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fruitloop 22nd Jun 2003 10:25

I rezembal that remark :p

I also agree with Busters comments

Winstun 22nd Jun 2003 10:27

Kaptin, not sure what your equipment, but personally I only consider anything over FL410 as high level. Maybe you would like to enlighten us on some of your ONLY 9 ATPLs…after all that was your question to me. yeah, thought so. :p Your posting doesn’t strike me as someone that has this much diverse experience. Finally, I don’t consider myself as tough, although relative to many here that may well be true. You apparently think so. I am merely providing free educational information to the aviating viewers. Yes, I am busy. Important? Well, I am certain we ALL think we are important in some way.
Buster, I am not assuming my or other pax deduction of situations is always correct. I AM assuming and asserting that we all CAN NOT take the real risk of failing to act quickly and forcefully (many, many innocent lives), while ACCEPTING the risks of incorrect deduction (one or few possibly innocent lives). The aim of an airplane terrorist operation in 2003 is not clear, therefore it is imperitive for all the peoples of the world to consistently expeditiously neutralize any such actions, whatever the intent, whatever the cost, whatever the life lost: a clear message to ALL that any aims by this avenue will NEVER be achieved.

but I wouldn't take out any QC's out of bitterness
4711, What is the basis for this statement? The basis is in all your exceedingly ignorant (and rather nauseating) banter on other NAS topics. You don’t need to check all my credentials. It’s plainly apparent to any fresh PPL ticket.

As to your threats to commit murder:
Give me a friggin bone!Certain you could find a cosy calling in one of Australia’s “quality” newspapers or tv networks. Big step up for you I guess. :zzz:
You are also attempting to put my hypothetical statements out of context with your pathetic pendatic trivial attention to word detail…(see NAS threads). For the last time; my (and MOST pax, I believe) response to a hijacker(s) will be immediate and physically to the best of ability. Yes, this is my real intent. A full defensive attack opportunity. Considering my fighting style and capabilities, yes, I do expect this might often result in accidental termination. Wouldn't excactly be pre-meditated murder dear boy. Although it sure would be fun. If you don't grasp basic VMC flight rules, I can't possibly see how you would even have some basic knowledge of legalities. Now, in light of the current security situation, implying that YOU, as an employee of aviation industry, even with the fleeting and tenuous protection of anonominity, would sit on your hands in a hijack situation is extremely unwise or evidence of a raving pussy. Either way your probably gonna die. :ooh:

Four Seven Eleven 22nd Jun 2003 10:52

4711, What is the basis for this statement? The basis is in all your exceedingly ignorant (and rather nauseating) banter on other NAS topics.
So, to summarise: You cannot provide a single quote to justify your drivel. Prove me wrong, Winnie Pooh!;) Go on, surely someone with your ‘capabilities’ can do it.

…pendatic trivial attention to word detail…
I take it you are referring to getting my facts right. :D

If you don't grasp basic VMC flight rules
Still waiting for even the slightest shred of an example to prove your contention, Winnie, my dear fleet-of-mouth vague-of-intellect chum.

Kaptin M 22nd Jun 2003 11:08

C'mon W, you're getting as much "enlightenment" from Winstun as the rest of us are :uhoh:

Hey Buster, I resemble that comment - Winsie did mention that year, to which I typed a short 53 page reply. For some reason, it was rejected :*

Now Winstun, you really DO need to get your story straight, if you want to mix it with us BIG BOYS here.
You're a relative newcomer, so if you think you're going to be around for a while, and maintain any CREDIBILITY, I suggest that you engage brain (you DO have an intact, complete one of those, don't you?) BEFORE going to print.

You'd have us all believe that you are a skilled exponent of martial art(s) - just for the record, which style? and under whom and where did you study?
You have told us all that you are able to deliver Death, swiftly and deftly using only your hands (which I guess we can assume includes elbows, knees, feet, head, etc....but then of course you're the expert here!), however you NOW say in your latest epistle:

Considering my fighting style and capabilities, yes, I do expect this might often result in accidental termination.
Winnie........Winnie, you and I both know that people who are of the level to which you purport to be are able to CONTROL their skills, and that IF someone of the capability to which you THINK (in your mind) you were at WERE to "terminate" another human, they would be charged in the same way as a person who had possessed a dangerous....dare I say it...lethal, weapon.

My guess is you're a novice to martial arts living in a fantasy world, sitting under a cold shower in the Lotus position when you're not PPRuNing.

If you want to play in the big league, Win, research your sh!t a bit better will ya - otherwise change your handle to Caroma...everytime someone yanks :O your chain, we flush out a bit more sewerage!!

Flyer 682 22nd Jun 2003 13:51

Winstun you dog - grrrrrrrrrrrrr indeed. I represent the pax side of your big bad wolf fairy tale. I know lots of pax who have already discussed your concerns and not one of them would follow you. Believe it.
Woomera I am ashamed of myself - I totally agree with you but like Winstun, I can't help myself. There are too many people I respect enjoying his fantasies to keep quiet and the more they enjoy the more they expose and once Winstun is totally exposed the sight will be so profound not even Amos would want to watch.
In the meantime Kaptin M, please bring me an application form wrapped round a bone so I can present them both to Winstun when I've found someone who will let me on the jumpseat of the next space shuttle to planet "Plan It".

Buster Hyman 22nd Jun 2003 14:51

My apologies then Kaptin. I must have missed it. It happens now and then, that my eyes go blurry & I feel light headed whenever I start to read about it!;)

Ok. I think I've got it now. When Winnie gets up from his seat (wearing his camouflage jacket & pants, sunglasses & SAS beret)to tackle the purported hijackers, I can then "legally" jump up & break his "friggin" neck bone with my carefully modified & patented version of the Heimlich manouvere! That way, the 86 year old who was handing back his completed orange juice (which, at the time looked like a sawn off shotgun!) can continue his flight in peace!:} :ouch: :{ :ok:

Whiskery 22nd Jun 2003 16:16

Welcome back Freemantle !:mad: *anka !

maximus 22nd Jun 2003 16:36

Maybe Winnies style of martial art is that of EKITHUMP (sp?), that deadly art practiced by Bill Oddie of Goodies fame. It was a black pudding if I remember rightly.:p
Winnie , your costing me a fortune as I only have a 56K modem and have to keep logging on several times a day just so I can be enlightened by your constant words of wisdom. You are my HERO :ok: :ok: :ok:

PPRuNe Towers 22nd Jun 2003 17:07

Magnificent:ok: Consistency allied with character development along the way.

Awarded ''Best troll on the site in years''


Kaptin M 22nd Jun 2003 17:08

Does the following sound like anyone here we know??

"I have never been accused of being a bleeding heart. One thing for sure--I don't bleed for criminals. I bleed for the young, the sick, the elderly, the ignorant victims of villains who are scabs on the face of society.
The only reason government exists is to protect the innocent--and its corollary, to punish the guilty. But government is failing it its responsibility.

Since government cannot defend us, we will defend ourselves. After all, self-defense is the strongest passion in the human breast.

A sweet little old lady in Chicago pulls a knife on a mugger, and the scumbag scurries into the subway. She should get applause and approbation, not accusations.

An "easy mark" on a New York subway is approached by four punks, pulls a gun, and drops them in a flurry of shots heard from coast to coast. It was his way of saying, "If the law can't defend me and my property, I'll do it myself."

I say cheers for Bernhard Goetz and jeers for his persecutors and prosecutors!

Drug dealers are selling their wares openly on the streets of major cities, and the law does little or nothing to stop it. While politicians prate on about the horrors of drugs, our children are dying, our cities are decaying, and civilization is disintegrating.

But politicians prate on. Those who have helped spawn the problem are quick to campaign for re-election against the problem that their own ineptitude spawned!

Crime will never be eradicated since there will always be parasites who want to live and prosper at the expense of the producers. However, accelerating crime can be slowed when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than honest work.

That has not happened in the USA, where 90 percent of all crimes go unpunished, and those who are punished go in and out of cushy prisons with regularity.

We taxpayers have a right to be angry. We have a right to walk our streets unafraid, without being accosted by pimps, prostitutes, perverts, pushers, and plunderers. Government has been too concerned with the rights of criminals, convicts, communists, and moral cripples.

I don't owe the bums anything except a chance at defending themselves. That's more than most of them gave their victims.

Both taxpayers and accused criminals have every right to expect justice. But everyone knows taxpayers have not been getting it.

So when we defend ourselves, don't start whining about "constitutional rights," "law of the jungle," "frontier justice," and the like. We are simply drawing upon a God-given instinct to survive. We are fed up. Uncaring and unhearing politicians had better get our message, or they will also become unemployed."

The above was written by Dr Don Boys...."Dr. Boys wrote columns for the national newspaper, USA TODAY from 1985 to 1993 usually titled, An Opposing View, called that because he always opposed the editorial views of the paper".

So Winnie, the ideas that you're spruiking here are nothing original - as a matter of interest, you're not just copying Dr Boys' columns from USA TODAY verbatim onto here are you?
That's called plagiarism!!

iwillflyajet 23rd Jun 2003 07:32

It must be hard having 63,000 ppruners against you winstun.
I think you should keep to your flight simulator 2002.

Call yourself a lawyer, call yourself a doctor, and call yourself a politician.

but please leave the pilot Fraternity alone, because someone might take you seriously one day and it may kill them taking your advice.


amos2 23rd Jun 2003 18:23

...thanks fellas'

got my glass of wine...

ready to go!

Andu 24th Jun 2003 13:40

I'm surprised no one has picked up on the utter gem from Winny that had me in stitches: "I only consider above 410 as "high level"."

7 ATPLs? Yup, gotta be right.

Soulman 24th Jun 2003 20:54

The Satirical Humour
As a relatively new member to PPRuNe, I had not yet had the honour of meeting (to a degree), the illustrious Winstun. The first two pages of this forum depicted a god-like figure who was often adored and supplicated. This praise soon turned to penitance, as 'Winnie' was left to defend himself from a flurry of perverse opinions.

I recall users claiming they logged on to PPRuNe with the main intention of reviewing Winnie's 'words of wisdom' (call them what you like, it's just a metaphor.), but if one thing has struck me, it is the humour of Winnie - face it, he/she/it/inhabitant of wherever/native of somewhere is hillarious.

"Considering my fighting style and capabilities, yes, I do expect this might often result in accidental termination."
Obviously making a judgement between political correctness and a personal opinion ultimately determines the manner in which you depict Winnie, but for those of us who see the 'lighter side of things', keep it up Winnie - your bringin' many a smile to an aviator's dial. :ok:



P.S > On an even 'lighter note' - Winnie is like Guido Hatzis with a political background! :p
Any Aussies agree?

Winstun 24th Jun 2003 21:24

left to defend himself from a flurry of perverse opinions
4711, get a life
K: Remaining silent on his ONLY 9 ATPLs 'newcomer' Some of my relations might have something to say to you about 'newcomer' waving that silly royalist imperialist flag around. 'bigboys' Certainly don't consider a bunch of entrenched D&G Ppruners 'big boys'. Do you suggest rugby players? What does that prove, your thick up top with fatty thighs...:rolleyes: 'Control' I never perported to be an expert in lethal combat. But while quite capable, I may not be able to 'control' myself in immediate life defense situations. The now victim may also suffer from medical, heart, etc. problems.
Flyer, I don't know what pax you represent - the fairies and pansies I suggest. :hmm: Certainly not representative of the wider public that are backing me.
IWFAJ, Never have called myself any of those 3 professions, although I am accomplished in the first 2 'fields'. As a model pilot, I have only come here to inform and educate. My position has become untenable due to these outrageous attacks, while trying to engage (it feels sometimes, single-handedly) in world counter terrorism.
Andu, Yes, I often fly beween 410 and 510, I term high level where you don't get your oxy mask on in an explosive decompression (have had one before). :zzz:

BIK_116.80 24th Jun 2003 21:46

"I term high level....beween 410 and 510...."

510??? Is that all??? :zzz:

So you are still trolling around in the atmosphere?

Not really all that high then, in the grand scheme of things. :hmm:

[Keep up the great work chaps - this is hillarious! ;) ]

Buster Hyman 24th Jun 2003 21:53

So, would you consider Uranus high level?

Man, you really should do stand up!

Lead Balloon 25th Jun 2003 03:26

Winstun is Creampuff
Winstun is Creampuff's alter-ego.

I mean Creampuff hasn't posted since Winstun turned up....

And I happen to know that a "Winstun" is an old Celtic word for Profiterole.

Winstun 25th Jun 2003 08:48

Not aware of any pilots that get higher than me (at FL510) in subsonic civilian jets. In actual fact, I would guess most of you don't get above FL410 and are ignorant of the benefits. I do in fact have several astronaut aquaintences and look forward to buying a pax seat on a space trip in the foreseeable future. :ok:

404 Titan 25th Jun 2003 09:10


Let’s see, the benefits of flight at FL510:

1. Having children with two heads. (Winstun)
2. Having children with severe deformities. (Winstun)
3. Not being able to have children. (What a shame Winnie’s parents didn’t think of this one)
4. Dieing from cancer. (Winstun’s fate if he continues to fly so high).
5. The wax on your wings will melt because you have flown too close to the sun. You then fall back to earth and die a horrible death. (Same as above)

As for the other benefits, well that depends on the plane you fly. The engineers that designed the one I fly say there is no benefit at all.
:p :ok:

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