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-   -   WINSTUN Fan Club anyone? (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/93062-winstun-fan-club-anyone.html)

Kaptin M 13th Jun 2003 16:44

WINSTUN Fan Club anyone?
Let me be the first to admit that when Winstun started profusely posting on this forum recently, I thought he was an no-talent, envious wannabe who had nothing (much) to offer...actually a lot like moir :(

However, a couple of weeks down the track, and with a LOT of persuasion, Winstun is slowly revealing the true self, beneath that shy, modest exterior.
Initially he revealed that he ONLY held 5 ATPLicences, and was rated on several corporate and airline type aircraft - just another pilot!!
But NO!! With the cunning of a leopard stalking its prey, Winstun has divulged that he is a highly skilled assassin, capable of dealing Death with his bare hands to ANY who might even appear to be a possible threat to his charges - the passengers...from Winstun himself, "I do not care for the mental state, age, intent, or ANY other reason/excuse of hijack attempt or any implied threat, no matter how small.....Let this be a clear warning to all potential perpetrators: there MAY be people of my capabilties on YOUR flight."

Furthermore, this true man of steel has shown his humanitarian side, having performed medical operations from a text book no less. Again here's how Winstun modestly revealed another of his deepest secrets, "Although I have performed field surgery using textbooks during war special ops, only out of necessity. And yes, I do have extensive medical knowledge, so what?......many a soldier and civilian are thankful to me for saving a life or limb during special ops in the late '80s. It is not something I think about much these days.."

There were times when the D & G forum was lacking in "sparkle" - until Winstun came along...now, instead of checking in every few days, I find myself checking in a few times a day so as not to miss any of Winstun's truly amazing accomplishments.

So I therefore propose a Winstun Fan Club, in honour of one of mankind's truly UNIQUE individuals.
In the words of the immortal Winstun,
:ok:"I REST MY CASE!":ok:

amos2 13th Jun 2003 17:00

...Winstun where are you? Please come back!

...you are my hero! :p

Chief galah 13th Jun 2003 17:08

Dear Kaptin

Our cyber paths have crossed briefly in other posts. A slight miffostisicity then, I recall.

Re. Winstun

I have resisted his alluring call for the invective. I, too, have been drawn to his siren-like waffle, his raw uncompromising crap, his gentle persuasiveness.

He will not prevail. The only way Winstun should be treated is like a recalcitrant child, gently but firmly. He should be acknowledged, then ignored.

I admire your call for Fan Club status, but sadly,



prospector 13th Jun 2003 18:33

Shy modest exterior? he is one third of the way to being a member of moderate and mild fraternity!!!
And in reply to your infantile post to my letterbox Kaptin M.
My first licence was issued by the State of Singapore. It was called a Colonial Civil Aviation Licence, the number was 758. With your access to knowledge of All? Some? Limited? things aeronautical you will no doubt be able to find out year of issue.


OpsNormal 13th Jun 2003 18:46

Purely out of curiosity, didn't someone out Winstun as female in gender?

Not that it matters, just as a point of order.....


Buster Hyman 13th Jun 2003 19:07

So it's Winnie-stun then is it???:eek:

Maybe we just need to ask Woomera to create a Commando's & Legends forum?:p :p

SixStarAnsett 13th Jun 2003 19:09

I was waiting for something like this, lol
What price is the membership of the Winstun club?

Should we be like Winstun?

Nevertheless, his posts were at least full-on and I'm a lot like you, Kaptin, I was logging on too to see what was said next.

Let's remember though that no one has to deprecate others to overcome their own feelings.


Chronic Snoozer 13th Jun 2003 19:13

Guilty as charged.

Logged on daily to follow the soap opera.

Shame, shame, shame.

Maybe its a wind-up from PPHQ to generate more hits?

mo_gravy 13th Jun 2003 19:37

the gravy stroke™
hey hey HEY! HEY!! HEY ! ! ! ! ill do the funny stuff round here... forget windstun he wont be around long

go ahead and laugh at poor winstone...you might think its funny. but meanwhile, I have secured whinestuns services for a STEAL. for paying whingestone peanuts, im provided with:

-a staff pilot (for when I'm too lazy to fly myself around)(which is most of the time)
-legal advisor
-personal trainer
-hitman (hitwoman ackshully)
-personal medical and surgical team
-political anal yst
and now, even...... :

-female company ! ! ! !
- and linguistics expert

not bad hey. bet youre having a re-think....

too late


ps edited to add mention of translator services probably have to renegotiate contract as i didnt know she had that skill to. damn

BIK_116.80 13th Jun 2003 20:31

I too find Witsun's posts to be most entertaining. :p

My bet is that Witsun is Aminta Hennessy. :}

OzExpat 13th Jun 2003 21:15

Only if she's in wind-up mode BIK! :D

HotDog 13th Jun 2003 21:45

Sounds like Dougie Peters.

gaunty 13th Jun 2003 22:20

Nah it couldn't be .........nah surely not, ...............hang
on .................but he said he'd go and never come back after THAT poll :{

But then he didn't say he wouldn't be back as someone else? :D

I wonder, ..........:hmm: .............it would be entirely in character..............:cool: ,

the wind up of the Century :E

Nup dont even go there.:uhoh:

amos2 13th Jun 2003 22:37

gaunty, you may be right...could it be?...could it be?

...the man who was the wind beneath our wings?


BIK_116.80 13th Jun 2003 22:47

You may be right
I may be crazy
But it just may be a lunatic you're lookin' for

Lead Balloon 14th Jun 2003 00:57

Winstun is funnier than Axiom
I 'd like to cast a vote for Winstun as being a lot funnier than Axiom was.

And I found him, on a google search.


He looks like a trained killer to me.

fanning 14th Jun 2003 09:49

Even has his own brand of Candy Cigarettes :ok:


maximus 14th Jun 2003 16:13

I must admit that I have too become a fan of the Twin-Dicked -One. I find myself logging on several times a day just to see what else HE will enlighten us with.
I see that as well as being Doctor Captain Rambo he is a legal eagle and speaks eight languages as well.
What a man. :ok:

Jamair 14th Jun 2003 17:46

:suspect: .......AND fits the whole lot on a one-page Resume........:yuk:

8 8th's Blue 14th Jun 2003 21:05

Winstun sounds suspiciously like the Iraqi information minister to me. Maybe someone should call big Goerge!:ok:

Col. Walter E. Kurtz 15th Jun 2003 10:31

My God...the genius of that. The genius. The will to do that. Perfect
If I had ten divisions of those men our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral...and at the same time who are able to utilize their primordal instincts to kill without feeling...without passion...
without judgement...without judgement. Because it's judgement that
defeats us. "

Buster Hyman 15th Jun 2003 10:52


I keep looking to see if Winnie's replied yet! C'mon Winnie, show us yer wits!!!!:hmm:

one ball 15th Jun 2003 13:51

Am I jumping at shadows?
Or has winstun re-generated as two cocks, from 'Germany'?

iwillflyajet 16th Jun 2003 11:13

8 8ths, I reckon you might be right that he is a politician of some sort.

maybe he or she is simon creen or kim beezleeey in disguise????

maybe winstun takes on many disguises when he is in pprune????
I would n't put it past him to do that:\

onya 18th Jun 2003 07:40


You guys are funny. Made my day. Thanks ;)

Buster Hyman 18th Jun 2003 10:45

I reckon you might be right that he is a politician of some sort

He wouldn't have lost something on QF recently, would he???:eek:

SixStarAnsett 18th Jun 2003 13:33

me me me me me
Ha! I have fooled you all...

Oh, and in my spare time:


SixStarAnsett :8
Oh, and yes, I am very very bored........................

Winstun 18th Jun 2003 15:55

Well, well. I have been occupied with high level talks and Kaptin is still sulking, unable to make ANY significant contribution on previously debated topics. It was not enough that the moderator :mad: me on the ridiculous "obnoxious" reason in comparison to some of the monkeys posting here. :rolleyes: Sure thing. It's a sad fact that Australians are right at the top of the world charts in believing their own bullsh*t, and when someone of my caliber highlights the reality and deficiencies, it's automatic :mad: . Kaptin has the typical green envious tall poppy perception characterized by the Norm. Appears to have a problem with a few of my attributes. 5 ATPLs, I once had 7, so what? I am sure many here have several, Kaptin you must have at least 2? "Assassin" Not at all. Just your average good citizen doing their natural duty to contain hijack threats. I have a few extra talents and putting them to good use to the benefit of future public air safety and the grateful taxpayer. My medical experiences were in trying circumstances, and I am sure most here would have done the same, more and less successfully. As far as politicians go, I give Australian politics and politicians NO consideration. They are irrelevant to my life. Yes, I do consider myself unique, as I do consider everyone unique.

Boomerang 18th Jun 2003 16:37


With such contempt for Australian people and pilots, why waste your time on our forums?

Seriously though, I would love to do a few sectors with you one day, I have not yet met anyone who can spin as much doodoo and make me laugh as much. Thanks :)

iwillflyajet 18th Jun 2003 17:17

if winstun was to fly a sector with me I would leave him at the next port !!!!!

guarenteed to tell the pax it was for their safety.

ehhh, winstun playing doctors and nurses is not medical experience:E

I bet sometimes you and youre DoDo gets you into a lot of trouble in life?????
I would bet you $500 it does!!!!

enough of my time wasted on winstun.:ok:

Kaptin M 18th Jun 2003 17:19

The man (?) returns (you ARE a male, aren`t you??) - WINSTUN speaks, and his fans flock to catch every utterance from their idol.

Sorry to drag you away from your "high level talks" - quite a few PPRuNers (myself included) had become extremely concerned at the downward spiralling of the state of the world in general, when you were bombarding us earlier.

But nice to have you back, Winnie - you add a lot (of laughs) to these forums.

BTW, it may come as a surprise, but I think that many of us also consider you "UNIQUE".

(Validations and ATPL`s - 9, in fact Winstun, at a quick count...however I feel absolutely certain that your`s will be of greater value than mine. :{ ) ]

Winstun 18th Jun 2003 21:41

At this stage I am in no position to reveal the details of these confidential talks, but to outline: there are a group of similar caliber citizens that plan to formulate and implement an independent (of government) objective justice system to deal with air piracy in Australia. This will be unseen and at no cost to the travelling public. Meanwhile incompetant judges are taking a payrise and salaries in the order of 200-300K. This money could surely be put to better use, returned to the owners (taxpayers) or donated to worthwhile just causes such as mine. In starting this topic, I am thinking the Kaptin has a hidden agenda. To pontificate his own drivel, to blow his own trumpet. :sad: In the words of the great man himself, is that ONLY 9 ATPLs? :ooh:

Oh......and I'm sure your just dying to tell us, and we be all thrilled to know what 9 countries dat might be? :zzz:

ratsarrse 19th Jun 2003 02:54

Brilliant! Winstun, please don't just hide here in D&G - pop over to JetBlast and entertain the rest of us from time to time! I'm sure you will be more than welcome to address the rest of the world...:)

SixStarAnsett 19th Jun 2003 07:45

This is good hahaha
This is becoming better than a soap opera!

Hahaha, maybe I will be able to stop watching Days of our lives and the Bold and the Beautiful after all.........

:} SS

Kaptin M 19th Jun 2003 13:47

As your #1 fan, Winstun ;) , I am "intrigued with the concept you allude to of, "...a group of similar caliber citizens that plan to formulate and implement an independent (of government) objective justice system to deal with air piracy in Australia. This will be unseen...".

You mean a group of - for want of a better term - mercenaries, similar to those who ride the subways in the States, in an attempt to "intervene", in the event of trouble??
Without pre-empting a reply in the affirmative, a couple of questions:
Who will pay for their tickets?
As you are "independent" of government, you (and your band of "Angels") will be subject to the same laws and punishment, under the Air Piracy Act, as anyone else who also attempts to UNLAWFULLY interfere in the operation of the aircraft and its crew?

Winstun, a word of friendly advice, if I may...if you feel that you have something worthwhile to contribute, to improving air safety, do it through the proper channels, and not via some "renegade" band of pyschological unknowns.
Start a Winstun e-site, where we can enjoy your personality at its wittiest! :ok:

Dale Harris 19th Jun 2003 17:57

Rest assured dear Kap, (And how the hell are you anyway?), that since they will be independent of government, and "objective", I can safely say that should they interfere or get in the way of any operation taking place, they will be treated "Firmly", but "Fairly" They have as much right to a special purpose bullet as any other pirate.;)

Winstun 19th Jun 2003 18:45

Kaptin, you really don't grasp things easily..too preoccupied with renewing your ONLY 9 ATPLs.:rolleyes: Here we go, I'll spell it out for you. Firstly, not mercenaries, but good upstanding successful citizens prepared to responsibly punish air pirates that are not, due to the incompetant judge problem. This program is not an "inflight operation", but for future hijackers that find themselves released to the public domain without having served proper punishment, and a risk to reoffend. I have always asserted the best defense is the good public pax that should react forecfully with aggression to any inflight hijack threat. With security flightdeck doors, and finally flightdeck tasers as a final defense. If I happen to be on board and terminate a potential hijacker, this is NOT air piracy, this is NOT unlawfully interfering with the aircraft and crew, this IS kicking ass and saving your sweet asses. Your welcome! :ok:
And Mr Harris, what "operation" are you refering to? Are you a potential terrorist? If you can get a gun on board, you might get some purpose bullets out to a few of us, but do you have enough bullets for the rest of the pax? I'm shakin in my boots :ooh:

amos2 19th Jun 2003 19:04


you really are my hero!!

Go boy, Go!!

Dale Harris 19th Jun 2003 19:10

You really are a clown my friend. Me a potential hijacker????? In the words of the Kaptin - Bwhahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! Your research is obviously lacking............ Read the post properly and you will plainly see where I am coming from. And as for your plan to "punish" those who do not get what you believe to be an appropriate sentence from the judges, well, be prepared to be spending some time inside yourself. You can add to your "education" there, I am sure.

Binoculars 19th Jun 2003 20:16

Well, I've been cocooned from all this by the simple expedient of putting Mr Winstun on Ignore when I said I was going to. But after reading the last post by Dale Harris, a man I have met and respect, I decided I was obviously missing out on something, so I un-ignored him and read his last few posts.

Hey boys, we've got a live one here, haven't we? I may have been a little generous in my original assessment of W as a tosser, but I'm not sure what the next step up is. Walter Mitty? Poor Wally was harmless. A dangerous psychopath? Maybe we're getting closer.

I must now do a search for all his other postings, which I have deprived myself of the pleasure of reading. If they're all up to this quality, it's a good night's entertainment coming up.

Winstun, you appear to have a brain, but it seems to be in rather dire need of urgent repairs. Unlike you, I have only one qualification, but your own medical qualifications should alert you to your own symptoms. Start with paranoia, Narcissism, delusions of grandeur, Messiah complex, and work from there.

Perhaps you could engage in high level talks with other citizens of your calibre, but alas, as the circus owner said to the retiring Human Cannonball, men of your calibre are hard to find, Winstun.

And, err, as for Dale, he would be too polite to say so, but he works for the organisation who are entrusted with protecting us all from loonies like you.

Get your hands off it, mate.

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