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AGNES 16th Jul 2008 16:00

May I ask why the girls always sit at the back of your shuttle bus while the cockpit crew always sit in the front? Is it your company policy?

Yeager 16th Jul 2008 16:42

Simple, Agnes. Its just as fake as the rest of the "setup". The CX appointed leaders are sittin' in up front. In reality most of the "leaders" wouldnt have the f..... balls to stand up against any cabin crew should they have to. Why? Simply. There will be no backup from "your" management pilots - they will be all busy covering their own a.. Hell, they even eat their own - its not that long ago - remember!
Disneyland may seem like a fairytale but dont you forget - in Disneyland nothing and no thing is for real - not even Mickey Mouse. Just dont tell that to your kids := ;)

No where has Fukme gone too? :ok:

BusyB 16th Jul 2008 18:32


Sometimes you really are in a world of your own. The sad thing is I don't think most people are ever going to visit you there.:=

Hellenic aviator 16th Jul 2008 23:57

armchairpilot94116 : Anyone still wondering why the girls dont want to go out with the flight crew?
Who said I wanted to go out with any of our girls ?

You can enjoy talking to them about their Hello Kitty collections, their cute lil' mobile phone trinkets and their cute lil' tags hanging off their rollerboards whilst eating Chinese or Thai cuisine all over the world, knock yourself out mate :E

kluge 17th Jul 2008 00:24

"Disneyland may seem like a fairytale but dont you forget - in Disneyland nothing and no thing is for real - not even Mickey Mouse."

This is a definition of Hong Kong.

EngineOut 17th Jul 2008 05:43

I had one called "Pantasy" the other day

Why is it that they fly all over the world, and all they will do is go and hang out in the local Chinatown and chinese food everywhere?

400 Jockey 17th Jul 2008 06:11

With potential for ridicule...

I found this originally quite a good thread to discuss CC issues, however it's plain to see that this has just degenerated into a sad and pathetic chauvinistic bashing and slagging off of our CC. :eek:

Isn't it great that all the public can see just how great and intelligent the Cathay pilots are huh? :D All this beatings of chests is pathetic.

I personally feel the Moderator should close this thread.

Sorry guys but this has stooped pretty low. Now I know why the girls think we are a bunch of f*ckwits!

Yea I know... I can bugger off, get a life etc.

Yeager 17th Jul 2008 09:12

The hat police and the self appointed moderators are still here. Gotta make u laugh.. :{ cryin' like little chicks..

Well back to the thread.
Has anybody ever seen the so-called cabin crew "hate list"? Rumour has long had it that such a thing is around - and I am so afraid that I'm on it.. Me - crying like a chick too.. :{

armchairpilot94116 17th Jul 2008 16:33

I wonder if the CC are printing up whats been said here and distributing it for a good laugh?

drnetsurfer 18th Jul 2008 08:05

Well of the reservation on this tread by now!
But let me say this about pilots....forget whether their is Camaraderie amongst the crew in general. Why are we as pilot equivocating our jobs as pilots with that of the men and women that work in the cabin. There vastly different occupations. One can be attain in less than two weeks....another takes a number of very painful years to attain. Only to have insulting cabin crew say we didn't work our way up. I beg to differ. We need to start fighting for our respect......otherwise you will be waiting for your coffee for 45 minutes and written up by someone who barely completed high school. They can do all the write ups they want....I neither desire them or what they have to offer.....but our position is different; and as such when we ask for coffee or other courtesy extended by the company...it should done in a reasonable time......stop asking to hang out with them...they’re plenty of normal women ( Men if that’s your flavor) to find friendships with than the cabin crew. However, throwing peanuts around a cabin doesn't make you god's gift.....:D

HotDog 18th Jul 2008 10:21


We need to start fighting for our respect......otherwise you will be waiting for your coffee for 45 minutes and written up by someone who barely completed high school. They can do all the writing up they want....I neither desire them or what they have to offer.....but our position is different
I think if you want more respect, you can start by improving your English grammar skills. Also you'll find that lot of the Cathay girls have not only completed high school but have higher academic qualifications that you so obviously lack.:rolleyes:

Suk MaDong 18th Jul 2008 11:16

What you guys got against Cathay girls? I only have say name and much laughing.

Cripple 7 18th Jul 2008 20:30

HotDog, how long have you been married to a Cathay girl?

drnetsurfer 19th Jul 2008 00:21

Oh ! Sorry Hotdog!
Never thought you were appointed the forums evaluator on grammar or sentence composition. Otherwise, you forgot a comma after (Also, you’ll find). You would also be far off the mark as to my level of education. I never remarked that cabin crew didn’t finish high school. Nor did I remark that a few might not have achieved higher levels of education. But my statement still stands, we as pilots do not have to equivocate our positions with that of the cabin crew. We need no praise from cabin crew or adoration. But they need to recognize that we do occupy different positions. As pilots, we had to slave our way to where we are today. Our positions as pilots come with certain responsibilities, authority, and privileges ( If we still have those left). If company policy allows for me to ask for coffee or other items necessary during a flight or gives the Captain higher authority and responsibility, then that’s the way it is. We don’t need the additional commentary on how hard they think we work as pilots up front or whether we are deserving of service during a flight; that’s part of the job description as cabin crew. I am not defending guys who are rude or go trolling for cabin crew to hang out with on overnights. But if someone in the cabin crew finds that they are deserving of high wages or a superior position within the company to which their overwhelming level of education affords, then by all means apply for that position. But you applied for the position of cabin crew and all that it entails. You want more, apply for something else or find a different line of work.

When I was an enlisted man in the military, I may have work harder than some in other jobs and I certainly thought I should be paid more. But I didn’t go around thinking that because the commanding officer seemly didn’t work harder in his air-conditioned office that my harder physical work or longer hours put me on equal footing with the commanding officer. As it turns out many years later when I advance to the officer corps, he actually did plenty of work as I found out.

So, I say to all pilots defend our occupation the way everyone else defends their occupations…. management, cabin crew, maintenance, electricians, plumbers etc etc We may make it look easy up front. But it wasn’t easy getting there and the job deserves the respect to which the position affords. Just like the CEO, Director of Flight Ops, etc etc

Right Hotdog!

Semper Fi

HotDog 19th Jul 2008 02:58

Cripple7, to answer your question, 27 years.

drnetsurfer, I'm surprised Obama din't pick you for his No.2.:8

James' Bro 19th Jul 2008 04:14


Long in story but short in substance ! :O

drnetsurfer 19th Jul 2008 05:26

Oh you are so right....substance on pprune hmmm .....end my rant!:ok:

555orange 19th Jul 2008 14:55

Hey blokes...just my 2 cents here...
To me FA's are a mixed bag. Always have been. Some are willing to hang out, some not. You just gotta have the attitude..easy come easy go... and i've often been surprised, that after thinking one is all icy, she is actually quite nice when you get her away from the pressure of her colleagues seeing and talking. Many of these girls are gorgeous and can get any business class customer they want. Why would they want to date a pilot? Almost none of them need rescuing if thats what you think. And alot of them have alot of class, education, and some come from very wealthy families. Forget it if you think they fall all over themselves thinking your the ONLY good guy in the market for them. I think not... lol. Because to them, were not even close to the the dudes that actually pay for the seats up front. Women love to gossip...and when they date a pilot and break up... we become the enemy because we are the most familiar break up story. Its just the reality. Besides, do you really want to date a girl from work?? Do yourself a favour and find a girl with something better going on in her life than serving coffee at 350. Smile to the girls when they give you your coffe and then thats it.. ..and then tell your flying partner about how your gf is an accounant for Price Waterhouse and is managing a mutual fund!

Yeager 19th Jul 2008 15:31

Good drills bloke,

The pressure of her colleagues - gotta bloody love that enviroment huh - nice.. Pathetic.

A lot of them have a lot of class.. Are you f.c.ing, freakin' kidding me.. Well ok, I see, if class is being able to shut the mouth while sipping a noodle soup - ok, I guess you are right. Well at the end of the day I suppose its all a matter of what standards one has..

Come from wealthy families.. Are you joking me. Do you seriously believe that an Asian girl would work as a cabin crew in that case.. I need yet another break, now..

AND then this story with education.. I do appreciate the fact that in some countries doctors work as taxi-drivers because they can earn more money that way - than could they as doctors - and thats really sad. But now lets not push things here. Just because some have had - say 3 years German, French or economics - doesnt make you Einstein. If they were so bloody smart they prop would have left the coffee/tea or me job after a year or two.

Only guy in the market and business class pax to pick up.. Buddy, you make them sound like they are working girls - I think thats pushing it a bit to far there :eek:

I agree to the fact that some of them are nice girls. No doubt.
But at the end of the day - find a girl outside work - thats a good piece of advice. In the meantime - why not just have fun with them lots :ok:

Cumguzzler 19th Jul 2008 17:00


WTF happend? I thought you quit CX and went back to Denmark???

Cripple 7 19th Jul 2008 17:09

Hotdog, good for ya! :D If I ever get down under, I will buy you guys a brewski. :ok:

Marcopipo 19th Jul 2008 17:25

In old times, CC knew how to entertain front seats...:D
unfortunately old...:{. Come on girls take up the challenge!;)

Dailymotion - Striptease d'une hôtesse de l'air, a video from bade9292. pute, rap, banlieue, rohff, boon

Yeager 19th Jul 2008 17:32


Nope mate, not leaving until the very, very beginning of next year. Go figure. Just changed fleet to get the the rating. Might as well get the most out of it right. After all, we have been tought so by the masters of that. Go figure again. :D

Back to the original subject. When will CX start to hire some more Indians?
- they can be a bit of fun.

The Messiah 20th Jul 2008 11:06

Yeah Yeager I heard about your upgrade. Apparently you proved yourself to be a first class turd during the sims. Good for you. Surprise surprise.

Night Watch 20th Jul 2008 15:09

The Messiah Do you ever have anything constructive to say? Or do you only believe in making pointless, stupid comments?

So glad I'm not on your fleet, and will never fly with you!

Back to the thread......

I gave up on the CX girls years ago. After numerous attempts at being polite, friendly and evolving all in the "team".... I just couldn't be farked anymore. All I can say is.... My wife NEVER has to worry about me and any of the CX flight attendants.

delay_no_more 20th Jul 2008 15:43

By Jonathan68 --- well written!

Ok, I will stick my neck out on this one!

CX has definitely become a far less social airline among crew during my time.

Probably the biggest change was during 1995-1997 when cockpit ULH patterns were shortened to 4 days (so we could get more days off in HKG!!!!), while cabin crew remained in accordance with their contracts. The fact that you went outbound, and then returned with completely different cabin crew tend's to split crews apart. For cockpit crew the day of arrival is the only day to go out, while Cabin crew treat this as a day of rest, and go out the next day.

My more social trips have tended to be the longer ones when you all stay together as a crew, such as 5 or 6 day Jo'burg's, Amsterdam's, Adelaide's, Bahrain's, Penang's etc. These patterns are now ancient history!

However, things are now even more challanging for various reasons.

Our new cabin crew recruits are only paid $79 per hour, for a 100 hour month. This work load does not leave much enthusiasm for going out socialising with anyone on overnight stops! Also when the basic is only 8k, saving overnight allowances to cover living costs is even more important than before.

It is understandable that when staff are so poorly paid they tend to treat their employment as a short term job, rather than a long term career. Hence high levels of sickness, lots of resignations and low levels of motivation at work. This also affects how people fit into a crew.

CX Management have chosen to ignore the fact that it has been an employees market for jobs over the last few years in Hong Kong. They continue to cut back packages for staff, and struggle to fill classes for new cabin crew, by compromising on standards.

With HKG unemployment at 3.3%, and lots of jobs paying far better than CX, our new Cabin Crew recruits are either people who failed to get better jobs, or the minority who just really want to be Cabin crew (despite the pay, etc).

No doubt our longer serving pilots could make the same observation about newer generations of CX pilots, B scaler's, Freighter pilot's, etc. Basically CX get's what it pay's for.

The declining english language skills of our younger crew are an added issue. Current crew list demographics are typically for the bottom 2/3rds of the crew to be all cantonese speakers. Basically the aircraft effectively divides into two seperate operations with the cockpit and senior cabin crew being CX, and the back of the aeroplane becoming Mongkok Airlines.

In the outport these crew prefer to not "change channel" (speak english), so are reluctant to go out with non Cantonese speakers. Maybe if we all learned to speak cantonese we could overcome this!

Nothing is going to change with regard to the social situation, so just accept it. To socialise with cabin crew, it is probably better to latch on to other airline crews. This is definitely a better option, especially if you are married to CX cabin crew!

As a Captain, you have to try and build enough of a team to face the possible challanges of the trip. This is not easy when you only get 5 minutes or so on the crew bus, and half the crew are yakking away on mobile phones etc. You just have to put in the effort to make sure that all the senior crew are comfortable to call you when something goes wrong in the cabin.


changing all those subjects/objects will become hkcad conditions.

quadspeed 20th Jul 2008 18:41


Why don't you give the guy some slack? You've by now made the point that you know his identity. Taking cheap shots at him publicly when you yourself hide behind anonymity makes you, sir, a coward. If you disagree, then argue your point. But using his identity to poison your sting is cheap and pathetic.

Most of us obviously don't share Yeagers opinions, but this being a public internet forum and most of us living in what remains of a democratic society entitles him to make his statements. They are, after all, his opinions. He shouldn't have to worry, as you not-so-subtly are implying, that the secret police will be knocking on his door for criticizing a system that, as we all probably agree, could still use some work for the better.

Yeager balances one extreme side of opinions.. It might have gone unnoticed to you, but one cornerstone of democracy allows the accused to know the identity of his accusors.

The Messiah 20th Jul 2008 22:12

It's a rumour network and I heard the rumour that he behaved like a first class turd, if that makes me a coward I can live with it.

Taking cheap shots at him publicly when you yourself hide behind anonymity makes you, sir, a coward.
I don't hide behind anything. Everyone on here posts with anonymity, that's the idea.

But using his identity to poison your sting is cheap and pathetic.
I have done no such thing. I have never used his name on here ever (unless his first name is Chuck, then I am guilty as charged), and I have little doubt that Yeager knows my identity in any case, it aint that hard to figure out. I would be happy to tell him he is a first class turd to his face if you would prefer, or shall it be pistols at dawn?

Hey it's just my opinion of him, you don't have to agree but, as I'm sure you are aware another cornerstone of democracy is freedom of speech.:ok:

kluge 21st Jul 2008 00:32

Marcopipo - outstanding :ok:

quadspeed 21st Jul 2008 05:30

I have done no such thing. I have never used his name on here ever
really? is it amnesia or just a lie?

Wow [his name] you don't quit do you. You weren't this tough when we flew together, and you weren't that good either.
(The Messiah, 18th June 2007
there's a few more.... but not quite so subtle.

..with your 38th birthday coming and you only being an s/o..
The Messiah, 17th June 2007)

The private message was a heads up that his identity is known in CX. He may need that safety net at SAS sooner than he thinks if he continues to use words like imcompetent when referring to his new boss who he admitted he doesn't even know.(The Messiah, 5th July 2007)
You've stated that everyone on here posts with anonymity; that IS the idea. Which is why your posts are poisoned and threathening, trying to imply that any of us should be afraid, very afraid, if you and your buddies manage to unmask any of us.

I don't know your identity, nor do I wish to do so. But if I did, it could be quite easy to create a user, based on any email account, and make slanderous accusations and post a few classified documents pretending to be you or someone very similar to you. Would that put your job on the line, or would it seem reasonable to give you the benefit of the doubt as to the origin of those posts?

The point being, things aren't always what they seem. You may even be targeting the wrong guy.

The Messiah 21st Jul 2008 05:44

Oh yeah I forgot about that. :ouch: I guess I must really dislike him.

trying to imply that any of us should be afraid, very afraid, if you and your buddies manage to unmask any of us
If that was my motive I would have done it don't you think? That implication is your own paranoia speaking. The PM was genuinely to tell him to wind his neck in, as if I know who he is then so do plenty of others.

Yeah I shouldn't have used his name but he really pi##ed me off.

kluge 21st Jul 2008 06:13

with all the childish bickering the thread name does appear to be appropriate, does it not ?

Yeager 21st Jul 2008 07:21

No hard feelings Mess,

My opinions may be extrem at some points, as its correctly being noted. You, Mess (and others) , may not like them or the way they are presented, but like everything else in life there are things you just have to live with, like it or not.

Your childish and totally irrelevant comments about me only puts you into character. It appears to me that you are just as lonely as you have always been. The sad news is that, that will most likely never change. Some people just never grow up.

The Messiah 21st Jul 2008 10:38

Yes true they are childish and totally irrelevant comments about you, but they're not baseless.

asianeagle 21st Jul 2008 11:50

[email protected]'m bored! :zzz:

did you hear about the CA that.........(someone finish the story!)

jsshousestaff 22nd Jul 2008 04:51

When wiil you gents ever realise that our cabin crew are only attracted to royalty.

The Prince

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