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Common Strip Display

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Common Strip Display

Old 7th Nov 2006, 12:59
  #41 (permalink)  
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What are strips?
Only joking, But I'm glad I don't have to use them - I would rather spend all my time looking at the radar screen
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Old 8th Nov 2006, 13:24
  #42 (permalink)  
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Devil CSD the musical

I'm working on a play about all of this. Below is the first act. any ideas or feedback please post or PM me.
It is the year 2006. NATS Services Limited has been infiltrated and taken over by the criminal organisation SPECTRE headed up by its tyrranical leader Ernst Blofelt, and his evil sidekick Colonel Klebb, a former KGB agent gone mad and bad.
The staff of NSL are completely unaware of the change in nature of their leadership, or its sinister intention to wreak havoc, death and destruction in the civil aviation world.
Act 1 Scene 1
In an underground bunker somewhere in Hampshire Blofelt and Klebb are meeting for their weekly status report.
Blofelt. Good morning Colonel Klebb. What progress do you have to report to me today?
Klebb. Good morning number one. Our plans are all proceeding on schedule. The changes we have made in the ATCO training courses should in due course mean that less Trainee ATCOs will validate and that those that do will be of a lower quality. In addition to this we have reduced their salaries to such a low level that they can only afford to eat once a week. This has dampened their resistance considerably to the extent that they are a spent force. Our introduction of the STAR reporting system has ensured that we can monitor all safety reports, even the confidential ones, in order to flush out trouble makers. In addition to all of this, our long term strategy of placing inept managers in positions of responsibility is coming to fruition. In short, we now have complete freedom to do as we wish with the NSL organisation.
Blofelt. Excellent work Klebb! You and your department have done well. Now it is time to up the ante and move towards our final goal, to bring about a complete aviation disaster through the deeds of our unsuspecting ATCO staff. This must be caused by something that they do as part of their jobs, and I have an extremely cunning plan in mind. A plan so cunning and yet so simple that it cannot fail and they will never suspect our real intentions. We shall call this plan "Operation Complete Sodding Disaster".
Klebb. Boss, I'm sure that your plan is excellent, but even the GMs are not so stupid that they would fall for a plan with a name like that.
Blofelt. Dummkopf! Naturally we shall change the name of the plan, but to something similar. We shall introduce it to them as "Common Strip Display", then both parties, them and us can refer to it as CSD for short.
Klebb. How silly of me to think that you would make such a basic error of judgement. Pray tell me of this plan and how it will work.
Blofelt. Well, the plan is quite simple in its concept. All ATCOs rely on their flight progress strips and the way that they are laid out in order to carry out their tasks safely. I have devised a new strip display which we shall compel them to use, where everything that they have been used to doing for years and years is turned upside down. It is rather like swappin the gas pedal and the brake pedal on a car. You can tell the driver a hundred times over that you have done this, but put him under pressure and a crash is guaranteed! We will introduce this new system over the winter months while the traffic levels are lower. This way the ATCOs will gain confidence in the system whilst it is quiet, but come the summer when it gets really busy and they are under pressure......SMASH!!! I Guarantee it. (Laughs demonically)
Klebb. This is truly a work of genius. They will never suspect our involvement. Do you anticipate any problems with introducing it?
Blofelt. I have already given this much thought. We will introduce it in a hurry and give them a deadine for completion that doesn't give them time to complain about it. Also, we have a few agents in management positions at unit level who we can use to bully and coerce any ATCOs who are being, shall we say, problematic.
Klebb. Inspired thinking boss. Besides which, most of those ATCO people are far too concerned about their pensions to rock the boat and risk dismissal.
Blofelt. Ah yes Klebb. About the pension scheme, I have been having a few ideas on that subject...........
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Old 8th Nov 2006, 21:08
  #43 (permalink)  
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Data Dad - thank you very much for your comments, they are much appreciated. In answer to your questions....

Most of the LCEs at my unit have spent less time using CSD than the people they're supposed to be monitoring - we're talking operational hours in the single figures. Indeed a few LCEs are yet to complete their training - some have expressed their own concerns about the "training" system and CSD itself.

As for a safety case or hazard analysis, questions at my unit have been met with the same stony response as chevvron's - we assume that the safety case for electronic flight progress strips is being used. This is ridiculous, as the strips we're using haven't changed, so the new system looks both reassuringly familiar and terrifyingly different! People are beginning to take positive action though, so hopefully all is not lost....
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Old 14th Nov 2006, 00:11
  #44 (permalink)  
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Devil Back by popular demand it's Act 1 Scene 2

Act 1 Scene 2

M(atc) has called the ATCOs together for a meeting in the conference room.

M(atc). Good morning all. Thanks for turning up. I've gathered you all together to tell you about a change to our operations that we will be introducing over the coming weeks. It's called the NATS Common Strip Display and once we are all using it we'll never have an ATCO created collision on the runway again.
Bond (an ATCO). Hang on a minute boss, we've never had an ATCO created runway collision here in the past, so why the need to change things.
M(atc). If you'll let me finish and describe the system to you, you'll realise that this system is much better than the one you are now using, and it will be impossible for you to make a mistake. M(atc) then goes on to describe CSD to assembled ATCOs.
M(atc). So, any questions or comments.
Various mutter. Bollocks, rubbish, bag of ****e etc.etc.
Bond. So how long do we get to train on this before we go live?
M(atc). You'll get as much training on it as you feel you need before we change over to it next month!
Moneypenny (an ATCO). So is the training in the simulator?
M(atc). No. You will get a demonstration in the simulator and will then train with live traffic on your own license with an OJTI watching you.
Various mutter. Bollocks, rubbish, bag of ****e etc.etc.
Bond. So who came up with this idea of turning all of our confliction triggers upside down. This whole thing looks like an accident waiting to happen.
M(atc). Shut up Bond. It's happening so get used to it and get on with it. Even an armed incursion into Hampshire isn't going to stop this one. Besides it was devised by a group of MATCs with literally hours of recent operational experience. We didn't get where we are by being stupid. Anyway. it will be a procedure in the MATS part 2 so everyone will have to do it, and that's that. M(atc) ends rant!

Thanks for all the PM's. Some of the content you will recognize in scene 2. Other input will appear in forthcoming output. Keep it coming. Scene 3 is in the writing. Who gets fired...you decide!!!
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Old 14th Nov 2006, 04:55
  #45 (permalink)  
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Surely one of the responsibilities of being a licenced ATCO is that if one feels that one has not received enough training time on the new system, then one cannot and should not allow oneself to work until further training has been undertaken.
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Old 14th Nov 2006, 11:30
  #46 (permalink)  
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We've suddenly been lumbered with having to give holding point designation with all line up instructions; MATS Pt 1 says you only need it with intermediate departures not full lengths; in my opinion it adds unnecessary RTF loading to an already busy frequency in addition to having to try to get CSD right for the LCE.
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Old 14th Nov 2006, 14:53
  #47 (permalink)  
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It will also totally undermine the impact that use of the holding point designator should have when it is (correctly) used at an intermediate intersection.
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Old 15th Nov 2006, 00:07
  #48 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Gonzo
Surely one of the responsibilities of being a licenced ATCO is that if one feels that one has not received enough training time on the new system, then one cannot and should not allow oneself to work until further training has been undertaken.
Well said Gonzo....I have been making this point for months. However, when 1/3 of the ATCOs on a unit are Managers, and all of the LCEs are Managers, then a certain pressure can be brought to bear. It seems that our loyalty should not be to the responsibilities and values that come with our validations, but to Management's next "big idea". When it comes down to it, everyone is capable of moaning, but very few are willing to stand up and be counted (and if the GM asks, it's a grrreat idea). I say again !
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Old 16th Nov 2006, 09:36
  #49 (permalink)  
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The way the CSD has been introduced at my unit is nothing short of a disgrace.

Firstly in my opinion the whole thing is full of human factors traps waiting to catch you when your guard is down. Turning the way we work upside down is not something that you just change and then forget. I doubt there will be anyone who doesnt at some point have a momentary relapse. Most of the time it will be of no consequence & the realisation will dawn straight away, but I think the people who put their trust in our services deserve better than "most of the time".

Whose idea was it to put the most important area of the display (ie the runway bay) right at the bottom of the bay in my peripheral vision near my belly button? I thought the idea of being in the tower was to spend as much time as possible heads up looking out of the window at the traffic. You have now made the main focus of my strip display in the most heads down part of the strip bay.

I can't now move the strips into my expected arrival order if i'm not actually talking to all of the traffic.

I can't use my runway blocker strip to physically block the runway bay like I did previously.

We hear so much about the swiss cheese model, well I can tell you that my chunk of cheese now has a lot more holes in it than before, and the worst thing is I know that they are there but I'm not being allowed to do anything about them because its not standard.

Even little things like having both runway designators on the same runway strip (one upside down so you just turn it over when you change ends). I dont see any justification for having any reference to a runway not in use in the strip display. But what makes it even worse is that the upside down runway designator is on the left hand side of the strip. Why??? When in the western world we read from left to right the eye is first drawn to the incorrect runway designator, which although upside down is still easily assimilated by the brain. If we do have to have them both on the strip why not put the correct designator on the left?

Secondly the actual process of introduction has been a farce. A quick demo in the sim, then playing with live traffic with the expectation that a couple of hours is all it takes to get the basics then go off and get used to it on your own. Supposedly no pressure and you will get as much training as you need, but all the time knowing that there is a deadline for implementation. (Which admittedly was later allowed to slip, but nevertheless the unspoken pressure was there).

What are you supposed to do having started training with the new system, but not yet ready to use it unsupervised? Having started operating totally differently I think it is just as unsafe to then go back to using the old system as the brain is now caught in a no-man's land between the two. How can you be expected to instantly assimilate which way up your strips are representing the traffic?

I think we should have all been trained intensively over the weeks IMMEDIATELY before the opeartional date and then the switch should have been made unit wide on one date, not the piecemeal way it has happened.

I keep hearing very disturbing rumours that no proper risk assessment/safety case has been carried out for this. How can that be? If they are untrue, which I really hope they are why doesn't NATS management quash the rumours by making them available. Our safety culture is nothing without openness and transparency.

I am not opposed to change, but I am opposed to poorly thought out and badly implemented change.
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Old 16th Nov 2006, 14:50
  #50 (permalink)  
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At least you got sim training; we didn't even get that! As I've said before, they just appear to have taken the layout of EFPS and duplicated it with FPS; no hazard analysis or anything, they just assumed the two types of displays are interchangeable which of course they're not. And by 'they' I would guess they're controllers who haven't had any recent actual live traffic experience.
One thing I wonder about; with EFPS, someone calls you and there's no details available, do you have a pen and a piece of paper handy to take down the info?
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Old 17th Nov 2006, 00:22
  #51 (permalink)  
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Mad As A Mad Thing - I agree with everything you've said - "Everyone Knows" it's an accident waiting to happen. You too could win an i-pod by pointing it out to "The Management"! As far as I'm aware, no risk assessment was carried out and Human Factors were totally unaware of the existence of CSD. NATS....top 100 company.....YOU decide
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Old 19th Nov 2006, 00:01
  #52 (permalink)  
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Well said Grim.
Hope that anyone that got a "Golden ticket" to reply to the top 100 company survey exercises some genuine honesty in their reply!
CSD bollocks, rubbish, bag of ****e and DANGEROUS!!!!!
PS...PS...PS...Anyone watch Aircraft Crash Investigators? Production team coming soon to an airport near you...
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Old 19th Nov 2006, 00:18
  #53 (permalink)  
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Act 2 Scene 1 coming soon to a PC near you.
Will Bond overcome the evil that is SPECTRE?
Will he shag Moneypenny?
What would the lovechild look like?
Are Klebbs spiky shoes really tipped with poison?
Who will sing the theme tune?
Will the Platinum plated barstool giftwrapped in silk be enough to divert the attention of comrade Barron and his faithful NSL lackey Brendan?
You decide...
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Old 19th Nov 2006, 07:48
  #54 (permalink)  
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Well I saw an incident in Hong Kong caused by this problem.They use blue for inbounds,buff for outbounds (why? 10 bucks no idea ) and the strip system was similiar to CSD with the live traffic at the bottom.The controller was not used to this set up,but worked it anyway.
He had cleared a Dynasty for take off and lined up a second one behind.However at the last moment he changed his mind (single runway) but because the strips were the wrong way round,he told the a/c taking off to hold position.That's exactly what the a/c did,threw the anchor out and blew the dunlops.
I remember speaking to him about the strip setup and layout,and because the strips were the wrong colour,I just could not change the program in my brain.The only thing that saved me was the old fashioned current strip system.I just couldn't get the strip order and colour changes at the same time.So the strip system won.
This incident should be a heads up to that when you get under pressure,you revert to Mark1 system.That system is very robust,even when the strip are the wrong colour,but confusing the display is very dangerous.
Ps you could always use the i-pod when your sitting in prison,having wiped 2 out on the runway.

Last edited by throw a dyce; 19th Nov 2006 at 08:01. Reason: typos
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Old 20th Nov 2006, 15:25
  #55 (permalink)  
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" Hope that anyone that got a "Golden ticket" to reply to the top 100 company survey exercises some genuine honesty in their reply!"

Unfortunately you can bet your arse that most of the surveys have gone to the corporate types and pen pushers down at the CTC. I'm sure they believe that NATS is fantastic, nice new buildings, lots of facilities, summer balls etc.

Also probably the place where the CSD was devised!
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Old 20th Nov 2006, 15:50
  #56 (permalink)  
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I believe the CSD was thought up in an office in the bowels of Heathrow Tower by a few bods in Airports HQ.

I know of at least ten ATCOs at LL who got surveys, including me, and another ten or so ATSAs. I don't think we need to worry about it not being representative.
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Old 20th Nov 2006, 17:11
  #57 (permalink)  
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Originally Posted by Mad As A Mad Thing
Even little things like having both runway designators on the same runway strip (one upside down so you just turn it over when you change ends). I dont see any justification for having any reference to a runway not in use in the strip display. But what makes it even worse is that the upside down runway designator is on the left hand side of the strip. Why??? When in the western world we read from left to right the eye is first drawn to the incorrect runway designator, which although upside down is still easily assimilated by the brain. If we do have to have them both on the strip why not put the correct designator on the left?

Secondly the actual process of introduction has been a farce. A quick demo in the sim, then playing with live traffic with the expectation that a couple of hours is all it takes to get the basics then go off and get used to it on your own. Supposedly no pressure and you will get as much training as you need, but all the time knowing that there is a deadline for implementation. (Which admittedly was later allowed to slip, but nevertheless the unspoken pressure was there).
Point 1 - our runway strip has the runway in use on the left. So not common then......

Point 2 - nice to see you got a demo in the sim. our demo consisted of strips on a board in the MATC's office, with someone from training and ops reading through the SI whilst watching you move the strips as per what he was reading out, then questions anyone? Oh and no pressure to be ready for the date we've set for introduction.
Interestingly, the book that was put in the tower for everyone to admit to errors in moving strips has now gone. Who took it? Where did it go? What purpose has it served?

I wonder if the RIMCAS false alert book will soon be filed in the same bin.....
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Old 20th Nov 2006, 17:57
  #58 (permalink)  
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" Who took it? Where did it go? What purpose has it served? "

I took the liberty of photocopying it before it was taken away, so there is a copy.

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Old 20th Nov 2006, 18:39
  #59 (permalink)  
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So I assume that you all refused to work the new strip system unless it was brought in with extensive simulation?

Remember, it's your licence at the end of the day.
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Old 20th Nov 2006, 19:23
  #60 (permalink)  
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No, I hold my hands up and worked the new system.

However I refused to sign the bit of paper that stated that I had received enough training. Most others didn't. It is the same old story that a few people moaning at a unit do not make any difference in the grand scale of things. We do try but it always seems to be the same people, i.e. me and a few others, that can see the faults with the implementation with these new systems and everyone else lies back and lets it wash over them.

I know it is mentioned in another thread but I can see this happening with the pension debate. It will be the same ones threatening to strike and the rest of the 'wets' going along with management for the ride!!!!
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