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Earl 27th May 2012 03:03

For that new contract everyone was forced to sign the A300 ones , the one year deal where you earn 2.5 days off per month to be used as vacation time same as in the military or in any other GCAA company.
If it is true that you will be terminated make sure that is included in your final settlement to be paid for any leave time accrued.
I was due days off already earned and was not paid them along with the end of service agreement.
Hope you all get what is owed but doubt the Ali Babba bottom feeding outfit will pay, never has never will!
But at least ask for it.
The end of service money they wont show you any reg where that has to be paid, just claim free zone B/S, but the UAE labor laws say different.
Hope this one ends soon before anyone else gets cheated.

freightjockey 27th May 2012 07:19

Must end soon
The fake doctor must have lost so much money with this outfit it is surprising it is still around. Better he closes it and cuts his losses surely ? Then the managers can follow their true vocations and start serving fries at McDonalds

cantbeafoolinlove 28th May 2012 06:01

Any Idea where the buses are headed off to??

Sir H 28th May 2012 10:01

Good decision?
Shutting down the A300 operations is probably the best business decision Midex taken for many years. As the CEO is completely ignorant how to make money in aviation, shutting down the whole company would be even a better one. But is that really what you want???? Is it not more fun to see the CEO loose more money? And give some people a steady income, at least as long as they cope with the situation? And if they do shut down all operations, no matter how many disgruntled ex Midex crew members there is out there that will give the their former lower managers negative recommendations (if ever asked), you will be surprised how hot the market for spineless managers really is. Reality is, companies (airlines) don't want heroes or popular vote winners as managers. They want yes-men and doers! I hope you A300 guys finds a new job soon, and I also want to welcome you to your new life in freedom (and that include A300 lower management guys ;-)

SRS 4th Jun 2012 11:15

Are the Airbus crews being offered a transfer to the 747 fleet? I heard that they are short and having problems finding 747 qualified crew members.

DCBOE 4th Jun 2012 11:59

You can leave!
B747 crews do not have to stay, a new operator needs Capts., B747s DXB to Afghan, 40 on 20 off, beats 12 months from Midex, and the money is better! But just experienced Capts., But definately :=no FF and JS.

FlyByWire1 11th Jun 2012 08:25

Interesting info....any details for this outfit out of Dxb to Afghan. Many thanks

SassyPilotsWife 14th Jun 2012 08:33

Attn Midex 747 FO's
Get in touch with hubby if you're looking for another job. Sorry FE's.. just FO's only right now. Same Same on location :)

FlyByWire1 14th Jun 2012 18:40

Great sassy pilot wife...appreciate if u could PM me your hubby's details for me to get the info.:ok:

STN Ramp Rat 15th Jun 2012 18:00

Laid-off pilots say Dh2m is owed - The National

DUBAI // A group of pilots laid off from a cargo airline claim they are owed Dh2 million in end-of-service benefits.


Midex Airlines has laid off more than 34 employees, most of whom were pilots. But a group of nine pilots and flight engineers are campaigning for three months' salary, saying they are entitled to it under labour laws.

"I'm going to have to sell my car just to survive because I have got bills at home to pay," said John Casey, the former chief pilot at the company. "It's dragging on, and I'm afraid they're going to drag it on forever."

Mr Casey, 54, from the US, had completed a three-year limited contract at the company and was seven months into a new contract. He said he was owed Dh280,000 in severance pay.

But he said the company offered him only Dh74,000, which was about one month's salary. The company has refused to pay the requested amount and said it was prepared to go to court.

"They want three months' additional compensation," said Dr Issam Khairallah, the president of Midex. "They cannot get it because the terms of their contract are very clear. If they don't agree with us, they should go to court like everybody else."

But there is confusion over where any possible case would be held, as Mr Casey has a Ras Al Khaimah visa while the company lists its head office in Dubai.

He was among a group of 22 pilots and flight engineers who were laid off over the past two months. Twelve ground staff were also sacked.

Dr Khairallah said the redundancies came as Midex grounded its ageing fleet of A300 jets and replaced them with Boeing 747s. He said those made redundant "weren't qualified" to remain at the company.

A former airline captain, Al Jacquet, 61, also from the US, claimed he was owed about Dh260,000 but had been offered only Dh92,000. He had completed a three-year contract at the company and was more than two months into a new contract.

"Everything I've read says that I'm entitled to this money," Mr Jacquet said. "I won't abandon this case unless someone official tells me that I'm not entitled to it."

Samir Kantaria, the head of the employment team at the law firm Al Tamimi & Company, said it would depend on the specifics of the case, but the gratuity accrued from completing the first contract should be carried over.

"It's very likely that authorities would take into account the full term of service when calculating gratuity," Mr Kantaria said. "The courts here are very employee-friendly."

[email protected]

Kitsune 15th Jun 2012 18:43

'The courts here are very employee friendly' ... Bwahahahahahahahaah!!!!!!!:yuk::yuk::yuk:

Earl 16th Jun 2012 00:29

I really had to have a good laugh at Dr Khairallah's response to this.
Quote: "They want three months' additional compensation," said Dr Issam Khairallah, the president of Midex. "They cannot get it because the terms of their contract are very clear. If they don't agree with us, they should go to court like everybody else."
What an idiot.
Emirates airlines office is nearly a stone throw away from his.
Do They try and cheat departing pilots on end of service pay also,,I think not.
We all had the same UAE resident visa, labor card etc.
Only difference was ours was registered in RAK.
UAE labor laws apply to the whole UAE.
Midex cannot pick and choose the ones they want or will not follow.
Midex also forces you to sign a Receipt and Discharge form stating that you have received all of your due salaries and that you have no further right to claim anything else from the past present and future.
They know they are cheating otherwise this form would not be needed.
If you refuse to sign this stating I am claiming my end of service money due under UAE labor laws you wont even receive your final months salary or ticket home.
I am sad they are still cheating more pilots, but happy this bottom feeding outfit and the non payment of salaries due is coming out even in the press now.
Maybe next time someone needs cargo moved and does a search they will see all this in the press and bypass this outfit.
If a man cheats his own pilots think what he will do to everyone else.
Sorry once again this happened, but one here was a very high manager listed in this article, guess all his actions to help the company he found out that he was not bullet proof and got screwed just like all of us before him.
Hate to say it but all those questionable times we operated to help the company as you stated, what did that get you?
I wont say I told you so, think you figured that out by now.

airtraveller 16th Jun 2012 05:44

Anyone knows how many 747s are in operation now? Heard that they are bringing in up to 6 a/cs. what are their flying schedules and routes like?

freightjockey 16th Jun 2012 16:16

They are now operating two very tired classic freighters that only seem to fly to Kabul and back, not the best place to fly in to ! Avoid this outfit at all costs

classicpilot 16th Jun 2012 19:25

Midex buying more aircraft
Listen, they don't have enough captains to fly the two junkers they already have, let alone buy anymore 747s. This is propaganda from the idiot owner & management. Just a matter of time when it's all over. The kiss a** DFO & CP are now bad mouthing mudex. They should have listened to us instead of brown nosing the little man & the micro managers. Karma is good. Now just waiting on the bad news about the hotel clerk, assass.
Good luck with finding jobs, your labeled just like scabs in the aviation world

classicpilot 17th Jun 2012 09:52

Midex Ex-crew | Facebook

airtraveller 18th Jun 2012 15:46

Thanks for the infos posted. Seems like the outfit is having a bad reputation based on what is being mentioned.Will consider all the adverse comments posted when deciding to apply.

Earl 16th Jul 2012 01:40

Mudex still has not paid us the end of service and salaries owed still to this date.
Hard to forget how many thousand USD owed under the UAE labor laws and the way they cheated everyone out of what was due along with contract violations.
Just an update for any that may want to attempt working there .
Would have been cheaper to pay what they owe ASSaad .
Company is labeled as bottom feeder world wide and now in the press too, think maybe there is a God.

Earl 16th Jul 2012 03:38

Just wonder if Kareilla knows the word Congressional.
Military ones know how big that word is.
And does he also realize that he is flying
US military contracts which he cheated many retired military crews out of contract and UAE labor law pay due?
Many good companies out there that pay the crews.
More than one way to skin a cat here.
Welcome anyone retired military that has money due and not paid to contact their congressman.
Got this from a few others will add mine to my congressman tonight.
We may never see the salary owed but being an American and showing how he cheated the crews this is a good way to get his contracts shifted to a company that pays correctly.
Actually I will edit this as to say it should be all Americans that worked for Mudex, to do the congressional.
Maybe the Brits have an avenue for this also.
This is our tax money that pays these fools and can be spent with a better company that does not cheat people.

noorex 10th Aug 2012 22:12

is that idiot Mclane still spinning his lies

freightjockey 11th Aug 2012 06:57

Is that useless, lying moron mclane still there? He must be sucking up to the boss even more.

cantbeafoolinlove 11th Aug 2012 08:10

so nobody knows where those airbuses are going to?
any bus crew got a call from that other company or was it all lies by the management?

CaliforniaDreamer123 20th Sep 2012 18:03

Reply to Sir H
"It makes me sad when somebody "LOL"over "a massive wheel blow out in Bagram" No matter how disgruntled certain exMidex crew members might be, it is not very nice to cheer over fellow crew members bad luck. IF this incident did happen (have not got any confirmation yet, and we do not know if it was a 74 or a Bus involved) it is not very hard to figure out a plausible scenario. The US military air traffic controllers seem to expect us to do the impossible at every approach at this hot n high/steep glide/high terrain airport. Most of the time we can cope with this, but with very narrow safety margins. Add to that -Max landing weight ( even an overweight landing, that Midex seem to execute on regular basis on the 74) -A thrust reverser u/s or disabled (when it comes to Midex it might not even be DMI:d) -Some tail wind component or windshear And you going to end up with very hot breaks! We do not know if this incident did really happen. If it did, the only thing we can be sure of, is that all reports will stay in a locked drawer at the Midex office , and no info will ever hit the GCAA"

Sir H, please keep your sanctimonious BS to yourself. I am not the only person laughing at Midex, the whole world is. Everybody knows how pathetic this carrier is, at least I am just being honest about it. "No matter how disgruntled certain exMidex crew members might be, it is not very nice to cheer over fellow crew members bad luck.", big whoop, its not as if anybody died or got injured. You tell me not to "cheer over fellow crew members bad luck", I have personally seen crew members ridiculing my "bad luck" in front of me, just because they were buddies with the management and had the leverage to do so. I have never been humiliated so badly in any airline, thank god I have been able to move on.

This carrier has made me commit many criminal acts. They always made me fly missions with undeclared dangerous goods and restricted military cargo. I have even been on a mission where I was forced to dump off 20 pallets of weapons, disguised as "general cargo", at Suleymaniyah. Nobody came to recieve the cargo, all the documents were forged and nobody even gave a hoot about what happened on that mission when we came back. Trips like that really made me hate myself. The culture at that airline was truely sick.

I am not saying I wasn't flying in challenging conditions, there have been times when I have been forced to land in a tailwind with an inop thrust reverser as well. If the incident was really serious, then I wouldn't be saying something like LOL. Tyre bursts happen over there very often, might as well have a laugh.

Earl 23rd Sep 2012 03:49

Suleymaniyah has been going on for a long time with questionable cargo.
We were told its all cigarettes, but after landing some asked why a whole airplane full of so called very heavy cigarettes.
Ground personnel said cigarettes they were going to Iran.
We have sanctions against Iran, anyone that questioned this was labeled bad boy.
One day they will learn, if you pay the crews what they are owed then no questions asked.
Threats and intimidation along with money they owed us constantly will never work.
And yes most of the dangerous goods was always mis labled.
The cargo never matched the NOTAC.
You would check the Notac and see what you had.
Then during off loading you would see much more that was hidden between the pallets.
Dangerous company that thinks they are above all rules and regulations.

SassyPilotsWife 23rd Sep 2012 23:43

Earl, I know you so I mean no harm in this. But. as long as the crews are paid properly, it is then ok to commit fraud and fly unsafe goods ? Doesn't that type of thought process keep them in business ?

If you knew this was happening, it was ok until you didn't get compensated for it ? Sorry, I want to give you the benefit of knowing better. You're a good guy and maybe I'm reading it wrong.

Earl 24th Sep 2012 00:38

Guess I should have worded that in another way.
Was referring to all the so called pallets of very heavy cigarettes and ground personnel saying they were being shipped to Iran.
Thought we had sanctions against them, an if paid properly no one would question this . was it really cigarettes in those Marlboro boxes.
Cargo, dangerous goods type was found not listed on the Notac many times.
Airplane was loaded before the crew arrived, so to slip things through was easily done and done often.
Pallets butted up to each other you cant see whats in the middle , during the off load you see this.
You know how or what happens if you file too many safety reports.
I got a royal ass chewing for verbally reporting a big hole in the cargo floor by the C/P and accused of trying to ground the airplane.
Nothing in the log book about this and its a structural integrity thing.
He reply was I was a trouble maker and maint had told him it was ok, if someone wrote it up it would ground the airplane.
So instead they put a sign on the floor stating do not step here,
Wish I knew how to post pics, this one is really funny and shows just how stupid management and the powers in charge are there.

SassyPilotsWife 24th Sep 2012 08:50

Didn't a mechanic or someone fall in that hole ? Yeah that same c/p that didn't report an engine problem when HE flew the plane, which resulted in the next crew having to abort takeoff. Has he even been able to find a job yet ?

Vc10Tail 24th Sep 2012 11:05

Midex FOs
Hi.How have you been?

Is Midex recruiting 747 FOs rated but nil time on type? Could you PM me your hubby's details?Capt McKenzie?


Fr8Dog 24th Sep 2012 20:05


Is Midex recruiting 747 FOs rated but nil time on type?
VC10Tail After all you have read here you would still go and fly for this outfit?

It's not like 200 time is worth much anymore anyway, certainly not worth getting involved with this group.

Earl 25th Sep 2012 01:24

Yes same C/P with the rejected takoff, he knew this as he operated the airplane into BAH and did not report it.
Next day we had heavyweight takeoff temp around 40 temp engine would not reach max power required, ended up being a high speed reject almots 160 kts lucky no blown tires.
How do i know this?
Lets just say I had a good seat and birds eye view.
Then a rejected takeoff requires a safety report to the GCAA within 72 hours.
They contacted the Captain and said you need to do this now.
Captain said to the C/P which safety report do you want me to submit. the one where I rejected the takeoff at high speed prior to V1, or the one where you knew that there was a problem with this A300 engine when you flew it into BAH and told everyone about it except us, but never reported in the maint log book.
I was a operating crew on this flight and was really angry how he risked every ones lives just for his job.
Midex safety department fully aware of these things, still have the emails.
Also same C/P that tried to convince is that it was ok to take off from FUJ with a 28 knot taill wind, saying customer is pushing this flight.
We could not take off in the other direction due to obstacle clearance, mountains and weight restrictions.
And some still want to work there?

Earl 25th Sep 2012 01:40

Its much more to this than changing our contracts before they expire or not even paying us correctly on the new contract or under UAE labor laws.
This company is dangerous and should have been shut down long ago.
The GCAA suspended the AOC before, Mudex just became better at hiding things from them.
Yet this C/P was in the newspaper complaining because he did not receive his end of service benefits under UAE labor law.

noorex 25th Sep 2012 17:45

nobody made you your lack of integrity did.

acer231 26th Sep 2012 11:01

Midex fleet
They have 3 classics. Dont know how many are serviceable as of today, but usually 2 are down for some serious maintenance issues. Shows the quality of their maintenance. Last June they parked the A-300s and fired all the crews instead of transitioning them to the 74. The company did not follow UAE labor laws concerning treatment of employees, and was shut down in the past for violation of GCAA rules. :E

CaliforniaDreamer123 1st Oct 2012 10:10

Reply to Sassy Pilots Wife
"Are you kidding me ? You were forced ? You mean there was a gun to your head and the flight deck was pirated ? 1. You are the very reason Midex gets away with the sh** they do because you fly it. 2. If airlines know they can get away with doing very dirty things and all they need is a pilot willing to do it, it brings the integrity, honesty, safety and value of a pilot down to the worth of nothing. You sir, are at the bottom of that pile. I guess it was ok for you to do all that while you were getting a paycheck, but the minute you were able to move on, only then did it become complete rubbish, hind sight and worthy of the truth and only then would you comment about it on Prune. And by admiting all of this on here, you think that clears your conscious and makes you a better person ? Hardly. At least you created a facade name to post it. Clever yes, but still a ****."

Sassy, you have no idea what you're talking about. I had a family and I had responsibilites, that is why I had to stick to that job. Trust me, I never said it was ok for me to do that, in fact, I even expressed my concerns to McLane and Casey. But no actions taken. I even refused to fly on a couple of missions, but then I had the "privilege" of getting reprimanded by Assaad and George for refusing. A man who has a family and responsibilities has no other choice, especially cause I know the financial pain that midex will put you through if you try to leave before your contract expires. In the end, I had to wait till my contract expired. Don't try to act like you are above everyone. I never said posting all these comments here will make me a better person, stop putting words in my mouth.

In conclusion, you can never put yourself in my shoes, so kindly keep your self-righteous, sanctimonious BS to yourself.

a350_b787 1st Oct 2012 12:51

Just an Info

3 of Midex A300 are now scrapped at Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies.

Earl 2nd Oct 2012 02:40

Looking back on this and knowing what happened there.
A A300 Captain died,
Yet his ex company Atlas had to fly his remains home.
Some said the were waiting in the insurance from a French company.
If the Doc had really give a **** this would have never been a question on who pays or transported the remains.
But what else can we expect from ones like these?

CaliforniaDreamer123 2nd Oct 2012 07:48

Reply to Sassy Pilots Wife
Sassy, I honestly don't know what your problem is. I am in no way disagreeing with anything you are saying. Just like how I don't have the right to pass judgement on you, you don't have the right to pass judgements on my decisions and my life. Yes, I stand by my comment, you don't understand the reasons why I stuck with midex, and I do not wish to discuss them or disclose them.

You have no right to say that "The only reason Midex gets away with their s@%t is because you fly their planes", the circumstances are such that you don't have any other options. Nobody is crying a river here, I am replying to the comments of others, and I never said your grievances are lesser than mine or vice versa. Just don't go about telling people that they are the cause of a problem, when you don't know what they are going through. How can you say I was at the "bottom of the pile" ?? You don't even know me.

I'm sorry for everything you had to go through, but stop acting like a freaking troll.

Earl 3rd Oct 2012 02:11

Well no matter how we slam each other here, at least we all agree on one thing.
Midex is a bottom feeding outfit that does not pay.

FlyByWire1 3rd Oct 2012 12:58

:ugh:.... Lesson learnt from this company ... the hard way... listen to the guys on the forum. Or experience it for yourself if you don't believe it.

Earl 14th Oct 2012 03:38

Good post TJ and Sassey.
Midex thought they could run a company treating crew members like they were from some 3rd world country.
Did not have to pay them correctly, always changing the contracts, saying we know you don't have any other jobs to go to, its us or nothing.
Then the FTDL or MEL, well that don't apply to us as we are different, we don't have to follow the UAE GCAA regs.
Yet they lost the AOC because of this, and still they tried to push it more after they got the suspension lifted.
The village idiot Hotel manager HR man was constantly threatening pilots. this was not his area,
Actually he was about the least intelligent one there, definitely not the sharpest pencil in the box.
But he was a relative of the owner,Apple does not fall far from the tree now does it.
You only have to live this type job once, and realize its all bad news, lies and deceit, non payment for due salary, threats and intimidation for questioning any limits that you know full well are not correct.
There are better jobs out there, like TJ said,
I have even seen Haj operations run better than this.

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