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DoctorNo 11th Feb 2011 07:00

stop fXXXXXXX crying people
what ever the managment will do you all will listen
if not there is the door......
I dont see anyone leaving so then stop crying like little girls

Mr Freeborn you must be Midex management. Many pilots at Midex are in the process of securing jobs with other companies, just watch the exodus over the next few months.

Goldfinger01 11th Feb 2011 12:03

No Morale
Mr. Freeborn
First, may I compliment you on your obviously excellent command of the English language? If you dont see anyone leaving, then you havent been at MidEx for long or simply dont pay attention. There has been, and will continue to be a significant loss of experienced, qualified crew. This loss of crew is going to accelerate in the coming weeks. Just wait and see.:=

lexxie747 11th Feb 2011 12:44

DrNo !

just read freeborn previous posts......i am sure management would be a bit to much.....

a350_b787 11th Feb 2011 16:43

Nice to hear these...
I was included in the landing gear replacement of Midex A300's. I'm working as an avionics in the maintenance base of MIDEX:D

slowto280 11th Feb 2011 17:23

Take a look....

Take a look at all the whiners previous posts......

Oh, nevermind, there are none because the whiners change their log-in names twice a day. But take a look at the previous Orex, Star, Phuket, Logistics or any of those 'other' company threads here and I am sure you will find similar posts from posters who only post 2 or 3 times and then vanish for some reason. Strange, no?

Who knows though, maybe freeborn has some kind of pro Midex long term plan....... he (she) had been planning the above post for years...........

747flyingspanner 12th Feb 2011 11:07

Little bitch
Oh, this is the little bitch with the medical problem that can't fly. On management's side now? In the past you were the mouth all mighty who hated management. When we caught you with that ladyboy and promised not to tell anybody, you think your more of a man now?:rolleyes:

747flyingspanner 12th Feb 2011 11:22

Lampoon's management
Dear DM & JC,
If Midex had proper management & maintenance from the start none of this would be happening. Don't blame the crew on the inadequate management who put their ego before anything else. Your safety & management philosophy is atrocious. Management falsified logbooks. You tried to make crew fly an aircraft with one engine incapable of producing take off power. Two of your 747s have serious avionic problems. You simply swap parts from one aircraft to another. One of your avionics mechanic has informed the GCAA that he was asked to exchange parts but he refused to, saying it was very dangerous. I can mention endless other blunders that you & your team of "elite" stooges have made. After the present management's performance, I'm amazed this airline still have an AOC:=.
So please, do your self a favor & resign with your stooges & let the professionals take over & save this airline.

Yours Sincerely,
Majority of the Midex crew

slowto280 12th Feb 2011 11:39

I rest my case..........

A300PFE 12th Feb 2011 18:53

Speak for yourself and don't put your opinions on everyone else. If you don't like it here do everyone a favor and leave.

Mr bob loblaw 14th Feb 2011 03:05

Yep, complaining on a public forum... that'll fix everything. If these d-bags would apply half their energy contributing to fix these so called problems (rather than just whine), life would be much better. Hey guys, don't let the door hit you in the a** on the way out!
"The wood is in the tool-shed"

trashhauler 14th Feb 2011 19:44

I've been reading with interest all the posts about Midex. First, I have never been near a Midex aircraft and know nothing of the operations. But..I do know several of the people at Midex. I know the CP and cannot imagine him being management material, but I could be wrong since I have never worked for him. I also have several very good friends that are crew and I have asked them what the hell is going on over there. I trust their judgement and although there are problems, according to them, things are getting better. Like some mentioned, why not leave.
Many carriers are back into the hiring mode, Kalittla, Evergreen, FedEx, and many of the people carriers are ramping up for the coming "aged out exodus". Why not just quit bitching and apply. I am sure you would get on with someone, even Atlas if your desperate.

Fr8Dog 15th Feb 2011 01:28

Must be a ex Polar


I've been reading with interest all the posts about Midex. First, I have never been near a Midex aircraft and know nothing of the operations. But..I do know several of the people at Midex. I know the CP and cannot imagine him being management material, but I could be wrong since I have never worked for him. I also have several very good friends that are crew and I have asked them what the hell is going on over there. I trust their judgement and although there are problems, according to them, things are getting better. Like some mentioned, why not leave.
Many carriers are back into the hiring mode, Kalittla, Evergreen, FedEx, and many of the people carriers are ramping up for the coming "aged out exodus". Why not just quit bitching and apply. I am sure you would get on with someone, even Atlas if your desperate.

Let us see, Atlas stock goes up $8 a share today, post unbelievable profits for 2010. Expects more of the same for 2011, Running a class every 2 weeks.
New A/C on the way, Military pax service about to begin. Some of the best pay and bennies in the business. Yep Atlas is for the desperate only.

What a :mad:

Earl 15th Feb 2011 01:53

Company is not allowed to do their own MX its contracted out which is probably the biggest issue.

superspotter 15th Feb 2011 17:55

Just out of interest, had three CFM 56's onboard today heading to DXB, all for Midex :)

CR2 22nd Feb 2011 08:57

Am curious to know what MIDEX would do with CFM56 engines :confused:

slowto280 22nd Feb 2011 11:00

I would imagine CF6. Close, but no cigar......

assaadman 15th Mar 2011 08:26

Helllo all...
well...all is good at our company.....will tell everyone soon..best wishes:D

WhaleDriver 15th Mar 2011 23:57

All is well? Your DO is calling CM's to see if their coming back to work, sometimes three or four times while their on their days off. You bet, all's well?

Bone225 20th Mar 2011 22:16

getting closer to the end....
real close....

SassyPilotsWife 21st Mar 2011 06:48

tick tock...
as close as the last time you predicted :0)

GlueBall 21st Mar 2011 09:30

...Do you guys get any "hazardous duty" pay when buzzing into Afghanistan? :eek:

Fr8Dog 21st Mar 2011 15:58


as close as the last time you predicted
I personally spoke to a friend of mine that is an F/E there 2 days ago, he confirms that he would love to get the hell out of there, that people are leaving like rats from a sinking ship, and that they have been filling the vacancy's with people that should not be flying around in a 74.

SassyPilotsWife 21st Mar 2011 19:19

Hey FR8! How ya been ?

mrzero 21st Mar 2011 21:54

MIdex out of control
Its about time that Midex is going as this place treats people and their families horribly. The UAE is a slave state anyway and Midex is just a serrogate of it. The recent treatment of 4 of my friends who tried to leave and resign on good terms and did their share to report incidents of safety issues, which is a legal requirement, even in the UAE, is a crime!! All of them secured jobs for them and their families elsewhere which were much better and now, through either no or bad recommendations or not releasing information or suggesting that they will be prosecuted for crimes and sued and arrested and put in prison is just a gross violation of HUMAN RIGHTS PERIOD!! To stop someone from bettering themself and their family is a gross injustice and Midex and their upper management do work by threats and intimidation to control their staff, pilots and employees and keep them hold up in the prison laws of the UAE. This needs to be know and recognized by all as this is not normal human behaviour and the only way to stop it is to leave and make sure that this does not happen to others who get sucked into the Midex vacuum. Enough is enough and the lights need to be shut off!!

Fr8Dog 22nd Mar 2011 12:04

Will never change


Hey FR8! How ya been ?
I have been just fine, thanks for asking. Life @ Atlas is good!

As far as the post above, yes this is what I am told from my friends that are there, and from a couple that have left. The problem is that there are and always will be those that will take these jobs to build time in a heavy. The thing that is terrifying is that they are putting people in these aircraft that are not qualified to be taxiing one let alone flying them. Not that we don't have a couple here @ Atlas that should not be flying around the globe in an 800,000+ pound airplane.

A300PFE 22nd Mar 2011 12:23

For the Record
I have been at MIDEX for 2 years there are alot more people who want to stay than leave. I have never had any problems with MIDEX and will continue to stay here. I've never been ask to do anything unsafe or break any rules. No one makes anyone stay here if you dont like it then leave it's simple. The biggest part of all bad post on here are either totaly out there and wrong or extreamly miss lead. And no I don't work in the office Im just a line guy that tries to do my job the best I can.

mrzero 22nd Mar 2011 22:09

300 PFE Get a Lifeand Be Your Own Person
You know its people like you or should I say if you are an 'Airmen' or just did not make the grade, that make our business of being professionals in this field of flying, a shame!!
The ' if you don't like just leave' motto is the best because if you had a piece of brain in your head and of course you are the big expert and have been at Midex for 2 years, which I would not be proud about, shows that you do not know what you are talking about.
The infamous Mr. Ass)aad has told a few of my close friends that he will decide when people can leave and how and being an inexperienced person that he is, which is being kind, this is an insult to any professional in any field never mind in aviation which he knows nothing about.
You people who say, 'stop whining and just go' well once again its not that easy as if you want to the right thing the company, MIDEX, and Mr Assaad and the Dr. even though by the last meeting and minutes he does not want to be mentioned or if you have a problem, do not go to the main office in the Freezone, he is not involved in the daily workings of the company, is just rubblish!! The Dr. thru his lacky Mr. McLane, are completely in control and the minutes of the last meeting just shows that the GCAA is also on the take and this will also be exposed in the next few days.
Aviation is a money maker for those who are professionals and know the business, not chancers like the Dr. and the Mclanes of the world. If you guys are that scared and need money that bad then you have waited too long in life and must make a break and do something else. As you all say' if you don't like it leave' well if the doors closed tomorrow then what would you do???
These are problems with current people that have had their lives ruined by MIDEX by not allowing people to leave and resign accordingly and thus have already threaten them and have lost their jobs elsewhere. There will be retribution everywhere as other CAA's I am sure will be notified.
When you say' if you don't like it just leave' well the Dr. and the DO and others make sure that this is not possible and you will be sued, threatened, intimatated and put in prison in the UAE or elsewhere. Just ask several of our ex-employees who tried to resign and were put in prin in RAK and in Al Ain.
Its a mess that needs to be wiped away and if the ME locals want it than so be it, but all EX-PATS STAY AWAY!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!:=

A300PFE 23rd Mar 2011 09:35

Once again MRZERO your full of S:mad: see if you can get your so called friends to really tell you how they left in the middle of the night like rat's.

theloady 23rd Mar 2011 14:34


well is not the best place to be i agree.. but c'mon we are not in a Blkbuster Movie here..

I had a colleague jailed in Al Ain cuz was driving drunk like the Hell.

Yes.I worked there and i started to be pissed off after 7 months.

I just resigned taking the service door and say f:mad:off.

Nobody forced me to stay thus no issues at the yalla yalla Immigration In dubai.

I'm still having layovers in the sandbox with my actual employer and never had any issues even if i left the ''scary monster'' midex.


assaadman 23rd Mar 2011 18:31

Bravo Mr. Zero !!!!!!!!!
This posting from Mr. Zero was most interesting to me!!!! Yes, it is very true
that the Europeans & North American fliers should be very careful ! Here in
UAE and in the middle east in general we have a different mentality from that of other nationalities.
We, the owners are the masters at Midex!!!!! Please do not forget who your employers are!!! You people who think that flying an aeroplane is work should be ashamed of yourselves... Its only fun for you aviators!!! Midex Airlines provides the most comprehensive training for all its flight staff. We provide superior living accommodation for all. Yes its true that good people leave our friendly
and caring company, but they mis-understand our ways of doing business. Some experienced 747 Captains have left us without even a good bye!! Oh well its must be again our middle east (especially Lebanese) hospitality!!!!!
Although the GCAA had many questions during our investigations we successfully managed to deceive them by blaming the aircrews for falsifications of the facts. We have never been concerned about the safety of our aircraft. Ok a couple of times flight instrumentation has failed, but we fix all by re-racking and doing a simple ground test. What more do you flyboys need? We can't be assured that the crews are telling the truth.!!..You all must realise that it cost us at Midex Airlines a lot of valuable time and especially money to keep being bothered maintaining so called important items. I don't much about airplanes but I think you have many other things to be concerned with such as getting our cargo to our very important customers....You worried Captains ....the new First Officers (local boys ) will take care of all the stress.....We have trained them into being the elite....At Midex we are so proud of ourselves...also..our Post holders are all dedicated to the.. company...They follow orders well and keep the troops well informed. If sometimes they rise above their station, we bring them to the offices to re-inforce our rules....We surely don't want any of these important men to lose respect for us, the rulers.....anyway most of them really do not like their jobs but just hang on for their monthly pay and of course have nowhere else to go!!!! I guess the American term for these guys.. are losers !!!!!! Well Mr. Zero, who ever you are you should not be so nasty with Midex. Its a great place to work..so 300pfe tells us so!!!He is another little man who we are in control of....An Airbus 300 pfe also has no other place to go..!!! He must stay at Midex...he's a wonderful loser...........Well enough said about this amazing company.....Hope all have enjoyed this latest brief.....Bye the way we will be needing more flight crews soon....If you know someone who needs a fantastic opportunity please let the company know right away....

Thats all for now......:D

Fr8Dog 24th Mar 2011 15:47

If this guy (assaadman) really has anything to do with Midex I can understand why my friends are afraid for their lives. I thought Frank Fine was bad in the 80's! Holy ****!

411A 25th Mar 2011 22:08

I don't think so. I think he's an FE that is sitting in the DO's seat.
Absolutely nothing new...it has been done at least once with a Brit aircarrier, some years ago.

mrzero 28th Mar 2011 21:21

Mr Thickbrush et al
I must say, I have never worked at Midex but have several friends that have passed thru or are still hold in prison there. As for the Term 3, he is seems so much in the know that he is management and the above title suggest that. Enough said on that. being a legal person, I must say that for him to name and defame and being a (now) US citizen, he is now subject to rule of law no matter where it is, so watch out for that. This is for free! As for all the matters, it is basically a free site to vent your vieews, that called FREEDOM OF PRESS AND EXPRESSION, get used to it. If it hurts then you and others are being surpressed but are buying the price which is fine but don't expend on others. Midex is an evil and unjust organization and when in the overall scheme you have over 100 people who have bailed in the runner in the past 3 years, this just justifies it.
Bottom line, get pros at the top, have the owners, be just that, owners, and run a professional organization like the Apples, and such of the world and you get what called customer satisfaction, worker satisfaction and loyalty and a profitable and sustainable organization.
But, NO! What do we have at MIDEX, inept management, an owner and local that can't spell aviation and unhappy peole all around and then they do runners and put on the arrest list and put in prison. What?? This is a flagarent violation of HUMAN RIGHTS!! All of you look it up! Slavery is alive and well in the Middle East and in the glorious UAE and its beginning to show and I can only hope it spreads to the offices of MIDEX AIRLINES!!:ugh:

chickenhunter 18th Apr 2011 16:04

Been kinda quiet here on this thread.
Wonder how long that will last.

Jetflayer59 25th Apr 2011 00:31

Hallow Gentleman.
Just joined the forum, I am a Mexican pilot ( not from Mexicana Airlines)
And wondering if Midex will take non rated pilots and if they have an age limit.
Thank you for any info.
Sergio. :rolleyes:

elobeid 19th May 2011 09:16

Heard Midex had moved to Sharjah for a possible merger with some local outfit. Are they still operating under the leadership of the old crowd ?

chickenhunter 23rd Jul 2011 21:37

Still the same management from what I understand.
Crews are being forced to take the 1 year contract with only 30 days leave per year.
Take it or leave it even after the owner promised that this would not happen in a meeting with the pilots a few months before, what a joke his word has become.
Now from what I hear he states he never made such statements.
Take this for what it is worth.
Crews that signed the new deal will be leaving as soon as they find better options.
From what I hear the 747 operation is getting dangerous as check captains have resigned refusing to pass the recently hired ones.

mrzero 12th Aug 2011 21:36

The Nastiest Airline in the Industry
Well its been a while, but the end, like Rome, is slowly coming to Midex and glad to see it. I finally take my hat off to Capt. MacKenzie for finally leaving Midex and telling them what he thought. He was spot on for what he said and like the style in the way he left.
His letter to them is so right, Midex has distroyed current and past crew members way of life and that of their families. To say that their faith is one of compassion and love of family is such a joke!!!
The Dr. and Mr A999999 are not only complete idiots and incompetent, but are bent on being slave drivers and owners and that is what Midex is all about. Now, that the Dir. of Training is gone and examiner, who does the fake sign offs now?? I guess M-- will be enpowered to do so by the so called regulatory GCAA which is also a joke. As long as they are paid off the GCAA will turn a blind eye on any type of infringment or out right breaking of international ICAO and IATA rules. That Midex and and other UAE airlines are permitted to fly to Europe or anywhere for that matter is a slap to such great institutions of ICAO, FAA, CAA and IATA.But, as long as money is put in the right pockets these evil powers will continue to operate. Just be aware that if you want to work for such companies, your life and that of others is in danger!! People that are still at Midex have no where else to go, so they are slaves to the masters and they either have medical and mental problems or are too old to go anywhere. A shame for them, but life is too short and there is always something else besides aviation and as long as people hoare themself out to places like the UAE and companies like Midex, then I cannot feel any sorrow for them as there is always a choice, LEAVE!!! If people continue to believe in the Ms and Cs of the world then you are sunk. These two people are going no where else as they can't and have brought the dignity of being a pilot and human being to the bottom of the barrel. They are losers and not going anywhere and the industry is well aware of them.
Midex, in the past 4 months have lost the best pilots and check airmen they could ever dream of having, but slave owners never care, just look at what happened to the South. It never came back!!! Not touch this place and the ones there, run away quickly!!!!:eek::uhoh:

Cape Fear 13th Aug 2011 17:08

any one after a A300-600 cargo job in middle east ? F/O or Capt

Earl 14th Aug 2011 16:49

I take offense Mr. Zero about your last statement where you refer Midex to the South, there is no comparison.
That Civil war really never ended, and us Southerners really don't care how those damn Yankees did it up North.

No longer with Midex myself but be prepared as the South is gonna do it again.

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