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-   -   Ghurka Rifleman PUN VC. Triumph! (Merged) (https://www.pprune.org/military-aviation/277365-ghurka-rifleman-pun-vc-triumph-merged.html)

larssnowpharter 29th May 2007 03:55

I received this from the Ambassador in Nepal:

Many thanks for your email and for your interest in this matter.

I understand that this case and the wider question of what constitutes links with the UK for Gurkha immigration purposes is to be referred to the appropriate authorities in London for their consideration.

Yours Sincerely

Richard Beeson
HM Consul
British Embassy
Buck passing comes to mind.

Or is this an attempt to link this case to the wider case of allowing immigration rights to Gurkhas in the hope that delay wil - alas, inevitably - allow the problem to disappear?

Roland Pulfrew 29th May 2007 09:06

Another MP to add to the list. I have e-mailed my MP David Lidington (Con) Aylesbury asking for action. I won't hold my breath on a reply though, aren't they all on more leave?

Also asked (out of pure devilment:E) whether he had voted against the Bill exempting MPs from the FOI Act.

Old Ned 29th May 2007 09:40

Tigs 2 - Top Bloke
Tigs 2,

Well done indeed. I have tried to start a petition on Bliar's website, but no luck. It says there already is one re Pun VC. Old Ned couldn't find it though.

Anybody else find one?

MadsDad 29th May 2007 10:27

And another MP for the list, Ian Liddell-Grainger.

Just got a reply that he will be putting down questions when the house returns.

timex 29th May 2007 10:27

Found this earlier on another Mil forum............

His courage in the face of almost certain death earned him the Victoria Cross.
Tul Bahadur Pun single-handedly stormed Japanese machine-gun positions during the Second World War.

The Gurkha’s extraordinary act of valour won him royal admirers and he was invited to the Queen’s Coronation and had tea with the Queen Mother. Old soldier: 84-year old Tul Bahadur Pun, who earned his VC in Burma on June 23, 1944, after almost all his comrades were wiped out, is being denied entry Yet, despite his illustrious record, his application to live in Britain has been refused. The old soldier was told: "You have failed to demonstrate that you have strong ties with the UK."

Lawyers acting for Mr Pun, 84, along with 2,000 former Gurkhas, will appeal before the immigration courts in London in August. Mr Pun, who has a number of serious health problems, must hope he can survive the intervening months in his home in Nepal.
He has a heart condition, poor eyesight, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure and he requires daily medication – which is not always available where he lives. Young hero: Tul in 1953, nine years after he won the VC

Mr Pun, who receives a £132-amonth Army pension, wants to move here because of his health. However, among the reasons officials gave for refusing his plea was that he had "not produced satisfactory evidence" that he had a "chronic or long-term medical condition", and that treatment here would significantly improve his quality of life. "I have served the UK with the utmost loyalty and to be treated in this way is appalling," he said. "I take a substantial amount of medication daily. There is not always a constant supply. "There are no doctors or nurses, no medical outposts. "I wish to settle in the UK to have better access to medication, care and support." He has to travel from his mountain home to the Gurkha camp at Pokhara once a month to collect his pension.

It involves a day’s walk and he has to be carried in a basket by several men. Mr Pun earned his VC in Burma on June 23, 1944, after almost all his comrades were wiped out. He seized a Bren Gun and, firing from the hip and running through ankle-deep mud, he ignored Japanese fire to storm machine gun positions.

His official citation read: "His outstanding courage and superb gallantry in the face of odds which meant almost certain death were most inspiring and beyond praise." His Ealing-based solicitor Martin Howe said former Gurkhas such as Mr Pun have to show "strong reasons" – which can include medical needs and family ties – why they should be allowed into the UK.
He criticised Government officials in Nepal for being "too formulaic" in their approach. "They don’t take into account the dignity and valour of these people," he added. "This man was prepared to lay down his life in defence of Britain." In Burma the Gurkhas fought with the special forces group known as the Chindits. Major Neville Hogan, chairman of the Chindits Old Comrades Association, said: "I can’t think of a braver soldier who served the British Crown. I have met him three or four times.

"The decision to refuse him entry is an absolute bloody disgrace. He should be sent to an army hospital or a home and given VIP treatment." The Home Office said an independent immigration judge had powers of discretion on appeals from applicants such as Mr Pun.


OCCWMF 29th May 2007 11:06

If that is below the minimum entry standard I reckon most of us should be deported. Hopefully the Ghurka brass now serving have put their full weight behind this. Anything less will hit the morale and desire to fight of those currently in the regiment, not to mention those yet to join. It is essential that service of this magnitude is recognised by more than medals. It also makes us look like heartless, penny pinching beurocrats on the world stage.:mad:

CaptainFillosan 29th May 2007 11:35

Daily Mail today.

It is good to see that Lord Ashcroft that doyen of the Victoria Cross, he owns over 150 of them! Has joined in the "despicable decision" to keep Mr Pun from coming to the UK. He has the clout and you can be sure he will use it.

Also, it was alleged in a newspaper over the weekend that "an officer" visited Mr Pun a good few years ago with a firm request to hand over his VC "for safekeeping" which was then placed in a museum in Hong Kong for a while. He was paid £500 for it!

It is now believed to be in the Gurkha museum in Winchester, the one whose curator is alleged to have refused to allow Mr Pun to wear it before he dies.

That medal must be worth over £1m now and the paltry amount given was nothing more than theft in my view. Just think what Mr Pun could do with half of that sum!

I have written to the curator, my MP, Mr Liam Byrne and others.

This disgrace must be bought to an end immediately and an aircraft dispatched to Nepal to bring back this illustrious person and thus stop us all thinking that the spongers from the eastern European countries (and others) get their 'rights' while Mr Pun cannot get his.

His LINKS to this country are unbreakable and the prats who made the stupid decision to decline his wish to receive medical attention here should be summarily dismissed.

FantomZorbin 29th May 2007 11:49

How typical ... not one mention of this appalling situation on MoD Oracle :*

sarboy w****r 29th May 2007 15:01

If you haven't already done so, please consider using http://www.theyworkforyou.com/ to determine who your MP is, and let them know how you feel. You can write an email to your MP using a link from this site.

I enclose my letter to the Rt Hon James Arbuthnot, my MP, for reference...

Dear Mr Arbuthnot,

I am writing to you in your capacity as my Member of Parliament in order to draw your attention to the situation of Mr Tul Bahadur Pun, who on 23 June 1944 was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions at Mogaung, Burma, whilst fighting against the Japanese. You may be aware that he has recently applied to emigrate to the UK because his failing health means that he is unable to receive the specialist health care that he requires in Nepal. This application was turned down due to his having "failed to demonstrate strong ties with the UK".

I am a serving Officer in the Royal Air Force, who has served in both Iraq and Afghanistan and who voted for you at the last election, and I am disgusted that my government has treated so shabbily someone who so obviously warrants our eternal gratitude and respect. If ever there was someone whose case history demanded and deserved a review, I suggest it is Mr Pun. This decision is a disgrace; I strongly and humbly beseech you to raise Mr Pun's situation as a Parliamentary Question at the earliest possible opportunity, and for you to use your political influence as the Chairman of the Defence Committee to help overturn this demonstrably unjust decision immediately.

Mr Pun is elderly and deserves our assistance now - please help us show him and the rest of the country that "loyalty, courage and good conduct" are not just idle words on my RAF Commissioning Scroll, but are traits that should be admired and rewarded, and that are manifestly embodied in Mr Pun's actions.

Yours sincerely,

etc etc
This decision can be rescinded, but only if we all get involved and take a stand. Spend 5 minutes now to write to your MP!

Mightycrewseven 29th May 2007 15:27

Add MP to list
Just E-mailed my MP - Quentin Davies (Con) Grantham and Stamford

Fingers Crossed

ragpacker 29th May 2007 15:57

Joan Humble (Lab, Blackpool Nth & Fleetwood) e-mailed. Good work all, nice to see.

snapper41 29th May 2007 16:01

Henry Bellingham (Con), MP for West Norfolk, duly e-mailed. I've asked him to take the matter up with the Minister for Immigration & Asylum.

Tigs2 29th May 2007 16:10

Just recieved a reply from Jeremy Clarksons PA. As soon as he arrives home she will be forcing him to sit down, read and digest the matter. She thinks this could rile him 'just a little bit':ok::ok:

An interesting little clip from Ming Campell. The relevant stuff starts at 20 seconds.


Its not party political, its from his Blog i think.

grow45 29th May 2007 16:42

Merely a civilian but absolutely outraged at this. E mails sent to relevant people and my MP.

I believe Joanna Lumley's father was an Officer in a Gurkha Regiment and she still takes an interest in their welfare. Can't find contact details for her agent but if anybody knows how to contact her she might be able to provide some public support.


forget 29th May 2007 16:46

It's your idea grow 45, go for it-

David Higham Associates
5-8 Lower John Street
Golden Square
London W1F 9HA

Switchboard: 020 7434 5900
Fax: 020 7437 1072
Email: [email protected]

Brian Dixon 29th May 2007 16:49

Reply from Sir George Young MP was that he understands the sense of injustice and would write more to me soon. When the letter arrives, I shall let you know the content.

E-mail reply from James Arbuthnot MP was as follows:
"How extraordinary. One would have thought that winning the VC fighting for the British would establish fairly strong ties with the UK. I shall pursue it – thank you for bringing it to my attention."

I'll keep you updated with any further replies received.
Good luck.

Wilders85 29th May 2007 16:50

Chris McCafferty MP for Calder Valley emailed and replied stating:

"Thank you for your e-mail.

This is just a note to acknowledge receipt and to let you know that I have made representations to the Secretary of State for the Home Office.

I will be in touch again as soon as I receive a reply.

Yours sincerely,

Chris McCafferty MP"

Also Ex Gurkha Officers I know in Hong Kong have been advised and are actioning through their association.

Tigs2 29th May 2007 17:03

Old Ned
The link you are looking for is



I think Jezza's pa was considering going to B&Q to get some chain and padlocks to hold him down while he reads about this:}

Safeware 29th May 2007 17:26

It's hard to say which is more infuriating, this or Cpl Lock's story.

Anyway, given that this country had no right to expect someone from a far off land to give such committment, I think it shameless to treat him so poorly in his hour of need. Have also attempted to contact Mr Clarkson :) and am about to sign up to the petition.


PPRuNeUser0139 29th May 2007 18:07

Just emailed Bill Wiggin (Con) Leominster.
Will publish his response as soon as he sends it.


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