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Bristol Handling

Old 23rd Jan 2009, 19:18
  #41 (permalink)  
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FMCTEMPESTNo easy's out on time, hear a bit of a shamble Oh and a Menzies Tow Bar through their new crew room window Damm Shame.
The old servisair staff are'nt being allowed just to get on with what they were doing just yesterday.'Teaching Grandmother To Suck Egss' comes to mind.
They have to do it the Menzies way.
Great equipment Towable Conveyor belts GERT LUSH!!!
Yea some people will defend Menzies now saying its a new startup some small hickups whilst they find their feet etc etc to those people Bo****ks!!
Let the TUPE guys get on with it menzies and stick to NEWSPAPERS!!!
Airside Ops Busy parking EZY's Keep the speed down on the Ramp Guys 15MPH max apron speed preach what you teach!!!
why don't u give them a chance first. if servisair were so good then y is and has menzies takin easyjet from them in most stations. all the ex ezy servisair up here were the same...well if there that bloody good piss off back to them. fact is think yourselfs lucky you's have a job in the current climate quit the moaning. towable belts are a joke but there cheap the brs stationed flight deck majority hate servisair in brs all we get up here is hurry up take over etc as for not one flight left early...erm sorry the gla left early took off from brs 15 min early and returned back to brs early also did edi that day. do better home work in future before u rant.
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Old 23rd Jan 2009, 22:45
  #42 (permalink)  
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tow-able belts, dont see any problem with them, sure it means u gotta push n pull for a couple of meters but its really no big deal... considering they are considerably "lighter" than the steps that are pulled in... it doesnt delay flights as other stations still do a flight in 20 or 25mins depending on the aircraft...

FMCTEMPEST, i see were your coming from, but the staff that moved across no longer work for servisair, so they should know themselves that they have to do things the way Menzies states, as thats their new employer... if they want to work for servisair then they should apply to go back once summer kicks in, if not then adapt.. menzies wont have a problem filling empty spaces

if i was working for 1 firm and another took over, id expect for there to be procedure changes, and i wouldnt moan.. as thats the way my new employer works
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Old 24th Jan 2009, 09:50
  #43 (permalink)  
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dont know where fmc tempest got his info from, probably another bitter servisair employee but start up went really well, first day went well considering it was not just a new contract but a new operation, second day was very good with the first 16 departures going out early or on-time, easyjet were delighted and crews loving it and all they go on about is how bad it was with servisair, and certainly dont know who started the rumour that a towbar went through our ops window but that is ****e as well, how excactly is that possible considering the windows are about one metre off the ground, and the reason why the tupe staff are not left to do it there way because that would be the circusair way which is shocking, some of the loaders have some really bad habits from servisair that everyone is trying to get out of them but front of house and ops/dispatch were very good. menzies staff have nothing bad to say about servisair staff but they seem to be filled with hatred towards us, the only reason why all the bitter servisair staff are coming on here spreading rumours about this and that is that there bubble has finally burst and they are worried because eventually more contracts will go.
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Old 24th Jan 2009, 16:22
  #44 (permalink)  
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Reading this thread about a subject in which I have an interest, it occurs to me that it would be nice if Menzies - who are in the reading and writing business, in a way - were to send all its staff on an English literacy course.

That's read-ing and writ-ing, by the way.
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Old 24th Jan 2009, 18:19
  #45 (permalink)  
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I believe Menzies have taken over handling Easyjet at so many UK stations because the two companies operate a joint handling venture, and Easyjet hold a 26% stake in Menzies.

This arrangement guarantees Easyjet low cost handling at stations where Menzies already operate, and has enabled Menzies to get a foot in the door at other stations where they previously were not operating. Quality of service does not come into the equation!

At every station where they have set up a new operation, Menzies have come in offering lower wages, inferior T&C's (eg NO SICK PAY!) and flat rate overtime! How can this be a good thing for airport staff at ANY airport?

I have seen first hand the Menzies recruitment process prior to a completely new start up, and while they need, and are happy to take, a certain amount of experienced staff via TUPE, they inevitably have to make up the numbers by taking on new (and often inexperienced) staff. The new staff are given a basic training course then sent out to load and dispatch aircraft! Can you really learn either of these jobs properly in just a few weeks?

Of course some of the ex-Servisair staff are fed up - they have been TUPED across with no choice (other than to resign) and know it is only a matter of time before their T&C's are eroded to the same low level as the new Menzies staff.
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Old 24th Jan 2009, 18:30
  #46 (permalink)  
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in reply to that last post i have been with menzies since april 07 i am fully ramp trained including fmc trained. and i am also dispatch trained and load control trained. dispatch i learned that in 2 weeks of training and 1 week of shadowing the rest is down to getting the experience. as for ramp it took a bit longer on pushbacks etc but menzies and ezy had a handling company called the orange handling company after 2 years ezy pulled out however menzies were still taking over at most stations menzies have a no drive diamond in place which ezy seem to like. that is prob whats pissing ex servisair staff off and up north its the ex aviance and newer guys that are better at the job and less lazy unlike the servisair guys(not aimed at every servisair worker am sure they kept there good workers) however menzies working conditions are ****e but still walking away monthly with more than what aviance and servisair workers are at our stations and as far as am aware we are making money in edi and gla.
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Old 24th Jan 2009, 19:59
  #47 (permalink)  
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With regards to the 3 main handling companies at BRS, Menzies, Servisair, and OCS, everyone who works on the ramp for all 3 of these companies try their damn hardest, somedays things dont go their way, equipment issues, staffing issues, sickness issues, poor weather and probably the biggest problem of all is the passangers themselves especially those needing the coaches or ambilift, they mysteriously get lost in a terminal with only 8 gates!! Most flight crew are great and understanding and from those of us on the ground thank you, but theres a very miniscule few who should try and remember they're not the only aircraft on the field, the handling companies will get to you as soon as they can, they dont sit about doing nothing whilst your sat on the tarmac waiting.
If you have an issue with any of the service then you should take this up with the base managers of the 3 companies, i'm sure you will find they will be happy to explain your wait for steps/coach/gpu/ambilift/de-icing.
Both OCS and Menzies have and will take time to find their peaks and troughs over the year, so give them a break, work with them, i'm sure the servisair bosses were not very forthcoming with sharing info that they had built up over the years with these 2 new companies.
All the ramp staff from all 3 companies work well around each other on a very small and busy ramp, and the amount of delays caused by ground handling against the amount of movements is very small.
I say good luck to the Menzies, keep plugging away OCS and keep up the good work Servisair, Airline Services and any others that are down there turning these aircraft around.
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