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From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

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From Zero to Forty Five - my PPL Diary

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Old 13th Sep 2004, 13:08
  #201 (permalink)  
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I actually found myself on MS flight sim too - the thing is though, I used to think it was real (that was before I had started training).
True, the further through flying training I get, the less accurate I think MS Flight Sim is, especially the light aircraft. On the other hand, I have flown a professional 737 simulator and was quite surprised by how similar that handled to the MS version - especially with professional add-ons.

I also have 'FLY ll' on an Apple Mac, which has quite good flight characteristics, but awful scenery.

I wondered whether anyone had tried X-Plane? Views?
(Yes, I know, I'm getting desperate. I'll be shaking next )

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Old 13th Sep 2004, 22:58
  #202 (permalink)  

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X-Plane is great. Best flight characteristics in a flight sim. Defnately worth a look.

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Old 15th Sep 2004, 06:08
  #203 (permalink)  
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Wow - I miss this thread for a few days and look what happens...!

Thanks for the radio tips, they were interesting reading. It's funny, a lady in my class said the same thing about Flight Sim - the more you fly the less you like it (but is handy for instrument stuff)

For you Aussies here, the latest issue of Aust. Flying mag had an article I was browsing today which was really good - a "What to Do 'bible'" e.g., static blockage, snapped elevator cable, etc etc. (One solution for the blockage was to break the glass in the 'least useful' instrument (VSI in this case) to allow cabin air into the system...hmmm... not sure the owner would be happy....still, better broken glass than broken plane!)

Am very busy this next week but will pop back in here and read all about everyone's adventures.... (watch the gravel, Sunfish )

And lastly, fly safe everyone

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Old 15th Sep 2004, 09:57
  #204 (permalink)  
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Thanks for the tip on X-plane. I'll take a closer look at that.

SkySista, I'd be fascinated to know what the advice was for some of those other problems, especially the elevator cable!

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Old 15th Sep 2004, 12:09
  #205 (permalink)  
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BRL has started a new thread on flight sims and i have posted my thoughts on there.



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Old 16th Sep 2004, 11:10
  #206 (permalink)  
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SkySista, read the same article. Today I passed my area solo check, so I get let out of the circuit playpen and into the back garden (training area) on my own.

I still have a lot of work to do to get anywhere near competent in my own opinion, however I seem to have convinced one instructor that I am not a danger to the general population.
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Old 17th Sep 2004, 04:19
  #207 (permalink)  
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I'm going by memory here, so may not have this entirely correct (Sunfish, feel free to correct me as I think you have the magazine??? -I just had skimmed at newsagent)

Elevator cable - in the example, it was the 'UP' cable that had gone... the writer says there is still a perfectly servicable 'Down" cable.... so all you need to do is trim the nose well up and fly it in from there - apparently not too difficult if you are careful and watch what you are doing.... (hmmm...wonder if it is worth asking to have a go at that during a lesson? )

As for the rudder one (or was it ailerons - now Im just messing it all up.... ) I think it was ailerons...... if you have a problem with those, take hold of the inner 'horns' of each yoke (e.g. left hand on right side of left yoke, and vice versa..) and fly from there (could have some difficulty if also managing radios etc but better than flying it into the ground....

Errmmm... blocked intake, think was apply carby heat as it will be taking air from around the engine instead of outside.....

throttle stuck open, use the mixture like a throttle....if you lean off too much and it dies, usually enriching will bring it back again if you have the prop windmilling...... or something like that....

Anyway, there are a few other things they go into, such as gyros, fuel props etc.... anyone in Oz it'd be worth getting for your own reference.... (dont want to get busted for copyright here....! )

They also said the golden rule is if you try something, and it goes wrong, undo the last thing you did.....

Sunfish, oooh a nice backyard to play in.... it's good when all the kids get let out to play...so long as everyone plays nice! Enjoy...! (as for competence, in my opinion it is better to think you need to be better and are in reality probably very good (because you will always be looking to improve your skills and safety) , than to think you're 'it' and be actually crap..... ) Just out of curiosity, (quite a stupid question really) do you get the CASA Flight Safety mailout? I got my latest yesterday and it's actually very good.... you could send in that flap malfunction story and maybe win a grand!!!

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Old 17th Sep 2004, 04:47
  #208 (permalink)  
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Sky, yes I got the mailout and when you read it you will find that deja vu has been at work. There isa long article on flaps in there already.

I guess the issue is not to put them into a position where you are in trouble if you cannot get them up. This is only about two places - the touch and go and the go around.

As touch and go is a training manoeuvre, maybe the trick should be to check the flaps are moving in the right direction before you apply full power.

On a go around, I guess in the worst case you have to fly a circuit with full flaps.

Just as an experiment yesterday after stalling practice at 3500 ft, we tried flying the "best" of the C150's with forty degrees of flap. You can just get it to climb at about 100 fpm. at full power.

Went Solo to the training area today. Returned with tension headache and stiff neck an hour later from having to think where I was going and look around all the time instead of having an instructor tell me what to do, or following the well worn groove of the circuit.

Anyway, at least I exorcised a few demons by doing stalls on my own and a few practice forced landings and suchlike.

Tomorrow its at YMMB at 5.00am for this Dawn Patrol event.

CHeers, hope all goes well with your flying
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Old 17th Sep 2004, 08:36
  #209 (permalink)  
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Thanks for that. Sounds like an interesting article - hope some of it sticks for that fateful day!

Sunfish, well done on being let out of the circuit. I'm so bored with mine I can't wait to actually see some different scenery

I can't fly again until 30th now But going on a work trip as PAX (LHR - MAN) next week, so at least I'll get up in the air. Don't think they'll let me have the controls though

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Old 17th Sep 2004, 10:12
  #210 (permalink)  
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mazzy 1026

This is the way they went solo in 1913 at the Hendon Flying School.

No dual!!!

Saturday the 18th 1913, was the day Del would never forget. True to Frank's prediction it was a brilliant, almost calm morning, even the grass looked greener in the early sunlight, with just an occasional puff of wind stirring the flags. As Del rounded the hangar corner he saw to his astonishment that not only was Frank waiting, but the hangar was open and the Caudron out and ready.

"Morning Del. Lets go into my office for a while and talk things over again".

"Cripes, I've flown it a dozen times all night, and once more at breakfast' thought Del as they walked into the hangar.

But revision of yesterday's briefing were not all of Frank's aims. Although a last minute run through would ensure Del had it as much at his finger tips as possible, he also felt that Del was all keyed up, perhaps a little too much so. A quiet time to talk it through again would help steady him down, give him every assurance, and put him in the right frame of mind for his approaching ordeal.

The talk over Frank moved towards the hangar door.

"Best have a leak Del, you don't want any excess weight on board".

'No' thought Del, for a puddle to sit in either, as he made his way past the work benches to the toilet.

As they approached the aircraft Frank said "You'll be taking off to the west and over the railway line in this slight breeze, so you are familiar with the look of those hills over there to keep your heading on, as you climb out. See that gasometer over there, "he said pointing away to the east, "you'll see that sticking up like a sailor's prick on an overnight pass, when you're down wind, so look for it and steer straight for it. When you pass over the big new highway you should be ready to turn for your descent, so don't go too far past it or you'll be too far away for a nice approach. All right Del; Off you go; Good luck".

Del strapped in, Sam swung the propeller to start the engine, then gave him a big grin and thumbs up sign as he commenced to taxi out.

As Del swung the Caudron into wind, he got a cheery wave from Frank, who by now had walked out and was standing near the fence. 'Guess I'd better not bend this kite', thought Del 'I've got all the audience I need'.

With a last check of the joy_stick for freedom of movement he pushed the throttle slowly forward for his first real take_off. 60 yards and the Caudron lifted off and at thirty minutes past eight Del was away on his first real flight.

This time that implacable, unyielding fence held no fears or constrains as Del cleared it by a good hundred feet. He felt the slipstream beating against his face harder than he had ever sensed it before. He was aware that now the Caudron seemed to be a living, trembling thing of life. The rigging wires hummed and vibrated in sympathy with the big propeller whirling around and the staccato bark of the three exhaust stubs. The tightly stretched fabric sides to his small cockpit pulsated with the beat of each propeller blade and added to the noise and tumult. As he concentrated on keeping the nose up in the climb and the wings level, he now felt for the first time the effects of the slight air turbulence as the wings rocked with each disturbance. There were no trimming tabs or trim controls in those early aircraft so the pilot had to hold the stick with a steady force to maintain the desired attitude of the aeroplane in the air to each change of engine power or speed through the air. He had to concentrate hard to move the joy_stick left and right with each gust to keep his wings level. The Caudron was particularly prone to this effect as, with a solid wing spar running across both upper and lower wings it lacked the intrinsic stability of later designs that used inclined wings giving them both dihedral and sweep_back. He, of course, had yet to condition his reflexes to counter each gust with an automatic, unthinking movement of the stick. He would not develop that reflex response until he had logged four or five hours of flight time.

Suddenly, Del realised he was higher than he should be at 400 feet and it was time to turn. With the wings banked over, and Sam's wire lying along the horizon, he noted with some satisfaction that the nose of the Caudron moved slowly around the horizon as she turned. Again he had the turbulence problem as the wings tried to steepen the angle of bank with each gust. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the familiar shapes of the airfield hangar. Almost straight ahead he now saw Frank's gasometer, a little hazily in the mist. Levelling the wings he had time to look briefly at the ground all around him _ how small everything appeared from up here, the houses looked like tiny doll's houses, thousands of them, lining the sides of the roads, all crisscrossing the country side, and disappearing into the haze of the morning. He became aware of the slipstream _ it was quite violent now, tearing at his goggles and beating hard on his face.

'You stupid ass' he remonstrated with himself as he realised he still had the throttle pushed hard forward against the stop and the engine was clamouring a full throttle roar of annoyance. 'Ease it back' he told himself _ 'Where's that bloody gasometer gone' as he glared at the horizon through goggles which were now beginning to be spattered with oil droplets.

Then he experienced the most lasting impression of that first flight, for as he frantically looked for it, the gasometer emerged back into view from behind that single large engine cylinder up front, the top hat, as the Caudron weaved its nose around in the air currents.

'Christ I am still too high' thought Del and he pushed the nose down with a forward movement of the joy_stick. The slipstream started to pummel his face again as his speed increased. Del glanced at the aerodrome, _ he was past the eastern edge and suddenly he saw almost beneath him the highway. Vaguely, almost in a dream, Del recalled Frank's instructions _ 'turn left until you are lined up with the centre of the drome! As he gently rolled out of the turn he knew that he was higher than he aught to be, the fence had disappeared under the leading edge of the lower wing already. 'Damn fool, close the throttle and volplane'. Once again he chastised himself. With that the noise and beating of the slipstream died away. In fact in a few seconds everything became almost deathly quiet. He shoved the stick forward, the nose dropped down to the position Frank had sketched and once more the rigging wires took up their song of vibrant life.

'Phew' thought Del _ he recalled Frank's words when they had discussed volplaning. When the wires stop singing the angels start' was his dire warning of slow airspeed leading to a stall, and maybe a spin. Del knew now precisely what Frank had meant. Down the Caudron glided towards the field _ 'a bit too high' thought Del and he held the stick a little further forward. The speed built up and with it the slipstream on his face and as he flashed over the boundary fence he had a quick vision of Frank and Sam's upturned faces. Nearing the ground he eased the stick back, trying to keep the wings level as he waited for his speed to decrease. Suddenly the slipstream subsided as the great drag of a myriad rigging wires and struts took effect. Del snatched the stick back as the Caudron started to drop to the ground, then with a small lift of 3 or 4 feet she settled back down again with a very firm bump on mother earth. 'Keep her straight and don't relax' Frank's words now rang in his ears and as the Caudron slowed to a walking pace Del saw with some relief that his old adversary was still two hundred yards away.

He swung the aeroplane around and headed back to the two distant figures _

'I've done It!__ I've done It! __ you bloody beaut __ I've DONE It!' that's all Del could tell himself as the full realisation came that now he was certain he would soon get his brevet.

His flight had taken about ten minutes, but to Del it seemed like hours since he had rolled away from Frank to start his take_off run.

Del pulled up by Frank and Sam with the engine ticking over at idle. Each in turn ducked under the longeron and rigging wires, clapped him on the shoulder and firmly shook his hand.

"Well done Del, you've joined the elite club of men of the skies". Frank's words were never forgotten although later on with quiet reflection Del knew he still had a long way to go before he could say he had truly earned that accolade.

"Can I do another circuit, now" queried Del anxiously, already wanting to prove he could better his first performance.

"Best roll her back to the hangar and let's talk it over for a while" came the saged reply of an old head on young shoulders as Frank waved towards the hangar.

So Del's first flight came to its end. No flight would ever be quite the same _ he would always remember those moments vividly _ the quivering vibrations _ the beat of the slipstream on his face _ the rocking of the wings in the turbulence _ the gasometer _ and the awful quiet when he almost stalled _ the two faces as he crossed the fence _ and that slight pause just before the wheels found the ground again.

Back in Frank's office they talked, Del with elated enthusiasm, Frank with critical approval. Del didn't have to recount his leaving the throttle hard on, his gaining height all the way down wind, his forgetting to lower the nose to volplane, his too rapid arrival over the boundary fence and his rather heavier than hoped for landing. Frank had seen it all and quietly led Del through his mistakes making sure he knew just what he had done wrong, and why. Already Del was self analysing his errors as they went along, Frank was glad to see that; the aviator who could not do so was usually a dead duck from overconfidence sooner or later, generally sooner.

They had a cup of tea, brought in by Sam, and as they chatted Frank watched Del closely. His initial jubilant elation had abated, the colour of his face, flushed with mental exertion _ and then ecstasy had returned to normal and Del gave every appearance of having now mentally 'returned to earth'.

Best wishes for your first solo.
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Old 17th Sep 2004, 10:22
  #211 (permalink)  

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Excellent post Milt.

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Old 17th Sep 2004, 11:03
  #212 (permalink)  
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Sad to think they would probably have both been in Flanders a year or two later.
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Old 17th Sep 2004, 11:53
  #213 (permalink)  

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Milt that was a superb post - many thanks for that! I was quivering just reading it and the thought of my first solo sends shivers down ones spine!

Best wishes

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Old 17th Sep 2004, 18:47
  #214 (permalink)  
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thats normal. My first solo was a week before i got my drivers license so i had never even driven a car by myself! . Ah the first solo! so memorable . You'll have fun trust me, with the empty right seat it'll probably be weird tho
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Old 20th Sep 2004, 10:09
  #215 (permalink)  

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Talking Hour 13

It was one of those days that just went extremely slow and seemed like it would never end. That’s the feeling I get when the weather is pretty poor all day and the flight is booked for 1630. Rang up at half 3 and it was on – wuhoo!

Sorry, bit carried away there. We had a strong headwind, coming slightly from the left, which meant a strong crab and a crosswind landing technique. My PTT button started playing up in the circuit, kept making a crackling noise when I pressed it, so unfortunately, my instructor had to look after the radios, which was a bit gutting as my confidence is building and I like talking to ATC, especially in the circuit. But not to worry, on with the flying. There was another Tommy in the circuit, which was behind us (or in front, whichever you prefer) and there was also a fair share of Easyjets out and about. That’s what I love about Liverpool, seeing the big guys so close to you and having to work around them and give enough spacing for vortex etc – its fantastic. Upon reporting downwind, ATC always give their recommendation for spacing, they cant tell you to give a 6 mile gap after a 737 – so it is like a bloody good hint to orbit, or extend downwind etc, whichever is more appropriate.

On one of the circuits, we were orbiting for about 5 mins, number 4 to 3 other jets plus we had the other Tommy behind us, also orbiting. It was very busy but I felt confident and was loving every minute of it. Each landing was with the use of 1 stage of flap, due to the strong headwind. We were trying to (well we did) perform the wing down landing technique, and it is amazing as to how much aileron needed (probably maximum) to keep the drift correct, and the amount of rudder used to keep the nose down the runway. We were landing on the port undercarriage firs, followed by the rest. Fantastic, and one of those original fears which is no longer fear (thanks to the guys who helped me out in another thread a few months back about xwind landings).

So the call comes in:

“downwind to land”

It was then decided upon (not by me of course, or due to any technical failure) to do an emergency landing, following engine failure, so off goes the ignition, keys out and master off……………………..(sorry, that was a joke, just couldn’t resist). OK power to idle and controls over to me following the words “engine failure”. This is mistake number one, I went straight for one stage of flap, probably for 2 reasons. 1 – we had been using them whilst landing in the circuit and 2 – they provide more lift at slower speeds, and due to a natural reaction, I stuck one stage in! So instructor kindly stated we don’t use them yet – you must let the aircraft settle and figure out what it is doing, decide upon the correct attitude and make decisions, then, use flap. After all, you may not even need them, depending on your height and distance from airfield – plus, you don’t want to exceed VFE (maximum flap operating speed).

So another successful circuit session. We have been joking about my circuit training so far, mainly because each time I do circuits, the wind has been close to maximum and conditions have been bumpy, (I have done 3 sessions now) so when it comes to doing them on a calm day, I should find them easier, and hopefully, get one step closer to solo! Cant bloody wait!

Safe flying all,


P.s. There was a girl also doing training that day – not seen her before. I handed over a fuel drainer to you – are you on here by any remote chance?
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Old 21st Sep 2004, 21:16
  #216 (permalink)  
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Hi Lee and all,

just jumped into this excellent thread and although I haven't read all postings find it really interesting

It's not long ago that I've all also been through all these feelings and moments that you are now experiencing. It's about two weeks since I passed my (german) PPL(A) checkride and I have to admit that the one and only thing I was really worried about on that day was the "emergency landing". From my minimal experience, the only thing I can say is: "take your time with the flaps extension".

No complicated aerodynamics theory here, just what I have learned from the theory lessons and experienced myself. Stay on clean configuration as long as you are not 100% sure that you make it to the runway (I take it for granted that you constantly monitor your speed for best glide ). Talking now of myself, I set the flaps only when I'm sure that I will hit the "numbers" ... whereas my estimations have not always been right at the beginning

In any case, I wish you lots of fun and I'll definitely follow the thread to wish you best luck on your upcoming solo and all exciting moments you are about to experience.

Best regards,
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Old 22nd Sep 2004, 10:13
  #217 (permalink)  

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Cool Welcome Nikos!

Thanks for you post - (of course I was monitoring airspeed (ahem))!!

I will definately remember to leave the flap alone until I (the aircraft) is settled and I am sure I need them - dont wanna go failing any checkride!


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Old 23rd Sep 2004, 00:24
  #218 (permalink)  
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Went out for a checkride yesterday before another training area solo. The wind was way to strong (gusting 40 on the ground) and there was some pretty interesting turbulence. We settled for doing the party trick instead.

Pointed into the wind at 2000 feet and pulled 10 degrees of flap and slowed to 60 kts. Wierd feeling ! We were stationary! We slowed a little more and commenced flying backwards!

After half an hour we came home and forgot about flying since it was just to rough up there. Used the time to pass my radio exam and Basic Aeronautical Knowledge Exam.

Now a few more hours solo and then the GFPT (General Flight Proficinecy test). After that I move to a Warrior and start the Nav training for the second half of the PPL.
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Old 27th Sep 2004, 12:23
  #219 (permalink)  

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Hour 14

I was lucky to have booked my flight for 1630 today because when I woke up in the morning, there was nothing but a blanket of cloud at about 700ft with constant drizzle. I was preparing for the worst, but when 1530 came it had eventually cleared and there was only the occasional cirrus cloud around, plus the wind had dies to around 4-6 knots.

So off to the airfield, a very happy chappy indeed. There was a lady before me who had just done her first solo, and it all went very well, so congrats to you if you are reading! It just made me look forward to mine even more! I had the last flight of the day and it was quite calm (which would change during the course of the session). The runway lights had been turned on just as I was doing my checks; I had not flown before and seen such an amazing view of the glowing runway, quite spectacular. So off onto the first circuit. There wasn’t that much wind at this point, so not a lot of crabbing needed. The tower had asked us to perform an immediate left turn after takeoff, so once we passed the tower, that’s exactly what we did – kind of like a diagonal line from takeoff to crosswind. This one went quite well, good landing without any problems. One thing I need to start doing is putting my checks into action – what I mean is, rather than just pointing to the fuel gauge to see its ok, actually change to the fullest tank and make use of the check.

On one of the landings I flared a little too high, so it took a little longer to float down and we had to make corrections as necessary. I done this a couple of times, so on the next one, I was determined to get it right – well, what can I say, I now left it a little to late, which meant we were a little too fast, and lets just say, so far, it was the roughest landing I have done – nothing to get worried about, it just made me a little frustrated that I was getting it wrong. What helped me get around this was what my instructor said to me. He pointed out that we are not trying to PUT the aircraft down by any means of force, we don’t need to force it down, just get a good speed, nice easy flare, hold it, hold it, hold it and let it smoothly touch down, let it land itself………basically, I was putting too much effort in getting the thing down, rather than let physics do it for me. This time, I was definitely going to get it right, I was determined!

Getting the right approach and descent is crucial, it sets you up for a beautiful landing if you get it right. I have a tendency to be too high, and keep the nose in a high attitude because the runway looks closer than it actually is, therefore sometimes I am too slow and require more power, which means the flare can cock up. It’s like a chain of events unfolding. Anyhow, my last landing was one of the smoothest yet – I remembered what I was told and just let it float down and it gently touched the runway, lots of right rudder and left aileron – such a big buzz getting it right, it truly is. I only hope that with practice I can get used to the right attitude and make safe, smooth landings. Instructor did say that after a while I will be able to judge it better myself.

Safe flying,

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Old 27th Sep 2004, 13:23
  #220 (permalink)  

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Ah, you bring it all back, Mazzy! I remember that all so well. First flaring too high, then too low, then flaring just right but moving off the centreline, then doing everything right but just not seeing it through and letting it 'plonk', then landing fine but forgetting to concentrate after you've touched down you're so relieved...

It all seems to go a lot slower now than it did in those days. Mind you, it still helps to take a deep breath and check that I'm relaxed on the way down from time to time, especially in crosswinds.

Perhaps they should change the verb 'to land' a plane to something that sounds a bit less - how shall I put it - deliberate?? It's something that misled me too, that idea that you make it touch down.
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