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midexcrew 6th Dec 2011 05:47

Midex mismanagement
What the totally incompetent DFO and Assistant DFO need to realize is that every one detests them, particularly the so called DFO. Nobody will ever hire these guys. As for the C.O.O. and HR manager they must be the most useless guys in aviation. They are only in those positions due to family connections with the owner. The owner does not seem to realize that not only his own awful attitude to his staff but also these totally useless "managers" have screwed his airline :D

Escaped from midex 6th Dec 2011 07:40

About midex airlines
I recently did a midnight runner from midex. That is the only way to leave them otherwise they screw you by not paying what they owe you. The mentality there is to treat your staff like s__t and they will respect you for it. That is an original quote from the very short owner ! What a horrible little man he is. He regularly threatened crews at meetings that if they want to leave they can do as he gets 100 applications a day (from cessna 150 pilots). He also threatens to take crew to court and have them arrested the next time they come to the UAE if they leave.

They are also the biggest crowd of backstabbers in aviation. The good managers have all left. The last one being the B747 Chief Pilot. They now have no TREs and will have to get freelance UK TREs to check their pilots. Let us see how many pass their simulator checks now !
So if anyone out there is considering joining this awful company - don't ! You would only regret it

chickenhunter 7th Dec 2011 03:39

There is clearly something wrong with the GCAA allowing this company to continue operations.
Last Safety Manager B/M was terminated for exposing the lack of regards to the FTD limitations, his replacement turns a blind eye to the same., fully aware that these violations are on going, duty regs, Mel no go items as such.
The one CEO that terminated him had a checkered past and was hired due to friend of family, not even a pilot this one.
Even a good F/E knows right from wrong, but he never made that grade either.
The UAE labor board should be involved here to, not paying crews in compliance with UAE labor laws.
Midex had so many Rosi reports filed by the pilots with the GCAA they were only allowed to operate 2 buses out of 6.
Company does not even pay according to signed contract, will change contract when questioned,
Should have been shut down long ago.
Just an accident waiting on a place to happen.

2Bad2Sad 24th Dec 2011 19:19

Its really good news for all with any credibilty to get out of this bottom feeding outfit.
Once you start cheating the crews with salary and payments, changing contracts mid stream, like a nightmare for all.
How this owner and finacial backers thought they could run a top notch cargo airline and use intimidation to move airplanes without spending the required money for repairs, cheating the system never works.
Now look where they are at,,almost all aircraft are AOG and remain so.
But you get what you pay for, Hey Doc you are really not such a good business man,,your track record and attitude towards the pilots shows that this business is above your head and managment ability.
Since you are really that gulible I will sell you the london bridge,
You would probably buy it,,all though it has been sold many times to ones like this.
Perhaps your hotel manager can give you some tips on investments.

CaliforniaDreamer123 28th Dec 2011 13:55

Apparently, there are more aircraft coming ..

So, there are some rumours going around the office about Midex getting at least 2 more 747s, which will be coming on line next year.The first one is supposedly arriving at SHJ in Jan 2012. God knows how the company will pay for them with the heavy maintenance losses they have incurred, but apparently, they are planning to "scale down" their A300 operations, only two of which will remain with the airline. All in all, they are planning to have at least 5 747s and 2 A300s.

All the employees know that the owner has been tooting the same horn regarding "getting more 747s" for the past 3 years, only high level management knows whats actually going on with the A/C purchases. All I can say is, the morale in the flight/ground operations department is not that high either.

There are no new flights coming, same old warzone BS everyday, most A/C are technical, and to be honest, I don't think our management gives a ****. All we do in operations (when "the man" is not around watching us) is watch movies, play video games, visit social networking sites like facebook, sleep, apply for jobs in other companies, and occasionally, I have even seen people watching porn. The only person keeping this ****hole together is our DGO, if he goes, everything will go down the drain.

I would like to know something, for those of you who have sucessfully attempted the infamous "midnight runner", what consequences will it have on your career ? Cause if the company files a case against you, any potential employer that runs a security check on you will automatically reject your job application on the spot right ?

Good luck to everyone who has successfully managed to leave this dump.

Signing off,
Yours truely

3pointlanding 29th Dec 2011 15:23

I find it amazing that this company is still in business. I have friends working there and given the comments in this forum worry about their safety. I feel there must be more to this story than meets the eye and would like to see the other side "defend itself", which probably will not happen because I think there is more than an element of truth in what I have been reading.

SassyPilotsWife 29th Dec 2011 21:25

Haven't you heard ? Midex is perfectly safe right now. None of their planes are flying :) :D

Fr8Dog 31st Dec 2011 13:38

Haven't you heard ? Midex is perfectly safe right now. None of their planes are flying

That is a good one SPW! Happy New Year!!

Hubby ever hear from Atlas?


WhaleDriver 31st Dec 2011 14:45

I would like to know something, for those of you who have sucessfully attempted the infamous "midnight runner", what consequences will it have on your career ? Cause if the company files a case against you, any potential employer that runs a security check on you will automatically reject your job application on the spot right ?
I know of one PFE that did a midnight run and got hired on at a defense contractor within a few weeks, with a VERY deep backround check and got the security clearance. There were some questions, but all was good in the end.

The only debt he left in the UAE was a car he couldn't sell.

As long as you can account for ALL your time out of the USA, that is the key.

chickenhunter 2nd Jan 2012 02:32

The 10 year criminal background check is not an issue at all in the usa.
Even if the dictator Papa Non Doc listed you on Interpol.
UAE is the biggest abusers of Interpol.
Only questioned asked is why did you stay so long , now that's a credibility issue that shows bad on our side.
All airlines are fully aware of Midex and what goes on there.
Interpol is not a bill collection agency like he dreams about.
Actually if he wanted to open this file in the USA it would cost him dearly as all contract breaches along with everything that happened would come to light.
Bring it on Pappa Non Doc.
We have things called punitive damages in the USA. and hope you have deep pockets, ambulance chasing lawyers standing ready.
Just put on my settlement collar.

SassyPilotsWife 5th Jan 2012 19:48

Happy New Year to you too Fr8! Hope all is well with you and your family.
Nope, no word yet. :confused:

Earl 11th Jan 2012 03:35

So far as of today Midex Airlines has not paid any of us our end of service contract agreement under UAE Labor Laws.
They owe me close to 11,000 USD.
All though they cannot quote a law that they do not have to pay this.
Operating in the free zone lies fall on deaf ears.
New Adverts on the net, better stay away Midex Airlines does not pay!

classicpilot 24th Jan 2012 08:27

assaad the clown
I just got this email below from the hotel porter assaad. This is after working one year for these bandits. They want to charge me 94,000 AED for a few classes & two sim checks with no training. I asked them for a receipt with the costs on it but no reply. Now how in the world could this clown claim this? He even admits leaving me way short on my last salary, that amount was over 20,000 AED.
I hope all this comes crashing down on them soon. They can't go on treating people like this. How can they claim to be an airline.
Westerners have no rights in those countries.

Dear Captain,

Following to the breach of Employment Contract which has occurred from your side, we have already filed a case against you in UAE Courts.
According to your Contract, we are claiming an amount of 94,151 AED (Ninety four thousand one hundred and fifty one Dirham) excluding our lawyer’s fees.

If you wish to settle this matter, I will be more than glad to put you in contact with our lawyer.

Best regards,

Human Resources Manager


Tel: +971 4 2146808
Fax: +971 4 2146809
Cell: +971 50 7559882
E-mail: [email protected]
You are being redirected!

classicpilot 24th Jan 2012 08:34

Owed money from midex?
Fellow aviators, I have a lawyer in Sharjah that will represent crew who are owed money from the bandits, midex. Anybody interested let me know

classicpilot 24th Jan 2012 13:26

GCAA Investigation on midex
I have spoken in detail with the GCAA today & they informed me that midex are "under special watch". If you want to get together as a group or contact the GCAA yourself, these are the people to contact; send your emails to;

Executive Director of Aviation safety, Mr Ismaeil AL Ballooshi, [email protected],

Director of Flight Operations Capt Mohamed Al Saadi, [email protected],

Director of Airworthiness Mr Ahmed Al Rawahi, [email protected],

Director of Foreign Operator Mr Aqeel Al Zarouni, [email protected]

Please cc them all.
Hopefully together we can do some justice & finally put an end to these crooks & liars

Earl 24th Jan 2012 15:43

Thats exactly my point classic pilot.
Midex owes many of us money,they claim they dont have to pay because they operate in the free zone.
Yet they use the UAE labor laws to come after you.
UAE labor card, GCAA medical, GCAA license ,UAE resident Visa, yet they think they dont have to pay according to the rest of the country and regs.
Thats the problem, ones that went to the GCAA before were terminated.
Everyone else operated under threats and intimidation after this.
They are all well known now, even when I did my 747 training for my new job many names were mentioned and asked about, these ones in management are probably finished and rightly so...A300 the most.
Maybe they all started out as good managers but they allowed many very wrong things to happen there.
Moving an airplane for many legs against the MEL and FTD limits is wrong no matter how you look at it.
We all stretch things to get the airplane home.
But they considered if you did this once then it did not matter anymore as the MEL was just a guideline and did not apply to them as they were different.
Worked in the Middle East for many years , this is not the way things work there.
They should be on close watch and shut down long ago as they are dangerous.
If you complained to scheduling about not being legal for the flight they would run to the ADO, he would go ballistic and take there side, then get on the phone with more threats saying the regs did not apply to us as it was all a grey area.
They still owe me a lot of money and my 3 year contract was completed to the day.
So even if you leave correctly they do not pay.

B747eng 26th Jan 2012 23:49

The End Of Midex
This was sent to all Midex, and Ex Midex Crew.

Midex are finally being shut down from lack of contracts & crew. Most of their aircraft are AOG due to no maintenance. They have lost the contract with Supreme foods due to break downs & constant complaints from ex-crew who have contacted them. Also the military in Afghanistan have had numerous complaints from ex-crew & the various US Government departments. Apparently Midex carried some sensitive material from China to Iran during the embargo.
gentlemen, good luck but it's about time these people got what they deserved.


DCBOE 27th Jan 2012 13:17

Pot Kettle and Black
I,ve just seen that Midex Have "promoted" fakhouri to post of Deputy Director of Safety,
He has got to be the most incompetent, liying and dangerous pilot I have ever come accross in 30 years of flying.
The only good thing is hopefully he will be in the office and not on the plane!

3pointlanding 27th Jan 2012 14:19

Now hold on! One says this Keystone Cop airline has shut down and now they promote a Deputy Director of Safety. Are they gone or or they not? From what I have been reading I hope it is the former.

chickenhunter 28th Jan 2012 02:32

Well does that mean they are shut down or what?
Hope its the later also, but if so all the money they owe pilots will be difficult to collect.
The safety manager being replaced is just another point in the wrong direction.
The CEO thinks he can replace and run this operation like he did at his previous failed appointment with Globejet.
Another failed operation he commanded until terminated for under the cover operations., along with some other American/Lebanese Captain.
Tried to undermine Globejets contracts with another leased aircraft,,trashing out the one that paid you ,,thinking you could get even more money.
Remember that CEO?
Word is out,,,we do!
Pappa Non Doc did not do his background check or homework before he hired this family friend.
Midex started out to be a good company, once the CEO showed up all went down hill quick.
But we all know how that Whasta works.
Should have been shut down the last time the AOC was revoked.
Midex only became better at covering up the records.
Thanks to the CEO.
But we all know where he came from.

SassyPilotsWife 28th Jan 2012 15:04

Rumor is, unfortunately not true. Crew flew to KDH yesterday and another trip scheduled for tomorrow. Also, the crew members we spoke with have not received any email as of right now.

Earl 30th Jan 2012 12:37

Too bad its still in operation.
Only means any new crew members that go there will get cheated on the salary and end of service pay.
You will learn that contracts mean nothing, can change in a split second long before the expiration date,right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right with all FDT, MEL and anything you have been taught since you began this job many years ago.
Hotel porter will intimidate you with his aviation experience,,punch me face and No HR expertise.
Filipina office workers ,,hard working ones terminated for not answering the phone quick enough.
Owner will tell you in meetings that you have no where else to go, ADO will say its all Grey areas in the ops manual, does not apply to us,,we are different.
Yet the GCAA allows them to continue.
Better jobs out there folks.
No one that has left Midex is unemployed now,,most of everyone has a better job and operates correctly without the threats and intimidation of the owner or CEO.

SassyPilotsWife 30th Jan 2012 14:31

Absolute TRUTH Earl
"No one that has left Midex is unemployed now,,most of everyone has a better job and operates correctly without the threats and intimidation of the owner or CEO. "

Earl, out of all the post I have read for 3 years on this forum and especially on THIS thread, no truer words have been spoken. That is a FACT. And for the record, MY HUSBAND is one of them and YES, he GOT HIS NOC letter ! Screw Assaad.. ( if you can pull all the noses away from his ass long enough)

Now for all you who want to fight Midex, quit looking for someone to do it for you. Either join the team who are actively trying, or keep wasting your time bitching about it on here. Nothing can be won with keystrokes on a forum with no leg to stand on. You have to join the fight. If you feel its a waste of time, then you chose to use your time on here rather than productively and you get what you've given. A good example... you didn't see my DH on here complaining did you . Never once did my DH complain, he chose to spend his time in offices refusing to back down. And its not over.

Earl 7th Feb 2012 01:00

Have to agree here.
They have cheated all from day one on the salary in many ways under contract.
Seems they think that if they just pay the monthly one then they are covered.
Don't get caught up in this Lebanese bottom feeding outfit operation.
ASSAD if you paid the ones correctly we could have shook hands and said goodbye.
But you lie and deceive all crew members, just another ali babba arab goat with shoes.
You dont even answer emails claims about pilot salary Midex pilots claims to have not paid by you and that you have cheated pilots out of.
If not for so much as a large amount Midex owes all of us I would let it go and say have a nice day.
But since you and the doctor cheated so many of us we decided to ban together and hope to see your ali babba ass gone.
Midex wonders why so many midnight runners.
You are better off to leave once you get your monthly salary than to try and do things the correct way,,since they do not pay accordingly under the UAE labor laws.
End result will be the same.

classicpilot 8th Feb 2012 12:23

midex airlines
Check out this. You think the owner could have told the truth why they were suspended
Midex faces suspension after audit - The National

And read these lies from their director general
Exclusive: UAE cargo operator slams closure report | ArabianSupplyChain.com

Oh, but we didn't falsify the logbooks, that was a typo. We didn't make the crew break their rest duty,(Owner) I only told them they would not have a job if they did not fly my electric cars to China after a few hours crew rest in Europe.

Hopefully the GCAA will shut them down soon. I will continue to inform the DCA departments in the rest of the world about midex

mnboater 9th Feb 2012 04:03

Midex ceased ops yes or no?
I heard they shuttered the place in the last week or two. Any truth?

fr8box 9th Feb 2012 04:21

I've seen both the Airbus and Boeing flying in the last three days...

SassyPilotsWife 9th Feb 2012 20:43

They are flying.. but a small bit of good news...
Yes, they are operating. Good news for the awesome guys who are still praying they do. Simply for a paycheck. God love them.

Was just on the back side of the tarmac and watched a 747 being loaded. So yes.. they are operating.


I cannot tell you guys how proud I am of my husband and all the efforts that he felt went down the drain and when so many thought he was fighting a worthless battle. He got his NOC letter despite that ASSaad's efforts to try to prevent him from moving on. He's not only hired by the other airline, but he's on the payroll for the past 30 days and on his way to recurrent on the 747 tonight. And it didn't stop there. here's the even better part..

Hubby called Midex sponsor just to check in see where his complaints were going and advise them of a few new players who are experiencing the same things.. and he was told that ASSaad tried to blacklist and place charges on a pilot who recently fled and they refused to do it. They refused to put a warrant out on the pilot because they are seeing the game that ASSaad has tried to play. While we're not sure who the pilot was, we can say that he doesn't have to bear the burden that a couple of other pilots have had to undergo. They refused to put anything against his passport and refused to issue a warrant. So now we're trying to get that warrant removed from the previous pilot as well as any other possible outstanding ones for simply leaving.. as they needed to.

Just because you have left.. or if you're still here and afraid to leave.. go to their sponsor. They are seeing the light. If anything.. email hubby and he will foward to the proper people. Best of luck guys !

fr8box 10th Feb 2012 05:02

Outstanding Sassy...I don't work there but have friends that do. Hope everything works out for everyone as well as it seems to have for your husband and yourself.

Earl 11th Feb 2012 03:03

Thanks also Sassy pilots wife, for your husband trying to make things correct.
This company cannot go on forever cheating the crews like we are some kind of 3RD world desperate ones.
The sponsors probably thought Midex would become a good freight hauler in the beginning as we all did.
ASSaad and the Doctor went totally out of control with this.
They call him Hitler with his small little mustache and probably other things
You can treat people like SHXT change their contracts midstream and expect them to stay?
Then to try and issue warrants through interpol because ones left and said I know this in not correct?
Just pay what you owe us all, I am just as disgusting with you as you were with me Midex!
Then we can finally shake hands and say goodbye.
But 11,000 usd you owe wont be forgotten.

assaadassaad 11th Feb 2012 09:58

Midex Airlines
UAE-based cargo operator Midex Airlines has slammed rumours that its Air Operators Certificate (AOC) has been revoked by the General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA).

The allegations, which have been circulated on a number of online forums, were fuelled by the death of two post-holders at Midex Airlines – its director of quality and director of safety.

However, speaking exclusively to ArabianSupplyChain.com, the airline’s director general Jassim Al Bastaki stated that contrary to the reports, a number of cargo flights were scheduled for this week.

"I can confirm we have not had our AOC taken away. It is right here in my office with me,” he said.

"The GCAA is running a standard operational audit with us at the moment, which all airlines undergo two or three times a year. Tomorrow at 10am I have a meeting with the GCAA where I must submit the names of my two new post-holders, the director of quality and the director of safety. We had to find people to fill the gaps within 14 days and now it is just a case of submitting their names. The rumours that Midex is out of operation are not true. We have cargo flights operating today and I expect to be operating a cargo flight tomorrow afternoon."

The claims were reinforced by a statement from the GCAA’s director of safety, Ismail Al Balooshi.

“GCAA is currently reviewing the operations of Midex and is working closely with them to resolve operational issues. This is a routine activity conducted by GCAA with all its operators in the region,” he told ArabianSupplyChain.com.

Related story: Sector Report: Middle East Airfreight 2009

assaadassaad 11th Feb 2012 10:02

Midex Airlines
Midex Airlines, an air cargo operator based in Al Ain, says it faces possible suspension today as it meets with civil aviation authorities over the findings of a routine audit. One of the main issues between the airline and the General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) is the airline's difficulty in filling key positions, called postholders, whose appointees need to be approved by the authority, said Issam Khairallah, the president of Midex Airlines.

"We are under review," he said. "Tomorrow we will present our response to the audit finding, and if they don't agree they might stop us from being operational." The problem arose after two of the airline's postholders recently passed away, he said, and at least one of the replacement nominees was not approved by the GCAA. Midex received the findings of the audit on February 28. Mr Khairallah said reports on internet forums that Midex had its Air Operator's Certificate rescinded by the GCAA due to crew documentation irregularities were incorrect. He said the postings were promulgated by a disgruntled employee. Midex operated a charter flight to Afghanistan three days ago and had a flight scheduled for today. A spokeswoman from the federal flight authority confirmed the routine nature of the investigation. "The GCAA is reviewing the operations of Midex and is working closely with them to resolve operational issues. This is a routine activity conducted by the GCAA with all its operators in the region." In January, Midex, with operations out of Al Ain, Dubai and Sharjah airports, said it had bought two used Boeing 747-200s to meet a surge in demand in the Iraq and Afghanistan charter markets, increasing its fleet of freighters to nine. It first began services out of Al Ain airport in 2008, and was the first freighter operator to be based there. Midex Airlines initially planned to focus on serving the cargo market to Paris, where its parent company is based, but curtailed services when the global downturn hit. Where once Midex flew daily to Paris, it now operates only once a week. The airline is carrying about 150 tonnes of cargo a day, down from an initial forecast in 2008 of 200 tonnes a day. Contact me at [email protected]

noorex 19th Feb 2012 05:12

is that idiot mclane still there

Escaped from midex 19th Feb 2012 11:48

Apparently he was fired from the dfo position and is now the training manager. How can a flight engineer be training manager? He is stuck at midex because nobody else in the world will employ the useless backstabber. They employ him there because he sucks up to the owner and the owner likes that !

noorex 19th Feb 2012 16:56

that sounds about right mr air force one suck up

westafricaops 22nd Feb 2012 06:17

"How can a flight engineer be training manager?"
Mr. Escaped from midex I take offense to this statement.
Would you care to explain?

el sol 22nd Feb 2012 07:08

as per the rules........
( c) Post Holder Crew Training. The nominated post holder or his deputy
must have the qualifications and experience as specified in CAR OPS 1 or 3,
Subpart C, paragraph 1.175 or 3.175 including its AC and IEM. The post holder
or his deputy should also be current Type Rating Instructor on a type/class
operated under the AOC/POC. The post holder should also have a thorough
knowledge of the AOC/ POC holder’s crew training concept for Flight Crew
and for Cabin Crew when relevant.
The post holder is expected to possess the following experience;
(i) 1000 hours flight time or 3 years experience in operations
substantially similar to those proposed.
(ii) 1000 hours in command of aircraft substantially similar to those
proposed to be operated.
(iii) 500 hours as a TRE/TRI on aircraft substantially similar to those
proposed. Duty as a check pilot may include aircraft, simulator, line
or base checking, or any combination thereof.
(iv) Hold licence and rating(s) appropriate to the proposed
(v) Prior to the commencement of revenue services, hold unrestricted
approval as a TRE/TRI on the major type of aircraft to be operated.
Should the fleet change in the future, he shall maintain the
TRE/TRI on at least one major type in current operation.
17th May 2009

3pointlanding 22nd Feb 2012 11:40

It doesn't sound like Mr. McLane comes even close to being qualified to hold any position. I am glad I don't work for this "outfit"

noorex 22nd Feb 2012 18:43

The only qual Mclane has is that he is a willing lapdog that will do what ever he is told and will ruin any career that he is told to ruin as long as he gets what he wants. He also beleives he is the only one who is smart enough to know what's going on. His management style is threat and intimidation and the ever stated I can fire you

noorex 22nd Feb 2012 18:45

Why should you take offense maybe exception but offense is a different word altogether

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