” package just imposed and parking increasing numbers of B777’s down in Arizona.

I think its called market forces – so beloved here!
Old 19th Jun 2001, 17:28
  #32 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Thanks Tosh and all the rest who've commented. And given the bonding situation explained by locgreen I think I agree with Te Rangi's remarks. I'll hold fire while I still have some kind of a job here.
Old 20th Jun 2001, 02:58
  #33 (permalink)  
In the slot
Posts: n/a

At last we seem to be having an accurate and informed exchange of information. If working elsewhere, I would hold back a few months when packages are sure to improve as the crewing situation worsens......

Regards and good luck to all.
Old 20th Jun 2001, 05:27
  #34 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Perhaps some of you may not be aware of the significance of the Market Adjustment Allowance (MAA), that forms part of the salary package. Presently at S$600, subject to a minimum of S$500, it was instituted by management as a means to speedily respond to changes in market conditions (although i think they wanted to avoid paying increments or bonuses on that component). Management theoretically has the authority to increase the MAA to any amount it considers reasonable, in order to aid it's recruitment process. On the flip side, they can also remove the increase in MAA subject to the minimum of S$500. My point is, it is more likely that at some point in the future, IF their recruitment drive does not succeed based on the new salary package, management will most likely increase the MAA, and that will be applicable to all, incumbents and newcomers. Therefore, waiting for a better package may either be fruitless (if they don't offer a better package), or pointless (since any increase will be applicable to all).

I do wonder why i don't discourage you guys from applying here. The longer you don't, the better it is for us here...the pressure builds up for an MAA increase...

On the subject of ID travel...SIA's staff ID is undeniably the worst in the industry. Fares are excessive (Staff Travel always makes a significant profit), upgrades are subject to the mercy of ground staff who don't think much of pilots, and are loath to give us our due.

Children's education....plenty of International Schools...UWC, OFS, Australian, American, Dover Ct., etc. Fees are high, to the tune of roughly S$1500-2000 per month per child, and often there is a high deposit involved. But SIA reimburses the first S$700, and 50% of the balance.

Old 20th Jun 2001, 14:40
  #35 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Therefore, waiting for a better package may either be fruitless (if they don't offer a better package), or pointless (since any increase will be applicable to all). </font>
Locgreen I understand the first part of that sentence, but why would I have a problem with the increase being applicable to all? In fact, I'd expect it to be so. Only fair isn't it?
Old 20th Jun 2001, 17:34
  #36 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


I noticed both your postings of 16/17 June 2001 in respect of SIA jobs and the generally very high standard of accuracy contained.

May I point out, however, that you appear to be in danger of falling into the very trap of emotionalism you ascribe to others, by singling out, in particular, Titan and Gladiator, when you write:

“the misinformation I allude to is that perpetuated by the likes of Titan, Gladiator, et al, with regards to SIA. They have allowed their emotions get the better of them (sic), and have often spun fiction for my reading pleasure. etc”

Whilst both these contributors make no secret of their being ex-SIA members and hence unable to report contemporary events with the accuracy which we can bring to bear, their reporting of past SQ events display all the hallmarks of factual accuracy, cataloguing SQ mendacity and rough shod treatment meted to employees, in the gallop to corporate profit.

You may also care to reflect that, before your posting of 17 June, containing the above quotation, neither contributor had made any offering on this thread and so could hardly be accused of “spinning fiction” during the debate.

Further, it will be of interest to you to know that the move towards and eventual embracing of “augmented” rostering, replacing the long standing, risky “three man” fudge, was instigated by Gladiator in his counter-suit, following SQ’s vindictive and illogical pursuit of his remaining bond. He and his lawyers were required to deal merely in cold, hard fact, with not the suspicion of fiction (see archives – Gladiator). SQ’s own fiction and emotionalism forced it to back down, ceding victory to Gladiator and the corollary of CAAS withdrawal of its own, irresponsible “approval” of a reckless crewing tradition.

If you feel that my observation errs, perhaps I could ask you to provide examples of “spun fiction” attributable to both longstanding “ppruners”.

Meanwhile, please keep up the good work - your postings are very readable.

Best regards
Old 20th Jun 2001, 17:54
  #37 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

When people fear government it is tyranny, when the government fears people it is liberty.
Old 21st Jun 2001, 00:06
  #38 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
Red face


"...SIA's staff ID is undeniably the worst in the industry. Fares are excessive (Staff Travel always makes a significant profit), upgrades are subject to the mercy of ground staff who don't think much of pilots, and are loath to give us our due."??

Your opinion would be more credible if your claim was accurate, or is it you consider any fare in excess of zero to be excessive? Ask AirNZ staff about excessive fares that are derived I believe, as a function of the full economy tag. Don't ask about upgrades though - they've never heard the word!
Old 21st Jun 2001, 00:16
  #39 (permalink)  
In the slot
Posts: n/a

Our staff travel is a disgrace. The department is a profitable entity to the company and could NEVER be considered as "welfare."
The current edition of the STAR ALLIANCE magazine has a listing of all the reciprocal staff travel arrangements between the member airlines. I do not see SQ anywhere!!!!!
Question to all SQ staff; if you have paid for an SQ id90 and you're sitting next to a Lufthansa captain who has bought an LH staff ticket at their good prices how would you feel, as he is elligible to travel FRA-SIN on an SQ aircraft as the flight number is LH as well as SQ!! Comments????
Old 21st Jun 2001, 02:43
  #40 (permalink)  
Morse Code
Posts: n/a

Thanks for that useful information........Just one more aahh a couple of more questions, however bad the staff trvel maybe is it unlimited number of id 90's or is there a restriction?
Has there recently been a hike in the basic salary at SIA?
Do they offer retirement /Provident Fund benefits to new hires anymore?

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