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Hars Connie in Aus Av.

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Old 3rd Dec 2004, 05:03
  #1 (permalink)  
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Devil Hars Connie in Aus Av.

Straight-up question. I fully expect to get flamed W, but hey I asked.... eh?

I was leafing through the latest edition of Australian Aviation, and while normally a tome of level headed and even handed reporting, I had to put the mag down for a short time before reading-on at one stage. I don't have the page number, but refer to the caption underneath the picture of the imported Naval variant of the HARS L1049 that we are being told that we "must support" or forever lose.

Why must we support it?

It is an airframe itself that has no significance or ties to Australian aviation.

It is not even a "same as what used to fly here", being a muchly different airframe in so far as build/wt/window shape/fuse length etc etc.

It is operated by an old boys club who would have anyone unfortunate enough to be within earshot know that this aircraft is the most significant airframe in the air (just) today.

To be viable, why not conduct paying pax joyflights (much like what Jack Curtis is doing with the Daks at BK), and invest the money into the airframe etc? Charging 5 bucks just have a squizz inside while on static display, and having the cockpit off limits to everyone is no way to win new friends to HARS.

OpsN reckons and sez: You wanna have the general public pay for your personal retirement toys, then give the public something in return instead of a cold shoulder and a bad aftertaste in their mouths after dealing with you.

While I agree in principle with the concept of what you are trying to acvhieve in the long run, and yes I will admit to not having been exposed to the 'Connie' for a couple of years now (due to being in another part of the country that never sees your aircraft, but only a few hours flying away from the 'action centres' - read: Airshow cct), more value by the general public is given to the types of operations (such as what goes-on at Temora etc) that get the general public to interact with those who let the public get up close and personal with aircraft that actually are a part of our country's history and past.

Or has the attitude changed at HARS in the past few years? Besides, the editorial content of the magazine that the picture I descibe was contained within perhaps could have remained more neutral and not made such a judgement.

Flame away people.
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Old 3rd Dec 2004, 08:23
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Too easy.
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Old 3rd Dec 2004, 08:49
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Fris, well aware of the good work you are doing locating and cataloguing lost airframes around the traps etc. I'm not trying to belittle anyone's work in HARS with the Connie, but when it gets fed to the public as an Australian icon, that is a bit too much.....
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Old 3rd Dec 2004, 09:16
  #4 (permalink)  
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Sadly there are no genuine Australian Connies left on this planet and believe me, strenuous efforts were made to find one. HARS efforts in bringing a Connie to Australia are well documented. What is not so well appreciated is that the aeroplane arrived in Australia under a VH- registration, a major achievement in itself. I reckon "a rose by any other name".

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Old 3rd Dec 2004, 13:53
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Thanks Ops for highlighting our fundraising drive for our hangar complex to house the HARS collection.

Jim was kind enough to give us space and correctly portay the Connie as our flagship. She is, however, one of some 22 aircraft we intend to house in the 3-hangar & admin centre at Illawarra Regional Airport.

Relative merit of aircraft in the collection is a worthy subject for debate, and your view has been put before, albeit perhaps not quite so publicly. In a country which so rightly supports the underdog, the restoration of the Connie and recovery to Oz is a worthy part of Aussie triumph over adversity. The Government must think so as it saw fit to award HARS President an OAM for leading the effort [and not only the Connie!]

The wider community in the Illawarra Region are highly supportive of our efforts, for which we are grateful. We're also grateful for the man hours supplied to keep these aircraft flying. The fact that in a lot of cases these hours are supplied by highly-skilled retirees in a voluntary organisation doesn't deserve the denigration you would appear to heap upon their efforts.

We would welcome your support in formulation and furtherance of our business plan by welcoming you to membership. This would also give you access to our financial information which might readily disclose the economics of operating these aircraft. You might like to balance this with other operators and their relative success or failure.

Like the Aussie cricketers, we're out there plugging away to put runs on the board. Please help by getting on board !

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Old 6th Dec 2004, 12:40
  #6 (permalink)  
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could someone ie, Feather #3 please tell us what is the position of HARS in relation to the Soutrhern Cross replecia as i believed that it had been gifted to HRAS with the insurance money to fix the aircraft but it was to be based in te adelaide region, but spending much of its time on the east coast. any info would be very much appreciated.
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Old 7th Dec 2004, 02:45
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Except for the "east coast bit", the rest is correct as I've posted before.

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Old 9th Dec 2004, 22:58
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Look HARS has done a magnificent job in rescuing these airframes. There is a one big obsticle however in that they have a terrible insurance bill each year. If the feds would even consider meeting that cost , and I belive HARS has been relativly incident free due to the expertize of their operation, then they would be free to do their best with all the airframes.

I am a member but totally non involved with their politics or engineering. I just pay the sub--
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Old 9th Dec 2004, 23:54
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Feather #3, thank you for your reply. The 'denigration' (as you put it), is in your mind... I merely asked a few deeply searching questions. To membership alas, I had made enquiries at one stage many years ago prior to the procurement of "Connie". Simple for me, as I lived around the corner from Kanadah Ave B.H for a very long time and was aware of HARS existance for quite a while prior to looking into membership.

I wasn't sold on it, so I decided to wait until a public venue where I could perhaps meet a few of the membership and make my own mind up then after talking to some of your organisation representatives. I asked as many questions as I could and could never get a straight answer. After the event at YSBK I was left with an impression less than favourable of your organisation, due mainly to being told: "Nope, don't want your input.... just your money".

I found this odd at the time and still do, as I would have thought that attracting membership would help attract funds for the sort of project that "Connie" is. I'm not alone, many have walked away after experiencing something similar to this.

The "Old Boys Club" aspersion stands.

My first post questioned the relevance of your airframe to Australia.... The first word in your name being "Historical". Whose history is Connie, ours? I can see your point, but there are a great many airframes that served this country in need of work on them, some of them perhaps more relevant to the development of the country to where it is today, let alone ones that protected us in times of war.

I put forward a scenario that would have seen an income being generated from the airframe, things like tours to airshows, charters to the Melbourne cup meetings etc etc. I am aware that after all these years of the aircraft being still airworthy, an interior still hasn't been cobbled together and tickets sold.

People want to ride on/in these machines before they completely disappear.

There are many sorts of people who would want to fly on your machine, and for many sooner would be better so that they can remember what it was like to look out the window and see two radials bolted to each wing before it is too late for them.... the population is ageing. The rest of us would have just wanted to know what it was like to see hear and smell it.

If you want some guidance in that, take a leaf out of the '3801 Society' book. You think your baby is expensive to buy build and run, have a talk to them. I can put you in touch with someone there who knows what the figures are, not just guesses what they are.

Not of late (due mainly to a change to desert scenery), I had been busy of a weekend keeping a private collection of Aussie Military vehicles serviced and running, and taking a hand in the restoration of others as well. So I am aware of the significance of our countries past machines, aircraft and vehicles.

So, it was interesting that you should choose to say I deigrated your organisation, where in actual fact I do support what you are doing in principle (as stated). I just asked a few searching questions and got landslided by someone who didn't read the question to start with and was very quick to attack where no threat existed.

Sounds like Hars may not have yet changed.....
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Old 10th Dec 2004, 02:08
  #10 (permalink)  
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It might only be a perception but the perception is it's just an ole boys club.

I have seen the Hars blokes at a few flyin's and airshows now and each time they don't improve, it's alright if the barriers are up and the public have their hands in their pockets then it's all smiles. Get them away from the microphone and they won't give you the time of day. A while ago at Temora one of the HARS chosen ones had just flown around in his machine and was at that machine in the GA park section, he looked like he was about to depart. I asked him if he was going to stay for the rest of the show he said " same old **** I've seen it all before" and after abusing some people walking around their aircraft departed for pastures greener.

I've seen it all before, around a dozen times at Temora and lots of other places all over the country in the last 30 years. The blokes at Temora would have to be the most professional open accesable pilots in the country and the display they give would be better than world class. This HARS blokes attitude was almost denigrating to the blokes at Temora. I have seen the HARS bolkes 4 times in the last couple of years and each time they reinforce the ole boys club title.

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Old 10th Dec 2004, 12:56
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you blokes at HARS want another Connie, have alook at the one in Manilla. Its 100% complete and was still flying when the government took it off of the yanks.
along with all the C47s, B18s and dacs, the place is a veritable working museum.
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Old 14th Dec 2004, 00:24
  #12 (permalink)  
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Thumbs down About time the truth was told.

I am going to cop a lot of flack here and am fully prepared to answer any of the critics that want to label me as unpatriotic or nitpicking but as an active (and financially concerned) member of the GA fraternity in this country, I have every right to ask and every right to expect an honest and accurate answer to these questions.
Wollongong aerodrome has a weight restriction for aircraft operating from this field. 1. Why does HARS receive an exemption to these restrictions whenever the Connie flys? especially when the aircraft is 10 times over the recommended weight for this airfield?
On every occasion that the Connie flys from this airfield, the field is closed and inspected for damage to the flight strip. So far, the damage to the airstrip has been extreme to say the least and has cost council (the community) over $50,000 to repair in the past 2 years. The damage is in the form of surface breakage and impact damage from landing with surface breakage being recorded as deep as 5 inches in places. There is also considerable damage caused whenever this aircraft conducts any 180 degree turns on the strip. This is serious, regular damage that could (and probably will) lead to a landing gear failure eventually, especially during the dynamic loads associated with landings. With the close proximity of housing (less than 100 metres in places) to the runway extremities, the resulting accident could have devastating consequences.
2. How often has HARS reported these landing incidents to the ATSB as required by the Regs?
3. When Shell Harbour Council issues HARS with the waiver to operate this grossly overweight aircraft from its field, does it realise that it also shares the majority of the liabilities for their operations during such occasions?
4. Do Councils insurers know that they are being placed in this rather ominous position of liability? and do the community know that on the say-so of 1 individual council officer, their continued viability and financial well-being is in serious jeopardy by allowing this over-weight aircraft to operate with a waiver of the safety requirements?
Council continues to claim, through their Mayor and certain council officers, that the upgrading of the airfield will see a major airline conducting RPT operations from Wollongong airfield. This is wrong and has no truth to it at all. Council does not have 1 airline remotely interested in servicing this region. This whole sordid little story is about making lots of money for one or two interested parties who are set to get quite rich with the upgrade.
5. How does HARS maintain their right to continue operating the Connie from Wollongong after the upgrade when the proposed upgrade does not bring the airfield up to the required standard for the continued operation of the Connie anyhow?
In the interest of safety, to not only the flying public but also to the people who choose to live next to this airport, it really is about time that CASA and the ATSB take a serious look at the implications of this aircraft’s continued operation from Wollongong airport. It is not acceptable for everyone to just bury their heads in the sand and hope this issue will go away because sadly it won’t.
Must also add, that evidently CASA may have eventually been forced into action on the operation of these aircraft and moves are afoot as we speak to have their operations serious curtailed and in some cases, even grounded indefinately.

Last edited by WINGED WONDER; 15th Dec 2004 at 03:57.
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Old 16th Dec 2004, 12:13
  #13 (permalink)  
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Red face

Fascinating stuff.

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Old 16th Dec 2004, 22:10
  #14 (permalink)  
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Feather an earlier post, you claim HARS has the overwhelming support of the wider community in Wollongong but this is clearly not the case is it? Some in the community are seriously concerned about what this grubby little council is up to and why they are pushing the barrow so strongly for upgrading of the facilities - HARS just happens to be the convenient vehicle of the moment. The suggestion that an airstrip upgrade is going to entice a domestic carrier into the region is farsicle and just plain blatant lying on behalf of this council so therefore any upgrade will be purely only beneficial to HARS - it stands to reason then that in this case, HARS should contribute significantly to the upgrade of the facilities at the airport! and some in the community are about to demand that HARS contribute AT LEAST 50% of these costs! But more in question at present is how the present arrangements for the upgrade came about and why council DID NOT initially go out to tender and awarded the contract to their bed-buddies in the slimy yellow trucks - $M3 without any public consultation, no tender and a two year warning that they would be awarded the contract is unacceptable on all accounts - no wonder ICAC has been called in and no wonder the potential regional sponsors for HARS are running for cover Sorry guys, HARS has walked head-long into one of the most questionable little councils in NSW - there is every chance you might have to nominate a captain to go down with the ship (and soon) Hope you have all your ducks in a row?
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Old 24th Dec 2004, 08:47
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Thumbs down What a farce

Feather #3: I visited HARS a couple of Fridays ago and must say I was appalled. Arrived there and no-one was even interested in talking to me EXCEPT to sell me some trashy old garbage and membership. As was said before in other posts, it was obvious that this was an old-boys club and outsiders were not welcome unless they had heaps of money and were prepared to part with it in the name of HARS. I may only be an up and coming newbee to the industry but so were all the other old hands hanging around the place once. It is people like me (and the public) that will keep these aircraft flying into the future and the lack of interest showed to me personally (and not my wallet only) has certainly changed my mind about having anything to do with your organisation.
Winged Wonder - any chance of enlightening us on the progress of the enquiry/investigation although I would guess most of this stuff would be on hold over the silly season? and what sponsors have pulled out of the HARS project?
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Old 28th Dec 2004, 05:35
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Aquaboy, sorry about not replying earlier but have just had a glorious 4 days in sunny downtown Malacoota - now THAT is a place everybody should visit at least once in a lifetime! Your guess about the silly season is quite correct....investigations are ongoing and there is some news to be publicised in the early new year - stay tuned. BHP (now BlueScope) has pulled their lot out of the HARS foundation, literally...they were not comfortable with the prospects of ICAC sniffing around about the way this issue was dealt with by Shell Harbour council. Rumour has it that Cleary Brothers might also have pulled out their plans to relocate their earthmoving museum in with HARS too but some have had problems linking bulldozers with historic aircraft so it is probably not a bad thing afterall. Appears their involvement in the airfield upgrade has ruffled not a few feathers in their industry and they are ducking for cover also. Could prove to be an interesting year in the old Gong hopefully ICAC might be able to sort out the chaff from the wheat and make sense about what has happened down there. and there are a few locals that are rubbing their hands together with glee at the prospects of finally getting at the truth. Can't move down there at the moment for the rats jumping for cover.
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Old 4th Jan 2005, 03:08
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Red face Whoooa Up a Bit Neddy!

HARS relocated to the sunny South Coast about 3 years ago. Was supposed to build a $M21 museum complex in 3 or 4 stages. Was supposed to have stage 1 up and running in time for AVIEX 2002. HARS's broken promises were a major catalist for the demise of AVIEX at a loss of nearly $600,000. Still to this day they have not completed stage 1 (only a meagre $M1.1) and I was informed yesterday that they are $500,000 short on the stage 1 project alone!
Now I ask you; what sort of council would approve such a project, AND commit heaps of community money to boot, for an outfit that was $M20 short on a $M21 project? I hope HARS were planning to be in the area for the long haul because at that rate, the project should be nearing completion around 2044 (and the Connie will definately be an antique by then). Did no-one do their homework and come to the conclusion that this outfit was broke and had no possible means of achieving their goals in a reasonable time frame?
WINGED WONDER: Ive seen that pile of junk that Cleary Bros passes off as their earthmoving museum - you cannot be serious suggesting that HARS was intending to include this crap in their museum?
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Old 4th Jan 2005, 10:01
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Mal, certainly am serious. Illawarra Mercury ran a story about the wonders of the airport a few days ago and highlighted the marvels of HARS, the outstanding Tractor and Dozer display being installed by Cleary Brothers and claiming the fantastic advantages of the NSW Air Charter launch.....on that one, failed to mention that their charter aircraft are no longer available (despite the fact they only ever did 1 charter in the past 4-6months) and that the same mob just featured in the Sydney papers claiming they are broke and can no longer provided their famous shark patrols.
On a positive note, I saw an advertisement for shark vacancies on the Wollongong/South Coast beaches....seems there is no longer any threat to them from the little yellow planes that used to put the fear of chr*st up them every weekend! (haha)

Last edited by WINGED WONDER; 11th Jan 2005 at 04:56.
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Old 14th Jan 2005, 15:15
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I can now confirm that Bluescope Steel (formerly BHP) have retracted all support for anything happening at the Illawarra Regional Airport including anything to do with the upgrading of the runways.
They have indicated they have no intentions of any further involvement with the HARS projects, unless there is some complete change of attitudes in Bluescope and quite firmly indicated that they will not be getting involved with the upgrade projects on the airfield due to their own concerns about questionable processes and management issues. For a company of this size and stature to pull-back from such a community project says volumes about what might be happening at the Illawarra Regional Airport. I might also add that with the retraction of that level of support would say that a lot of projects on this airport are now dead-in-the-water!
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Old 15th Jan 2005, 01:24
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Angry Get this

Seems like you might be onto something of substance. Have been watching and listening to a very serious vendetta unfold at the Illawarra Regional Airfield of late. Appears this council has now targeted the helicopter business on the field for closure. Due to ICAC being called for some of the issues that have already been covered on this thread, a council officer has made it his business to close the operator down by not allowing them to renew their lease without going out to expressions of interest. This operator has claimed foul play for several years and claimed this was threatened over 4 years ago and now it is actually happening. Hard enough to make a living in GA nowadays anyway without being forced out of business by crooked council officers running their own personal agendas. Anybody have any further information about what is actually happening down the Illawarra or anybody else had suspect or troubled dealings with this council in the past?
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