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-   -   ANYTHING having to do with Emirates Applications (https://www.pprune.org/cabin-crew/146913-anything-having-do-emirates-applications.html)

flybywire 30th May 2005 17:22

Yes BYMONEK, yes....

SkySista 30th May 2005 17:44

Bymonek, if you actually read any of my posts lately (and were privy to many PMs between myself and others here) you would see I am not 'advising people how to get in', but providing support and encouragement, and advice on things I HAVE gone through - whether I suceeded is not that relevant.

Sure, I didn't get in, but I was still nervous, I still had to deal with a knockback, I still had application/CV problems - AS DO MANY PEOPLE READING THIS THREAD. That is the point. It's not a "who got into EK" thread - it's "ANYTHING to do with EK applications" etc....

Aviation is an industry of mutual support (in most cases), I suggest you get used to the idea as you will go further much easier without that attitude you displayed above..... :suspect:

Sky Sista (who may not work with EK, but still knows the industry!)

BYMONEK 30th May 2005 18:44


With the greatest of respect, i'm not the one with something to learn. At least, not as far as this forum is concerned anyway.I'm well established in my flying career and so I should be after 20 years . Being positive is great and i'm all for it but for you and others who proclaim Sky to be a legend, you're all behaving like little lost puppy dogs. Sky,for all her good intentions, admitted herself she got nervous. So will you and every other person who goes for interview.It's natural. The EK interview process is not the enigma many make it out to be. Although it's honourable for some to pass on their feedback, it's also advisable to remember that the interview process may change over the months so those that 'stay on to offer help and advice' could soon find that advice outdated. There can be a whole host of reasons why someone DIDN'T get in so speak to the people that DID. They at least will have been doing something right!
All usual advice runs true. Sleep well the night before, turn up with plenty of time in hand, be smart and professional looking, be friendly, act confident and be assertive,not bossy, if the situation requires it. Do you research on the Company and most of all....be yourself. They spot fakes a mile off!
I apologize for offending some on here.It's not my intention.I want you all to fulfil your dreams as well. It's not always easy to get that first job as C/C and I know that's why it's important to talk to each other. Many people get it after their 2nd, 3rd or even 4th attempt.
If Skysista and FBW really want it, they'll keep trying. But standing up on the platform to offer' knowledge and advice'......


From a previous post you claim to be well under 25. You also claim to know the industry. Sorry, but the two just don't add up!



flybywire 30th May 2005 18:58

BYMONEK thank you for your advice, like other advice I found here I am sure it will be very useful.
SkySista is a great person and she's been really supportive. And so are the other ppl who didn't get in and then finally did!!
I myself did quite a lot in the airline industry and have considerable experience. Maybe you're right, maybe I won't be able to give "advice" on how to get into this particular airline but I did many interview and this was the only one I somehow failed, so I could give some "general" advice, if you like.
And, the most important thing, I can give support and empathy. Such are the qualities of a good flight attendant by the way.
So as long as I don't offend anybody, why shouldn't I stay here?

And last but not least....I love this forum!!

We respect you, so please do the same.

Thank you again for the advice



BYMONEK 30th May 2005 19:27


I do respect you and everyone else who has the balls to come on here and say they didn't make it. Support and empathy are truly endearing qualities and not for one moment would I expect people not to post on here just because they didn't get in.

Good luck to both of you wherever you end up....ok:

flybywire 30th May 2005 21:32

Good for you BYMONEK!! I am very happy for you!!
And on behalf of all of us thank you for the wishes!! We all have different reasons why we want to join EK and I am sure if we keep trying (and with your advice, if you feel like giving us more in the future) we will be able to crack it and make it out there ourseves too!!
I am personally very satisfied in my airline but have 101 reasons to move. If it happens, good. Otherwise I still have a life, if you know what I mean!! But I'll keep trying. I am not in a rush. Still young and with a lot of energy/passion so I am not scared!!!

In the meantime please enjoy the hot weather for us!!!(bloody horrible here despite it's almost june!!) and if you ever come to London 5 o'clock tea is on me!!

Take care


craic1510 30th May 2005 23:40


if you have a problem with what anyone does or says on this forum..then you are clearly in the wrong place.

Read my threads and see how far I have come because of the help and support I have gotten from others on this website. You disappoint me, in that for someone who has so much industry experience and know how hard it is to get into this position..that you come onto this site giving people :mad: for trying to help others along (whether they themselves were successful or not).

If you havent got anything better to do than complain about great people such as FBW and SkySista, then please stay quiet. There are a lot of people that come to this site for positivity not negativity which you clearly have plenty of.

well now I have said my bit..I'm off to work :)

Catchya later

craic1510 :)

SkySista 31st May 2005 01:04

Bymonek. you are entitled to your opinion as I am mine... so we'll leave it at that.... :)

Just for the record, I do not claim to know EVERYTHING about the industry, however I have been involved in the study of aviation since I was very young, have known many people who work in the industry (pilots, cabin crew, airline management..) and I have worked in the 'job' myself since my late teens... so I guess you could say I do have a little bit of extra knowledge that some of the 'newer' people may not...

I do recall stating once before that any advice I gave was subject to the fact that I was NOT successful with EK, so take that it as they will. :p

However my main reason for being here as I said earlier is to support and encourage... as well as to find the goodwill and helpful attitude of many on this forum. I find so much to apply in my daily working life as well...

So let's agree to disagree and I join with you in giving everyone my best wishes for their applications with EK.


BYMONEK 31st May 2005 02:15


While it's always better to be an optimist, i'm afraid the reality of life does involve the negative as well. These forums are not just places for you all to cogratulate/commiserate with each other but forums where ANYONE can come to discuss relevant issues.

As a current employee of Emirates, i'm sure you'll agree that i'm as well placed as any here to offer comments/advice. If through Skysista's postings it's helped you get in, then well done to both of you. But, there are plenty of people out there who need current, up to date info from all sources, not just someone who failed 6 months ago, no matter how nice or helpful they sound.

If you want to learn to bake a cake.......speak to someone who bakes great cakes. NOT to the person who can't.

It might upset a few delicate egos out there but just telling it as I see it. IMHO.

SkySista 31st May 2005 07:31

Well, everyone, now you know...

BymonEK is current crew, so by all means take his/her advice above mine!!

(You can still have a whinge to me though girls! :E )

luksy 31st May 2005 09:06

Hello everyone

BymonEk-I was wondering why don't you spend a bit more time helping the rest of us with up to date info on EK...

thank you very much

Looking forward to hearing form you



flybywire 31st May 2005 09:58

Yes, please, enlighten us!!

Could you explain me why EK recruitment procedures vary so much from country to country, some ppl from open days get through the 2-2-1 interview straight away etc.
Also please, any tips you might have....what made YOU successful...

I am waiting to hear all what you want to say.


craic1510 31st May 2005 10:00

Yes I agree with luksy...if you are a current employee of EK, why don't you offer some useful advice to those that are desperately seeking it? You sit here reading these forums..so why not be more proactive and answer questions, get involved in discussions about the airline and help others? Instead of dribbling on about stuff that isn't even relevant..that being...why others are motivated to be part of this forum.

You said it yourself: QUOTE "But, there are plenty of people out there who need current, up to date info from all sources, not just someone who failed 6 months ago, no matter how nice or helpful they sound"

If you have information that is more up-to-date, more knowledgable and based on experience..then PLEASE share it with us, otherwise stop putting others down.

We do want to bake cakes...and we do want to speak to those who bake the best ones...however it seems those individuals are not readily available to partake in this forum... Catch my drift?

This topic is getting really senseless and boring. I will love to see it get back to the positive posts that people can easily and politely respond to :)


BYMONEK 31st May 2005 10:29


Assuming you've just got in yourself.........perhaps you're the one who can offer the latest feedback. I've already told you what you need to know. All the info required is on our website. Just go out there and be yourself. If you don't get it first time,and many don't, keep trying! That's if you still want it. With another 5000 Cabin Crew coming over the next 7 years ( excluding the one's needed to replace those that leave), I would have to spend rather a lot of time answering questions on this forum.

Not my intention to 'put people down' so sorry if it comes across that way. Just giving it to you all as I see it.

Appear to be 'gatecrashing' a private party here so i'll leave you to it.

luksy 31st May 2005 12:51

BymonEK...right on contrary....you are more than welcome in here...I certainly don't consider you a s.c. 'gatecrasher '

It seems a bit, that you are the one who is a bit irritated and doesn't feel like a welcome in here. Really don't see the reason...

We all find the time to share our experiences with others who need them...if not in this forum, maybe in real life....but if you look at it...how often do you come across an EK cabin crew...well I certainly don't..
...I belive this is the right place to exchange our experiences...good and bad ones....:D



ferris 31st May 2005 19:38

BYMONEK is not cabin crew.

Is everything (re; his attitude) a little clearer now?
He would know less about cabin crew interviews than those who have attended and been unsuccessful.

madrugada 1st Jun 2005 07:59

Hello all !

I recently heard that I have been offered a cabin crew position with Emirates and I wonder whether anyone else is flying to Dubai on the 14th of July to start training with Emirates ?
Would love to hear so if yes........

Bye bye


craic1510 1st Jun 2005 10:32

ah congrats!!!! yay I am really happy for you. unfortunately I fly over on the 7th to start my training but I am sure we will bump into each other :)

where did you do your interview? PM if you would like to

craic1510 :ok:

EKCREW 1st Jun 2005 21:37

Hey Guys,

I am currently EK crew and have been with the company for over 2 years......I have posted a few messages in the past, but none of late. I reguarly speak with new crew about their interviews and the variations they had to when I had mine back in March 2003, so would be able to assist to some extent. I am happy to answer any questions any of you may have.....but please PM me....this forum seems to have some 'sour grapes'.....'grape'I should say.... of late and I don't want to have to deal with their issues.

Keep it up though, you guys are all so sweet and obviously passionate about wanting to work for EK.....it is more people like you that we need...not those who just want to travel!! It is so important to have a passion for this job.....and you all have that!!!

All those words of encrouragement and support definately help....forget what some may say and as I said...keep it up....your time will come!!!

flybywire 1st Jun 2005 21:59

Welcome back EKCREW.....
Thank you for the lovely words...we missed you lots here!!!:( But glad you're back and found the time to write in between flights!!! :)


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