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-   -   Ghurka Rifleman PUN VC. Triumph! (Merged) (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/277365-ghurka-rifleman-pun-vc-triumph-merged.html)

forget 26th Jun 2008 21:28

Why are people like Mr Findlay allowed at the bedside of any patient ?
Mr is an English honorific used for a man too old to be addressed as Master, under the rank of knighthood, and, supposedly, though not really in practice, above some undefined level of social status.

The AvgasDinosaur 27th Jun 2008 09:44

Extract from my email to my MP

This government is hell bent on creating a new generation of military heroes and yet allows one of its apparatchicks to treat a frail, brave old man in such a cavalier attitude. This "man" Andrew Findley who has probably never faced anything more hostile than a supermarket queue must be encouraged to resign in disgrace forthwith, if he can not be prosecuted under the Treason Act. His conduct is one of supreme cowardice.
I look forward to your positive action in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

David S. Truman
Hope it helps now for the NHS trust. Any one got the email address for the appropriate minister.
Be lucky

Samuel 27th Jun 2008 09:55

E-Mail to Ms Donnelly
MS Donnelly is away, apparently, back on 3rd July.

Dear Ms Donnelly.

You will be aware, I'm sure, of the furore and anger created by your employee Mr. Finlay in not only denying further treatment to a former Ghurkha and Victoria Cross winner Mr Pun, but threatening him with a bill for the treatment he had received with UK Government approval up to that point.

Mr Pun is legally in the UK, contrary to Mr, Finlay's opinion. He is also a man who has served Britain more than most, and has been recognised for his service by the Home Office, who flew him to the UK and gave him residential status. Mr Finlay's assessment of what his status was is totally incorrect. For Mr Pun to be treated in this manner is absolutely disgraceful, and while there are no doubt people who do bludge hospital care from the British taxpayer, it is unconscionable beyond belief that an employee such as Mr Finlay can get it so wrong. Without putting too fine a point on it, he is incompetent.

What you may not realise is that there is a very large body of Service people, both in Britain and , in fact, worldwide. who now hold Mr Finlay, and by inference his employers, in utter contempt. It was this very same body which had the Home Office overturn its original decision to deny Mr Pun entry to the UK. You do not want these organisations mounting a similar campaign against your administration, with all the accompanying publicity, over the actions of an extremely insensitive employee.

I would hope that there are reasoned minds in your management who will appreciate the position Mr Pun is in, and the abysmal treatment he has received, and take action to apologise and rectify the situation immediately.

Sacking Mr. Finlay would be a move in the right direction.

Signed etc.

Wellington, New Zealand

cazatou 27th Jun 2008 10:15

Further to my post #383.

Should not the NHS Trust immediately institute a full Inquiry into this affair and all payments that have been made to the Trust by patients after intervention by this moron. How many people have been induced to provide, out of fear, payments for treatment that they were fully entitled to?

At the very least it should be established that all such payments were correctly processed and receipts issued.

4mastacker 27th Jun 2008 17:48

bigbluecar said:

Income Generating Manager = insensitive money grabbing automaton....unless somebody else knows the true job description.
Howzabout 'Completely useless nonsensical twit'?

Rigger1 28th Jun 2008 10:45

Sent, i doubt i will even receive a reply, these people just don't care.

Dear Ms Donnelly.

I am sure that you are aware of the rage that many of us feel over your trusts treatment, at the hands of your employee Mr Finlay, of Mr Pun VC. I will not harp on but may I suggest that if Mr Finlay is to keep his job he picks up a weapon, goes to a war zone and see’s what it’s like, he then may have a slight inkling as to what is required to win a VC. Mr Pun should be thanked by every person in this country, not treated as a criminal and threatened.

But I very much doubt Mr Finlay has the courage to go near a weapon, and therefore I would suggest that if he has any honour he resigns immediately. In fact I doubt that he could even begin to understand how members of the armed forces feel about honour. I would call on Mr Finlay to apologise, but he has already shown his arrogance when dealing with this matter and as such you should sack him forthwith, no nice little payouts, or big pension bonus’s, it is people like Mr Finlay who are ruining this country.

Please do the decent thing and start holding people accountable for their actions rather than just looking at the penny’s he no doubt is saving you by his ‘bully boy’ actions.

anotherthing 28th Jun 2008 10:58

A request

MS Donnelly is away, apparently, back on 3rd July.

Please, please, please do not send any more e-mails to Ms Donelly until on or after the 3rd July.

Someone who holds her position will have an underling who will be responsible for sifting through e-mails whilst she is on leave... how many e-mails will be 'lost' in this process is anyone's guess - best to send them when she will be back in office to deal with them herself.

Those who have sent saome in th epast few days, please think seriously about sending them again after the above date - you can always add a line to the top stating you are re-sending it because you understand she has been on leave.....

luoto 28th Jun 2008 11:30

Or send them both times, as one obviously only learns they are on leave afterwards... and an underling can also see how annoyed people are.

air pig 28th Jun 2008 16:31

Sent repeat copies to both the Chief exec and the Trust Board Chairwoman, marked private and confidential.

Is there anyone in the area who could organise suitably booted and suited individuals to go to the next Trust board meeting, a percentage of which MUST be held in public.
I suspect that it would be best if the individuals are resident in the hospital catchment area, as knowing NHS managerial scum, they would try to stop anyone speaking who is not local.

Samuel 30th Jun 2008 01:12

Has there been any response/reaction from anywhere on this topic?

air pig 30th Jun 2008 16:03

Awaiting reply from Chief Exec and letter to opposition leader in UK. No use trying the government, there c**p useless.

anotherthing 2nd Jul 2008 09:48

Illegal immigrants get better deal than Veterans?
The Governement needs to look after it's loyal servants; not alienate them

BBC NEWS | UK | Gurkhas lose pension court battle

effortless 2nd Jul 2008 09:55

Sorry, were they dragged out of their beds, duct taped and bundled on an aeroplane? The Ghurkas and our servicemen in general are treated and have always been treated shabbily by us as a nation. I don't see what it has to do with illegals.

A2QFI 2nd Jul 2008 11:13

Perhaps I am missing the point? It seems to me that someone who has come for a foreign land and has served the country for years is chizzled out of a pension on some weasely technicality but illegals do very well, especially if they are Mad Mullahs with only one hand! Allowances for all 4 wives, EU citizens here alone but being paid child benefit for children living in Poland. If there was a queue for funds and justice the Ghurkhas should be well up the front of it.

anotherthing 3rd Jul 2008 09:26


Illegal immigrants do not

get dragged out of their beds, duct taped and bundled on an aeroplane
I think you are getting a tad mixed up.

Illegal immigrants enter the UK by any means possible without the correct authorisation and paperwork, then often manage to get themselves onto waiting lists for houses and medical treatment.

They are very often treated better than veterans... the comparison is very valid.

Chugalug2 3rd Jul 2008 11:56

Just a reminder that today should be the first back at her desk for the hapless ms Donnelly. I'm afraid that my first email to her was returned undelivered in the form firstname.lastname@etc. I shall try again, but if anyone has succeeded in doing so, in that or another format, could they please give details to welcome her back properly? Any more details known of Mr Pun's situation vis-a-vis our 60 year old pride and joy?

Samuel 3rd Jul 2008 12:38

[email protected]

It worked for me, although I've yet to get other than an automated response!

I've sent it agian in case she has any doubts!

Chugalug2 3rd Jul 2008 14:42

Thanks Samuel.If at first you don't succeed... keep hitting return and issuing expletives! Works for me, so have resent missive. Fingers crossed!

Sparky01 3rd Jul 2008 15:13

Ms Donelly and copied to the whole executive.
Dear Ms Donnelly.

On behalf of the ex military pilots and staff of the only wholly NHS funded Air Ambulance Service I would like to thank the West Middlesex University Hospital for its kind, professional and successful treatment of Lt Pun VC since he was given the unrestricted right to live in the UK by the Government.

I am sure by now you are aware of the considerable disquiet and ill feeling that has been caused by the temporary decision to eject Lt Pun VC from your hospital and refuse him further treatment. The intemperate opinion of one hospital administrator that Lt Pun VC was not entitled to reside in the UK and receive free NHS treatment was totally incorrect in every sense, as well as being offensive to past and present members of the armed and emergency services. Having Lt Pun VC in this country is a privilege and honour. It is greatly appreciated that the Hospital has acknowledged it made a mistake and has now agreed to continue treating Lt Pun VC.

I am sure you realise the serious disrepute that has sadly fallen on your Hospital, the NHS and the country at large as a result of the ill-considered and hasty actions of your employee Mr A Finlay. I trust that Mr Finlay will make a personal apology to Lt Pun VC and that the hospital will assess Mr Finlay's future within the Hospital in view of the disrepute he has needlessly brought on its reputation.

Sparky01 3rd Jul 2008 15:29

Reply to email to hospital executive
Andrew Winning out of office until 15th July.

Email to Professor Reagan was returned. Her Imperial college details are
Professor Lesley Regan

Clinical Professor
Division of Surgery, Oncology, Reproductive Biology and Anaesthetics
Tel: +44 (0)20 7886 1731
Email: http://www1.imperial.ac.uk/renderema...olour=ff91c05a

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