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Konehead 20th Jun 2008 01:14

In fact ticket prices have risen faster than the fuel prices and we are making record profits.
We WERE making record profits. Not any more.
I hear from a reliable source that forward bookings have plummeted. No-one is buying tickets with QF anymore. Especially to London. It would seem that dispatch reliability has affected consumer confidence. When you buy a ticket you expect to get there on the advertised day, let alone the time. That has to be costing millions in lost revenue.
The "alternative workforce" must be costing a pretty penny. A very reliable source (an "alternative worker")tells me the following:
1. 55 "alternative workers"
2. $100,000 for first 6 months, or $211,000/week in "sit-down money"
3. $140,000 for second 6 months
4. Accomodation in serviced apartments in Sydney: conservatively assume $150/night, or $57,000/week
5. All training (CAR214, airside drivers authority, you name it) - God knows how much!
6. Fllights up and down the east coast for "famil" and "positioning" - God knows how much!
That's a pretty expensive insurance policy, considering the ALAEA has been publicly adamant that QF aren't going to provoke us into "striking".
The hotel bills (5-star accomodation), meal vouchers (@$30 each) and taxi fares for pax on delayed/cancelled flights has gotta be hurting.
Massive amounts of overtime for planning, ops and frontline staff to deal with the delays and disruptions.
All that leave we can't take is a liability on the company books. No leave for 2 months now, and no likelihood of getting any soon. Ouch.
Lost customers: a good source once told me that internal research has shown that once QF lose a customer, they never get them back, due to the superior product offered elsewhere. No point having an award winning IFE product if the IFE system doesnt work, and award winning cabin service, if there aren't enough flight attendants to deliver it, and the flight attendants you do have are divided along pay scales, leading to the "I'm not paid enough to clean up spew/work through my break/attend to that passenger - you're paid more than me, you do it" attitude.

Dockie 20th Jun 2008 01:40

I had to go to Adelaide a few years ago to fix an 73 and I can remember big Dick walking into the hangar and complaining that he a had a wheel and brake to change and that was for the whole shift. Talk about a go slow.

Sunfish 20th Jun 2008 20:34

Dixon is really a one trick pony. He screams to the media about how difficult the airline business is, then generates record profits each year. It's a good strategy for two reasons.

First, it gives him a solid foundation from which to attack his employees wages and conditions.

Secondly, it reduces the pressure from the public and economists for the Government to open the skies and allow more competition. The last round(two years ago?) was won yet again by Qantas when Singapore airlines was again frozen out.

The sad reality is that QF profits come not from having people rushing to their door because their product is just so superior that people will pay any price to fly QF. Nope, people fly QF because they have no choice. Every competitors aircraft is full, and QF controls something like 45% of the International market and God knows how much of the domestic market.

In other words, people fly QF because they have no choice and GD knows it. That's why he can offer a rotten product, delivered in ancient aircraft, by bored and disengaged staff.

And the airline still makes big money.

Now this isn't really a new strategy that GD has dreamed up. He borrowed it from the farmers who have been doing it for at least 40 years while laughing all the way to the bank.

- if it rains "We can't get into the paddocks to plant", "There going to be too much grass and a bad bushfire season".

- If it doesn't rain - obvious.

- If meat prices are high "We can't afford to restock"

- If they get a bumper crop "There is a glut on the market and prices are depressed".

And so on and so on.

GD's **** about "Asian Competitors", "Oil Prices", "Economic downturns", "SARS", etc. are exactly the same as the farmers.

Keep going. Labor is just another cost like oil, and you get to pay the going rate. Do what your Fed.Sec. says.

blubak 20th Jun 2008 21:07

Maybe this man has an intimate knowledge of this e-mail.!
It seems like he is suggesting he knows what was meant but not said or is it just another failed blatant attempt to try and do a cover up?
Remember(whoever u are),that once the evidence is out there(as in e mail) there is no point in trying to cover it up.There are no prizes for 2nd.
The e mail is straight to the point and we all know what it means.

Just a question-anyone know why wed & thurs meetings cancelled?

Millet Fanger 20th Jun 2008 21:12

You have got to give it to the lighthouse group, all those years planning away and they finally achieved something - shut down PPRuNe for 12 hours. On you Ash, sobast, LAMEA380 - whatever you are calling yourself now.

On a different note, bad hair day for Syd Dom yesterday. 9 cancellations and 3 "return to gate" with an ensuing minimum 2 hour delay. Apparently GD would prefer to shut down Qantas than sit down at a table and negotiate. I wonder if Geoff has heard of FOG.

fatcat69 20th Jun 2008 21:45

"I hear from a reliable source that forward bookings have plummeted. "

For the next three weeks at least all flights north on the Kangaroo route are oversold, same on the way back.

As you say when all the competitors a/c are full (eg SQ with staff who are happy and provide service to the customer) thay have no other choice than to buy a seat on QF.

We spend $ 500M a year on ads showing how great QF service is.......what a joke. Take $200M and use it to employ 2000 more front line staff at airports checking pax, loading bags and engineers to fix hold items....what a difference that would make!!!

Quote of the week from sunfish

"That's why he can offer a rotten product, delivered in ancient aircraft, by bored and disengaged staff."

PIOT Bord 20th Jun 2008 22:01

"Forward bookings" particularly on international flights look a minimum of 3 months in advance. Most people booking to go to places like London have made that decision quite a while ago, particularly with school holidays approaching and the peak tourist season in the northern hemisphere.

It would be a BUGGER if those travelling don't encounter FOG.

wake_up_geff 20th Jun 2008 23:07

good thinking
GD was sitting one day reading the Financial Review thinking ....

"how can I screw the LAME'S more.....I know I'll suspend the foreign operators contracts and blame the LAME'S for it...perfect and if I project the cost it comes to .....mmmmm 5.7%......I'm sure there won't be any repercussions from that!!"

wake up geff


The masked goatrider 20th Jun 2008 23:09

Just a question-anyone know why wed & thurs meetings cancelled?
I know. Spoke to Steve last night after he got out of court apparently it went something like this.

Qantas claimed that the stopwork meetings from Wednesday were not because of the EBA but were retaliation for their buggery campaign. Now you can only have PIA for your agreement, not because you are pi$$ed off.

SP was ready to provide the evidence that the plans were all drawn up the week before in fact they even told management the week before that they should expect the notices for the rolling stoppages.

SP would have been asked on the stand when he found out about the Qantas campaign of buggery and who his source was, he wasn't going to lie on the stand so that left him with 2 options.

Option one, refuse to answer and get done for contempt of court which has a maximum of 6 months jail (plenty of buggery there) or reveal his source. Now one would think that its no big deal to dob in a Qantas manager but when the same manager supplies tonnes of useful advice and documents, you tend not to want to go down that path.

The other means to prevent Qantas putting him on the stand was to just cancel Wed-Thu meetings and Qantas had no case. Took 10 minutes before Qantas dropped it. This was all about finding out which Manager is the leak.

Acute Instinct 20th Jun 2008 23:42

Current Conditions?
This EBA should have been done an dusted 18 Months ago, influenced by the economic conditions prevalent at that time. Stall, stall, stall, to the next sob story. The boy who cried wolf! It's the oil this time, really it is!
Questions have been asked as to why QF's hedging is about to expire or otherwise deteriorate. Look a little deeper. These speculative calls come down to the wire. Congratulations should be extended to QF's hedging department. It appears yet again that they have read the market perfectly. Give or take 3 months, the current hedging performance will efficently expire just as the oil price slumps to true market levels. Qantas have led the Airline world with incredibly accurate hedging policies and this time is no different. When QF's hedging appears to be losing its economic viability, bet on one thing, the oil price is about to fall. They are the best Airline Economics Management Team in the world. Problem is, you can't run any business in spite of your employees. Irrepairable damage sustained. Just like VH-OJH. Fix it at all costs to save the brand value. $110M on one aircraft. Disenfranchising your work force would have to be worth ten OJH's. Priorities? Is there an insurance policy to pick up this bill? APA, all eggs into one basket. Where to now?

YOSHI 21st Jun 2008 00:09


QF has'nt lost/cancelled the customer contracts, they have subcontracted them to JH!!! i.e. comtract labour ( labour hire LAME!! ).
This is what QF want, a labour hire system where they dictate who, how many, where and when they employ a LAME. This is the vision of KMcD, and most likely supported by MH. They just want us to walk out the door without our redundancy packages, thats why they are not negotiating with us, hopeing we will get dissenchanted and leave!

off-sked 21st Jun 2008 00:20

Thanks... I should have guessed

tnfixer 21st Jun 2008 00:24

Just a question-anyone know why wed & thurs meetings cancelled?

I must have missed something. I didn't know anything about meetings/stopwork next thurs.

off-sked 21st Jun 2008 00:29

Question for Fed Sec

With the manpower freed up by loosing contract work at the terminals, will the O/T bans still have significant effect?

tnfixer 21st Jun 2008 00:49

heard rumors it's on PPRuNe somewhere.
also saw a list on the table in the smoko room last week.

FMU 21st Jun 2008 02:45

I hear that those LAMEs with customer “tail” payments, and who are no longer using them, are now having those payments taken away. Managers are calling the affected staff into the office 1 by 1 and giving them a pay cut of $100 or more per week. Fair enough some might say, they're not utilising the approval, but I got to question the timing of doing this.

Is this just another part of their BUGGERY campaign to provoke a response?

blubak 21st Jun 2008 03:04

Seems like they are really confused-they are not sure now whether the buggery campaign is theirs or not and who it is actually against!!
Another e-mail might solve it!!
No great loss with no meetings later in week,might be another few e-mails between now and then.
Be a big witch hunt now to try and find the source-u just got to laugh!:)

sniggiH 21st Jun 2008 03:09

Buggery Campain is Nothing
Last time i posted there was some confusion as to who i am. I am the current DMM in cairns,along with my subordinate notseW. I used to be in Melb Heavy then Mel Dom Then OOL finally on to cairns.I have had many nick names,Huggy Bear,Coolangatta Gold,Jabba.

This Buggery thing is mild compared to the campain of harassment and bullying i have been runing for 18months. Not the whole workforce in cairns but just a select few.

We target certain individuals that have their own personalities and intimidate them. I have got rid of a few people to date with a few more close to cracking.

With this industrial action i have been doing as much overtime as i can( i need the extra funds for my divorse).I dont have a promblem being a scab. ,

chksatis 21st Jun 2008 03:44

Customer Contracts
Oh well with all that spare time on our hands next week not working customers, we will endevour to transit qantas to absolute perfection, which means sorry they wont be flying anywhere!!!

Short_Circuit 21st Jun 2008 04:14

I think I should start to slow down a bit and take 5 and take 5 again and take 5 again.
If you are being accused of it anyway .......


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