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Qantaslink Progression Rumours or not???

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Qantaslink Progression Rumours or not???

Old 12th Sep 2003, 16:03
  #41 (permalink)  
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Mr Seatback - Qwannas is well aware of how much she is loved, she is a little beauty

Also Mr seatback please note that Sunstate has people with over 14 years service ! I know 2 flight attendants who have 14 years minimum each.

Sydgirl - spot on sister, I am one of those with that " around the 2 year" service mark, you'll find many people with that time of service are people who chose regional because QF was not recruiting anytime soon at that stage. I might also add that I have not once regretted my decision to fly for QFLINK.
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Old 13th Sep 2003, 18:59
  #42 (permalink)  
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I have only just discovered this forum and so, this being my first post .. i'll just say 'Hi' and tell you how much i enjoy flying semi domestic routes as a 'regional' FA.
I love being a 'link-chick'
(if that term can be stretched to cover the gals too...)

I am proud to walk through the terminal in my australia post print shirt and no wings..

For those of you who doubt that some sort of 'tension' exists between regional and mainline... why is it that i can walk past an eastern crew and be greeted with the same warm and friendly 'hello's' as i would give my crew? When i dont even know them and they couldnt pick me from a bar of soap?
Why is is that walking past a mainline crew who were employed prior to the impulse takeover by QF, we receive snide comments and rude laughs?

I dont mind getting paid less. Hey, my 'honeymoon period' is over and the way we are sometimes treated and seen as the 'poor cousins of qantas' does annoy me, but I still enjoy going to work everyday, i wouldnt want more pay to work for a part of a company that i dont really respect or enjoy being part of.

I love the fact that at least as lesser 'regionals' we seem to be more safety concious (ie at least you can fly with 'the link' and know that the cabin secure checks are done properly!)
Passengers do notice this... I would be embarrassed to say that i fly QF shorthaul if i was ever employed by them..

I have passengers comment to me that they find us (qantaslink) 'different' to mainline.
Mabye part of it is because, yes some of us are younger, but i wouldnt say that we are perceived as a 'young' company like DJ.
Perhaps part of it has to do with the fact that if we didnt like what we did and who we did it with, we wouldnt be there....
those that come and fly with us and dont like it, leave, whether to go to mainline or another airline.
And those pax that fly with us get a warm, friendly crew who are only too happy to get you another can of coke or .. god forbid ... a cup of tea at seven pm.

Last edited by ShesGreatintheGalley; 13th Sep 2003 at 19:41.
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Old 13th Sep 2003, 21:10
  #43 (permalink)  
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Devil TO Progress of NOT to Progress

Good Evening

My companion Thomas Hyland (Penfolds) and I have been reading the recent posts on this interesting and Mass Debatable subject. hee hee

I was once a LINK Chick and very proud to have been. NO I have not gone to the Dark Side, I have Retired. Alright Semi-Retirement now I'm a mum.

Career Progression was the light at the end of the tunnel for those really bad days , you know when you have either milk or vomit in your Nine Wests.

A friend once said 'the grass is always greener on the otherside..... but,it does take regular dumps of horse sh*t to make it appear so..'

I hope the career progression gets back to normal or at least doesn't seem too far away.

Regional Kids should get paid more for thier work or at least the same wage as a QF CSM because at the end of the day that is what you are. I don't think people would ever leave the regionals if the wages were better.

I too hated the Country Cousin treatment.. Today your QF and tomorrow QFLINK.

I am happy to say most of my girlfriends still at the LINK will stay there forever, they too love it.

Sharon !!! That was my last Dippity Bix...........

Kymie Kymie Luuk at me , Luuuk at me, LOUUUUK at MUUEEE
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Old 16th Sep 2003, 13:33
  #44 (permalink)  
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Not to offend anyone here or anything, but their seems to be a little paranoia from "link" crew as to what we think of you at mainline.

More often than not it appears as though you guys assume the worst and wont even look at us when we "cross paths." Not only that, ive tried more than once to hold a conversation on board with paxing Qantaslink crew and been looked at like a freak, perhaps thats not the done thing.

I think you guys are great, I know you do a great job and are proud of what you do and its time you stopped assuming that we all hate you.

Chill all, a Flight Attendant is a Flight Attendant
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Old 16th Sep 2003, 15:08
  #45 (permalink)  
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In most respects Bodum, past experiences tend to taint the future. Sadly, human nature dictates that you go with what you know, rather than swim with change (once bitten twice shy, and all that)...

Most of the Qantas crew I know and have flown with have been lovely people. There are, unfortunately (and it must be said in both camps - link and mainline) those individuals where the least said, the better!

What you will find Bodum (and I agree with you also - an FA is an FA), is that Link Chicks get the short end of the straw from all aspects (QF, management, etc). because you're 'not really Qantas' (those, by the way, are the words of some of our previous management to our crew in what was supposed to be a motivational roadshow)...Having said that, how quickly was our name changed to 'Qantas' when QF1737 had the attempted hijacking? And apparently we were Qantas trained as well...funny, I don't remember going through any Qantas training (nor, for that matter, my 300-odd colleagues)...

What you will also find (and as you have probably read) is that on top of ALL OF that, we take great exception to being given this treatment by our PEERS within mainline - a select few of whom believe that because they fly on 767's or A330's (and we on the Dash's and 717's) that we are 'lesser mortals', because 'you don't know what it's like to fly on a REAL airplane, because yours are soooo tiny!' (this also was a comment made by a subload FA on one of my services). A joke maybe? Not particularly funny to me (it might have been, were I drunk at the time - but alas, 0630 sign ons prevent that...)

Really, at the end of the day, we couldn't care less what others thought (not obvious of course to those having read this particular thread...)- we just turn up, do a great job and go home (and when we have the money, crack open a few bottles of chardy and waaaaaaay-heeeeey-heey!).

We do assume the worst - for fear of having previous bad treatment repeated (yes, we should all move on, and most of us do - others, understandably, can't).

And bodum, the paranoia that we possess wouldn't exist in the first place were it not for the actions of a minority set of individuals within mainline spoiling what could well have been a great relationship.

This, like all things, will change over time (I hope).
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Old 16th Sep 2003, 18:14
  #46 (permalink)  
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Couldn't agree more BC!
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Old 16th Sep 2003, 21:27
  #47 (permalink)  
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Great Galley -
Chill out, Honey! Take a chill pill. I have some - they're herbal! There are bad apples in every basket.

I am just a bit annoyed by your post. Please, as Bodum pointed out, you must not generalise. It only serves to worsen any attitudes between the mainline and Link. If I was a mainliner I would find your comments offensive. For sure I have witnessed some attitude but as Bodum also said - some of it can be two way.

I also believe posts like yours would incline people to get a bit definsive or off-side. eg. Embarrased to say you are Short Haul... That's just plain rude, Honey. Also would you care to back up yoru claims of Short Haul FAs being less safety concious than we at Link? I'd like to know how much attitude and behavioural study you have conducted into the area.

The whole 7pm tea thing was also out of line. Service standards are set by the company. These dictate no hot drinks service after 1600 on short sectors. It is not possible with their reduced crew onboard. With 4 FAs and 175 Y class on a 762 I'd like to see you do meal, bar and tea and coffee SYD-MEL. Short Haul should be commended for being so consistant with following their service procedures! We at the Pulse could learn a thing or two in this regard me thinks! (Not that we give bad service! It just always seem we do good service a different bloody way everytime!)

THIS "US vs. THEM" BANTER IS DRAGGING ON AND MAY ACTUALLY SERVE TO MAKE ANY TESNIONS WORSE. Let's all give it a bone, guys. Like Biscuit said the bad apples at Short Haul are pr1cks to everyone - they don't discriminate

The 717 FA pay is realistic. It is a new industry now. Regardless of what Short Haul or similar get paid, it is pretty decent for the job you do. Ask any FA in the UK. I am glad you are happy to be paid the 'mere' amount you do. Thanks for sticking in there, Trooper.

I am sick of some Pulse Chicks crying woe woe is me. Get over it. **(Not directed at anyone - just a rant)**

Seatback -
Getting a bit frothed up me thinks! Been hanging around me too much!

Great Galley -
Say "Hi" to Brooke if you get the chance.

Last edited by ditzyboy; 16th Sep 2003 at 22:31.
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Old 17th Sep 2003, 11:59
  #48 (permalink)  
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You are in a CONSTANT state of froth my friend...you are like a cappucino machine that DOESN'T switch off...how do you do it??? OR should I ask...(anyone care for some jack and jills?)

OH - and I've got all the time in the world to be frothy!

Hear hear on the 'woe is me' routine...
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Old 17th Sep 2003, 12:11
  #49 (permalink)  
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ok i have re-read my post and i guess i was a little harsh, i am sorry if it came across as really bad!

I wouldnt be ashamed to work for short haul ( i am proud to associate myself with qantas ) i suppose i was slightly distraught at the decision by mgmt not to offer tea and coffee in the PM, i love my cup of tea at all times.

I certainly didnt mean to generalise and refer to all crew, i have had some fantastic crew on many flights and not felt at all like we are regional, however there still is to some degree that us and them mentality. My post probably didnt help. So i am sorry, please accept my apology for offending you Bodum, and anyone else in SH, like you said in a previous post, you have had flights where the QFlink crew look at you strangely when you are nice to them, so it obviously goes both ways.

Enough of this, i am over it!

"Say "Hi" to Brooke if you get the chance"
What the hell does that mean??? Are you talking about someone from work? Are we having a memory about something cos i dont get it. ???
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Old 17th Sep 2003, 20:41
  #50 (permalink)  
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Oh ........ the 'howwible' Qantas crew dont speak or smile at me becasue I am only QantasLink crew....... and becasue they dont speak or smile at me ----- then that means they think I am trash....

Oh, you poor babies at QantasLink...... are the big kids not being nice to you?????? Are they not playing nice with the other boys and girls around the terminal?????

If Qantas Crew not stopping and having a conversation with you in a terminal is the biggest issue in your working life...... then may I suggest you are very doin well !!!!

No offence

But Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - grow up !!!!

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Old 18th Sep 2003, 06:48
  #51 (permalink)  
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Oh come now children stop having a tanty!

I'm QFLink and I don't give a flying (insert expletive here) whether a QF crewmember ignores me as I walk past. Even so, I've only experienced it a few times - mostly they smile and say hello.

Frankly, I think those at QFLink allow themselves to be seen as lesser individuals, by making out that QF mainline is akin to the pearly gates. Wake up people, it's not! QF mainline like every airline in the world has it's fair share of old crusties, galley bitches and lazy crew. It also has it's fair share of wonderful individuals who you look forward to flying with.

For those of us at QFLink please look around you, there are so many people out there who would love to do your job. So many times passengers have commented on the great work we do, and how friendly we are. That is what makes us unique!

Don't let those QF few intimidate you, or take their comments personally. We all have a job to do, let's just do it.


PS. I've really enjoyed this thread, made me realise we have some great characters on PPrune - keep it up
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Old 18th Sep 2003, 08:13
  #52 (permalink)  
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Me thinks UDR and SydGirl are getting frothy too! Rabid Flight Attendants all around me! AAAAAAAAAAGH!

Back to the topic at hand (my, did we digress from the original topic or what!?)

With the surplus in Short Haul now at about 100 (I estimate), and with 150 on the transfer list from SH to LH, unless expansion commences in SH there won't be progression for a while yet...not unless they start ramping up frequencies, etc.
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Old 18th Sep 2003, 09:21
  #53 (permalink)  
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Hehheh Mr Seatback 2,

I'll have a strong cap - double the froth
What? You mean you don't have cappucino machines on the Dash-8? I'll complain to my mate Geoff Dixon (does anyone else find it amazing that a lot of passengers are mates with Geoffy?) and your job is toast!

Agree wholeheartedly with what you said MrS2, I don't see progression happening for a while yet. However, I will keep my fingers crossed for those at the top of the list that they will progress soon.

Please pardon the digression in my earlier post, I had my panties in a bunch and needed to get them fixed. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

Over and out (for now)..
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Old 18th Sep 2003, 13:23
  #54 (permalink)  
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Panties in a bunch?! No wonder you were frothing!! I get a skewed tie and I'm all a froth too (and don't EVEN MENTION that new day bag to Ditz...you've never seen rabies like it! FROTHFROTHFROTH!)

Sadly I don't fly the Dash 8's (although I would like to) - I fly the 717 SUPERJET service with Ditz and She's Great In the Galley...we all have a blast on our way to such glitzy, glamourous destinations such as Launceston, Hobart, Towwwwwwwwns-vullllle...OH...and in our new uniforms...we'll all look SOOOOOOO poshy:

VON: Look over there Nev, there are those air stewards and air hostesses going on the big jet to the mainland (Melbourne of course is personified as some new country...)

NEV: Ohhh yeeeeah? Oh, they look rooooooool poshy in those new fancy dresses they're wearing. 'Ere, Shaz, look at their bags!

SHAZ: They got 'roos on them or sumfink? They're nice, they're unusual...they're different...

Hey Ditz - remember that guy in Hobart who told you his Fokker F27 story? "Oh NOW you've got BIG jets!"

But we love it - we keep coming back for more (where else would we source such humour for binge drinks and dinner parties?)! $7 bottle of charddy Ditz? And where on gods' earth is that cheese platter!

We have coffee brewers on the 717 - but they brew when THEY feel like it...and we can do cappucinos (we just get the milk, shake is up and down a lot and voila! FROTHY CAP!)

That's just before we whip out the traymobile service with plunger coffee, fruit, starters, cheese and biscuit platter, etc. (well, we don't do that service, but Ditzy does...even on Sydney-Newcastle...OH...do they get blasted away by him doing the cabin OR WHAT?!) - Don't let him near a bar cart - you won't see him again!

I'll finish here - I'm losing the plot fast...Back to Progression!
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Old 18th Sep 2003, 20:01
  #55 (permalink)  
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Just wanted to clarify that us dash-8 link chicks also have coffee brewers on the majority of our aircraft - we can can make cappucinos too !

Yes , err career progression...........ok, I have the answer !!!

Australian Airlines, Virgin Blue and Pacific Blue.
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Old 18th Sep 2003, 20:08
  #56 (permalink)  
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I agree I dont think prgression will happen for quite some time but things do really change overnight but if the LCC (low cost carrier) gets up who knows what will happen.

There are a very small amount of people at short haul that have a view on regional and some that feel Impulse has taken their flying, a bit like AO and QF long haul. Maybe if the LCC gets up and its not Impulse some of those crew may feel the same when their flying is taken away by a new carrier. There are also some in both divisions that dont even know who Eastern and Sunstate are which amazes me but its true and then there are the ones that just couldnt care less who you are just QF staff in their eyes.

I personally dont really acknowledge anyone in the terminal not even fellow short haul crew when they walk past so dont take it personally and I always treat paxing crew and staff the same as any other passenger.

Also I know of more than 4 CSM's that are ex regional in fact there are quite a few.
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Old 19th Sep 2003, 08:18
  #57 (permalink)  
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As much as it's a great idea, I don't think QF would allow the regionals access to the Low Cost Carrier operation, for the same reason that Australian is cordoned off from the Regionals, Short Haul and Long Haul also!

If they DID open it up to a LCC, then progression wouldn't be a problem. And if you think about it, you get a whole heap of crew who are experienced, have a few years under their belt, and make great CSM material! But that's MY logic being applied here...god knows what will be applied by QF when/if the time comes...

Apart from anything else, I hope that the LCC mirrors the wages AT LEAST of Impulse crew...that way, if progression could occur into the LCC, the crew would at least pick up a similar increase to Year 1 at Short Haul...
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