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ACMS 29th May 2008 06:27

Since MR P.C. left we now recruit from all around Asia again.:ok:

armchairpilot94116 29th May 2008 06:41

Living away from Asia for ten years now meant I havent set foot on a CX flight in these ten years. But judging from what you guys are saying, seems CX really is just a shadow of its previous self? I used to fly CX a whole lot and it was neck to neck with SQ my two fav airlines (and I travelled alot for my work then and flew all sorts of airlines). My GF (later wife) who was a CX cabin crew had never mentioned anything about this cockpit versus cabin crew war ever! And she used to jump seat back to TAipei often on her days off. I used to ride the crewbus with her even (she would ask the Captain if it was ok, and yes its the CAptain to ask and not the FO or the FE or the Chief). I never got the impression from her that there ever was a problem such as you guys are talking about. And I dont think the girls were heavily HK girls then either. I guess the airline really is aptly named as suggested here "Mongkok Airways".

Would things have been different if the FD crew were HK-nese too?

I would agree that things will improve if they go back to employing girls from all the Asian nations CX flies too again.

However, although you guys on the FD get peeved, I really dont think its a surprise that the cabin crew (who are mostly ladies) will flock around their mother hen (the ISM) rather then the FD (who are mostly men and dont do the same duties they do). Sure the CAptain is CAptain of his ship but you guys are never going to be part of the swabbies in a big way. Get over it :} The ISM is the Chief swabbie. YOu guys are the bridge. Maybe you should make friends with your dreaded Freighter pilot buds? :}

Hey its your office and you guys live the life. I am just walking freight. What do I know. But this thread certainly is interesting none-the-less.

Thanks for reading my one cent (less then two cents) worth.

Left Wing 30th May 2008 05:02

flying J class as a full fare pax, in jeans and shirt happened to have my flt bag with me........when the MongKok girl forgot to take my drinks order i asked why no drinks for me ??? the key reason given to me ...wah ! mistaa you have pilot bag..you cannot drink wha !.....:ugh::mad::{

ACMS 31st May 2008 01:48

I hope you politely corrected her mistake?

DonLeslie 31st May 2008 14:22

For a pilot working for a major european airline with, thank God, quite good CRM, it's very interesting to read how things work elsewhere in the world. I am, however, quite astounded by the things I read in this threat and I can hardly believe it. We, too, have chinese CC on our routes to China and HK who are generally very friendly and not rude at all. Some could improve their English a bit, but other than that, everything 's fine.

...All of the girls who had ignored us didn't even smile and just sat on their mobile phones chatting. Utter rudeness. :ugh:
Now I do realize that things are different at different outfits, but maybe one of you CX guys could explain to me: why do you tolerate such behaviour? In my company any captain worthy of his bars would have kicked their *sses off the bus and called in standbys.

I also had to make 2 calls to the back at some point, none of them understood my basic english and in the end I gave up and called the ISM and got her to do what I was requesting! She then came up to the flight deck and said this is a huge problem she is facing with them not understanding basic english.
Again, they would have been relieved from duty and placed in coach for the rest of the flight.


rick.shaw 31st May 2008 16:19

Don. I'm afraid I am unable to refute any of the stories told above. I can relate to and have experienced each and every situation I have read so far.

The 'CC on the mobile on the crew bus out to the aircraft while being briefed' is an age old chestnut. Thankfully, most of us are clamping down on that now. It does, however, typify the lack of respect from the junior crew - unfortunately, especially/mostly the HKG CC.

As far as kicking them off - that would really cause a stir in CX. With the punitive culture that is prevalent, the Capt would not come out very well. Additionally, the CC culture is also very punitive and there is a 'report anyone' mentality. And along with that goes a certain fear of kicking ass in case that very junior crew decides to report his/her head purser for any transgression. If there is one thing CX is good at, instilling a fear culture is it!

Hellenic aviator 31st May 2008 17:11

Hmm.....Our former Chief Pilot kicked off the bus 2 girls that were yapping on their mobile phones. Despite them apologising immediately, he stood his ground, offloaded the girls and made an example of them. Nothing was said or done.

If the girls are rude enough to disrespect the Capt., then they deserve to be offloaded. If they're pissed off at their pathetic pay and conditions, they have two choices; (1) Harden the fcuk up, or (2) Express their displeasement with their Personnel Manager and Union. It's about time they grow up and act as adults and not as spoilt bimbos. There is no excuse acceptable to disrespect any fellow crew member, starting from the Capt. to the most junior crew member.
:mad: 'em !

1200firm 31st May 2008 23:07

A few years ago I was PX/DT'ing (whatever they call it this week) to BKK.A few weeks after this I received a letter stating that as an ID90 passenger I had accepted an amenities kit & would I care to explain myself.(This was in the days when you had to decline a kit if offered.) I replied that I accepted no amenities kit & that I was on duty, not staff travel.One of the CC had gone out of their way to try to drop me in the s@#t. I am sure others have their own stories similar to this one.
CX CC are in a class of there own but are in no way representative of the HK population in general who are very nice people. CX train them to dislike the pilots. Amazing.

ACMS 1st Jun 2008 02:51

yeah..............I've had some wonderful trips where the new CC come outside for a walk around with their cameras and come up to the cockpit for t/o and ldg. Big smiles and a good time had by all.:ok:

They can also be outright rude, it's a bit hit or miss really.

Any CC that was raised in a western country tend to be very good.

Still, it helps my marraige in the long run:ok: ( and my wallet )

Gotta stop lusting after those fine looking 23 y.o;s :{

off_off_dim_and_off 1st Jun 2008 03:15

Sure!! Western countries are the best!!!:zzz:

Fac6 1st Jun 2008 03:39

If I do a flight and it's widely open the I check with the ISM and invite 2 of the CC up for TO and Ldg

coded_messages 1st Jun 2008 04:22

Hi fac6,

I know what you're trying to achieve but you wont get thanked for it, nor will they appreciate it. Actually the girls are so bitchy that you can bet your bottom dollar that the ones who sat on the flight deck got attitude from the rest of the crew. I have seen it!

An SP told me 3 days ago that around 700 junior cabin crew left right after they received their profit share.

But we are not short of crew ;)

rick.shaw 1st Jun 2008 11:55

H Aviator. I stand corrected then. Well done to the former CP. Although, the cynical side of me would still say that a non-management Capt may not get away with it so easily. I'd like to be proven wrong though, and the precedent has been set it seems.....

By the way, speaking of FORMER CP's, did he have some farewell drinks lately? Was the bar overflowing with sympathites?

Time traveller - glad to hear the Oasis crew were nice. Maybe I was a bit harsh, but most of the problem crew I have dealt with have been HKG crew.

ACMS 1st Jun 2008 12:40

off off dim and off:--------- sorry but it's a fact, any CC that has a "western" background is in the same playing field as us. Sorry to be direct but that's an indisputeable fact. Just like the local CC get along with the LEP better. I have lost count of the number of times the local SO disappears with the CC to slurp noodles WITHOUT asking any of the rest of us along.

I accept that fact, maybe you should take off your glasses and look around.

I wasn't meaning that our Western raised CC are better, just that they understand us and communicate better. And for us that's AS GOOD AS IT'S GUNNA GET.

armchairpilot94116 1st Jun 2008 19:51

ITS one thing to have C/A that are good for a chat and maybe a drink or at least act in a civilized manner. But if it was a case of bringing your own (young and good looking) girls to every port for nocturnal activities? IF pilots were consistently successful in that respect with the C/A , then everyone would want to be a pilot. :8

Should get real. They are not there for that purpose.

MAybe there should be only male C/A? Then no issues about 'crew feeling' or forming a wolf pack down at the bar after the flight?

Yeager 2nd Jun 2008 16:46

Just dont EVER expect to get anything - at all that is -that reminds you of ANY normal European airline in terms of working enviroment with Cathay Pacific Airways. If you wanna hang out and have something of a normal intelligent (sorry "normal" in this context it "western") social life at work - you have come to the wrong place, Mate. Its just not happenin here!
Even if you do end up going out with the "crew" in say Joburg og Frankfurt - its a Mickey Mouse thing - sure thing, its culture - never the less - it absolutly nothing to write home about - unless you fancy Mickey. :D

Who the f... wants to eat noodles with that local SO and a 21 years old Honkie anyways (speak about Mickey!).. :eek::oh:

Hellenic aviator 2nd Jun 2008 17:15


Although, the cynical side of me would still say that a non-management Capt may not get away with it so easily. I'd like to be proven wrong though, and the precedent has been set it seems.....
I know a STC on our fleet that offloaded the ISM - there had been a disagreement between them whilst on their way to the aircraft, he felt she was being rude to him, and ordered the SP to take over. She finally walked off the plane at about 20 mins before pushback. He has done this twice now. I applaud him for taking a stand and reminding the 'guilty' what are the ranks of the Chain of Command - ISM is #5, not #1 or 2, as some think they are.

By the way, speaking of FORMER CP's, did he have some farewell drinks lately? Was the bar overflowing with sympathites?
Um, dunno, I wasn't in the vicinity.

Just like yourself, I find that the HKG based crews are the ones that act like Mongkok specials. I've heard that they are trained from ground school to dislike us - not sure whether that is fact or just someone's opinion. I would like to think the latter.

It's been my experience that the based crews seem much more approachable than the HKG based ones albeit as others have said, it's more or less a hit-and-miss.

Personally, I agree 110% with ACMS,

Still, it helps my marraige in the long run ( and my wallet )
and Yeager

unless you fancy Mickey.
....to each his own...

ACMS 3rd Jun 2008 03:09

I don't want to go out and slurp noodles with the crew BUT it would be nice to be asked every now and then.
Maybe I expect too much courtesy?

Anyway, good trips do come along, just don't hold your breath tooo long waiting.:ok:

jetjockey696 3rd Jun 2008 06:31

cx girls
Guys I know how most of pilots feel, I work in a :mad: airline in South east asia. I am chinese, but speak little chinese, so I converse in english. Most of the time, well all the time...I try to speak to my cabin crew, to get a good atmosphere going therefore good CRM and maybe to make a few friends.

Guess what.... the only people who actually speak to me is the non-chinese crew. the chinese stand in the corner of the galley looking like a retard gauping into our group of "OK- not so hot in english speaking" crew. When you to speak to the chinese crew, you get a mumble and/with attitiude..forget it.

I realised after studying them. most of them are shy and can't speak english (basic english) very well, badly mannered, no culture etc and so they are scared to talk with you...they don;t know what you are talking about most of the time...:ugh: therefore the reason that they dont ask you for noodle or a cuddle is for that reason..no :mad: lost. As for me, I got the cold shoulder, because I am chinese and I dont converse in chinese...they even told me to learn chinese....COLDLY:* Really want to B:mad:h slap them.

BUT the non-chinese asian cabin crew can;t speak english very well but ALEAST they try, i cant fault that.:ok: AND they tend to go out for drinks etc after work.....no sexual intentions included, well that fine with me.

90% of have attitude problem even the not so hot girls..because they are cabin crew..(NOSE IN THE AIR), they all have mini god complex... HELLO.. iam a pilot, I should be one with the attitude...

Overall chinese girls in Asia have a attitude problem...with a shy complex.
compared with chinese girls out of asia,eg. america, europe etc who has be cultured..

I am sorry if I sound a little racist, but that the truth..after 5yrs of approaching them and trying to talking with them...WASTE OF TIME...

Captain Dart 3rd Jun 2008 07:00

The brains of 12-year-olds in the bodies of 24 year-olds.

coded_messages 3rd Jun 2008 07:58

Just did a trip,

Was very friendly on bus, joked etc. Flight had about 100 pax on it so I said to the ISM because of the light loading I was inviting any 2 crew to come up and experience the take off and landing. 10 minutes later she comes back and says "Everyone says no" :ugh: Nice CRM huh?

I thought it particularly rude!

Yeager 3rd Jun 2008 10:39


Good info. Think you are quite right!

armchairpilot94116 3rd Jun 2008 16:01

Just did a trip,

Was very friendly on bus, joked etc. Flight had about 100 pax on it so I said to the ISM because of the light loading I was inviting any 2 crew to come up and experience the take off and landing. 10 minutes later she comes back and says "Everyone says no" :ugh: Nice CRM huh?

I thought it particularly rude!



Forget bout it, just treat them like the lepers that they think you guys are?

And judging from whats been said before, any girls that go up there likely will get ostracized and treated like *hit by the ISM and others. Who would want to go ?


Yeager 4th Jun 2008 00:51

Obviously a lot of the girls in the cabin dont give a f... and a rats ass about anything but their overnight allowances. The new honkies aged around 21 are on a louzy 3 years contract - why would they care whether the cognac comes on the side or goes into the coffee. They simply do not care - and how would they know - its not noodles. Cathay Pathetic will never again receive - the worlds best airline rewards - its been mis-managed. Pure and simple.

One must wonder how it all ever got so much out of control. Its a sad, sad story and setup Cathay Pacific management has managed to create.
I am happy I did not have to witness the nasty 00-01' pilot despute and even more happy not having to witness the next one.

One thing you gotta credit CX for - they have managed to mis-manage allround - and not just here and there. Full credit on that. :D

mooney59 4th Jun 2008 02:54

Absoutely correct.They are on a mass, frenzy recruitement for Cabin Crew from other asian countries.The ''Same Team,Same Dream'' has not worked out.

James' Bro 4th Jun 2008 03:52

Cathay Pathetic

Arrive in battered shape !:E

Co-incidentally... had this banter with an ISM last week ! Was a SLF...

jetjockey696 7th Jun 2008 08:19

cx girls
"Same Team, Same country, Same f:mad:g nightmare"

I think you need to hire from outside hK to get rid of this "HK dream team cabin crew" there are alot of girls from south of HK does a better job. than "the dream team". Thai, malay, indo, etc BUT NOT singaporean girls :=(Sorry).

Guys.. especially "coded-message" forget inviting chinese girls to the cockpit as many have stated they actually dont give a ass about cockpit visits..if you want to be thanked about cockpit visit give the visit to a PAX. I invited a few, two fell asleep as I rotated out of KL. all they are concern with is the label (nission or maggi) on there MSG load noodles and there superstar status on the people (non-crew) below them, no interest in flying...a few actually stated "ain't you job boring, just sitting there doing nothing" :ugh: BUT actually the non-chinese crew do thanked us for the jumpseat everytime we offered to them and funny enough they actually want to questions about the switches, levers and not forgetting the all time favourite trim wheel..as it spins.:D

As you can guess I am not a lover or fan of chinese crew, especially Cabin crew.

hyg 9th Jun 2008 04:56

Just from my short time in cx, this is a little observation from a local point of view....For the local cabin crews, couple of reasons they don't wanna talk to pilots.....

1.this mainly lies with the junior ones. They are just being scared of becoming the centre of bitching session about throwing themselves at boys, tho most of the ones who have worked for more than 2-3 yrs couldn't give a rat ass about what other ppl says. One could not imagine the seniority mindset down the back, and this is just among BCs. I was soo surprised with the way some of them talk about BCs more junior to them, seems like they expect more respect from the new BCs than some Capts ask of us......

2. This is mostly reason why they don't want to talk to the expats, they are just not prepared or don't want to change language... I know you lots may say, this is the airline industry and it's an english based industry... but u have to agree english is not their first language and in many cases in their daily lives, they don't use it at all...Being a local, everytime when someone came in when the Capt/FO went to the loo, the girl who came in is always willing to chat....

Some of them are interested in what we do and despite the fact we all hate the company about cost cutting, I have actually been told us sitting up the sharp end are the last thing cx is still worth travelling with, which kinda says at least we're still getting some respect from them down the back, even if it's minimal....

The Wraith 13th Jun 2008 16:54

Fact is, the girls work hard for very little pay...certainly less than they are worth. If you are polite and treat them with the respect they deserve they will return as such.
With the occasional exception...like pilots....they are a good bunch!
Just be nice....and accept they don't all want to sleep with you.;)

Left Wing 14th Jun 2008 02:56

and accept they don't all want to sleep with you..isnt that the hardest part ....:}:ok:

ThreadBaron 15th Jun 2008 14:29

Despite all the shot being fired here about the realtionship between flight deck and cabin crews I am pleased, as pax, that none of it showed and that the cabin service on CX250, 23/5, CX171, 24/5, CX170, 7/6 and CX255 11/6 was above reproach. Friendly, efficient and capable were you all. Thanks passed to the ISMs concerned ... Vera, Candice and Kemmi, (sorry CX170, I did not get your name.:()

Flight deck performance was beyond reproach too ... expecially the very wet landing of CX170 at HKG. What was the problem with the nose-wheel steering ... anyone know?:ok:

Pradet 15th Jun 2008 14:48

Besides girls
I understand your problem and feel for you..
Besides that could you tell me if Cathay is worth applying to as an Airlines with good qualities of life, carreer, up-grade time etcs...

StandardToaster 15th Jun 2008 15:58

"Recently did a flight, was on the bus and as the girls came on after us we all said "hi." Well about 5 (all locals) just blatantly ignored us. By the 3rd one I'd had enough so stood up and very loudly (in a joking way) said "hi" with a big smile and put my hand out to them, they looked lost! I joked and said why you not saying hello to us? Do we smell? and laughed. All of the girls who had ignored us didn't even smile and just sat on their mobile phones chatting. Utter rudeness."

:D an Alan Partridge moment

kluge 16th Jun 2008 00:26

Glad to read someone had a +ve experience with CX.

I have stopped flying on CX. The service is mediocre and in my experience has degraded in the last 12 years that I have been flying on CX.

Typical HK attitudes, no brains, follow a set menu of options and if you try and deviate from it you get the response "cannot". Unbelievable.

Sticking to Gulf, Qatar and Air NZ for the long hauls now.
Sorry CX you lost my loyalty and business (and first) travel dollars through poor service and attitude - simple as that.

Teal 16th Jun 2008 03:48

... Vera, Candice and Kemmi..
Interesting to see even after 11 years of PRC sovereignty over HK, the Honkie girls still give themselves fantasy/film star names. :hmm:

No doubt there are many a CX CC member called Candy, Bambi, Suzie, Queenie, Annie, Maggie, etc.

mooney59 16th Jun 2008 04:57

How about Cindrella,Melon and Gassy?

By the way you guys are starting to sound really desprate -think of how this thread is being perceived by them.My advise -Don't give a rats ass!!

HotDog 16th Jun 2008 07:41

Right but not just Cathay girls. Some of the cute waitresses at The Hong Kong Golf Club (ne RHKGC) called Money, Milky.:ok:

kluge 16th Jun 2008 07:47

or even "Wealthea"......could be the start of a new thread. HK's silliest names thread.

gliderboy 16th Jun 2008 09:39

Here is a real name..

Fanny Pang....seriously

If one letter changed....then it would be rather smelly!


EngineOut 16th Jun 2008 09:50

Here is a great site that has a good summary of 'local' western names. Very Amusing...


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