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24th Nov 2011, 12:47
at least its a dam site better than the old tin hut that used to be the old terminal,and we at sen happen to like it!!!!!

24th Nov 2011, 15:32
Terminal nearly ready.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/305822_232313586833836_130834463648416_595756_1308930449_n.j pg

24th Nov 2011, 16:01
Looks like our local B&Q but without the racking

24th Nov 2011, 16:27
Looks like 150 seats in the "departure" lounge. Could get a bit crowded unless Easyjet are going to buck the loco model and fly evenly spaced departures throughout the day.

On a walk past the other day I also noticed the close proximity of the entry/exit doors to the terminal (located adjacent to each other). This could also be a cause of friction when you have 150 arriving passengers trying to get past the 150 departing passengers on a footpath to the 2 doors that is no wider than 6 feet.

Still - good luck to SEN, the locals deserve a cheap flight to the sun without having to brave the A13/A127/M25/M11 horrors.

24th Nov 2011, 20:53
Since when have airports been concerned about having enough seats in the departure lounge, or easyjet concerned about having enough (or any) seats in the cattle pen.

24th Nov 2011, 21:07
Luton and Stansted don't seem to bother much with providing seating for waiting passengers. Why would Southend feel the need to spend the money ?

24th Nov 2011, 21:14
you should think your self lucky that your b&q is as nice looking as our new terminal,at least its a dam site better than the tin hut that was being used before!!!!!!!¬

25th Nov 2011, 15:53
Well it looks better than Blackpool. Their new terminal came with exposed breeze block walls that were not even painted. At least they have been plastered and painted at Southend.

26th Nov 2011, 00:43
Waterford - Southend has dropped to 10 weekly since last week for thw whole winter season. Was planned to be 13 weekly for some of the winter season.

One flight - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday
Two flight - Sunday, Monday and Friday

26th Nov 2011, 03:22
Has any dates been announced for opening of the new terminal? I'm guessing it will wait till easyJet arrive, I can't see it launching for 1 flight a day somehow!

Lord Gumboil Jnr.
26th Nov 2011, 11:32

I have heard that the terminal will most likely open in February for staff training purposes. There has been talk of volunteers being sought to act as 'pretend' passengers in order to ensure that staff procedures and other systems are working as planned. Naturally, StobartAir would not wait until the day before the commencement of EasyJet flights in the hope it would be alright on the day! In view of this, it looks as though Aer Arann passengers will be the first 'real-life' customers to experience the new terminal. You could say it was luck of the Irish!

26th Nov 2011, 22:12
LOL. Dublin airport did that with terminal 2 but I think they used acting extras or certainly paid people to trial the new terminal, practising boarding flights, emergency evacuations etc. It will be really interesting to watch things develop at Southend and how long it will take another airline to move in?

26th Nov 2011, 22:51
That was not the plan for T2. All carriers were due to move in when it opened but a number of problems caused delays. They did not pay people to test T2 they asked for voluntrees to test the systems.

26th Nov 2011, 23:43
Oh right I only remember catching a bit of that on rte website thanks for clarification.

4th Dec 2011, 21:47
roumor has it that three airlines to start new services from southend,one of them is the motor company ford and their flight to cologne,any news on what airlines these maybe.

5th Dec 2011, 04:46
Not much chance of passengers or luggage getting lost as Southend.

5th Dec 2011, 09:41
((roumor has it that three airlines to start new services from southend,one of them is the motor company ford and their flight to cologne,any news on what airlines these maybe.))

German Wings carry the ford pax out of STN, perhaps they're on the move to sen too?:ok:

5th Dec 2011, 16:40
Perhaps they are re-stating the Fordair 1-11 service to CGN :eek:

5th Dec 2011, 16:46
It would be great to see the return of Flightline, but I somehow doubt we will see it.

5th Dec 2011, 17:06
I'm told by a reliable source that Ford will be returning the RJ off lease in the New Year, so I doesn't look as if they will operate the SEN-CGN in their own right. This seems to be a change of plan to that of a couple of months ago. Join! of course were/are very interested in operating the route with a F100 - if they ever get off the ground. Otherwise, as SENFLYER speculates, German Wings is a possibility for the route.

6th Dec 2011, 13:40
Read on jet2 forum that they may be operating from SEN from next yr?

6th Dec 2011, 13:56
there only rumors that the moment mart901

Barling Magna
6th Dec 2011, 14:06
Substantial rumours though. And the Jet2 PA-31 was visiting SEN yesterday.

On another forum Expressflight states that Germania will fly SEN-CGN and to a Romanian destination.......

6th Dec 2011, 14:08
but jet2 do have new aircraft been panted and aircraft been serviced there

6th Dec 2011, 17:21
hi i facebooked southend airports saying is it true that jet2.com will be starting flights to 3 destinations next year and thay repleyed saying There are strong rumours going around at the moment, on top of Germanwings and Germania. It looks promising but nothing confirmed yet

6th Dec 2011, 17:27
No you didn't. Looking at it, you asked the enthusiasts page Fly Southend Airport and not London Southend's own page. As enthusiasts, I'm sure they will be basing their info on what they read here another aviation forums.

6th Dec 2011, 17:40
what would the chances be, that germanwings would move from stansted to southend?

6th Dec 2011, 18:39
mikkie -


Stansted is a longer sector, much more expensive to operate from and more congested than SEN.

SEN is just as well-connected to London too.

If Mr Ford wants them at SEN, that's another good reason.

Easy have moved their three units - I don't expect they will be the last.

6th Dec 2011, 18:50
Hi everyone I am the administrator of the Fly Southend Airport facebook page and you are exactly right :ok: I get all my information from this forum! You could ask the London Southend page, but I suspect they wouldn't say anything even if the rumour was true. Great to hear about potential airlines especially since its gone rather quiet recently! :)

7th Dec 2011, 10:26
Rumours abound at the airport that Jet2 start January 9th but no info on destinations yet, Can't help wondering if the extended runway will be operational by then!

and another rumour is that Germania will operate 5 times a week, Monday and Tuesdays using a 737 and Weds to Fridays using A319

7th Dec 2011, 11:26
Hi all.

Re Jet2 I heard 3x weekly 757 - BJV Mon, TFS Tue, DLM Wed from 9 Jul, not 9 Jan..... I queried if runway is long enough for these sectors, but the guy insists its happening....time will tell.

Edit: Also told winter switches to LPA Mon, TFS Tue, ACE Wed

7th Dec 2011, 12:47
i dont think jet2 would base an 757 at southend if thay will be flying into southend it will only be sort flights like to leeds/bradford , blackpool or paris

7th Dec 2011, 12:56


7th Dec 2011, 13:12
i dont think jet2 would base an 757 at southend if thay will be flying into southend it will only be sort flights like to leeds/bradford , blackpool or paris

What do you base that judgement on exactly? Jet2 seem to have been shying away from flight only city destinations in favour of their low-cost holiday arm.. I just dont see why they would want to serve domestic destinations next to EZY, unless they are just looking at aircraft utilisation.

I think Sxflyers post is the far more credible rumour, it gives Jet2 the chance to edge into the southern market, but with no direct competition. I stand to be corrected but Easyjet would not be able to operate those destinations mentioned with A319 equipment.

Certainly an interesting rumour, and I hope it becomes reality before long.

7th Dec 2011, 13:35
i just cant see jet2 baseing an aircraft at southend unless thay could fly into southend on a w patten but i still cant see it i think jet2 will be trying to appeal to the business market with flights to citys like leeds , glasgow and paris even as far as germany and if jet2 wanted to edge into the southern market i think thay would fly from airports like gatwick , stansted or luton

7th Dec 2011, 13:58
Turkey, Egypt and Canaries are solid year round money makers and there is little charter activity at Stansted. They would be first in the door on those sort of routes and get a head start. Domestic air travel is already cut throat as it is and a declining market, and Paris is eurotunnel teritory, especially from the south east. If stobarts give them a good deal, why not? If they are to develop long term and seriously want to move into the holiday market they cannot surely stay in the north and scotland only. The brand will need nationwide exposre to compete effectively and be trusted. I don't suppose many people saw easyjet making a fairly big move in but they did, I'm sure they won't be the last.

7th Dec 2011, 13:59
Ok then, why would they want to move into a market that is highly taxed, already has better surface transport links in most cases, and would make them very little money. There is nothing to suggest they cant outstation an aircraft at SEN for a few days of the week like some of the IT operators do is there? I just dont see any of the routes you mentioned being operated by Jet2 out of SEN.. I still dont understand what you base your judgement on either, you just have to look at the routes they are adding from current bases and the ones they started from their newer bases to see which direction they are heading.

7th Dec 2011, 14:12
ok jet2 wouldnt make a lot of money with a few days a week flying out of southend coz thay would have to put crew up in hotels and the fuel flying the aircraft to southed and it would be a wast of money basing staff there i am not saying that jet2 wont be flying out of southend but i think if they are going to flying out of southend it wouldnt be with a full or parted based aircraft it will be on a w patten like LBA-PRG-SEN-PRG-LBA

7th Dec 2011, 14:37
ok jet2 wouldnt make a lot of money with a few days a week flying out of southend coz thay would have to put crew up in hotels and the fuel flying the aircraft to southed and it would be a wast of money basing staff there

How do you know that? Why would they base crew there if they are already 'putting them up in hotels'? How do other operators get away with operating schedules like that, when you say that it would be too expensive for Jet2?

If Jet2 would 'make more money' from flying 'LBA-PRG-SEN-PRG-LBA' then why dont they go down that route more often?

7th Dec 2011, 14:49
most other operators can do it like the thomson flight from leeds to tenerife thay bus crew from manchester which is less money but jet2 dont have a base in the south so thay would ether have to put crew up in hotels for a few days or have crew based at southend but wouldt worth it for 3 days i just cant see jet2 basing or part basing an aircraft at southend and i think that there will be to much competition from airlines flying from near by stansted where flights would problay be cheaper

7th Dec 2011, 14:59
most other operators can do it like the thomson flight from leeds to tenerife thay bus crew from manchester which is less money but jet2 dont have a base in the south so thay would ether have to put crew up in hotels

So by your logic should I assume that all of the airlines that put crew up in HOTAC on a regular basis are losing/not making that much money? Also the routes you suggested are more likely you say, but they are completely out of character for Jet2!?

Either this is another one of those rumours like the NWI one (maintenance related hence PA-31 visiting), or there is something more solid in it. As I say, if there is any truth in this then the rumour posted by sxflyer is by far the most plausible.

As an aside, have Jet2 since closed their STN crew base?

7th Dec 2011, 15:31
i think jet2 have closed their STN crew base coz they dont have an aircraft based there any more but i do know that thay have cargo crew based at exter for the mail flights but there is no cabin crew based in the south and i didnt say an airlines that put crew up in hotels on a regular basis are losing/not making that much money i am saying that no airline would put crew up for 2/3 nights in a hotel unless it was an loug hall flight like ba flights to singapour or new york where crew would by out of hours but thay would only put them up in a hotel fot a night or 2

7th Dec 2011, 15:34
i am saying that no airline would put crew up for 2/3 nights in a hotel unless it was an loug hall flight like ba flights to singapour or new york where crew would by out of hours but thay would only put them up in a hotel fot a night or 2

And I'm saying that some do exactly that.

7th Dec 2011, 15:45
name one low cost airline that puts its cabin crew up in hotels over night and which has an aircraft based at an airport for 3 day

7th Dec 2011, 15:51
Not strictly low-cost, but certainly in a similar position is Thomas Cook, and I know that in the past they have done exactly that at HUY for instance... In fact when EZY operated from DSA last year, all of the crew were LPL based and in fact put up in HOTAC at DSA.. I'm sure other people will know of more that do exactly that.

7th Dec 2011, 15:58

You've compared what you feel Jet 2 will do with what Thomson do.

Could you also let us know average age and balance sheet values of the fleets and the finance position for each aircraft?

Also details on crew conditions of employment, arrangements with airports and anything else you have to hand.

The truth is it's impossible to compare different operations with each other. when you don't KNOW about their cost base.

Compare these two airlines flying leisure routes from 2 airports serving the same metropolitan area to the same holiday destination approx 2 hours distant.

Airline 1 flies fairly new A319s.
Airline 2 flies 20 year old MD8Xs.

Airline 1 sells flights direct and also tickets through a GDS. It does have click throughs on its web page for car hire, hotels, but many customers don't use these.
Airline 2 sells many package holidays and also point to point flights. It only sells direct.

How do the accountants allocate costs and revenues in each business? It's likely to be very different.

Also what is the cost to each airline of a plane being parked on the tarmac doing nothing? Is there any benefit to be gained flying the plane for revenue which whilst covering the marginal costs doesn't cover the allocated fixed costs?

Actually the examples I am thinking of are F9 and G4 in the USA.

F9 flies DEN-LAS many times daily.
G4 flies from 2 small airports 50 miles out of Denver (FNL and COS) to LAS a few times a week.

Both continue the routes and so appear to be making money.

7th Dec 2011, 16:06
rareair, well put.

Barling Magna
7th Dec 2011, 16:23
Chitty wrote: and i think that there will be to much competition from airlines flying from near by stansted where flights would problay be cheaper

I'm not sure about that. Essex has a population approaching 2 million, and for 1 million of them Southend is closer than Stansted. SEN's rail link also makes it attractive for East Enders.

7th Dec 2011, 17:13
This is a rumour network, but seriously guys there needs to be some common sense applied here.

Let’s start off operationally; the reason why Jet2's Piper has been down in Southend recently is to ferry crew to and from the airport for operational purposes. Those Jet2 757's that have been visiting are not to 'test the water' - they are at SEN for C Checks and painting! The Piper comes in to collect the crews that have positioned the aircraft in along with dropping off engineers. The routes mentioned are totally unrealistic, especially on 757 aircraft. There are performance restrictions on the 757's from LBA with a runways that’s nearly 2,300 meters long -I’m sorry but a fully laden 757 cannot operate 4-5 hour sectors from a 1,600 meter runway on a regular basis. I'm not saying operationally it's not possible, but for a low cost airline operating flights with a well over 80% load factor with tight turnarounds - this is not going to happen week in, week out. An slice of wind/rain/snow and it will have to divert.

Commercially it's a joke. No airline in the right mind would operate 3 routes from an airport that is hundreds of miles from the nearest crew base. If Jet2 did ever (they won't) operate routes from SEN, it would have to be routes such as ORK, JER, CDG, BFS, TLS or DUS which could be operated on 'W' legs from existing bases i.e. LBA-CDG-SEN-CDG-LBA. Jet2's cost base is so tight that HOTAC crew at SEN would make the whole operational a massive loss leader. Next, why would Jet2 start routes that are very expensive to operate (long 757 routes) from a completely untested airport. If anything, they would open shorter routes with less exposure to test the market. You cannot make money on flying 757's to Bodrum, Tenerife etc unless they are full. Flying a 737 to Barcelona or Paris with a 60-70% load factor is possibly acceptable, hence why easyJet are starting relatively short routes.

Jet2's most southern base is East Midlands - no one in London has even heard of Jet2. Brand identity for Jet2 in the north of England/Scotland is good, in a lot of places it is a household name considering they are the largest airline by far to focus on that geographical area. Moving into a completely different market - which is already highly saturated, is a crazy move. Yields have taken a hit even at Jet2's most established bases with loyal customers, this is not the time to make stupid decisions to open up random, speculative routes. Overall capacity for Jet2 is to increase by 13% for 2012 - this is accounted for with 1 extra aircraft at each of the following: GLA, EMA and NCL as well as increased capacity at MAN with 737-800 aircraft replacing 737-300's.

I think this rumour has come from a spotter at the end of the runway at SEN that has seen a 757 come in followed by the Piper. I'm sorry guys but Jet2 do not operate into non base UK airports, it's not our business model and never will be. We work on a simple, operational structure where a MINIMUM of 2 aircraft are based at an airport and they fly on routes to/from that airport only. The amount of 'W' routes Jet2 operate (out of 38 aircraft) can be counted on one hand - and they are all to existing bases. I.e. LBA-LRH-BFS-LRH-LBA. SEN will not feature on the Jet2 route map.

7th Dec 2011, 17:19
Thank you for clearing that up Righthandrule.. However I believe my argument still stands, in that Jet2 would be highly unlikely to operate those city type routes if they were to even set up at SEN. If they based there (and you say they only operate from their bases in the UK), then they would only operate routes like they do from their other small bases..

Even so, a similar rumour surfaced about NWI last year due to the PA-31 visiting, clearly the same has happened here.

Barling Magna
7th Dec 2011, 19:56
Well, that's the end of that rumour then. Still, it was fun while it lasted. Hopefully the Germanair rumour has more substance?

SEN's extension will give a runway length of 1905 metres, with a TODA of 1799 metres, so a 757 would struggle to carry a useful load beyond short distances.

8th Dec 2011, 09:32
I'll still be surprised if this is the end of this 'rumour'.

I have heard from four different sources that Jet2 is the airline in question (not all of them originating from SEN) including details of what the first destination will be - and it's none of those mentioned here in other people's posts. Other details obtained also suggested that things were at an advanced stage towards making an announcement.

I do agree that Jet2 would be a surprise but let's wait to see if anything is actually announced by the end of the year.

8th Dec 2011, 09:55
Hi rightandrule,
your last post sounds very realistic, I cant see Jet2 coming into an untested market and where it is not well established and where the market is saturated. From what I can see Jet2 is probably the most differetiated model of the LOCOs operating in the UK, take BFS for eg it got off intensely competitive routes where there was over capacity and left the battle to EI & EZY, they focus on Freight and for passengers fly to destinations that are niche, probably high yield, low frequency, summer markets and for the markets that they do serve in competition with EZY/EI/WW, there is a big push on Jet2Holidays. In summary my point is how could Jet2 differentiate in a London Market?

The only way I could see Jet2 coming to SEN would be on the back of a cargo contract with a 733 QC, is there frieght operations at SEN? and if so is this the plan, if there is one?


9th Dec 2011, 08:19
Is Jet2 also not an airline available for charter work? Nobody has mentioned the possibility that a holiday company is chartering one of their aircraft from some holiday flights from SEN. I don't think there is a set-up for cargo at the moment.

Narrow Runway
9th Dec 2011, 08:40
Wizzair HOTAC cabin crew and pilots in Luton to operate 3 or 4 day rotations.

Historically, KTW and SOF crews.

They are LOW, LOW cost.

9th Dec 2011, 17:25
It appears that Germania will be operating the flights to Cologne-Bonn (CGN) and to the Romanian city of Craiova (CRA). No dates mentioned yet or what aircraft they will use.

9th Dec 2011, 18:15
Hi tws123,

Where did you see that?

9th Dec 2011, 19:37
Here's a bit of silliness

Calls for Southend Airport to be re-named after Dr Feelgood's singer (From Echo) (http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/9412344.Calls_for_Southend_Airport_to_be_re_named_after_Dr_F eelgood_s_singer/)

9th Dec 2011, 19:43
Hi mart901, its not the most reliable source, but a flight website (flights idealo) states that the current airlines flying from Southend are EasyJet, Aer Arann, and Germania. I had a look at it, and on the 4th page of routes it has Cologne-Bonn and Craiova then underneath "with Germania". These routes do not appear bookable but it does seem to suggest that they are the airline to operate it (of course none of this is confirmed yet).

9th Dec 2011, 19:51
While It’s good to get excited about expansion its worth not get carried away and remember airports like Sheffield, Coventry, Teeside, Blackpool etc. The airlines came and the airlines went.

10th Dec 2011, 08:20
Er..... I cannot see how the rejuvenated SEN has any similarity to the airports that you mention. If you were talking about the SEN of a couple of years ago, then yes but certainly not now.

Another piece of firm news is that the airport protest group SAEN have officially accepted that they have lost the battle to prevent SEN's expansion and will now concentrate their efforts on ensuring that the Section 106 Agreement etc. is fully complied with by Stobarts.

10th Dec 2011, 11:10
Jet2 will be operating SEN-CGN-CRA from january 9 on,
then Germania will be flying to CRA from May on (Charterflights)
as far as i know
Jet 2 B 737-300 , Germania A 319

10th Dec 2011, 11:21
I can confirm the above too... first flight 9th January as LS2105, using LGW based crew and aircraft..... everyone forgot about the Jet2 LGW winter base! :E

10th Dec 2011, 12:13
Will jet2's flights be charter as well? Nothing on their website so looks like. Great news though any which way!

Barling Magna
10th Dec 2011, 12:20
More lack of common sense, righthandrule? Or does this rumour have more substance.... ? Certainly the 737-300 will have no trouble operating from SEN's extended runway with a full load.

10th Dec 2011, 14:12
Anything with a LS2*** number is a charter flight. Won't appear on the Jet2 website.

10th Dec 2011, 14:40
Thank God there is a 10000kg bowser available at last ;)

10th Dec 2011, 16:14

As I heard it originally the January 9 start date was dependent on ILS being available by that date on both runways.

10th Dec 2011, 16:16
Barling Magna, yes still a lack of common sense. Exactly as I pointed out before, Jet2 will never launch flights from Southend. Especially to the oddball routes that were mentioned.

This is a series of ad-hoc charters, nearly every single UK airport has Jet2 charters over the winter. Again nothing to do with Jet2, we use a chartering company to act on our behalf, most of the time the crew just get told where to be a week or two before and an aircraft is waiting when they get there.

10th Dec 2011, 16:25
Oh yes, Jet2 and Germania are both going to establish a base at SEN!

Not forgetting the thrice daily Emirates A380 also due to start from SEN on January 1st ^^

10th Dec 2011, 16:46
Shouldn't that be April 1st ?

(that's the day Concorde begins a daily service at SEN)

10th Dec 2011, 17:03
I can confirm the above too... first flight 9th January as LS2105, using LGW based crew and aircraft..... everyone forgot about the Jet2 LGW winter base!
I believe the flights will be operated on Mondays and Fridays? Can you please provide the schedule with arrival and departure times?

Thanks in advance!

11th Dec 2011, 15:07
with the 3 EZY aircraft that will be based at SEN,and the 9(pos 10)destinations, how many more flights could EZY get out of those 3 aircraft?

13th Dec 2011, 14:20
Home (http://www.southendairport.com/)

New website up and running.

Barling Magna
22nd Dec 2011, 13:23
From a post by Islandpilot on the Aer Arann pages:

UNCONFIRMED rumour on local radio today that the RE maintenance base at GWY will be re-located to SEN within 6 months. If true the return of RE to GWY next summer looks very unlikely. Official line is that no decision has been made yet.

A move to SEN for maintenance would make sense, and maybe keep alive the idea that RE will run more services from SEN.

Or not........

Barling Magna
23rd Dec 2011, 09:04
Sadly, we all predicted this. Why, oh why, won't flyBE fly from SEN - they would get the market they were seeking....

BBC News - Flybe to stop using Manston airport (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-16308143)

Flybe has said it will not be flying from Manston International Airport in Kent after March.

The airline said it would cease operations there at the end of the winter season.

Flybe spokesman Niall Duffy said: "We tried different routes and the numbers simply weren't there. It's impossible to sustain routes without the passengers."

Flybe launched its Manston to Edinburgh service in May 2010.

Mr Duffy said: "Unfortunately for the Manston services it was just impossible to look at those passenger numbers and think that we could sustain the kind of difficulties we were facing.

"It is fair to say that Manston is one of the airports with the smaller catchment areas in the United Kingdom, and you have Gatwick not too far away."

The airline said passengers booked on flights after March would be contacted by Flybe and offered a full refund or tickets on alternative flights.

23rd Dec 2011, 20:15
Anybody know which aircraft RE are using on the WAT flights over the Christmas period, there has been some 72's on there lately.

Sir George Cayley
24th Dec 2011, 15:31
Looking at the photos on the SEN forum, what' the large steel works going up behind the views of the terminal?


24th Dec 2011, 16:47
Is the SEN forum located in USA?

Certainly Yank oriented.

24th Dec 2011, 17:00
new 4*hotel being built by the entrance to the old terminal,will be complete early next year

24th Dec 2011, 21:47
new 4*hotel being built by the entrance to the old terminal,will be complete early next year

Will be handy for all those passengers who book early morning departures and discover that there is no early morning public transport to Southend

24th Dec 2011, 22:31
why are you so anti southend?in all of your posts you havent had one good word to say about SEN!!!.always negative,never positive.if your going to pick faults, start with luton.at least the people of southend will have something to be proud of,unlike LTN,which is a dump.a lot of people drive to airports,rather than use public transport.time will tell&things will get better.there are a lot of people out here that support SEN,and wish them the best for the future!!!!!.if i can fly from SEN rather than LTN than thats what i will do

25th Dec 2011, 08:07
.a lot of people drive to airports,rather than use public transport

And that is Southend's problem. 18.5 miles from any motorway and if Joe Public is coming from London there is no motorway but just A roads.

Southend's appeal will be it's railway station with easy access to London and the terminal. All that is missing is a 24 hour rail service which the airport operator should be pushing for as the railway will not be an option for the morning wave of passengers.

25th Dec 2011, 08:21

Could I be the first to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy (but less cranky) New Year?

25th Dec 2011, 20:47
And a Merry Christmas to you and all the Southend Airport supporters on this forum.

People can be quite passionate about their local airport. It’s a bit like supporting your local football team. After years in the doldrums there are no doubts that things are looking up at Southend and that exciting times are around the corner.

1st Jan 2012, 14:09
Expressflight Best wishes to you and you have been right all along. It is good to see such progress.

5th Jan 2012, 08:12

Thanks for the compliment and best wishes to you also for 2012.

The new terminal is due to open on 28th February and during next month easyJet will be carrying out some crew training/familiarisation visits. A publicity flight for the Press will take place sometime in March.

The runway extension officially comes into service on 8th March when it will become effective on the AIRAC system, although it's possible that it may be commissioned for use a little before that.

The Jet2 Ford sole-use charters to CGN and CRA begin next Monday, 9th January.

5th Jan 2012, 08:16

Good to hear that, looks really well planned out having been their recently, outside anyway! Any news on RE's plans for Galway or any other routes?


6th Jan 2012, 19:23
Good to hear about the runway extension.

Any idea when the new ILS(s) will be plugged in?

It is fabulous to hear about an airport expanding instead of the usual contractions.

7th Jan 2012, 07:23
The ILS availability is currently LOC only on 24 with the relocated GS for 24 and the new ILS system on 06 being promulgated via AIRAC to come into service on 8th March, when the new IRVR, approach lighting and OCHs etc. for both runways also become valid. In reality I think its all been flight tested so its actual availability date might be brought forward a little by NOTAM.

I believe a recent easyJet press release descibed SEN as the first new airport to be built in the South-East for decades and I suppose that description isn't far from the truth when all the renewals/developments are taken into account. Virtually all the infrastructure is new with the exception of the original runway strip and that has been resurfaced with centreline lighting and a new drainage system etc. installed.

7th Jan 2012, 08:17
I believe a recent easyJet press release descibed SEN as the first new airport to be built in the South-East for decades and I suppose that description isn't far from the truth when all the renewals/developments are taken into account. Virtually all the infrastructure is new with the exception of the original runway strip and that has been resurfaced with centreline lighting and a new drainage system etc. installed.

We could argue about the 'for decades' bit, but this sounds very similar to what happened to Stansted before it 're-opened' in '91?

8th Jan 2012, 17:10
More good news (confirmed)

Southend's weekly flights to Germany and Romania - for Ford workers only (From Echo) (http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/local_news/9457663.Ford_to_fly_employees_from_Southend_Airport/)

9th Jan 2012, 06:37
If you work for Ford, that is good news. And if you don't work for Ford, it's no news......

9th Jan 2012, 07:57
.......... well it's definitely a modest piece of good news for SEN and this is the SEN thread after all.

10th Jan 2012, 10:45
I have also heard that Fords will operate to Eskisohir/Anadolu in Turkey. They have a factory there. But I have no info yet on when it will start or which airline. Anybody heard anything about this?

17th Jan 2012, 13:16
Danube Wings is planning to commence a network of routes radiating from Dijon this summer. Included in this is a twice weekly (Monday & Friday) DIJ-SEN service with ATR72s running from June until the end of August initially.

17th Jan 2012, 13:57
SEN to apply to SEN council for extention to existing terminal 5 aircraft stands/3 more dep gates/90 mtr extention to terminal,all to be completed within 2 years,great news

17th Jan 2012, 16:25
Danube Wings is planning to commence a network of routes radiating from Dijon this summer. Included in this is a twice weekly (Monday & Friday) DIJ-SEN service with ATR72s running from June until the end of August initially.

I think it's Dôle rather than Dijon. See here (French). (http://www.leprogres.fr/jura/2012/01/13/ouverture-de-quatre-nouvelles-lignes-a-l-aeroport-de-dole-jura)

17th Jan 2012, 16:32
Quite right Cyrano, Dole it is. My apologies for the mistake.

19th Jan 2012, 21:32
I would hope that, amongst all the improvements, they are planning to install a webcam or two.

Anyone any knowledge?

20th Jan 2012, 17:14
I doubt if they have thought about that yet......for me, two weeks during the Olympics I will sit outside the Aviators bar up near the Vulcan and watch the action......I wish I knew how many charters or bizjets there will be, but I guess that's the fun of it! Hope they have enough bacon for the demand on sandwiches!

20th Jan 2012, 21:21
Here is the news article about the terminal extension
Plans for Southend Airport expansion (From Echo) (http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/9474450.Plans_for_Southend_Airport_expansion/)

I was also thinking what airlines and routes could be added next. I think that Dublin would be good, what does everybody else think?

Lord Gumboil Jnr.
22nd Jan 2012, 18:23
wyld 1

I think Dublin could open up some interlining if operated by Aer Lingus or Commuter and unless I have got my sums wrong they are often quite competative with Ryanair, so possibly an ATR-72-500 would not be unattractive.


27th Jan 2012, 21:50
on SEN dept board today 27/01/12,FLT ST1 to cologne,dept SEN 08.35 operated by germania.at presant all ford flights are being done by jet2,any thoughts on this? germania not due to take over this route till later on in the year.

29th Jan 2012, 16:25
BBC News - Southend Airport project nearing completion (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-16744693)

29th Jan 2012, 17:06

FAN-bloody-tastic,this should shut up the nimby,s and the tree huggers!!!!

29th Jan 2012, 18:21
What a pleasant change...

- a British company investing
- in a British asset
- knowing that the economy will improve

Best of luck to SEN

2nd Feb 2012, 19:35
In case it's of interest................

easyJet to sponsor Southend Airshow? (From Echo) (http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/9502601.easyJet_to_sponsor_Southend_Airshow_/?ref=mr)

3rd Feb 2012, 12:45
Rumours locally that the runway extension will open on February 28th, anyone know if this is true?

3rd Feb 2012, 13:05
I thought it was the terminal that was due to open on 28th Feb.
Runway end of March.

3rd Feb 2012, 13:16
cheers for that Maliyasdad2

3rd Feb 2012, 18:08
germania/ford to start flights to istanbul as soon as runway comes into use(march 8).dept monday (march 12) approx 07.30L rtn friday.will use A319 & or B737-700,will carry approx 100 pax

Chille Con Carnie
6th Feb 2012, 19:53
Well done SEN for keeping the airport open in these wintry times,the new snow eqip, has had its test.

6th Feb 2012, 20:09
If SEN stayed open why did Aer Arann cancel a flight on sunday? Reason was SEN not open.

6th Feb 2012, 21:02
Thats right - the sunday morning Aer Arann flight was cancelled.
Also heard rumours of several airlines with interest in SEN including Thomson, First Choice and now Monarch. Anyone else heard anything on these lines or something completely different?

Buster the Bear
6th Feb 2012, 21:19
Based upon the runway length, some of the rumours may just be that based upon the aircraft types that they fly, but if Stobart are susidising empty seats due to performance, then 'who knows'?

6th Feb 2012, 21:30
SEN re-opened at 1130 today.

Barling Magna
7th Feb 2012, 07:53
You're no doubt correct Buster. SEN's runway is tailored to A319's and 737-700s. Runway requirements are such a complex subject, with so many variables. However, A320-214s (with the CFM56) should be able to operate at max weight over reasonable stages from SEN's extended runway. TAP's 214s fly fully loaded from the Azores to Lisbon (over 1000km) from a shorter runway (1700m). I suppose nobody knows anything for certain until someone tries it.......

7th Feb 2012, 07:56
SEN re-opened at 1130 today. Are you sure? I thought I heard the ford flight going off at around 07.15 .

edit- EXS2105 departed as normal yesterday 07.15

7th Feb 2012, 08:28
Perhaps Vulcanised meant to say SEN opened at 1130 on Sunday, not Monday.

Considering South Essex received some 15cm of snow overnight Saturday I think they did very well to have the place open that quickly.

7th Feb 2012, 10:38
Any chance of a sen-dub anytime soon?

7th Feb 2012, 11:27
Well, I heard the announcement from the tower at that time.

Perhaps they closed for some ops to take place?

7th Feb 2012, 12:56
I'm really confused about runway lengths, I mean how do they manage to get 737-800s and A320's off the ground at Santos Dumont which has a 1,300m runway and in John Wayne airport they get A300's 757's and MD80s (1,700m runway).
Surely now with the extended runway at SEN there should be very few restrictions.

7th Feb 2012, 13:08
I suggests the difference is in the situation re legislation.

7th Feb 2012, 15:19
It will be interesting to see the actual declared TODA and LDA distances when the runway extension opens, as opposed to the physical length of the runway, and one restriction will remain for the types which can operate, the width is 37 metres, whereas most UK commercial airports have a runway width of 46 metres at least. I think that when Heavylift brought in one of their A300's back in the nineties they had to get special dispensation from the CAA and a senior commander had to be used.

7th Feb 2012, 16:40
It's a great shame that Heavylift didn't survive to be a part of the new airport.

7th Feb 2012, 16:44
The declared distances will be the same on both 06 and 24.

TODA 1799m
LDA 1604m

TORA & ASDA will be 1739m on each runway.

8th Feb 2012, 11:33
SEN "Closed ufn" according to ATIS.

Wonder why?

8th Feb 2012, 11:50
I believe it may have something to do with testing new runway lighting etc

13th Feb 2012, 21:29
I wonder if anyone else on here witnessed the incident with a Carvair in the 60s (1962?)where the nosewheel on takeoff turned to retract, wouldn't retract and wouldn't turn back?

I don't think there were any pax on board, and the crew piled all the seats and anything they could move into the rear for a nose up landing. We all stopped work and went onto the apron for the landing which was carried out faultlessly by the pilot who kept the nosewheel aloft for an amazing distance and (IIRC) when it touched, it snapped round and there was no incident.

In fact, the only excitement was provided by a police Austin Westminster which waited at the runway threshold and made a loud whooshing sound as the driver chased the aircraft down the runway.

14th Feb 2012, 07:15

I don't remember the incident and cannot quite understand your description of it. The Carvair nosewheel didn't 'turn' on retraction, unless the torque link failed and the oleo turned through 90° as a result. That would certainly cause it not to retract properly. The crew actions you describe seem rather bizarre as that could have resulted in a serious out of trim condition and if the aircraft was in the normal configuration the seats would be in the rear cabin anyway.

14th Feb 2012, 14:22
Maybe it wasn't a Carvair - it's a long time ago and I was not much more than a school-leaver.

I think everyone at the airport stopped work to watch.

21st Feb 2012, 17:24
Airshow sponsor confirmed

BBC News - Easyjet to sponsor 2012 Southend Air Festival (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-17113789)

27th Feb 2012, 16:16
I had an email from Danube Wings today in which they confirm that they will be basing an ATR72 at DLE this Spring, initially to operate charter flights. They then plan to start scheduled services to certain destinations after a period of time. More details will appear on their website shortly they say.

Whether these 'destinations' will be those currently shown on the DLE website (which includes SEN) isn't yet clear.

28th Feb 2012, 14:38
BBC News - Southend Airport runs first flight from new terminal (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-essex-17190588)

http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/423567_398233763537036_100000512476469_1627146_764999724_n.j pg picture from facebook. thanks to phil whalley

28th Feb 2012, 16:44
Thanks for that. I noticed this afternoon's Aer Arran had been sent to a different stand from usual.

That explains it.

28th Feb 2012, 17:25
The new airport terminal is looking stunning, very impressive. I'm surprised they're only aiming for 2m annual pax by 2020.

28th Feb 2012, 17:27
This looks interesting

Airport owner may buy budget airline (From Echo) (http://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/local_news/9557816.Airport_owner_may_buy_budget_airline/)

28th Feb 2012, 17:29
That would thrill Easyjet

28th Feb 2012, 17:59
NorthSouth. Precisely.

Stobart don't have the cash for buying and managing BMIBaby. They may bite off more than they can chew if they get it.

28th Feb 2012, 18:13
how do you know how much money stobarts have got?

28th Feb 2012, 18:22
Whilst some on here fly the planes, some maintain them. Some work in airports, some manage them. Some are just spotters. But some of us don't work in 'front line' aspects in this industry.

28th Feb 2012, 18:26
This looks interesting

Airport owner may buy budget airline (From Echo)

Remind me again how well that worked for the folk down at Manston?

28th Feb 2012, 18:29
I think I am correct in thinking that BMI Baby has never made a profit so I would suggest it might come very very cheap something like a pound just to get rid of it!

Aero Mad
28th Feb 2012, 19:06
It would be a pound only if it had serious liablities as a going concern... not terribly attractive so that's why you only pay the nominal fee.

28th Feb 2012, 19:34
How much difference would it make when an airline owner is also the airport operator (at one end, natch!).?

28th Feb 2012, 22:05
Not enough vulcanised, not enough (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EUjet)

Barling Magna
29th Feb 2012, 07:46
EU Jet. Oh yes. Nobody had heard of them whereas BMIbaby is a recognised brand. That was at Manston with a catchment of around 600,000 people within 25 mile radius. Southend has over a million. Southend is 44 miles from central London versus 65 miles from Manston. Southend has its own airport rail terminal with a direct line to London, Manston passengers have to get a taxi from Ramsgate having already taken 20 minutes longer to travel from London. Southend exists in the public perception as London's East End on Sea, Manston exists in the public perception, if at all, as a Spitfire base........

Having said all that, I agree with Syntax that it would still be a worrying development for Stobart to buy BMIbaby. Too big, aircraft too old, too much of a loss maker. Stobart really only need half a dozen jets capable of using SEN (and possibly Carlisle too); and why should Stobart take the risk of alienating easyJet when they've achieved so much in landing them at SEN? Doesn't make sense to me. But then, nobody seeks advice from leaders of big business on matters of common sense, do they?:)

29th Feb 2012, 08:04
Baby could of course be "right-sized" to fit Stobart's needs as part of the deal with Lufty.

For a logistics company (albeit one that already had a freight airline, with a very ageing fleet) to take on some old 737's and start passenger ops, look no further than Jet2.

There are a number of underserved regional airports around the UK at present that would cry out for a small lo-co operation (Southend isn't one of them!)

Lord Gumboil Jnr.
1st Mar 2012, 07:56
If there is any truth in all this, I rather hope that it comes to nothing. From where we stand on the outside, it seems like Stobart's could be likely to kill of the 'Orange' golden egg before it has even hatched. Makes no sense to me at all, unless there is something in the agreement with Easy which ensures that should Stobart-Air take to the skies at a future date, then 'Eddie' cannot enter into any form of competition. We can speculate 'till the cows come home, but I hope that when more info. is in the public domain, that we do not have cause to say 'for they know not what they have done!'

Lord Gumboil Jnr.
1st Mar 2012, 07:58
If there is any truth in all this, I rather hope that it comes to nothing. From where we stand on the outside, it seems like Stobart's could be likely to kill of the 'Orange' golden egg before it has even hatched. Makes no sense to me at all, unless there is something in the agreement with Easy which ensures that should Stobart-Air take to the skies at a future date, then 'Eddie' cannot enter into any form of competition. We can speculate 'till the cows come home, but I hope that when more info. is in the public domain, that we do not have cause to say 'for they know not what they have done!'

1st Mar 2012, 11:32
Why assume that Stobart would go into competition with a customer, never mind an important new customer?

IF there is any truth in the rumour it will have been discussed by both companies and an arrangement will have been made.

1st Mar 2012, 20:44
if stobarts did buy bmibaby,would they need to base the airline at southend? then there would be no compertition with ezy

2nd Mar 2012, 05:02
And enter AerLingus regional onto the Dublin- Southend route!!

2nd Mar 2012, 08:02
And enter AerLingus regional onto the Dublin- Southend route!!

Today in the press - RT News (http://www.rte.ie/news/2012/0302/presswatch-business.html)

Barling Magna
5th Mar 2012, 15:06
From SEN website:

New London Southend Airport Passenger Terminal Officially Opened By Secretary Of State For Transport
New terminal signals completion of first phase major developments under owners stobart group

15 minutes ‘from plane to train’
No more than four minutes queuing to security processing
Fewer than 100 paces from airport train station to terminal entrance
Daily flights to Ireland with Aer Arann Regional
From 2 April 2012, 70 flights a week with easyJet
Further new route announcements coming very soon

London Southend Airport, 5 March 2012 – The all-new passenger terminal at London Southend Airport was officially opened today by Secretary of State for Transport, The Rt Hon Justine Greening MP.
Visiting London Southend today, the Secretary of State was met by Stobart Group CEO Andrew Tinkler, COO William Stobart, airport managing director Alastair Welch and easyJet CEO Carolyn McCall OBE. The first passengers to use the new ‘Fly Through’ terminal, named for its convenience and efficiency, landed from Waterford in Ireland on one of the daily Aer Arann Regional services to London Southend. From the 2ndof April, easyJet will start its schedule of daily flights from the airport, with 70 services per week to Amsterdam, Alicante, Barcelona, Belfast, Faro, Ibiza, Jersey, Malaga and Mallorca.
Transport Secretary Justine Greening MP, said:
“This is a huge step forward for London Southend Airport. I would like to congratulate Stobart Group on the excellent facilities, which will make a real difference for passengers.”

5th Mar 2012, 15:23
Best wishes for SEN Mk 2 & all who fly from there - it will do very well I'm sure & I for one would much prefer flying from there than any of the larger options.
Let's hope it returns to it's heydays of the 60's, even James Bond & Mr Goldfinger flew from SEN in 1964 !

Barling Magna
5th Mar 2012, 15:28
And in today's Guardian newspaper also:

London Southend airport: flying under the radar (and to the left of the pier) | World news | guardian.co.uk (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/mar/04/london-southend-airport)

Exciting days for SEN.

Aero Mad
5th Mar 2012, 17:06
From the Grauniad article: As Alastair Welch, the beaming director, put it: "You start with a field, then add a railway station, a terminal building, train up a crew and then the planes start coming. Happy days!"

Always nice to know they're in good hands :)

5th Mar 2012, 19:25
Good luck to everyone at Southend - I think you might want all the luck you can get in the present economic climate. Let us see if you can get any NEW routes - i.e. Dublin (not ones transferred from other airports) and hopefully don´t lose any (already lost Galway but not your fault). Last flew there in 1961 Channel Airways DC-3 f/t Ostend.

5th Mar 2012, 19:42
I too wish everyone at Southend 'Good Luck'. But with EZY being given almost give away operating costs and not much to buy in the new terminal, I question whether Stobart are going to get a ROI?
If things change at STN once the sale goes through it could be back to the way things were???:{

Aero Mad
5th Mar 2012, 19:53
You're forgetting that it was a renewable ten year contract which they signed, and that only a couple of years ago there was no station, no shiny new terminal, no lengthened runway etc. I think the chances of another decline within the next decade are small unless it is an overall decline fuelled by some catastophic world event.

5th Mar 2012, 20:08
With expansion of other London airports i.e. Heathrow and Gatwick some 5+ years away. Southend at least has a 5-10 year shelf life. But I think it will remain attractive until the other London airports are given the go ahead to expand. The issue I have is the tacky Stobart branding of some areas in the terminal. Such as the Stobart Duty Free signage. It does look awfully tacky.

5th Mar 2012, 20:27
Looks an excellent facility, but if Boris gets his way, there is only one way its going to end!

6th Mar 2012, 05:45
The Estuary airport will never happen, so SEN has a long future ahead. Personally I always think it's a bad thing when an airport relies on one main operator (at the moment easyJet), so any new news concerning other operators will be very welcome. Regarding Aer Lingus Commuter, if they operated two flights a day from SEN, departing at 1000 and 1430, passengers would be able to connect with flights to Boston, Chicago, Orlando and New York. Provided the tickets are competitive, I am sure it would work well; in any case, Dublin is a great city to visit.

6th Mar 2012, 07:02
Announced by aer lingus this morning 3daily services between dub and Southend.

6th Mar 2012, 07:49
Stobart (http://uk.advfn.com/exchanges/LSE/STOB/share-price) Group Limited
06 March 2012
6(th) March 2012
Stobart Group Limited
Stobart Group ('Stobart' or 'the Group')
New services to Dublin, with efficient transatlantic connections to New York, Boston, Chicago and Orlando from London Southend Airport with Aer Lingus Regional, operated by Aer Arann.
Stobart Group and London Southend Airport welcome the news today from Aer Lingus Regional, operated by Aer Arann, that from Summer 2012, the airline will start new daily services from London Southend to Dublin, with connections onwards to the U.S.A through Aer Lingus' mainline long haul service.
Scheduled to begin on 10 May 2012, the three-times daily service will offer passengers the benefit of new U.S. Customs and Immigration pre-clearance facilities at Dublin Airport, allowing them to arrive in America as domestic passengers, saving valuable time on arrival.
Stobart Group CEO Andrew Tinkler said: "This is a further exciting development for London Southend in what is a pivotal year in the airport's history. Dublin is a welcome addition to the services we offer, especially with the fast and efficient onward connections to the U.S.A. This, together with the existing Waterford route and Easyjet's first services from next month, will take the airport to over 100 flights a week from May 2012."
The new route to Dublin and beyond complements the existing daily Waterford service, which has been operating since March 2011. In addition, from 2 April 2012, easyJet's schedule of 70 flights a week starts from London Southend; to Amsterdam, Alicante, Barcelona, Belfast, Faro, Ibiza, Jersey, Malaga and Mallorca.

6th Mar 2012, 10:11
Aer Arann to base an aircraft in SEN to operate DUB.

SEN-DUB - 07.00-08.45 - DUB-SEN - 09.15-10.50
SEN-DUB - 12.55-14.40 - DUB-SEN - 15.10-16.45
SEN-DUB- 17.10-18.55 - DUB-SEN - 19.20-20.55

Operated by an ATR 42.

6th Mar 2012, 10:57
If it's the ATR-42 currently used on IOM - LCY, you won't be impressed:ouch:

6th Mar 2012, 13:07
New buyer signs deal for Bmibaby

An “EU based airline group” has signed a non-binding agreement with Bmi for the sale of Bmibaby, adding to a similar agreement already signed with a UK company.

Bmi’s owner Lufthansa is trying to offload Bmibaby before it completes the sale of Bmi to British Airways owner International Airlines Group for £172.5 million.

“This potential new owner, which has operations in several countries across Europe, would acquire 100 per cent of the shares of Bmibaby,” said Bmi in a statement.

“This would include the aircraft fleet, the existing route network and the continued employment of the existing staff.

“This non-exclusive term sheet is in addition to the term sheet already signed with a UK-based company in January 2012. Bmi plans to sign a definitive sale purchase agreement with one of the parties in the next few weeks. The completion of the transaction would occur shortly after this, subject to receiving all the necessary approvals.

“The Bmibaby brand name would continue to be used for an interim period and Bmibaby’s head office would remain in the East Midlands with the airline continuing to operate from its existing bases in the UK.”

Bmi’s CEO Wolfgang Prock-Schauer said that Bmibaby had “attracted a great level of interest and our discussions open up great future prospects for the airline and its employees”.

Lufthansa signed an agreement in principle to sell Bmi to the IAG in December but the price of the deal will be reduced if Lufthansa does not sell Bmibaby before the deal is completed.

IAG’s chief executive Willie Walsh said last week that the company had drawn up plans for what to do with Bmibaby if it ends up acquiring the airline.

7th Mar 2012, 18:23
Dannyboy39, don't worry, Boris won't get his way!

JSCL, the development of SEN will have little bearing on LHR: apart from those travelling to the USA and using Dublin's pre-clearance facility, anyone in South Essex who uses LHR will continue to do so.

Some traffic may shift away from LGW and STN (in particular), but the SEN operation is on a relatively small scale, with just a handful of destinations. It is hemmed in on all sides so it cannot undertake massive expansion, and this may become part of it's unique selling point (the pleasures of using a small local airport).

With it's new facilities and good rail links, SEN is likely to have much more than a 5-10 year shelf-life, and to remain an attractive and convenient local airport, a template for a future NHT perhaps?

Toxic Thrust
8th Mar 2012, 06:42
Well I see the new Aerodrome and Parking/Docking charts are published with the runway extension and newly numbered stands



Now the core facilitiies are in its all in its down to marketing and getting bums on seats. As far as I can see SEN has a bright future ahead of it and has a visible product and facilities to sell to airlines whereas some years ago it all seemed very grim and stuck in the past. Southend is now equipped to be ascend in the airport ranks in terms of ATM's,and pax after years of decline.

I still can't believe all of what has been achieved in such a short time and I wish I could have been there to see it happening!

Good luck to all my old friends who work there and the many travellers that will make this 'new' discovery from now on!:):):)

8th Mar 2012, 11:41
Thanks for those links, TT !

Airport has been closed yesterday and, so far, today. Presumably for final tweaking to new status?

8th Mar 2012, 11:57
The extended runway, new ILS, new lighting (and just about 'new everything else'!) is due to be commissioned this evening - at 19:30 I believe.

So, from later on today a new era begins for SEN. How long have I myself waited for this? Since about 1965 I guess!

Barling Magna
8th Mar 2012, 16:10
I still have the January 1966 issue of "Anglia Aeronews" - the first issue with the new name. Page 2 has an article entitled "What a Way to run an Airport!". You can guess its contents. One or two sentences make instructive reading though:

"During the time Southend's runway extension has been under consideration another municipal airport, Luton, has laid down a completely new runway to a total length of 7,000 feet. If Luton can do it, with somewhat less traffic, why cannot Southend? The combined railway station/terminal building was first discussed in 1953 - where is it?"

"If and when the Channel Tunnel opens, and Stansted comes into use as London's third airport, the one reason why Southend is likely to retain any importance at all is that the resident operators, Channel and BUAF, have invested large amounts of money in engineering bases at Southend."

"The answer to Southend Airport's problems is all too obvious: money must be spent."

So, 46 years later the obvious has finally materialised. Just think of all the hopes and disappointments along the way..... Channel Airways' collapse, BAF's network of scheduled services using Heralds and Viscounts, Hot Air (remember them?), the Euro cargo hub, Princess Air using BAe 146s which could operate from Southend's runway (a real false dawn there), Region Air, National Commuter, Air Holland, BWA, Regional Airports Limited........ then the enforced shortening of the runway declared distances seemed the hammer blow.

With hindsight, if 06/24 had been extended in 1966 the noise issue from the One Elevens and 737 Classics would have possibly threatened the very existence of the airport. Maybe things have finally worked out for the best, with the more environmentally friendly A319s using an extended runway. But what a wait it's been. 46 years. Strewth (as Biggles would have said)!

8th Mar 2012, 17:54
I grew up in Southend and worked at the airfield from 1959 till 1974 and was a spotter well before that and I remember the discussion of runway extensions in the sixties, one plan was to have an east/west runway starting at the threshold of 15 and going out towards Rayleigh, another was also east/west but going across the airfield towards Eastwood, in the grass days there was a runway that ran in a direction of about280 from where the station is now, in fact for years the overhead electric stantions for the railway in that area were painted orange and white and were lower than normal to accommodate the approach path but the runway had been closed since the hard runways were built in 1954?
I see a bright(orange) future and hope all goes well.

Toxic Thrust
8th Mar 2012, 18:22
It is a sobbering thought how close to death the place came as a passenger airport in recent years. Even now with the current Aer Arann and Ford flights the airport handles less passengers than Tresco or Penzance heliport! But passenger volume is on the way and judging by some of the prices on the booking engine EZY are selling the seats, although BFS and AMS seem to be a bit of a struggle just now. It is a fact that it will not all be plane sailing from here. There will be trial and error and some failures on the way but I don't think they will be particularly challenged in getting airlines that want to give it a try. I think the way they have built the terminal and station together and compressed the aircraft to platform distance is positively inspired. It is also sensible pitching the place at A319's.

9th Mar 2012, 09:09
Has anybody heard something regarding Kon Tiki Sky, planning to offer SEN-ANR?
kontikisky (http://kontikisky.com/)

9th Mar 2012, 09:24
It does seem somewhat incredible that the development that could or should have taken place in the sixties has finally happened. But I agree the extension of 06/24 would have been a non-starter on local political grounds at that time. There does appear to be a groundswell of local public opinion in favour of the airport nowadays which did not seem to exist back then.

There were of course alternatives to extending 06/24 though I am not sure how seriously any of them were considered. Circa 1962 Southend Council employed consultants to advise on the airport’s development. They came up with the utterly useless suggestion that 15/33 should be lengthened from 3712 to 4500 feet to accommodate HS748s and F27s which they seemed to believe were the aircraft of the future.

No doubt an entirely new east west runway (call it 11/29) would have offered major benefits. Environmentally far superior to 06/24, it could have provided better dimensions and obstacle clearance, and its location, starting near the 15 threshold would have left most of the original airport land available for development. Its operational drawback was that the Shoeburyness firing ranges would have conflicted with any “29" IAP , so unless there was an accommodation with MoD, 24 would have had to be retained as an alternative landing runway.

Such a solution would have involved a major land acquisition and this sort of ambitious development was well beyond the horizons of a town council like Southend, hence the long inevitable decline . I believe in more recent times Regional Airports, the previous owners, may have looked at it. The costs would have been enormous compared with the present developments. I am sure Stobarts have called it right in proceeding as they have done and . It is a considerable achievement and they deserve success. But I bet they wish that retail park had never happened !

Enough of history perhaps, and perhaps with the new airport finally open we should all migrate to the new thread. SOUTHEND - 3 The new beginning:D

9th Mar 2012, 17:41
Looks like a new route to Antwerp is to commence using Boeing 737-500 aircraft from 1st May 2012 operated by Kon Tiki Sky daily. This airline looks stable too - hopefully good news!! :ok:kontikisky (http://www.kontikisky.com/)

Also Danube Wings has moved its planned Dole route from Southend to 'London Cambridge' instead!

Aero Mad
9th Mar 2012, 17:46
Unlikely to be a 737-500 due to runway restrictions at Antwerp. More likely an ATP or a 146; both feature in the Kon Tiki inventory.

9th Mar 2012, 17:57
oh yeh sorry missed off the other two aircraft types! :ugh:

9th Mar 2012, 22:37
Looks like a new route to Antwerp is to commence

Strange route choice. Apart from Manchester, the only other place Antwerp serves is LCY, the nearest airport to Southend! And onwards to Skopje? I am not aware of any great concentration of Macedonian expats/communities in either Essex or Antwerp.

Wizz also already serve Luton-Skopje and according to Wikipedia (yes I know...) Jetairfly are starting Brussels-Skopje in May.

10th Mar 2012, 00:00
There is a parallel discussion on the new thread SOUTHEND 3 - A new beginning.
May I suggest we concentrate on that new thread from now on ?

10th Mar 2012, 12:18
May I suggest we concentrate on that new thread from now on ?

Has a Mod died ?

11th Mar 2012, 11:00
Welkyboy Hi

I completely agree with all your comments on the possibilities at EGMC in the 1960s Southend Borough council did not have the political will to push ahead to build the R/W from the 15 threshold out west, Although profits made by the A/P which was a very large sum in those days was ploughed back into the rate fund which for some years considerable reduced the local council tax to the town, something which seems to be conveniently forgotten by those at SAEN but I expect that none of them or the families even lived in Southend in those days''' (if you were to look at the current OS map or even Google earth Strangle enough it would still be possible with some changes to the roads)
Did you work in the TWR at that time?? with Roy, Hillary, Fred, Paul, Wally, Dave, Mick, Chris, Roger Just to name a few, I worked for Air Charter, CAB, BUA, BUAF, BAF Fm 1958-1974 and in the early 1960 worked in the CAB-BUAF movement control so had a lot to do with the TWR guys, used to get dragged out of bed in the middle of winter nights to handle lots of BEA Viscount diversion do you remember the BEA winter duty engineer, Tug Wilson he had his cream hut next to the TWR and parked all his GPU,s Tow Bars & Steps out front those were the glory days just CAB alone would be running over 100 flights a day in midsummer not counting the ever increasing numbers by Channel, I have just retired last July after 52 Years in Aviation having travelled all over the world in my job it just shows what a good grounding I got at my local airport something that seems to get forgotten these days. I have to hand it to Stobarts they have achieved something which we all only dreamed about 50 Years ago and achieved in very short order they deserve the praise which they are given.
Bye the way my names Peter so it may well help, lots of the names shown in this thread I knew well in those days can also remember the names of most of our Aircrew including those who operated our MOD contract to Adelaide for the Woomera contract with Avro Super Traders, C-54/DC-4, DC-6s
Rgds to all

Lord Gumboil Jnr.
11th Mar 2012, 18:52
I cannot understand why it is necessary to create yet another 'thread'.
Now we are faced with having to check more than one and I don't get a kick out of playing computers, quite pointless in my view.

12th Mar 2012, 08:13
Simply because, effectively, a new airport has been created at SEN and the new thread reflects and celebrates that fact.