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Propstop 13th Jul 2008 22:15

I was on the delayed flight from JNB. The sheet given to the passengers blaming the LAME strikes was slanderous. I did my best to fill as many people in on the truth of the delay and it was warmly received.
There were many passengers who ended up with substandard accommodation as well as many premium passengers who are fed up with QF who will be taking their business elsewhere in the future.
I sent a note of appreciation to the crew for not continuing the lie during the PA announcement and the service we got from the crew who were doing a very professional job under the circumstances. The aircraft was full of some very unhappy passengers and I know the crew copped a lot of flack. The general feeling was directed toward the management, especially after I mentioned that GD is on record saying he does not care about passengers or staff, only shareholders.
The general opinion is that the once proud QANTAS brand is being effectively trashed.
As I do rotations in Africa I have to ask my travel department to make QF an airline of last resort if they want me at work on time, at least until there is a change of board and upper management within QF.
I was also asked the average wage of the LAME and I replied my basic rate paid every month is more than the average QF LAME who works eleven months and I only work six months of the year, and in the time I work I double my monthly take home pay so my total pay for six months work is more than double the QF pay. I also informed many people that LAMES were having to work at least 30+ hours a week overtime to allow QF to keep the schedules on time and give a decent take home pay sufficient to pay the mortgage etc.
It certainly negated the 'greedy LAMES' sheet handed to the pax.
To the ALAEA, you certainly have grown a large pair of balls and a decent game plan to match, it has taken a long time and I salute you. I only wish that was the case all those years ago when I worked in Australia as the association office holders were guaranteed a management job at the end of their tenure if they did as told by the airlines, eg BD.
I only pray that FOG happens sooner rather than later.

opalops 13th Jul 2008 23:08

I applaude you propstop for your comments to the traveling public. Everybody should do the same to stop these lies QF management are spreading :D

ejectx3 14th Jul 2008 00:01

Why not take the lies to the media? You guys really need a prime time media slot . Especially the youth day pilgrims flight delay with the blame being layed at the engineers feet when it is publically known that industrial action if not occuring at the moment.

I cant understand why that letter is not all over the papers as total management bullcrap.

shagonarock 14th Jul 2008 00:30

Well said Propstop
Perhaps as an idea, We should be handing out leaflets of our own to all QF
Passengers lining up to check their bags in.

I'm sure we could successfully raise a few eyebrows, by explaining
the true nature of QF management, and the contempt they hold
for their Staff in General.

Ngineer 14th Jul 2008 00:41

I am sure the ALAEA know what they are doing. All it would take is just 1 media clip on prime time TV for people to realise management's dirty tricks, if they have'nt already as most do.

I don't think they realise how much Australians are sick of this "employee bashing" and "us and them" mentallity. The death of the Howard Gov should have made that obvious.

Konehead 14th Jul 2008 01:00

Perhaps as an idea, We should be handing out leaflets of our own to all QF
Passengers lining up to check their bags in.

I'm sure we could successfully raise a few eyebrows, by explaining
the true nature of QF management, and the contempt they hold
for their Staff in General.
Pity it's a dismissible offence to bag the company. Yet it's ok for the company to hand out slanderous notes to customers. Oh the hypocrisy.

Galley Raider 14th Jul 2008 01:02

FUD busters
Another FUD (Fear, uncertainty and doubt) busting story.

"...the significant strengthening of Asian currencies against the dollar in recent months has helped mitigate some of the effects of the ever-rising price of oil, traded in dollars, while historically low interest rates have made paying for new aircraft less expensive."

Full story Low-cost Asian airlines thriving on silver linings - International Herald Tribune

GD, you won't be able to manipulate the workers, the shareholders, and the customers all at the same time. Even if the FUD is true this time I am sure you have heard of the "boy who cried wolf".

Bye Bye GD (FOG) Thanks for nuttin'. The true owners of this once great airline will stay behind to pick up the pieces.

middleman 14th Jul 2008 04:20

anyone know why the QF12 isn't leaving L.A tonight ?
I was told PAX are in hotels and a replacement aircraft will be there for a 9am departure.

QF MAINT OUTSOURCED 14th Jul 2008 04:33

Man This Is Starting To Sound Like A Mess

lordofthewings 14th Jul 2008 05:12

Anyone know of the outcome of the meeting today.

pablo m 14th Jul 2008 05:50

false doctrine
I've asked before and I will ask again, FedSec, why are there no rebuttals by the association in the media by ad's etc to the slanderous and offensive letters given to pax blaming 'their delay' on industrial action?
we busted a gut getting aircraft out to have these things waved in our face by an apologetic ground staffer, and watched the pax walk on board all reading this crap! come on, get our side of things out there, the aussie public need to know that QF management are destroying an icon.

Millet Fanger 14th Jul 2008 06:29

Qantas 'lying about flight cancellations'
Pablo M - If you listened to ABC News at midday today, or go to Google News - Qantas, you would have heard the above headline. Our Fed Sec was/is in the media today giving our side of the argument - namely that the vast majority of cancellations at the moment is of Qantas's doing. Chief reason being consolidation of flights.

ALAEA Fed Sec 14th Jul 2008 07:22


I will answer the questions when asked about the reasons for delays but I will not make the Qantas garbage a focal point in the media by proactively promoting their lies. This would in a round about way validate their untruths in the eyes of some.

We do have a brochure ready for the pax and are currently looking at various means for its distribution.

chksatis 14th Jul 2008 10:26

fed sec
To the fed sec.....

Did qf offer a sweetner at the negotiating table, when you deicided to defer stop work meetings until the end of WYD week? I know it may be wrong for the patrons that are attending this event, but stop work meetings would have been so effective during this week as all flights internationally and domestically are stacked and further delays would have been great negative news for the airline.

domo 14th Jul 2008 11:22

To the fed sec.....
are we any closer to getting a result then when we started, I know both sides are hurting but are the "meetings" getting more or less productive?

ALAEA Fed Sec 14th Jul 2008 11:36

Just to answer a few questions.

I have a you tube vid ready to go but have been advised that it doesn't look professional enough.

We are closer to a result than in Jan. It is a matter of when what we see on the table matches what we think our members would find acceptable and yes we monitor this site and use that partially as a gauge.

Qf didn't ask or know that we were calling off stoppages while the Pope was here. They expected us to do what unions used to do and target these periods. This in turn would have lead to Govt. intervention and the end of our campaign. The only negative news would have been against unions and ours specifically.

Just take it easy guys, the result will come. As a great man once said - "sit by the bank of a river long enough and watch the dead bodies of your enemies go floating by".

In other news we have been informed that all Qantas management strike breakers have been added to a list held by MAS management for those engineers that are "unemployable". Their names sit next to the Newport strike breakers pilfered from Malaysia.

ampclamp 14th Jul 2008 11:48

to the fed sec
Do you know of the john holland ads from last weeks press ?

Are they just rattling our cages or are Jh just looking to cash in on the cancelled international contracts or are they trying to punt the base for example or the lot of us in your opinion ?

ALAEA Fed Sec 14th Jul 2008 11:56

I can't comment on rumours. If I did I would be very busy.

tail wheel 14th Jul 2008 13:04

This thread was closed due to one user posting a malicious comment about another person. The post has been removed - and so has the user!!!

We will not tolerate malicious or libelous comments which name individuals. :=

Also due to the size of this thread and time constraints, the Moderators do not have the time to read and consider the content of every post. If you see a post which mentions or identifies any individual - even by initials - click on the "Report this Post" link, a small red triangle at the lower left, below the poster's name. That action sends a direct link to the Forum Moderators.

During my investigation of a complaint, I had cause to check the IP addresses of users and using tools available to me, compare/search user IP addresses.

The results were rather surprising, to say the least! :E

Also be aware that our detection of multiple user names is a very simple process.

Without going into details, every time you access the internet you leave a "footprint" here and on the computer you use. Be aware that the computer terminal owner could be aware of the sites visited and possibly the content of your posts.

If you come to this forum or thread for the sole purpose of stirring trouble, your PPRuNe career will be very short.

You have been warned! :=


Tail Wheel

ALAEA Fed Sec 14th Jul 2008 22:08

Not me guys. Whose posts are missing?

For those unaware, when you post it leaves a stamp called an ip address. When you are a moderator you can click on a user and see all the different "characters" that are linked by the same address.

If you were stirring the pot by using 5 or 6 different names, Pprune would know. If you were to post from home under 2 different users and then decided to go to an internet cafe to put up some names or initials of strikebreakers under one of them, you could get caught out.

This site has been a great tool for us all to keep in touch over our short campaign. Lets make sure we don't blow that by posting something that borders on the defamatory.


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