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-   -   Ghurka Rifleman PUN VC. Triumph! (Merged) (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/277365-ghurka-rifleman-pun-vc-triumph-merged.html)

The AvgasDinosaur 13th Jul 2007 19:43

Would someone be kind enough to post a few piccies of this event for the benefit of those who could not attend.
Be lucky

Brian Dixon 13th Jul 2007 19:50

check this thread out:

There are photographs on that one.


Chugalug2 13th Jul 2007 21:37

Tigs, many thanks for relaying Kieran's post on Aarse to we Ppruners. I am sure I am not alone in the admiration I feel for him and his colleagues at Howe & Co. It would seem that their time has been the least of their sacrifices made on behalf of Mr Pun VC! Thank you Jill for getting all your charges back to the UK, though expecting to be caring only for Mr Pul you ended up nursing his entourage! Well done in maintaining the proud traditions of RAF nursing, Per Ardua indeed!
The video of Mr Pul & Co returning on a one day trek up the mountain with his pension is fascinating. Who could grumble about standing in line at the Post Office after watching that? The scenery appears fantastic, but the life truly hard. Even so the ladies appear as colour co-ordinated as they do everywhere in the world, with matching accessories (ie parasols)! Let us hope Mr Brown really takes this campaign to heart and ensures equal Army Pensions and right of abode in the UK for all ex serving Gurkhas without equivocation. Nothing less will do! Why the Brigade will not support Mr Rai is puzzling and somewhat worrying. There was a hint of some division chatting to one of the GAESO advisers. My advice to him was, FWIIW, that they must speak with one voice. Any disunity will be immediately seized upon by our Servile Servants and exploited. Let us hope that they get their act together. Mr Rai's case must succeed or it sets a precedent against those waiting in turn behind him!
In the meantime wonderful news of the kindness of strangers, and all the Coaches and Horses crashing through the medical bureaucracy. Well done them, and how wonderful when Mr Pun can see clearly again! Lastly Tigs, take a well deserved bow, Sir! Your endless drive and commitment on behalf of Mr Pun VC is an inspiration to us all, particularly all those on Pprune who have made irritating nuisances of themselves by pestering the apparatchiks who inhabit the corridors of the "Peoples Government" of this benighted land. You have enabled us to see that plain decency and goodness still exists and can usurp the thin lipped bloodless logic of the pen pushers. Well done Sir!

Regards Chug

Tigs2 13th Jul 2007 22:41

I have passed on your very laudatory comments to Jill, and she, like myself, would like to thank you sincerely for your words.

Thank you:ok:

Now for Lance Corporal Rai!!

PPRuNe Pop 14th Jul 2007 06:05

Very glad to hear all the comments. Especially those relating to Mr Pun's upcoming medicals. My wife had a cataract operation on both eyes last year, each took 30 minutes. She was watching TV in the evening without glasses. Each eye is near perfect now and she only needs glasses for reading, but only for a small correction.

Also very pleased to hear that Mr Pun wears the PPRuNe badge I handed to him. I hope it will serve as a reminder that we all care and that PPRuNe, like other similar sites, are able to make a difference.

As far as L/Cpl Rai is concerned it is a worry that the Gurkha Brigade are, seemingly, not supporting him. I would like to hear the reason.

Well done Tigs2 again. You can feel it is a job well done.


Tigs2 14th Jul 2007 13:59

Thanks. I think that the issue with L/Cpl Rai is not that the brigade are not supportung him, its just they cannot take any stance politically with any of this. I am not sure they ever voiced their support for Mr Pun until his Visa decision was announced. I would like to think that if we do all the political rantings, if a decision is in favour of L/Cpl Rai then the Brigade will welcome him with open arms (I Hope!), or am i reading it wrong:confused:

Glad to hear of your wifes op. My uncle had cataracts removed and it changed his life almost over night. I think Mr Pun is in for a bit of a shock when he has the op done:ok:

Tigs2 14th Jul 2007 17:59

Col Tigwell aka herkman

Thank you for your post. Mr Pun VC is now being looked after very well, and will soon be recieving the simple yet life changing medical attention that he so rightly deserves. Please peruse the thread that Brian has linked to above and you will get an update of his condition and some information on his reception.


psyan 14th Jul 2007 18:54

Pops posted: "However, there is still a fight to fight to see that this government allow around 10,000 Gurkha's to reside here. It is not much to ask having asked them to lay their lives on the line in the defence of this country. They won 26 VC's and numerous gallantry medals in the service of this country."

I still cannot for the life of me comprehend why the Government will allow 10,000 [at least!!] miscreant migrants to scavenge from our generosity and who will for the most part never contribute equitably to this nation. Those 10,000 Gurkha's have already contributed more than enough and there is no doubt in my mind that were they granted leave to reside here then they would be accepted by the population with pleasure. It is not as if there is an issue of integration, they are already part of our history, they are already integrated and hold values many other migrants can never hope to display.

I sincerely hope that as time passes, that we ensure the right thing is done by our friends and that we do not disgrace ourselves. I for one will remain a staunch supporter of this cause. I am an old soldier with quite a number of years service alongside and with Gurkha's so I can assure you that I react to this issue without the hindrance of a romantic ideal. It's all about what is right and for once, playing fair. This country has a lot to gain by responding to what I think is our obligation. We also have a lot to loose if we do not.

Bes Wishes

Tigs2 14th Jul 2007 23:26

For those interested, this is a link to the film/presentation that my son and i put together for the coming home of Mr Pun VC on the 4th July. Please forgive the first minute it was designed to give Mr Pun Time to get in, and the movie was played in the background. Thanks to ARRSE for the amazing poster at the start. The film is done in 5 parts, and i hope you pick it up from the music. It starts with 'The Gurkha's', 'The Warrior'. 'A Celebration Of Nepal'. 'The Plight Of The Gurkhas'. 'Hope and The Future'. We were trying to be arty farty, but i think we got the music to fit in.; Rack up the volume and enjoy!! I Know it is 11 minutes but bare with it you might be in tears at the end!! I was, and I designed it!.


kokpit 15th Jul 2007 10:16

Bloody hell Tigs, nothing to forgive there!!

That was a superb piece of work, you should both be truly proud :ok:

Thanks for sharing that with us, after the rash of emails (and action) on ARRSE throughout the campaign, it all seems a little quiet now, and your video certainly filled the gap :)

Is it possible to get a copy, I would be more than willing to make a suitable donation to the Gurkha campaign.



Brian Dixon 15th Jul 2007 12:18

absolutely superb. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I hope a copy has been sent to both the MoD and to Downing Street.

Have you thought about flogging copies on E-bay? Funds, as kokpit says, to Gurkha Charities.

With respect,

Chugalug2 15th Jul 2007 13:26

Tigs, is there no limit to the many talents of the duo Tigs2 and Tigs2jnr? An amazing and emotional production, well done the pair of you! If there be a bottom line to this campaign, it is the special affection that the British public has for this special breed of fighting men. Their reputation is so well known it is woven into the fabric of what remains of our national consciousness. You have captured that thread brilliantly. Might I humbly suggest posting it on YouTube, merely as that is, AFAIK, the most widely accessed video sharing website? Just a thought, but the more people who see this, the more will be enticed to sign up to the Downing Street petition, to which this link could be perhaps added to the video?http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/gurkhas-rights/

Tigs2 15th Jul 2007 14:23

good idea, but youtube has a max file size of 10 mins, and the only option is to split the file in half and have two files. I will try.

PPRuNe Pop 15th Jul 2007 15:53

Tigs. Congratulations to you and J. A truly inspired piece that I enjoyed enormously. As kokpit says, you should both feel truly proud.

I had a tissue ready and I needed it!


Melchett01 15th Jul 2007 22:52

Outstanding Sir, absolutely outstanding :D

I have unfortunately been otherwise indisposed for the past couple of weeks and did not get chance to see Rifleman Pun VC's arrival. I hope he is enjoying the very best treatment this country has to offer.

I hope this presentation will spur people on to fight for the rest of the Ghurkas who have been shamefully treated by this country's administration over the years. Your presentation will tug at the heart strings and prick the consciences of all decent people. Unfortunately that is where the problem lies in Whitehall.

Samuel 16th Jul 2007 04:27

That's presuming the officaldom pricks have consciences, which I very much doubt. That is a truly stunning piece of work Tigs, and it certainly sent a shiver up my spine, but the awful corollary of that as far as the people who banned him in the first place is that they have no spine a shiver could run up!:D:D

The AvgasDinosaur 29th Jul 2007 16:01

Congratulations an awe inspiring piece of work.
I have hung back from mithering you in the hope that a posting on pprune would direct me to whence I should send a donation to obtain a copy. Unless I have missed it I have not seen one. Are you selling copies to raise funds. Please advise.
Be lucky
I have been unable to contact via PM or E-mail, please excuse public posting

Brian Dixon 8th Aug 2007 19:13

I got this from another bulletin board I frequent (genealogy, of all things!):

The Folkstone Herald is reporting the following:
Mr Pun's Army pension is only £132 a month, and he may be forced to return to Nepal because he and his family are unable to live on the annual sum of £1,584.
He also receives a bonus of £1,500 a year as a Victoria Cross winner but this is still not enough for him, his wife and son to live on.

Can anyone confirm, or deny, the story?


PPRuNe Pop 8th Aug 2007 21:37

Brian, I would think that there are a number of people on to this and I would say that his future here is OK.

However, this is another reason why the Gurkha museum should urgently verify that they are the 'owners' of the VC belonging to Mr Pun. If they are not it should be returned to him immediately. Then HE, and he alone, can decide if would like to sell it to the highest bidder and thereby giving him a substantial income to exist as he wishes.


Chugalug2 9th Aug 2007 07:33

Brian, this points up the need for all ex Gurkhas to be granted a full British Army pension for their very full service in the British Army! That is what Mr Pun VC has been calling for before he even came to the UK. As PPRuNe Pop rightly reminds us, the VC awarded to Mr Pun is not in his possession, as he was "prevailed upon" to hand it over to the Gurkha Museum long ago. Time perhaps for them to hand it back so that he may benefit in a direct way from its undoubted value. I would imagine that the replica that he has always worn in its place has the more personal meaning to him and his family and would be thus treasured by generations of his family to come! The return of his VC, the granting of full pensions for full service, the provision of the right of abode in the UK. All no brainers, all a blot on our honour as a nation, all a scandal to be righted!

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