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AllTrimDoubt 14th Feb 2002 22:36

Hey AG (aka Tw*t)

Might I just point out on behalf of Si - and as fully qualified aircrew/another Fishead on an RAF station - that his contribution to the needs of Queen and Country undoubtedly far outweigh your meagre administrative effort.

I would suggest you consider a poll of people's views re your own credibility before querying a member of the Senior Service, let alone Aircrew.

If all else fails, perhaps you might ask NASA for vectors back to Earth..

<img src="mad.gif" border="0"> <img src="mad.gif" border="0"> <img src="mad.gif" border="0"> <img src="mad.gif" border="0"> <img src="mad.gif" border="0">

FJJP 14th Feb 2002 23:54

I can't believe this thread is still running. Why don't we all just ignore any more topics from AG and he will get bored and go away. All comment is fuelling the tw*t and giving him an incentive to keep posting. We all have our own views in blunties (some good, some bad). By reacting to this one it sh*t stirs and doesn't serve any purpose other than to leave us in a bad light.

Let's kill this one stone dead and leave him to gripe in public on his own base.

ROTAR EE 15th Feb 2002 01:07


I agree with your sentiment wholeheartedly, but if nothing else, it allows people to get things off their chest, and that has got to be a good thing.

After all, we can't be too vociferous at work lest we upset someone and ruin our careers...

I have a wonderful career behind me... :)

Gawd Bless 'em all.

Admin Guru 15th Feb 2002 01:27

JJJ - Such a good use of the English language. You sound like the kind of man that is still a virgin. The ladies must love your quick witted dinner chat. . .I will accept the banter once you get into the air force proper. Now hurry off and write your essays like a good little student.

Dr Schlong 15th Feb 2002 01:45

AG - What the hell is your problem? Is this some way of inflating your ego by fishing for bites? I suggest you read through the previous replies and take on board the fact that no-one thinks you're clever - just a frustrated little boy trying to take cheap potshots at the people that it is your job to support. Don't ever forget where your place is in the whole system, I'm not belittling any of the non-aircrew branches - they all have their place in the projection of air power which, like it or not, is what we are all about.

This a pilots' forum (and for that read aircrew) and, as mentioned earlier this is the only place where people can rant and not have it affect their careers. Please respect the spirit of PPRuNe and find another way to vent your frustrations - it's never too late to PVR if you hate aircrew so much!

Simon R 15th Feb 2002 01:47

This guy just keeps on getting better. Have to agree with the last comments. AG, by his own admmision, is a first tourist adminer. His last comment just proves that the only reason he's on this sight is to pi*s us off. Best just ignore him and talk about some real issues, other then the ravings of a Fg Off adminer. Its been fun!

ROTAR EE 15th Feb 2002 02:01

Only really posting so I can go past my 13th post quickly.

Shame to waste it though...

AG, you are a syphillitic snotgobbler.

And frnkly I couldnt give 2 hoots about my spelling or grammar. It's not my profession.

Did you know navigator is an anagram of "vagina rot"?

Was daddy an Air Marshall AG? May explain your success at OASC...

Per Ardua Vauxhall Astra

positive_rate 15th Feb 2002 14:16


Sitting at a computer at 21:30 on Valentine's Day and you have the cheek to call other people virgins?!!!!!

What's the matter, your blow-up doll got a puncture?

Ralf Wiggum 15th Feb 2002 19:19

193 replies - Point proven, aircrew are whingers!

AG close this crap please, as I'm sure we all whinge even though it's not as much as Aircrew.

Admin Guru 15th Feb 2002 22:56

Gentlemen, it has been an interesting few weeks for everyone with my forum running. I still feel that my intial post, whilst slightly provocative, was justified as the 194 replies of 'you are a tool' have substantiated.. .Until I start my next forum of 'Whinging aircrew, still hitting back' I am willing to let this forum die, and let aircrew focus on slating the weather man for doing his job of predicting the weather, or BAe for procuring the EFA.. .For now, I will shut up about the whining nature of aircrew to let a few people calm down about these home truths I've brought to light.

I shall save my other comments for other people's forums.

FJJP 16th Feb 2002 00:22

Hooray! Goodnight, children, goodnight...

Captain Kirk 16th Feb 2002 15:30

Admin Gunk,

You ask but you do not listen. Whilst you have, quite understandably, elicited some vigorously curt responses to you unsubstantiated insults, a good number of PPRuNers have gone to some trouble to provide constructive replies that expose your inexperience and immaturity for what it is. Do YOURSELF a favour - read and understand. Your time in the RAF is going to be miserable if you do not.

Beam me up!

Madam ATCO 1st Apr 2002 20:03

Came to this site late so is now a good time to ask how some of our Admin brethren got promoted recently on 2-3 points? Don't you just have to breathe to get those?

eye_spy 5th Apr 2002 09:12

FFS Admin Bloke
Just stumbled on to the thread after it's obviously almost dead and buried but couldn't let this one go....first post too, what a way to do it.

Admin "Guru" (and I use Guru loosely). Were you dropped on your head soon after birth? You have a whinge about aircrew whinging....pot calling kettle black? I'm a "bluntie" like you, work with aircrew every day, and if you really are at a FJ Sqn and had half a clue you would know what those guys/gals who fly the machinery get up to day-to-day. Damn right they can whinge! Hell, if I was them quite frankly I'd have a whinge too.

Consider where you sit in the wider scheme of things....admin=not hard flying=hard...figure it out. Go have a run in the sim, see how busy and involved it is, then imagine that at 500+kts just off the deck pulling G's. Would you rather sign the paperwork on your desk? Or go have a coffee and think about it?

The people that fly these things work their butts off to get where they are. This forum here is the Professional Pilots forum, hence why I as a bluntie lurk here...but you just inspired me to comment. I suggest you sit here and lurk as I do, saying nothing, or pee off and go establish the Professional Admin O's forum where you can discuss leave apps and the latest form for advising next of kin...If you are wondering what kind of bluntie I am check out my profile here.

All I can say is get a grip and have a look at yourself...

NavyNav 13th Apr 2002 18:14

Any suggestions on what I should spend my £30K bonus on?

D-IFF_ident 13th Apr 2002 19:08

£12K on tax?

Mike RO'Channel 14th Apr 2002 12:55

I don't who this Admin wallah is but he is in need of help - serious help. This 'us and them' thing is most unhelpful and is nearly always caused by a lack of understanding on both sides. If someone knows who AG is, please take a bit of time to educate him - take him flying, on detachment (working of course) - anything to help him understand that we are meant to be team and not causing eachother heartache. If no-one helps him then he will never learn.

That is all

AG, if no-one on your Stn is willing to help, please e-mail me.

solotk 15th Apr 2002 09:37

Admin Guru,
Interesting thread developing in JetBlast at the moment....

Are you in fact, a 19 year old female, failed GD(air) bod, currently under training as a pilot for Crossair, lately known as Moritz Suter?

I just wondered, because you do seem to know a lot about Crabair, but strangely enough, fcukall about airworks or operational flying. In fact, a lot of what you spout, seems distinctly second hand, almost as if you've been invited to Happy hours, because you may have a relative in the Air Force.

Just out of interest, when did you graduate from IOT?

....and if you are indeed a 19 year old female, and wind-up merchant extraordinaire, then I think certain of my Light Blue forces bretheren, may want to get into an alcohol fuelled, sub-duvet knife fight with you.....


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