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Winstun 19th Jun 2003 21:08

Mr Harris, I know exactly where your coming from. Just demonstrating to you the same (mis)comprehension you showed to my post....:hmm:

And, err, as for Dale, he would be too polite to say so, but he works for the organisation who are entrusted with protecting us all from loonies like you.
Umm....is that like our entrusted politicians...entrusted judges...entrusted law enforcement.....:rolleyes: Gawd, are you friggin for real? Give me a bone. As far as security personnel go, my experience on six continents is consistent: they are mostly people of extremely low IQ, and on a social skills placement, one step above prison inmates. It's like joining the army, your last option in life. Not only are air marshalls irelevant to airline operational security, it's scandalous the good public are are having their hard earned cash wasted on this cheap publicity stunt. I can assure you all myself and my good collegues will not be doing any time for doing you a favor, we are way too smart for that! :ok:

Dale Harris 19th Jun 2003 21:29

Just to get that straight, when you said your operation was for the hijackers released back into society without proper punishment, that WAS what you meant, wasn't it.......? I thought so. My comprehension isn't so bad it seems. My comment stands. Prepare yourself for some time away from your friends, or possibly with them. The prisons are full of people who thought they were way too smart to get caught, you ********. Go and ask a few of the inmates!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, given your low opinion of law enforcement personnel, whoever/whatever their ilk, you would not belong to the type of person who criticises/bellyaches about them, only to squeal like a stuck pig for them when your world turns to ****. Or would you?

Still, I give you points for trying. You are keeping us all amused. :ok:

Binoculars 19th Jun 2003 21:39

Hmm, I've decided he's not really entertaining at all. Just another potential Timothy McVeigh.

Back into your Ignore cage, Winstun. I won't be bothering you again. (you must have two dicks, you couldn't be that silly playing with one)

Four Seven Eleven 19th Jun 2003 21:53


It may be worth noting the following:

Most people on this forum realise that you are a 'character' and that your posts are meant to be taken in jest. This, however, does not absolve you of responsibility for the content of those posts.

Having a bit of fun (e.g. telling people you are a multi-ATPL, paralegal, amateur surgeon who speaks eight languages and can maim in a multitude of ways) is all OK and is taken in the spirit in which it is intended, i.e. not to be taken too seriously.

On the other hand, some of your 'banter' has probably gone a little to far. Taken at face value, you have threatened the commision of a crime (wilful murder). While most people here will realise from your previous posts that you do not intend to be taken seriously, you should probably be careful how far you take the 'Winstun' character.

Even though we are all aware that you are not seriously going to 'assasinate' the next drunk on an aircraft, the mere fact that you have threatened to do so may be seen as a crime in itself. In this day and age (and the ease with which ISPs can be traced), it is unwise to publish criminal intent. Proving that you were 'only joking' becomes very embarrassing, both to you and your parents.

You should probably tell your parents what you have done and make sure that it does not happen again.

Spad 19th Jun 2003 21:57

Hey gents, after careful study of his lucid, penetrating posts and asking myself if there could be a flying organisation that would offer a professional aviator of the calibre of ‘Winstun’ five – and at one time seven – ATPLs , as hard as it might be to believe, I do believe I might have identified the subject of this thread.

In a previous life, could he have gone by the name of ‘Figjam’? And as for the organisation with selection standards so incredibly high that they would employ such a sterling character…? Surprising as it may seem, once there was one… Once.

What do you think, Kaptain M? Does the shoe fit?

Winstun 19th Jun 2003 22:21

Dale.....gotta be a security pewson dat dink he bery smat....calling me a ********. Must have been challenging coming up with that vocabulary. :rolleyes: 4711, you might think I'm "a character" and "having a bit of fun". I can assure you I am NOT JOKING.

you have threatened the commision of a crime (wilful murder).
Give a friggin bone. Accidentely terminating a potential terrorist hijacker in self defense, my friend. Somehow I don't think an Australian judge is going to give any good pax time for that when one considers the lax sentances given out to hijackers themselves. Are you paying attention? :rolleyes: I will say it, and say it again: ANY person, regardless of intent, that threatens hijack of aircraft WILL be taken DOWN and hopefully OUT by good pax of the flight. Not criminal intent, public education. 4711, you should probably go tell your parents to thank me. :ok:

Dale Harris 19th Jun 2003 22:27

No challenge at all.......... Fairly self evident really, even to bery smat lad like me........ Hell, even you could work that one out! :ok:

Winstun 20th Jun 2003 07:08

It is exceptionally nauseating when you see these "security personnel" types trying to imply they have some form of integrity or capability. Just aint real. These people, for the most part, would otherwise be driving a taxi or in prison (in fact, many probably have been). It's clearly evident, I don't need to convince the viewers. As far as so called air marshalls, what a joke. What percentage of airline flights are carrying these jokers visiting friends and relatives on the back of the taxpayer? Really effective. As a captain, I would rather have a planeload of good fighting pax taking care of a hijacker than some ex-army, ex-PI fruitloop. I'm all for effective law enforcement, but for the most part, it just aint there. That is why I am educating my fellow aviators, the majority who, approve my information. Despite the pathetic small minded attacks here by a few pansies protecting their little agendas. My position with relation to the seperate "punishment / hijackers off the streets program" is purely one of executive consultancy. With members inside several government organizations, there is no risk except to the air pirate criminals. Regardless, it appears that some here think that if you commit a serious crime in Australia, you do serious jail time. This is not to understand the official Australian justice system. The silent majority of the viewers are grateful for the responsibilty my friends and good self are taking to ensure their future safety. :ok:

amos2 20th Jun 2003 09:24

ah! yes!...

this is getting better every day!...

I've become a Winstun junkey!

Dale Harris 20th Jun 2003 14:15

Just out of interest winstun, where, other than in your own mind, is your own integrity or capability? Just curious. Oh, let me guess, that's your business and none of ours? Of course it is.........

Lefthanded_Rock_Thrower 20th Jun 2003 14:36

Winstun, you are continually contradicting yourself, one minute you're saying that australian judges are idiots, then the next saying that one of "these" judges would see good sense and a community service being provided in you "Teminating" someone trying to hi-jack an aircraft, please explain ?

Winstun 20th Jun 2003 14:45

Integrity...........hard to explain,you know when you got it. My capability? Well put it this way, it's a LOT more than pulling teens over for speeding or poling an old navajo around. Unfortunately, several unsavoury characters here get mighty upset when I even reveal a portion of my attributes. God ol' Aussie ENVY...:rolleyes: LHR, sentances are way too lenient, termination may be a little hard, but I was "just testing...oops". Don't do it, don't worry. :ok:

Dale Harris 20th Jun 2003 15:10

"You know when you got it." I did say, "other than in your own mind." That's the second funniest post on here so far. BTW, you still need a little more research........... I don't know what it is you're smoking, but could you spare a little?:p

Buster Hyman 20th Jun 2003 17:19

Welcome back Winnie. :rolleyes:

So, in the interests of my safety, you would have used lethal force on that pensioner who had taken a boxcutter, I think, on a flight recently?

Just think how much longer turnarounds will be, as every pax member is SHlTTING their pants, hoping that you aren't on their flight, because a toothpick was included with their meal!:uhoh:

I feel sorry for the poor sod who suddenly gets an attack of the squirts & races forward to the dunny, only to find Winnie jump out & break his friggin' neck! Nice one!:ouch:

Oh well, next time I'm flying, I'll keep an eye out for the guy/gal wearing battle fatigues, sunglasses & a beret with an SAS logo on it...that way, I'll know my personal safety is being taken care of by...

Special Agent Winnie! (The thinking man's DlCKHEAD!)

Oh, and it's "Throw me a friggin' bone here!":suspect:

amos2 20th Jun 2003 17:29

...isn't this just wonderful!...

Capt Snooze 20th Jun 2003 17:38

I did think he went a tiny bit over the top with the eight languages though, amos2

Snooze :p

OpsNormal 20th Jun 2003 18:31

....The silent majority of the viewers are grateful for the responsibilty my friends and good self are taking....
Speak for yourself, you self-obsessed fool.

Human nature, or at least indignation is what is driving most of the replies you have had to your words Winstun. Why on earth do you draw pleasure from being such a pain in the behind?

Not that I could give a sh!t, even from our previous conversations WRT a completely different topic you completely and utterly exposed yourself as someone who had no actual of late experience to the the subject we were discussing, and relied heavily upon facts researched and presented by others to present a point, and couldn't for the life of yourself draw upon your own life experience to answer the questions posed to you.

Have you got any real idea what you are on about? Not only that, why are you riding "down the back" of the aircraft?

maximus 20th Jun 2003 19:37

WINNIE , you're back. I've just come back from a four day trip and how I've missed you, couldn't wait to log on and see what new tales you have to tell us.
Man, you are one funny guy. Dr. Captain Rambo the paralegal linguist, you keep many of us in a constant state of amusement.
Keep up the good work old son.
Your second biggest fan (after the Kaptin), Maximus ;)

Winstun 20th Jun 2003 19:52

Ops, I don't understand your agression here, but it is evident you haven't had much of a broad experience in life, which is logical seeing your location. I have had more experience in one year than you will probably see in a lifetime. Do not envy me, learn from me. I might not, like you, have all the trivial statistics at hand, but many here rely on me for pertinent world overview, information and executive deduction. I am certainly not riding "down the back", but am representing the wider public (and pilot) education process on 21st century hijack threat. Buster, you misrepresent me and increasingly good citizen's position on lethal force. We are not mercenaries, special agents, nor killers. However.........we will NOT tolerate a real hijack threat. Is a pensioner waving around boxcutters in a threatening manner a hijack threat? Yes. You CAN NOT assume otherwise. Snooze, suprised nobody has yet suggested K's ONLY 9 ATPLs is not "just a bit over the top". Oh, that's right, he's a pandering agreeable matey. :ooh: Four of my languages are very similar, including Spanish, French, Italian.......:zzz:

Buster Hyman 20th Jun 2003 20:05

...And the poor old (hypothetical) pensioner, who finds the (hypothetical) boxcutter in his seat pocket, holds it up to hand to the crew, suddenly gets his neck broken (hypothetically) by a deranged vigilante who thinks he's saving the (hypothetical) aircraft!

Innocent until proven guilty, my friend. You are condoning pre-emptive strikes based upon your assumptions about a situation. Naturally, I concede that an International Man of Mystery, such as yourself, would be in the best position to judge these situations:rolleyes: but I'd certainly watch with interest when your self proclaiming righteousness is hauled before the lax Australian Judge, by an illiterate security guard...Et tu Brute'?

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