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-   -   ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications (https://www.pprune.org/cabin-crew/146913-anything-having-do-emirates-applications.html)

fly_guy100 9th Jan 2006 08:13

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
I just wanted to know what everyone else thinks about me applying when I turn 18. I know that the age requirement is 21 but I heard that sometimes the age requirement is waived for some applicants.

SkySista 9th Jan 2006 11:40

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
fly_guy, sorry but i think someone is having you on; the minimum age of 21 is a UAE thing, not an EK thing. Legal requirement due service of alcohol on board. By all means, go to the open day, check it out, network, learn about the company etc, but i don't fancy your chances unless you're nearly 21 at time of applying (say, 6 months to go or something...)

good luck though for when you do try...! :D

BYMONEK 9th Jan 2006 17:00

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications

Well, for the first time in ages, SKYSISTA actually speaks some sense. Yes, way too young i'm afraid but that shouldn't put you off. Why not get involved in jobs that are based around the service or retail industry.Basically something that gives you experience of working / dealing with general public as this will work in your favour if you still wish to apply 3 years down the road.


Sorry to break this to you but have you heard the expression " get a life". You sound desperate and pathetic and I doubt if even the most immature amongst us find you funny. You and I crossed swords almost a year ago over your poor and inexperienced advice that you give out on this EK forum. Having ignored you long enough, I have this to say to you. If you've nothing useful to offer on this thread, then stay away. There are many people out there who use this forum to seek accurate and helpful advice in their quest to join EK. Having you turning this into a " let's all have a laugh at ek's expense" can only serve, i'd imagine, to offer a modicum of satisfaction for your own numerous failed attempts.

It really is time that you moved on.

Aloyscious 10th Jan 2006 12:44

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
so nobody went for the KL EK open day? CAn anyone share wth me what happen over there?

SkySista 10th Jan 2006 14:22

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications

I was wondering when you would show up again. Considering some of the posts you have made in the past, it's a bit like the pot calling the kettle black.

Read my post properly, by 'have a laugh' I am referring to going along to an open day with no expectation; having some fun, meeting some nice people and possibly getting a bit further along in the recruitment process. I have said that in the past. Sorry if my sense of humour is lost on you, I just don't take myself too seriously. i can see the funny side of going to open days over and over, sorry if you can't.

You obviously just can't recognise a post that is made tongue-in-cheek. Considering that I have attended a few open days I am offering my perspective and my experiences to those who HAVEN'T attended one, so they may know what to expect. People have asked me for my opinion; I am giving it. No one is forcing them to accept it or believe it (though it is true), I am setting it here for anyone who wishes to read it. Don't read it if you don't want to. geez, it's not that hard...

I am thoroughly tired of the likes of yourself and Doniacleavage (who has some serious issues with EY) putting me down for trying to help others. From what I hear it's more than you do. Give me a break, I'm not hurting anyone. As for 'getting a life', I do have one thanks. I have a great job that I love and if EK do not want to employ me then fine, it's not the end of my world. Just don't bitch on me for trying. No-one ever won anything they didn't try for.

Just because I'm not desperate and/or an unhappy expat driver in the sandpit, don't take your issues out on me.

Although I'm glad to see that at least you can admit it when I'm right about something.

And, oh my god, have I read that right? Did you just encourage someone? Oooh, you must need to 'get a life' (said with tongue firmly in cheek :E)

BYMONEK 10th Jan 2006 17:13

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications

First off, just for the record, i'm not an "unhappy expat driver in the sandpit" An expat yes, but a very happy one at that. In the "sandpit" that you are so desperate to get to but alas, probably never will.

I'd NEVER discourage anyone from persuing their dream so please don't put words into my mouth. If I thought you were genuine in your 'numerous' attempts then I wouldn't have posted. Your attitude now, as you yourself admit, is one of laissez-faire and humour at these open days so how can I condone behaviour like that and accept your statement that you're here to help others.Your not even helping yourself! Anyone with any sense who reads your posts will see they're littered with contradictions.

You also, by your own admission, wish to embarrass the very people who are expected to offer you an interview. If this is your approach to desiring a career here in Emirates then not only have you some serious issues to address, but you're even more immature than i'd first suspected.

As I said before, it really is time you moved on.

SkySista 10th Jan 2006 17:25

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
I'm not going to pursue this much longer, as it's obvious you're convinced I'm not trying to help others. Your opinion and you're entitled to it. I know the truth and that's enough for me.

If I can't have a sense of humour at an open day, I won't get very far living in Dubai, will I? As for 'embarrassing the people" who I want to interview me, perhaps it wasn't clear, but i was referring to those people at past open days who felt it necessary to make snide comments and step on the more timid people - i.e., participants, not the interviewers. yes, I may have made some comments regarding recruiters in the past, yes perhaps they were a bit childish in retrospect but I admit those posts were made at a time when I was disappointed and upset. However I poked as much fun at myself for not getting through.

With respect, have you ever attended a cabin crew recruitment session? Do you know what it's like to be paraded around like meat, being judged primarily on your looks and not your skills and talent? Being cut from a session for some petty reason? Having more experience and skills than half the group would have in twice as many years and told that it's not good enough? Well until you have I suggest you don't criticise those who have.
I may have a 'laissez-faire' attitude -that's because approaching it seriously and with a mature attiude didn't seem to work, as those who acted twelve years old and bitched and moaned progressed further than most who acted professionally!! I'm sure you can see how frustrating that would be.

It can be a trying experience and sometimes trying to see the lighter side is a way to cope. Sorry if that offends you but that's the way it is. I have friends who are currently EK CC and they have said they agree with me about the recruitment process - it is in a lot of ways petty... just like a lot of other process in EK and other airlines!!

At this point I suggest we agree to disagree; I will never stop trying to encourage others to pursue their dream and I feel you will never agree with me. So let's leave it at that and let this topic get back on track, ok??

Aloyscious 11th Jan 2006 06:04

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
Hey ppl,

I would like to know wht test is Emirates conducting? Any specific questions will be appreciated...thanks so much...

cannard 11th Jan 2006 06:37

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
you asked the same questions last time ek rolled around to your area, all the answers are in earlier posts of this thread, im not sure exactly which page, but they are in the 30's, long detailed posts of exactly what happens. between last year and this year, very little has changed. so it still good.

while i dont feel it necessary for me to stick up for skysista (partly because she can handle herself, and also because she is taken now so why bother :P), i do wonder about you motives for attacking her. this IS a rumour network so everything should be taken with a grain of salt. i have also come to believe that either you lived in a country that has serious laws against humour or maybe your parents left you in the attic under lock and key, because you dont seem to have a sense of humour what so ever. you attack skysista for a light hearted jib at EK, yet remain quiet when people let loose with nasty comments and to avoid EK because its run by satan and the taliban.
sure skysista has been to more than one open day. but isnt it better to get advice on conception from someone that has tried many different things than to hear from someone who got lucky(unlucky?) on thier first go, when the condom broke in the backseat of the car?

if you cant laugh at yourself or the situation should you really be in such a stressful (at times) job? maybe the post office might be a better pick for you?

iuli21 11th Jan 2006 08:58

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
anybody coming to bucharest open day on 14 jan?

sinala1 11th Jan 2006 09:31

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
SkySista is a well-known and respected poster on all of the Pprune forums, her advice and information is rarely (if ever??) misleading or derogatory and she has a wicked sense of humour to boot.

To quote the Dunnunda mods, "play the ball, not the player"


There is enough unnecessary (and baseless, for that point) fighting going on in the world without bringing it here...

Bymonek - perhaps you can shed some light on your suggestions for the CC walk-in interviews? I gather you have been in the UAE for some time so are likely to have some constructive suggestions :ok:

ccc8139 11th Jan 2006 12:49

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
da iuli21 si eu merg pe 14 o sa fiu acolo ai fost si la etihad la interviu?pe 10 decembrie?

iuli21 11th Jan 2006 17:46

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
ccc8139 ceck your PM

ccc8139 14th Jan 2006 09:44

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
I feel sorry for those who came from other towns for the open day today in Bucharest lol emirates stuff didn t show up ,a waste of money and time they could have let them know somehow.....wellll.....typically emirates as for u nordic girl ummm my advice to u is if u got enough money and afford to lose it jus cause ya hair dont look right or ur skin color isn't the right one that day lol go for it if not ....stay where u are till they comin to ur city lol in november i had to travell all the way to Amsterdam from Romania cause they invited me to an interview there and um cause i had a diamond on one of my teeth lol they sent me home WITHOUT telling me at least the reason....obviously they thought it was permanent and the poor lil rock was just glued ....i found out later on when i came back i called and and asked what happened .....and they told me lol anyways i took it off and got in with etihad obviously i was good for them and my point is this :the Amsterdam thing happened two months ago and now they here in my city lol u know what i mean...and they never said nothing bout coming to Romania lol good luck in whatever u decide:ok:

kad84 14th Jan 2006 12:40

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
Thought I would let you know I recently got a job with EK and I am 160cm... so that's nothing to worry about. As for the travelling for interviews, that doesn't say much to them at all. There are often so many applicants they hardly have time to listen to your name and they are really not interested in what you had to do to get there. Good Luck!

ccc8139 14th Jan 2006 12:52

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
yup i have to agree with kad84 yup yup yup been there done that lol .....but like i said b4 good luck and keep us posted;)

janibabyes 14th Jan 2006 18:08

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
Hi Nordic girl!!!
I am also attending the open day in Sweden!!! I have wanted to work for the Emirates for such a long time that I am both excited and extremely nervous about all this!!! I am sure it will be a very positive experience regardless of what happens... but, wouldn’t it be just so great if we both could get the job??? ;)

janibabyes 14th Jan 2006 22:25

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
Hiii Nordic Girl!!
I have sent you an email now!!! I am soooo happy I came across with is forum. It is fantastic!!!
Wishing you all the best, Jani.

SkySista 15th Jan 2006 02:23

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
Good luck girls.... also I believe now EK go by 'arm reach' not specific heights... obviously you can't be too tall but some shorter people have an 'arm reach' that is fine to reach o/h equip... wheni went they asked us to take off our shoes (so make sure no holes in ur stockings hehe) and we had to stand on tip toe and reach a sticky tape mark on the wall, if I recall correctly it was something lik 2m 5cm.... not sure though...

Just make sure if you're wearing new black shoes, wear black pantyhose... I had flesh coloured ones and when I took off my shoes they had black marks all over my toes!! Ewww! Luckily they laughed and asked if i had new shoes.... :p

Good luck!!

janibabyes 15th Jan 2006 11:20

Re: ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications
Hi Skysista!!
They asked us to wear skin-coloured stockings.... So I don’t think we can choose not to wear them… It would be much better to just follow the rules right??
I have read mostly all your posts in here, and despite of what many people say, I think you are a great help to all of us by bringing us support and advice. ;)
So please keep on writing!!! and thanks!!


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