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Dispatcher001 11th Apr 2010 08:23

Do they still O/G, what's the staus of the company???

cantbeafoolinlove 15th Apr 2010 22:32

Heard AOC re-instated last evening with some test flight for the aircraft coming out MX soon!!!!!
High time Midex to get back in air.
Whats the news on new beast (747) joining???

Gulfstreamaviator 16th Apr 2010 13:34

up and running again
Read the closest to a report on www.thenational.ae.


ErwinS 26th Apr 2010 07:22

<Whats the news on new beast (747) joining???>

F-GCBM is in a D-check at SPL. Will become A6-MDI.

ErwinS 26th Apr 2010 13:48

And just arrived at SPL, F-GCBL, the third MidEx classic.

moggiee 12th May 2010 20:56

I've been seeing their aircraft come and go from my office window for a couple of weeks now - so yes, they are flying.

Bone225 13th May 2010 02:13

:= Not for much longer := :ok: :D

ErwinS 13th May 2010 07:40

All three 747's are now at Schiphol. MDG in the paintshop, GCBM/MDI waiting for delivery and GCBL in a c-check.

cantbeafoolinlove 15th May 2010 22:10

I thought MDG already had the standard Midex livery!!!! are they planning to change the livery?

ErwinS 16th May 2010 06:03

She was there only for some minor patching up. Left yesterday and back in service.

Paladini 25th May 2010 01:24

MIDEX taxi crunch
News just in.....

One of the MIDEX 742's is AOG in OAI. Crew hit a maintenance stand during taxi sometime last night.

Crew possibly out of duty day, 24hr / 7 day standby seems to be de rigeur. :mad:

aeroground 25th May 2010 01:36

not the best place to be AOG, the slot boys will not be happy with ramp space being taken up, interesting to know the story behind this the GCAA will hopefully publish the info

African Queen 25th May 2010 03:55

One of the MIDEX 742's is AOG in OAI

Ingrish preeze!

I Love Midex 25th May 2010 04:49

Broken down in Bagram, Afghanistan.

Pilot 55 26th May 2010 00:56

Bagram Incidence A6 MDG, MIDEX 747 200F
The incidence is well known now, here are a few points to ponder.
1. Is there a pre flight inspection procedure in MIDEX or if its there is it being followed? Its obvious that there is LACK OF TRAINING AND SAFETY OVERSIGHT.
2. Crews had their required rest? It seems that they were in a hurry to keep the times with in limits, still if you calculate the time crews initiated the flight and according to the time that they started taxi in a hurry with the stairs still connected, it looks that they were in panic to leave, any how they could have completed the flight beyound 16 hours in any case.
3. Do they have some kind of recovery plans as needed by the regulatory authorities?
4. I remember an incidence once an Airbus of MIDEX stayed on ground as they went to Bagram without the fuel planning and were stranded as there was no arrangements of fuel for them.
5. Are they flying under some kind of safety oversight?

In the end the culture of blamming the crews will take its course once again and some one or may be a few will be fired again to satisfy the authorities and to hush up the case...:mad:

Guru8904 13th Jun 2010 15:50

What are the hiring minimums for FOs on B4/742? Is it true that they are hiring guys without type rating? Any idea about a bond and the T & Cs? Thanks in advance.

Guru8904 17th Jun 2010 09:48

Anybody hearing? Answers please!

Bone225 17th Jun 2010 10:46

The End-look somewhere else
The end is near.

SassyPilotsWife 25th Jun 2010 17:56

end is near ??
Are you actually excited that the airline could possibly be shutting down resulting in pilots losing their jobs ? Perhaps you lost yours there ? Add HEAD to your nickname there buddy. It suits you. :ugh:

cantbeafoolinlove 25th Jun 2010 18:27


How is everyone feeling about the recent commuting changes?


Bone225 26th Jun 2010 23:28

Nope never excited about anyone losing their jobs. Just stating that it is not a matter of IF it is WHEN. Oh I guess the only people employed there are pilots or the only ones your concerned about :eek:

SassyPilotsWife 27th Jun 2010 14:15

What's your definition of " near" you posted this same rubbish back in May I believe. 2 post and both towards Midex shutting down. Obviously you aren't a pilot who has been furloughed and knows the effect it causes not only financial but also the ability to obtain another flying job, loss of current type rating etc. Perhaps you are a furloughed pilot and this is what you choose to do with your time. I'd be more apt to assume you either got fired from there or they won't hire you altogether.

My concern doesn't stop at pilots only but this is a " freight dog" thread and there is no comparison to a pilot losing a job and a secretary losing hers. Head on over to the " wannabee" thread. That is probably where you're best suited to post.

Fr8Dog 27th Jun 2010 18:26


What's your definition of " near" you posted this same rubbish back in May I believe. 2 post and both towards Midex shutting down. Obviously you aren't a pilot who has been furloughed and knows the effect it causes not only financial but also the ability to obtain another flying job, loss of current type rating etc. Perhaps you are a furloughed pilot and this is what you choose to do with your time. I'd be more apt to assume you either got fired from there or they won't hire you altogether.

My concern doesn't stop at pilots only but this is a " freight dog" thread and there is no comparison to a pilot losing a job and a secretary losing hers. Head on over to the " wannabee" thread. That is probably where you're best suited to post.
First: You never loose a type rating once you hold it. You may not be current but you still have the type.

Second: "There is no comparison to a pilot losing a job and a secretary losing hers". Tell that to the secretary, a lost job is a lost job.

Third: Tell your husband to take your computer privileges away for a week!



SassyPilotsWife 27th Jun 2010 20:06


1. It's LOSE not loose

2. Notice the word " CURRENT" in that statement ? I am certain however when the mortgage is due that is the least of problems.

3. I am certain you understood what I meant. Finding a non crew position after a furlough is much easier. Secretaries and other positions such as SECRETARY, HR, payroll clerk, etc.. can change industries.

4. I gave him your recommendation, he said ok but if he does, he wants to know if you will talk dirty to him on Skype while he's out of town and don't forget to call him "daddy". :E

Fr8Dog 27th Jun 2010 20:43

It's LOSE not loose

2. Notice the word " CURRENT" in that statement ? I am certain however when the mortgage is due that is the least of problems.

3. I am certain you understood what I meant. Finding a non crew position after a furlough is much easier. Secretaries and other positions such as SECRETARY, HR, payroll clerk, etc.. can change industries.

4. I gave him your recommendation, he said ok but if he does, he wants to know if you will talk dirty to him on Skype while he's out of town and don't forget to call him "daddy".
Your right, shame on me for the spelling error (unusual for me)

That's not what you said, granted burger flippers can find a job most of the time.

Does he like who's your daddy or just daddy? I'm easy!


Guru8904 29th Oct 2010 21:03

Salary for A300 FO
Could somebody give me the package details of an Airbus A300 FO? Thanks.

Bone225 1st Nov 2010 02:16

GCAA shut down coming again

onhmss 2nd Nov 2010 04:27

what ???
.....have they done this time ?

Earl 2nd Nov 2010 17:47

Get a life Bone.
Stop posting nonsense.
You have 4 post, all 4 slam Midex.
All 4 Are B/S.

mrzero 19th Nov 2010 18:43

Casey's letter/ reply from Caring pilot....
Dear John Casey

If Midex had proper management and maintenance from the start none of this would be happening. Don't blame the crew on the inadequate management whp put ego before anything else. Your safety philosophy is atrocious. Management has falsified logbooks and records and continue to. You tried to make crew fly an aircraft with one engine incapable of producing takeoff power. I can mention endless other blunders that you and your team of "elite" stooges have made. After the present management's performance, I'm amazed this airline is still alive.
So, please, do yourself a favour and resign with your stooges and let the professionals take over and save this airline.

As a matter of record, a recent flight lost all instruments on both sides and all auto flight capability and it is only due to the professionalism of the crew that there was not a disaster. They landed with standby instruments only!!! What's up with this???

Duty times are continuing to be exceeding due to rostering and it seems that the GCAA is turning a blind eye to all of this. Is the Dr. and the GCAA in bed with each other??
This place is getting extremely dangerous!!
Everyone out there stay away from this place!!!!!

mrzero 19th Nov 2010 18:54

A300 that are not maintained
Hi there:

If you want info on the FO A300 position, well most of the FO's here are not qualified and buy their ratings elsewhere and come straight out of a 152. They either know the Dr. or someone here that pushes them in.
As for the aircraft well, if you are willing to fly an aircraft that only one engine makes takeoff power then you are joining the UAE astronaut program!!
Good luck!

mrzero 19th Nov 2010 19:07

A300/747 FO positions
To clarify the FO positions for the A300 and 747:

The Captains here have to be like Captain Kirk on the Star Ship Enterprise and the FO's buy their type and come straight out of the 152. If you can handle terrible maintenance and engines that do not provide take off power then you will be joining the UAE astronaut program!!!

411A 20th Nov 2010 09:56

It's the ten percent like you that give this company a bad name.
Similar in many other companies.
We have a good procedure for this...boot 'em out, pronto.
Solves many problems.:ok:

mrzero 20th Nov 2010 19:51

Obviously a cover up
Its sad to see that an upper management person is involved as to see the details of the explanation can only come from someone in upper management.
As for the drinking whiskey and just sitting around, this is an insult as I have been involved for a while and I am a Mormon, so this cannot be. So lets leave insults aside and get to the real problems.
The crews are intimidated at many times or are just have no where else to go and thus feel they must not say anything. The moral here is low and does not need to be this way. Direction comes from above, meaning upper management, and if they support the crews and show that they are doing things, such as maintenance and living conditions then there would be no problems. This is not the case and it shows.
Most of us are pilots here, but the airline is run by FE's with no input from the pilots. This is where the communication is breaking down and resentment exist.
Lets fix these problems and prosper, but not send out an almost threatening letter from the DFO that the crews are not doing there part. These crews are above and beyond their part and it shows with only standby instruments last week.
This crew should well commended!!

Lion 01 21st Nov 2010 06:09

Get your facts straight
Dear Mr. Zero:

Yes, I am in managment and if you wish to discusss your issues man to man I am in office number 7. The reasons I am here is to ensure Midex's gets a fair shake. To many untrue rumors or hearsay from those how have nothing better to do than slander the company and bad mouth those who are trying to improve the situation here.

As for your below comments concerning FE's, many pilots have been asked to assisted in improving our airline but none have stepped forward because they do not want to take the time to come into the office and pitch in. For example, two A300 PILOT TRE's were asked to come into the office to assisted in improving the training program and correct errors in the flight manual and you know what there answer was, they both resigned from their position. Another example is the A300 MEL which is under review and revision and guess who is doing it, the FE's. Besides, it doesn't matter if your a pilot or fe as we are all Midex employees and should be doing our part to move the company forward.

"Most of us are pilots here, but the airline is run by FE's with no input from the pilots. This is where the communication is breaking down and resentment exist."

As for your issue with our DFO, you will have to take that up with him.

I'm not sure what your problem is concerning the living conditions, the company provides each crewmember with a two-bedroom apartment or an adequate housing allowance so you can find your own place. I live in the complex and I am happy with what the company has provided. I also believe you're getting paid a food allowance while your sitting in company provided accomodations which by the way I know of any other company that pays this when you are sitting at your home base.

As for the maintenance, we are working on alternate solutions and can only monitor to see that things are getting take care of.

sunbird123 21st Nov 2010 07:24

Is management overseeing the maintenance?. Looks like its not. Sounds like the management needs a change. These seem to be very expensive incidents. :sad:

aeroground 21st Nov 2010 12:38

Now the FAA have left the GCAA I am sure can take another look into this op if it is as bad as it it made out to be, you can bet your life any paperwork was not around for the Feds to see. It might be worth a closer look at what they carry, into certain areas.

aviator1979 22nd Nov 2010 14:21

A300 F/O
Is Midex hiring F/O 's for A300,if yes how can i apply ?

Guru8904 23rd Nov 2010 10:01

Is Midex hiring F/O 's for A300,if yes how can i apply ?
Aviator 1979,

Email your CV to Capt Casey (Chief Pilot) at
[email protected]

Shenanigans McLane 23rd Nov 2010 11:37

Shenanigans !!!
Per Mr.kitty himself:

" It's sad to see that we have another crew member sitting around his company provided apartment drinking whiskey and bad mouthing Midex!"

1. " If the crew had used "common sense" they would have done the max power takeoff from the maintenance base, found that it did not meet the required power and brought it back to be repaired instead of taking down line and having it sit in BAH being repaired."

2. "The crew probably didn't have time to fill one out because they were in a hurry to get to the bar or didn't want to make the time"

3. "If you are exceeding any limits it's your fault for allowing it to happen"

4. "We are hiring some young pilots (not too young) and what is the problem with that. We were all young once and dreamed of getting a chance of flying large aircraft at an airline. Give them a chance and you might be surprised"

WELL WELL.. We know where you're sitting as you sit there in a demoted, modified management seat as you run your trap, but just what are you smoking ?

Let me clean up some of your allegations and clarify some of your rose colored glass remarks:

1. Common sense ? That's funny considering one of your own management hooligans not only flew this a/c, but knew of the problem, didn't write it up but instead flew it anyway to benefit himself and the company ( really, how did that work out for you Capt. Management?) resulting in the thousands of dollars lost and don't forget the aborted takeoff that followed that could have resulted in a negative event.

2. To make this statement following the superb airmanship and ability to get that a/c safely on the ground only proves your lack of leadership, professionalism and what a fine example you are setting for the rest of office girls in AAN. A company is only as strong as it's weakest link. Hence the reason the abbreviations following your name changed.

3. Ok so far you want crews to hold the responsibilities of both flying, maintenance supervision and now crew scheduling supervision as well ? Is there anyone in that office that communicates with each other ? Who is planning and developing the rosters ? Who is there to supervise this ? IS ANYONE OTHER THAN CREW HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR JOBS THERE ?
Scheduling seems to think that because 2 days ago we didn't fly, it counted as " well that was your 1 in 7 or 1 in 8" then they try to reschedule your 2 in 14. Every time crew are being responsible about staying within GCAA guidelines and not exceeding limits, Capt. Management sends out an email asking crews to basically bend and interpret the rules to benefit the company. However, since you have now " clarified" who is going under the bus in the event this jeopardizes a license, you can bet you will get alot more " nope, the trip isn't legal" after scheduling has tried to educate us to the contrary. BTW, is this going to be your statement of record for the GCAA when audited again? If you want to get technical, ohhh boy we can get technical. Especially when it comes to ACTUAL duty times that include sitting on a broken a/c and flying it 4 hours later for 8 hours. There have been numerous trips taken by crews who did bend here, because despite your thoughts, values and opinions of the crews, we do want these trips being completed. We don't want to time out, return to the hotel, wait 12 hours etc. etc.

4. Hiring younger isn't the issue... hiring those with NO EXPERIENCE is deadly. Especially on an airbus !


PS... THEY HAVE and THEY ARE ! How many more are leaving next month ? 3 as of last count.

You state that the crews aren't caring enough about the airline to roll up their sleeves and come help out ? Here's your sign !

a) 60 days on. Out of those 60, how many are spent traveling to/sitting in hotel rooms away from AAN "available" for days because of broken a/c, dispatch and scheduling incompetence ? And like you so nicely reminded us, we're responsible for NOT exceeding our hours, and contrary to Capt. Management's belief, office work DOES count as duty time. Being "available" 24/7 in it's self is illegal. There is not enough crew members around to spare as a girl friday.

b) It is common knowledge that everyone and everything in ops is micro managed and you have no authority anyway and as NON Dr has reminded us all, we're just hilly billy's remember ?

c) " IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT, LEAVE" Now why would anyone be prompted, motivated or willing to assist a management who has this attitude ? You are doing a splendid job of insulting and insinuating on a public forum the men you are supposed to be working with to create a better moral and airline that will sustain the constant maint. and schedule issues. How does that foot taste ?

Shenanigans I tell you ! Shenanigans !

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