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spencedavies 18th Jan 2002 02:13


Check out the Guru's profile, he's changed it.

Now we know what he really does, and what he aspires to, we can feel even more sorry for him than we did before.

Oh, hang on... just in case he changes it again it now says '1st tour admin sec'.

Still, ten out of ten for coming clean. Much less embarrassing for any real OC Admins - I wonder if yours was watching.

spencedavies 18th Jan 2002 02:21

Admin Guru!


A real 1st tourist adminner would have even worse spelling and punctuation.

A real 1st tourist adminner would be too meek, timid and generally in awe of aircrew to venture onto this site.

A real 1st tourist adminner wouldn't be able to afford a brevet even if entitled, so wouldn't want one.

You must be OC Admin after all.

--- disappears in a puff of logic

[ 17 January 2002: Message edited by: Fanta Drinking Jessie ]</p>

Capt Widebody 18th Jan 2002 02:29

Alright Guru.....

Yeah... good to see you. How's.. how's yer missus then? Good, yeah... well, give my love to the family... OK, see ya...

...(C**t!) :) :) :)

Farfrompuken 18th Jan 2002 02:39

Admin Geekster seems to be from the same hospital that an OC Admin from a large tanker/transport base was recently discharged from.
That person was quoted as saying "If there were no jets here, my job would be so much easier". Even better, another clanger was dropped at a Flight Safety meeting: "What's Flight Safety got to do with Admin?".

At a certain 24 hour base in Oxon, there seems to be two tiers to the RAF: those that do the job, regardless of time of day/day of week, and those that have no real idea of the fact that is is the role of the RAF to fly and fight, and the job of those that don't is to support those that do.

AG - open your eyes and get a grip. <img src="eek.gif" border="0">

Admin Guru 18th Jan 2002 02:44

OK I have come clean about my real post, of course Im not OC Admin (and if i was would i admit to it here) but would you lot reveal your actual identity?! I think not hence - "RAF Aircrew" under job title. So am I not entitled to be a bit vague too.

Firstly I contest this pathetic view that because I am a 1st tourist "bluntie" I dont have the courage to come on an aircrew forum and voice my opinion. I believe timid was the word used. As for being generally in awe of aircrew, come on! You are not all the bronzed, ultra-fit, model looks Tom Cruise type who straps the jet on his back and rips around Blighty defending the realm!

FDJ - Think its weird Im posting on a thursday afternoon? Never heard of a day off! Anyway shouldnt you be heroically wizzing down the glens instead of being on PPRune during the day?!!!!

Capt Kirk - "Operating a complex and dynamic weapons system"....FJ`s Yes but what about Hercs at 150kts.

Al T - You have no idea about admin trg!

Talking Radalt - "defy a reasoned,well balanced response" Is this the chatty conversation style you endorse? Im amazed. How in the name of Bader can a well written and grammatically correct response be taken as justification for inaccurate content? I suggest sir, it is your grasp of the English language that is based purely on an IOT education. Oh aircrew Im not worthy - to use your chatty conversational style.

Capt Widebody - Nice to see a Derek & Clive fan, you must be a good lad!

To the rest of you. Im still waiting for the semblence of a reasonable argument. Dont equate "blunty" with not being able to kick your ass, blunt or not.

Originally my post did not dispute the obvious need for aircrew in the RAF. It was only asking why you all continually bleat about pay and conditions when that will do nothing to improve them.

[ 17 January 2002: Message edited by: Admin Guru ]</p>

spencedavies 18th Jan 2002 03:12

Admin Guru,

To take your points in turn...

We don't hide our identities very well; most of us know each other or can narrow it down to a few possibilities. Since I don't write anything here I'm ashamed of, you can call me on 95751 7700 and ask for Deputy OC D. Your turn.

Day off...? day off...? have to get back to you on that one. I'll ask in SHQ.

I've never flown Albert but I'm sure it is complex, dynamic and capable of carrying various weapons. Why would it be at 150 kts, is it landing?

Admin trg. All I know is that it obviously doesn't cover spelling, punctuation, grammar, tact, respect or honesty - or perhaps you just didn't do very well - yes that's it.

You think your posts were well written. See above.

Capt Widebody is clearly a good chap, but I believe he called you a c**t.

I'd stay up and chat but I have to be up for work at a time when your dreams of flying are still making your pyjamas crusty.


Captain Kirk 18th Jan 2002 03:19

Admin 'not yet' Guru

Use your first tour wisely - visit sqns, talk with aircrew, learn about the RAF.


I suggest we leave this little lamb to get some time in...and for this thread to wither.

OldBonaMate 18th Jan 2002 03:25

1st tour admin/sec now is he? Next we'll read that he's really the cleaner in SHQ.

Actually I just wanted to make the 47th post in 24 hours. Is this a record?

AG if you really are who you say you are, go to bed laddie and leave it alone.

Dammit 2 minutes early! edited for timing

[ 17 January 2002: Message edited by: OldBonaMate ]</p>

spencedavies 18th Jan 2002 03:27

47 was a record but now it's 48

OldBonaMate 18th Jan 2002 03:28

Anybody know where I can buy a better watch my old Omega isn't keeping very good time these days.

Fg Off Max Stout 18th Jan 2002 03:31

Admin Loser: You are so full of sh :p t.

Nice to see you lay into UAS studes asking them to keep their opinions to themselves and then say that your opinion is worth something.You don't apear to be too well qualified yourself.

As for bitching about putting down RAF Aircrew or similar for job description, it's a bit more upfront than saying OC Admin. You are a liar as well as a f :rolleyes: cking idiot.

You are clearly bitter about your sh!tty job - you whinge about aircrew and at the same time yearn to wear the brevet/wings/badges etc. Go out and buy a 'Top Gun' leatherette jacket - I'm sure you already use the pilot line to try to pull the girls. Loser.

I'm off now because I'm briefing at 0630 tomorrow for a 7hr sortie and no I won't be getting coffee breaks. I suggest you now f :mad: ck off out of the forum and browse some porn sites, reject some claim forms or whatever it is you do tomake your mundane life more bearable. As for hustling for a punch up, you're on your own against all aircrew and the majority of groundies who are intelligent and decent people. 'able to kick arse': you're retarded.

Oh I do love it when it gets angry.

BTW, you'll find your mighty cessna performs better if you use diesel instead of avgas.

Talking Radalt 18th Jan 2002 03:39

Nah Kirky lets keep baiting the geeky ickle twerp and that way he really will think he's errr... relevant? (Gee those aircrew guys just keep fighting back)
Can't you see we've got him biting back now? The idiot can't even see when it's not WHAT you're saying but the WAY in which you say it that's the real urine-extraction!
In a very pompous and unnecessarily complex reply I berated him for being too.....pompous and unnecessarily complex.
And the total tit bit back.

Like I said about him...
"So today you are the wise guy..."

Only today though, in fact I think his wisdom fizzled out when most of us got in from work and logged on.

Others have offered and I'll add to it, put your face where your BLUNT, BROKEN, SOFT-LEADED PENCIL is and come fly the unfriendly skies with the Crazy Horses, the Trunkies or S Club. Being frightfully brave we might even let you have a clutch and you can learn (a new experience there too) just how f***ing easy we MAKE IT LOOK and thus why we get paid so much. <img src="mad.gif" border="0">

And as for not being worthy of using our "chatty conversational style", you're also light years away from being worthy of wearing the same uniform.

"Slider, You stink."

[ 17 January 2002: Message edited by: Talking Radalt ]</p>

Surditas 18th Jan 2002 03:41

Righto, Mr Guru, I will bite.
Yep, no worries with you remaining anonymous, that is part of what the intermail thingy is all about. No worries with you saying that you blokes in admin are vital to the air force (RAF or RAAF, doesn't matter). No worries about us aircrew sitting around the crewie complaining about things when we are not flying. Everyone in the military complains. They always have and always will. No real worries about "...aircrew are not the be all and end all..." of the air force. We are a reasonably important part of it, tho.
The bits that do concern me (and you will note I am trying to counter your original post in a reasoned way) are as follows:
1) You complain about not getting flying pay. Is your work environment noisy, cramped, unbearably hot, unbearably cold, cargenogenic, and liable to transport you places that WILL kill you if you get it wrong? Ah, thought not.
2) Before you work for a "two hour" stretch do you have to sit down with the rest of your crew and plan, note, preflight your desk in any weather, supervise, liaise, consider, replan before you even start your task? Afterwards do you debrief? Oh, right.
3) Everytime you sit at your desk are you assessed by your juniors, peers and superiors? If you write a minute wrong are you placing yourself and others around you in danger or are you facing the possibility of being suspended from your primary duties? OK, so you just rewrite it then.
4) Have you put in years of training to get where you are now, only to realise that as a junior member of your Squadron you essentially know nothing and have everything to learn? Nup.
5) When you work your "two hours" at your desk are you concentrating 100%, not taking a break for a cuppa or a ciggie? Uh huh.
6) Brevets may be a "...hangover from the wartime days..." but the folks that wore them back then were the ones who put their lives on the line. How many adminos have won the VC?
OK, I don't look like Tom Cruise, I don't fly a FJ and I don't rip around "defending the realm" but I try and do my job as well and as professionally as I can and that is all I expect from other people in the service. I don't set out to denigrate other service members, except maybe navs.
Oh, and as for having a PPL and being "...aware of the demands of flying" I find that pretty amusing. I had a CPL before joing the RAAF and that prepared me for approx nothing with mil aviation. Just like FDJ I don't fly a Herc, but I am not about to believe that it is easy. Every aeroplane can be difficult in its own way. Sure, a Fast Jet is harder to operate than other types, but that doesn't mean that something with a couple of props is easier than walking (although some FJ guys would disagree :) . BTW that's called banter. Clearly, AG, you haven't heard of it.)
Now, I did set out to dispassionately argue my case, but I feel I may have become a little emotional about this, so I guess you achieved the aim Admin G. Say, are you related to Ali G? In that case I take it all back. Maximum respeck. Then again, no, I don't take it back.

Oh, and can anyone in Blighty lend us your cricket team. Ours appears U/S at the moment. Bloody kiwis, but that's another story.

a_plane_like_this 18th Jan 2002 03:59

Although I have never been and hopefully never will be an Admino, I have been dare I say a B..B..B..Blunt (I hated that word then and still do) before seeing the light and becoming a member of the doubled winged master race. Therefore I have been part of conversations both bagging non-aircrew (as I prefer to call our non-brevet brethren) as well as the standard aircrew bashing. Aircrew do whinge, fact of life, but so do a lot of trades. Ever spent anytime in a maintenance hanger you will hear nothing but the sound of groundies complaining. Ask ATC what they think of Aircrew and they will probably react the same way you did but for different reasons. Ask what Pilots think about Navs, or Trash haulers about Knuckleheads and you'll get some spitting and gnashing of teeth. Its part of the Service. However at the end of the day, we must remember why we are here and the job we do. In a war, Aircrew are the ones who die. If fact in peace time, Aircrew have far more risk day to day than Non-Aircrew. Its not surprising there is a fair bit of elitism amongst us. No-one will ever say we don't need support, but if you want to lessen your worth, then keep writing posts that will clearly **** people off. You will find as your career progresses (assuming you remain in the service) all is not always what it seems.

Talking Radalt 18th Jan 2002 03:59

OK OK all us aircrew have got it wrong...
You can tell this by all the other adminners who have rushed to defend Admin Zero's well balanced and thought-out prose and at the same time down-sized our preposterous delusions.
(And Yes AG other adminners do read this, yep even your boss. And if you're as gobby at work as you are on here he's probably pretty sure who you are!) <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">

Ed Winchester 18th Jan 2002 04:17

Admin Guru (like that would take a lot of achieving),

After another hard day on the squadron, drinking coffee, smerking tabs and thinking of other ingenious ways to justify my ludicrous amounts of flying pay, I dipped into my bag of cunning banter and found it empty.

So, unfortunately, I will have to resort to the old not so cunning favourites:



Now I know you are a new kid on the block, so remember, it is banter. Don't shed any tears, you might smudge your mascara.

FishHead 18th Jan 2002 04:26

Quite an amusing windup <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

Really, the thing that says it all for me is the bit from AG about:
Capt Kirk - "Operating a complex and dynamic weapons system"....FJ`s Yes but what about Hercs at 150kts.

Not being a trashie myself, but the idea that someone would sledge them like that when they obviously have no idea sums up their credibility.

Oh... and for AllTrimDoubt:
You, Sir, have the attitude and outlook of a Fishead
Nothing wrong with being a FishHead!
(although we may have some translation thing happening between the RAAF and RAF)

Edited: I just realised - you couldn't have been talking about me, 'cause you were talking about a 'Fis head'......

[ 18 January 2002: Message edited by: FishHead ]</p>

Kaa050 18th Jan 2002 10:10

Ed Winchester,

Funniest Animations I've ever seen!!!!


Admin Chap.........

Stop being bitter, start being friendly. Who knows, one of those aircrew chaps might be your next best mate.

But, sadly, based on what you've said, probably not.

Hey Ho! I expect you'll be a miserable "B" for your whole service. But then, Money Eh????

Nah.....probably not that either.........
Sad, alone, in a flat in Bethnal Green.........

Chin Up!

Kaa <img src="wink.gif" border="0">

AllTrimDoubt 18th Jan 2002 11:36

For Fish Head

No offence Sir! I use the term liberally and equate AG to the very worst of the breed. (Qualified to do so since joined as one meself but I reckon 16 years and tours as both QFI and QHI equates to an honourable shag transfer!)

(and knob off to AG!) :) :)

Ralf Wiggum 18th Jan 2002 13:02

Respect to our bluntie friend. He's got everyone out of the woodwork. I have still no idea what his/her intentions were/are, but some posters on the thread have made as much a fool of themselves as they have of him/her.

'Chill Winston' - Some of the remarks have been the most unconstructive drivel I've heard since joining this site. We all have a job to do and whilst I would not be able to fly a fast jet, while breathing and moaning at the same time, I could nnot do a bluntie's job either.

Some idiot early on in the post claimed that he could do an OC Admins job. Some of you can't even fill in a leave app or F1771 correctly and I dare say that the same idiot was one who has had his forms sent back on numerous occasions.

As for the whingeing thread. Yes, everyone whinges. Dare to deny it. I bet our bluntie friend does too, even though his balls probably haven't dropped yet or she hasn't started growing lady bumps.

This thread achieved so much more than most expected and I reckon that anyone outside the job, especially Hacks, will be p*ssing themselves with the drivel that's being spouted.

I have a good education, but remember that an education isn't everything. For one, it's not an elephanet.

(Edited for dyslec..Disl...Spelling)

[ 18 January 2002: Message edited by: Ralf Wiggum ]</p>

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