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wanty 12th Jun 2008 09:33

Warpseed, you are correct,30000 other people do work for QF,so why put up with a wage rise that sends you backwards. Next time it will be 0% increase then it will be you pay them 3%. Get a backbone and stop fishing.

kotoyebe 12th Jun 2008 09:38

As one of the "other" thousands of QF employees, I couldn't care less if this dispute brings down the company. Let it be Dixon's reputation that shows he brought down Qantas after nearly 90 years, over 2%...$9.13 per day for his employees. So if I don't care, then di*kson certainly doesn't. Bring on the planes parked against the fence - the only thing he will listen to...if anything.

str022 12th Jun 2008 09:49

Acars747 stated

You are disrupting and causing great angst among thousands of other QF employees, do you really think they care about your 5%

That is so far from the truth!!!! It is unbelievable. We had people of all departments going out of their way to talk to us and offer their moral support. Catering, Check in staff, Loaders, Cleaners and Flight Crew. We had cabin crew offering refreshments so we could take five and do a better job....
That is no word of a lie and it happens every day....

We know we are also causing extra stress for people who deal with irate pax but hey that’s the only language GD speaks. When we start hurting his back pocket he will listen very carefully. 99.9 % of QF employees want to see the back end of this ba*tard. They are sick of his bullying and same rhetoric of crying poor every time hoping we buy it.
They are prepared to take some pain to contribute to the FOG campaign.

I know the angst its causing to people like you and all the idi*ts in bull**** tower is not due to extra delays and angry pax but because it's starting to cut into your bonus pure and simple.
Well guess what? plenty more to come


Mech-prentice 12th Jun 2008 10:05

Originally Posted by MENDAERO, post #2292
If you were at the stop work meeting, you would have heard why that cannot be done!

I wasn't at the meeting (considering my username it's no surprise) but, as an interested observer, I'd love to know why 6% can't be pursued.

As an aside, I'd suggest that the overtime ban is an excellent move. It makes it really easy for non-airline people to see that their delays are caused by company mismanagement rather than "greedy engineers". I'd be wary of increasing the action to frequent stop work meetings as some suggest here. To be able to say that all the problems are happening because staff are doing all their work but nothing extra is a powerful weapon in the ALAEA's arsenal, and one I'm sure management would be glad to see you give up.

ACARS747 12th Jun 2008 10:22

call me a troll or what ever you like.
I dont like Dixon or what the current greedy self absorbed management are doing.
What I do care about is how you lot are destroying this airline slowly for an extra 2%. and taking a lot of innoccent people along with you.
Seeing you guys post comments like " we are going to hurt them" shows to me your ignorance, as you are only hurting yourselves in the end and your families.
How are you going to explain that to them on the day you have closed this great airline..........

acslame 12th Jun 2008 10:24

Mate I get it all right!
If we don't change the way we are being run we wont have a bloody job!
Look at what happened to syd heavy. they did everything they were asked to and got shafted.

News flash- we are going down the same path

We are fragmented, inefficiant, under staffed, under licensed, we have no
spares , our IT is a disgrace, our 747/767 fleet is a joke and our 330's are going the same way, and to top it off our managers wont listen because they have no idea what they are doing and somehow think that they know better. Their dumb ideas and new world bull**** is costing millions in productivity. This mate is unsustainable!

Mate I GET IT . I GET it every bloody day!
So ACARS here it is for ya. I dont care about the money!
I am going to war with the fools that are destroying the once proud
qantas engineering . This is my line in the sand
QF management better be careful because there are plenty of people
like me who GET IT and who have had a gutfull.
If you still don't GET IT feel free to send me a private message and I will
tell you how I really feel.
Don't ever call me mate.

ACARS747 12th Jun 2008 10:27

just have a look at what kotoyebe has posted and it sums up all the destruction and ignorance that I am talking about......
this is what he or she said

As one of the "other" thousands of QF employees, I couldn't care less if this dispute brings down the company. Let it be Dixon's reputation that shows he brought down Qantas after nearly 90 years, over 2%...$9.13 per day for his employees. So if I don't care, then di*kson certainly doesn't. Bring on the planes parked against the fence - the only thing he will listen to...if anything.
And this person is supposed to be "educated" and you expect people to support you with comments like that.
Why should I or thousands of employees lose our jobs..... just to prove a point to Dixon and the rest of his cronies. No thanks I need to bring bread HOME

ACARS747 12th Jun 2008 10:30

so you dont care about the money but because you are overworked, and you are prepared to bring down thousands of employees with you......

maaaaaaaaaaaaate! thats not right!

chockchucker 12th Jun 2008 10:32


as a wise man once said;"better to die on your feet than to live on your knees".

Either we stand up for ourselves to try and maintain our standard of living, or we all might as well look for other work anyway. What's the point in banging your head against the qantas brick wall year after year and then see your living standards going backwards in the process. Don't forget the efficiencies that we're still giving up for this 5%. We're not even being offered 3% for nothing.

Sorry, but this CEO has been crying wolf (9/11, SARS, asian economic crisis, bird flu, etc) too often and now his chickens are coming home to roost.:=

division1 12th Jun 2008 10:35

Like someone said once before, if you don't have
the stomach for it, stay in the car and wait for daddy
to come back when he's done doing what he has to do.

acslame 12th Jun 2008 10:37

One more thing ACARS
every employee deserves 5%. not just the lame's.
Its been all beer and skittles for dicko and this band of merry men.
How about looking after to 33000 people who made all the profits?
they , as you put it , need to put bread on their tables too!

kotoyebe 12th Jun 2008 10:47


I don't think you read what I said. I am not one of the engineers on PIA. I am one of your other QF employees who also "needs to bring bread HOME".

Who is exactly trying to prove a point in this dispute? Have you not heard some of the comments by our esteemed CEO? And you accuse the LAME's of trying to prove a point?

If you really think that the future of the company depends on it's employees not getting an extra 2%, then why don't you go an try and talk your fellow QF employees in maybe renegotiating their T&C's down a bit? Go on. It's for the companies survival, with the oil price and all...

The survival of the company does NOT depend on it's employees not getting another 2%. It won't bring the company down. That's why I don't care.

Red Baron 12th Jun 2008 11:00

Just ignore PAF.

kotoyebe 12th Jun 2008 11:06

I did!...And also troll747 from now on.

Long Bay Mauler 12th Jun 2008 11:08

If I was on $250,000 or $300,000 plus like PAF and ACARS747,then I too would think 3% is quite reasonable.

As I aint,then no I dont.

I am willing to stand up for a fair payrise and that is what I believe we as employees deserve.

All employees were treated as mugs into accepting 0% payrises after 9/11 and SARS,whilst executive management awarded themselves 66% payrises not long after.

If PIA is what it takes to either get my fairshare of the pie,or to stop greedy managers from not evenly distributing the profits to their employees after the shareholders get their piece,then I will engage with my duly elected union representatives to take the appropriate legal action required.

This is Australia 2008,not Australia 1808,where if you are lucky to be offered a payrise,you must accept whatever low offer made to you.

Mech-prentice 12th Jun 2008 11:30


Originally Posted by Pass-A-Frozo, post #2328
There was no Australia in 1808.


While Flinders didn't use the term "Australia" to describe this continent until 1814, and it was 1817 before Macquarie recommended that it be officially adopted, Shaw called it that in his book on Zoology in 1793. It was also used in 1693 in an English translation of a French book and Australische by the Dutch from 1638.

As for the place itself, similarly to the old puzzler about the highest mountain in the world before Everest was discovered (Everest. It just hadn't been discovered), you could say it's been around since it split from Antarctica: around 45 million years ago.

edited to fix a 20 million year mistake

ACARS747 12th Jun 2008 11:45

yes the managers are greedy
yes the management are fools
yes they have no idea what they are doing to this great organisation.

and you lot are aiding them in their endevours to destroy this company.

I understand that you are angry with the past treatment.


But do you realise that your actions are destroying any goodwill and public support QF we had out there.
Talk to ALL the front line staff about what they are coppimg because of your desire to destroy that "dixon"
Of course they will say they support you to your face, otherwise they will cop the ignorant abuse that they cop on this web site.

If you want to get back at dixon and his cronies, do it another way! the delays and cancellation are not accepted by the public! they dont care that you want the extra 5%, they have saved up for years for their holiday and they abuse the check in staff to the ground staff to the cabin crew when a delayed has occurred.
and you guys have NO contact with that abuse.
Why should they suffer.....and they are!

Yes something has to be done about the past mismanagement and the abuse of power, but at ALL the current employees expense.

Stop posting and talking about " we will get them". ask yourselves
Who are you really getting at?
Management will still get this years bonus.
They are probably looking at a new organisation to get at now.

The delays and disruptions are having a devastating effect on EVERYONE.

ALAEA Fed Sec 12th Jun 2008 11:48

Just a website to look at for those who haven't seen it.


numbskull 12th Jun 2008 11:51

OK ACARS, you've made your point.

You don't need to repeat the same garbage every 5 posts.

Bumpfoh 12th Jun 2008 11:57

PAF & other nay sayers
If this thread was titled "QF L/H pilots EBA.................." and the pilots found themselves in a similar position to the LAME's at the moment and I got on here continuosly as you do and did nothing other than post inflamatory ramblings under the guise of exercising my right to free speech, that there would be a better than even money chance that I would be advised to go forth and multiply as for the fact that I am not employed at QF as a pilot my input into the discussion is of little benefit to the thread or cause at large.

So as as been previously been pointed out to you and other detractors if you are encouraging that the LAME's at QE continue to accept less than market rates for their profession and continue to go backwards against the current CPI than you sir are a complete and utter fool aside from the fact that you are NOT a QE LAME covered by the currently expired (by over 18 months) EBA, so go forth........ :ugh:

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