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Mech-prentice 12th Jul 2008 14:51

6th June 2008, 06:11

Originally Posted by cpiom
As I have previuosly said we the passangers don't care who causes us inconvenience, when we are told it is the mechanics, as far as we are concerned it is you! In the last couple of weeks that is the same announcement that comes over the PA over and over again.

12th July 2008, 20:41

Originally Posted by cpiom
Yes I am a LAME in Syd and no I will not walk out when the rest of you do.

Ngineer 12th Jul 2008 15:31

What a tosser!

FULLY SICK DICK 12th Jul 2008 16:07

CPIOM = LAME PASSENGER (aka sc@b):ok:


enemy commander 12th Jul 2008 20:12

Gone All Quite On Us Mendaero :=

wantsta 12th Jul 2008 23:26

[quote=cpiom; And to the gutless QF trainer from QF training Syd who used his privileges to send the list of the alternative workforce people being trained to the ALAEA[/quote]

cpiom, The only gutless people in this situation here are the ALTERNATIVE WORKFORCE OR SCABS, who want their names kept out of the public domain. Why is that ??? Therein lies the definition of GUTLESS.

vortsa 12th Jul 2008 23:34

Australia: Unions give Qantas a "breathing space" to prepare fresh assault on engineers

I think all ALAEA members should read this article, then think what the next step should be and then...........

Maintain the Rage

F.O.G. 12th Jul 2008 23:40

Well, if nothing else we now know CPIOM has a very poor informations source.

False accusations, slander, a touch of racism..:= .treading a VERY fine line there mate....in fact, with such a detailed description I can only think of one guy in boros who fits it, so I guess if he now encounters abuse or trouble because of your post you're in the same sticky spot as Mendaero........especially if he chooses to report you to the authorities........

Wrong section for Mendaero mate. I'm pretty sure I know the guy you are accusing and you are WAY off the mark. He does post here but certainly isn't Mendaero and certainly doesn't have ANY inside knowledge of union activities as it seemed Mendaero did.

But then if you don't believe me I'm sure he'd love to see you grow some balls and accuse him to his face!

division1 13th Jul 2008 00:01

Who cares about the scab list anyhow, it's easy to see
which side of the fence one sits.
You are either with the lames, or against them.
Unlike management, when this is over, the lames will not
forget your actions that have prolonged this dispute.

redhawk37 13th Jul 2008 01:22

You guys are such a yawn, and you somehow think others dont know who you might be - :oh:? I now understand why you think you are untouchabe because you feel safe that you wont be part of any adverse fall out from this stupid strategy - good for you, such bravery. By the way, threatened anybody near the tool crib lately?:D Whats that old Bowie song ...."we can be Heroes.........just for one day" :yuk:

ejectx3 13th Jul 2008 02:14

Redtard...all these guys want is cost of living for christs sake. You are lower than pond scum.

One Eye Redundant 13th Jul 2008 03:04

I'm sure I once saw a Redhawk on a David Attenborough documentary. It had a tendency to squawk meaninglessly while crapping in it's own nest.

vortsa 13th Jul 2008 03:45

I seem to think that it was on the endangered list, if not it soon will be.

Long Bay Mauler 13th Jul 2008 05:29

Just had a relative phone me to ask why the lunchtime Syd-Per flight was cancelled on Friday.I can only guess it was a B743.

The helpful ground staff informed the passengers that because the engineers were striking that day,that the flight was cancelled until that evening.And that the cancellation was not due to the aircraft being broken.

So thanks to the ground staff at Syd Dom involved in perpetuating the lies from management.:D

As everyone knows,the message would have passed to POCO from engineering that the aircraft was delayed for such and such a reason.So from that point there,who decided to turn the truth into a lie?

Was it POCO?Was it the SYD Dom MACS and his subordinates?Or was pressure applied from Senior management to turn the cancelled flight into industrial action?Was the flight really cancelled due to low passengers numbers?

Would Senior managers prefer the aircraft to fly whilst U/S?

It appears so........:=

lordofthewings 13th Jul 2008 05:55

A friend in Adl tells me there are still quite a few LAMES doing relief work in Alice, and will soon be asking for people to help out in Darwin because guys are walking.
Way to stay on the same page Adelaide boys and girls, like i said earlier, weak as pis.!

Toolpants 13th Jul 2008 06:30

What an airline. Way to go Management.
The morning 743 to Syd that broke in Perth, was fixed at about 1800. They could not send it to Syd because of SYD curfew. They then sent it to Mel Empty as a positioning flight as another 743 was due in Perth later.

Another 743 finally came to Perth. Although its STD “from Perth” was supposed to be about 1600 Saturday, it didn’t arrive until 0030 Sunday.

The plan was for a quick turn around.

Pax were all on (full load) by about 0200 and then…. Flight crew out of hours.

Apparently the ground staff were all too scared to tell the Pax. These were the Sat morning Pax still trying to get to Syd.

0230 Sunday- very angry pax file back into the terminal.

I think the A/C is still there.

another superlame 13th Jul 2008 06:34

CPIOM if and when this EBA gets sorted out QF wont give a rats arse whether or not you went on strike or did or didn't support the PIA.
You will still be just a number to the powers that be, and you will still have to face the guys you stiffed for a payrise every working day.
The cold shoulder/silent treatment for the rest of your QF career will not doubt be a difficult thing.

1me 13th Jul 2008 07:04

I have consistantly said, lets bridge the gap a bit now, wait out GD and deal with the next management.
Redhawk..what makes you think that the next lot of management will be any different? Why would they choose to deal with us any differently than this group or indeed previous groups have?

We have been taking your approach for the last ten years and look how far it has got us! We have been the ones prepared to give to help the company and the company laughs at us and spits in our face. When do they give? When do they bargain? When do they show anything but comtempt for us "(in their words)..over-paid...15-20% behind world's best practice..." LAME's?

If we were to act in the manner that you suggest, then the company will just think that they can continue to push us around without so much as a whimper coming from us. It's not going to happen.

Management have slowly but surely reduced this once great company to the dysfunctional mess that is currently is. This saddens and angers me. And then, when they walk away, they'll get their payout and wash their hands of the whole sorry mess and there'll be no recrimination, no-one brought to task, no-one to have to account for their destructive actions.

And you, Redhawk, have the gall to blame us for this! You say that we are acting inappropriately! You say that we should cop it on the chin to save our jobs! I don't mind differing views but please don't be offended if the vast majority of us disagree vehemently with your opinion!

SpannerTwister 13th Jul 2008 14:14

Causing disruptions

Qantas flight delays a trial for WYD pilgrims

TWO Qantas flights carrying scores of World Youth Day pilgrims from Perth to Sydney have been delayed by up to 16 hours.
The flights were due to take off from Perth at midday and 4.15pm today, but the airline said the ongoing industrial standoff with its engineers had prompted a major rescheduling.

"The industrial action by the Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association (ALAEA) continues to affect some Qantas flights in terms of delays and cancellations,'' the spokesman said tonight.

"This has been the case in Perth today."

I thought we weren't having any stopwork meetings over this period as a show of good-faith to the WYD organisers ?

Apparently we still are !!!


Long Bay Mauler 13th Jul 2008 14:33

Well Geoff if you keep letting Bullshetti keep telling lies like that for you,you will reap what you sow.................

Keep it up

Maintain the Rage:ok:

PS Dont forget we tell our friends and relatives,and they tell their friends and relatives that it aint industrial action thats stopping your planes
Its YOU!!!!

And guess what,its a numbers game,and we will win.Because we have more numbers to spread the truth than you have to spread the lies:p

Sunfish 13th Jul 2008 16:40

Nice to see the trolls out and about again.

Please don't take their bait.

Don't label them as scabs - they aren't, they are management.

Do exactly what your Fed. Sec. tells you, no more, no less.

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