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Pseudonymn 20th Jun 2003 20:14

Ops, I don't understand your agression here, but it is evident you haven't had much of a broad experience in life, which is logical seeing your location. I have had more experience in one year than you will probably see in a lifetime. Do not envy me, learn from me.


I promised myself I wouldn't get drawn into this but that's the funniest thing I've read all week!:p

Winstun, you obviously don't know what the hell you are talking about. :rolleyes:

I wonder what he'll have to say about me now? ô¿ò

OpsNormal 20th Jun 2003 20:21

Nah Winstun, you must be right - because you said so. My experience in life? Somewhat diverse actually, why thank-you for questioning it. Once again, you have no idea of the validity of the aspersion you cast, for I have not lead a short and boring life at all. Career number three actually, with close enough to ten years in each of the prior ones to this one.

What drives my anger? I'm not angry at all! Quite the opposite, however one may draw that conclusion from words that are directed at someone being rather childish as perhaps your wording may be construed.

Learn from you? Well maybe I've seen enough persons of your demeanor and attitude to have learnt a great deal more than you almost certainly have, in fact enough not to make the same mistakes you have here. You certainly have little or no interpersonal skills, nothing in the way of tact (in fact I would have thought that tact would perhaps have been one of the most utilised skills in CRM), something that someone with (who really cares how many) ATPL's would have down pat by now.

How short your memory is, might it be early onset dimentia?

Go away little man, this is hardly the deep end of the pool, and your feet are finding it difficult going.

My location? No more bizarre or far removed than your "planit". Which one by the way?, you certainly appear rather different to most.

Your naivety is rather entertaining, though.

Woomera 20th Jun 2003 21:45

I reckpon this must be our old mate Slasher taking you all for a run around the block. :D :cool:

Otherwise, just heed that sage advice and never make eye contact with a nutter.:zzz:

Dale Harris 20th Jun 2003 22:43

You know something we don't Woomera??:D ;)

Capt Snooze 21st Jun 2003 02:40

My God!
I've been Winstun'd!

Finally made the bigtime................... :cool:


GoGirl 21st Jun 2003 02:40

...in your case Dale, hardly astounding :p

(see, told you I missed you!)

This Winstun character is a cracker :bored:

GG :=

Kaptin M 21st Jun 2003 08:43

As your #1 fan, Winstun, I am still trying to formulate an overall image of you - my idol.

Hi Dale, howtheheckareya? Great to see some professional input on this thread...if Winnie only knew how far off his assessment of you he really is!!:cool:

Sorry, Winstun..umm..here were we??..I'm your #1 fan...you're a cool dude...everyones' idol......right, got it now.
Winstun, you seem to be more interested in our (Australian) justice system, than aviation per se.
Possibly you have decided to make an appearance here on PPRuNe, because of the current (since 911) high profile media attention aviation has/is receiving?

Are you REALLY aviation-orientated - or is it simply the fact that YOU feel that perhaps the best way you think you can have some input into affecting Australia's justice system is via aviation?

Your belief that those who stray from the "straight and narrow" don't receive adequate punitive remand from our justice system isn't unique in itself - but that you (and a few others), feel the NEED to follow-up with your OWN justice is more than a little BIZZARE, my friend!

Vigilantes is a word/term that springs to mind, Winstun, and THAT is OUTSIDE the law.
What you have outlined here on PPRuNe is IL-legal, Winstun.

But that's why WE are here.
To help YOU, Winstun!!
(BTW, Spad, I think that Winnie is a lot more over the top than Ray aka Captain America is).

Although you SAY that you hold heaps of qualifications, Win - and I certainly am not one who is worthy of questioning them - it would seem that you haven't achieved the goal to which you ultimately aspire...or that you have been REJECTED from it :{.....possibly for good reason:ok:

As for my 9 ATP's being over the top..'twas a case of had to, to survive.
With a little more experience under YOUR belt (and in your log book), Winstun, you too might realise/realize - when you grow up - that it's all in a day's work.
Redsnail is a fine example of a pilot doing ALL that she HAS to, to survive in this industry, as is Dale and many others who log on here.
Your "good self" not excluded, Winsie!!
Just that you still have a loooooooong way yet to go :(

But I'm STILL your #1 fan!!

"Gimme a frickin' bone"

****** I can't get the *.gif to run either. 'W'

Jamair 21st Jun 2003 08:55

Hey, OPS howyougoin, orright?

Don't be offended by ol' mate; apparently since our last meeting I've become a 'frustrated middle manager' (the gospel according to 'winstoned').


Col. Walter E. Kurtz 21st Jun 2003 10:22

A proposition...
Winstun, I am really considering retiring.

Being a nemesis of the US just isn't what it used to be, especially with trademarks like Bin Laden and his associate Al Quaeda taking all the spotlight. I could never quite crack the global spotlight like those guys, and frankly, at my age I am starting to think that I would rather spend my twilight years sleeping on a soft mattress, maybe even buy one of those modern Beta Video Cassette Players and hang out with Caucasians once again - just to get back to my roots.

I was therefore wondering if you would be interested in my current position.

You would have your own Montagnard army, who would worship you like a god, and follow every order however ridiculous.

You would no longer have to deal with drivelling fools questioning your methods.

No need to write. Just come up the Nung River wearing a yellow tie, and we'll find you.


amos2 21st Jun 2003 10:54

I'm off for a few days fellas'...

keep it goin' till I get back will ya?

Onya Winstun!!

Four Seven Eleven 21st Jun 2003 14:02


4711, you might think I'm "a character" and "having a bit of fun". I can assure you I am NOT JOKING.
I'm still not convinced. The quality, tone, language and lack of intellectual rigour in your posts still leaves me with an image of a pimply 16-year old wannabe who is having a bit of a laugh at pretending to be this rabid, but intellectually challenged 'Rambo' type (with the obligatory 'covert ops' backgound).

So either you are:[list=1][*]A pubescent wannabe with delusions of grandeur, who makes regular posts designed to inflame opinion; or[*]A dangerous psycho, with an obvious grudge against Australia, any form of military or security personnel, the judiciary and pilots in general[/list=1]

If the answer is 1, then no harm done, except for the fact that you have, perhaps inadvertently, committed a crime by making a public declaration of your intent to commit premeditated murder. As a matter of interest, you might find it hard to explain how you can plan to "accidentely terminat(e) a potential terrorist hijacker in self defense, my friend. "

If the answer is 2, then there is reason for us to be concerned, as, under the wrong set of circumstances you might in fact have the 'accident' that you have planned and threatened.

Perhaps we could come to an arrangement. As per your frequent requests, someone could give you a "friggin' bone" and you could quietly retire somewhere to play with your bone.

One last thing: You referred to me, in the quote above as your "friend." In the interests of accuracy and my own sense of dignity and pride, would you be so kind as to correct this error.

Winstun 21st Jun 2003 17:43

Well, well. You all want answers, I’m a busy man but here goes.
Buster, your hypotheticals are flawed:

...And the poor old (hypothetical) pensioner, who finds the (hypothetical) boxcutter in his seat pocket, holds it up to hand to the crew, suddenly gets his neck broken (hypothetically) by a deranged vigilante who thinks he's saving the (hypothetical) aircraft!
I personally know of several highly trained marshal arts pensioners aged 60s, 70s that are could kill you without weapon in seconds. A similar capable hijacker could bring down a plane very quickly. Your risk assumptions based on age or appearance to identify terrorists or deranged suiciders are fantasy. However, if your above hypothetical “ONLY holds up his hand and got neck broken”, I would expect an unlikely event, and not a real hijack threat… but too bad, good pax are in self defense alert mode in 2003.

Innocent until proven guilty
Problem is, by the time you take to realize they are guilty….bye, bye, baby..you’re dead. What you are condoning is risking the life of all on board by failing to act timely and with the consequence of terminating one REAL threat. I am certainly not advocating breaking necks to your ridiculous hypotheticals. Even so, I concede it may on rare occasion occur, unfortunate. This is not pre-emptive action, but reactive. I think many of the average pax group are able to make that judgement – that a hijack threat is current - as seen in recent cases.
Ops, I read you clearly. To be frank, I have not been impressed with your intelligence level in previous posting, however please do not be discouraged. “Interpersonal skills and tact”. You mean you buddies stroking each other on this forum right? Understand that effective and worthwhile educated change is sometimes painful. By the way, my CRM skills are outstanding and I have given many classes on this subject.
Dale and Kaptin…pulling each others chains on my time, how lovely. hmm:: Kaptin, no useful contribution to make yourself? How unusual..:rolleyes:

THAT is OUTSIDE the law.
Ooohh…and lemee guess, you NEVER broke a law?

What you have outlined here on PPRuNe is IL-legal
Oh my, lordy lordy, and watching your plane dive to the ground while you sit quietly cause your too friggin wussy to do anything, afraid you might break some madman’s neck. But hey, you’re a happy camper, cause you aint doin nothing IL-legal. How perfectly proper you present yourself.

As for my 9 ATP's being over the top..'twas a case of had to, to survive.
I'm gonna friggin cry, you poor chap. Now, I’m guessing you had about 1 ATP in 1989, and picking up another 8 since rates you as an ATP per 1.75 years man. :ooh:

example of a pilot doing ALL that she HAS to, to survive in this industry
Dont know what your on about but it sounds sexy.

my own sense of dignity and pride
Really? As an ATC that does not comprehend basic VMC flight procedure…:sad:..

making a public declaration of your intent to commit premeditated murder
very sensational, but very incorrect; never declared any such thing and to who? I am getting tired of repeating myself but in the interests of education to ALL, even you: I encourage all pax to use their full defense capabilities in taking out a hijack threat. Yes, in my case that would often quite easily result in accidental termination. IF I did get jail time for such (from Aussie judge….yeah right), I would be comforted in the knowledge that I did right and I would hope most here would be grateful that I had saved their families and loved ones. Thank you.

OpsNormal 21st Jun 2003 18:40

I would be comforted in the knowledge that I did right and I would hope most here would be grateful that I had saved their families and loved ones. Thank you.
Shed wike a twoo profeshunal shoopaheero Winshtun! Shank yoo for being shuch a wegend! I'm in shock and awe of shuch shuper-dooper shtudley acshuns and words. One day when my daddy shez I can I'm gunna get me a cape and fly in the big pwanes and shave peeple jusht wike you do!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist that one, it was there and ripe for the picking.

Jamster Jayzus! You've gone all company orientated now, we'll never get you back! Been weely, ahem, really good and fighting fit. Since last have moved into the "big town", and have moved a few doors up from original workplace.

How's Mrs Jamair and Jamette going, OK? Oh, and that sexxy metal beast you've been getting around in of late?

OpsN. :D

Kaptin M 21st Jun 2003 19:02

Back from more high level talks, Winstun?
In fact, only yesterday I was having high level talks about YOU - at 31,000' with the F/O. We had quite a few laughs, and I think you've won him over as a "fan" as well.
Your sense of humour IS unique, Winsie, but your guesswork needs some honing, "Now, I’m guessing you had about 1 ATP in 1989... Sorry pal, wrong again.

But back to your root problem, Winstun - the Australian judiciary....."IF I did get jail time for such (from Aussie judge….yeah right)".

Did you get a knockback from a security guard job?
Or some kid who zipped your smart mouth for you, got off with only a slap on the wrist?

You see, Winstun, you talk tough, but in reality tough people don't (talk tough) because they don't NEED to - whereas YOU have this NEED to tell all of us here what a tough, and important guy you are..."I’m a busy man..".

Have a friggin' bone, Winstun!!

Buster Hyman 21st Jun 2003 19:05

pensioners aged 60s, 70s that are could kill you without weapon in seconds
Yes, I hear incontinence can be lethal!:rolleyes: Your arrogance in assuming that your deduction of a situation is always correct is frightening. You don't even realise that your way of handling even my hypotheticals, is exactly the aim of terrorist organisations. Break down our society & all it stands for, by allowing paranoid vigilante's, such as yourself, to espose the virtues of pre-emptive attacks on "suspected" terrorists! You don't seem to like our justice system, fair enough, I didn't like losing my licence, but I wouldn't take out any QC's out of bitterness.

Yes, my little hypotheticals would be insulting to you, seems they worked just fine then!

wingnutt 21st Jun 2003 19:58

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zBORINGzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!

Geez, can anyone recommend a :mad: DECENT forum??:zzz:

Woomera 21st Jun 2003 21:56

Why are you blokes giving this bloke "air: ?

Buster Hyman 21st Jun 2003 23:11

It's fun Woomera! Besides, this is the most posts I've seen without reference to...you know when...from...you know who!!;) ;)

Four Seven Eleven 22nd Jun 2003 05:38

Oh, Winnie

You call me

an ATC that does not comprehend basic VMC flight procedure
Now we're talking. Let's see your credentials on this one to prove that you're not just an obnoxious bag of wind.

What is the basis for this statement? Time to put up, Winnie. Maybe then you'll get your 'friggin' bone'.

As to your threats to commit murder:

making a public declaration of your intent to commit premeditated murder
very sensational, but very incorrect; never declared any such thing and to who
Well, how about............

Yes, if I were on the flight, I would have immediately disarmed him. Given the opportunity? Yes, I would have terminated him.

For the simpler minds here: what this means is there will be no witness to my real intent. As I am familiar with unarmed combat, and acting in self defense, I am able to "accidentally" make a quick and effective kill without any weapon.
In light of the current security situation, making public threats in print, even with the fleeting and tenuous protection of anonomity is either extremely unwise or evidence of a raving loony.

I suspect that the only time you engage in 'unarmed combat' is in a battle of wits.;)

maximus 22nd Jun 2003 10:02

Woomera, agree entirely with Buster , on both his points. We all know Winnie The Wonderful is a raving fruitloop but he brings a smile to my face with his constant rantings.:p

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