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chemical alli 12th Jun 2008 07:16

offer 6%x6%X6%
Oh well another good faith meeting where the alaea turned up in good faith without it be recinded in kind. Sounds like we should now counter offer with a 6x6x6 and increase after every meeting with no outcome.
keep up the good work fedsec and boys were 150% behind and shoulder to shoulder

Talkwrench 12th Jun 2008 07:22

Oh well...it appears geoff would prefer a wobbling, disfunctioning airline that stumbles to its record profit rather than a functioning and engaged airline that doesn't make quite as much profit. Which one do you think has the best chance of enjoying a 'sustainable future'? (shakes head...)

blubak 12th Jun 2008 07:35

another sigh
Just cant believe that they are prepared to let this go on-got to wonder what they are thinking and what we should do next??

chemical alli 12th Jun 2008 08:09

Did I ask for an explanantion mendaero? Obviously you know who I am as you imply I havent attended a meeting. Did you take names and numbers as I am sure mine appears.

ballhopper 12th Jun 2008 08:14


No joy guys. Notice tomorrow.
thanks for the update,it would be wrong to say to much before the official notice, I am disapointed that the company is not in hurry to fix this

chockchucker 12th Jun 2008 08:34

My Advice Fed Sec, just continue the current course. QF management may not yet be willing to admit it but, we're doing them slowly yet thoroughly just with the overtime restrictions alone. Just ask anybody in the maintenance planning area. Number of aircraft deep into over-run on due maintenance is quite concerning.

However, if you wanted an avenue to up the ante a little, put a ban on higher duties. There are LAME's spread all over the place at the moment at MRO's acting as tech reps (all getting SNR LAME allowance) for aircraft currently undergoing third party heavy maintenance of one kind or another. Recall all of them and let a few more aircraft stack up against the fence and get stuck in bits in far away (and not so far away) places. Seems (sadly) the only language that QF might understand.:ugh:

acslame 12th Jun 2008 08:45

No more good faith
It's time to get serious.

All ports rolling stop work meetings during peak times.
We need to stop giving QF time to sort themselves out.
Hit them hard and take back the initiative. Pretty soon
they will find that they are unable to react and will have to talk.

The only hurdle we need to clear is Dixon's ego.
(Mind you its a bloody big hurdle).
He has gone on record saying that there is no way that we will
get any more than 3% offered as that is their wage policy for non executive staff, So either we win or he wins.
there is no middle ground.
Dixon didn't get to his position by losing battles.
No one in management wants this fight except Dixon and Oldmeadow.
Dixon wants it because he wants to be seen as the great leader
who broke the unions, and oldmeadow because it is making him rich.

Dixon doesn't give a rats ass about QANTAS. He will, as he has stated just sit this out. Rest assured that he is not just going to give in over a few delays. His ego wont allow it!
If we are going to win this we are going to have to hurt them bad, and personally I think its going to take the airline getting sat on the deck
before he will even consider a serious offer.

So I think we need to seriously up the ante.
If we win this we have a chance at getting rid of the imbiciles
destroying QE.
We can win this but we will need to stand firm because the company
will get nasty.
If we lose this then we are basically f**ked and things will only get worse .

And I don't know about you boys but if I am going down I
am going fighting.

Maintain the Rage

chemical alli 12th Jun 2008 08:52

Forget higher duty bans,That gives the company reason for standing down a single employee, One in all in. Return to the 8 hr roster.

Take five 12th Jun 2008 08:55

Little Mushrooms Grow
It’s just more of the same union busting tactics.

Think back over the last three years.

Keep them in the dark and explain nothing.
Tell them it’s your way or the highway.
Don’t negotiate, and listen to no one.
Make them afraid of losing their jobs.

I went to my doctor the other day and he told me. "There are so many Qantas people suffering at the moment." and "It’s a wonder that 90% of you aren’t off on stress leave and suing them."

We really need to stand up and fight for this because it will be our last chance.

It’s time that the management of this company got a good wake up call because we are all sick of the crap that we have been putting up with.

Bring it on.

stiffnut 12th Jun 2008 09:03

Keep it the way it's going boys, time is on our side, it's going to collapse in a heap within the next few weeks, osip being postponed and mels running out, they [the so called management] wont know what to do other than sit the aircraft at the fence, so how are they going to explain to gd that HIS airline is not flying anymore.

Talkwrench 12th Jun 2008 09:08

maintain discipline
true, stiffnut. slow and steady wins the race...

ACARS747 12th Jun 2008 09:14

acslame stated

If we are going to win this we are going to have to hurt them bad, and personally I think its going to take the airline getting sat on the deck
before he will even consider a serious offer.

So I think we need to seriously up the ante.
If we win this we have a chance at getting rid of the imbiciles
destroying QE.
Mate dont you get it! you foolish people are the ones that are hurting all the other employees! you are the ones that are destroying QF... Dixon will not give in! don't you get it and at the same time you will destroy yourselves and take down thousands of people with you.

Why should you get 5% when others have settled for the standard 3%, your input into the organisation is important,however don't over value yourselves, other sectors in our organisation provide equally valuable input are also vital to our organisation.

You are disrupting and causing great angst among thousands of other QF employees, do you really think they care about your 5%

Anyway you have unleased this upon yourselves and soon you will all be so sorry.........and at the same time taken a lot of innocent people with you.

warpspeed 12th Jun 2008 09:18

Yeh right
Chemical ALLI do you want 6% and your A380 bolt on payment !

Ngineer 12th Jun 2008 09:20

ACARS747, 99.9% of Qantas employees do support our cause. In fact everyone I have spoken to has. It's a supply and demand labour market.
We are not trying to destroy QF by any means, we are trying to rebuild it. So jump onto the winning team mate.:ok:

wanty 12th Jun 2008 09:20

Maintain the faith in the executive. Remember we voted them in, rightly or wrongly so give them a chance to unfold their stratergy the best way they see fit.
For me personally, just seeing how unified we are now as a whole has done wonders for my self esteeem. :ok:

At Dicksons behest, let the shareholders hurt some more,with we the members "maintaining our rage" surely with time and patience on our side,eventually the shareholders will say enough is enough and Dickson and the board will feel the "FULL FORCE AND ANGER" of those same shareholders,It won't be us,we are in the middle of a LAWFULL PIA. It's like the newspaper article the other day in the smh said,


stiffnut 12th Jun 2008 09:23

Yes the thousands of other employees do care, they are sick of the way Dixon and his henchmen are running the company at the total disregard to the thousands of hard working employees who have made Qantas what it is, I for one and i suspect thousands of others want to see him shown the door before he can graciously retire.

Acute Instinct 12th Jun 2008 09:25

Short and simple! Go away! You must be so far away from the coal face, that you wouldn't even know your way back. Get out sometime, from where ever it is you exist. Speak to the people, a cross section of all. Tell them how you feel, express your frustration. Rather than report back to us with your words of wisdom, self evaluate your intellect, accept how pathetically out of touch your last post is, realise your place, and return to the incestuous cave from which you came.

wanty 12th Jun 2008 09:28

Originally Posted by ACARS747 (Post 4175935)
acslame stated

Why should you get 5% when others have settled for the standard 3%, your input into the organisation is important,however don't over value yourselves, other sectors in our organisation provide equally valuable input are also vital to our organisation.

Didn't your old man teach you to stand up to the school bully Acars ???

What would you have us do,except crumbs that fall off Dicksons table just because your still happy to eat crumbs ???

Better to be at the table and dealt a real hand than to not be allowed to sit at the table at all.

warpspeed 12th Jun 2008 09:29

ACARS 747 is right 30000 other people work for QF and its typical of LAMEs to care for themselves

Long Bay Mauler 12th Jun 2008 09:32

ACARS747 is just a troll,and most likely not even a QF employee if you look at his other posts.

Best off ignoring the prat.........cause I know I will.

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