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jabberwok 5th Mar 2006 17:54

Nah... not Swedish.
That rules out IKEA then. :*

Having had no input from our Canadian and Oz experts can we at least eliminate those countries?

gas path 5th Mar 2006 17:55

French or Czech?????

cringe 5th Mar 2006 17:56

Not Czech, Canadian or Australian. :)

jabberwok 5th Mar 2006 18:16

French then..

Morane-Saulnier MS 450

cringe 5th Mar 2006 18:24

Yes, French. Not the MS 450 though.

jabberwok 5th Mar 2006 18:29

Purely guesswork now so one more and I'll bow out.

Latecoere Late 299

cringe 5th Mar 2006 18:33

Sorry, not a Latecoere either.

Saab Dastard 5th Mar 2006 18:34

Potez 53?


Saab Dastard 5th Mar 2006 18:45

A Caudron - 714 or 760?

cringe 5th Mar 2006 18:46

Neither a Potez nor a Caudron. This type's potential was cut short by the German invasion.

jabberwok 5th Mar 2006 18:50

Arsenal or Bloch?

Sorry - I said I would shut up. :uhoh:

Saab Dastard 5th Mar 2006 18:52

Bloch MB-152?

cringe 5th Mar 2006 18:55

It's not a Bloch! Arsenal IS correct.

Saab Dastard 5th Mar 2006 19:01

That would be the Arsenal VG-33 then?

cringe 5th Mar 2006 19:07

That's the one. :ok:

Saab Dastard 5th Mar 2006 19:32

Well Jabberwok really got it, so he or Wunper should go next

Wunper 5th Mar 2006 20:50

OK here you go

Bert Stiles 5th Mar 2006 21:06

Thorpe T-211 ?

BSD 6th Mar 2006 06:15

Oh my word, could this be an early version of the most exciting 'plane in the world----- the CAP 10?

Wunper 6th Mar 2006 06:54

Bert you are correct a T-211 "Skyskooter" designed by John Thorp

Bert Stiles 6th Mar 2006 07:02

Thanks Wunper.
Here's a very easy one. Sorry about the quality - not intended to make it more difficult.

BSD 6th Mar 2006 07:06

Bert, a Heron perhaps?

Bert Stiles 6th Mar 2006 07:26

No not a Heron. Earlier than that.

BSD 6th Mar 2006 07:38

De Havilland Albatross?

682al 6th Mar 2006 07:46

'tis a Stirling.

Bert Stiles 6th Mar 2006 07:50

I knew that would be the death of it.

682al YHC.

682al 6th Mar 2006 09:19

Anyone else wanting a go? Please take my turn.

jabberwok 6th Mar 2006 10:46

An easy one again but I just like the cockpit.. :ok:

Bert Stiles 6th Mar 2006 11:00

English Electric Wren ?

Genghis the Engineer 6th Mar 2006 11:53

TEAM Airbike ?


jabberwok 6th Mar 2006 15:32

Sorry Bert - just got back.

It is indeed the delighful little Wren.

Bert Stiles 6th Mar 2006 17:25

This has been a suspect a couple of times but never the answer as far as I know.

Saab Dastard 6th Mar 2006 19:42

Looks like it should be a twin, but there are barely enough instruments! Just single pilot though - unless this example has had the RH seat and controls removed for some reason!

Is that a battery on the RHS, and maybe an early radio set above it?

Late 20's / early 30's I think.

Hard to tell if it is enclosed cockpit or not - on balance I'd say it is.

Latecoere on the basis that it's been a bridesamid a few times but never flown up the aisle?

Bert Stiles 6th Mar 2006 20:30

You,'ve done all the work Saab, but I reckon you have to commit to which Late' ? - they produced an array of distinctive and not too pretty aeroplanes.

You'll enjoy just looking at all the shapes.

Saab Dastard 6th Mar 2006 20:54

First guess - Laté 28?

Bert Stiles 6th Mar 2006 21:10

Bullseye. All yours. [BTW I think all the gubbins on the right is radio kit - I can't see it as a battery - that's not to say it isn't of course. - and what is that winding handle slightly left of centre ? - rudder pedal adjustment ? trailing aerial ?]

Saab Dastard 6th Mar 2006 21:24

Thanks Bert!
I'd suggest that the handle is a trim device - but whether rudder or elevator is beyond me.
You are right - they are bloody ugly aeroplanes! Not much information abounds about them either (I reckon they are best quietly forgotten ;) ).
I've got a lovely photo for the next challenge - I just need to lay my hands on it and upload it.

OK, here you go -
Maybe it should be a caption competition instead :D

It's a genuine airframe (just not much else). Who are the "pilots"? And, of course, what is the aeroplane?


Bert Stiles 6th Mar 2006 22:17

Lindbergh, Tripp, Sikorsky S-36 ?
- I know one of those is right.

Saab Dastard 6th Mar 2006 22:27

Hi Bert - Lindbergh is right, but not the other.

Curiously, "36" is also right, but not Sikorsky S-!

The photo shows them sitting in the actual cockpit of the aircraft on the production line while it is being built, so the skin and glazing etc. etc. are yet to be added!

fernytickles 7th Mar 2006 02:28

Lindbergh & Antony Fokker in the Fokker FXXXVI

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