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janibabyes 9th Feb 2006 13:25

open day
HOLA Fainbaires!!!
Well, first of all, don’t be nervous at all, coz i attended an open day 2 weeks ago, more or less, and they did not ask me any questions related to the videos they played. They were only playing those videos so you could learn a little bit more about the company and so, as well as keep you entertain while the recruiters were calling one by one of the people there presented. It was a very short interview, where they asked me why i wanted to work for them, if i was working and/or studying... etc.
Here i recommend you to wait on the line till you see it is your turn, make eye contact, greet them before sitting down, and ask for permission to do so (sit down i mean) and thank them at the end-. They will appreciate it... most of the people are not very polite... they just go there, with an angry face, don’t even say hello, and leave as if nothing... Try also to go very very well-groomed since the very first day. It also helps. Smile Smile and Smile, and be nice to people... even if you are passing all the stages, please be nice to the people who did not pass... it is always nice being comforted by sb when you are sad...
Then they make you go through more interviews, an English test and a group activity. Here, please make sure that you talk, but not in a loud and annoying way... you must offer reasonable solutions, sensible ones but WITHOUT: 1)shouting at the rest of the people, 2)keeping your pitch too high or 3)rejecting others ideas...If you do not agree, just say sth like: well... that is a good point but… don’t you think we could also do this...??? Your answers must be directed to the group, always addressed as "we", and being thought to help the people. For example, in my group, we were given a task where we had to save three people (then they cut it down to only two) from a boat. Most of the girls there were only thinking about saving them coz they were a girl and a woman, but from my point of view, you must also take into account the fact that the rest of the people who you are leaving on that boat have better chances of surviving by helping each other as a group rather than just by picking them as individuals...
The final interview is mostly about your experience with customer service.. they ask u to give examples of stressful situations... please do not lie at all, during the whole process.... people might be tempted to do so, and i think that the recruiters are very witty and they would tell... i think that one of the reasons why i got so far (it was also my first open day) was because i always told the truth and i was myself. But, obviously it is also a matter of luck i guess, and having a good day....
If you have any doubts, even if they are silly ones, please dont doubt to contact me, i will be happy to help you...
My best regards... Jani

janibabyes 9th Feb 2006 13:46

i forgot
oh!!!i actually forgot to answer your question!!! hahahah, silly me-!!!
Well, i did not ask any questions at all.. They give you lots of information during the first hour, plus all the information you probably collected by checking the web... i think that you should only ask if you really have a doubt... I remember there was this girl sitting on the front who kept on asking questions and answering them.... she didnt even pass the first stage... i guess that if they see that you are trying way to hard, they wont call you back... You can show them you are interested by telling them how much you would like to work for them.... at least it was what i did, i was honest and i told them it had always been my dream... but i did not "bombered" them with questions...
Good luck to you amigo argentino!!

Aloyscious 9th Feb 2006 14:09

hi ppl,
went to emirates website and on the cabin crew open day section, thre is a video presentation but did not state where the locations are..anyone having trouble viewing the cabin crew assessment day?

FAinbaires 9th Feb 2006 14:30

Cannard, Thanks for your input!! Good luck if u go to the open day in Sidney!! :ok:

Skysista, thanks a lot!! I might ask that! Yesterday night I was thinking and I came up with a couple of good questions! willl u be applying anytime soon?

Janibabyes, good luck!!!!! I hope u hear from then really soon!! I cant be thankful enough for ur long explanation. Definitely knowing what the open day will be like calms me down! thanks again!!

Guys u r all so helpful!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRACIAS! :)

Aloyscious, I just check the site and no, I cant enter.. whenever I click on "global open days" the video comes up. (which is from the link above). Sorry I couldnt help u.

SkySista 9th Feb 2006 14:48


Yes as the others said, don't be too nervous. 'Open Day' is a chance for you to find out about the job, meet the recruiters, and ask questions (if you have any). Of course there's also fabulous opportunity to meet fellow cabin crew 'wannabes'... I have made good friends through open days and interviews... it can also be nice to trade experiences of how you went, what type of work you have done, etc etc.

It can also be god to 'settle' you for interviews... you get used to talking with 'strangers' (trust me in that environment you can make friends very quickly he he) and generally get into the group environment before the pressure is on...

If you look at it as a way to meet people and find out about EK, anything else (such as being invited back) is a bonus, you won't feel as bad if they don't ask you back... and you can share stories with others as well!!!

Good luck!!! :ok:

FAinbaires 9th Feb 2006 17:27


Thanks a lot!!! actually every comment I read calms me down a little! :p

The thing is that I have been putting it off, first I decided to go to college, then I worked abroad for some months and I finally came back in JAnuary with no job whatsoever! And I came across the add on the newspaper and I said "It' s now or ever". It won't be the end of the world if I don't get elected, I'll just keep on trying. I know I'll have to fight it. Specially cause I don´t know how to swim (YET)...Im planning on learning if I get elected. :eek: And second cause Im not quite thin, Im 1.72 and 65, I have to lose 7kg (which is impossible to do it for saturday). So I know my chances arent that high. (of course i wont say i cant swim lol)

By the way, where are you from?

OF course I will update u all with my open day interview!


I Just Want To Fly 12th Feb 2006 06:26

SYDNEY - 10 February

Apparenty... out of 150 people, 10 got through. Good luck to you all....

Redwings 12th Feb 2006 09:04

I went to the Sydney open day. I'd believe that statistic. I was eliminated after the two minute interview.:mad: The woman who interviewed me seemed more interested in the survey than my resume. Anyway, I'll quit griping and have another drink.:}


SkySista 12th Feb 2006 09:27

Paul, is that the one where they ask for advert suggestions?

So help me if I see an EK A380 flying in the livery I suggested, I'm demanding a job and/or a cut of their profits!!! :E

(I have witnesses, too!) :p

cannard 12th Feb 2006 23:12

sydney open day... what a mess!

the venue was nicer than the sheraton (at least for space for wannabe crew)
but the execution was a shambles. they let one person in at a time to submit their cv, and do a quick reach test (some people may have gotten a hello), that was it. once the room was full, they told us to come back at 12.
I heard a lot of people inside complaining about how short the process was. but I guess it was based on how presentable you were? im not sure. The always happy and joking recruitment super-intendant Venya (sp?) actually remembered me from the december open day, which while i thought that would be disasterous. maybe worked out better? the whole process was quite quick, much different from day 2 :p

10PM SHARP. thats what they said. so at about 10:45 they let us in, give us numbers then split us up. 1st group work consisted of simple introduction and say some crap about yourself. then a brief group discussion. They then said come back in half an hour. 1 and a half hours later, we get the results. and give us new smaller groups, and another extremely long wait :P I thought i made a mess of this one, as i dont think i said anything at all, maybe just on small suggestion, and someone fingered me for not saying anything (im sure they were trying to help, but it came out wrong) so i said something nice about the ideas already in the open (which was true, they said everything i could think of!). They let us sweat for a huge amount of time! maybe 2 hours? made worse cause i was hung over from the night before. then we got our results, and another wait!! yep, they work on your patience training right from the get go. in thier defence, i will say it wasnt thier fault so much as it was only the two of them. and they said there was a much larger number of successful candidates then they had anticipated.

So, to wrap it up. 2x 10 minute group discussions + a 1 hour psychometric test. and the small information gathering interview at the end for visa purposes went from about 10am till maybe 9pm when i left, with 6 people left to go.

26 people made it through to the final stage. they had to stay for thursday as well, just to pencil us all in. 6 guys and 4 of them were gay (those guys were cool, funny and well deserving of the job.) once again, met some awesome people, though i didnt do as well as i hoped ;)

oh and funniest thing of the day, Christini (the other recuiter, strangest accent i have ever heard, but quite attractive i thought) was handing out the interview letters, but there was a girl missing. this girl must of read her results letter wrong, had left in tears, ON HER BIRTHDAY!!!, but they finally got in contact with her and told her the good news, we could all hear her screaming in joy through the tiny phone speaker. happy birthday to you rima :D

sorry for a long, badly arranged and possibly poorly spelt post. Im not worried about the punctuation as its the internet and i dont care.



FAinbaires 13th Feb 2006 00:48

In buenos aires
In Buenos Aires it was quite different.

1st day (feb. 11th): 250 people. They made us seat and one of the recruiters started talking about the company and asking questions about it. Then they made us watch the video.
After that, they made us form a line and hand in our CVs, they just asked us if we were working right now and if not, what was our last job. (this was aprox. 30 seconds).
They made us leave and come back in 2 hours.
They short-listed the people to 40! (plus 30 from last week) I made it to day 2.

2nd day: (feb 12): We were 70. I noticed they left out all the people that wasnt very presentable. Everyone today was really elegant!! :bored: They splitted us in 4 groups, they made us present the person next to us and then plan a party and who would we invite.
they mades us leave and then it came the elimination... and I didnt make it :{ .
I noticed that all the people they chose today looked like models (no kidding). This guy sitting next to me during the group activity was gorgeus, but he didnt say a word and when he presented me he was sooo nervous, and he made it to the next step. So I asume his "gourgeness had something to do with it". I mean, everyobody can be trainned, right? So looks are definitely very important.
Anyway it was a good experience, now i have to wait 6months to re-apply. :sad:

BYMONEK 13th Feb 2006 04:25

That last comment regarding 'gorgeous boy' doesn't surprise me in the least. Sums up much of Dubai really. All shiny, new and beautiful on the outside but often there's nothing of worth or substance underneath. He'll fit in great!


You must be wrong about the 'gay' guys who got in. You see, Homosexuality is strictly illegal here and is against the religious beliefs of the UAE. That's why they have banned Brokeback Mountain from being shown here......:rolleyes:

cannard 13th Feb 2006 04:49

i will have to disagree here,

beauty doesnt have that much to do with it, sure there are lots of pretty cabin crew, but there are also alot of ugly ones. yesterday for example i saw many a gorgeous girl get sent packing. while girls that were average at best made it further. but all the crew girls that i have met have carried themselves very well, confidence,posture and all that crap, regardless of how pretty they were.

Bymon, Im not exactly sure why you're trying to stir, I hope your not a gay man who i have offended with my use of the word 'gay' to describe said gay men, there just seems to be the idea on here, that EK wont employ you if you are gay. So I made mention of this fact to give people hope.
however, if it was just humour for the sake of humour, by all means disregard the above. except for the spreading EK is ok with gay..kind of

and since fornication between different genders inside the crew towers is illegal too, I suppose that doesnt happen either?

BYMONEK 13th Feb 2006 15:37


Not trying to stir anything at all. Merely being sarcastic. Hence the ...........sarcastic icon! Strange old thing eh? ( that's more sarcasm by the way). Anyway, you've missed my point completely because i'm actually trying to highlight the hypocrisy of some 'laws' here in Middle East but don't lose sleep over it. I got somewhat confused with your post towards the end as well....

For the record, not gay. Most definately 100% heterosexual so no offence taken sweety x

SkySista 13th Feb 2006 16:12

FA, sorry missed your earlier question. I'm in Australia.

Cannard, sorry to hear it didn't work for you. Keep at it though, persistence pays off!! :ok:

Bymon, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the laws a little more 'relaxed' for expats (wrt *ahem* 'bedroom activities') i.e. they look the other way as long as it isn't blatantly flaunted in public... unless of course you end up the duff like that EK hostie who allegedly went to prison...

I guess the rule is, use discretion, and if in doubt... "when in Rome!!" and don;t run crying to mummy if you break a law saying 'but I didn't know!!' at least read up on the local not-to-do list...

back on topic... while it's sad that people getdiscriminated against on the basis of sexuality, the reality is there are a large percentage of gay men in the industry, unfortunately for some they just get the recruiter/airline/policy that has a narrow view of this... I'm guessing too that recruiters being human make assumptions and many a straight male has been refused because they 'look' gay... imho if you can do the job and have the skills then you deserve the job above those who don't... then again we all know how EK work... they can pick and choose....

But... having said that.... if it is what you want then don't stop trying!! You never know what reason was for not getting in... maybe somehting totally different!!

Anyway good luck to ALL the guys n gals hoping for EK....!

I guess that's enough from me; sorry if not making sense, posting while (slightly) p!ssed :E

BYMONEK 14th Feb 2006 05:43

There are gay Cabin Crew here ( BOTH SEXES!) but not in the numbers you'd find in, say a Western Airline.They also tend to be somewhat more discreet in their behaviour than their more 'camp' counterparts. Thank God!

cannard 14th Feb 2006 08:02

i figured the sarcasm, but just wasnt quite sure if it was directed at anyone. fortunately its cleared up. cheers

thanks for the kind words of support, though hang on to them untill after I get the results for my final interview which is tomorrow :P

sorry to all that couldnt read any of my posts of late, lack of sleep and whatnot.

SkySista 14th Feb 2006 10:18

Go, Cannard, go!!!

I'm sure you'll do fine... remember, it's about meeting the girls.... :E

Oh yeah, and maybe getting a job.

(But mainly about the girls, am I right?? :p ;) :D :cool: :E)

cannard 14th Feb 2006 10:24

haha you make me sound like a monster!

besides, only the open day is good for girls. tomorrow is all about the job.

im not looking forward to it, i HATE behavioural questions, i can never answer them properlly

SkySista 14th Feb 2006 17:09

only the open day is good for girls
What, they only asked guys back?! :p (j/k)

Seriously, you've been to a few of these before, so hopefully less nervous and therefore stand out more as very collected and ideal crew material!!

That and your wit ;)

Can't wait for the good news... I'm sure you'll get it....! :ok:


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