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21st Oct 2008, 12:48
The airline industry may see a slight pax decline however the airlines out there in the GCC operate on a whole different, platform. With oil showing a downward trend at around $75 and companies out in the GCC most of which are government owned, these airlines have a huge and massive amount of "petro dollars" hence the unmatched A/C orders. These orders as to my understanding are confirmed with few options, plus not fully owned yet financed by banks which do massive business in today's diverse market, "soverign wealth funds" so in some sort of a dynamic unusual operating scheme one side of the operation may loose money but with so many ventures linked together they seem to end up positive go figure!! As the aviation industry may be changing growing worldwide population is expanding with the GCC inline to promote their new region ie. hotels and theme parks so in turn pax do show up, of course ticket prices will be lower due to competion which= more affordable travel.

21st Oct 2008, 17:07
Sir Osis of the river, some of the shortlisted for upgrade FOs have been more than 3 years in EY but most just under 3 years. Who are the 2 FOs currently in the sim? Is this something new that we should know about? Could you send a PM?
From what I remember the guys who got command within 2 years was because they jump on seniority over the B777 boys and more recently because some others had turn down the A320 for A330 slot.

Now more FACTS for the Math experts.
Total Upgrades 2008: 40 aprr. (too lazy to count)
2009: 25-35. Yes that’s right folks. There’s a plan but it won’t make it public “as this may lead to disappointment”
2010: take a guess (or better make a wish)
2011: let’s not go too far.

EY will continue to expand and the pax loads will continue to rise. Job security should never be an issue. But when it comes to upgrade it is all about management commitment to promote own staff. For the time being they couldn’t care less. It reminds me of Qatar next door, a 5 star airline from the outside but 2 star from the inside.
5 years to command would sound ideal in few months from now. Just give it some time.

21st Oct 2008, 19:52
Laker, if you consider the new aircraft deliveries as well within the next 3 years I would say you're looking at about 3 to 3 and a half years. Now the DEC issue has slowed down and as I heard from recruiting the only guys they will take are the DECs interviewd in July after they have not given any starting dates to DEC's.

Even if the wait becomes four years it's not bad at all.

My to cents

Cheers and good luck

22nd Oct 2008, 19:59
Dear EY346Driver, could you ask the recruiting why waste so much money interviewing DECs in August, September and October if they knew from before they do not need them?
Shall we bring this to the attention of our CEO? Nah not to worry mate, I am confident ALL DECs will get starting dates and no money will be wasted.
DECs HAVE NOT STOPED. Yes, recruitment has slowed down but only because we have so many pilots seating on ground (DECs) that is hard to find a place in a coffee shop nowadays.
You talked about aircraft deliveries so I presume you know something. Correct me if I am wrong then:
2008: 2 A346s are coming, 2 old A330 left and recruitment well ahead.
2009: 1 A330 1Q, 2 A346 + 1B777 4Q, 1 A343 is leaving.
2010: Nil
2011: unspecified.
I have intentionally not included A320s as it will be the cadet’s fleet and the experts have decided to discontinue upgrading on this fleet.
In case you haven’t read my post there is an upgrade schedule for next year calling for 25-35 upgrades. Just give it some time.

23rd Oct 2008, 01:22
Does anyone have any info on Crystal Cargo? Is it a seperate contract? Pay, conditions, how to apply? Any info greatly appreciated.


Chandler Bing
23rd Oct 2008, 03:42
Why in these time of unemployement, are captains leaving EY ? I'm flying with 3 guys on their way out, met 2 going to interviews ...??
Is EY that bad ??
It means quicker command then !!!!:}

23rd Oct 2008, 15:34
It's not great here, but where is it better!!!

sec 3
23rd Oct 2008, 17:30
Used to be good at EY until the new management started screwing the pilots out of T&C's. It's going downhill pretty fast:sad:

23rd Oct 2008, 19:24
Is there any transport allowance expected in the EY package ?
I was looking at the job details on the web offer, but I couldn't see any.

24th Oct 2008, 10:33
There is no transport allowance. You only get free parking at the airport.

You'd better ask this in the cabin crew section.

EY 320 crew:
You will be delighted to know that recently, EY F/O joining on A320 fleet started...on A330. These F/O weren't 330 rated unlike some F/O on 320 fleet (cost cutting you said?).
Technically, these F/O never started on 320 as they expected so there is no seniority bypass but...ethically speaking there's more to say...

24th Oct 2008, 19:32
Shortfuel, this is just the beginning. A320 to A330 CCQs to stop after November. A320 rated and even NON RATED have been given direct entry A330. Ethically speaking… welcome to Etihad.

30th Oct 2008, 18:01
Hi folks,
I am trying to make a some what wise decision between EY and a contract offer in Southeast Asia.
I am aware of things like housing problems, lack of communication etc.
Would you care to update me with the following:
1. Typical A320/A330 roster (average off days, layovers)
2. Are most departure times day or past midnight (like EK)
3. For those with spouses, how do your "better half's" stay occupied while you're gone on a trip (do most have jobs ?)
4. What is a typical way to spend off days (besides sleeping a drinking :bored:).
Appreciate any input.

2nd Nov 2008, 19:05
A little word of advise, if I may, from somebody who has been longer in the sandpit than all of you (most probably, the ex-GF boys left aside:})

Do not believe your management when they say DEC hiring will be stopped! It simply is NOT true!

It can not be true, looking at the expansion plans! DEC are so much easier to hire compared to upgrading an FO.
And dont forget airplane insurance issues! Insurance companies LOVE to see experienced (hahaha) DEC joining the fleet. A newly upgraded captain poses a much higher risk!

They are holding a carrott in front of your nozes, they are trying to keep you quiet! But at the end, they know better!

I have seen it happening in QR for over 8 years now!

Its up to you guys what you want to believe or not....


3rd Nov 2008, 15:44
HI guys,
Reading these posts it sounds like the accommodation issue is a nightmare. Do EY put you up in hotel until suitable accommodation is found and is it ok to have the wife and child with you or if there is nothing that the company can provide do you just have to go out and find your own?

21st Nov 2008, 15:46
Hi guys I know this question has been asked many times before but im having real difficulty finding the answer, and I would really appreciate it if anyone could help. I would like to know the format and the type of questions asked in the written and verbal tests and the interview. If there is anyone who has been through the interview selection recently I would really appreciate it if you could share your experiences with me.

Thanks in advance.

6th Dec 2008, 02:19
Usually How long before the interview dates do you get informed?
And can you choose the dates you wanna go?
It's a little hard to get days off near at hand.
And I don't want the company to know 'cause they won't cooperate!!

6th Dec 2008, 12:45
3-5 weeks from call to interview.
Read ACE,thats all. Quiz is a joke.For anyone with an ATP that is.
The pyscometrics can be a lil tricky.Cause it leaves a whole lot of grey.Eitherways u'll get a complete evaluation from the shrink in the end.
Sims very very standard.Normal take off,climb to 10,000,a couple of steep turns,one track out on radial,then track into the VOR for rawdata(or Full FD's)ILS.Land.T/O,V1 cut and do circuit to land back.You will most probably have some DG's on board.So remember the UN number when doing the mayday call.Speak to FO and company a whole lot than u wouls do at home!Limits in circuit are max altitude 2,500 ft and max airspeed 250 kias.Rest up to you.
Quite simple and straight forward really. Just ur regular 6 monthly! And you walk back with a joining date......!!
Hope that helped.
And welcome aboard.We're desperately in need.......:ok:

6th Dec 2008, 13:48
jst confirm please that etihad screening is going on now?

6th Dec 2008, 15:11
jst confirm please that etihad screening is going on now?

Currently no, but next year very likely. Mainly on A320.

Radar Contact
7th Dec 2008, 10:35
Seems like VT-JED is now doing EY flights ;)

7th Dec 2008, 11:17
EY's screening very early next year for 320 drivers,and starting the 330 screenings(don't know the exact number they need) before end of first quarter next year.
That's as current as it gets.

7th Dec 2008, 12:48
what about 330?are they going to call Rated pilot for 330 or a320 pilot could have the chance to be hired one a 330?

7th Dec 2008, 14:05
I just returned from my interview with EY. Everything was exactly like the gouge said. No tricks or scams.. English test, Technical test, psych test.. interview panel of two, next day sim ride in the 330. Practice flying the bird with nothing else.. Next day medical.. its long and stressful process but.. thats how it always is.

Good luck..


7th Dec 2008, 16:41
dashpilot can you please confirm if they want a type rating on airbus 330 to send you to this aircraft?
is there anychance to go on airbus 330 with thousand and thousand hours on airbus 320?

7th Dec 2008, 16:55
All the Sim checks are in the 330, even for the Boeing guys. I don't think it is all that stressful other than you are tired. If you have the gouge you should be OK.

7th Dec 2008, 18:39
Some newhires who started groundschool 2 months ago went straight to the 330. They were all 320 type rated. I guess it depends on the company needs

8th Dec 2008, 10:07
There is a group test as you mentionned. A common task to achieve in a limited time. Ususally, a tunnel to construct to make it simple.

Depending on company needs at the time of joining, A320 rated pilots could be hired on A330 fleet.

8th Dec 2008, 10:20
And whats going on with the DEC hiring? Is that halted now or still going on?

8th Dec 2008, 13:32
As far as I understand the company puts you in the plane they need if you are a F/O. The DEC;s have to meet the requirements to aircraft. They have offered guy's the DEC position but they are in a pool. They said they have stopped hiring the DEC's for now. But I would expect them to start again if needed. They are telling guys in class middle of next year after things shake out they will be trained on the 330. I don't think I would count those chickens till they hatch. Not sure how they will do the 330 hiring. They have guys starting class that meet the DEC requirements but are in 320, so who can figure it out.

8th Dec 2008, 16:22
Wonder if someone could help. Trying to fill my online applcation form in but it wont let me complete the form. Has anybody got a direct telephone or email contact to try and resolve this.
Many thanks

8th Dec 2008, 16:35
If the delivery schedule of new a/c stays as planned I cant see why they would need any DEC on the bigger a/c, maybe the 320?
A lot of the F/Os are more than qualified for upgrade, more DEC would not be a popular decision!

8th Dec 2008, 18:17
make sure you are using internet explorer, not modzilla.

Mister Geezer
8th Dec 2008, 19:00
Quick question...

I am filling in the on line form the A320 F/O, but I also have enough hours for the B777 F/O? Will the EY recruitment system spot that it is the same person and that they are qualified for both positions or will applying twice create problems?

9th Dec 2008, 15:25
Hi all
just another quick question. I saw the closing date for applications B777 are 31/12. I have 2000 hrs on 73NG and about 2200 total. Would it be a waste of time to send off the application untill I have the 2500 hrs total?


9th Dec 2008, 18:58
Hi all
just another quick question. I saw the closing date for applications B777 are 31/12. I have 2000 hrs on 73NG and about 2200 total. Would it be a waste of time to send off the application untill I have the 2500 hrs total?

Yes, unfortunately. Applicants with less than 2500 hours are not shortlisted, and they make no exceptions, not even small ones.

However, if you are currently flying somewhere else, and you know for sure that you will fly the missing 300 hours within this winter season, then I suggest you submit your application anyway.

You won't make 31-12 anyway, far too late for that. And there will be no more screenings until well into the next year. With so (relatively) few hours as you have, you will be asked to bring all your logbooks, and show the records of all the flying you've done. Before joining, you will also have to bring a letter of release from your old company.
Make sure your logbook has no mistakes, that it is signed and stamped, because the authorities will check it before issuing you a licence.

Mister Geezer: No problem submitting two applications, but no advantage for you either. They are all being processed by the same person. If you get an invitation, the company will tell you which fleet you are coming on in case you're qualified for two different ones. :ok:

10th Dec 2008, 12:53
Could someone please give me a rough idea of total income / month for FO 320 / long haul? Basic + Flight duty allowance + Meal allowance.



11th Dec 2008, 06:51
Basic Salary is approx 25,000dhs for a new joined F/O
Allowances for flying is 40dhs per hour equated to 65-75hrs for a 330 FO.
Plus Allowance for the layover equates to about 2000dhs per month,
Total earning anywhere between 28,000 to 31,000 for a new joined 330 FO not working overtime.

11th Dec 2008, 15:26
Two "new" A340s delivered by end of December. Can the current staffing handle these, or will it be upgrades or new hires?

11th Dec 2008, 16:37
Can you believe under the new salary structure for cabin crew that the first officer is the lowest paid crew member per hour. The cabin managers flying allowance is 54Dhs/hr, Captain 50Dhs/hr, FA 44Dhs/hr and the cheap FO gets 40Dhs/hr. In effect January 1st, 2009.

Please tell me this is not true someone!

11th Dec 2008, 18:15
N12EPR - Thanks for the pay information.

You have PM.


11th Dec 2008, 21:01
CanadaRocks, cabin crew would be more than happy to take your basic salary with no flying allowance at all.

frankbama, new hires priority as always starting April onwards. Very few upgrades only second half 2009 if they ever commence. Do not expect logic to prevail. This month new hires A320 rated guys were given direct A330.

12th Dec 2008, 03:03
1)are you saying there won t be any new hire classes before April?
2)can somebody write the average monthly layover allowance for A320. (it was written above 2000 dhs/ month for a330)

Thank you

12th Dec 2008, 13:43
John60, My thoughts as well. (post 918)
I know they have guy's in a pool waiting for a class. They were told the first part of next year.(April/May) I guess they will fill the slots. DEC's will continue for the first half of the year due to the ones in the company pool. I agree there is no logic and you sure can't guess the reasons.

12th Dec 2008, 13:46
Saviboy, There is a class that starts Jan 5th, so I would say there are classed going on. Look on the company web sight it lists the pay scales and per diem.

12th Dec 2008, 14:02
The following is the pay details listed on the Etihad website. Hourly flight pay works out to be only a fraction of the total pay structure, so comparing pilot hourly pay to Flight Attendant hourly pay is doesn't tell the whole story. In addition to hourly pay F/O's are paid $6925 per month salary. That is significantly more than Flight Attendant pay.

From the Etihad Website:

Starting salary of AED 25480 or US$ 6925 per month for First officers and an annual salary increment of AED 500 per month.
Flight duty allowance of AED 40 per flying hour.
Meal allowance during layovers as per the following rates:
-Middle East/ GCC/ Sub Continent AED 12 per hour
-Asia/ Far East AED 15 per hour
-Africa/ Australasia AED 18 per hour
-Europe/ Americas AED 23 per hour
Housing allowance up to AED 160000 per year.
Company provided housing depending on availability.
The opportunity to take advantage of our innovative "Rent to Buy" house purchase programme.
Education allowance of AED 30000 for primary and AED 42000 for secondary up to 4 children from the ages of 4 up to 19 years old.
Income protection scheme. 42 Days annual leave.
Staff travel benefits.
End of service benefits.
Accidental and life insurance benefits.
The above is subject to change without prior notice.

12th Dec 2008, 23:19
Frankbama, thanks for info,

I had read the web site payscale earlier and I know the hourly layover allowance according to area. i was wondering, how much does the meal/layover allowance equate to at the end of the month for an average A320 roster.


Transition Level
13th Dec 2008, 01:10
No mention about Medical!!! Do you have worldwide coverage?

13th Dec 2008, 01:12
Hello all. Currently, I'm a B-747-100, -200 Capt, flown glass cockpits (+3,000hrs), and has over 7,000 hrs total.

For those who have a good idea of what Etihad sees as a qualified candidate for the B-777 FO position, what are my chances of getting an interview?

Any input would be appreciated.

13th Dec 2008, 02:53
Stay Capt on 747

sec 3
13th Dec 2008, 05:10
Yes EY has worldwide medical coverage, but if you are sick for more than 6 weeks, you will only make half your salary, and it gets worse if you are sick longer.

13th Dec 2008, 14:58
For 777 FO applicants they accept people with experience on 737NG, 75/76, 744 and 777. So if you don't have any time in one of the above, it will be tough to be competitive.......

29th Dec 2008, 15:06
Hi NineInch

Im new on this forum and interested in joining EY.

Im current on B737NG (FO with ATPL) with 3800 hrs on type and 4200 TT. I applied for the 777 position on their website. Do you think i have a chance to be shortlisted..??


Mister Geezer
30th Dec 2008, 01:18
I have recently submitted my A320 F/O application and shortly after I submitted it, I was informed that I was not shortlisted. Is this due to my application being at fault or have EY got plenty of applicants as it is?

I comfortably meet their experience requirements so I am a little bit puzzled!!! ;)

3rd Jan 2009, 17:40
this happened to me so i re submitted on the A340 and am now awaiting interview. I Think it was a 777 thing?

Mister Geezer
5th Jan 2009, 18:39
I suspect they have had lots of Airbus applicants so those with a Airbus rating are getting priority which is only fair!

16th Jan 2009, 01:39
Just putting the finishing touchs to my 330 application.

whats a typical roster for the 330 fleet? decent block days off? is the roster commuterable back to the uk? anybody got an example of one?

whats the typical routes flown for the 330?

Most likely layovers (which cities)?

Whats the crack with the housing situation i.e. rent to buy scheme etc?

Whats the TRE/TRIs like and the everyday line captains to work with?

What is the take home pay like including all the allowances, can you have a decent standard of living out there?

Any top tips for the interview ie. questions??

thanks guys:ok:

16th Jan 2009, 03:48
0) Jan 5th ( 4 Capt A320,2 F/O A320, 3 F/O A330)
1) Feb 2th or 9th ( don't know how many)
2) March 2th or 9th ( don't know how many)
3) April 6th ( don't know how many)

After this at least 40 pilots on the holding pool ready to fill another classes.

Rgds and good luck Guys. Acft are coming ( A330 14 JAN A6-EYR / A320 - 31 JAN A6-EIK / A330 25 MAR A6-EYS )

PS: Total Acft Deliveries this year as EVPO comment ( 6 A330,2 A340,2 A320):ok:

So good prospects for future EY Pilots!

16th Jan 2009, 16:06
I know of about 6 people that were scheduled and then canceled for these classes you mention in Feb, Mar and April. Do you know if these classes are still being held?

They were told that 2 A320's were not available and thus they were not needed. Does your statement that 2 A320's will be delivered in 2009 take into account the 2 that are not being delivered? In other words are there still 2 more coming, or is it now zero A320's for 2009?

17th Jan 2009, 08:39
As i said only two A320 for 2009 as of today.
But a total of at least 10 acft by the ende of 09.:ok:

The classes are still up but cut by half and most of the guys did the assessment in july,august and september.:eek:



27th Jan 2009, 11:59
any word on how long upgrade on the a320 or 330 would be?. i cannot get a straight answer from anyone working there. I was supposed to be in the january 5th class but had to postpone due to some family issues. in the pool now, probably for a while

29th Jan 2009, 14:04
I have 1300 hrs P1 on A340 and 8000 TT would that be good enough for a DEC on A340 or would they stick to the requested 2500hrs P1 ?

Safe flying all

29th Jan 2009, 18:31
Is EY still only shortlisting pilots with TR's? I know that was the case during their last roadshows. Currently a lifetime FO with no chance for upgrade to receive the a TR.

30th Jan 2009, 11:25
Not a chance right.

1) Too many pilots who wanna join with lots os experience and above the limits state in the website.Especially from QR

2) Good new is that so may fellow american pilots(not good news for them) are being pulled out from the Pool direct to the street,because they are not current anymore.So they should start assessments soon.

P.S: I am not against americans.One of my best friend is from USA.For me they are most than wellcome. On my class there where 2.But GCAA has this rule,so they vanish with the guys not current.Very sad i must say.



See you in:ok: Abu Dhabi

30th Jan 2009, 16:04

Where did you get this info from?

I am one of the poolies and so far we haven't heard anything from Capt.Matta's office Current or not current!!! Most of the guys are still waiting to hear "something" as it's been pretty quiet since they cancelled most of the class assignements they gave in december/january.

Thanks to let us know who gave you this info, because if it's true, it's going to create some serious panic among the poolies...........

30th Jan 2009, 16:07
The job offer we got is valid for 12 months (apparently the security clearance is valid for 12 months), so it gives every non current pilot in the pool a few months to get current again (by getting a 320 job somewhere) and get ready for a class before the 12 months time frame expires.

If they just decide to get rid of every non current (as of today) pilot , then that's just wrong!!

30th Jan 2009, 16:36
I'm curious, How did this not affect Emirates? Where they not hiring CRJ candidates w/o experience in anything larger? GCAA oversees both airlines so far as I can tell.:confused:

30th Jan 2009, 16:41
The 6 months currency rule from GCAA allows EY to put current pilots through a "short course":one quick groundschool and 3 simulator sessions and you're all set for line training. Nothing prevents EY to put the selected pilots through the "long course", but it's more expensive.........

30th Jan 2009, 17:02
hi guys when did etihad start the interveiw? i applied long time ago but no response, any idea about the selection process?


30th Jan 2009, 17:09
Hi Guys Have You Seen An Openeing For Both Capt And Fo Positi On For B737-2?


30th Jan 2009, 17:38

Are you sure about that? It does not seem like a very cost effective move on Etihad's part. Assuming they have to interview at least 3 canidates for every 1 that passes and it probably costs at least 5k per canidate it could represent 150k+ in interview costs to flush just 10 pilots out of the pool. Just so they can save the difference between short course and long course? That strikes me as spending a dollar to save a dime.

31st Jan 2009, 14:07
I agree with you. But i am positive ,because i saw the names for the next classes.

And you can ask the guys over here who got pulled out from the course and now they are in the holding pool.


31st Jan 2009, 16:31
Names for the next class... which next class?

And are you saying that guys who went over for a class got pulled out of it? That doesn't make sense...

Sorry not attacking you, i'm just looking for more info as I was also assigned a class date

31st Jan 2009, 17:09
There are confirmed class in FEB / MAR and APR

31st Jan 2009, 19:32
Yes, we know that. they just cut the number of pilots in them by half, hence the people who got kicked out of those classes at the last minute....

Now, you say that you saw the names in those classes. What does it have to do with the fact that people might be dumped from the holding pool?

If you're talking about serious facts, you have to provide more details than that buddy....we're talking about careers in jeopardy and it doesn't seem that you're very accurate. So once again if you know FOR SURE that EY is dumping people from the holding pool, we would appreciate more info. THANKS

1st Feb 2009, 19:18
hello , I will give a piece of info even though I am not sure if thats going to help or not.
I interviewed in December (probably the last batch) and got employment offer last week.
I was told I was in the pool. today three of my friends got an email from HR.
2 of them are current and still flying and got a seniority number for the holding pool. the guy who was on furlough didn t get one and runs out of currency in Feb. as for me i am still waiting for the email .i am still currently flying.
I actually only exchanged text messages with one of the guys so I dont have a lot more info.

How big are the classes for Feb/ mar. and how big were they last year? (just trying to get an idea of how soon I could get called for a class.

2nd Feb 2009, 03:17
EPR SET I am a FO, typed on A320 and currently flying.
I have no knowledge of what fleet I will be assigned. I just know I am swimming in the pool and that I have about 25 guys above me.

3rd Feb 2009, 16:44

Bonjour mon ami! I finally figure out who you were.. haha

As far as I know today we are still in the pool. I have heard rumors of the guys going out of currency "may" be bumped. I would suggest those that are on the bubble contact Capt Matta via email and just be very clear that you need to know if you should start looking elsewhere. .....

Another topic,

When is the next class going to be? Anxious to see how long it will take to get the call for a class date?

darth sidius
3rd Feb 2009, 18:49
please Send Me Any Month Or Months 777 Roster. Big Time Desition Making Here............thanks

4th Feb 2009, 17:17
how long did you wait before getting your invitation in december ?

8th Feb 2009, 16:03
Hello Guys,
Any news about recruitment? I applied in october and I'm still "under review". I'm 330 and 320 type rated with almost 2400 hours TT. Do you think they are going to invite me for an interview? when?

9th Feb 2009, 02:10
Curious if anyone has moved a car to Abu Dhabi from the states?

Prices, company used.. etc..


9th Feb 2009, 02:30
I was at the Miami roadshow they did in september, I had my interview date on the spot. I am sure they will eventually invite you for an interview. however, there is currently a holding pool of hired people who are waiting for a class date.

Trashpilot73, you look it up you lazy loser!!!

I know a guy who imported an acura NSX from the usa and he paid around 2000 dollars if I remember well.

9th Feb 2009, 05:22

Yes you can import your car. There are a few requirements, but use a US based shipping company. Look them up on the web. It ll be cheaper than using a locally based company as they would sub contract a US company to do the job.
I wanted to ship my car from Az to AUH. Using a Abu dhabi based company, the quote was for around 4,000$. But using a US based company , it was about half..It depends also on where the car is located. In my case, it was AZ, if you are in Va, it should be cheaper.


See you soon Saviboy...

9th Feb 2009, 16:52

Thanks for the info.. I've been doing a little research and found some movers..

Did I meet you in ABU DHABI during my interview?

9th Feb 2009, 17:45
did u come in oct ??

10th Feb 2009, 15:04
no.. dec 2 interview in the dhabi

Thin Albert
16th Feb 2009, 19:58
Hi everybody
whats the typical roster on 320 330 how many days per month you spent in Dhabi?
Whats the quality of housing if one would go with family?

17th Feb 2009, 20:54
Any communication when recruiting will resume??

17th Feb 2009, 20:58
Not until the current pool is empty, maybe May or June.......but its EY so it changes daily

Thin Albert
20th Feb 2009, 07:25
Hello anybody some info please how many oof and stdby days in Dhabi.
Whats the progress with housing?
Whats housing like with family?

23rd Feb 2009, 12:18
Hi can anyone tell me what the regulations are like out there with regards to living with partner? I am looking to apply and take my long term girlfriend out with me but unsure how they feel about living arrangements etc?

Also if anyone can give an example of an average roster for any fleet would be much appreciated. thanks


23rd Feb 2009, 12:43
Laid-off foreigners flee as Dubai declines - International Herald Tribune (http://iht.com/articles/2009/02/12/africa/12dubai.php)

Think again!!!

23rd Feb 2009, 13:23
Abu Dhabi and Dubai are two separate animals. EY is not in Dubai and has nothing to do with Dubai. It is a government owened (national) airline that belongs to the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
Although not immune from the credit cruch, Abu Dhabi is still a far cry from the mess that is happening in Dubai.

23rd Feb 2009, 16:19

It is illegal to live with a girlfriend/boyfriend in Abu Dhabi.

23rd Feb 2009, 17:28
And Triggs, you can't marry your boyfriend, but you can marry your girlfriend. Then it's okay. Don't get married! It's better to leave her behind.

23rd Feb 2009, 18:11
...and if you get into debt, they will jail your ass:{

23rd Feb 2009, 19:21
Why ship a car when you can just help yourself?
Abandoned cars sign of the times in Dubai - FP Posted (http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/fpposted/archive/2009/02/09/dubai-s-junkyard.aspx)

4th Mar 2009, 15:18
Do EY pilots fly mixed on the 320 and 330 or does everybody stick to one type?


4th Mar 2009, 15:40
Howdy there

anybody has some good information to share about EY interview?



4th Mar 2009, 16:38
EY will MFF 320/330 eventually.
First Capt to MFF, then F/O later on.

4th Mar 2009, 17:54
MFF 320-330, is only for Cpt at the moment.

4th Mar 2009, 18:03
interviews? have they schedued new assessments already?

4th Mar 2009, 18:39
Hmmm?:= If they are not planning classes until late summer I would imagine alot of folks in the "pool" will run into currency issues ? Which "could" be a reason to resume recruiting?:confused:

19th Mar 2009, 17:56

If you get company accommodation, does Etihad pay any utilities allowance and furniture allowance, or the houses are fully equiped?

Also, how it works for the meal allowance during layover. Does it count only from the time you are on layover, or start counting from sign in to sign out at AUH?

Many thanks for your time

19th Mar 2009, 19:17
If you're a pilot:
You will get around 43000 AED as a settling-in allowance. You do whatever you want with it.
Accomodation comes full of ... air. You will need an interior designer or Ikea, according to your budget ;)

Layover allowance: time spent at outstation (on blocks+30' next till reporting time) X applicable hourly allowance (according to your location, i.e Europe/US, MidEast/Subcontinent, Asia...). Check EY career website to get these hourly rates.

19th Mar 2009, 20:51
Thanks Shortfuel,

Does they give you any utilties allowance for water, electricity, etc?

Anyone kindly to explain what´s the "Income protection scheme"?

Many thanks again for your time

19th Mar 2009, 20:59
Nope, no allowance for that...it's EY, not EK ;)

Income protection scheme...am not sure about that one, has to do with insurance. I kinda recall that was an EK thing?!...dunno, sorry.

19th Mar 2009, 21:30
Once again many thanks Shortfuel for your prompt reply. :ok:

19th Mar 2009, 23:23
Just got an e-mail that I am shortlisted, what exactly does this mean?

Sorry I posted it under the wrong company:-(

19th Mar 2009, 23:34
hello jobear,
it means that you are lucky.....:ok:when did you apply?

Pin Head
24th Mar 2009, 16:27
so what is the latest? Any movement?

24th Mar 2009, 16:54
G'day gents............

Any of you got some gen on the sim profile for EY ASSESSMENT?:O:O:O

24th Mar 2009, 17:14
Takeoff, ENG FAIL after V1, Radar vectoring IMC, Downwind: Raw data flying, vectoring for OEI ILS (and variation of this scenario).
A 30/40 minute session per crew.

Information to be X-checked with recent candidates.

Is that for you Maximus?

24th Mar 2009, 17:19
shortfuel......thanks buddy, yip its for me.

24th Mar 2009, 17:26
Then, you should put your real age on your profile if you decide to display it ;)

24th Mar 2009, 19:11

So are they running assessments again? Any idea on class dates?

25th Mar 2009, 06:07
hi gents any info about the technical paper and interview questions at the assesment. any info. on this will be highly appreciated. got interview comming up in april.

29th Mar 2009, 06:54
Hi Everybody,

I have an Eithad interview coming up. I have read all the posts here regarding the ups and downs but I can't really find much in the way of actual interview experiences.

Any help or info would be great


Chandler Bing
29th Mar 2009, 07:41
PM your mail

FFG 02
29th Mar 2009, 09:31
Hello Everybody,

I will be travelling through the UAE in about 2 months.

Is there any chance a prospective pilot could go and meet recruitment/training staff informally. I would like to see the set up and show that I am keen to join. (It is my hope it would be looked upon favourably come time to job offer etc).

Feel free to PM me.


31st Mar 2009, 13:50
ANy luck on interview process at Etihad? I'm also attending and looking to find something...

2nd Apr 2009, 22:35
i was wondering when did u apply to EY i.e. date/fleet/position, i too am

hoping to get some news soon perhaps :ugh: by the way congrats on the great news i heard you need to go over some general info on jepp vol1

7th Apr 2009, 14:41
Seems the guys here are a happier bunch than Gulf, Emirates, and Qatar.

What would be the current and estimated upgrade time for a new join F/O? Is the upgrade based on seniority or merit?

Thanks for the answer.

7th Apr 2009, 17:42
Its on seniority first & when your number comes up they check to see if you are worthy!
As for the time, seems to vary between the fleets but I guess you can expect at least 3 years min...depends what happens with the current financial climate.

Forget coming for a very quick command, that wont happen.

23rd Apr 2009, 02:32
Hey guys, I dont mean to spam, but this is a pretty good deal me thinks. On behalf of my folks:

I have a property in Al-Reem Island for sale with the following specifications:

Apartment/Unit # : 1102
2 Bedrooms
Unit Area: 1,485 sq ft.
Building: Ocean Terrace
Builder/Owner : Green Emirates
Location: Al Reem Island
Apartment Floor: 11th Floor
Apartment Location: Corner Unit
View: Sea & Abu Dhabi City View
Building Completion: December 2009

Financed by First Gulf Bank only

Selling at DH 1,700,000 (1144.78/sq. ft.); purchased in 2006

Similar properties selling for Dirhams 2.3M+ (check gulfnews properties)

PM me if intersted.

23rd Apr 2009, 02:50
Good deal nowadays is AL REEF Villas.
(if u wanna invest ur housing allowance) if not.Do not buy anything in the M.E.

my two fills.:ok:

23rd Apr 2009, 10:10
Dude you bought at the height of the market now you may have to watch it dive down a bit

23rd Apr 2009, 14:36
Yes bad timing with the apartment, however the price is negotiable.:ok:


23rd Apr 2009, 16:23
Do you provide a job at EY together with the apartment or is something wrong with the thread title?

24th Apr 2009, 17:26
Hello guys,
is anybody going to Abu dhabi between 12 and 14 may for the A330/A340 F/O assessment?
..... send me a pvt.
Thanks and good luck

26th Apr 2009, 06:46
good luck with interview,...not perfect here but nothing is.

just be prepare with Jepps general and don't screw up with CRM games ( well they call it games but it was pretty clear).

On the games just be someone who offer a lot of help to other group or person,...after u try and finish your own assigment as best as u can,...u will never guess what the wholegroup try to do but just try your best and don't freak out, remain calm, don't try to be a hero, don't be commanding and don't urge some idea that might destroy the group works ,but do try to help each other.

and on interview with captains,...just say u don't know if u in doubt, and say u'll read more,...and be HUMBLE !!

On sim pretty standard,they 'll try to distract u, but just fly and no EGPWS warning whatsoever.

U'll srew up like most of us but as long as you land in 1 piece and no crm issue with your sim partnerm u'll be ok..

Good luck

26th Apr 2009, 08:16

28th Apr 2009, 12:07
Hi guys,
do you know where I can find an eletronic version of Jepps general on the web? Can somebody tell me more about CRM games (tunnel construction)?
many thanks

30th Apr 2009, 20:06

Could anyone tell me if there are many EY pilots actually living in Dubai (340 roster)? If so, are they finding housing affordable and available?

Am also looking for info on rosters lease, average days off etc.



2nd May 2009, 01:48
Hello guys/girls, I am just about to finish my application for the FO position in EY, CAN anybody help me out with two concerns??

1. When they ask, what is the experiation date on the Pilot's license, what do you put? because so far I understand pilot's certifcate never expire.
2. A FAA second class medical certifcate work fine with EY before the interview???

Thank you very much for the help.:ok:

2nd May 2009, 04:16
Most of the non-FAA licenses have expiration dates. eg GCAA (UAE) license has a 8 year validity. Just put NA as EY knows about FAA licensing. Also you will need to get your first class before the interview.:ok:

Severely Jetlagged
2nd May 2009, 05:12
You'll need a valid First Class medical and ATPL endorsed with A330, A340, A320 or B777 to be considered for an interview at the moment.

sec 3
2nd May 2009, 08:52
...and 500hrs on type

2nd May 2009, 13:23
thank you very much for that quick reply, now, I have FAA ATP (ATPL???) and A320 type, but I don't make the 500 hrs on type, do you think I have any chance to be called for an interview?

Thank you again...:ok:

Severely Jetlagged
2nd May 2009, 13:50
Not until you have the 500 hours as a productive First Officer on type. Captain recruitment has been suspended since last year.

3rd May 2009, 23:27
so, this thread is called "all you need to know".

if you value law and order, this footage will give you an idea of what goes on in abu dhabi.

ABC News Exclusive: Torture Tape Implicates UAE Royal Sheikh - ABC News (http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/Story?id=7402099&page=1)

4th May 2009, 04:19
The rich man busy dancing the poor man pays the band happens all over ie. Ted Kennendy:cool:

4th May 2009, 04:28

Ya there are quiet a few EY pilots living in Dubai, not sure of the exact numbers but its not really a question of the fleet you are on.

Ive been living in Dubai for 5 years, and have been based in AUH the whole time. Average drive time form the Springs/Lakes/Medows/Emirates Hills/ Dubai Marina area is only 45 minutes distance is 110 km ( u do the math :ok:) ..even if your driving Miss Daisy it will only take 1 hr tops.

My longest trip time was due to fog and that only took 90 min...normally Ill leave 90 min prior to check in , just in case..so no big deal at all.

4th May 2009, 07:46

Ya there are quiet a few EY pilots living in Dubai, not sure of the exact numbers but its not really a question of the fleet you are on.

Ive been living in Dubai for 5 years, and have been based in AUH the whole time. Average drive time form the Springs/Lakes/Medows/Emirates Hills/ Dubai Marina area is only 45 minutes distance is 110 km ( u do the math ) ..even if your driving Miss Daisy it will only take 1 hr tops.

My longest trip time was due to fog and that only took 90 min...normally Ill leave 90 min prior to check in , just in case..so no big deal at all.

Anecdotal evidence has more pilots choosing that option. Housing is becoming more affordable in Dubai and some company housing in AUH is not up to par. Personally I've been thinking of taking that option and saving any surplus on the housing allowance. There are many nice areas in DBX which would put us between forty-five minutes to an hour from AUH.

5th May 2009, 17:50
hi everyone am going for ETIHAD AIRWAYS assesment test on 14th of may in JOHANNESBURG but i dont know what they r going to test me at am highly apprciate if anyone can help me and tell me what do they give in the assesment test thank u with my regards........

8th May 2009, 10:03
Thks for the info chaps,

Was wondering whether you could give me an idea of a typical 340/330 roster, days off and days away,etc

Any info greatly appreciated.



13th May 2009, 13:53
Hi Guys,

I applied to Etihad a month ago for the F.O 777 position. I got an automatic reply saying my application has been submitted successfully. Now I'm just playing the waiting game. Does anyone know if there is currently selection taking place and how long is it before they contact you after applying?


Severely Jetlagged
13th May 2009, 19:21
If you are B777 rated, current with a minimum of 500 hours on type you may well hear something in the next few months. If you are not rated it could be a very long wait.

14th May 2009, 13:28
Thanks for replying Severely Jetlagged,

Unfortunately I do not have a rating on the 777 nor the Airbus.
I have a fantastic Avro Rj 85 rating at the moment! Its about as useful as a glass hammer!
Are you a pilot with Etihad? If so, what is life like over there?


7th Jun 2009, 20:04
Can somenone pls pm me a typical roster of a320 captain?
I applyed for ey lasr week and curious to see how things work in uae.
Thanks fabio

8th Jun 2009, 00:23

How did you apply without a 777 type?? if minimum requirements are:
"A minimum of 1000 hours on multi crew, glass cockpit jet aircraft of which 500 hours should be on the B777 "":rolleyes::confused:

15th Jun 2009, 17:44
Please advice me for those working with Etihad Airlines. Am currently a graduate in Aeronautical science and still working on my commercial Pilot rating and planning to get a type rating in A320. Is it an advantage to have the type rating when applying for a job with EY. And how do I build hours to match the requirements please. Basically trying to get a job as a first officer with Etihad.

haunted dog
15th Jun 2009, 20:59
scientifically spoken... - NO

15th Jun 2009, 22:01

To match EY requirements, you should get a flying job (banner towing, instructor....etc) that would qualify you for a regional job when they start hiring again. Then after a few years ar the regionals you might be able to get a job with one of the 320 operators in the US and start building you airbus time. THEN you will be qualified to apply with EY.

As of now, a 320 TR with 200 hours will be useless. EY wants at least 1000 hours on glass cockpit jets and 500 hours on the 320.

Keep the faith and good luck

Dixons Cider
15th Jun 2009, 22:07
Is it an advantage to have the type rating when applying for a job with EY.

ahhh no - its a requirement. Along with experience on type.

Don't mean to be rude young ho, but the term "learn to walk befor you can run" falls to mind.

16th Jun 2009, 17:53

I just applied for a Snr Sales Officer vacancy online (EY) based out of AUH. But I haven't heard anything from HR in a while (25 days and counting!!)
Can somebody be kind enough to give me a generic email ID so I can contact somebody from HR?

Many thanks.


29th Jun 2009, 13:10
Are Etihad actually recruiting right now? If i apply with 1900 hrs A320 and 500 hrs A330 (F/O) am i going to get 330/340 or is there a chance they will put me on the A320?
Thanks for the input.

29th Jun 2009, 17:17
You'll probably go to the 320 fleet, with a possible chance of doing the ccq to 330. However, many FOs are currently waiting for it.

6th Jul 2009, 04:22
Hello folks! Interesting to read about the airline. Have been thinking about changing scenery to the Middle East for a while. I'm a current 777 captain with about 9000 tot time and 4000 jet PIC. With around 900 hours on type on 777, when do you think the direct entry captain hiring might pick up??

Severely Jetlagged
6th Jul 2009, 04:40
If it does ever happen then maybe third quarter of 2011 for B777

6th Jul 2009, 19:58
is a 320 type must or they might consider u with ca experience on crj for fo at 320

Severely Jetlagged
7th Jul 2009, 02:04
A320 rating and at least 500 hours experience on type a must these days.

8th Jul 2009, 21:02
I hear that any 777 hiring will be for the R seat, dont imagine there will be a lot of DEC hiring on any fleets in the forseeable future.

8th Jul 2009, 22:23

Do I have a shot at Etihad with 2200 a320 time and 600 B777 time? If so what equipment might I get?


Severely Jetlagged
9th Jul 2009, 02:24

That depends on which aircraft you are current on and applying for either Capt or F/O.

9th Jul 2009, 09:19
Current on the B777 and that would be for an F/O spot.

Severely Jetlagged
9th Jul 2009, 16:44
Since there is an A320 holding pool and no A320 interviews at present I'd say its normal they have not contacted you.

Severely Jetlagged
9th Jul 2009, 16:46

You'd be looking at the B777 Fleet then.

9th Jul 2009, 21:24
Thanks for the answer Severely Jetlagged.

9th Jul 2009, 22:17
I might be wrong but I believe there is about 30 in the 320 pool.

9th Jul 2009, 23:40
Saviboy could you please answer my private message? Thank you

22nd Jul 2009, 14:35
Guys please post some rough GCAA rest requirements or a link to a website within GCAA that explains them. Also can anyone tell me why there is a lot of night flying at EY on the 320 and what percentage is night flying of the total flying (on that type). I understand that the 330/340/777 will have a lot of night flying but I am wondering why the 320.

Another Q: How long is the "short" course vs the long course in case they put you on a type you don't have. Do you get paid in training? How much?

Yet another Q: Can you request the 320 (that is the type I have)? I am one who would prefer that over the rest due to more time at home factor. I have a wife.

And more Q: Is there talk about a bidding system in the making? In the future? I mean rumors at least? That would be a huge retaining factor for senior people so I don't see why they don't implement one.

Shukran, Thanks, Danke, Merci, Koszi!

16th Aug 2009, 16:50
Hello guys,

was wondering if EY is recruiting A330 FO's right now and how long is the pool
/waiting time to be called in....how about the assessment? how is it?
Thanx a lot

19th Aug 2009, 14:57
...and could someone let us know do EY hire direct F/O's onto the 330/340 these days, the website says they do. What sort of time on type does one need for consideration for 330/340?

GA Button
21st Aug 2009, 17:14
Hi Severely

So when it says on their website they have 320 command vacancies what they actually mean is you'll go into a pool if found suitable?

Severely Jetlagged
21st Aug 2009, 18:13
GA Button....I'd say a better meaning would probably be, Etihad are still accepting applications for those positions. You are aware that DEC recruitment has been suspended since the middle of last year?

Starskate...highly unlikely you would go to the A330 if you are A320 rated. It has happened in the past but not now.

No A320 recruitment at present. The pool will have to be exhausted of the current rated pilots first. I believe there are plenty of rated applications and as yours is only 2 weeks old you may have a wait.

GA Button
21st Aug 2009, 20:43
Well I gathered from all of the above it had been but things change - and sometimes rapidly. Thanks anyway - I'll complete the application and see what happens - cheers.

GA Button
21st Aug 2009, 20:50
Another quick question - the schooling allowance - is that paid to the employee so that they can have their kids educated at a school of their choice or are you obliged to ship them out to Abu Dhabi?

Severely Jetlagged
22nd Aug 2009, 01:48
School of your choice, anywhere in the world.

22nd Aug 2009, 03:51
EY are due to get another 3 A320's before the end of the year. They have 4 f/o's starting per month for Oct, Nov and Dec at this stage but more may follow. At the same time they are taking guys / gals directly on to the A330 / A340 but you must be rated, current and have 500 hrs on type.

At the moment current A320 f/o's are transferring across to the A330 at a rate of 2 per month and at this stage this is set to continue but may stop for a little early next year if they become short of A320 f/o's.

I know there are a lot of A320 drivers looking for jobs with applications in with EY but the problem lies within EY due to being short of trainers and sim time. Alot of trainers are being taken up by the cadet programme which has produced mixed results and definitly a lot more time, effort and resources ie trainers, than expected.

Keep the A320 CV's rolling in, at this stage the 12 for the Oct, Nov and Dec courses and from the pool of approx 20.

Good Luck

22nd Aug 2009, 06:29
grdprox, thanks for the info but I believe the DEC course has not been scheduled yet.
I think you probably meant Sep, oct, nov. believe me I wish the Dec class were scheduled already.:ugh:

22nd Aug 2009, 14:10
I agree saviboyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee as of yet there is NO class date for the 320 holding pool people... :ugh:

22nd Aug 2009, 14:35
Dashpilot73, just because you haven't had a call doesn't mean the pool hasn't been depelted.

Salivboy, I can assure you it is Oct, Nov and Dec. I know the 4 Oct guys have been advised but believe the Nov and Dec courses may not have yet been told.

22nd Aug 2009, 16:20
Grdprox, if there is a Dec class then its great news for the poolies.
again thanks for sharing. however i know personnaly 2 guys with a Sept class date. I also 2-3 guys in each of the oct and nov classes. hopefully we ll hear soon about the Dec class. I might need a Jan class to make it anyhow as I am at the bottom.

22nd Aug 2009, 16:52
Whats the present situation with housing? Is it possible for an F/O to get a villa?
Has there been any improvement in rostering, is there a bid system yet?
Present time to command?
Thanks for any help, just looking for recent info.

23rd Aug 2009, 15:21
Saviboy, I think we both may be right. the guys i was thinking of start on the flying roster Oct, Nov and Dec which means they would have to start with the 4 week ' huge waste of time ' induction course in Sept, Oct and Nov.

Saying that we are still gonna be short of 320 f/o's so heres hoping more courses follow for those who are still interested....

23rd Aug 2009, 20:06
ok that would explain it.
hopefully more courses soon

24th Aug 2009, 05:11
As far as the hiring...does B737NG time count for the 777? I have no widebody time, but over 2900 on the NG....just filling out the application now and wondering about my chances based on others they have hired.:cool:

Thanks in advance

kay lo dee
29th Aug 2009, 08:56
Just trying to play catch up on this massive thread.

Given the following qual's;
Current Capt A320(with a soon to be defunct HKG based airline) with more than 1000hrs on type
TT 9000+ hrs
Typed on A330 (2000+hrs) and B744 (2000+hrs)

Q Are DEC's being entertained at present A320/A330?
Q Would the above experience "tickle the interest" compared to recent hires?
Q What would be the average stick hrs/month you could expect?
Q What is the standard of schooling comparable to (UK/Aust/NZ as a baseline)?
Q Is Annual leave 42 Calender days or 42 work days (ie does your leave include mandatory days off/month)?
Q What are the staff travel benefits?

Any and all comments (constructive) welcomed


7th Oct 2009, 10:33
Good day to all,

Just wanted to have some info with regards to Etihad. I am A320 Captain thinking to move to Abu Dhabi with my wife and 2 year olf son.
Can anyone help me with regards to:
- A320 roaster
- Housing
- Everyday life
- Hospitals and healthcare
- Schools.

Many thanks in advance!!

7th Oct 2009, 10:36
Good luck to you. I resigned after 5 years there...and the list is getting bigger by the day...cheers

7th Oct 2009, 14:52
Your post made me feel a little uncomfortable. Can you tell me your opinion about Etihad and the life there....Your help is much appreciated!!!

7th Oct 2009, 15:03
I suggest you read this discussion:


There are about 50 pages to read so it could take a while but there is a wealth of info and opininons to be found. as the discussion dates from 2003 you will be able to get an idea how things have changed over the years.

For your information, there is a pool of 320 captains of about 12 guys who interviewed last year and I dont think there is any plan to empty the pool soon. I might be wrong.

There is also a pool of 320 FO's who is being emptied as we speak.

I have a few friends working at EY and they all like it very much. but of course you ll read here about some people who dislike it.

good luck

7th Oct 2009, 15:36
MAny thanks Savyboy!!!:ok:

7th Oct 2009, 19:56

it looks they start to hire pilots again? Can someone confirm this Intel! Thanks

Chandler Bing
8th Oct 2009, 03:33
No DEC's officialy but soon to change
If you have advertised minimum then you fit in, where ever you are coming from.
+ 80 hours a month with bad roster stability
Schooling, xpensive but level seems to be fair to good.
Leave days 42 inclusive of week-ends and public holidays, bidding system is a nightmare.
there are no block of mandatory OFF days, planing sticks to minimum legal 7 to 8 days OFF a month, and pro rated if you have leave in the month.
Staff travel is one of the best I have ever seen on its own network, other ZED aggreements are pretty lousy and/or expensive.

Hope it helps

Chandler Bing
8th Oct 2009, 03:38
UAE is a s:mad:t hole to live in, unfair, uneducated, megalomaniac.
Of course there are jobs here, coz as soon as you realize how bad your choice was, the only idea you have is to leave this place asap, for the sake of your family and your mental sanity....

Good luck, any other opportunity anywhere else will be better !!
Salary looks attractive, but you pay hidden taxes at every corner here and cost of living is sky rocketing....

Chandler Bing
8th Oct 2009, 03:40
Not forgetting that pollution reports from the nearby oil refineries are now going public.
Adults face more and more skin diseases, as well as breathing difficulties and children are more affected by badly maintained Air conditionning units, sand storms and pollution.
asthma and breathing related diseases are very common and increasing drastically

Good luck for your son.

8th Oct 2009, 05:40
there's a 4 4 4+
more then expected! are they looking for pilots for real or just a bad psyops!

8th Oct 2009, 21:55
Is there any one from Latin America in Etihad, please let me know.

8th Oct 2009, 22:09
Very many gringos! Nice guys:}

9th Oct 2009, 11:50
Many Latinos too, from Mexico all the way to Argentina. Very nice guys :}.

surely not
9th Oct 2009, 15:04
Just a personal opinion about where to live, but I rate Abu Dhabi as better than Dubai. Reading Chandler Bings unhappy postings I am glad I live in Abu Dhabi where the air is comparitively cleaner than Dubai and Jebel Ali.

It isn't clear fresh Alpine air by any means, because there is a lot of sand flying around whipped up by the occassional strong wind and all the construction work going on...............oh and we are not in the Alps :}

People love the place, some loathe the place whilst others are ambivalent to it. If you can get here to visit I strongly suggest you do so that you can see what suits you best, rather than what suits those of us replying to you!!

9th Oct 2009, 18:10
Agree with 'surely not".

This is by no means the perfect place, I haven't been able to find perfect yet.

Just a question for Chandler. Where don't you pay the "hidden" taxes.

In most places you pay hidden taxes (sales tax, GST/VAT, tolls, parking fees, visa fees, not to mention the banks trying to take more than everyones salary).

At least your take home pay is tax free and you dont pay 40% to the tax man (In many places you pay income tax in addition to GST/VAT).


9th Oct 2009, 19:47
A commuting contract would suit me very well as AUH is not my home, but all in all Abu Dhabi has not been a bad place to live and as far as Etihad goes, there are lot worse companies around. Look at the recent EK threads, I thank my lucky stars when I had the choice I chose EY. Flying is interesting and most people you work with are great, the last three month has had some very horrendous flying hours, but understood it's to make leave available to the max amount to go to their homes so the rest of us picked up the slack.
I would love to leave tomorrow if I could, only because I'm in a foreign country and I would like to be back in my home country, but since there are no jobs for the moment I'm making the best of it here.

27th Oct 2009, 10:44
any news about assessment with etihad

what type of questions , how to prepare ??

what questions can i prepare for

intervieuw and techn assessement what to expect ,,???

grtngs alt

28th Oct 2009, 05:57
DEC or not, be wary of accepting contract on A320, as you may never get off it. Promises of CCQ after six months are pure fantasy. DE crew arriving on 330/340 all the time, bypassing those 320 'believers'. Beware!

Otherwise AUH reasonable place to live. I am certainly not working as hard as Chandler, only averaging 60hr/mth over last 12. Great company to work for apart from the hollow promises.... and where don't you get those? :cool:

28th Oct 2009, 08:15
NG Kaptain,

I just love the justification posts....like I choose EY over EK. It's a big fat joke. Can't speak of lately, but EY was a flier 6 years ago and many took the job as a last resort. Also, many who failed to get through the EK interview went up to EY to find a job, like a couple on my interview. Let's not sugar coat the facts... EK has been funk only in the last year since the implosion of the markets and the speculative loses to Dubai. Abu Dhabi was viewed as the source of rescue funds for the UAE, hence the shift in confidence to EY. This is a recent development.

28th Oct 2009, 13:59
Saltaire, please don't be so arrogant because you work for EK. I am sure a lot of pilots went to EY because they failed the EK interview, but don't forget that EY is only 6 years old and a few years ago was still a startup with all the opportunities associated with such a status in the airline BIZ: Fast upgrade, good seniority right off the bat.......So I think a lot of pilots went also to EY over EK because it was a bet that could pay off real fast. Which is what probably happened with NG..........

28th Oct 2009, 15:47
Just the facts...as the saying goes, better lucky than good ;)

28th Oct 2009, 20:20

etihad is doing selection and assessement

can anybody give exemples tips or type of questions asked on this ??

thx :)

28th Oct 2009, 22:52
which fleet are they currently selecting for?
it should be on 330/340,shouldn't it?

29th Oct 2009, 05:02
What is the story regarding recruitment over there? Applied in August, and have an internal rec as well. Heard nothing back thus far.

30th Oct 2009, 09:15
May I please ask where new joiners are being given accommodation and what type whether an apartment or a villa?

Thanks in advance for any help in the matter.

Boeing 777-300ER
30th Oct 2009, 09:25
Waitec, I posted earlier a similar post on a different thread (Etihad roadshow) as I have the same kind of question.

I read a while ago that Etihad secured some leases at the Al Reef development which, from its web site, is situated pretty close to AUH airport. However I don't know whether this is true or not.

Been doing some seaches on the web and was reading on a UAE newspaper there is a development called 'Etihad Village' but the article states that it is meant for cabin crew.

Would also appreciate any feedback on the matter as accommodation is an important aspect I guess.

30th Oct 2009, 19:44
Not much incentive for them to sign up for more villas, when many apartments empty at Mazyad Village/SMBZC/Mussafa or whatever you want to call it. Al Reef is sure way outa town. For now.

Seems lotsa guys dumping Co accom in favour of living in Dubai and using allowance profit to cover commuting cost.

31st Oct 2009, 12:25
Hey Saltaire

Best not say too much as EY could well be taking over!
I hope you pass the EY selection!
I think the facts are simply that DXB & EK have survived on good PR/Spin/BS
thats now come to an end and the real colours are starting to show..
Lets hope your lucky eh! :rolleyes:

31st Oct 2009, 20:52
Hello all,

If applying for the A320 position how long before you're A330/A340 as well?


L Met

31st Oct 2009, 22:14
hi Londonmet
first let me start by saying that I m not an employee at EY. I might be able to answer your question though.
I think you are asking how long does it take to transiiton from the A320 to the 330/340?
If that is the case, then as of about a month ago, the company requirements were 18 months and 500 hours on the 320. I dont need to write any name but this info is reliable. these minima can be changed at anytime at company's discretion.

at the moment, there are 2 320 pilots/month transferring to the 330. (anybody feel free to correct me if i m wrong). it was rumored to change from 2/month to 6/month but a friend told me it wont be the case.

2nd Nov 2009, 05:33
Londonmet... Possibly never.... No guarantee at all. Soooo many guys promised 'six months on 320' heve been waiting 18 and quite probably 18more. Lotsa 320 coming... and lots of DEP onto 330. :*

5th Nov 2009, 12:37
Any exEK guys want to comment on their changeover to EY?

Same same, or a bit different?

Especially command time A330 and A340. No MFF, I suppose.

Rosters on the 320 vs 330. PM me if you can.

Thinking about making the small (..) step due BS at EK and time to command.:ugh:

Anybody? Thanks!

5th Nov 2009, 16:18
anyone with info regarding EY having roadshows?thank you

5th Nov 2009, 18:36
As far as I know no Etihad pilots resigned from EY to go up to EY but the opposite is not true, quite a few have moved "down south" from EK.

6th Nov 2009, 02:22
Again, only failed candidates of EK have moved over to EY. Perhaps some locals have moved from EY to EK. Have not heard of a single expat moving from EK to EY...perhaps a failed upgrade or some other dubious situation. Some FO's are threatening due to change in command requirements at EK, but I would assume EY could do the same.

6th Nov 2009, 04:01
Again, special situation and it's not a big secret why the former CP left...my point is that EY now looks like a reasonable opportunity but it's just been in the last couple years. Before that it was questionable if they could pull it off. Enjoy

Severely Jetlagged
6th Nov 2009, 05:14
Sorry to disappoint but many of us in EY never applied to EK. It was a personal decision and I made my choice. the best I ever made by the way. I think the line has been crossed to suggest that those who moved from EK to EY were sub-standard or failures. The locals and expats alike who joined from EK onto the EY B777 were a great bunch, performed well and all fully deserved their upgrades.

6th Nov 2009, 07:37
saltaire, just accept the fact that EK is now in deep **** and EY is not, not now, and possibly not in the next ten or twenty years with all the new airplanes coming. i made the right choice in coming to EY, life in Abooo Daabi is more real and livable than your hollow, superficial Dooobai.

6th Nov 2009, 10:06
Choice? Sure...But not sure about the living situation seeing many from EY live in the Marina and new Dubai. More amenities, night life etc. Deep doo doo? They just squeezed out 200 m US profit and are also taking delivery of aircraft every month...?? I agree, greed took Dubai off it's rails and they likely use the airline profits to support other losing businesses such as those in real estate.

In any case, EY look solid regardless of profit/loss etc and good for them, I'm sure things will continue to roll along but it's all a recent development and I get a kick out of some of the posts, that's all.

6th Nov 2009, 11:22
indeed it is a recent development, but remember that everything starts from the bottom. what EY has accomplished in 6 years is just beyond reproach, no doubt about that. EY is strong and aggresive but at the same time prudent and careful enough to take each huge step in the right direction.

Severely Jetlagged
6th Nov 2009, 12:51
EY still allows you to take the housing allowance in cash if you wish unlike many Airlines. So quite a number of shrewd EY crew took advantage of Dubai's cheap rents and house prices and moved there. Nothing out of the ordinary in that in fact they've done very nicely thank you.

I much prefer living in Abu Dhabi and will remain here.

7th Nov 2009, 15:36
Is anyone else having problems saving data on the application website. Once 'confirmed' when I log back in later there is no record of some section's details being entered?
Really keen to apply..... any suggestions at all appreciated.
In addition are there any guidelines for applicants? For instance where is it written the number of references required, etc
Thanks for any responses.

spiral climb
8th Nov 2009, 04:45
Anybody know of the time to command on the A320 fleet? Currently a CPT on the A320 with 3000+ Airbus time looking at a step up.
Any info is a big help.


8th Nov 2009, 10:26
Spiral, not sure anyone has done it yet, so might be hard to gauge. All command upgrades are on A330, so that new capatians aren't flying with the space cadets........................

8th Nov 2009, 14:19
Any news on the holding pool? How many are left etc...??

8th Nov 2009, 20:12
About 10-12 people. Pool expected to be empty by March-April.

9th Nov 2009, 17:09
As of yesterday, there are, to my knowledge, 6 or 7 guys left in the holding pool. 3 guys i know received their invitation for January.

9th Nov 2009, 20:42
There are also 12 in the DEC pool drowning :ugh:

10th Nov 2009, 02:21
EY are no longer advertising DEC positions on their recruitment page :(.
Do B777 FOs upgrade from RHS to LHS or on to the A320? What about the A330 crew? (Current rookie A320 Capt)



Chandler Bing
10th Nov 2009, 03:21
Whatever is said, careful if you are offered a job as a DEC, coz it will turn into an A320 captain seat, crappiest position in EY....
A340 F/o's make more money than any A320 captain, flying twice less or even less, with no headache .
On A320, be ready to be living like an owl most of your time...... Flying up to 90/95 hours, minimum rest, most flights leave at 0200 AM local time up to maximum duty, with exhausted F/O's as well.
No requested days OFF, hardly any lay over,

All the requests you may have will end up having the same answer :
Due to operational reasons, your request couldn't be granted.

Operational my a:mad:s......, lack of proper planning, poor management it is

Severely Jetlagged
10th Nov 2009, 05:16
Flying OW

There is usually a meeting each month to determine the manning needs of each fleet. If there is an opportunity for upgrades then those positions are open to all qualified First Officers to apply for or not. There then follows a quite extensive selection process now. The upgrades could be on any fleet. If it means moving from Airbus to Boeing or vice versa then you will have to operate 300 hours in the right seat first.

11th Nov 2009, 00:35

Thanks for the info, very helpful indeed! Does EY have a min. time of service + hours requirement as does EK (3 years) before being eligible for command? Or are there fast track options for previous type-rated Captains? Or is seniority the name of the game? Thanks in advance!


Chandler Bing
11th Nov 2009, 03:48
There is not such a thing yet, but should you join now, seniority will make you a skipper within the next 8 to 10 years ( 500 F/O's already with 4 upgrades a month, even when we were getting an aircraft a month , just do the maths 48 upgrades a year....)

12th Nov 2009, 14:13
I am in the holding pool for an FO slot with EY. As of today I believe that there are 4 of us left.

With any luck we'll be there by Feb....

12th Nov 2009, 14:59

Ok thanks, will wait for DEC slots to open up again then.:ok:



12th Nov 2009, 19:55
Are many candidates being brought forward for assessment/interview at the moment? Just wondering, especially as the hold pool nearing empty.

Also heard on another forum that there were 100 people in the pool for EY at the moment. Any truth in that..

Fly Safe


14th Nov 2009, 13:13

Does anyone at Ethiad Commute from Australia? I was just wondering if it was possible and what the rostering patterns were like.


Chandler Bing
15th Nov 2009, 10:25
new joiners on A320 have been offered A330.....
What a slap to all EY A320 crews.......

Welcome to EY...one day or another , it's your turn to take the crap from EY.....

15th Nov 2009, 12:40
Chandler, I know at least 2 or 3 people in each the 320 classes being held in Spt, oct nov dec and jan. Nobody was offered a 330 position.
With all respect, I think you are misinformed.

Chandler Bing
15th Nov 2009, 12:58
Tell me how you can know Dec and Jan boys, without being from the recruitment in EY or management ???
You seem to know a lot about misinformation.
Why would you make it public as it would send such a negative signal to all A320 pilots and overall EY workforce....?
CCq's delayed for the EY inmates, and direct entry from people less qualified.... How can you justify that....?:ugh:

Bad business practices based on low profile/experienced managers with questionnable and/or fake resumes, EY has, had ever had and will always have.

It's no big secret why undercover auditors are spreading in the corridors and why you can smell and feel fear in various office cubicles.....
The short term future gonna be interesting...really

15th Nov 2009, 16:51
"Tell me how you can know Dec and Jan boys, without being from the recruitment in EY or management ???"

I am one of the "Jan boys". Therefore I suppose I know at least one. :ok:
I also know the 3 other guys in the class.

"Why would you make it public as it would send such a negative signal to all A320 pilots and overall EY workforce....?
CCq's delayed for the EY inmates, and direct entry from people less qualified.... How can you justify that....?"

I never mentionned anything about CCq's and neither did you in your previous post.
you simply mentionned that the 320 new joiners were offered 330 positions and I answered that I dont believe it s the case as I know most of the 320 guys going through training right now.

I don t see how I sent a negative signal by just sharing a fact I know is true: none of my friends are in a 330 class