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Old 8th Nov 2006, 13:24
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Devil CSD the musical

I'm working on a play about all of this. Below is the first act. any ideas or feedback please post or PM me.
It is the year 2006. NATS Services Limited has been infiltrated and taken over by the criminal organisation SPECTRE headed up by its tyrranical leader Ernst Blofelt, and his evil sidekick Colonel Klebb, a former KGB agent gone mad and bad.
The staff of NSL are completely unaware of the change in nature of their leadership, or its sinister intention to wreak havoc, death and destruction in the civil aviation world.
Act 1 Scene 1
In an underground bunker somewhere in Hampshire Blofelt and Klebb are meeting for their weekly status report.
Blofelt. Good morning Colonel Klebb. What progress do you have to report to me today?
Klebb. Good morning number one. Our plans are all proceeding on schedule. The changes we have made in the ATCO training courses should in due course mean that less Trainee ATCOs will validate and that those that do will be of a lower quality. In addition to this we have reduced their salaries to such a low level that they can only afford to eat once a week. This has dampened their resistance considerably to the extent that they are a spent force. Our introduction of the STAR reporting system has ensured that we can monitor all safety reports, even the confidential ones, in order to flush out trouble makers. In addition to all of this, our long term strategy of placing inept managers in positions of responsibility is coming to fruition. In short, we now have complete freedom to do as we wish with the NSL organisation.
Blofelt. Excellent work Klebb! You and your department have done well. Now it is time to up the ante and move towards our final goal, to bring about a complete aviation disaster through the deeds of our unsuspecting ATCO staff. This must be caused by something that they do as part of their jobs, and I have an extremely cunning plan in mind. A plan so cunning and yet so simple that it cannot fail and they will never suspect our real intentions. We shall call this plan "Operation Complete Sodding Disaster".
Klebb. Boss, I'm sure that your plan is excellent, but even the GMs are not so stupid that they would fall for a plan with a name like that.
Blofelt. Dummkopf! Naturally we shall change the name of the plan, but to something similar. We shall introduce it to them as "Common Strip Display", then both parties, them and us can refer to it as CSD for short.
Klebb. How silly of me to think that you would make such a basic error of judgement. Pray tell me of this plan and how it will work.
Blofelt. Well, the plan is quite simple in its concept. All ATCOs rely on their flight progress strips and the way that they are laid out in order to carry out their tasks safely. I have devised a new strip display which we shall compel them to use, where everything that they have been used to doing for years and years is turned upside down. It is rather like swappin the gas pedal and the brake pedal on a car. You can tell the driver a hundred times over that you have done this, but put him under pressure and a crash is guaranteed! We will introduce this new system over the winter months while the traffic levels are lower. This way the ATCOs will gain confidence in the system whilst it is quiet, but come the summer when it gets really busy and they are under pressure......SMASH!!! I Guarantee it. (Laughs demonically)
Klebb. This is truly a work of genius. They will never suspect our involvement. Do you anticipate any problems with introducing it?
Blofelt. I have already given this much thought. We will introduce it in a hurry and give them a deadine for completion that doesn't give them time to complain about it. Also, we have a few agents in management positions at unit level who we can use to bully and coerce any ATCOs who are being, shall we say, problematic.
Klebb. Inspired thinking boss. Besides which, most of those ATCO people are far too concerned about their pensions to rock the boat and risk dismissal.
Blofelt. Ah yes Klebb. About the pension scheme, I have been having a few ideas on that subject...........
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