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10th Jul 2010, 06:09
Thank you for your ongoing interest in the position of Captain A320 at Etihad Airways.

At the moment your application is still on hold and as soon as we have any further information we will contact you. We appreciate your understanding and patience.

Kind regards
Etihad Airways Recruitment Team

No longer hiring on 320 or quota filled?

10th Jul 2010, 06:30
Everything EY EVP says is true. However, having worked for both, I was far FAR happier at EY.............
You weren't on the 320 fleet mate

I think people need to start realizing that there are two airlines within one here. I have friends on the 330/777 and 340 and they all enjoy their life and jobs. (especially 340 guys)
most of the EY 320 pilots (captains and FO's) I know hate their jobs and a lot of them are thinking about finding other opportunities.

10th Jul 2010, 10:25
[CODE][At the moment your application is still on hold and as soon as we have any further information we will contact you. We appreciate your understanding and patience. /CODE]

got the same email...anyone have any thoughts regarding the real meaning to this message? or is it pretty self explanatory! cheers

10th Jul 2010, 12:45
dude ur missin that ur posted in DXB which i find more "alive" than AUH, its an "all-city" ... anw the financial diff , is that dubai is much more vulnerable to crisis in that matter and the emirates has taken a few beatting ,but its on the way to full recovery ...:ok:

10th Jul 2010, 12:52
I'll tell you what it means...

There are quite a few senior first officers with more than enough time and more importantly, the company experience required for an upgrade.

They have been watching 320 DEC's come and go, been told they can't upgrade because they are incapable of babysitting cadets, been kept away from the widebody except a one or two that trickle to 330 CCQ and do one turn a month to maintain currency. Been told that it is just inconceivable that an airbus pilot could succeed on a Boeing...

There is a core group of some damn fine 320 skippers that are being worked to the max as resignation after resignation is being handed in from both left and right seat. The solution to finally upgrade the guys at the top of the FO list has always been there, but with the training dept in utter chaos and too busy flying the line, the best they can do is pull down some very reluctant 330 skippers to stop gap the turnover.

I can only imagine what a fresh crop of 320 DEC's would do to those FO's ready to leave. Some come on over and try to keep a straight face while you tell the guy in the right seat how you'd really prefer to be back home, but they money was too good to pass up. On the other hand, I'm sure the 200 hr replacements will love to hear you stories.

10th Jul 2010, 17:37
Hello, I am A320 F/O. next month I'll have the interview for Etihad.. Does anybody knows what kind of techn question they will ask? What kind of assessment I will have? Many thanks in advance

11th Jul 2010, 10:49
Hheheheheeh ! So true !:p

Chandler Bing
11th Jul 2010, 11:18
No worries on the assessment, you will qualify as you may be the only one applying...... EK is hiring big time , thus nobody wants to do EY's ****

12th Jul 2010, 13:09
Hi Chaps,
Sounds like a great life at EY, :bored:
Would any one be able to send me a link to or info on the tech questionaire.
Might come for a look can always say no:=
Feel free to PM

Really appreciate your help

13th Jul 2010, 06:15
Hi guys!
I am in the same situation interview offered. Could someone please give some more details on the interview/sim and tech quiz please.
Many thanks

13th Jul 2010, 13:20
if you are interviewing for a 320 position....well how could i say that?.... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!! :E

seriously, apart from the salary which allows some of us to save money, there is nothing very positive about the 320 at EY.

13th Jul 2010, 13:37
Wow tell me more Pls. :uhoh:

13th Jul 2010, 15:15
Do they hire only type rated pilots ?

thx :ok:

13th Jul 2010, 15:55
Only type rated and experienced.

13th Jul 2010, 18:54
Thx for the answer, hope for the best for all of us.

18th Jul 2010, 14:18
guys if you have a job ,at least you can continue .
Circus management is only killing pilots with 320 rosters, and shagging the benefits, besides covering management pilot 320 tech, wrongly doings .
They enjoy the power ,
F...... the rest , would feel really sorry for you if u decide to come now .
wait till the clowns leave if they ever do!!!!!!

19th Jul 2010, 00:43
Hi guys,

Anyone got any info on the tech tests at etihad etc??
Any help would be a great help.


21st Jul 2010, 18:05

Looking for any information regarding assessment/interview for long haul fleet?



21st Jul 2010, 18:26
They will lie, they will cheat you and in the end they will make your life miserable. It all sounds great till you get there sign the contract then once that formality is done standby for the disappointment. The best bit is that if you do get a better offer later, they will refuse to accept your resignation!
As whistleblower said you have been warned!:=

21st Jul 2010, 19:20
Great, so anybody got some positive view on the Etihad setup. I think we could rename this website the pissed off pilots rumours network. Are there any genuine guys who are actually happy with their lot in Etihad. Im starting to think that anybody content in their job dont dare joining or getting involved with pprune.

21st Jul 2010, 19:58
Lie, cheat and make your life miserable. That's pretty much every airline at the mo, especially the one that I work for...and that's based in the UK...worked flat out, manipulated and exploited when it suits the management...it ain't no picnic here either.... All the objections and points are duely noted.....so does any one have info on the assessment?


long flare
23rd Jul 2010, 08:16
Completed my A330 CCQ a few months ago, but have been flat out flying A320 and doing 1 x A330 flight per month to keep me sane... usually a European layover, so not too bad, something to look forward to.... but definitely not keeping in the spirit of full MFF. It's hard, but I have had worse. :E

23rd Jul 2010, 13:51
afternoon Long Flare - quick question about the MMF at EY? Are you a FO or skipper? And are they MMF most of the Flight deck from 320 to 330. So many questions. thanks again.


23rd Jul 2010, 18:32
Great, so anybody got some positive view on the Etihad setup. I think we could rename this website the pissed off pilots rumours network.

Exactly! Some of my colleagues here are really pi$$ing ME off! :ugh:
With all the problems and troubles we all have to face here every day, most of those comments usually posted here are just spamming up an otherwise interesting thread.

Whenever somebody comes up with a simple question about Etihad/Emirates/Qatari/Oman/GulfAir/Whatever else, all he gets is a load of the ever-same postings by always the same people: "Don't come!", "stupid management", "third world country", "this company is sure going down", "everybody's leaving", and so on.

Anybody posting a question on this forum is lucky to get a sensible answer at least occasionally.

To all these spammers: Are you possibly just trying to discourage other people from joining, in order to improve your own value to the company? The less applicants, the better for you guys...?

I guess if you were as committed to studying, as you are to ranting and complaining on this forum, your opinion would probably be taken much more serious. :ugh:

Maybe if you'd at least give some proper information (if you have any at all), and choose your words more wisely instead of this pub-talk, somebody reading it could actually think about it. But just spitting and flaming away is as much a waste of time to read, as it is for you to write.

And NO, I'm not from management, YES, I've been here for a few years.

Now go on, do your worst! :mad:

23rd Jul 2010, 22:28
738Aviator, it’s a big call there man … you should not pass judgment unless you’ve walked in the shoes of those making the comments you refer to.
I’m sure there are people content with their jobs and those people are also on these forums problem is, the management at EY has let a lot of these people (let me rephrase) has let all of the 320 guys down and since you may not be aware of the treatment these fellow pilots have received I think you need to cool the remarks a little.

As far as you Mr. Nightfire, :D you clearly don’t fly the 320 at EY and if you do and your still making those comments I think you’ve been in the sun too much today my friend. Furthermore I haven’t seen you reply to the gentlemen questions either so what exactly are you doing on these forums? :ugh: And please explain to me what possibly you are talking about when you say “discourage other people from joining, in order to improve your own value to the company? …….the less applicants the better for you guys…?” How does that work? Firstly who ever is already in the company would be more senior so what will a new joiner do to these guys and girls already at EY? Nothing! If anything increasing the amount of crew on the 320 would improve their rosters and allow more of them to CCQ on the 330, while preventing people in joining is detrimental to anyone currently on the fleet. Only DEC would affect 320 FO’s at EY and it’s my personal opinion and mine only that bringing DEC is professionally a failure from Management, clearly they should employ FO’s with only one view and that they are future captains.
FO’s should have been given the opportunity to upgrade for those having the requirements and I’m sure there are plenty. And your comment about studying! Are you one of those book worm who can quote the page and paragraph but in reality cannot fly simple stick and rudder? Just asking man because I usually don’t make it a point to partake in bitching session, but for you I had to make an exemption because your comments are simply ridiculous and if it is such a waste of time to read peoples post, why are you taking the time to read them?

Postiverate you are probably right, it’s the same **** all over, only different over in the sandpit they are in a league of their own.

Junglie-driver MFF 320/330 is a bit of a joke at EY and that goes for CPT and FO it’s same same for both pretty crap.
CPT MFF is not really happening
FO has been two a month but once you MFF to the 330 you’ll be quick back to the 320 for most of your roster for coverage on the fleet.

Assessment from what I hear is a 3 day affair
Last day medical
Second day SIM - which is pretty straight forward V1 cut clean up and come back for a single engine A/P off A/T off (depending how the examiner feels) and RAW data again see previous remark
First day – English testing psych testing group exercise and interview

Pretty relax I think, but that may have changed, sorry it’s the best I can do.

But for those of you considering going to EY as a 320 driver especially, you’ll do yourself a world of good to consider what everyone on these forums is saying because is not rumors but facts. Things are not in the best of shape and management has over promised and extremely under delivered and that’s why all this negativity is on these forums …. but take it as facts.

Safe flying :ok:

24th Jul 2010, 13:00
Ladies and gentlemen. I would like to explain how things work at EY regarding fleet assignments so that you may all understand how the MFF works for EY.

The base aircraft in EY is the A330. The A320 and the A340 are offshoots from the A330.


Now here is how it works. When you join EY on the A330 you are a single rated pilot. Likewise when you join the A320 and the A340 you are also single rated pilots. A person with a single rating on the A330 is then given a CCQ to the fleet where the company feels that pilot is needed most and then that pilot will fly on that fleet predominantly. So in today's situation the pilot who joins on the A330 will probably be given a CCQ to the A320 and will then fly the A320 as if he or she were a single rated pilot and only fly the A330 to maintain currency for MFF. That means that this pilot will probably get one flight a month on the A330 or it could even be one flight on the A330 in 90 days.

Likewise if the pilot were to join on the A340, that pilot would then be given a CCQ to the A330 at some point. But once the CCQ is completed then he will end up flying the A340 as though he were a single rated pilot and only fly the A330 to maintain MFF currency.

An A320 pilot would go through the same thing. Once the CCQ is completed he will then return to flying the A320 as though he were single rated and only fly the A330 for MFF currency.

We will always have single rated pilots on the A330 and therefore whatevever flights on the A330 are not covered by these pilots will then be covered by those who are MFF on the A320 or the A340.

MFF in EY allows the company to have flexibility in the event that there is a change in fleet for a particular flight. That is to say that if your flight was originally assigned to the A320 and there was a change of aircraft type to the A330 and the pilot is MFF on A320/A330 then there is no need to look for crew replacement.

So get this straight. MFF allows for flexibilty and is not there for your lifestyle. This policy will never change. No matter how much you all bitch about it.

Have a good day.

24th Jul 2010, 15:08
Poison that is a load of B@#LS$%T which, you clearly know and your insulting ones intelligent by writing that crap.
You show on this forum when have you seen a 330 joiner get CCQ to the 320 at EY? Never! They couldn’t even get the 330 captains to MFF to the 320 since the fleet is so desperate and they had to wait till all new upgraded CPT complete their 500 hours on the 330 before been sent to the 320. I’m sure no one is blaming the 330 skippers for saying no because they know the hard work and poor lifestyle as well has less money they will get by going down to the 320. What you speak of has nothing to do with the true sense of MFF and just to put a further hole in your ridiculous theory explain why the 330 / 340 FO that are upgrading to the left seat and subsequently sent to the 320 left seat don’t fly predominantly the 330 (since is their base fleet at joining EY) the practices adopted here at EY are unsafe. You have a pilot flying the 320 for up to almost 3 months doing enormous amounts of sectors intra-gulf and to the subcontinent and than you put them into the 330 for a night flight in some god forsaken country with ****ty controllers, ****ty weather and poor English and you call that safe? Since you seem to know so much explain to us all what your take on safety is?
You are correct in one thing only and that is MFF gives the company greater flexibility but MFF works when the number of crew that are partaking in the MFF program is much more than the piss poor effort on the EY 320/330 and that would give the company even greater flexibility having most or all of the individual fleets MFF to their respective higher type.
If you have the required amount of crew that will guarantee a better and more evenly allocated spread of flights to ensure SAFETY (read that word carefully and if you don’t understand the meaning look it up) safety is at the forefront of our industry operation because at the end of the day, pilots are paid to ensure the travelling public, crew and those poor people sleeping comfortably at night in their beds don’t wake up with a plane up their ASS because you thought flying a 330 once every 90 days was ok.
Furthermore I don’t believe EY agreement with the UAE civil aviation regarding 320 / 330 MFF was based on a once per 90 days and I’m sure they would not look down too favorably at EY if they really started to find out what is going on and how the safety of the NATIONAL AIRLINE is been put on the backburner just to accommodate individual agendas. Finally let me tell you I have friends at EY doing MFF 330/340 and their roster are far more balanced than what you claim they are, given on a month to month basis things would slightly vary but at no time EVER you see a 330 pilot flying one 340 flight every 90 days and the rest on 330 and vice versa.
So do us a favor and stop talking crap, you have educated and intelligent people reading these post and your S&^T just isn’t flying our friendly skies

Safe flying :ok:

P.S. one final thought for you poison, would you like to be sleeping at the back of one of these 330 cabin or having your family on that A/C knowing that the guy in charge of your safety is tired overworked and for no fault of his/her on is now gonna take you to your destination having seen the cockpit of a 330 once in the last 170 days and the last flight 90 days ago was a short trip to DOH with no wind and 10 KM VIS?
The only reason why nothing bad has yet occured is because of the profesional people that are put in charge of these A/C and to be honest they obey by the most simple of human instict ..... survival:D

25th Jul 2010, 12:08
Red z3 & Mahiew; I could never agree more with u guys and I wish u guys are management :ok: Perhaps a chief pilot position ?:confused: That's exactly our reality at this airline:confused: !! As for poison, thanks for the explanation but I think if somebody was planning to apply for EY....... NOT anymore. Safety?? If u have that concept clear, try to tell your buddis in HQ; we need a big change in crew control, upgrade policy, direct entries, fleet transitions, etc, etc. ... before a serious inccident occurs :uhoh:. Same picture as G A as I been told.:eek: By the way, sorry for the guys waiting for an upgrade since we will see more DEC in the following months; the only way we avoid parking 320's. :confused:

25th Jul 2010, 12:37

My hat off, one of the best posts I've read in pprune for years :D

Your sense of responsibility and accountability honour you. I look forward to flying with you and people alike in the course of my career.

Safe flying


31st Jul 2010, 14:29
I surely hope that if you join EY on the A330/340 fleet (I have an A330 rating), you won't do MFF A320/330 :eek:, even if I do have that rating on my licence too.

Can somebody who has done the interview recently, send me a message with details of the 'general knowledge Test', interview, etc PLEASE !
Very much appreciated.

btw If you get your CCQ on the A340, do you get a bond ?


31st Jul 2010, 18:50
You don't join the 330/340 fleet - you join the 330 or 340 fleet (or possibly 320 in your case). Then at some point in the future (possibly 12 months, possibly longer) you will CCQ to one of the others and eventually MFF either 320/330 or 330/340.

Although you have some input into this, at the end of the day they put you where they need you and at the moment that is likely to be on the 320 if you have that rating.

4th Aug 2010, 09:49
are you 320, 330 or 777 rated?

there are 2 companies within Etihad. 320 and the rest. if you will join on the 320 fleet.... well, i don t even know where to start. just stay away. try EK?

4th Aug 2010, 17:34
I would try Ek.... may be they have some sort of agreement but they also need 700 f/o.... :ok:

4th Aug 2010, 19:08
I dont know about QR but Ek won t touch guys/gals from EY. 700 pilots to hire or not.

4th Aug 2010, 20:21
what to expect ??

5th Aug 2010, 06:08
I've heard that the story of this agreement between EY and EK IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!!!!

EY tried to get a deal but the reply was: "what do you offer if we don't take your pilots?"

Did anybody from Ey apply recently?

5th Aug 2010, 06:50
Dear friends

there is one thing i can't understand.I read 50% of this thread and the main topic is that life in EY sucks on the 320 but why are you still suggesting people to stay away from it?If the company won't be able to recruit enough pilots your life will be always miserable on the small bus...so i have 2 scenarios 1-you are doing this intentionally to get more power against managment since they are giving you hard times ;)2)You don't want to make other's life as miserable as yours since you joined EY on the 320



5th Aug 2010, 12:38
A340 Captains

Commencement date: Immediate
Home base and service bases: China
Validity of contract: 36 months, renewable


PIC 500hrs+ on type
Total flying hours 4,000hrs +
Under 55 year-old
Valid ICAO license and type rating
At least meet ICAO Level Four on Aviation English Proficiency
Non-criminal record
No involvement in Flight event, incident or accident attested by the previous employer
Valid First Class Aircrew medical certificate issued by the country approved by CAAC
Please email your application along with the Pilot Details Form (http://www.aviationsolutions.com.au/word/pilot_form.doc) to [email protected]

A330 Captains

Commencement date: Immediate
Home base and service bases: China, Europe & North America
Validity of contract: 36 months, renewable


PIC 500hrs+ on type
Total flying hours 4,000hrs +
Under 55 year-old
Valid ICAO license and type rating
At least meet ICAO Level Four on Aviation English Proficiency
Non-criminal record
No involvement in Flight event, incident or accident attested by the previous employer
Valid First Class Aircrew medical certificate issued by the country approved by CAAC
Please email your application along with the Pilot Details Form (http://www.aviationsolutions.com.au/word/pilot_form.doc) to [email protected]

5th Aug 2010, 16:39
CD, in my opinion, most guys post here simply because it s a way for them to vent. nothing more.

1)Is it possible that Ey management read these discussions? yes. people on the 320 have been complaining for what? at least 1 year? what has changed? nothing. so exactly what power against management would be/ has been gained?

2) I m convinced that a lot of potential candidates read pprune and that what they read here might discourage them to apply. having said that, the company is not in shortage of applications. they would have no problem recruiting enough pilots if they wanted to. The T and C's have deteriorated. this doesn' t usually happens when a company has a hard time recruiting.

your second scenario suggests that some of us would be doing this out of compassion and I guess that s a possibility

5th Aug 2010, 17:25
Dubaiforever, please tell us about the source of your info that makes you say that "IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!!!!" :rolleyes:

Several EY guys applied recently and not so recently and didn' t hear anything.

5th Aug 2010, 17:52
There's absolutely no shortage of applicants. I heard "first hand" that they're interviewing around 60 candidates now, and have another 200 "on hold" whom they might take in case some of the 60 don't qualify or change their mind.

And who knows how many more pilots are keen on joining, being in an even worse (or thinking they are in an even worse) airline right now. Or being out of a job altogether.

Etihad will NEVER run out of newjoiners. Guess why the conditions on the 320 (and on other fleets) never improved since years - there's plenty more supply than demand.

And there IS NO ANTI-POACHING AGREEMENT between EY and EK. :=

5th Aug 2010, 18:14
I guess that EY guys didn't hear anything just because it was already too late when they applied. With the new requirements Emirates has much more applicants and probably they put on "low priority" the EY pilots. (but an EY captain told me "absolutely no agreement"). May be they don't want to disappoint Abu Dhabi but I wouldn't be surprise if somebody else from EY get a call!
You will never be invited for an interview if you don't apply!!!!:ok:

9th Aug 2010, 14:33
Hi guyz hope to join the team on 3rd of Oct was wondering if youz could give me some feedback on some of the stuff please.

1.Planning to buy a house. Looking around now seems pretty expansive for a 2 bedroom flat compared to İstanbul:eek:. Alreem island seems nice though.Will it be far to airport you reckon?? What will the company give for the housing allowance monthly it wasnt stated on the contract clearly. And will i get the settling in allowance as well for joining?????

2.I am not gonna ask hows life on 320 i am all used to all that.We do that tough flying here as well no complains but if you could please tell me the layovers for our fleet and how long we stay.

3.And the flying hours. When is the peak season and on avarage how much you fly.
Thank you very very much and see youz soon.

P.S= For does going for the interview
Day1= a.english test fill in the blanks 30 qbank not enough time had people with first language english fail:eek:,b.tech quiz 50 qbank multiple choice study Ace and Jeppsen intro dont come without studying you will fail not easy, c. group exc. was divided in to two groups and case study and assumptions on who should get fired from out of 6 basic CRM within the group,d.and finally the interview with 2 340 cpts and a lady from the HR department really nice and professional people asking qs about the aircraft and general aviaton stuff. I had what was approach ban cat 123 mins and loss of breaking and some tough crm decision making questions.
They tell you straight away if you go to sim:ok: the next day or home:{.

Day2= the sim basic 320 stuff first exc was the visual circut they make you a go around and then eng failure and second manuall flying e.o. No A/P no A/T no F.D. raw data ils with one dot limits and u get 2 tries. Try to land.

Day3 = Basic Medical

Kiwi Expat
9th Aug 2010, 22:20

Does anyone have info on Tech quiz? PM me please!



10th Aug 2010, 06:55
Also looking for the Tech Quiz.



11th Aug 2010, 03:14
Hi Saviboy, in my hours of dredging thru countless threads looking for answers u seem to have a lot of helpful info..which is y i'm addressing u now...I would really appreciate any info on 777 interview/sim ride for Etihad..most of the info i'm finding is for the airbus drvers and even then its a little dated..do they use a 777 sim as well? Thanx ..please PM me if u dont want to post..I'd appreciate a PM or post from anyone with this info btw...

11th Aug 2010, 05:45
Hi riterudder
unfortunately I have no info regarding the 777 recruitment process. I m sure somebody will chime in. good luck

11th Aug 2010, 12:34
If anyone has recently completed interview assessment could you if possible please message me with some detail on the process and tech exam. Much appreciated.


11th Aug 2010, 17:03
If this new policy at EY will be announced shortly as many attest to, I would be more concerned with looking at A320 tech quiz and simulator boys and girls not 330 and 777.
Good Luck!

Safe Flying :ok:

11th Aug 2010, 18:57
Guys, could anybody help me out with some information regarding the tech-quiz and the interview?
I'm not too worried about the sim (A320), but would really appreciate a PM with some info about the writtens.
Thanks a lot!

12th Aug 2010, 04:53
Hi Guys,

Could anyone PM me info for the A320 interview process? Thanks

Safe Flying :ok:

17th Aug 2010, 19:31
Hi Guys. Can anybody tell me about the hiring on 320 these days. I mean how many pilots do they actually need etc.

18th Aug 2010, 17:23
Hi all,

Saw some pilots doing interviews a few days ago:

English exam 45 questions but time limiting
Tech FCOM1 50 questions but tough
Group was a tunnel building excerise looking for team work
Interview relaxed mainly procedural, CRM questions and memory items
Sim visual followed by go around followed by engine failure then raw data ILS approach without any automation.

You are told everyday if you continue or not. Nice friendly atmosphere.

Hope this helps

19th Aug 2010, 11:32
Of course it is a nice friendly atmosphere, they want you to join them as they are desperate for pilots. 330s now flying many 320 routes.
It amazes me how many still apply to Etihad and other ME companies after reading what is in these forums. There is a lot of truth said here but it is very similar throughout the world as I understand it.
The one thing you must remember is if you join as a FO you will be at least 6 years before you are upgraded and that is a long time to be in the Middle East! It is hot, dusty and very unpleasant at times but there are respites between flights when you have fun. Remember also that the UAE is one of the more easy going countries in the region as far as what you do; clothing and drinking for example; Dubai more than Abu Dhabi.

19th Aug 2010, 15:28
has anyone who has applied for an A320 position within the last couple of months been invited for interview?

20th Aug 2010, 07:17
Well the rumors about the company only hiring 320 first officers has been squashed. A friend of mine told me that his friends are being interviewed for a DEC straight to the 320!

Any one else know of any one being hired directly to the left seat?

20th Aug 2010, 07:55
I think you'll find there are normal DEC as well (non TRI and TRE's) coming in and being interviewd as we speak.
Well done EY you managed to take the incompetence to another level, now they have no choice as more CPT have resigned with additional one to follow and furthermore no more link on the EY career page for 320 FO, only showing 330/340 and 777 which negates all the other previous discussion where all recruitment from now on will be on the 320 only.
I guess another "possible" kick in the guts for the 320 FO, get ready for another wave of walkouts and more flight cancellation
Safe Flying :ok:

21st Aug 2010, 18:37
One of my batch mates friends who is an A320 captain was invited to an interview at the begining of this month and passed the interview but was told he would only go into a holding pool as EY are not taking any DECs on any fleet. It seems the only DECs were the 10 TREs that was communicated to us. In the interview he was told that he would be put into a holding pool which lasts one year after which the pool expires.
Also the A320 first officer position is on the EY website along with A330/340 and B777 but only first officer positions.

21st Aug 2010, 20:27
The interview is fully taken care of by EY when i came and so was the case when this DEC came, he was told that there are no confirmed joining dates but elected to join the pool if possible. Again he has nothing to lose by coming, the ticket, transport and hotel are taken care of by EY.

22nd Aug 2010, 09:56
Not sure what he meant either.

Your tickets, transport upon arrival, hotel and transport during the whole interview is paid for by EY. No breakfast is included but you get food during the whole day of the interview and the hotel we stayed at even gave us an EY discount.

I check with my mates friend and he had the same only last week.

1st Sep 2010, 10:37
Anyone going for the interview this Sept,pls PM me.Thanksss:ok:

1st Sep 2010, 17:45
They pay your hotel and you get 100 dirhams per day as meal allowance (must be spent in the hotel restaurant). :ok:

1st Sep 2010, 18:50
you get 100 dirhams per day as meal allowance

Since when???

3rd Sep 2010, 17:27
Strongly agree with the above.

4th Sep 2010, 19:48
Can someone shed some light on B777 rosters at Etihad. Can't find anything significant on this thread.

Layovers, turnarounds etc.


5th Sep 2010, 10:26

777 has mostly layovers with a few turn arounds (JED, RUH, and sometimes KHI,LHE)
Layovers are in BKK, MNL, CGK, YYZ and MAN.
All are at least 24 hours except some of the MAN that are only 16 hours.
YYZ is either 2 or 3 days.
Turn arounds, BKK and MAN are operated by 2 pilots.
Otherwise CGK and MNL are augmented (3 pilots) and YYZ 4 pilots.
Days off vary. Sometimes 8, sometimes more . Personally I average 12 a month.
Hours also vary from low 60s to mid 90s. Overtime is possible.

Good luck..

6th Sep 2010, 09:40
Great post NTM.

Thanks very much.


8th Sep 2010, 09:17


What do you mean for faster upgrades in Ek? How much time can you expect in ek or ey before being given the chance to upgrade?

Can someone post something such as NTM did for the 320?

Thanks a lot!

Sir Osis of the river
8th Sep 2010, 12:22
So now we at least have a more clearly defined career progression and the reasons why. (According to GL anyway)

Glad to see they still trying to avoid DEC, (only TRI on A320), and will be upgrading on the A320 as required.

18 upgrades by the end of the year. :D Better get into the books, boys and girls.

Fleet transfers Airbus to Boeing next year. Sounds good.

Heading in the right direction. (Now if only they would sort out housing.....)

8th Sep 2010, 14:47
So now we at least have a more clearly defined career progression and the reasons why. (According to GL anyway)

@sir Oasis. Did you read anything official in regards to this new plan? what reasons are you talking about?
It certainly is good news but I just didnt hear anything else than rumours about this new progression plan.

8th Sep 2010, 15:04
Hello Saviboy, it s in your webmail. The latest FOB.

8th Sep 2010, 15:14
you go on leave for a few days and the world is upside down!!! ;)

thanks NTM.

8th Sep 2010, 15:18
Welcome back !!!

8th Sep 2010, 15:32
still on leave brother!!
enjoying kangaroo meat on the grill!!

8th Sep 2010, 16:05
Thanks a lot to you guys for your answers!

8th Sep 2010, 19:41
Hi all

Long new career progression which finally makes sense. Its fair and gives more upgrades and chances for fleet transfers. 18 upgrades in three months and more to come. The more the better and the less DECs gives us a brighter future in terms of command :D
This has been in the rumor mill for a few weeks but its finally out and official and now we can move forward. Few other things to sort out.

Oh last i heard on the line today is 3 POSSIBLE 4 new layovers on the 320 starting end of October, AMM, MAA and COK and possible DEL. that will kill a few of the night flights so again moving in the right direction.

Lets hope things keep moving in this direction.

Safe flying to all :ok:

11th Sep 2010, 00:28
I am expecting interview in Oct. Can anybody tell me what kind of tech exam is there and Qs asked in the interview. Thanks

11th Sep 2010, 00:31
I am expecting an interview in Oct. can anybody tell me what kind of tech exam is there and the Qs asked in the interview. Thanks

11th Sep 2010, 10:54
Hi Guys

Can someone give me info on the 777 selection please? Specifically anyone who has done it recently. I see the A320 guys are revising FCOM1 but obviously it's different for 777 - just wondering what to revise for the tech quiz. Specifically after example questions from the tech quiz.
Also, are the interview questions "Give us an example of..." type questions? Any tech questions asked during interview?

Many Thanks


11th Sep 2010, 18:05
Mideastflyer Hope this new procedure u guys got will stick, but tomorrow is Sunday and things seems to change on any given Sunday. Plus it seems that any official (or otherwise) procedure doesn't really mean it will be that for any pre-determined amount of time. Sorry to sound negative but if you been in either EY or the ME in general you know what I'm talking about. I don't really agree (entirely) with that new policy, yes it is hopefully a step forward for the 320 guys if it turns out to hold true but it’s not fixing the problem, it may actually create additional problems as far as I think.
You have a procedure which says today we upgrade on this plane and tomorrow we may go on that plane see how we go! The procedure should be clear and simple. So everyone knows without confusion what he or she will do and will go when his/hers upgrade will come, some possible change is always inevitable as there is an Airbus and a Boeing fleet but as a base line should be very simple. All this policy does, is give the Management flexibility to change the upgrade fleet as they see fit so who they want will go to the wide body and everyone else on the mini-bus.
It should be on one base fleet and move upwards, simple upgrade 320 and then MFF to the 330, followed when all required company and operational needs are met to the 340 if the crew wishes to bid for the long haul kind of flying, if not you have a two lifestyle fleet plan 320/330 short to medium and 330/340. None of these today you go on the 320 and tomorrow you go on the 330 it is not a transparent system is just going to create a mess.
Say you and I work for the same outfit, and we both come up for the upgrade? You are first in the seniority list so they say today the 320 fleet is the upgrade fleet. You take it, the next command slot comes to me and I get the 330 today, look at your lifestyle and look at mine, you’ll be pissed as so would anyone else. It should be a simple and linear progression from the bottom to the top, it would work faster and fairer (my opinion only)
I was always told (KISS) Keep It Simple Stupid. we don’t need to re-invent the wheel in aviation. Upgrades should just be on the 320, 500 hours on type left seat and you are clear to bid for 330 slots, DONE! That will push more people into the 320 (especially left seat) and free the current guys to go 330 MFF. That also quickly builds the pool of 320/330 MFF pilots and the roster becomes more stable and even between the two.
Having said that, what is on offer now is better than previously available, so yes a step in the right direction. But why must the pilot community settle for a mediocre solution (just because is better than before) when at no extra cost you get a fair and clear one instead.

Once again I stress out before I get bombarded by replies that some is better than nothing but just because it is, it doesn’t make it good.

Safe Flying :ok:

14th Sep 2010, 14:20
Hi guys.
I am working for a neighbour airline, with a logo that looks similar to a goat :eek:
Looking for a better lifestyle as life in DOH is not really great. Currently flying 320 here with an upgrading/transfer policy not clear at all, with pilots bypassing us from everywhere, stuff Im sure you already know and hear about working here.
Even though Ive been reading 320 sucks in Etihad I supose its not really different from here and money looks better plus Abu Dhabi is 10 years ahead from DOH.
What do you think about this career move guys, is it worth to do it?
My plan is to stay a couple of years in Middle East and make some money, then go back to Europe, not reallly interested in Cpt Upgrade, I dont see myself here 8 more years.
Many thanks in advance, any tips really appreciated.

15th Sep 2010, 14:00
If anyone has recently completed interview assessment could you if possible please message me with some detail on the process and tech exam. Much appreciated.


15th Sep 2010, 21:11
If you could also cc me in on that please that would be much appreciated anorafly

Thx :ok:

18th Sep 2010, 07:02
Hi Jumbito,

I would say give it a try. No harm trying. Even if everything else the same (work wise, career wise) but there'll be definitely an upgrade in lifestyle compare to Goat Airways and DOH. Travelling back to Europe during off days with less restrictions....that's the greatest plus points!
Make the call mate!

18th Sep 2010, 15:10
hey guys
is there any chance to get an interview for etihad ariways if your not typed on there airccraft, im only typed on med size jet so is it possible???

18th Sep 2010, 18:43
Thanks for the true info's :ok:

21st Sep 2010, 00:52
Anyone kindly tell me about the 320 FO,

Any chance for up size to 330 or 340 ,if so how long:rolleyes:?

Are they recruiting 320 FO now?

I heard that almost no layover for 320fleet, is that true?

For the layover, where are they going?

Thank you your help guy.:ok:

21st Sep 2010, 18:14
The A320 has a layover in Minsk :cool:

21st Sep 2010, 19:26
do not accept a 320 position unless you are out of a job and/or in serious need of money. everything written by Laker is true.
Conversely if you want to age a few years in a few months, you will love it here.

25th Sep 2010, 09:25
Hi all,

I have an upcoming interview for direct entry on the 777. I would really appreciate some informations as most of this thread is about the A320 interview.
Infos on the 3 day process, what to prepare ? Is there a psychologist interview ?
Also as there are more 777 coming next year any infos on new routes or roster appreciated.

Thanks a lot:)

29th Sep 2010, 15:54
Hello, where are the EY 777 drivers? I need some help on what to expect for the interview, can somebody PM me?

Thanks for your help

29th Sep 2010, 20:17
Hi everybody, I need some info about the B777 screening process in ETIHAD. Anyone can help me with this? What to study? Do they apply the eCompass test or similar? Please any help I will aprpreciate. Thanks. :ok:

30th Sep 2010, 21:21
Hi RED z3

I do understand your point but like you said its a step forward and better than what we had before. I was speaking to one of the management guys who said its true they might if needed upgrade on the A330 but then those pilots will still go to the A320 after the 500 hours so whichever fleet you upgrade on either 320 OR 330 you will still fly the other type. Thats fair in a way i guess.
The one good thing is now most of the new intake seem to be on the 320 so the MFF should get better as you will need to cover the 330 flights as no 320 coming for a while.

On another note they have approved additional layovers on the 320 to be announced in two weeks, including AMM, MAA, COK, BEY and HYD in addition to the other five layovers. At least the MAA, COK and HYD cut on the on the night flights.

Enjoy and safe flying

1st Oct 2010, 19:13
absolutely, I agree ....
I, like everyone else I guess hope it does improve as it really needs to.

Safe Flying :ok:

4th Oct 2010, 03:30
IF you have an opportunity to come (invitation for an interview),don't even think twice. Qatar Airways sucks big time. Apart from any problems in Etihad.The company is a lot better deal and package is better also.Your wife and kids will like too.

I was in Qatar.Could be a nice place to work,but the crazy rules and stupid management destroy any desire to fly that you have.It's the worst airline I ever work in my career.
Good Luck!

5th Oct 2010, 04:54
Hello ya'll :8

Don't know if I'm living inside some fantasy world where i make up crazy idea's in my head hehe but i been told the last God knows how long that EK is looking for F/O's and going online sure they do have the ad's running on Both the Website and even some other recruitment website's. So I was just wondering as i do believe i meet requirements set in their add if the HR department is just really slow or simply NON existent??? As i have had noooo reply for the past 6 month...

So i was wondering if any of you guy's might have a direct Email to forward my CV, greatly appreciated if possible :O

sec 3
5th Oct 2010, 05:25
Going by your english grammar and intelligence, you probably don't have a hope in hell of getting on at EK:{

5th Oct 2010, 05:41
Same at Q.R.
After 2 weeks sick leave..50% of your salary...After 6 weeks O% of your salary..same same!
I think according of what i can see and hear, The Main difference between QR and EY..IMHO are
-1 The basic Salary :higher in EY (so when you go on leave you will see the difference)
-2 Annual increase not limited to 5 years seniority unlike in QR!
-4 Last but not least..: The mentality!!

5th Oct 2010, 14:29
Still, the EK package superior to EY by far. Not getting paid after 6 weeks out sick, what if I break a foot or something, sounds absolutely crazy that EY, nor QR, not paying you ! My research, I am considering applying in the ME, also seems to indicate EK rewards employee loyalty to a greater extent than EY, e.g :

1. EK awards tickets for life after 15 years service, EY no such policy.

2. When upgarding at EY you start at basic captain salary as in a DEC just joining the company no matter how many years at the company. In EK you join the captain payscale based on years with the company, i.e.at a higher payscale.

3. Pay raises at EK are based on a percentage (2-3 % ?) while at EY they are fixed AED amounts ( AED500-700 something ? ). That means my salary raises will be geater at EK than at EY as my basic salary increases with years served at the company.

4. EK's retirement contribution is starting at 12 % of your salary increasing to 15 % after 7 years served. EY only applies basic UAE law of one monthly salary awarded per years served, e.g. 3 years of service would constitute 3 monthly salaries, no incentive/reward to stay longer at EY.

5. Profir sharing contractual at EK while at EY based on managements goodwill. EK has been averaging 2-6 weeks profit share/yearly while I understand EY only once in their 6 year history paid out a 2 week bonus.

6. Currency protection. With the AED tied to the falling U$ I am to a certain extent protected against this contractually at EK while at EY I am at the mercy of the world's market currency swings. Great to have if you have loans back home/ sending money to your home country.

Feel free to correct me f I am mistaken in any of the above ramblings. But sure seems like EK rewards longevity and loyalty towards the company in a much greater extent than EY so I will try to get on with EK.

sec 3
5th Oct 2010, 16:18
Good post newton. You've done you're homework well. EK has it's problems too , but still has the best contract in the ME. That is when they honour it!:E

9th Oct 2010, 03:31
Hey SEC, try QATAR and tell me after. IT SUCKS.

TRY EK too. If u r not english,australian,south african,canadian or american, u are consider worst than ****.It's a mafia out there.And everybody knows. Training sucks.Every flight is a checkride during training and the upgrade process is worst than Qatar. CRazy place.

The only good thing in Qatar is they accept people from any country ,so they have a better mix.

Etihad is only a beginner so it has its problems.But for me the best pick so far.And sorry i earn more in EY,than EK or QR. And in EK and QR u fly ur ass off.

Ok they are good things in EK ( The driver ),the pension(Only good if u stay more than 7 yrs) , and as u said the sick leave pay.

Well for me the really best place in the region is OMAN ,but what to do?Salary still far from the other players in the gulf.

Don't choose EK because of the marketing.They are very good at this.:ok:
Go to Dubai and ask friends. and the other thing in EK.Even if u r type rated,u have the ******* bond of US35000 WTF ?

10th Oct 2010, 07:56
Hi all,

Thanks in advance for the advise alredy posted.
it's ey hiring fo on the 320?
Do they need pilot?
i found my application was withdrawn, applyed again!


3rd Nov 2010, 06:53
Hi all,

I would kindly like to ask if anyone could be of any help and forward me any details in relation to the new recruitment process for EY, as I have an interview coming up in December for the A320.

I've read previous posts on this thread but not much to find on the new process involved for the Airbus interviews, apparently the tech quiz questions have changed, no longer from the Jepps...????:confused:

Thankyou in advance for all those whom have helped me out & your PM's..:ok:

8th Nov 2010, 06:34
Hi guys,
Any updated info for the small bus interview?What kind of exams and questions?also u can pm me.Thx

15th Nov 2010, 11:23

I'm just about to accept an offer from EY...but wanted to ask honest opinion re commands first.

For those of you in Etihad at the moment, what are the realistic timescales to expect gaining a command (providing you make the grade, that is)? It is obviously longer on 777 and A330 than the A320...I was told during selection to expect 5-6 years for command on 777 and 3-4 years for command on A320...would this be about right??


19th Nov 2010, 03:09
If anyone has recently completed interview assessment for A320 could you if possible please message me with some detail on the process and tech exam,Sim... Much appreciated.


20th Nov 2010, 10:37
Being in the region and desperate for a job - I need to apply to EY. Firstly, how on earth do I apply? I've tried the website and the first question the application asks is "do you have a 777 type rating" and then the second question is "do you have 500hrs on type". The answer to both those questions are simply "NO". I'm a 737 driver in the region 4200 hours, 3000 Jet and typed on the 737. Would I stand a chance, and if so, how on earth can I get an application put in?


Chandler Bing
21st Nov 2010, 12:31
And your point is ?

21st Nov 2010, 13:54
WB... stop fishing. You don't even know the guy you are talking about ! :ugh:

22nd Nov 2010, 14:44

Quick question to all those at Etihad

I am currently training towards my CPL/IR and was wondering if anyone knows or has heard anyone who has got into Etihad having just completed there training, ie 200hr pilot?

I know they do a cadet scheme but was wondering if they have taken anyone on as a SO without going through the scheme.

Also, does it help to know someone in the company?


22nd Nov 2010, 18:00
Answers are NO to your questions.

24th Nov 2010, 14:03
Hello everyone,

I am interested in working for EY or EK as a first officer. So, I've spent a lot of time on taking a look to this thread in detail. Now I need your advice from your experience in UAE. Please refer to below then If somebody gives me any advice, it will be really appreciated.

My status
-1500TT, 1200 on A320, 60hrs fight time a month, 12 dayoffs, lots of layover patterns, ATP, working for one of the star alliance members, married, kids, 6500 USD a month including per diem, redeye, etc.. 1500 USD in tax, B777 or B747 rating will be earned 2 years later.

Reasons for leaving
-Power distance between capt. and FO is really big. Even though it's getting better very slowly, still big. It often made FOs hesitate to advice to capt. even in go-around circumstance. Take over? no way!!

-To pass a medical check, we must maintain body condition similar as astronauts. It's true.

-Our salary is exactly same for 5 years. Despite of an increase every 5 years It might be similar as present pay. Inflation has soared every year. Nowadays bunch of brand new workers of big firms earn more than me.

-In my country, Education system is so weird, unreasonable in comparison with tuition, unefficient. Indeed I hope my kids would be under a good education in an international school.

-Relationship with CC. In my company, PIC means Purser In Command. it's not true officially. In exaggeration little bit, most of male purser and some of female purser think so and do as what they think. I really want to send sincere greetings to my colleague instead of silence and no eye contacting.

-Discrimination between pilots from civilaviation and pilots from the airforce. Later ones absolutely have most of right under company's preference such as upgrade, promotion to chief, executive... that means there is no reasonable rules like a seniority.

-Perhaps, I have to devote myselt to this company about 10 years more to become a skipper. I've already been here for 3 years. Around 17 years would be necessary to be in the cockpit of wide body. It's too long time. I don't want to stay at almost same salary for 12 years

-I have two choices, applying to EY as a FO of A320 now or After getting B777 type rating, then 1 year later(totally 3 years later form now), trying to become a FO of EY or EK. Do you think which one is better for eliminating my complaint toward my current situation?

Sincerely I appreciate for you to spend on reading this and shring your ideas in advance. PM would be reallly welcome also.

24th Nov 2010, 14:55
any 777 FO's with Etihad on here that can tell me roughly what they are being paid each month including flying pay at the mo? I heard you are only flying about 60-70 hrs a month. cheers

25th Nov 2010, 06:08
Enthusiast.. don't take it too personally... but at 1500tt, you are lucky to have a job anywhere... I would read through these forums before you come fishing here for advice on the fastest route to a widebody command and a dreamy eyed awe-struck cabin crew.

You were hired with what.. 200 hours? I put in nearly 3 years as a flight instructor before flying small cargo/charter.. then a low paying regional job and then up the ladder.

I don't presume to know more than anybody else, just that your woes for the sweet life are a little unfounded for someone who is still paying dues... good luck to you though

25th Nov 2010, 06:51

Give the young fella a break. If he got himself in the right seat of A320 with 300 hrs and by-passed the crap a lot of us had to go through, good luck to him.

As far as “the sweet life” goes, in aviation these days you must be kidding.

But if there is anyone out there “living the dream” I surely would like to know where that is.

Etihad has just removed the DEC applications from their site and added Non-Rated 777 FO.

25th Nov 2010, 12:02
Sorry about a question that been asked before, but i was just wondering if anyone have any idea if it is possible to send your CV directly to an Recruitment Email??

Think i have send my online application more than once over the past 12 month with no reply!!! So if it was possible to email it directly it be great..... Please dont kill me for asking this question ;-) i seen people torn apart for less inhere lol Guess im just desperate for a job!!!!!! Yes i know im a sad sad sad person

26th Nov 2010, 07:28
Dear Whistle Blower,
That will be my first and last post on Pprune..
Thanks to you my dream comes true…I am on pprune now, yesssssss
You right, I am the one who moved opposite C4 on airport road and flying a small Airbus bird, BUT I AM NOT CHANDLER B….
You need to relax my friend, take your duty allowance, go to Blitz tonight and happiness will come to you…he he he
By the way instead losing your time posting Bul***t you may watch rugby…world cup coming soon on your country..
Hasta la vista amigo..

4th Dec 2010, 10:31
I have got an assessment coming up with Etihad and would appreciate any help with any tech questions that they may ask. Oral or written. Feel free to PM me, Many thanks.

6th Dec 2010, 21:34
SSEVP, what does it have to do with pilots :ugh:?

We can discuss the fact that a performance pay is going to replace any possible cost of living rise...but we are talking core staff here not FC/CC.

6th Dec 2010, 21:35
Good grief and I thought QR is bad. :eek:

This is a joke, isn't? :}

11th Dec 2010, 21:04
Is it possible to get block days off in the 777 fleet at EY?

17th Dec 2010, 17:36
Hi Guys. Can anybody out there help me with latest recruitment process at Etihad. I have an interview coming up next month. Any info on interview/tech questions is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Chandler Bing
17th Dec 2010, 18:59

You have a licence, a type rating and a valid medical then you qualify
No offence, but you can have the biggest EGo and CRM issue, the lowest tech level, the worst english, but EY needs you, and training dept is so up to speed and proficiency that they can have the best of you in minutes..... Bloody french canadians, don't have a clue, but knows how to pretend and how to build his own roster and screw other real pilots requests....
Welcome and enjoy
Don't worry, EY needs you

19th Dec 2010, 16:29
Hello everyboby, is there a bond in EY for TR FO and current on type, how much is it? What happens if you decide to leave in 6-12 months?? :ooh:

20th Dec 2010, 21:19
Hi all,
I just received an email from EY telling me that I'm shorlisted for the A320 recruitment.
I'm surprised cause I'm invited for one assessment day (from 8 AM to 4 PM) in Etihad Academy.
Did they change their recruitment process? I saw on their website that the recruitment lasts 3 days...
I will really apreciate any help from you guys who allready know EY recruitment process.

Many thanks.

21st Dec 2010, 17:01
Me too.....one day assessment. I am just wondering if they have chanaged the whole thing. Can anybody help on this????
@chandler... your reply suggests it is very simple process but is it actually like that? would appreciate if you could be more specific. Cheers

21st Dec 2010, 20:20
No offence, but you can have the biggest EGo and CRM issue, the lowest tech level, the worst english, but EY needs you

Ok Chandler, honestly, what is your problem man? I know your life if trite and jaded, boring and confiscated but really, why don't you just give us a break dude? You know, by making statements like these you insult the whole EY pilot community or is it that the only qualified pilot who ever flew for EY was you? (I write in past tense 'cuz I believe you left alright, don't you?)what are we then according to you? worthless, undesirable, crooked unqualified mercenaries? You have so much to learn buddy!!! I guess you were an abused child or your mom didn't like you otherwise I cannot understand your attitude man.:=:=:=

22nd Dec 2010, 10:17
Ok guys,
despite all the shots fire against each others.... does anyone really knows hows life today for a 777 f/o on those requeirements that ey just anounce????
i heard that ey is a no go for new comer's on a320 but how about Boeings???
" all due respect for those flying airbus there" just dont want to ignite another useless discussion...:ok::ok:

Chandler Bing
22nd Dec 2010, 10:44
BAK, thank you for your interest.
Look around at least !!!!
I just pity us all having to fly for such low progile outfit. Ey ain't the only one but it's the world leading airline when it comes to treat people like c:mad:p.

I'm just saying that EY has to lower its standards . Doesn't it ring a bell when QR is attracting more pilots , despite its outrageous reputation ??
Well it should....

Speaking about your childish comments, well, no....no comment, it says it all about you

22nd Dec 2010, 12:21
Dipri & eagleeye23 - sent you both a PM.

Chandler Bing - do you currently work for EY?

Chandler Bing
22nd Dec 2010, 13:02
PM if you need please

22nd Dec 2010, 13:52
just curious to know if you are still at EY seeing you are so bitter and twisted :eek:

Chandler Bing
22nd Dec 2010, 14:08
Stay as long as I am and you will understand how bitter you can become
Good Luck

22nd Dec 2010, 17:15
To all the new joiners into EY, tell yourself this (after reading all the threads from pilots in EK, QR and also EY, you'll have some clues of what's going on...) that there is NO perfect airline in this part of the world.... but then again, is there any perfect one out there...???? You will be surrounded by loads of unhappy pilots but there are also some contented, happy bunch here merely because they care less about what's going on and/or maybe things are a lot worse from where they came from! PPrune is where we voice out our frustrations, anger and dissatisfactions toward certain group of people - mostly the management and the people who support them and the system they embarked on - from behind the curtain. Some are true and some are just pure exaggerated stories (big MAYBE) but if you've been in PPrune long enough, you probably can gauge the trend of some characters and their attributes too. One day it's all gloomy and full of anger and the next he/she's all chirpy and funny....simply because we are human, we do that all the time and if we are all disgruntled and stressful, we should stay away from the fltdeck or even commercial flying altogether!
There are many reasons why we picked EY and it varies from one person to the other but if you're into the big bucks, profit sharing terms, guaranteed yearly bonuses, your presence is acknowledged by another crew, chauffeured driven to work, huge 5-room villas with a pool, a free membership at the local golf course and all requests are granted on your monthly rosters then I can't say much about EY for now - the only consolation to that is 'they're still working on it'. Currently, the minus signs are more prominent than any plus signs we're supposed to see but again my term of minus and plus signs may differ from the others.
Do your own self assessment about EY and here in PPrune is one of the channels you can start at but do not chew all you see and hear from us! I've flown with pilots who wanted/decided to "leave" years ago but still I see them wearing the same uniform going to or coming back from work with the same long-faces (and they probably say the same thing too when they see me) but do yourself a favor - do not succumb to all the promises people make to you - have it in black and white, then you decide - if you don't do that, once you're here (or anywhere) it'll all be grey!:ugh: You'll probably start a thread condemning the people and company you're working with no matter where you go.

I don't expect any PPruners to agree with me here but this is just my humble advise to those who're deciding.

25th Dec 2010, 13:20
Has anyone been called recently for DEC 320 EY..

Heard they are starting to take in DEC320 again..any truth in this?

25th Dec 2010, 13:59
unfortunately it is true.

26th Dec 2010, 13:37
So has anyone been called up for interview?...

any dates for interview given out?

27th Dec 2010, 00:25
Any block days off per month on the B777? If so, how many?


lightning lips
27th Dec 2010, 04:17
Hey Everyone Hope ye are all having a wonderful christmass and Happy new yr to you all.

Just wondering are Etihad taking on 330 F/o's right now?

Any advice would be great Thanks.

L Lips

29th Dec 2010, 02:30
I don't think they are particularly short of candidates. To get on the 777 you need Boeing glass cockit time according to the recruiting page(A minimum of 1000 hours on multi crew glass cockpit JET aircraft over 60 tons of which 500 hours must be on either the B737NG, B767/757 or B747-400). Airbus time required for getting on the Airbus.

If you don't have it, the site won't let you apply.

What does an MD guy do?

2nd Jan 2011, 07:25
Been scrooling EY website, what is the difference in the total package from EK? salary basically the same, Ey gives you a pay rise EK doesn't? Have an assesment at both places and not sure if offered them which i would choose?

4th Jan 2011, 18:18
2 arms and 2 legs are enough to go trough the day 1
5 fingers at each hand enough for day 2
A head over your body is enough for day 3
Wellcome to Etihad:)

5th Jan 2011, 02:38
You put a smile on my face :ok:

5th Jan 2011, 12:40
I am surprised that despite repeated requests by guys who have upcoming interviews for any info about the test,sim etc.(including me), there is hardly any one on this forum who is willing to help. I know most of the people use pprune to take out their heat and frustration, but it could also be used for the benfit of others and showing better commradeship. Let me remind everyone that nobody looses a job by sharing information, if you are destined for something it will come your way
Happy new year to all.

sec 3
5th Jan 2011, 12:59
Thanks for the lecture ********. The questions you ask have been answered hundreds of times here. If you can't find 'em, thats your problem. Stay in canada where you belong. By the sounds of things, you couldn't handle it in the sandpit.

6th Jan 2011, 10:13
Hey EagleEye23,

The interview is quite straight forward - just go in with an open mind and do yourself a favor, gather all the info here (all the EY/EK/QR/QF differences in shortcomings...) and ask them if they're true and see their reactions. That will give you some clue whether your life in the sandpit worth the move or not. Not many of us who came for the interview had any clue in what was going on until we were actually here. I am sure EY is not the only interview you have in this region but just give it a try and you decide from there.

Good luck and enjoy the trip.

6th Jan 2011, 18:31

I totally understand where you are coming from - if you look at all airline forums it is full of moaners but if you dig deep enough there are some good bits of info that people have put on such as example questions etc.

If you read half the crap on these forums about how bad places are you'll end up slitting your wrists half way through and never applying anywhere...I have worked for 2 very well known companies within Europe and everywhere you go there's always the moaners so try to see through it. It will help if you have friends out there who can give you an honest opinion. I have mates out there that really love it and cannot see themselves ever returning back to homeland...but then I have a mate who is desperate to come back, not because of the airline, just because he doesn't like living in the sand.

I did the Etihad selection and have just been offered a position with them so can speak from experience with regard to what to expect. Having read half of the complaints on Pprune about Etihad I was a bit scepticle at first...however, after going out there you realise that many people that type the words "stay away from Etihad" on these forums obviously have nothing better to do with their time...Maybe if they ventured out and got involved in stuff in Abu Dhabi instead of locking theirselves in their bedrooms with their boxers round their ankles posting on Pprune they might actually enjoy it!

Anyway, you will see all airline forums the same, but what I can say is that during the selection I spoke to many pilots within the company and the comments on Pprune don't seem to reflect their thoughts. Yes, every company has its bad points - but where is there a perfect company in the world that gives you one days work a month, pays you £2 million a day and gives you free first class flights anywhere in the world?? If you find it, please let me know!

The selection...

Despite what some people say on here, 2 legs and 2 arms help but it won't guarantee you a pass. On my day 1 there were 26 people...by the end of the medical we were down to 9.

English test: Straight forward, although a few tricky parts in it even for us English people...add words to complete a sentence e.g. (While / Whilst) I was in the park....No biggy.

The tech exam...I did the non type rated exam, but having spoken to the guys that did type rated exam, the best bit of revision I can advise is the front of the Jepp manual. Have a look at codes on a flight plan (i.e what is the code for RVSM compatible) - loads of useful stuff in there. Also we had questions asking about capital cities around the world. I've done a lot of selection processes for big flagship companies and passed them all, and I can say that Etihad tech tests are very similar in difficulty (or easiness if you think so!) to other airlines. The Emirates selection is over an extra day but they do things like showing you around accommodation etc.

Interview...General chat, the guys/girls that interview are really nice and friendly and make you feel comfortable. They are very open and will give you as honest as possible answers. I actually checked with a couple of pilot friends in EY about some of the questions I asked the interviewers and they agreed that their answers were "about right". I suppose I will find out for myself if I take the offer. Couple of tech questions, depending on how you do in the tech exam. I screwed up on a capital city of an obvious place in the world which the interviewers found quite amusing, so hammered me on that (for example they asked me where England is!) so they have a sense of humour and generally it is not a bad experience. Just think of some examples of things you have done in your flying career and you'll be fine.

Simulator....The sim is pretty straight forward with a couple of gotchas...if you are a switched on guy you shouldn't have a problem. The non-type rated sim was a normal takeoff with autopilot engaged at 1000ft...intercept a radial with the autopilot engaged (no Lnav - HDG sel)...enter a hold (thats somethingbto revise in the Jepp manual - know your hold entries). Then downwind, autopilot still engaged, intercept ILS and manual landing. They want to see you go around if unstable but most guys were stable. Again, they want to see that they can sit with you in a flight deck for 8 hours and that you ain't gonna kill them or try to punch them...

Medical...don't fret..nothing you can do about that so just go and do it...and despite the rumours, they don't put their fingers up your arse!....They use their fist!! :}

If you want any more info PM me and I'll be happy to try to answer any more questions you have.

As I say, take a lot of the stuff on here as a pinch of salt. Whilst we were waiting for the sim check we were chatting with a group of about 12 pilots and most of them were saying that generally its a good life, with good career prospects and they seemed quite happy. They also said that you will spot the same few moaners on Pprune so again take it as a pinch of salt.

One that makes me laugh is that as you read through Pprune you will see some people complaining because a few years ago Emirates got 14 weeks bonus whereas Etihad only got 1 week....They forget that Emirates had huge profits that year - given the fact that Etihad has not made an operating profiit over the years a one week bonus is a nice touch I think personally. And in a few years time when the profits start to come in, I'm sure they will start looking at the bonus. It's a new airline still remember. Look at it for what you are considering it for and not what others are portraying. Well worth going through selection - that will help you decide if you love it or if you hate it. The selection team will answer any personal questions you have at any time.

Enjoy! :ok:

sec 3
7th Jan 2011, 03:29
Atc83, you must be a real f$$kin genius! You passed assessments with big flagship carriers and you end up at etihad? If you did interviews at ey and ek and didn't see the difference, well that speaks for itself. You talk to a few guys out of a thousand pilots who are just being polite to a prospective new joiner and you think you know it all? Anyhow, come join the circus! It won't take you long to change your tune. Talking about hanging around locked up with your shorts round your ankles, yours is the longest post on prune I've seen by someone who knows nothing of what they are talking about.

7th Jan 2011, 08:26

ooooo touched a nerve??

Firstly I don't know it all...I have never said I know it all...simple answer...I dont! I have simply given the guy some help as he asked, as people like you can't be bothered to help but simply complain. I am only talking from my own experience and referencing the guys I spoke to out there.

Secondly I mentioned that I'd passed the other selection processes so the guy could see I had something to compare the Etihad selection to, not to gloat.

Thirdly...the reason my post was so long is because I think it's only fair that these guys get the information they want to hear..if people helped me then it's only fair that I help them. Obviously you're a prick that spends your time shooting people down when they try to help & can't be bothered with others which probably means you have no friends out there, hence why you are so bitter towards the place / company. Maybe you could get yourself a hamster to keep you company?

Fourthly, if it's that bad out there, there's plenty of recruitment going on in Europe now and specifically in Asia...why not change?? Try contracting for a while...that'll make you realise that you're guaranteed salary every month is actually a bonus in itself.

Also, I did see the differences at EY and EK - it's personal opinion as to what you prefer. For me I prefer Abu Dhabi to dubai, EY give you a pay rise every year & EK don't, command roughly the same, option for narrow/wide body at EY, yes the health benefits etc are probably better at EK, but am I not entitled to an opinion?? Or is yours gospel?? :ugh:

maybe you are right, maybe after 6 months my opinion will change - I don't know - but I or other people won't know unless they try it!

ETIHAD - I absolutely agree with your post, and you will obviously know much more about that than me as you've been out there, so I can't really comment. The only thing I'd say is that as we all know, things change - in 12 months it could be new Management, who knows.

7th Jan 2011, 17:50
Thanks ATC83. I really appreciate the way you have answered. It does give a very good idea of what we should expect. Glad to see that there are people like you on this forum, who are willing to help others because at some stage or the other all of us are looking for a change and to get to the new place one does need some guidelines which can be only provided by those who have already gone thru it. People like SEC are only there to talk negative and discourage others.... You are right in suggesting to him, if it is that bad why the hell is he still hanging around there??? Just look at his previous posts, he has never contributed positively. Anyways thnaks a lot and wish you a smooth transition.
Happy Landings

7th Jan 2011, 22:44
If given the choice between a EK F/O position or EY Capt position on A320, what would you choose? I have heard that after 2 years with EY you can apply to go on the 777, would it not be much better to 'do my time' on the A320 as a skipper for a few years rather than 'doing my time' as as F/O for at least 5-7 years at EK, even given some of the apparent better conditions with EK? Any suggestions welcome.

8th Jan 2011, 01:42
Hey Sec 3,

Forget your medication?

8th Jan 2011, 10:38
Thanks ATC83!
This thread was created to help pilots who are applying to EY!
Nowadays, it's pretty rare to get precise info... but you made it!
Please, just don't waste your time answering some loosers comments!
They don't deserve it!

Once again, thanks!


8th Jan 2011, 14:50
anyone has been called for interview for DEC 320 in the last few weeks...

11th Jan 2011, 01:06
Does anybody know if strabism is allowed and to what limit on the eye examination.

17th Jan 2011, 03:25
Hi Guys,

Can anyone please tell me what's the average take home of an A320 F/O at EY. Thanks in advance.


17th Jan 2011, 17:30
I had an interest in Etihad, until I read this thread.

There appears to be no clear career progression then for the F/Os on the 320?

What I mean is, with the orders for 787s, A350s, and the A380s yet to arrive (as well as additional 320s) - any possibility of things improving for the 320 F/Os as these machines arrive? Or will they continue to be bypassed by rated/non-type rated drivers, and be offered the MFF on the 330 which doesn't seem to be amounting to much?

17th Jan 2011, 17:52
There appears to be no clear career progression then for the F/Os on the 320?

after 500 hrs and 2 opc you can bid for a 330 ccq,and you will get it according to seniority
by the time being 8 pilots per month are cross qualified to fly both 320 and 330,expect at least one year before getting the ccq and the mff

17th Jan 2011, 18:29

That's good to hear. When these pilots do indeed get the CCQ, does the balance of 320/330 flying improve or is it as the others have stated, the 330 flying being once or twice a month (or just enough to remain current)?

Any cases of a fleet transfer to the Boeing for example, as F/O or Captain, or is this extremely rare as well? I understand there's a 2-year minimum period before being able to bid.

Just trying to get a better understanding for how these things work at EY

18th Jan 2011, 08:18
Good responses, thanks for the info.

Every airline has pros and cons. Your experience is largely 'what you make of it' as they say - the biggest challenge always being in how to deal with the negatives. At my airline we have one big positive - which is a fast command, but that's about it. The negatives - the aircraft are getting old, no plans for expansion or new aircraft orders on the horizon, and not much variety in our destinations. Small housing allowance, not much of a medical plan or any proper retirement benefits don't make it much of a career airline. The other 'negative' of the fast command here is once you get it, you are now limited to mostly 320 contract positions worldwide, and the option of joining a big airline like EK, EY, etc. becomes less attractive (as you have now lost a few years of seniority and have to start as F/O all over again - unless of course you go as DEC at EY, but that's another story). I'm not saying a 320 command position is something to be looked down upon, only that personally it would be nice to have the option of progressing to other equipment, other routes, etc.

Etihad on the other hand has a lot of aircraft orders, the option to be CCQ'd on a different aircraft type, or to possibly bid for a fleet transfer, which despite not appearing to be running efficiently at the moment, hopefully will improve with time. At least something to look forward to. As for the DEC issue, I know F/Os at Emirates must have been disappointed to say the least while EK was running that scheme and thank goodness it came to an end. Hopefully the same will happen at Etihad with time. (No disrespect to the DECs btw, as someone said earlier they also have to feed their families; I'm speaking strictly from an F/O point-of-view).

It seems as if at my company we are dealing with a management that is resistant to change, reluctant to think outside the box or to be innovative, while you guys at Etihad deal with a management that applies changes constantly, maybe sometimes with no real direction. Unfortunately I doubt we'll ever see a perfect medium anywhere.

Of course, EK looks attractive and I'll have to wait another 2 years to have the minimums, but if I don't get the job or something else happens, I still believe Etihad would be a very good option despite its drawbacks. I was also curious about that other airline down the street (what's it called? Goat Airways?) but from what I understand it's best to steer clear from there.

Chandler Bing
18th Jan 2011, 12:46

I haven't read anything that naive for a long time.
I wish it will work out fine for you, but most of the guys who were naive enough to believe that EY could change whatsoever are still moaning here, including me, and I have been there for a long long time, coz I don't have any other choice now that I'm in this c:mad:y outfit.

Should you elect to do the same mistake that most of us did, pretend to be an ostrich and put you head in the sand to avoid seing the actual truth that you made a foolish decision, well, welcome and join the club, and we will welcome you again moaning on this particular thread 6 months after joining date. Let's have a rendez vous there, will you ??

18th Jan 2011, 18:26
Haha, thanks Chandler. At the end of the day everyone's outfit sucks. Same thing people used to say about the air ambulance outfit I used to fly for, or for the charter company before that.

Surely there must be some positives during your time at EY. Otherwise you're just as naive as I am if you think you'll be happy elsewhere. I'm not under any illusion that Etihad or even Emirates are wonderful, flawless companies, but when you make an informed decision to go somewhere, and willing to accept that there may be negative aspects, then I don't consider that being naive. We all have choices, you're not happy with your current position, I hope for your sake you either attain what you're looking for or find an alternative soon.

All the best.

18th Jan 2011, 18:38
Hello there P-Factor!

Don't even bother about Chandler buddy; He's a lost case.

4th Feb 2011, 14:04
Read a lot of posts about extremely long and frequent night flights on the A320. Can anyone give me an idea of the Flight duty time limitations followed by Etihad?:confused:

5th Feb 2011, 07:30



that's a fine question

13th Feb 2011, 06:01
Thnx pilotuser. A really nice and detailed explanation of the situation at Etihad. After reading ur bit, I am now convinced that I should stay away from them as far as possible.
Thanks again.

13th Feb 2011, 17:33
After reading a lot of these posts about EK, EY, QR, Flydubai, I am convinced that if I were to apply to a Middle East carrier one day, I would probably focus on Emirates. Sure, EK has its big warts too, but it seems like it is the best of the bunch - so long as you can handle the long-haul fatigue flying there too. EY and QR seem like worse quality of life on offer and more autocratic management teams.

14th Feb 2011, 12:12
What a load of exaggerated tosh is spouted here.

To anyone intelligent reading all this, my opinion is.....
every airline has unhappy/disgruntled pilots. Most of them come on here to spout on and try and defend their own lack of research. The happy majority have no reason to read all this fictional diatribe, let alone reply!

This is far from the perfect job, but there is really no such thing!

Too many people believe there is......................

14th Feb 2011, 18:17
I have to say EY has some major issues, but what is written on here is mainly rubbish. The housing, the health issues etc. All rubbish, but as I said i'm not saying all is perfect and yes EK is a better option right now.
I think you need to be careful when talking about our two friends who passed away, neither of these Gentlemen's passing was in any way related to EY and to suggest otherwise is wrong. In one case EY was helping in anyway it could.

15th Feb 2011, 10:05
Morning Folks,

Just wondering on average how long it takes from submitting the online application (Non rated FO B777) to being called for interview? Earlier post seem to indicate that the recruitment department is very slow!

16th Feb 2011, 12:22
Pilotuser789, for a new PPruner, you certainly having a hard time.

I didnt say everything here is rubbish. But a lot is.

If you want facts.... In 2.5 years...

I have never had a day off taken off me.
I have never had any arguments with crewing, nor worked days off or accepted 'unacceptable' roster changes.
I have never heard of anyone having UAE specific health issues.
The housing/allowance is fine if you are realistic.

The only people I have worked with, who have had issues with this company seem to have had issues with most previous conpanies too...

The vast majority have had few suprises since arriving, and are happy to endure the 'negatives' to enjoy warm weather and tax-free salary.

I am reasonably happy with the job/airline, not because its is perfect, (or mud) but because I have worked long enough in avaition to have most of the issues elsewhere before. EY is not that much different to any other airline. Especially EK.

As for the country issues. Yes, it is rather unusual. Anyone coming here to work, does so with NO protection. No democratic government, means no rights. I knew it before I came, so should have you.

Many have said here about PPrune.... never post when you are drunk or angry.

It just seems to ME, too many have/do on this thread. :=

16th Feb 2011, 12:52
Hello outofsync,
May I ask what fleet are you on?

17th Feb 2011, 09:00
What is the current time to command on 777 fleet and also the A320 fleet in EY? I heard a very unreliable rumour that it was current 5 years on the 777 and 3 years on the A320 (subject to number of DEC)...that sound about right??

Also say for example you join on the 777 then decide you want to go for command, are you able to apply for command A320 positions if they come up earlier than the 777 i.e. fleet move?

( I know some will think "why would you want to go to the 320 from the 777, but it's just for a bit of research before I apply)

Thanks :ok:

17th Feb 2011, 14:25
Please read carefully the page 2 and 5:


While listening the following Etihad commercial:

YouTube - Etihad Airways Corporate Publicity (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTl0qM6swYc&feature=related)


17th Feb 2011, 16:38
Hmmm...all sounds a bit scary!
I suppose it is pointless bidding for the A320 commands then as they are just filling them up with DEC's? Or what are the chances of putting in a successful bid at present once online on a 777? (I'm 737 rated at the mo so if I was successful I presume I would start on 777)...

Whilst I appreciate that the figures I mentioned above are rumour, has anyone else got a more accurate prediction from a more accurate source than I did? Also, are there plans to stop DEC in the near future like EK did or are they just hammering it out? How many FO's are actually getting upgraded each month?


18th Feb 2011, 16:49
Saviboy, I am on 320 soon 330.

And for the previos poster asking about night duties etc, some months I only get 3 or 4. Other months 5 or 6 but is not as bad as it was now they have the India layovers.

SSEVP you sound so angry and agitated. I do feel sorry for you!

However I dont believe anyone is missing out on commands through DEC's. They are trying to upgrade as many as possible, but any training system does have its limits. EY couldnt upgrade 100 pilots in a year because they dont have the sim-time or instructors... which I agree, they do waste like water. The training planning department seems to do no planning at all!

Less DEC's would mean more 330 Captains being forced back to 320... :sad:
Do you think they would agree with you?

18th Feb 2011, 23:37
outofsynch, you ve been here long enough to know how bad the rosters were and can get at ey. complete disregard for safety and any sort of social life is the name of the game in this company.
you are the living proof that people have different levels of tolerance for the kinds of rosters Etihad made us fly. It s entirely up to you if you want to accept them. personally, like many of my colleagues, I will not accept to be treated that way. And like many of my colleagues, I will be taking the first good opportunity that will allow me to get out of this company.

regarding what you say about DEC's, and DEFO's not impacting our time to upgrade, could you please share with me how that is not the case.
An Ey pilot from management explained the following to me: for one internal upgrade to DEC, the company has to train two pilots:
the first officer being upgraded, and a new hire FO to replace the newly promoted captain.

With a DEC you only have to train one guy since no resource is taken from the right seat. doesn t that prove the point that upgrade time is delayed?

additionally you mentioned that "They are trying to upgrade as many as possible, but any training system does have its limits"
that s true, except any company capable of a minimum amount of planning will out source their training. not a novel idea at all. ek does it. they send their new hires to toulouse. even ey does it in bahrein. why can t they do it to train their own captains and instructors from within?

you are allowed your own opinion but i find it devastating when a pilot accepts that and even find excuses when his company delays his own career progression.

lastly, nobody should have to say they have to go "down" to the 320 or "up" to the 330. it s just a damn airplane. best rosters I ever had and probably will ever have in my career were when I was flying a 319. if you are not comfortable flying a small airplane you have self esteem issues.

19th Feb 2011, 06:18
DEC have to be level 5 now.

19th Feb 2011, 06:27
It's not in the OM-A.

- Current on A320. Requirement of at least 10 flown sectors within the last 6 months
- Unrestricted, current Class 1 medical.
- Maximum age limit is 56 years old.
- English Language Fluency ( written and verbal ) Level 5

19th Feb 2011, 15:17
Dude, easy on the Empire, not everyone from the Empire supports these policies, let's no judge people on nationality or race, actions are not dictated by either thing, all countries have idiots!!

20th Feb 2011, 00:42
Come on Dudes, how difficult is it to score a 5 anyway..?

20th Feb 2011, 16:56
Hi all,

So many of you seem so angry and yet your facts are not correct. I know this is the rumor network but you guys are either so gullible or just like making more rumors.
The number of DEC that were brought in were 24 in the last three months.I flew with the guy from recruitment and he said these were the first DECs in over 2 years. He also said no plans are there for any more for this year and the reason i know is i have a mate who is a captain and i asked what his chances are and he told me sorry no more DECs this year on any fleet. As for the 4 upgrades per month you are either not in the company or again like to spread rumors, in Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan there were 8 upgrades per month and as i am a FO i do follow and ask. There are also another 4 this month on my dear 320 fleet plus another 4 on B777. so your rumor of only 4 per month are wrong, plus when the DECs were announced by company emial the upgrades increased from the planned 4 to 8?
I agree that senior management has lots to account for and work on but show me one company were management are a line pilots best friend so dont kid yourself. The rosters have improved with less night flights and more layovers but the requests CRS are still on luck i would say as i have only got my request in Dec and nothing else.
We are all pilots and know the market is opening up so as i have mentioned in other posts if i get so unhappy as you guys then i would leave but why complain and do nothing about it. Either have the guts to leave or accept that is the way in nearly every airline.
I leave you with the latest rumor i heard which is two more layovers on the 320 including cabin crew and the possibility of 2 more B777 to come at the end of the year.

Safe flying :ok:

20th Feb 2011, 17:40
Hi MEF, just look at the seniority list and see when and how many joined!:sad:

21st Feb 2011, 22:51
wow! only 24 DEC in the last 3 months!? that is just awesome!
and no more this year?!..what a let down!
... again MEF, if you dont have a problem with that, good for you. Since you seem to think they don t delay your command.
and we would have Two more layovers?!! WITH THE CABIN CREW??!! that s unbelievable!! what a privilege!!

Why do people bitch here? some need to vent. some feel like they need to share some valuable info with the rest of the pilot community.
regarding your comment about people bitching and doing nothing about it, it clearly shows your level of immaturity. It s not that easy to find other opportunities. believe me I m working on it and so are many other guys I fly with. but not everybody is able nor wants to go to a much lower paying job.
so yes EY stinks beyond belief but it still gives me a great salary. some of us left a very comfortable position to come to this airline. So it s not that easy to jump on the first crappy job just because it will bring you back home.
I m exploring many possibilities but couldn t go back to my previous company with the seniority I had. Because unlike EY, this airline has proper ethics and wouldnt hire me over more senior pilots.

A few guys (mostly 320 fo's what a surprise) managed to slip through the cracks and get hired to EK. When EY realized that they were facing a massive exodus, they created a rule stating that we have to stay 24 months before switching to EK. a proper company in a country with a proper legal system could/ would have never done that. If EY wants to retain their employees they should treat them well and they ll stay.
So dont tell me we don t have guts. some of us here might just be bitching on pprune but others are trying. and EY is trying harder to enslave us.
It s not a question of if but when will I be leaving.

I wouldn t recommend this job to my worst enemy. you seem to be content. potential candidates should be able to hear everybody's opinion. Which I will galdly respect if you dont imply I have no guts.

22nd Feb 2011, 20:58
Don t worry they are adding two more layovers... With the cabin crew!

26th Feb 2011, 06:59

You need to cheer up and have a bit of fun, will yah..?


26th Feb 2011, 08:57
Ladies and Gentleman,

I have an assessment coming up and was wondering what I need to prepare on. I'm aware that I need to prepare general Jepp, CRM, RVSM, and group exercise.

But could someone in detail PM me some of the questions asked from Jee and RVSM. Also what kind of group exercise is it. To clarify I'm rated on Airbus 320 with experience.

thank you

26th Feb 2011, 19:00
Out of interest has DEC recruitment replaced the amount of captains who have resigned? Previously it was mainly 320 pilots leaving but lately it seems that the wide body Airbus has had more than its share of resignations, mainly about quality of life plus the fact the company is , to be gentle, has no soul.

27th Feb 2011, 15:44
Hi to all, I have an interview with Etihad on March as DEC on the A320 and I would appreciate your help if you have any info with regards to the interview process.
Is the assesment straight forward and what material shall I study for the written tests?
Your help will be much appreciated!

1st Mar 2011, 20:06
Can any body please help me with a comming assesment in March for type rated FO A-320. I need the tech exam for rated guys and more info on inteview

Please PM me

Thanks in advance


1st Mar 2011, 22:26
Any interview info would be helpful, thanks in advance

6th Mar 2011, 12:17
Mate, is this how you do research, drop a line and expect someone to send you
a bunch of flowers?

Sir Osis of the river
6th Mar 2011, 20:06
Funny that, me too.

Every other thread no problem. Only this one.

Maybe our esteemed mods can shed some light? EGGW?

Sir O

7th Mar 2011, 16:29
Could someone share some info regarding the interview??

This website describes the interview process and questions,
Etihad Airways pilot interview (http://latestpilotjobs.com/etihad-airways-pilot-interview.html)

Could someone that have attended the interview confirm if the info is accurate on this page!!!

Thank you :ok:

26th Mar 2011, 18:57
Dear All
I request all the forum members to send me the tech quiz Qs
Till now except for a few Qs on the website posted in this thread... nothing else

Help Please.............:{:{:{

sec 3
27th Mar 2011, 02:49
Pretty easy pinhead, you're not smart enough to answer the questions, you don't get the job!:}

27th Mar 2011, 08:20
@ Pilotuser789........magic mate :ok:

@ Downunder007 don't worry mate if you're from that large island continent that your name suggests you should be fine. We seem to have a natural prefference for people from the kangaroo nation. Besides if you don't get an F/O position you could always get a VP position. I hear we have a desperate need for a VP for Parking lot strategic planning :E

28th Mar 2011, 11:50
can i apply to ants management program as a vice president of ants operation a safety regulator vp????:}:}:}

28th Mar 2011, 17:49
@2sec 3

Why I was worried was bcz I am out of CCPT since last few months (laid off), and rusty.

This is an important opening for me.

Happy ldgs. Take care

29th Mar 2011, 06:42
I thought our briefing rooms were bad

1st Apr 2011, 14:15

5th Apr 2011, 03:10
hahahahaha i was born and raised in the usa and i almost failed the one in emirates training college lol

5th Apr 2011, 10:09

I understand what you are trying to show mate.. and i know you attempted to edit names, but it's bad form to copy and paste from the EY pilot private message board.

I am as frustrated as you with some of the responses we get.. but at least it's a line of communication, albeit a weak one.

There's a reason why it's not open to everyone. Some people ask some personal questions, and if they feel what they say is subject to be broadcasted over the web, or those in mgt who do provide us with answers feel the same, the whole thing might shut down.

just a friendly observation

Dixons Cider
5th Apr 2011, 12:42
Mr Moderator - can you please do something about post #1679

Its cut and paste from a private internal site with barely concealed identities and I for one don't want it shut down because someone blabbed and put it here.

Pilotuser: sorry mate, but I agree - poor form.

5th Apr 2011, 21:15
Pilotuser789's post was absolutely accurate. I also asked for "any JFK' and I got two MEL's and a SYD. My standby's have all turned in to duties and too often my published roster never resembles my actual roster flown. We also haven't had a pay-rise in three years yet they boast of the huge orders placed for new aircraft.

5th Apr 2011, 22:14
I'm only thinking .....50 350's coming 60 or so 787 coming 777's 320's.....
how da hell in this world they plan to hold their crew and hire more in this situation....... amazing ... and I thought that i was in the keep discovering rules......
after reading this I'm actually feeling good about my job........(and feeling bad at the same time for my pilot colleagues)
good luck mates ! :rolleyes:

6th Apr 2011, 10:51
Etihad is not the only Airline..If it is to any of us what to do just have to suck it as life depends on it.Nothing will change for the better from now on as the honeymoon period is over.
For those of us who do have a choice and life don't depend on Etihad you're worth much more out there if you're insulted by the management.Don't get me wrong the company structure is more or less good just that the guys who runs it..Has the break even break the morale target to achieve.Remember good company need good leaders to be supported by good happy staff.U take away either one I'm not sure what the equasion would be. Happy reading the new XMEL.:}

6th Apr 2011, 18:59
Did I read that right? Was a cadet complaining? Suck it up buddy, 2 years ago you would have given anything to get hired as a cadet. Same goes for anyone else complaining that joined in the last 3 years. If you had done your homework and believed only a third of what was written on this forum, you should of been warned.

7th Apr 2011, 11:37
So let me get this straight Togalk, according to your logic nobody who have joined the Company in the last 3 years and/or a Cadet has the right to complain about the use and abuse of EY?

My apologies then and next time EY make something nasty to their work force community we'll ask for your permision to complain ok:bored:

13th Apr 2011, 09:53
Hi guys,

judging by the current atmosphere of this thread, some of you may think I'm crazy for wanting to join EY as a direct entry B777 FO. But Etihad suits me and my circumstances well for various reasons.

Could anyone give insight into the current situation regarding FO recruitment, I have applied 3 weeks ago and heard nothing. Are applications being put on a pile but not processed? Or processed too slow?

I would REALLY appreciate if someone who knows could PM with any useful info, especially the names of relevant people, like the B777 fleet captain / recruitment gatekeepers and so on.

14th Apr 2011, 11:09
I would like to ask you if it is any way to change the screening moment, once you have booked a date. I know somebody who booked it three months ago, and now he has other urgent appoinmet and can't go to the scheduled screening, but he is interested in changing the date and trying this opportunity. I have been searching in the recruitment web for him, but I don't find any place to retire the application or ask for a change.

Thank you in advance.

17th Apr 2011, 21:52
Thank you very much.

And no offense taken, it is not for me. I am oriented to other kind of works.

19th Apr 2011, 08:24
Admitting to his own :mad: is NOT in his vocab and that will NEVER happen. Putting the blame right back at us or the "system".......well, can someone tell me something NEW guys...by now, even the cabin cleaners know that!!!!:rolleyes:

26th Apr 2011, 04:28
Got a quick question, anyone know any other email to Etihad other than - [email protected] ?

Sent an inquiry about the Cadet Pilot Program with my CV and what not, however they haven't replied and it's been quite a while.

Would appreciate feedback on this as I'm gettin aantssyy :}

10th May 2011, 06:34

Does anyone knows how to reach the cabin crew recruitment team?

Ihave been trying to call 0971 2 511 0000, but no one answer the phone, they put you on hold for ages and still no one to picks up your call.

Can someone help me, please! Thanks

31st May 2011, 12:53

This is regarding the interview process

Does anyone know if the technical test has specific questions that are asked on the 777 if one is type rated?


14th Jun 2011, 17:36
people I know in EY have the email address as firstinitialsurname at etihad dot ae that might work for the man himself.

Nearly Man
14th Jun 2011, 18:09
The 777 test is fine if you read Aerad Flight Information Supplement.
Lights, holding speeds, tower lights, Oceanic/far east track offset, runway bars. Get a grip on that sort of stuff and you should be fine.

Lots of 777's coming so lots of guys needed in the future. Good luck

14th Jun 2011, 18:52
Well they need to up their Salary significantly to be competitive in the expat world.
If you don't have kids, and therefore do not get any benefits for Schooling your children, the pay is CRAP!

14th Jun 2011, 21:30
I just got my FAA Airline dispatcher license. I am a Nigerian. Can anyone please help me out by letting me know which company is hiring dispatchers.
Thanks in anticipation..

15th Jun 2011, 05:55
Flydubai is recruiting a lot of people including dispatchers...

15th Jun 2011, 06:15
Thanks Nearly man appreciate the help


19th Jun 2011, 18:00
hello i saw your interview was in 2010 if you had that experience
would you help me with the interview assessment,tech quiz,...i have an interview in august2011 and i apply for A330 f/o which iam type rated on it
any info will be highly appreciated
many thanx

29th Jun 2011, 11:16
Is the recruitment for B777 still in progress?
any idea to get a call

1st Jul 2011, 08:14
This was posted on another forum regarding Etihad. How true is this, and does this include DEC?

Relax , they are taking NG pilots from my ME airline straight onto 777 as are Qatar , just turn up with a pulse..........

2nd Jul 2011, 02:55
Qatar doesn't take any NG pilot straight on the B777 only wideboby experienced pilots are considered for B777 or long haul, otherwise expect A320 position, take it or leave it.

A pumps
6th Jul 2011, 08:32
Hi all,

A very quiet topic here !!

Anyone willing to help out who recently attended the interview process regarding the questions and what to prepare on ?

rgds to all


6th Jul 2011, 17:03
hi, mates!
I applied 777 non-type rated f/o position more than 3month but still waiting for call. I have experience with 737NG as per their requirement.
Any information or comment regarding this would be very appreciated.

6th Jul 2011, 17:29
A colleague of mine ( not a ppruner) mentioned that he got an invite for an interview but when he logs in to set up the interview date, it says "no slots available." EY sent him several email to set up the interview but he can't and the email address is a do not reply email. Poor guy is frustrated. Anyone have an email address/ any contact info. for these geniuses.

I told him this was a bad sign but he still wants to do it :ugh:

7th Jul 2011, 18:23
I have my interview in 2 1/2 weeks and I havent received any information about my travel arrangements, so I dont what to do :ugh::{

Nearly Man
8th Jul 2011, 13:25
Don't fret. They'll get in touch just before you leave. The seats are non off-loadable so you will get to the heat :}

11th Jul 2011, 09:21
Just wondering if CCQs and command upgrades are still taking place at usual rates, or have they been slowed considerably?

Fleet transfers - is there a policy in place for them?


1st Aug 2011, 11:33

do you have to sign a training bond if you are type rated...?
how much is it and for how long..?
( i have used the search function and nothing came up...)


1st Aug 2011, 13:46
The Bond is 3 years

Rated Flight Crew – USD 20,000
Unrated Flight Crew – USD 33,000


1st Aug 2011, 16:29
I signed my contract earlier this year and the bond said differently...

2 months base salary for type rated guys
3 months base salary for non-type rated guys.
both reduce pro rata over a 3 yr period

2nd Aug 2011, 18:38
Hi Guys... Can somebody tell me how to go about updating the application on Etihad website. I am trying to do it but doesnt work. If somebody has done it recently then plz do share with me. Thanks in advance and happy ldgs to all.

4th Aug 2011, 11:38
Hi, what's the greatest number of consecutive days off one could expect as a new hire per month, also is any restrictions on a commute to western europe?


4th Aug 2011, 12:05
Hi guys from the time you put in your application to the time you get called up ,any idea roughly what the time frame is?Thank you

Chandler Bing
4th Aug 2011, 14:36
No restrictions but rostering make your life so difficulkt that it's almost impossible to commute, don' t count on it buddy...
A few guys thought they were more clever then the poor existing lads there and they eat their own balls every day...
Good luck

FYI, you won' t get any answer on this forum since most EY ppruners got their email adresses communicated to EY management by webmaster and had lots of loads of trouble, from excuse letters to write to Di:mad:k head to formal warning and so on.....

Welcome to freedom of speech world

4th Aug 2011, 15:07
Etihad is having roadshows in several major cities in the USA. Is Etihad still requiring time-in-type for A320/330? I know they take non-typed 777 guys who have previous Boeing time, but what about non type Airbus pilots?

I have a feeling that unless Etihad considers RJ pilots in the USA, the turnout will be very low. Most people who have Airbus or 777 time in the US are already at legacy carriers, and would not leave to go overseas. The ones who are considering overseas are the regional airline guys.

So, has Etihad taken any non-typed A320 pilots?

Nearly Man
5th Aug 2011, 00:22
Ha ha Chandler, how true :) However the restriction is 4 days max .. and that's UP to 4 days so expect 1 if ever :confused:

5th Aug 2011, 03:12
Does any one knows if they accept erj190/195 time since the mtow is 50tons????

5th Aug 2011, 09:56
Remember that Etihad is a fantastic place to works and evolves. And all is fine and alls is well. No problems....
If your are listed below then your might get a chat about your internet usages .... as stated in the latest subpoena issued to Pprune (Internet Brands) on the 25th of July....

sheikh al arse
sir osis of the river

Remember peoples that Pprune (Internet Brands) rolls over and gives outs ALL YOUR details as fast as a dogs does wanting its belly scratched....

So remember to say in your pp posts that etihad is a great place to work and everything is going smothly... Otherwise your names might be on the next subpoenas....

Nearly Man
5th Aug 2011, 14:47

5th Aug 2011, 16:03
Any ideas about that erj time??? Tks

Nearly Man
6th Aug 2011, 00:19
Sand balls they will be on fire ... why not give em a go? I think after Oct they will be interested in you.

Severely Jetlagged
6th Aug 2011, 03:35
What type do you wish to apply for with ERJ time?

6th Aug 2011, 05:26
@@@@@ flyer......

:D i agree with you completely bro.......why is etihad coming to usa for pilot roadshow.......... im curious to see how many people they recruit :ugh:

6th Aug 2011, 21:51
ooops aymane

shouldnt have said etihad is stupid, they are smart, or at least they think they are smarter than everybody else.
probably a few cm short of a meter but smart nonetheless. as they say in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king

7th Aug 2011, 00:23
@nearly i was thinking about the airbus fleet just started my research about the possibilites .. whas happening after oct??? ey is ordering erj's ??? anyways thanks for reply!:ok: