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9th Apr 2019, 16:56
...to the active duty pilots in CLX....it got awfully quiet in the last couple of months. No more complains and hardly any comments.
Pages ago some of your were talking about negotiations in progress from a while with managment to improve overall conditions.
To my experience when there are no more complains people are happier or just gave up hoping....which one is it ?

10th Apr 2019, 16:01
...to the active duty pilots in CLX....it got awfully quiet in the last couple of months. No more complains and hardly any comments.
Pages ago some of your were talking about negotiations in progress from a while with managment to improve overall conditions.
To my experience when there are no more complains people are happier or just gave up hoping....which one is it ?

The second option

30th Apr 2019, 08:32
3 extra tnt freighters. Does CLX have enough crews?

1st May 2019, 17:07
Not even enough crews for the existing fleet.

CLX has difficulties to recruit new pilots. The few that eventually start the course (IF they show up at all for the course) come from precarious employment situations and seem to be happy to accept rosters that are being changed on an hourly basis creating total havoc in your mind and private life.

B-scalers lose salary worth appr. 1 Million € over the span of a career compared to the regular guys. Another thing not easy to cope with on the long run.

Management will not do any concessions for the next CWA and the union is acting helplessly.

More questions anyone?

2nd May 2019, 15:57
Not even enough crews for the existing fleet.

CLX has difficulties to recruit new pilots. The few that eventually start the course (IF they show up at all for the course) come from precarious employment situations and seem to be happy to accept rosters that are being changed on an hourly basis creating total havoc in your mind and private life.

B-scalers lose salary worth appr. 1 Million € over the span of a career compared to the regular guys. Another thing not easy to cope with on the long run.

Management will not do any concessions for the next CWA and the union is acting helplessly.

More questions anyone?
Captain Joe help us all !!!!!!!

20th Jun 2019, 01:22
A certain group of Cargolux pilots, whether or not they belong to the ALPL, undercuts representation and collective bargaining by making themselves ​​​​​​available for work (selling OFF and/or VAC days during the actual period of “work to rule“) thus effectively lessening its power as a bargaining tool.

Unfortunately CLX management can rely on a large pool of this kind of characters at their disposal. (And this by the way is how CLX plans to crew 3 more aircraft without hiring more pilots.)

Khun Sam
20th Jun 2019, 10:18
Those are some pretty nice hotels

22nd Jun 2019, 00:08
...that you will spend in most of the time in a coma....but true. Have seen a lot of them by myself in a different, more horrible, life. Good Hotels do NOT change a bad job into something nice.

2 FO at my current base(737 loco operator here in Europe) left Cargolux around a year ago. Said their rosters have been just horrible, combined with permantent night flying, not really that much time back home with the family(which lived OFF base). Both of them have wife and kids. And are really happy here at our loco ops which is as well far away from being a dream job BUT they are very happy, never think back to Cargolux. The only thing the might miss a bit is the 747(understandably). They agreed as well that the accomodation was normally top shelf, which should be a normal thing if you consider how much time you spend away from home.

24th Jun 2019, 07:24
Cargolux considers A350 or the B777x.
The A350 is a surprise .


24th Jun 2019, 20:26
Hi guys sorry for the small OT, I posted the same question on the Italian group without any reply.

Is there anyone that has received an answer from Cargolux Italia? I have made the application more than 1 month ago but still no reply at all.

i think they opened the application for FO and SFO many months ago.

many thanks in advance.

8th Jul 2019, 09:47
Today I heard that this company gives preferences to candidates with multinationals pilots experience like RYANNAIR , Easyjet as they have the same working environment. And the company policy maintains in high standards.
Candidates from traditional airlines with only one nationality are excluded or never been called . They come with more rooted defects.

With more ore nationalities the standards are more rigid to avoid communication problems and maintain flight safety at a high level.

11th Jul 2019, 14:46
Today I heard that this company gives preferences to candidates with multinationals pilots experience like RYANNAIR , Easyjet as they have the same working environment. And the company policy maintains in high standards.
Candidates from traditional airlines with only one nationality are excluded or never been called . They come with more rooted defects.

With more ore nationalities the standards are more rigid to avoid communication problems and maintain flight safety at a high level.
I am really wonderig who you are..? You comment on so many CV postst... Why? Are you a wannabe? your last post suggests you have no idea what CV is all about. It was once maybe the greatest company in Europe but nowadays it‘´s just a job. Decent contract needed?? Stay in Japan and don’t dream of a job in the EU. Goldem times here are over!

11th Jul 2019, 21:25
I am really wonderig who you are..? You comment on so many CV postst... Why? Are you a wannabe? your last post suggests you have no idea what CV is all about. It was once maybe the greatest company in Europe but nowadays it‘´s just a job. Decent contract needed?? Stay in Japan and don’t dream of a job in the EU. Goldem times here are over!

My comment is not to denigrate the company's image. I just commented what I heard.
There are a lot of people who would like to be called even to go to the interview, but they can not. And this is reflected here.
If you are speaking ill of me, I think you should read the other comments better.

20th Jul 2019, 01:01
A certain group of Cargolux pilots, whether or not they belong to the ALPL, undercuts representation and collective bargaining by making themselves ​​​​​​available for work (selling OFF and/or VAC days during the actual period of “work to rule“) thus effectively lessening its power as a bargaining tool.

Unfortunately CLX management can rely on a large pool of this kind of characters at their disposal. (And this by the way is how CLX plans to crew 3 more aircraft without hiring more pilots.)

Attached an actual sample of an illegal roster consisting of 3 back-to-back trips:

Maybe not so clever to post internal roster info on public fora.. Might be one of the reasons all crew/trip details are blocked on PBS now.:}

23rd Jul 2019, 14:34
Are you talking about Fernando di Marco his roster :\

23rd Jul 2019, 20:48
Are you talking about Fernando di Marco his roster :\

The guy who got demoted to the right hand seat because of an illegal ramp transfer? Actually he left his colleagues stranded on the aircraft after landing in LUX from a longhaul flight by “hijacking“ the crew transport on the cargo apron and forcing its driver to take him to the Schengen Exit of the main terminal air side thus bypassing customs and immigration with the aim to catch his standby flight to ZRH with Swiss.
Crew driver was not amused and reported this guy to the airport authorities who came back to CLX who in turn offered him immediate dismissal or retraining as copilot. :D

Years ago he already failed a colleague in the simulator for no reason because of a private disagreement. Training department immediately relieved him from his duties as TRI/TRE. :D

What actually bothers me is the fact that this guy claims to be pro ALPL, but is selling his OFF days left, right and center behind our backs. During discussions he shows all characteristics of an “agent provocateur“. :=

Final 24
2nd Aug 2019, 20:44
Good news! A new collective work agreement has been agreed between Cargolux management and the unions. Including a pay increase and significantly improved conditions for new hires, 12 off days per month plus 42 vacation days. Various part time schemes etc... Looks like 2 years of record profits are paying off!

2nd Aug 2019, 23:31
Looks like 2 years of record profits are paying off!

Pay increase is close to nothing.
Overall I don't see an improvement for those who have been here for a while.
After "2 years of record profits" that's disappointing.

3rd Aug 2019, 21:57
I concur. Extremely disappointed by the result of the negotiations. With the new bidding procedure and other ´amenities´, like the 18hrs duty hours positioning after operating, is going to be interesting. Plenty of layovers are gone: we will sleep on the airplane. Lets wait and see the final wording: is way too early to claim that this CWA is a huge improvement. It is worse than the one we had before 2015. Plenty of issues, like the roster instability, are unaddressed....

3rd Aug 2019, 23:29
Roster instability comes from the fact that we do not have enough pilots and the so called “colleagues“ who sell their OFF- and VAC-days. These guys get the nice trips you will never have!

Management is doing their job. Very efficiently in the light of weak unions.
Our worst enemy always was and continues to be our own toxic, shortsighted and selfish colleagues who seek their advantage on the back of their co-workers.
Without these guys we would not have the problems we have since 2015.

Since I do not intend to fly the sh*t for the next 25 years and ruin my health I am now taking a more proactive approach in order to solve this problem. Also I don‘t care any more about incompetent ALPL :mad:, lousy CWAs :ugh: or EASA FTLs :ugh:.

I simply adjust my rosters to what I am physically and mentally able to do by reporting ‘unfit to fly‘ and writing proactive fatigue reports on a regular basis. As a result my rosters look pretty decent now. :}

Final 24
4th Aug 2019, 07:41
Surely we can agree that the benefits for new joiners and those that joined after 2015 are substantial and obvious with the old A scale conditions back!
According to the unions presentation the following has been agreed.
A 4% pay increase over 4 years on top of the index which should be another 2.5% this year.
There is an agreement on large buffers on the EASA FTL limits for standard crew plus a second sector limitation.
No expansion on Cargolux Italia for the next 4 years.
Big steps have been taken to improve roster stability and fixed off days. 12 off days per calendar month plus 42 vacation days. By spreading that vacation days evenly over the year you can effectively create a 7on, 8off roster!
Commercial positioning is either business or first class.
With the continued recruitment that opens the door for more upgrading and faster career progression.
This is just a few items from the top of my head but I would say that this is a large benefit for all existing crews as well.

hawkeye red
4th Aug 2019, 11:52
Final24....you read the new CWA like the devil reads the Bible..you took the money, but for sure this one will haunt you for years to come....

4th Aug 2019, 12:23
Final24 = management troll :ugh:

4th Aug 2019, 12:24
No expansion on Cargolux Italia for the next 4 years.

Final 24 I would like to know what’s your “problem” is concerning expansion or not of Cargolux Itaia.
Is your contract bad because them or what? I would like to understand..thanks

4th Aug 2019, 14:46
Surely we can agree that the benefits for new joiners and those that joined after 2015 are substantial and obvious with the old A scale conditions back!
According to the unions presentation the following has been agreed.
A 4% pay increase over 4 years on top of the index which should be another 2.5% this year.
There is an agreement on large buffers on the EASA FTL limits for standard crew plus a second sector limitation.
No expansion on Cargolux Italia for the next 4 years.
Big steps have been taken to improve roster stability and fixed off days. 12 off days per calendar month plus 42 vacation days. By spreading that vacation days evenly over the year you can effectively create a 7on, 8off roster!
Commercial positioning is either business or first class.
With the continued recruitment that opens the door for more upgrading and faster career progression.
This is just a few items from the top of my head but I would say that this is a large benefit for all existing crews as well.

´Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt´

Men generally believe what they want to, so opinions can not be changed, regardless of the abrasive and evident truth.
If roster planning equals to strained muscle, roster execution (and reality) equals to rape. I encourage the smart cookies to further elaborate about this topic. Have fun. :suspect:

5th Aug 2019, 14:30
Question! Is a job with Cargolux commutable?

hawkeye red
5th Aug 2019, 20:12
Sure....you’ll be on the road for a minimum of 19 days so plenty of opportunity to commute..😉

6th Aug 2019, 16:07
Question! Is a job with Cargolux commutable?

Depending on where you’re commuting from:8 Most people commute anyway, some as far as from Spain or Scandinavia. My average trip length so far this year’s 7 days, longest beeing 12 and the shortest 4 days. Spent 95 days away from home year to date, so all in all pretty commutable!

7th Aug 2019, 09:27
Question! Is a job with Cargolux commutable?
Hi, my experience is, commuting works fine. The majority of colleagues commutes by car. Mostly we are talking about 3-4 hours of driving. Some even commute towards Munich area by car (~5hrs).
My view is, with the new CWA now signed the conditions for new entries will be acceptable again moneywise. Hopefully that will result in more people joining, eliminating chaotic rostering due to lack of pilots. The companie’s network, airplane, maintenance and colleagues are really remarkable.
I hope I could help you, answering your question, good luck!

ray cosmic
8th Aug 2019, 09:20
Final 24 I would like to know what’s your “problem” is concerning expansion or not of Cargolux Itaia.
Is your contract bad because them or what? I would like to understand..thanks

ICV was started for a variety of reasons, but one of the largest benefits for the company was the potential to undercut CLX conditions. Nothing against the people, just the facts. It would be good if you guys would unionise and not be the "low-cost", second rate Cargolux.

4th Sep 2019, 18:03
Good evening guys,
I am looking at the adverts, reading through the forum here, and would like to ask, as its already one month since last post, any update on new CWA?
Do you think it would be really possible to make with use of AL and maybe some of the part time options to get comfortable 7 ON 8 OFF roster?
Thanks for honest ideas, anything what shows me some more light about the cargolux would be appreciated.

9th Sep 2019, 15:34
Is that the same also for CVI?

hawkeye red
10th Sep 2019, 07:17
ICV was originally started to gain traffic rights to Japan...nothing else. Then the "Wingman" was put in charge and the rest is history.....

hawkeye red
10th Sep 2019, 07:21
CWA has been signed until 2022!
Formerly known "B-Scale" eliminated as of 1. January 2020, meaning same off-days as everybody else, pay adjusted to former levels + previous experience will be credited.
New rostering (12 monthly rosters instead of 13 28-day-rosters), off day scheme changed to 7 consecutive days off + 5 flexible off days (6 times per year these days will be fixed and cannot be moved by the company).
One week on and one week off should be easily possible with a 20% parttime option, BUT, 3-year waiting period for new joiners to be entitled to part-time.

...don't forget that you can now position onboard the same aircraft for 18 hours after the first flightduty, thereby eliminating all the nice layovers in the Middle East and Baku....and that you now have 5 floating days instead of 3, thereby effectively allowing crew control to keep you on the road for almost 3 weeks....and that you still have to check your roster on an off day, even if an off day is defined as "a day without duty"....and I could go on and on and on....

13th Sep 2019, 08:19
Please do go on and on, interested to hear it.

13th Sep 2019, 10:19
Hi guys,

is it possible to see how a FO roster looks like? How much is net salary with the new contract?

thank you ufon

hawkeye red
13th Sep 2019, 12:14
No, that’s not possible, the reason being that from the time the roster is issued it will change 25-30 times before your flight - often 4-5 times on the day before your first duty.

13th Sep 2019, 18:42
Thank you for the answer. this means that if I am not living in Lux it will be very hard for me to plan my life and see my family, am I right?
I was curious if commuting is a real possibility, but from what I saw on this forum, it is very hard...

15th Sep 2019, 08:42
Thank you for the answer. this means that if I am not living in Lux it will be very hard for me to plan my life and see my family, am I right?
I was curious if commuting is a real possibility, but from what I saw on this forum, it is very hard...

No that’s not true, you should have read a few posts back;)
The majority of colleagues are commuting (mostly to Bel. Ned, Ger, Aust. Swi) and this works out well for most of us. I’m on full time and have spent an average of 13 days on the road per month so far this year, average trip lenth 7,5 days, making commuting pretty doable.

Don’t be misleaded by what a few people say on pprune. True, roster changes get on everyones nerves and it’s definitely not all roses here, but all in all it’s still a good deal, especially now with new joiners basically getting the “old” contract again (B-scale gone).

16th Sep 2019, 13:16
Hi Indrapoera,

than you for your message, I am happy to hear that commuting is a real option.
I think I will give a try :)
If it is not a secret, how much should I expect as salary (after tax)?

16th Sep 2019, 13:32
PJN has accurate figures, just run them through a gross-net calculator. It's a bit more including night and Sunday pay + you can factor in the per diems (they're not part of your salary, but if you don't spend it - you keep it...)

16th Sep 2019, 14:18
PJN has accurate figures, just run them through a gross-net calculator. It's a bit more including night and Sunday pay + you can factor in the per diems (they're not part of your salary, but if you don't spend it - you keep it...)

Thank you. can I consider the below statement true?
"Supplements paid for duties during nights, Sundays and public holidays. These supplements are exempted from tax in Luxembourg. These supplements will bring the net very close to the gross salary."

Guys, the 747 is a dream... I hope it will become true :)

19th Sep 2019, 16:02
Apologies if that’s been posted already. I have a quick question. I’m currently a wide body capt for a carrier in the Middle East on the airbus. 10000h, of which 8000h on wide body airbus, 40 years old.
if I was going to join Cargolux as an FO, what sort of before tax salary could I expect. Intending to live either Germany or Austria.

3rd Oct 2019, 13:40
Thank you for the great info! Would be great if you can share also experience from later stages of assessment.

Any chance you got the CWA in sharable form? All the best, Michal.

5th Oct 2019, 11:56
One more question for guys already longer time in Cargolux.

What is your opinion, if next crisis hits the market, would it mean dismissals ( guess us, potentially newly hired guys) or Cargolux is missing that many FOs, that with slowdown in economy, it would just stabilize crew needs within company?

6th Oct 2019, 14:07

if any of the First Officers would be able to answer the following questions, I'd be very grateful. According to the latest Collective Agreement:

1. what is the maximum duration of a rotation and how many consecutive days off can you get?
2. What would be the expected (total) gross salary (including per diems, all of the allowances)?
3. Is the time to command still roughly 10 years?
4. How does the part time scheme look like?

Thanks in advance!

7th Oct 2019, 16:43

if any of the First Officers would be able to answer the following questions, I'd be very grateful. According to the latest Collective Agreement:

1. what is the maximum duration of a rotation and how many consecutive days off can you get?
2. What would be the expected (total) gross salary (including per diems, all of the allowances)?
3. Is the time to command still roughly 10 years?
4. How does the part time scheme look like?

Thanks in advance!

The length of the trips depends on many factors, but the most important one is seniority. Yet the biggest problem is rostering. CC is extremely creative interpreting the CWA and obviously, not to your benefit. Happens to everybody and is very stressing. Trips extensions, sometimes more than a week, could happen. Personally, I never went beyond two weeks on the road.

Yet there are some crew controllers that are fair and square, I must say. Very unlikely the aforementioned policy is going to change. Being a part-timer could or could not help. Despite the improvements, many guys are leaving, to KLM and AF, I believe. Young guys, former b-scalers, are fed up after little more than two years. They don't give a f@#k anymore. From that to burn out is, in my opinion, a small step.

As per job security, Cargolux in particular and Luxembourg as a country are very strong at that. Even at its worse times, nobody was sacked due to economic reasons. The fellows at the helm at that time (2000s) reasoned that if people were dismissed, the potential candidates in the future would not trust CLX anymore and thereby, CLX would find problems recruiting. Yet those aforementioned managers are long time gone. However, I do not believe that this would be different if it happens in the future. In the worst-case scenario, unemployment salary is paid by the country of residence and there is an enormous difference between Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg, for example. That is a detail not to miss.

As per time to upgrade, I heard through the grapevine that Rolls-Royce engined aeroplanes are leaving soon. The -400s in the next couple of years. No news concerning new -8 nor a second fleet. I have not the faintest idea if that could mean a fleet consisting, solely, on -8s. This would impact CLX Italia, for sure. On the pro side, in the next five to ten years plenty of colleagues are going to retire. My take: expect 15 at least.

I hope I’m helpful.

8th Oct 2019, 09:03

if any of the First Officers would be able to answer the following questions, I'd be very grateful. According to the latest Collective Agreement:

1. what is the maximum duration of a rotation and how many consecutive days off can you get?
2. What would be the expected (total) gross salary (including per diems, all of the allowances)?
3. Is the time to command still roughly 10 years?
4. How does the part time scheme look like?

Thanks in advance!

1. Depends on how you request your 2 blocks of OFF days. Combining them 7 + 5 (as of januari 2020) will give you 12 consecutive off days, but the rest of the month you'd be available... If you want to avoid the long trips (13+ days) it's better to separate the two blocks of OFF days. Also, most people divide their 42 annual vacation days in small portions in order to get longer blocks of OFF days.
2 Depends on experience. Time unit 0 for Junior FO (lowest "rank") would give you 4973 gross. You can expect that amount to increase by about 15% (as an average) due to allowances (sunday/ night-time etc.). These allowances are tax free, so are per-diems (on average about 1000 monthly)
3. At the moment it's about 11 years, but that doesn't say much, for you it could be 7 years, could be 20, could be never ;)
4. 11% part time = 2 extra off days per month. 15% part time = 4 extra off days per month, except last 3 months. 21% part time = 4 extra off days per month all year. Then there's an additional part time scheme which offers 1 to up to 5 months extra off.

11th Oct 2019, 07:09
Last question about medical check during assessment, is it just formal check of medical certificate or actual check?

I am not expecting China craziness, just wandering as on aviation medical checks I am under stress and although being completely healthy I have higher blood pressure constantly on this checks :ugh:

11th Oct 2019, 09:01
It's basically a 1st class medical from scratch by an AME. Stress test (bicycle), lung capacity, eyes, audiogram, etc.

11th Oct 2019, 13:35
1. Depends on how you request your 2 blocks of OFF days. Combining them 7 + 5 (as of januari 2020) will give you 12 consecutive off days, but the rest of the month you'd be available... If you want to avoid the long trips (13+ days) it's better to separate the two blocks of OFF days. Also, most people divide their 42 annual vacation days in small portions in order to get longer blocks of OFF days.
2 Depends on experience. Time unit 0 for Junior FO (lowest "rank") would give you 4973 gross. You can expect that amount to increase by about 15% (as an average) due to allowances (sunday/ night-time etc.). These allowances are tax free, so are per-diems (on average about 1000 monthly)
3. At the moment it's about 11 years, but that doesn't say much, for you it could be 7 years, could be 20, could be never ;)
4. 11% part time = 2 extra off days per month. 15% part time = 4 extra off days per month, except last 3 months. 21% part time = 4 extra off days per month all year. Then there's an additional part time scheme which offers 1 to up to 5 months extra off.

Thank you all for the replies.

So theoretically, 8 on, 7 off, 7 on, 8 off would be possible? Is it also achievable in real life? As far as pay is concerned, an FO (not JFO) would get an average salary of approx. 7000 eur gross?


14th Oct 2019, 10:00
Thank you all for the replies.

So theoretically, 8 on, 7 off, 7 on, 8 off would be possible? Is it also achievable in real life? As far as pay is concerned, an FO (not JFO) would get an average salary of approx. 7000 eur gross?


Theoretically 8/7/7/8 would be possible when spreading your 42 vacation days out over 12 months. Achievable in real life? Sometimes, but most probably not always. Vacation days need to be requested on a yearly basis (every year in fall for the upcoming year) and regular off days one month in advance, which will make it difficult to exactly get to the 8/7/7/8 scenario. Also, some OFF days may be moved around by the company after the roster has been published (6 times per year the block of 5 off days will be "floating"), which messes up your roster/ private planning. In short, it will work out some months, but definitely not all... You'd then end up with something like 6 on, 7 off - 10 on, 8 off, or worst case 15 on 15 off. Unfortunately these changes tend to happen on short notice, and can therefore have a significant impact on the planning of your private life and consequently also on your mood;)

7000 gross for FO (not FJO) is more or less accurate when taking allowances and per-diem into account. Provided of course you fly a "normal" month and are not on vacation the whole month.

15th Oct 2019, 03:20
Hi all,

Just giving you my experience about my first round of the assessment today.

6 weeks ago I applied. Within a few days I got my invitation to come to Luxembourg. For people not being able to go there, they also have off site assessment locations. You get a deadline for the required minimum training before doing the assessment, for some that is sufficient but for some it isn't. When getting near to the assessment, I advise to finish on a winner. If you make a last practice run before your assessment and you don't do as well as you could, it will add to the stress. You know what you can!

Arrived at Cargolux HQ and waited in the lobby. It is currently still in the old building, but the new HQ is planned to be opened next year.

We were greated very warmly by a woman from HR. She took us up to a classroom where we, me and 3 others, were going to be seated for the duration of the assessment. It all began very nicely, she was asking where we came from, experience and explaining us how the assessment will work. Also she comforted us with the fact that we were invited because Cargolux wanted us, we are there to show them why that is the correct choice, so just be prepared and be yourself.

1. as we were in the classroom everything went smoothly. You get your screen and computer and talked through the plan of the day. As there are also people for retesting, the plan is structured according to the person being re-tested.
2. the aptitude tests are straightforward, as trained on Mollymawk. Work efficiently, but not too fast.
3. The English is straight forward as well, practice past simples and past parciples.
4. Maths and Physics caught me slightly off guard some times. I practiced the questions and formulas a lot, but they'll ask you to counter calculate some of the formulas with larger numbers. For the bigger numbers, don't look too close. They often fit within each other.
5.At the end of all the testing you are able to see your certificates on your Mollymawk profile. Maths Physics and English show percentages, you'll see how much you've scored. For the aptitude testing it shows you scores where your age +5 years and -5 years have scored lower in percentile (e.g. 22 = 22 percent of the people 5 years older and younger have scored lower) these scores are throughout every company that has used Mollymawk. Don't be afraid if you get in the 20-ies, This can be sufficient.
6. when everything has been done, we got the opportunity to ask questions. Ask what every you want, concerns, ideas or anything else. If possible, try and get hands on the new CWA, Cargolux is very pleased about it and its improvements. They'll explain everything you want to know.

Within 24 hours you get news from Interpersonal if you passed yes or no. If you don't hear anything, don't hesitate to contact Cargolux, as they want you there as soon as possible, they can give you the result as well.

In the case of not passing, contact HR as they will tell you what happened and how you can improve for the following time. They'll give you a date for retesting and a new Mollymawk course where you can practice.

I hope this give an image of the first round of the assessment.

All the best and good luck to everyone trying out!

can you tell which time you left the Cargolux HQ?
just to plan my flight back home.
any advice that you remember from the test?
thanks in advance

20th Oct 2019, 05:51
can you tell which time you left the Cargolux HQ?
just to plan my flight back home.
any advice that you remember from the test?
thanks in advance

I would appreciate any insight into the specifics of the second and third stages of the assessment. Any specific ATPL subjects or tech questions needed to be addressed in more detail?

27th Oct 2019, 22:14
Can anybody give some info regarding the pension ( state pension and company) in Cargolux? What is the companies contribution, what do you have to contribute?

Many thanks,

9th Nov 2019, 13:27
One more question regarding part time. Once you get it (10%, 15%, ...), is it permanent or based on operational needs? Are you likely to get it after three years as an FO at the bottom of the seniority?

Many thanks.

9th Nov 2019, 18:03
One more question regarding part time. Once you get it (10%, 15%, ...), is it permanent or based on operational needs? Are you likely to get it after three years as an FO at the bottom of the seniority?

Many thanks.

Once you get it it’s permanent. (Untill you upgrade, then you have to apply for it again as a capt.)
Max 1 year after the request the company has to approve it, regardless of seniority.

14th Nov 2019, 17:33
Hi guys,

Been reading all posts up to some years ago.
Seems better times are coming (at least for some among us).

1month ago I passed 1st day at Cargolux and now facing the second.
Who would be able to give some tips on the asked questions during the interview?
Also about the expected ATPL test, group exercise, role play and sim.

Regarding to payment/scheduling it seems quite obvious what to be expecting.
If you PASS, when do they expect you to be able to start TR?
Will these TR's be in big groups or rather small ones (4people) at once? As they planning to moved the sims mid next year.

Any tips (how small) are more then welcome!
Really wouldn't want to miss the window of opportunity to fly this beast!

Awaiting some responds :)


13th Jan 2020, 14:37
Hey guys,

I applied in November, but apart from getting a confirmation from career.aero that they sent it to Cargolux haven't heard anything yet.
I also noticed that they took down the add on the website.

Are they still hiring or shouldn't I be hopeful anymore?

21st Jan 2020, 11:26
Hey guys,

I applied in November, but apart from getting a confirmation from career.aero that they sent it to Cargolux haven't heard anything yet.
I also noticed that they took down the add on the website.

Are they still hiring or shouldn't I be hopeful anymore?
I was on the phone with IP the other day and they were saying that for the moment recruitment is finished and they don't know when it will start again. 'Could already be in a few months from now', the lady said - but take that with a grain of salt.

8th May 2020, 21:20
Hallo followers,
i had my Test..

Does someone saved (as PDFs) the BASIC SKILL ASSESSMENT (English, Mathematics, Science) Tests ?

Will share what I have... (for ebooks, give me a PM)
NOTE : xxx has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
If your storage is full, I'm unable to replay PM..... basic knowledge !!!!

Note from Mollymawk.de : Regarding the skills tests please be advised that Cargolux has set the acceptable minimum score at 70% (age-independent).Of course it is recommendable to score higher. As a matter of fact a considerable number of test takers achieve 100% :\

Test: is exact the same, e.g. same formula‘s and text, only values are changed (a=cm, b=m, c=0,m)
Question change to the opposite (mass to weight, equal mass to equal volume...)
TIP: time for Mathe is really short, most of us missed 1-2 questions...
English : our native speaker (british) got only 84%. Learn past/perfect

8th May 2020, 21:55
Second part :
for training > https://avtest.cryo.dev/
or for iPads App> Molly Maze

9th May 2020, 06:35
Second part :

Thanks for sharing

26th May 2020, 20:16
SIM Day :
After introduction of our program (exactly the same Profil as published)
we got a warm up 20question catalog:

-Frezzing level from jet fuel A1
-TAS at 9300ft with 160kts
-Outside Temp by 39.000ft (Tropopause above)
-Mercato projection : Greate circle goes via aquator or pole ?
-Stabile approach criteria
-2x Distance questions: 60N between 030W and 040W, 035W between 35N and 50N
-x-wind TO: which airplane as a tendency for bank after TO, low or high wing
-When is the reverser most effective (high or low speed)
-Pitot is blocked: Which instruments are effected and how?
-Loadfactor by 60 degrees
-Effect for Vmcg/Vmca

SIM : 748F
Wind by ATC (TO&LDG 150/15)
OVC 008
Radial intercept
1000ft descent/climb 180 turn, with 500ft/m
Vector ILS 24
6NM final with crosswind LDG

6th Jun 2020, 18:32
Thanks a lot PILOTFLY !
Your share is very usefull ;)

17th Jun 2020, 08:26
All 4 days, we are the same group -4 guys.

First Play :
We got 5-6 pages on information and one page for our the resolution (! think that this is not important, they want to see us interact between us - don`t waste time with writing) -everybody got the same papers:
We are a Helping-Organisation, seating in England (remote spot), your are in charge for 4 teams (each team as 4-6 members with different ability's, age, working experience...). Each team are specialized (one for Africa, one for East China, on for South America...).
Begin : we got all 5min (or less) some paper :
1.) Phonecall from the Office of the Prime Minister, Appointment for Dinner
2.) Email : Earthquake in China, local Organisation need help and cloth, shoes and wintergear
3.) Email : Unknown Doctor has problem to pass border to china, needs help
3.) College MSG : Mrs ??? from Team ? has some health problems...
4.) Fax : Local Clothe Shop are giving some winter clothe for sale (donation)

You and your colleges should find for each MSG(1..5) the right solution and write it into the paper...

Second Play :
Everybody got the same basic information :
You and your colleges (4+1) are on a Mounten in the Himalayas. One of the colleges broke his leg. He will survive only the next 12h
Your position: after base camp (valley-middle station-basecamp-top of the mounten)
Information : walking back to the basecamp takes 2h, 4h if you carry your college.
Everybody got the different information :
- you have 120m robe, 1 flash light, 1 medi kit, basecamp has a radio, helicopter is in the valley...
- you have food and water for 2days, middle station has WIFI, basecamp radio is broken...
- food from other group is at the basecamp, weather will be change to heavy snowstorm : beginning in 4h...
- Helicopter need 3h to middle station and 2h to basecamp(or place of exident), Snowstorm duration is 8h,
walking down from basecamp to middle station takes 4h...

You and your colleges should find a solution

>>> there isn`t any right or wrong solution.. they want to see you working in a group !!!!!

Third Play :
Single situation play, one by one with the psychology.
You got 1 paper with information (15min time to read, and on the end you can ask questions) :
You are FO and already flying, the vacation planning for ALL colleges already done and confirmed.
Your parents at home have some troubles with maintenance/contraction at here house. They ask you if you can come for helping/organisation.
The next vacation slot is booked from your classmate Camerun (also FO).
Now you meet him/her and you have to convince him/her that he/she gives you his/her slot..

17th Jun 2020, 08:39
4 people : Fleet Chef, Sim Instructor, Psychologist, HR
two options :
If you failed already they don`t ask any question, only the Psychologist will tell you, that you failed... if you wish, they explain why
If they ask you about your life/family and technical question.... than you passed (until now)

technical question (only one) -see FCOM
-explain the airsystem (Chapter 2 System Description Section 20)
-hydraulic (Chapter 13 System Description Section 20)
-electric (Chapter 6 System Description Section 20)

Matthias Callier
30th Oct 2020, 14:04
Hello everyone,

Is there anybody on the forum who passed the Cargolux assessments in 2019/2020 for non-type rated 747 pilots and who is now on the waiting list??
I passed in February all selections but till now there are more than 25 people type rated hired after me (selections march to may).

I'm wondering how long we stay on that waiting list and if there is any info at all about the plans they have for hiring non type rated... aside of all the people who are available on the market with a 747 rating, do they have priority or not?

Thanks! and good luck to everyone in these hard times

31st Oct 2020, 18:32
Hello everyone,

Is there anybody on the forum who passed the Cargolux assessments in 2019/2020 for non-type rated 747 pilots and who is now on the waiting list??
I passed in February all selections but till now there are more than 25 people type rated hired after me (selections march to may).

I'm wondering how long we stay on that waiting list and if there is any info at all about the plans they have for hiring non type rated... aside of all the people who are available on the market with a 747 rating, do they have priority or not?

Thanks! and good luck to everyone in these hard times

I don't know anything about CLX, but try to enjoy the wait mate..

11th Nov 2020, 15:17
Hello everyone,

Is there anybody on the forum who passed the Cargolux assessments in 2019/2020 for non-type rated 747 pilots and who is now on the waiting list??
I passed in February all selections but till now there are more than 25 people type rated hired after me (selections march to may).

I'm wondering how long we stay on that waiting list and if there is any info at all about the plans they have for hiring non type rated... aside of all the people who are available on the market with a 747 rating, do they have priority or not?

Thanks! and good luck to everyone in these hard times

Yes, I also passed the assessment but no answer yet for NTR FO.

9th Mar 2021, 09:20

I just jumped back into this forum after quite a long time because I have a specific question regarding CV as I am about to consider an offer.
How is current staff travel for ground staff (corporate office) in reality? I know that agreements with PAX airlines are very limited but that there is the possibility to travel on the freighters.
However, how is staff travel on the freighters working in practice? How are the chances of being offloaded, are there a lot of restrictions and embargos etc.? I am usually quite flexible and willing to take strange routings, but I need to know how well this works.

I am asking because I am coming from a large European passenger carrier and this is a considerable benefit for me as I have family abroad. So it's quite a significant thing to consider. I have some friends at other cargo airlines where it works quite well, but as it seems, the rules and regulations vary quite a lot between carriers.

Thanks for any input!

18th Mar 2021, 07:44

I just jumped back into this forum after quite a long time because I have a specific question regarding CV as I am about to consider an offer.
How is current staff travel for ground staff (corporate office) in reality? I know that agreements with PAX airlines are very limited but that there is the possibility to travel on the freighters.
However, how is staff travel on the freighters working in practice? How are the chances of being offloaded, are there a lot of restrictions and embargos etc.? I am usually quite flexible and willing to take strange routings, but I need to know how well this works.

I am asking because I am coming from a large European passenger carrier and this is a considerable benefit for me as I have family abroad. So it's quite a significant thing to consider. I have some friends at other cargo airlines where it works quite well, but as it seems, the rules and regulations vary quite a lot between carriers.

Thanks for any input!

To be brief; you can forget about traveling on CV freighters. After a SAFA inspection in France a few years back PAX travel was banned on CV aircraft when "cargo aircraft only" freight is carried, which - as you can imagine - applies to most of our flights... Plenty of rumours about this restriction being lifted, but till now nothing concreet. Good luck.

Banana Joe
21st Mar 2021, 12:24
How many hours does a FO fly and how many landings per month on average does a FO execute in Cargolux at the moment? And how much do perdiems, Sunday and night time supplements amount to on average gross? Any elements tax free?

31st Jul 2021, 06:03
Has there been any update to staff travel in the meantime?
I understand it's not too long ago since the last post regarding staff travel, but this is as well for me a major factor in considering my Cargolux job offer.

If staff travel is not possible, how would it work with living abroad (inside EU) and working from Luxembourg?
How well can this be combined with the working schedule and reporting times?

Anybody mind to share their experience?

2nd Aug 2021, 15:23
Hi SunchaserMIA and BCFPilot,

You were recently considering a job offer, so I assume you've done the assessment this year.
Do you have any tips for preparation (next to the info on pprune)?

6th Aug 2021, 14:10
Hi there,

For information I used PPrune and for ATPL and Mollymawk tests I used the Cargolux preparation at https://pilotassessments.com
It's named "Luxembourg 747 Cargo Operator (CLX)".

Good luck!

10th Aug 2021, 09:27
Has there been any update to staff travel in the meantime?
I understand it's not too long ago since the last post regarding staff travel, but this is as well for me a major factor in considering my Cargolux job offer.

If staff travel is not possible, how would it work with living abroad (inside EU) and working from Luxembourg?
How well can this be combined with the working schedule and reporting times?

Anybody mind to share their experience?

as I understand how it is now it is a reduced Staff Travel with Luxair and a few European airlines. For example Vienna - Luxembourg would still be €170.

it should be doable but depends on your destination and reporting time. It might happen you’d have to go a day sooner or leave a day later upon return.

24th Aug 2021, 09:07
Has there been any update to staff travel in the meantime?
I understand it's not too long ago since the last post regarding staff travel, but this is as well for me a major factor in considering my Cargolux job offer.

If staff travel is not possible, how would it work with living abroad (inside EU) and working from Luxembourg?
How well can this be combined with the working schedule and reporting times?

Anybody mind to share their experience?

My question was mostly about freighter flights, which has already been answered, and unfortunately this is extremely restricted at the moment. Actually I found it surprising as other European full-cargo carriers do not have such restrictions in place, so there is a chance that it might be lifted / relaxed in future.

Regarding passenger flights, the issue is that CV is not part of any major airline group or alliance, so they have almost no agreements except for the Luxair one. However, as for commuting, it should actually be feasible also with full-fare tickets. Staff travel within Europe is usually not that much cheaper due to the high airport taxes and at least you will be confirmed space. Y class also survivable on short-haul.

Banana Joe
20th Sep 2021, 22:07
Have all of the guys that joined on a 12 month contract received a permanent contract at the end of the term?

20th Sep 2021, 23:36
Did you get to use a calculator for the maths part?

24th Sep 2021, 07:56
Did you get to use a calculator for the maths part?

No, the figures in the exam were straightforward.

5th Oct 2021, 15:22
Yes, I also passed the assessment but no answer yet for NTR FO.
Hi, are you flying for Cargolux in the meantime or still waiting?

11th Oct 2021, 08:13
Hi, are you flying for Cargolux in the meantime or still waiting?

I’ve heard that the holding pool of pilots who were accepted in 19/20 have started or are due to start. Due to upcoming winter period (Christmas transport) recruitment will not be done till the new year.

14th Nov 2021, 04:53
Was it the last few years always the case that you only get a temporary contract when you start ? And what are the chances to get a permanent contract ?

14th Nov 2021, 06:54
Was it the last few years always the case that you only get a temporary contract when you start ? And what are the chances to get a permanent contract ?

i don’t believe it’s their normal way of handling contracts. However, they started doing so when C19 came up. Annual contracts for rated people, showing that nor everybody wanted to stay. But also gave CLX the liberty of “letting people go” if the demand of the market would reduce significantly.

now, with the company investing in to type ratings, not sure what to expect.

8th Dec 2021, 11:21
Hi BCFPilot,

How was the ATPL part performed? Verbally or written? Which types of questions are they asking? Thanks

Hi, are the technical questions also asked for Non-Type rated? (Are u rated or not?) Thanks

21st Dec 2021, 21:19

As CV recently opened applications for NTR FOs, has anyone already been called/mailed or knows how long it might take for them to reach out?
And can we expect to be in a holding pool for some time or will they start training rather soon to fill the bottom stack? (Word on the street has it there's a bunch of skippers retiring in the near future)


13th Jan 2022, 14:40
Hi there,

I'm a 744 rated FO and consider joining Cargolux when they start hiring again.

As far as I understand, the upgrade to the left seat will take approx. 10-12 years. How is the salary progression in that time? There is not too much difference between the normal FO and Senior FO pay on their website (around 5,800 vs 6,300). Is there a yearly raise (except inflation) or a pay scale according to years at the company? Or are the 6,300 Euros the maximum base pay a FO can reach before the upgrade?

2nd Feb 2022, 17:50
Hi all,

Was wondering if anyone had received a response yet? Just been radio silence here.
Maybe I have missed the cut 🤷🏼‍♂️.


3rd Feb 2022, 19:37
The guestimate to upgrade is a likely scenario.
FO salary progression includes a yearly time unit and automatic increases for inflation through the luxembourgish indexation rules.
On top there are tax free supplements for night, sunday and holiday duties as well as a daily allowance (per diem).

Hope that helps to clarify

Hi there,

I'm a 744 rated FO and consider joining Cargolux when they start hiring again.

As far as I understand, the upgrade to the left seat will take approx. 10-12 years. How is the salary progression in that time? There is not too much difference between the normal FO and Senior FO pay on their website (around 5,800 vs 6,300). Is there a yearly raise (except inflation) or a pay scale according to years at the company? Or are the 6,300 Euros the maximum base pay a FO can reach before the upgrade?

7th Feb 2022, 05:20
Hey all,

Has anyone attended an assessment day lately, or even been invited for one? I applied back in November along with a few other buddies and its been radio silence since so I'm just wondering if anyone else has even heard a thing.

Many thanks!

26th May 2022, 11:37
Hi everyone, any news about Cargolux hiring?

3rd Jul 2022, 00:04
Hiring again !

14th Jul 2022, 07:08
Any news about temporary contracts becoming permanent? Will this temporary contract thing be the new normal at Cargolux?


15th Jul 2022, 12:55
Hi guys,

Was wondering if someone get an invitation for the assessment lately?


15th Jul 2022, 14:11

I applied end of June, no reply so far.

18th Jul 2022, 11:23
Any news about temporary contracts becoming permanent? Will this temporary contract thing be the new normal at Cargolux?


As far as I know, everyone that started on a tempo contract eventually got a permanent one.

They’ve started using this as the “new standard” when Covid hit and for obviously reasons. I guess it suits them rather well, so no guarantees.

22nd Jul 2022, 17:10
Cargolux is flying one of the aircrafts every pilot wished to fly in their careers.

Good luck for those trying to join Cargolux.

24th Jul 2022, 01:07
Not ter, so far.

QUOTE=RS992;11262146]Hi guys,

Was wondering if someone get an invitation for the assessment lately?


29th Jul 2022, 12:14

Applied to Cargolux recently this July 2022. No news so far so I don't expect an invitation anytime soon. On their online portal just says 'application received'.

I wonder that they might be flooded of applications taking into account many people in Cathay Pacific are resigning, and there are many rated 747 drivers there. Just a guess.

All in all if anyone has info about the selection process would be greatly appreciated, I couldn't find much and there is nothing in latestpilotjobs.com so any info is welcome.

Safe flights.

29th Jul 2022, 15:20
Hey guys,

A few questions about T&C:
In a normal month to how much do the allowances amount (everything tax free)? (4e/hr, sunday, night time, ecc.)
What kind of gross salary can be expected after 4-5 years in the company (excluding allowances)?
Is there a profit sharing plan in place?

Quite interested in this airline and its operations. For who came from SH...did you encounter difficulties adapting to the night flights+jet lag (cargo ops in general)?

Good luck to everyone applying.

5th Aug 2022, 16:23
Hello Everyone,

I would like to ask if anyone knows if they require 747 TR to be accepted for the selection process.
I have been checking in aviation jobs which is where I found the initial job offer and it does not say that 747 is required but some places the requirements are not precise or don't match the reality from what the Airline desires.

Have a good day.

16th Aug 2022, 14:26
Hi all

Has anybody received an invite to the current recruitment tranche? It’s been open since the beginning of July, but I’m optimistically hoping I haven’t heard anything because they are still accepting applications!

any information either way would be great fully received, this is something of a life changing job if I can get myself in the door!!

cheers everyone, Dag

17th Aug 2022, 12:08
Hi all

Has anybody received an invite to the current recruitment tranche? It’s been open since the beginning of July, but I’m optimistically hoping I haven’t heard anything because they are still accepting applications!

any information either way would be great fully received, this is something of a life changing job if I can get myself in the door!!

cheers everyone, Dag

Did you apply as non type rated?

Same here, I applied mid July but no news yet. I was also hoping they would wait till the applications are closed to invite for selections, but I have no idea how they handle applications.

Any information would be welcome!

19th Aug 2022, 21:16
It is rather interesting... If we compare time frame to apply between November/21 and july/22... They've been still opened to apply...

Anyone has updates??

thanks all!!

24th Aug 2022, 06:39
It is rather interesting... If we compare time frame to apply between November/21 and july/22... They've been still opened to apply...

Anyone has updates??

thanks all!!

Still waiting.. It has been almost 2 months. Hope they will start they assessment process soon if they haven’t. Will appreciate any updates too !

24th Aug 2022, 08:19
Hey, does anybody know the Cargolux rules about getting a second chance? I did the IBF test about 10 years ago. Rated. Cheers.

27th Aug 2022, 11:10

Anybody currently working at Cargolux or that has gone through Cargolux Selection process can share somelight about what to expect? I'm trying to research the interview gouge but can't not find much, there is nothing on latestpilotjobs website.

I haven't been called for any interview but just to prepare.

Thank you!

7th Sep 2022, 20:05
Hi all,

This question most probably already has been answered a couple of times. But since things change quite often i thought i ask it again.

How do you judge the private life at CV at the moment?
i understand you have 2 blocks off per month of 7 days and 5 days. To be honest that does not sound like much. I understood you can use vacation days to increase the days off on your off blocks.

we have 2 kids, my wife is working part time.
i am just wondering, will I ever be home and will I be alive when I am at home?

everything looks great about CV i just got my doubts about the private life.

curious to what you guys know or what the experience is from guys flying at CV

thank you so mucht for the help and effort

8th Sep 2022, 05:29
Hi all,

This question most probably already has been answered a couple of times. But since things change quite often i thought i ask it again.

How do you judge the private life at CV at the moment?
i understand you have 2 blocks off per month of 7 days and 5 days. To be honest that does not sound like much. I understood you can use vacation days to increase the days off on your off blocks.

we have 2 kids, my wife is working part time.
i am just wondering, will I ever be home and will I be alive when I am at home?

everything looks great about CV i just got my doubts about the private life.

curious to what you guys know or what the experience is from guys flying at CV

thank you so mucht for the help and effort

you are more or less 50% off per year including vacation days. That is the good part.

The proces of actually getting your off days as requested is a lottery. One month you might, the next month you get the complete opposite. Which makes it hard to plan your private life. Especially if you are a commuter. It makes it easier if you live within a couple of hours driving from LUX. Also keep in mind that when you start in CLX you are at the bottom of the seniority list. Off & Vacation days are (supposed to) being granted on seniority. With two school going kids this might cause a little frustration.

8th Sep 2022, 12:38
you are more or less 50% off per year including vacation days. That is the good part.

The proces of actually getting your off days as requested is a lottery. One month you might, the next month you get the complete opposite. Which makes it hard to plan your private life. Especially if you are a commuter. It makes it easier if you live within a couple of hours driving from LUX. Also keep in mind that when you start in CLX you are at the bottom of the seniority list. Off & Vacation days are (supposed to) being granted on seniority. With two school going kids this might cause a little frustration.

Thank you for your answer.
we live a little over 6 hours drive away, maybe a bit difficult in that case.

yes i guess if you can plan and you can create a 8 or 9 on 6 or 7 off it could be very nice, but you need the security.

regarding the part time, you can only get it after 3 year I understood, and after a year after requesting it, you have to get it as I understand according to the CWA. But does this mean you can apply after 2 year and have it after 3. Or you can only apply after 3 years, so might take 4 years?

14th Sep 2022, 11:11
Hi all,
Does anyone know if recruitment is still ongoing?
The application page on their website is open.

17th Sep 2022, 15:16
It seems to be over!!!

5th Oct 2022, 15:43
hello guys!!!
Any news???

6th Oct 2022, 18:06
hello guys!!!
Any news???

Unfortunately.. any news will be really appreciated after months now !?
Does someone heard about anyone invited for the assessments? The job offer was closed mid-september..

4th Dec 2022, 11:45
Hi Guys,

Any news on Cargolux recruitment? The job offer is no longer open so I guess they have enough applications.
I haven't been contacted or anything, I meet all the requirments but my guess is they have plenty of enough rated candidates from Cathay Pacific. Plenty of 744/748 rated guys from there. (I'm not rated on the 74 in my case)

Anyway, if somone has been called please shed the light!


8th Dec 2022, 10:06
thank you so much for sharing detial so helpful

19th Dec 2022, 13:56
Chaps, is a commute from Ireland doable if working for Cargolux? I understand you can use Luxair with staff travel to Dublin. Would be interested to hear people’s thoughts.

thanks 👍

1st Jan 2023, 10:02
Chaps, is a commute from Ireland doable if working for Cargolux? I understand you can use Luxair with staff travel to Dublin. Would be interested to hear people’s thoughts.

thanks 👍

Yes, you could use Luxair to commute, as long as they operate the route;) Count on losing an offday every time you commute by plane…

Looks like things will slow down a bit this year when it comes to hiring though.

6th Feb 2023, 15:05
Yes, you could use Luxair to commute, as long as they operate the route;) Count on losing an offday every time you commute by plane…

Looks like things will slow down a bit this year when it comes to hiring though.

Hi, why do you say the slowdown in hiring for this year? do you have any info that could be shared, please? Thank you

31st Mar 2023, 01:37
Hello! I can confirm, after talking with Cargolux representatives at Pilot Expo, that hiring can be expected probably soonest end of this year, beginning next year. One of the reason is delay in production of their 777s.

31st Mar 2023, 08:11
Hello! I can confirm, after talking with Cargolux representatives at Pilot Expo, that hiring can be expected probably soonest end of this year, beginning next year. One of the reason is delay in production of their 777s.

Thank you for sharing the information.
Were you able to get any sort of details of what will they be looking for (type ratings, minimum hours…) and how many pilots will they be looking to hire? I was not able to go to Pilot expo this year unfortunately, so would really appreciate the information.
I have ATPL, over 3000htt, almost all in Airbus (so no Boeing rating here), and above 1500h on heavy aircraft

1st Apr 2023, 10:42
Thank you for sharing the information.
Were you able to get any sort of details of what will they be looking for (type ratings, minimum hours…) and how many pilots will they be looking to hire? I was not able to go to Pilot expo this year unfortunately, so would really appreciate the information.
I have ATPL, over 3000htt, almost all in Airbus (so no Boeing rating here), and above 1500h on heavy aircraft

I'm not sure about the number of pilots but they will be looking from 1500hrs, NTR. I have a brochure I can send once I will get back home next week. PM me if interested.

5th Apr 2023, 15:30
I'm not sure about the number of pilots but they will be looking from 1500hrs, NTR. I have a brochure I can send once I will get back home next week. PM me if interested.

I tried to send PM, don’t know if you were able to read it, but when you replied back I got a notification that my inbox is full, although I don’t have any messages there. Does anybody here got the same issue that could give a solution for it? Thank you

Self loading bear
5th Apr 2023, 21:06
You need 10 post to be allowed PM rights.

30th Apr 2023, 19:45
Hello All, I would like some latest guidance on the selection day for CargoLux? The type of attitude testing used? What aptitude testing programme would recommend to practice? What’s the outline of the day? Any tips for the simulator assessment ? What does the company medical consist of? Thanks in advanced,

5th May 2023, 23:23
Hello All, I would like some latest guidance on the selection day for CargoLux? The type of attitude testing used? What aptitude testing programme would recommend to practice? What’s the outline of the day? Any tips for the simulator assessment ? What does the company medical consist of? Thanks in advanced,
The medical is EASA standard medical with an additional drug/alcohol test.
Testing is straight forward and tailored to your age. You will get test exaples which you have to practice at least 10 times before approved for the test.
SIM is all raw data manual flying. Old school with holdings, interceptions, ILS, windshear.
However most important is an EASA licemce with the right to live and work in the EU.
I see your location is Mexico.
Good luck when they start hiring again.

6th May 2023, 17:54
Thank you for your reply, much appreciated.

15th Sep 2023, 01:11
Hang in there guys👍👍👍

13th Dec 2023, 12:03
Hello everyone! Can someone confirm what the new agreement is that the union and the company have reached for the workers?

ray cosmic
13th Dec 2023, 21:41
Hello everyone! Can someone confirm what the new agreement is that the union and the company have reached for the workers?

no, as the paperwork is not signed yet- but no significant change from previous CWA. Just expect some spelling out of details as a change.

No Bonus 4U
15th Dec 2023, 06:56
Any news as to when they might be recruiting again and how many pilots?

26th Jan 2024, 13:14
Hi everyone!
Just finished submitting my application, does anyone have updated information regarding the selection process (interview, sim, etc)?
Good luck to all!

26th Jan 2024, 19:29
Hi everyone!
Just finished submitting my application, does anyone have updated information regarding the selection process (interview, sim, etc)?
Good luck to all!
Is it open for first officers already?

27th Jan 2024, 13:13

Anyone currently working in Cargolux can shed some light about the current conditions with regard to Rostering, by reading old posts it seems was a real issue before Covid, how is now? and what is the net monthly salary for FO, how much you take home NET on 2024?. thanks!

28th Jan 2024, 15:28
Hi everyone,

Anyone knows someone who didn't get a permanent job offer when the temporary contract expired?


28th Jan 2024, 15:29

Anyone currently working in Cargolux can shed some light about the current conditions with regard to Rostering, by reading old posts it seems was a real issue before Covid, how is now? and what is the net monthly salary for FO, how much you take home NET on 2024?. thanks!

Would be interested to know also!

3rd Feb 2024, 14:54
Hi everyone,

Anyone knows someone who didn't get a permanent job offer when the temporary contract expired?


The only question that matters here. I am also very interested about the chances to get a permanent contract after the 15months initial one.

6th Feb 2024, 07:07
Hi all!
For those, who applied. Would you mind dropping a comment here if you ended up being called for selection? And maybe share a bit of background on you (hours, experience, etc)
For the time being with meeting the minimum requirements (1500 jet time on A320), coming from european low-cost, not called yet.


6th Feb 2024, 17:47
Hi all!
Obviously I have no idea how many applicants may be, but whoever applied, would you mind dropping a comment if you got called for the selection? I would be very interested in discovering the pattern: what experience you have, when did you apply, after how long did they contact you, when is the selection, etc.

For my side, minimum required hours on A320, so far no news.

No Bonus 4U
7th Feb 2024, 15:31

I have many thousand hours, type rated and time on her majesty and I haven´t received anything so I believe they might have not started calling just yet.

7th Feb 2024, 19:48
Same Here. No answer so far. If somebody receives an answer from Cargolux please give us a hint. :)

9th Mar 2024, 06:57
Hi all,

Anyone who recently participate into the sim / interview has some information to share ?

Thank you.

14th Mar 2024, 20:57
I recently applied and I’m also looking for tips about the selection process

17th Mar 2024, 19:28
Hey I am invited to the assesment. If someone was already invited or will perfom in the next weeks in LUX please contact me per DM or reply on this Post. Maybe we can help each other :)

Greetings :)

19th Mar 2024, 09:23

Well done! What is your profile ? Are you qualified on type ? Cheers

20th Mar 2024, 09:24
Hey I am invited to the assesment. If someone was already invited or will perfom in the next weeks in LUX please contact me per DM or reply on this Post. Maybe we can help each other :)

Greetings :)
Same here :)

21st Mar 2024, 09:41
Also invited. Any suggestions how to prepare best for the Mollymawk ? Struggling with spatial orientation 😅

24th Apr 2024, 15:37
Guys, calling the ones who did the assessment lately. How did it go?

10th May 2024, 10:44
Can anyone who has recently joined CLX tell us what the drug & alcohol screening entails? Do they take blood samples? Cheers