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14th Feb 2011, 06:58
All said here by the previous posts is true, first months I joined CV people didn"t come out of there room at all.
I never experienced it at any other longhaul cargo ops.
Don't know why it is , I can only hope it changes.

Although I have a blast on almost every layover here with CV but not always with CV crews.....

A lot is of what you make of it yourself on a 10 day rotation :O

14th Feb 2011, 07:16
Hi guys and girls,

I have to say that its not only co-pilots who play this game !

There are enough captains who will utter the famous words: "I´m just going to take it easy on this one" at checkin.

I have had spells of very good trips, where everyone is up for a laugh, but also the reverse, where, as ray cosmic and belgianconnection said, you have to know how to entertain yourself - and I dont mean porn ;)

It seems to go in cycles thou, and if you are on a three man trip/sector, the chances are better that at least one of the guys will be willing to leave their room.

I usually plan things for myself as a backup, and if the others dont want to do anything, then I have this plan to fall back on. :ok:

14th Feb 2011, 15:50
Hello Flightwatch, hello John,

I enjoyed every trip I flew with you but it is true that social life could be really poor in CV if the other crewmember is not willing to socialize. I never spent an evening alone with you as my captain, nor sober either...
But your message is right it is a way of life, and if people can't live with it they'd better leave, as I did 3 years ago after 6 great years in CV. It was time for me to leave.
I joined a national carrier and I don't regret it a single second.

Hope to see you one day around IAH,


14th Feb 2011, 22:20
Thank you CV747. I remember our trips together very well ...... I think!

In particular showing you the Belgian Restaurant in Auckland where you recommended what to eat.

I hope flying in French hasn't been too arduous with all those long words for flaps etc. that you taught me. I'm glad it all worked out for you.

Bon chance!

15th Feb 2011, 10:24
You remember well Flightwatch, that's me...

Working in French is not a real problem, the problem is the french way of flying, more in the books then on a seat but it changes, there is a big process going on to go back to basics, with 2 pilots and not 2 clerks on the front seats. But it will take time...

But that is not the point of this Cargolux thread, more on pm if you like.

Enjoy your retirement and may be you'll find some time to start running...


15th Feb 2011, 10:58
Hi folks,
very new to this forum, so excuse any mistakes....

I´ve been to the test in Saarlouis in January and still haven´t heard anything from Luxembourg.
Anyone who had similar waiting periods? Or maybe they slowed down the recruiting....

any answers from like-minded persons are very appreciated....

Thank you

21st Feb 2011, 13:22
I did the assessment in Saarlouis early December last year. Have not heard anything yet from CLX. So you are not the only one Muesli37. Are there more guys in the same position as Muesli37 and myself?

I hope no news is good news and it is all to do with the late delivery of the -8F. Personally I cannot wait to join!

Bennie Apple
23rd Feb 2011, 08:50
Hi Mdieker,

I did my assessment in Saarlouis late november 2010 and received feedback from Cargolux around 4 weeks later. So I guess if you haven't heard anything yet, maybe you'd better give them a call. It might also be that they're slowing things down a bit now. I did my interview in january and just received a start date now of 1st of June so very excited!! Good luck with the remainder of your application.


23rd Feb 2011, 15:44
goood stuff , i'm jealous of your lifestyle guys:)

i'm stuck with my mlitary commision in the coastguard....flying once a week to deal with immigrants stuck on their boats out of the italian waters...and then spending the rest of the week in a boring office....

I'm really looking forward to join clx in few years..hope it'll be the same..or better..:ok:

ciao everybody

sled dog
23rd Feb 2011, 19:39
Tempesta, you have to apply first before you can hope to join, and jump through all the hoops...........

24th Feb 2011, 08:18
what your advice would be , in order to achieve min req, if i'll be getting out of the coast guard at 34 with 2500tt 500pic of wich 2300 on a military ATR42MP(MARITIME PATROL VERSION) 2 BAH DEGREES and a master in aviation? should i apply first in a smaller cargo airline or should i go into wherever place offers me hvy jet time? Any advice from all of you guys will be appreciated!:O

24th Feb 2011, 10:35
Anybody else on the may 2nd course?

Counting down and can't wait to start!

24th Feb 2011, 13:01
Hi HighHeinz,

I am also on May 2nd class. Looking forward with starting the course!!

Best regards,


24th Feb 2011, 14:12
ECHIE, rotorcloud, High Heinz and Bennie Apple, congratiulations!
Can you check your PM please?

25th Feb 2011, 16:37
Hi guys,

I'm starting on the 2nd of May as well.

For the people wondering about the time frame regarding assesment, interview: I did the assesment end of October, got the answer 10days after, interview mid December.

See you all in ELLX,

26th Feb 2011, 12:46
Hello there.

Is anyone starting in may B744 type rated?


28th Feb 2011, 02:35
goood stuff , i'm jealous of your lifestyle guys:)
I'm really looking forward to join clx in few years..hope it'll be the same..or better..:ok:Well, let's not get carried away here.

Yes, it's a job. Yes it's a good job...but let's not exaggerate: with jet-lag, night flights and lot's of min rest/24h layovers in the network nowadays it's hardly the James Bond lifestyle that some previous posters claim it perhaps once was...

28th Feb 2011, 10:15
Thanks for keeping it real...

anyway i believe(hope) it is stiil a great lifestyle compared to the rest of the world/Europe...right now i'm flying at night/day 300/500 ft overwater for 6 h in a row...then refuel and back into the air for a total of 16hr in service..... and 12hrs rest before the next event.... no per diem, no 3 star hotels, just military rooms.. AND THEN YOU forget about THE PLANE FOR A MONTH,:zzz:, ... but your office full of paperwork is waiting for you and instead of being a pilot you become a lazy burocrat....:oh::oh:

ANYTHING (as far as flying jobs) IS BETTER THAN THIS!!! (love the flying part..but the rest...)

So, any suggestion for a civilian flight career will be appreciated,

expecially i'd like to know from you guys what would be the best option if i'll get out of the military at 34 with 2500hr 500pic on a ATR42 MP and willing to apply for clx.:confused::confused:

Thanks to everybody:ok:

1st Mar 2011, 08:50
ANYTHING (as far as flying jobs) IS BETTER THAN THIS!!! (love the flying part..but the rest...)This is exactly why nobody should ever apply for any job, especially not CLX!

It's been said here before: don't apply just because you want to get away from your old employer, or because you'll get to fly a 'cool' 744 (perhaps one day even a 74-8 ;)) or because you fantasize about wild parties in exotic places with beautiful women. That's the wrong approach IMHO.

As I've said before, it's definitely a good job, but after 6 months you'll find out that; your new employer also has it's downsides, a 747 flies more or less like any other airplane, and that parties or sightseeing rarely happen on a 24h layover.

Look for a job that suits your personal lifestyle, not your ego! :ok:

1st Mar 2011, 09:57
unfortuantely with the delay on the -8F, the 4R7f's are being replaced by rubbish 400BCF's in the interim at hi lease costs and reduced payload capabilities,as they are sold off.

1st Mar 2011, 10:42
acmi48: are you the CFO of company since you know the figures of the "high lease costs?

1st Mar 2011, 20:59
Just out of curiosity Tank,
with all the reasons you stated not to join, why did you - just because of the money???
Best rgds

2nd Mar 2011, 07:57
with all the reasons you stated not to join, why did you - just because of the money???Nope, I like the lifestyle, but let's be honest: it's not for everybody.

When tempesta writes that 'any job is better than his current job' and has only military experience, perhaps he could also consider applying for short haul, passenger, corporate etc? Just an idea you know...

2nd Mar 2011, 08:37
Tank you for your concern...

even my current job is not for everybody... and yes i do have "just" military xperience, and my questions about clx were not made to find a job wich allows me to party...:bored:

I'm used to long-haul flights, xpecially at night ,and last minute changes of plans;:8

so the idea of flying cargos is quite appealing since would be a soft transition to the civilian world and my xperience accumulated so far could help me out in this kind of job..

why do i want to apply for clx and i'm asking suggestion to meet min req? because clx is one of the top cargo airlines and as far as my standard goes, i don't expect anything less than the best for my life. :ok:

I'm sure there are issues inside clx, but where are you immune from them?:oh:

So, i'm really looking fwd to hear from you with some advice relating the steps i should take in order to reach the min req to apply.(i.e. should i apply for ryr to get some jet time or straight to cargos tnt, star air , etc.- or should i find sthing with parc aviation for 1 yr or 2?):)

Thanks Tank

2nd Mar 2011, 09:00
Sorry tempesta, I didn't mean "only military" in a negative way, but in a way that you exclusively have military experience. Happy? ;)

As I'm sure you're aware, there are plenty of other options in the civil world other than cargo when making the transition from military to civilian aviation, so pick one that suits you best.

If you like the long flights and don't mind commuting/moving to LUX, short term roster changes and the occasional cool layover then I guess you'll like in CLX! :ok:

I regularly fly with guys who have a similar profile as you (military turbo prop --> CLX) so I guess it's no problem, although you might want to check the minimum fligh time (https://www.career.aero/site/de/job/show/id/1012) requirements. Total flying experience of minimum 3,000 hours of which 2,000 hours are on high performance turboprop or jet as listed below :

ATR 72

2nd Mar 2011, 09:06
"Total flying experience of minimum 3,000 hours of which 2,000 hours are on high performance turboprop or jet as listed below :

ATR 72 "

You really got my concern....
for the flight time it is not a problem... i can wait 1.5yr in order to reach the 3000...

i've a current ATR42/72 tr even though i don't have a single flt hr on the 72, since we only have 42 mp.... what to do?

2nd Mar 2011, 12:04
TR7 .. now there's a thought:ok:

4th Mar 2011, 09:39
Hello there.

Has anyone seen the new ad from Cargolux Italia on career.aero?



7th Mar 2011, 07:13
Good morning dear colleagues,

I passed the assesment at IBF and were invited for the interview in February this year. It was also succesfull.
But now it´s very quiet, I did not receive a starting date until today. I saw that there are two new courses in May and June.
And I met some people who are waiting for their results from the assesment for more than six weeks now.
I´m a little bit afraid now, that they forget to call me or that there are no more starting dates this year after June.

Anyone any idea what happens at Cargolux at the moment? Anyone else who had his interview in February like me and is still waiting for a starting date?

I´m looking forward to receive any information, I can´t wait to start the rating!


14th Mar 2011, 12:01
Hi there.

Looks like recruiting for this year is finished, according to an email I received from career.aero

Any comments?

14th Mar 2011, 16:21
I'm not sure what you mean by "rubbish" Both of the BCF's fly like a dream .... they are not being replaced but merely fillers until Mr. B finally delivers the much awaited Dash 8's.
(Just mind the step going into the cockpit and avoid banging your head on the luggage lockers and they're fine. OK they haven't got a nose door)

15th Mar 2011, 01:17
Believe me he knows what he talks about!

Have you ever carried more than 110 tonnes in a -BCF, my record in a -400F was 128t (not for very far but around 6 hours if I remember right).

In his job I am quite sure he knows the lease rates, I don't - do you?

The way an aircraft flies has very little to do with the bottom line!

15th Mar 2011, 11:12
Recruiting finished, could be possible.
But what about new rating-dates after June?

ray cosmic
15th Mar 2011, 15:56
Flightwatch, true enough, but there are plenty destinations where we anaway can't make it up to the maximum structural limit, since we are Field limited.
I actually do not have 2 flightplans side by side, but my feeling says it doesn't make a big difference in for example NBO.
On the other hand, the company sold the 400s at a time when cash was needed and they received plenty of it for the deal.
So now it is a situation which is far from ideal, but as far as the official info goes, there were not a lot of options at the time..

16th Mar 2011, 18:45
Hi there!

Does anyone know the terms and conditions of Cargolux Italia?


16th Mar 2011, 19:05
Find them out by yourself!
And start to cry. whoever accepts them must be nuts!
you can't do yourself no good.
No comment.

16th Mar 2011, 19:10

I've known him for 30-ish years.

He's been with CLX since the beginning, when some of you were still in pampers or not even thought about.

He knows his stuff.

Trust me, there are quite a few old-timers (ie senior Captains) giving sound advice here.

I am no longer with the company, but... those usernames that know each other... know each other.

16th Mar 2011, 19:52
16down2togo: that's what I'm trying to do. Thanks for the help!

Sooner or later I will know.

When you need some info where I can help, dont hesitate to ask.

16th Mar 2011, 21:02
Here is one for everybody:

748 in YFB for cold wx. trials.

YouTube - New 747-8 Freighter takes off in Iqaluit, Nunavut after cold weather tests


YouTube - New 747-8 Freighter takes off in Iqaluit, Nunavut after cold weather tests

ray cosmic
17th Mar 2011, 17:21
This Cargolux Italia (ICV) is starting to pose a bit of a problem for CLX pilots.
It truly is a B-scale company with everything less than at CLX.
Less pay, less Per Diem, less off, less vacation.
On the other hand you might be able to create a real union and squeeze some better conditions from ICV. We all know that Italian unions can bring a company to its knees, and let's hope ICV will experience this first hand.
We from LUX are unable to achieve anything except for not accepting a contract down there.. This company is really a cancer on CLX which has to be removed.

20th Mar 2011, 08:06
Yes, it's sad, but it,s a major threat. Could happen or not, but just remember what happened with Lufthansa Cargo and Aerologic. There are a lot of examples.

When you start working in CLX they say to you to expect ten years on the right seat to get the opportunity of the upgrade. So you make a lot of commintmets, blowing up old bridges, hopping the best. You are still young but ten years is a lot of time. It's really a pleasure to fly the Jumbo all around the world. Nice fellows, good layovers, a fantastic instruction department and may other things......

My expectations for CLX are high. Though I feel insulted. Thanks to the efford of many many many people, we sail this huge crisis, including volcanos and snow collapses. Now we have this.

.So better us to be aware. Remember that we have been fined heavily for price collusion. Even our former CEO is facing now hard legal issues.

We can easily screw it up again, like we are doing now. I trully hope the best, but I was not born yesterday. This could be the end of CLX as known today.

For those who want to join us, be aware of the derivatives of what has been expose. Commit yourself it's difficult, but if we are honest and want to help the wanbabees, we shall report this.

Hopping the best:suspect:

27th Mar 2011, 08:03
To Raycosmic: I think that your wish is come true. If the conditions at Cargolux Italy are so bad than nobody from Cargolux will want to have anything to with it.

27th Mar 2011, 10:15
Conditions are not that bad. Better than the majority of airlines flying in Europe. Or you think cargolux in luxembourg terms and conditions are the norm? There are A320 copilots flying for 800€ in Spain... Wake up! Earn what you can now and, if you are young, choose another career. I am sorry for you guys, but I dont think you stand a chance. I am facing the same thing in my company, 5% unilateral salary reduction, seniority salary increases frozen. And the other side saying that all papers signed worth nothing because in the eyes of the economical crisis all measures are possible.

27th Mar 2011, 10:22
Or you think cargolux in luxembourg terms and conditions are the norm? There are A320 copilots flying for 800€ in Spain... Wake up!Dear Coto, flying used to be a good job, so if pilots are stupid enough to fly for €800 then they (and yourself!) better wake up!

Why on earth should we lower ourselves to their level of stupidity and ruin what once was a good industry to work in? Do you think the CV Mxp management's bonuses are less than that of CV Lux? :ugh:

27th Mar 2011, 11:01
I am not one of those pilots, I think I have reasonable conditions. But there are thousands of unemployed pilots( my wife one of them). They spend money mantaining their licenses current, to be instructor in a school there is a line of hundreds(schools making money with that too. Instructor rating=10000€), towing gliders or other jobs its almost impossible to get. So if they can get a job in A320(even for 800€), they'll take it, do the hours and apply to a better company. Can you blame them? In Spain there are 5000 unemployed pilots....the time where being a pilot was good it's over. Now adapt to it. Dont expect the impossible to happen...

27th Mar 2011, 12:10
Coto; you are right about the market going downhill.
And that is also why we should be so extremely watchful about not loosing what we have in the first place.
This is a general problem, not only for CLX T&C.

And be careful not to relativize everything... pilots in Mali or North Korea make even less money; should we conform to their income as well?

Stupid Copilot
28th Mar 2011, 09:35
Where is the communication when comparing this to the recent D.M. saga?

No demonstration planned? No SMS with updates? No combative emails or posts on the forum? :confused:

"Disch isch unakscheptable u know!" :=

hawkeye red
28th Mar 2011, 10:42
I am not an american and I was shouting very loud - as did more than 300 other CLX pilots.....

28th Mar 2011, 10:46
No worries... Things are kinda busy behind the scenes. Stay tuned.

Stupid Copilot
28th Mar 2011, 10:51
No worries... Things are kinda busy behind the scenes. Stay tuned. I sincerely hope you're right! You know, sometimes we accuse the company of bad communication skills, but in this case the people working behind the scenes could also communicate a bit better to us.

We had a nice momentum going (excellent communication by emails and SMS and everybody sticking together) during the DM saga, let's continue that! :ok:

28th Mar 2011, 10:58
We had a nice momentum going (...) during the DM saga, let's continue that!

I fully agree, SC. Though in the meantime, let´s not fall prey to the trap of dividing ourselves in terms of "us" and "the Americans" or similar.

As far as I´m concerned, we´re all colleagues, with DM being one of us! :ok:

Stupid Copilot
28th Mar 2011, 11:15
Though in the meantime, let´s not fall prey to the trap of dividing ourselvesOkay thank you, you have a very valid point, I'll edit my post!

hawkeye red
28th Mar 2011, 14:58
@stupid copilot....why don't you let your voice be heard on the ALPL forum....or even better join the board at the next general assembly. PPrune is hardly the best place to voice your concerns.

Best regards

Hawkeye red

Stupid Copilot
28th Mar 2011, 19:34
PPRuNe is hardly the best place to voice your concerns.Again you're right Hawkeye! I won't post here any more and I've edited/removed some other posts.

SC out/

7th Apr 2011, 09:56
what !!! black smoke still coming out of the lorang building ?

10th Jun 2011, 15:35
News on Qatargolux :)

Qatar Airways takes 35 percent of Cargolux

09/06/2011 2:44 pm

http://www.aircargoworld.com/var/eng/storage/images/news/qatar-airways-takes-35-percent-of-cargolux/131135-1-eng-GB/Qatar-Airways-takes-35-percent-of-Cargolux_large.jpg Qatar Airways has purchased a stake in Cargolux

After months of speculation, Qatar Airways has reached an agreement with Cargolux to acquire a 35-percent stake in the Luxembourg-based carrier for an undisclosed amount.

The deal will help Qatar expand its freighter operations into the European market. Qatar currently owns five freighters and has placed an order for four Boeing 777Fs. In addition, the carrier is exploring the possibility of converting A330s to cargo planes. Compared to Qatar's holdings, Cargolux has a massive freighter fleet; it currently operates 16 Boeing 747Fs and has ordered 13 Boeing 747-8 freighters, making it the launch customer of the new craft.
“The agreement signed today is the first major step by Qatar Airways towards substantially expanding the cargo side of its operations, a great opportunity to capitalise on a rapid growth business," said Qatar's CEO Akbar Al Baker after signing the agreement with Cargolux's CEO Frank Reimen. "We seek to fuel our growth plans by further developing our air freight business as a major part of our overall product offering and develop Qatar as a leading global cargo hub and one of the major players in the international freight market by 2015."
Baker added that Qatar and Cargolux will experience more growth next year when an international airport opens in Doha. The goal, he said, is to make that new airport a cargo hub.
After the signing, Reimen said the deal is the start of a symbiotic relationship.
“We have identified numerous synergies owing to the complementary nature of our businesses that will enable us to develop scale and reach and strengthen our respective hubs in Luxembourg and Doha," he said in a statement. "The implementation of the cooperation plan will be a driver of high customer satisfaction, enhance our competitiveness through improved returns and benefit the Luxembourg economy overall through extra trucking and handling tonnage, and the creation of new jobs.”
Cargolux has entertained offers before. In 2005, Etihad Airways unsuccessfully tried to buy 33.5 percent of the carrier for $130 million.
Reports of an impending deal have been trickling in for the past few months, and as Avianform's Dirk Steiger told Air Cargo World last month, the rumor mill isn't done yet. He expects to see Qatar up its stake to 49 percent.
"It is obvious that they will want to increase their stake to ensure they have the maximum control over their investment and the future growth of the joint venture," he said.

11th Jun 2011, 22:05
Does anyone have any ideas what this means in regards to the recruitment status in the future, latest info being status quo until maybe early next year

13th Jun 2011, 12:22
Hello there,

I was wondering if anyone has some info about the futur starting date(s)?
I'm actualy in the waiting pool to start in cargolux and I have to admit I'm very exited about it :-)

Have ( all ) a nice flight :ok:

23rd Jun 2011, 09:25
Hi anyone can give me some information about working condition at cargolux?
Roster,salary,ecc any info is appreciated.

Many thanks in advance

FCS Explorer
23rd Jun 2011, 09:31
If u couldn't find that Info on the previous 28 pages u probably just failed the Basic entry Test.

23rd Jun 2011, 14:04
Don't warry i've read it ,but many post like the first one are little bit old ,maybe nothing is changed?
Any italian pilots there?

24th Jun 2011, 13:07
Hi, I'm interested in learning more about Cargolux.

1)How early do you receive the roster for the following month?
2)Do you bid for a roster or are you assigned one?

Appreciate your feedback

24th Jun 2011, 16:45
Hi chzech d have you already done the selection process for cargolux?

25th Jun 2011, 12:08
Not yet, just started application now. It appears this company would be a good fit for me.

28th Jun 2011, 02:06
Freddi16, I'm sitting here in Shanghai on a layover.

It appears they change the schedule multiple times in the month, something I'm used to with the Chines but can be frustrating if you are not used to being a pawn on the chess table. I fly out of Lux on a contract job for a Chinese carrier. With all its faults, Cargolux is a dream job compared to the contract flying world in my opinion. We just did 26 hours of duty and the Chinese say it's o.k. because we went to the hotel for 4 hours while they fixed the TCAS so they minused the 4 hours from 26 duty and made it 22 hours which is the CAAC max with 4 man crew.

It would seem to me that living in Luxembourg or Italy for the Italian job, would be the ideal way but of course everyone is in a different situation.

We check in with Cargolux ops and they are always courteous, and seem to be organized, nothing fancy, but good. If you're happy with long haul flying it is an excellent place to be. Good luck

28th Jun 2011, 06:27
What an experience reading all of the posts. Auststralian71 got is @#$% kidded by "nose door" that was a great read, I couldn't stop laughing :D No job is perfect, we just try to improve what we have.

Anyway, if Ray Cosmic, Flighwatch or any of the more senior guys could tell me if 39yrs old is going to disqualify me to be a new hire? I read the post with the guy who had just turned 40 and didn't make it, but I'm not sure if the reason was because of his age or something else.

I was thinking to stop by and talk to your Chief Pilot the next time I'm in Luxembourg (I fly with Yangtze River out of Lux) I think I would be happy with CV and I know my family and I are wanting to move to Luxembourg, whether I get a job with CV or not but if I'm absolutely not getting an interview because of my age, well, I'd rather know now than to get my dream crushed later. Also, if I show the legal right to live and work in Luxembourg would that count? or is the EU passport a must? The profile on the web site just says legal right to live and work so it's seems that I would be fine, but there was a previous post where someone said you had to have the passport. Thanks again for any info you have.

28th Jun 2011, 08:25
I have been retired 6 months now so am in no position to tell you any valid gen. As you say things change frequently at CV so who knows? The current guys may be able to help but a visit to the CP when you are next in LUX sounds like a good idea.

Good luck.

28th Jun 2011, 15:06
Thanks Flightwatch.

I found some of the answers myself actually. I just got off the phone with Martin Wallenbon in recruitment. She says that as long as you have the right to live and work in Luxembourg you don't have to have an EU passport in hand so I was relieved to hear that. Just to make it clear. I am married to a women who holds an EU passport and with this, I am able to get the unrestricted right to work and live in Luxembourg which at this point in time satisfies CV. For any of you interested in this, your wife has to get the job first, then you can get the right. Also, you have to live with your wife :eek: they're so picky....just kidding.

With regards, to age, Interpersonel should not disqualify someone because of age since there is no official age limit. Once it goes to the Chief Pilot, the final decision is made and your age then may be a factor. They are mainly concerned that you won't be with the company long enough to upgrade and therefore be discouraged. This is what recruitment has just told me. I just got off the phone literally 5 minutes ago with them.

Well, the grass is always greener from the other side, but this grass looks really really green to me :O

I find Luxembourg to be a wonderful place to live. Low crime rate beautiful courntryside, low taxes. I just attended a concert at the Circle Cite building at the main square. Such a gorgeous building. I suppose everyone has their own tastes but I find Luxembourg to be the idea European country. Yes the homes are expensive, but drive twenty minutes from Luxembourg City and the prices really drop quick. Well enough said. I appreciate any comments and hope someday to join.

28th Jun 2011, 16:08
Chzech check your pm

30th Jun 2011, 15:01
Hello there, I am one of the so many on the pending list at interpersonal, with an accepted application with no further progress. I am on my way to Lux next monday to say hello and hand out a copy of my CV. I have a few friends flying for CV, and they have encouraged me to do so. Has anyone had a bad experience by doing so, feeling that they are intruding by showing up? I have tried to call and asked to speak to the managers, but have been told that they are not accepting any direct calls. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, I am travelling a long way, leaving home on sunday, and want to make sure that I am doing the right thing... :)



30th Jun 2011, 15:20
1975 check your pm

26th Jul 2011, 11:41
Hey guys,

I applied with Cargolux like 2 months ago through the interpersonal website. But still haven't heared a word from them since.
Just the initial autoreply that they will get back to me.

I was wondering if this is normal or perhaps I should give them a call ??

thanx for your input in advance.

Kind regards

30th Jul 2011, 09:11
Visiting the CP? Why?
There are procedures via Interpersonal/Career.aero and these are not there for nothing.
2 months wait is nothing. Because the interest in Cargolux is so overwhelming you just have to wait for your reply. It doesnt hurt to contact Interpersonal though, but it doesnt work in your favour to just drive by and bash into the office.
It's not your right to work for CV, thats for them to decide.
Don't be stupid and stick to the rules and procedures. Nobody is that special.

6th Aug 2011, 01:22
Word is on the street that they're waiting for the LG situation to sort itself out (including CV taking any excess crew) before they start handing out invites to any outsiders.

I think there will be ample opportunity for selection considering that they are about to expand drastically.

8th Aug 2011, 21:40
What is the LG situation, Luxair? What are the big expansion plans?

9th Aug 2011, 19:47
Thanks for the info, any ideas on how many new pilots that equals to per aircraft?

ray cosmic
10th Aug 2011, 07:29
We used to have 16 aircraft staffed by around 400 pilots.
Currently less aircraft, but more crew. I suppose the real expansion could begin after delivery of the 3rd -8 if the decision is being taken to not replace the -400s.. Then my guess is around 25-30 pilots per aircraft..

10th Aug 2011, 10:02
Lets hope for the best, maybe the next thing is Cargolux Qatar... :)

10th Aug 2011, 11:15
Lets hope for the best, maybe the next thing is Cargolux Qatar... :)If using Cargolux Italia as a reference for the future, then perhaps you should not hope for a Cargolux Qatar. :ugh:

10th Aug 2011, 13:39
True, let's see what happens:)

22nd Aug 2011, 08:48
First aircraft will be arriving soon...

Boeing 747-8F Wins FAA, European Certification | AVIATION WEEK (http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_generic.jsp?channel=aviationdaily&id=news/avd/2011/08/22/10.xml&headline=Boeing%20747-8F%20Wins%20FAA,%20European%20Certification)

nose door
27th Aug 2011, 22:03
Hey Czech Buddy,

ND here, been away for a bit, however, my advice.... Go to the gulf... Emirates or Ethihad, Why, well you'll get a command there a lot quicker!! whilst life here in the Banking jungle is good we have a lot of issue's to be resolved.... command 10 yrs plus, so if your happy to be in the RHS for the rest of your life , go ahead join, but i have a lot of friends who are in the gulf, and things there really are about the same as europe... except the heat! And with a family, you'll have a villa/ condo etc all paid for!! Not to forget the 5pm maid service ;-) But if you really want to live in europe, then whey hey, we get shiney new a/c in a few days!! Old Aust77 will be coming in his pants over that one, that's if he still can fly, maybe as we type, he is in a shagged out 'ol 741 bitching on about his shiney CJ7 of such!! but as we know, soon after his post's NJE had serious troubles (thanks to the bucking fankers who created a whole load of **** for all of us and seem to have walked away from it, claiming that they were hard done by!!! A#$holes!) and he might well be flying a freifghter for CLX, hope chuffing not!
So, good luck, I like PVG, but only for a few beers or more in Bar Rouge or wednesdays in Zappatta's!!

Good luck!


28th Aug 2011, 11:20
Hi Nose Door and others,

Well, thats one point of view.

I can tell you that Cargolux is my 6th company to work for, and every other company I have worked for has had its own "issues" to sort out.

There is no company on the planet, that is perfect, but I think that in the great scheme of things, we are actually very well off here at Cargolux.

The "sandpit", just like Cargolux, is a lifestyle choice as I have mentioned in previous posts.

I too have plenty of ex-collegues and friends down there, and from what I have seen visiting them and what they tell me, its most certainly not for me.
Thats purely a personal choice thou.
Maybe I appreciate where I have come from and where I am now.

Pilots are very quick to bitch and moan about anything, but when you start countering the arguments, suddenly everyone changes their tune from "this company is ****..." to "yes, off course its not that bad..."

Like Nose Door said, the near future will be very interesting at Cargolux, as a lot of new aircraft will be arriving in a short space of time.

I am grateful for my job here, and I am optimistic about the future too.

There is always room for improvement in any aspect of life.

As for the time to command, I am in no rush to get there, as I am happy working here.
And none knows what will happen in the future.
Maybe things will move quicker, maybe not.

Please don't get me wrong Nose Door, I am not saying that your point of view is wrong, I just wanted to put up a different point of view :ok:

8th Sep 2011, 10:31
Another day less until the -8 arrives…
First of all, thanks everybody to give all the great information to almost every question a newbie could have.
After reading all 44 pages from #1 and considering if the job suits me for 2 years, I feel like participating in the forum and start queuing for the job…
Just applied with a JAR ATPL / 4000 TT / LR experience @ the age of 29 years.

So far no news as career.aero states that there might be no selection until end of 2011.
Looking forward to read more interesting posts and hopefully be part of the team one day,


21st Sep 2011, 09:29
anybody knows whats wrong with the recruitment homepage.
Trying to log on to update my application but ends up at a blank page.

Is in not supporting MAC maybe?

3rd Oct 2011, 11:46
Anybody can tell if the roumor is true, that Cargolux F/O´s are asked to go to Cargolux Italia to get their upgrade ?

If yes...is that the only way to get the upgrade or is the standard waiting time (10-14 years approx. )still an option and Cargolux Italia just an accelarated upgrade for worse conditions ?

Would be a tough fact after working so long for an upgrade in SA...

Any ideas or even better facts are appreciated.



South Prince
5th Oct 2011, 17:04
is the type rating subject to any bond?

6th Oct 2011, 15:02
Thanks to all cargolux pilots for all the information provided. Can any of you answer a few more questions?
Can the pilot choose to get 9 days off all in a row every month? or is it the company to choose if you get 9 in a row or 6+3?
Now that the 800 issue is solved there will be expansion and hopefully pilots recruitment will start again?
How is the general feeling in the company about the new shareholder: things are going to improve or get worse for employees?
thanks and rgrds

emergency descent
8th Oct 2011, 18:12
It is true that all Cargolux F/O´s have been asked to apply for Cargolux Italia as DEC. The contract would have been for 5 years. After this 5 years you would have rejoined Cargolux in Luxembourg without loosing any seniority. If you would have been captain by then you would have stayed captain, otherwise you would have found yourself back on the right seat. In total 2 F/O have been desperate enough to apply. In the end none signed the contract. I guess you can imagine why.

I think there was a bond linked to my type rating, but not more than 1 or 2 years. By the way, hardly ever someone resigned and with exception of the guys that went to Air France, most of the ones that did, tried to come back after realizing their mistake.

The 9 days off mentioned are in fact 10 days off, as there have to be 24 hours of rest time starting at midnight local time before the beginning of the first off-day (blank day). Crew Planning prefers to give the 10 days in one block as they save one one rest day. Otherwise it would be 7 days off in one block + an other 4 days off in one block. You can place 3 requests for each upcoming roster. Trips as well as off-days. All is by straight seniority. Thus you can ask to have your off days in one block or in two. Most guys link some of their 42 vacation days to their off days if taken in one block. The amount of off-days per roster is not reduced if you take vacation days on top. There are 13 rosters of 28 days per year.

About Qatar as shareholder. Ask 10 of our pilots and you will get 10 totally different opinions.

About the recruiting page. Call Interpersonal or send them an email to explain your technical problems. This is what I did some years ago. They should be able to help you.

By the way, I back Pow-wow in his opinion of the company. You will do hard to find better a company with better working conditions, especially in europe.
In all the years I can not remember that any one complaint about his salary.

10th Oct 2011, 13:19
thank you so much for your answer emer desc
I've read the whole topic and I understand that the 6 off block is untouchable but the 3 daysoff can be moved if they need you, what happens if you get just one block of 9 days off? Are all 9 days unmovable or 3 of them you can get a duty if they need?
I also read that the average nights out pr month is 15 which means that during the 18 days of duty you also return a few times to base right?
It would be very nice to see a junior first officer roster (without details so it's anonimous) to have an idea of how life would be during the first years.
Let's hope all the 400 will be kept so they start hiring again very soon. tnx.


emergency descent
10th Oct 2011, 15:42
In more then 5 years in company they have only moved my 3 days once after they have been published. Once published and linked to your 6 days especially if they are at the end of the 6 days they will not touch them. It happens from time to time that you will fly into one or two of the 3 off days. If that happens they have to give it back to you in the next roster and they will automatically become untouchable. Unless otherwise requested they will be linked to your 6 days. You also have the option to sell these days. For a first officer it would be no less then eur 400 net per day + eur 100 net for as expenses. I only once flew into my 6 days when I was stuck because of the volcano in iceland. you can either sell them or get two for one back as untouchable days in the next roster. The average trip length is about 6 days I would guess. If you return to LUX you will have your rest time, possibly one or more blank days on which I would not count and then sent out again. Rest time limitations in Cargolux are more restrictive then according JAR-OPS. Send me you e-mail as a private msg. and I will see if I can send you a low seniority roster. I am positive the hiring pilots will continue in the near future. If you are still in your twenties or low thirties with about 2,5 k hours on jet or more you have good chances. Preferably guys from Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands are being hired. They don´t like guys that live to far away from Luxembourg but still their are plenty Austrians and Swiss.

10th Oct 2011, 18:46
What are the average montly salaries for Capt/FOs ?

emergency descent
10th Oct 2011, 20:19
Cargolux jobs, payscales and entry requirements. (http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/jobs/Cargolux)

Without selling any off-days I would say EUR 4,5k salary net + EUR 1,1k net (EUR 4 "per diem" per hour from starting duty in LUX until check out in LUX) for a non married low seniority f/o.
Married the net salary would be about EUR 702 net more (EUR 5,2k net)
If below 600 hrs on 747 aircraft (usually the first year) it will be about EUR 700 net less.

For a single low seniority captain it would be around EUR 7,5 - 8 k salary net + EUR 1,2 k net (EUR 4,5 per hour from check in LUX until check out LUX)

Married the net salary for a captain would be about EUR 745 more.

13 salaries (with a bit of luck 14 or more because of profit sharing) are payed per year.

A f/o after thirty years in company would earn almost exactly double the money then on in his second year (with more then 600 hrs on 747) or as much as a captain in his 7´th year.

A captain after thirty years would earn 53% more then a captain in his first year. This however is in far theoretical, as a f/o who would receive his upgrade after eg. 10 years would start in the same payscale as a captain who is since 10 years in the captains payscale.

To make things easy, your income would increase by more or less 58% after you upgrade.

On top all salaries in Luxembourg are index based, thus by law they have to be increased by 2,5% each time the inflation rises by 2,5 %.
The next increase will be in October 2011.
For 2012 they plan a 5 % increase in 2 steps (one in April, one in September)

As Cargolux is always desperately short of pilots, it is up to you if you want to sell some of your precious off-days.

It is possible to double your monthly income if you don´t care about your private life.

Everyone pilot you ask will tell you how much he is against the practice of selling off-days and how bad he thinks of his colleagues who do it from time to time.
As I recently spoke with 2 of the guys from our Crew Control, I found out, that with very few exceptions the majority of all pilots sells some days from time to time.

net = take-home pay.

I guess these facts in combination with the days off explain why hardly anyone resigns from Cargolux. The net income and the off days beat the conditions of most major carriers + you don´t have to "suffer" in the desert.

11th Oct 2011, 11:55
I had a good laugh on this pilotjobsnetwork website: actual plans say that 8*747-400 stay and 13*747-8 come on top. So strong expansion planned. "Actual plans?" Where is this written in any CV document, email or annual report? :hmm:

ray cosmic
11th Oct 2011, 12:22
T2E: In defense of the poster on PPJN, the rumors were pretty strong on the subject. On top of this we will not get any info other than the pressreleases, since every time something internally was sent around by the Chief Pilot's office he was requested right away a meeting with the social partners!
So much for internal speculation.. Let's not give up hope, though. :)

11th Oct 2011, 13:03
Sure Ray, I have no problem with a good rumor or some optimistic wishful thinking, and I understand that with the very limited information and press releases given out by the company, sometimes some tiny rumor starts a life of it's own. That's what PPRuNe, the Britannia Pub and those loooooong PVG-LUX flights are for. ;)

The danger however is that this PPJN website is pretending to present facts which future CV employees are going to use in order to base a very important career decision on. Keeping 8 744's and "strong expansion is planned" to the best of my knowledge never were facts or "actual plans" in the first place, and anyone using this information to join CV and perhaps gamble on a quick upgrade on a 747 could be in for a nasty surprise.

It's great to be optimistic, but to whoever who posted that nonsense on PPJN on the 18th of February I would like to say: let's make a clear distinction between facts, official plans, rumors and wishful thinking! :=

12th Oct 2011, 11:28
sloopy market at the moment, no " next news " until the dash late is rolling

emergency descent
13th Oct 2011, 03:47
the 747-8 is finally on the way to luxembourg.
they have come to an agreement with boeing.

part time is possible but limited and subject to seniority. do not count on it. cargolux is usually short on pilots.

and as my personal opinion to those who are concerned if an expansion will take place or not:
i had no idea at all how long it would take me to upgrade until i was already hired. believe it or not.
as a f/o in cargolux you have a higher salary and more days off (not to forget other benefits) than most of you guys will ever have no matter if on the right or already on the left seat.
if you would belong to the remaining few percent, you would fly for a major carrier and most likely have no interest in following up this tread.
i gave up my command for more money and more days off. even after years i do not regret it for one minute. i will take gladly everything that comes on top. but even if this would never happen, i already won...

also it is unbelievable for me about which minor things some of you guys worry.

by the way, i do not have any doubts that an expansion will take place.

however, cargolux is very conservative. as this protects me as well as i have an other 30 years of work ahead, i can for sure live with it.

emergency descent
13th Oct 2011, 15:14
the long rotations are in general the ones that are more requested as they are the ones that have the nice long layovers of up to 7 days in some rare cases. there are quite a few guys living outside of europe, in skandinavia or on greek islands... that try to build their rosters in a way that they only have to commute once a month to luxembourg and not having to spend too much time in a hotel or apartment in luxembourg.
even with low seniority you have a good chance of getting your off days more or less when you want them.
if you make this your primary request, ask for 7 times 5 days and 1 time 7 days vacation per year (in 8 different rosters), if you don´t bid for any specific trips... you can prevent them most of the time from sending you out on long trips.

24th Oct 2011, 13:25
Hello there.

Does anyone have any idea when the next invites for the tests in Saarlouis will be handed out from Interpersonal? Are Cargolux only hiring type rated pilots now?

A guy I know at the company told me that the number 70 for new F/O´s for next year is flying around, is that possible, do they have the capability to train so many in a year? And also that the min. requirements have been lowered?? Is that true?

Any info would be great :)

emergency descent
24th Oct 2011, 15:30
Why should should someone lower the min. requirements if he receives more applications then he can possibly handle? Nonsense.
50 was the highest number I heard so far, but latest rumors are around 25 + quite a few upgrades.

24th Oct 2011, 18:04
Just be patient, the selection process take a while :-)

ray cosmic
25th Oct 2011, 07:40
I do not know if the requirements of Interpersonal changed, but it comes down to this:
There are 2 types of requirements:
* the minimum requirements to apply via Interpersonal.
* the minimum requirements to start with Cargolux.
Where the second is on a 1 to 1 basis if for example LG pilots join etc.
They are not seeking Supermen with typerating and many thousands of hours, The Company appears to select more on the principles:
* if the candidate will be nice to work with,
* reliable and
* -surprise, surprise- willing to or already living nearby.

That is why they **love** Luxair pilots.

18th Nov 2011, 10:04
Topic gone quite..... Any news about future recruitment?
How many pilots waiting in the holdpool?
Did they decide if they are going to expand and how many new first officer they will need for next year?

18th Nov 2011, 12:43
rumours mention 60-70 new F/Os for 2012.

19th Nov 2011, 11:19

I figure that's 60-70 minus the 40 odd guys already in the holding pool right?

19th Nov 2011, 14:28
Sorry, I have no clue how big the holding pool is.
In former times it was quite easy to get this kind of information.
Nowadays (IP) it is a bit different.

21st Nov 2011, 17:13
Wow 40 guys in the hold pool! Coltrane is it a reliable info or supposition?

Has someone heard of a course date for 2012?


ray cosmic
21st Nov 2011, 17:46
Latest info is no new FO's will be hired for 2012.. :sad:

22nd Nov 2011, 08:07
Why that? expansion cancelled?:(:(

22nd Nov 2011, 09:32
The European, US and Chinese economies are headed for serious trouble and some here are speculating about an expansion in 2012? :\

If the crisis year 2009 is of any reference, then 2012 could get really interesting and we will soon find out how reliable (?) our new 'partner' from the Middle East will turn out to be...

Perhaps any future expansion will be in DOH instead of LUX? :suspect:

23rd Nov 2011, 07:35
If CargoLux is not hiring for awhile, you could always apply to Qatar Airways... QR is part owner of Cargolux. If you have Boeing time you might get hired onto the 777 at QR (hiring quite a bit) and then get the chance to fly the 777F. I am pretty sure the 777Fs visit LUX. I am sure upgrade time is much faster at QR.

23rd Nov 2011, 10:16
@ ray cosmic

I heard a course of 6 F/Os each starts in december and january.
How about upgrades in 2012?

23rd Nov 2011, 18:24

Well... With all respect, I would like to argue that living in Europe working for Cargolux is not quite the same as flying for Qatar based in Doha...:(

I guess a little patience is what's needed.. They'll hire again sooner or later.

27th Nov 2011, 08:11
Who does Cargolux's Engineering ?

sled dog
27th Nov 2011, 13:15
Seldom, CV have a nice new hangar :)

29th Nov 2011, 16:59
can someone else confirm this rumour of zero hiring for 2012? interpersonal website hasn't been updated for a while now...it's still mentioning few places for 2011 with a start date in may...


30th Nov 2011, 20:57
Well, airlines tend to go into panic mode when the economy is slowing down. Inside talks are about hiring freeze for 2012, but also heard 40-60 new pilots needed for additional A/C. So anything can happen. The only time to tell if 2012 will see new pilots been hired is at the end of dec 2012!
Good luck to everyone, things are looking brighter then the mood makes you feel!



1st Dec 2011, 09:05

Any news about LG pilots joining CV next year ?


9th Dec 2011, 13:34
Hello guys,

Who else is kept in the holding pool and since when? I think we will be swimming several months, looking at the crisis...

13th Dec 2011, 15:20
@glc660 & 80sghost:
Can't say for sure but what I know is that around beginning-mid November, CV decided to stop the hiring for at least December and January because of a big drop in cargo handling and the worsening worldwide economic crisis (which is yet only at its beginning).

Last Friday (9th of December), there was apparently a board meeting to decide whether the hiring would only postponed or completely canceled until the situation improves. Haven't heard anything about the results of that meeting yet...

13th Dec 2011, 17:21
Thank you very much for the info Aedius.
Please keep us informed.:ok:

4th Jan 2012, 13:23
Any news guys?
Thanks in advance :ok:

10th Jan 2012, 13:12
I called Interpersonal/Career-aero this morning and they told me that Cargolux has no need for first officers at the moment.
Maybe a small number IF they decide to hire f/o's but not before the second half of 2012..


22nd Feb 2012, 11:21
"According to the latest corporate planning, Cargolux is not forseeing namable pilot hiring for 2012."

received from career.aero today...

S Berlusconi
26th Feb 2012, 10:15
word was that a few new joiners may be send home as of this month, due to the current slow down. Very sad indeed especially after the recent recruitment drive in Lux. Best of luck to all.

27th Feb 2012, 22:06
word was that a few new joiners may be send home as of this month, due to the current slow down. Very sad indeed especially after the recent recruitment drive in Lux. Best of luck to all.
Do you have a credible source for this info, or is this just wild and totally unfounded speculation?

29th Feb 2012, 12:10
word was that a few new joiners may be send home as of this month, due to the current slow down. Very sad indeed especially after the recent recruitment drive in Lux. Best of luck to all. This is bull****, that's for sure! :=

29th Feb 2012, 19:42
I confirm that this is bull ****. Silvio B. stay in Italy with your rumours and don t scare people. Bon giorno

nose door
4th Mar 2012, 19:02
4 upgrades in the coming month......so things must be looking up


1st May 2012, 22:41
New joiners from last year have definitelly plenty of flights to perform, no doubt about that.
Just keep fingers crossed to see this worlwide crise to end soon and new pilots will be hired quickly...

9th Jul 2012, 16:33
No news.
No hiring for the near future.
Good luck!

1st Oct 2012, 15:02
Is Cargolux heading down the drain?

1st Oct 2012, 21:16
yep everyone off for Christmas

2nd Oct 2012, 07:01
Cargolux announced (28-Sep-2012) it has decided to repudiate the current collective work agreement in force, due to expire on 31-Dec-2012. The airline will commence negotiations with the unions representing employees in order to work towards achieving "a level of labour cost and improvement in productivity that will put the airline into a better position to withstand these challenging times in the market, both now and in the future". The carrier announced that a reduction in labour cost and improvement in productivity are only two of several initiatives to be undertaken by it in order to achieve sustainability in the long term. [more - original PR] --- From CAPA Aviation news---

2nd Oct 2012, 11:09
Here's another article on the same subject:

Wort.lu - Cargolux-Direktion kündigt Kollektivvertrag (http://www.wort.lu/de/view/cargolux-direktion-kuendigt-kollektivvertrag-5065837ce4b0c244d682ab29)

Any thoughts from the inside?

sled dog
2nd Oct 2012, 15:11
For non German speakers go to wort.lu/en. CV in deep financial poo ( around euro 13+ million recent losses ) financial injection needed. More Qatari cash perhaps, together with more shares...... Maintenance dept rife with rumours of heavy maint going to mid / far east. CEO has not ruled out personnel reductions. I have been told that the nice new shiny hangar has been busy with customer a/c recently, so some money must have been made.

2nd Oct 2012, 22:21
13+ million € loss per month since the end of last year, to be more precise...

3rd Oct 2012, 07:07
Have any aircraft been parked to cater for the loss of demand, or is aircraft utilisation being reduced, along the likes of LHC?

3rd Oct 2012, 09:15
Aedius, I find your numbers hard to believe, hat would translate into more than 150 million per year! Any proof?

sled dog
3rd Oct 2012, 14:39
I think Aedius has got confused........

3rd Oct 2012, 20:49
There would have been no reason to cancel the present CWA if the situation wasn't as severe as it is for the moment. CV will be running out of money in just a few months time.

Dramatic finances require dramatic changes.

3rd Oct 2012, 23:21

you are mixing up numbers! No A/C being "parked". The problem is our Interim CEO who is on a Qatari mission. It s now up to Luxembourg to send the boy home to the sandpit....


4th Oct 2012, 08:20
Deportation for working without work permit in Luxembourg will do fine as well.

4th Oct 2012, 12:38
"QR threatens to exit CV, 04 Oct

Qatar eyes a dominant role in Luxembourg's aviation. If the Emirate's demands are not fulfilled Qatar Airways could pull out of Cargolux.

The future fate Cargolux is facing is highly dependent on the outcome of political decisions between the Emirate of Qatar and Luxembourg's Government. Thus, the cargo carrier has become a minor bit in a much bigger deal with only very limited influence on the outcome.

According to sources close to the case the Qatari rulers have told their political counterparts in the Grand Duchy that Qatar could completely withdraw from all investments announced or already made in Luxemburg if their key demands are rejected. These include upping Qatar Airways' stakes from currently 35 percent to a controlling majority of well over 50, perhaps even 100 percent, observers say. Furthermore, Qatar seeks an equity stake in passenger airline Luxair, the major Cargolux shareholder (43,4%).

Responsible for the financing of the package would be Precision Capital, a Luxembourg-based Qatari investor. Since the enterprise is registered in the Grand Duchy, Precision is legally a national company. Therefore, investing in Luxair and taking over the carrier's Cargolux shares would not violate EU laws, saying that foreign investors are limited to 49 percent when buying into any airline registered in Europe.

If these moves would be blocked by Luxembourg's Government or legislative body the Qataris threatened to terminate their financial activities in the Grand Duchy entirely. This would include abandoning their financial activities after their recent announcement to intend to buy two major local banks.

According to local Radio Channel 100.7 loss-making Cargolux needs a capital injection valued 750 million euros within the next three to four years. Albert Wildgen, Helm of the carrier's Supervisory Board, who is considered being an intimate of the Qatari Government, did not comment on the case. All he told the radio was that "substantial cash" is needed to keep Cargolux in the air. Wildgen announced recommending the shareholders a "considerable capital increase" before year's end. The money is mainly needed to finance the airline's fleet renewal program.

Final decisions could be taken already at the controller's next meeting, scheduled October 11. Then, a new CEO could be appointed as well since the post is vacant after the airline's former boss Frank Reimen stepped down in July with Chief Financial Officer Richard Forson taking over the chair as interim CEO. Meanwhile, a pre-selection of candidates took place, while it is unclear at this stage if Forson's name is also in the pot.

Meanwhile, Luxemburg's biggest union Onafhaengege Gewerschaftsbond Letzebuerg (OGBL) urged the Government to block any changes in the carrier's existing shareholder structure. In a letter to some cabinet members, among them Finance Minister Luc Frieden, the OGBL demanded a positive and clear commitment to Cargolux and Luxair's Cargo Center at Luxembourg Findel airport. OGBL President Andre Roeltgen further called for postponing the Cargolux controller's meeting. The views are so controversial that it is too early for taking any new decisions."


Maybe now some people will start to believe the numbers above. Basically CV is in a lose-lose situation. Either Qatar gets full control over CV (making sure the employees get the worst possible contracts) or they backtrack completely out of CV and leave the company in the worst financial limbo...

sled dog
4th Oct 2012, 18:45
Aedius, very very interesting, but where does the "quote" come from ?

hawkeye red
4th Oct 2012, 20:22

Were you rejected when you applied for a position with Cargolux ??


Hawkeye red

4th Oct 2012, 21:46
@hawkeye red:
you are completely misjudging the reason I'm posting here. I'm certainly not upset about CV for whatever reason, I'm just upset with whole economic and political situation here in Luxembourg, with incompetent ministers taking all the wrong decisions.

We are all in the same boat here (whether it's CV, LG or any other economic sector) and about to lose all the wealth we gained in the last 40-50 years and still, almost no one is noticing how bad the situation really is.

If any post from me here lately has any purpose, than it's to make people aware how serious the situation really is. If we don't fight now, we lose everything we enjoyed the last few decades.

P.S.: I actually didn't get rejected at CV, quite the contrary.

sled dog
5th Oct 2012, 09:41
Who on earth hired Wyman to do the study ? Unless, in the local tradition, money changed hands...........

5th Oct 2012, 16:43
This competent fellow:

"...Richard Forson was at the top of his game. As SAA chief financial officer, he worked tirelessly to organise financing for the airline's acquisition of 41 Airbus aircraft in a US$3,5bn deal.

To guard against currency fluctuation, SAA took out a 10-year hedge against the rand at a fixed rate of R10,80 when the rand was trading at around R13.

He thought this hedge was adequate. Far from it: the rand rallied against the dollar in 2003 and peaked at around R6, wiping R6bn off SAA's balance sheet. Overnight, the airline became technically insolvent. Forson and then SAA CEO Andre Viljoen were blamed for the financial mess. While the finger-pointing was going on, Forson packed his bags and headed for Qatar Airways, which offered him a lucrative package and the chief financial officer job."

(from Financial Mail 24.11.2006)

Disgusting to see these guys at work!

6th Oct 2012, 03:32
CV was betrayed during the mid 2000's anti trust hearings, this is the penalty they now pay, the employees are very concerned , cost cutting should be top down and not the other way ..

9th Oct 2012, 11:59
Ok, but how do we know that this Oliver Wymon is actually the one doing the analysis for CV?? Sources please!

Then again, it was announced yesterday or so, that BIL (formerly owned by troublesome DEXIA) has now definitely been bought by Precision Capital (=the Qataris) at 90%, with the remaining 10% chipped in by LUX government.

Is this good news, because it removes one trump card from the Qatari's hand (they were threatening to pull out of LUX altogether)? Or bad news because now they control that bank (which is however, as far as I get it, mainly involved with private banking)?

9th Oct 2012, 12:21
An interoffice memo stated that Oliver Wyman will do the review.

sled dog
11th Oct 2012, 07:27
Local media reporting today that CV have been advised to outsource a/c maintenance . Also that Forson is expected to become fulltime CEO. Oh dear..........

11th Oct 2012, 15:41
That is not correct at all !

Local media are reporting that nothing was decided about the outsourcing of maintenance at all.

They said it was one of the discussion points on today's agenda.

Nothing has been decided as the audit by the wonderful Wyman group is not complete yet, and that involves looking at a possible fleet restructuring for Cargolux. Until this is assessed, no decision can be taken anyway on whether or not maintenance is outsourced or what maintenance is need at LUX.

The only thing that the local media have reported as "apparently decided" is that there will be a collective work agreement based on the basic luxembourgish social parameters and that all employees would receive a basic salary. Any increases would be purely performance based - according to the media. They also claim that leave will be the legal minimum required by Luxembourg and no extra/additional days, and that the 13th month salary would be dropped.

I would take all this with great caution, as the media have and will misconstrue facts, whether by accident, misinformation or negligence or speculation.

Dont get me wrong, I am not taking any sides here, but I think its always a good idea not to jump to conclusion or scaremonger. This website alone pays tribute to the media misreporting all the time.

Sorry, havnt found an english version yet:

Wort.lu - Cargolux: Nächste Woche geht's weiter (http://www.wort.lu/de/view/cargolux-naechste-woche-geht-s-weiter-5076c416e4b006ba0d0df09a)

Tageblatt Online - Runder Tisch am 23. Oktober - Luxemburg (http://www.tageblatt.lu/nachrichten/story/Runder-Tisch-am-23--Oktober-10021151)

11th Oct 2012, 17:02
Rumours rumours,

Seems to me that they are using the media in order to demolish the employees, and specially the pilots. They threat to outsource and then they offer a new agreement, with lower conditions. Fantastic ! Thanks bwana !!

The pilots are always the piece to sacrifice, in order to "save" the fellows of the office, that do nothing. I'm pissed off; our terms and conditions have been agreed after many many years.

Performance based pay... bull**** !!. They will increase the conditions until they are unreachable. In the mean time, their bonuses are going to increase exponentially. We are going to loose family life, quality of life and money for nothing. Even qatar is competing with us in certain routes.:=

This is pathetic. :ugh: They want the employees to pay for the management mistakes; price collusion, selling aircrafts and the dry lease BCFs, sell aircrafts to competitors, and purchase an airplane that you can't pay, and that nowadays is useless, and the list goes on !!:ugh:

Instead of trying to fix and make a sound plan, they screw employees and contract Oliver Wymann's inquiry. :D Surely, like in the CDO's case, if they make a mistake, they are going to be punished. Sure. Are we serious ???

sled dog
11th Oct 2012, 17:14
Interesting article on current www.cargoforwarder.net (http://www.cargoforwarder.net)

South Prince
12th Oct 2012, 07:05
Any clue if the little Cargolux south of the alps is affected by the ongoing "debate"?

13th Oct 2012, 16:39
South Prince,
My understanding of this whole matter is that Cargolux mainline is on a cost cutting drive that involves all phases of the production line and all sides of the value chain.
The rumor I've heard from my friends in Cargolux Italia is that actually this whole situation in Luxembourg may turn out to be beneficial to them. They are at a "make it or break it" moment and it's either they grow into something bigger than one airplane operating charter flights on behalf of their Luxembourgish mother or in my opinion it would be hard to maintain a financially viable and profitable operation over time, especially taking into account the present low yields across the aircargo industry and a general contraction in the airfreight market.
By reading the articles on the subject available on the internet, it is pretty clear the new CEO wants to bring costs down while increasing the productivity in a (possibly) non-unionized environment. Cargolux Italia is already meeting all these requirements so it might actually be that all the "job outsourcing/expenses containment" idea may not include Qatar or involve Qatar Airways at all, but instead may be related to a transfer of airplanes and manpower to their Italian low cost subsidiary.
My two cents on the topic.
Ciao, alby

14th Oct 2012, 08:27
Hello alby,

I think that may be a little bit too much wishful thinking.

Are you saying that Cargolux Italia will be operating all the current Cargolux aircraft out of Milan or Luxembourg ?
Because I dont quite see how the whole operation would work successfully from Milan !?!
What about pilots to fly the aircraft ? How many non Cargolux guys are 747-8 rated ?!?

I'm sorry but it makes no sense what so ever !

Honestly, at the moment I think the focus is on Cargolux at Luxembourg, and making it more competitive (apparently)

The articles on the internet now range from anything involving Cargolux operating with 4 aircraft and masses of pilots being laid off, to fleet restructuring and maintenance being outsourced.

Personally I think the articles are the result of misinformed employees and some clever managers leaking bogus information to the media to create all this hype and scaremongering.

At this time absolutely no one in the work force knows for sure what the hell is going on, because the powers that be have done something very clever already.

If you want to control any group of people, the easiest way to do it is FEAR !
You tell them that their jobs, livelihood, families and financial situation is in danger, and people start panicking !
You do this with the media, which is the most powerful tool nowadays.
Once you have put the worst possible scenarios in the media, you then do absolutely nothing !
No communication with the workforce, no meetings (apart from top level closed door ones), no information !
This creates even more outrageous rumours fuelling the fear and panic.

By this stage people are expecting the absolute worst from the situation, and anything that the management bring to the table after this will "not seem that bad".
Everyone is glad to "have a job" and completely forgets how many long fought for perks and conditions have been lost, because the relief of keeping their jobs pushes all that into the background.

Also have a look at this man's view of things:


For all of our sakes, Cargolux and Cargolux Italia, I hope that people retain some common sense and that we dont just become more pawns in a political and financial pissing ground !

14th Oct 2012, 09:16
Hi Pow-Wow,
I'll try to clarify. Based on the conversations I had with friends working for ICV, they are expecting this situation in Luxembourg to help them in their quest of business success, which as you know it has been tarnished by numerous political and financial issues. The idea is to take advantage of the Italian "lower cost" structure and position extra 400s in MXP while offering pilots, that in LUX could have lost their job, to continue working on the same airplane, under the Cargolux umbrella but under the Italian terms and conditions, which are less precious and valuable than the Cargolux mainline ones.
Since I don't work for any of the two companies, nor for Qatar Airways, apologies if this does't sound accurate enough, although I felt i could contribute by giving a little heads up about what's cooking also on the other side of the Alps. On one thing I do agree 100% with you: they are putting up a "divide and conquer" type of strategy. Best option is to wait up together, let the storm pass and do a damage assessment afterwards. Taking any decision or position at this time would be hasty and probably wrong because it would be based on rumors and not on any checked fact.
Good luck. Ciao!

South Prince
14th Oct 2012, 11:22
Hi there Alby. Do I get it right? ICV guys hope that out of all the "restructuring" in mailine LUX they will get a "Bonus" moving most of Cargolux business in Milan?

14th Oct 2012, 11:53
Hi South Prince,
I wouldn't really call it a bonus but most likely a "boost" to their current activity. Also, I would personally doubt that moving, as you say, most of the Cargolux business to Milan is viable scenario. The assumption is that it is a cost cutting exercise. Therefore, since the yields are low on certain routes of the mainline network, one of the ways to go is to have the least productive routes to be operated by Cargolux Italia which, thanks to their lower cost base, they can maximize the revenues (or contain the losses) while maintaining the position as a global player. But again, this is my understanding from a couple of long chats with some friends and therefore is as valuable as anybody else's point of view. It sounds plausible to me and may also represent a win-win situation for both business units, but whether or not it will turn out to be a feasible option, it's not my call.

14th Oct 2012, 14:39
Hello again alby,

Thanks, I understand now what you are saying. I respect your point of view, and of course its a valid opinion, but I still have trouble seeing it as a viable option right now.

By the looks of things, the current movement seems to be about any of the following factors:

Cutting the fat off Cargolux's operations, staff, network and getting rid of a long running "gravy train" that in certain departments must be costing the company a fortune !

Qatar systematically taking over Cargolux's routes, rights and customers. At the same time using their expertise to set Qatar up nicely.

Qatar establishing itself perfectly in a global cargo market, where it was lacking behind on its competitiors - Emirates and Ethihad.

Personally, I think they are out to do just about anything they need to, to get the last point done ! They are in fierce competition with the other operators down there to take a share of the cargo market.
So what better way, then to use Cargolux as your european hub, copy its expertise, utilise its route network and at the same time finding somewhere to use those rumoured 30+ A330 pax aircraft ready for cargo conversions.

All this should tie in nicely with the opening of the new cargo centre down in Doha this year on 12.12.12. Coincidence that they are here ?!? Nope !

Sorry but looking at all other scenarios, this one seems the most likely to me. Thats why I find the whole Cargolux Italia scenario implausible.
I believe they are concentrating their efforts at Cargolux in Luxembourg and the Doha cargo operation of Qatar and new cargo centre there.
I have no idea what this ultimately means For all of us at Cargolux and Cargolux Italia. And I am certainly no expert on any of this. This is only my opinion based on what little we have been told and what little common sense I still have ;) I am probably completely wrong !

So you can see that they have achieved the perfect storm. No one knows for sure where the ship is headed right now and there is precious little information coming from the helmsmen.

I agree with you, that right now everyone needs to stick together and not panic. If they should achieve any "divide and rule" then we are already at step one of getting shafted !

14th Oct 2012, 18:32
There are lots of rumors, so you have to be careful.

Speaking about Cargolux Italia, Why would you outsource to Italy ? Is much cheaper to outsorce to other cheaper places, most of them out of Europe.

Something is cooking behind the scenes, and still to early to see the final outcome. A lot of dust have to settle down. What is clear is that there is a cultural clash among the shareholders.

If I understand well the concept of joint venture, it's like to put in a basket joint resources, and then divide the outcome according to the agreement. If you put 50 per cent of the resources, you get a 50 per cent of the profit or losses.

So if that's correct, means that the unprofitable routes are dealt with the smaller airplane. Keep in mind, as well, that the acquisition of qatar is pending of approval from the EU/USA. So somehow, this may be another cause.

What is absolutely truth is that the 747-8 has brought, in my understanding the need for a second fleet. Having 140 tm of capacity is good on certain routes, but why use a -8 to carry 105 tm or less ? Nothing is as efficient as a twin engine aircraft. There is no question about having the Jumbo. Cargolux means Jumbo, but not all the aircraft have to be jumbos. Having smaller airplanes protect the company for the downturns, while the bigger capacity is needed in the upturns. The difficult part is assessing how many and when to purchase them.

Qatar can fill such needs, plus traffic rights, plus negotiation power, plus plenty of cash. So the second fleet doesn't have to be from CLX !!

Clx can offer expertise, good location and knowhow.:ok: But the deal has to done, and shareholders have to understand each other. This is the beginning, later comes other decisions, like CWA, outsourcings, CVI, etc:hmm:

14th Oct 2012, 19:37
...the least productive routes to be operated by Cargolux Italia which, thanks to their lower cost base...

Eh, lower cost base ? Is it really fair to compare the cost base of CLX to that of ICV ?

How much ICV is paying in leasing fees for KCV ? How much money do they spend on marketing, maintenance, on a sales team etc etc ? ;)

15th Oct 2012, 09:08
..."How many non Cargolux guys are 747-8 rated ?!?"

Why would this matter?

...It's like asking: How many former non Airbus guys are now A380 rated?

15th Oct 2012, 11:43
GlueBall, I dont understand what you are trying to say !

The reason I asked the question was twofold.

Non of the Cargolux Italia guys are 747-8 rated !

All the pilots at Cargolux are now 747-8 rated.
So if anyone wanted to outsource the pilots/crew then they would have to find 747-8 rated pilots to be able to keep the operation going.

Not too many of those around yet, unless you know any different !?!

My point was that they would have to give all the Cargolux Italia pilots -8 ratings and in the mean time who would fly the aircraft ???

15th Oct 2012, 12:47
Some more good questions:


15th Oct 2012, 14:24
GSS are all -8 rated and Atlas is just about done qualifiying 1000 pilots on the -8.

15th Oct 2012, 15:23
Thats very good, but are these guys all available from their current jobs to fly over here at short notice !?!

16th Oct 2012, 11:39
Guys, with all due respect, but some of you are over-reacting. This is precisely what the CEO wanted to achieve. All he is aiming for, is spreading fear to help him negotiate a better ( read:worse) collective work agreement.
Don't panic and seek legal advice, chaps.
Good luck!

17th Oct 2012, 09:07
Non of the Cargolux Italia guys are 747-8 rated !

All the pilots at Cargolux are now 747-8 rated.Let's not exaggerate: the 744 and 748 are common types and you don't need a special rating to fly a 748.

All you need is a quick transition course of a few days, I think the FAA minimum is 2 days. :hmm:

South Prince
17th Oct 2012, 10:51
From "rumours" it appears that Cargolux Italia is currently running with nearly 30 pilots for 1 aeroplane, is this a normal Crew index in the cargo business? I thought a crew Index of 6-7 max 8 would be enough!

18th Oct 2012, 20:21
What I realise by reading all these stuffs here, is that nobody knows anything! Thanks to PPRUNE that stands for "Rumour Network".
However, somebody knows many things: M. Akbar Al-Baker. Is there anybody who's ready to ask him his point of view? That would help, isn't it?

19th Oct 2012, 06:34
the management at cv needs to address cost issues and productivity top down and not the other way..in 2008 -2009 crisis certain members of cv wanted to downsize to 8 aircraft,fortunately one vp maintained that a 14 a/c fleet would survive and consequently this proved correct with a return to profits when others were suffering. if the arabs go there will others more than willing to fill the gap.. believe me..:D

19th Oct 2012, 06:43
Tank2Engine, thank you, yes, I am well aware of the requirements for the "conversion" to the -8 having done it myself !

My point was that the whole Cargolux Italia scenario seemed unlikely, and giving them all a quick conversion to the -8 was included in my doubts.

The FAA or Boeing quote of a 2 day course is absolutely ridiculous in my humble opinion.

19th Oct 2012, 08:01
if the arabs go there will others more than willing to fill the gap.. believe me..:DWell...if the Arabs let CV go down the drain then those same Arabs (read: QR) will fill probably the void. :suspect:

It's a win-win situation for them; spend a few million (perhaps the equivalent of one 777F) to buy only 35% in a company, run it into the ground, and then take all it's assets/customers/employees/routes.

To quote Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels: It's a deal, it's a steal, it's the Sale of the f*kcing Century!" In fact, f*kc it Nick, I think I'll keep it" ;)

19th Oct 2012, 09:36
My point was that the whole Cargolux Italia scenario seemed unlikely, and giving them all a quick conversion to the -8 was included in my doubts.

Suppose, hypothetically speaking, that a new business plan only caters for 5-7 aircraft in LUX and mass lay-offs are required, then that problem will be solved instantly as hundreds of -8 rated pilots will flood the market. Given a choice, I would guess that those laid off pilots will probably prefer a new base in MXP over one in DOH.

IMHO it could be a zero sum game, you don't need any new or additional -8 pilots. The only thing required is to (forcefully) transfer a bunch of already -8 rated pilots by making them redundant in once place (LUX) whilst waving a new and lower contract in front of their faces from another place (MXP or perhaps DOH). :{

20th Oct 2012, 08:56
Shareholder structure to stay the same at Cargolux

Photo: Guy Jallay
(CS) The distribution of shares among Cargolux shareholders is to remain the same, ministers confirmed to unions at a meeting on Thursday.

LCGB President Patrick Dury said that Economy Minister Etienne Schneider and Transport Minister Claude Wiseler had confirmed that the current structure of shareholder would remain in place, even should the company be recapitalised.

In the meeting unions demanded that the Luxembourg social model be upheld and they asked for clarification on the structural changes Cargolux is envisioning.

While unions agreed that there were difficulties in the industry, representatives said it was time to stop toying with employees' fears. They added that it was in the best interest of Cargolux to motivate its employees.

Ahead of the meeting, Economy Minister Etienne Schneider had said he wants to keep maintenance operations of the air freight carried in Findel, saying that ways would have to be found to make the sector competitive.

Next week Tuesday, representatives of the government, the unions, as well as Cargolux, Luxair and lux-Airport will meet for a round table discussion on the future of the Luxembourg air transport sector.

sled dog
23rd Oct 2012, 09:07
Lux Wort paper reporting that staff, with Union support, planning a demo in front of Parliament on Nov 13 . Big question is why the government , 65 % share holder, seems to be sitting on its hands. CV and LG are major employers.

25th Oct 2012, 15:29
Not recent but still interesting: Cargo expansion for Qatar Airways - The National (http://www.thenational.ae/featured-content/channel-page/business/aviation/cargo-expansion-for-qatar-airways)

26th Oct 2012, 09:43
Not recent but still interesting: Cargo expansion for Qatar Airways - The National (http://www.thenational.ae/featured-content/channel-page/business/aviation/cargo-expansion-for-qatar-airways) It's all widely known and and largely outdated blablabla about "it would make a very potent airline between us and them." In the mean time, 1,5 years down the road, the facts are telling a totally opposite story, perhaps that's the only interesting thing about it. Humorous however, is that as usual, "Mr al Baker declined to provide actual figures." :)

Here's (http://buyingbusinesstravel.com/feature/interview-qatar-airways-ceo-akbar-al-baker) another nice (and more recent) interview in which Mr. al Baker dodges the whole QR profitability issue. So is it profitable? Well, Qatar Airways does not release its figures, though Al Baker has been quoted as saying...Lot's of rumours and hearsay, but nothing official black on white in the form of an annual statement. So, before they have a go at the profitability of CV, I really wonder how much money does the QR cargo branch make or lose every month flying cargo at rock bottom rates in order to gain market share with brand new and expensive 777F's? :suspect:

10th Nov 2012, 06:22
topic went very quiet... everything fixed? all happy again at cv?

sled dog
10th Nov 2012, 10:32
Not really

16th Nov 2012, 14:21
Flight Global reporting that Qatar is ditching its stake in Cargolux. What happens now?

16th Nov 2012, 14:27

Good news or really bad news???

16th Nov 2012, 14:47
Apparently the luxembourg government is already looking for new shareholders. In this case Volga-Dnepr

Article in german from a local newspaper:
Tageblatt Online - Qatar Airways könnte aussteigen - Nachrichten (http://www.tageblatt.lu/nachrichten/story/Qatar-Airways-koennte-aussteigen-21565572)

17th Nov 2012, 07:04
It's official: Qatar Airways to split from Cargolux

LW Archive
(ADW) It is now official! Qatar Airways is pulling out of Cargolux and the Chairman of the Board Albert Wildgen is resigning. Rumours regarding the split circulating throughout the day were confirmed by Transport Minister Claude Wiseler to the "Luxemburger Wort".

On Friday a strategic Cargolux board meeting was held which included Qatar Airways head Akbar Al Baker.

What Qatar Airways wanted was the interim CEO and CFO of Cargolux, Richard Forson, to become the permanent CEO. However Luxembourg shareholders had ruled this out at a meeting that layed out the strategic future of the company, explained the Minister of Transport.

Akbar Al-Baker’s response was that there was no point in continuing with Cargolux and therefore Qatar Airways would pull out of the agreement.

Albert Wildgen, the outgoing Cargolux CEO
Albert Wildgen’s resignation

At the same time the resignation of Albert Wildgen as Chairman of Cargolux became known. According to RTL, he will still remain in the post until the end of November, a position he has only held since September 2011 as the successor to Marc Hoffmann.

Just how soon Qatar Airways will split from Cargolux and and who will take over their 35 percent of the company is not yet clear, emphasised Minister Wiseler.

17th Nov 2012, 18:28
If you think about it... the 35% will cost 3-4 football players (Soccer for the cousins)....

17th Nov 2012, 23:59
is this good or bad news?

18th Nov 2012, 07:06
On balance a good thing I would have thought.

The whole affair shows to me that the Qataris in general and AAB in particular are incapable of working in a democracy and their success relies on an autocratic management style and a servile, non-unionised workforce.

At least with the replacement shareholder there is a chance that there will be the possibility of social dialogue. Sink or swim, CV employees will have more input to their fate.

Standby for the rape and pillage of Oneworld next year, when QR becomes a full member next year.

Good luck guys, CV have survived worse moments than this before.

18th Nov 2012, 07:51
Well said young man,
I think every change is better than to work with AAB. Good luck for one world!
And maybe the government has learned to sell only 33% next time!
But at least he didn't come through with his ridiculous demands and aggressive and arrogant style, not a way to start synergies between partners.
Let's hope for the best!
Take care and enjoy the GP in Austin!

19th Nov 2012, 23:48
Crisis at Cargolux could affect 747 freighter orders | Business & Technology | The Seattle Times (http://seattletimes.com/html/businesstechnology/2019715944_cargoluxqatarxml.html)

Crisis at Cargolux could affect 747 freighter orders

Qatar Airways is divesting its 35 percent stake in Cargolux, leaving the launch customer for Boeing’s 747-8 freighter jet to face an uncertain future.

By Dominic Gates

Boeing delivered a 747-8 jumbo freighter to Cargolux Airlines on Monday, even as a major crisis unfolded back at the cargo carrier’s headquarters in Luxembourg that could derail future deliveries.

Cargolux confirmed Monday that Qatar Airways will divest its 35 percent stake in the company just 11 months after completing the investment.

According to reports in Europe, Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker walked out of a stormy shareholders meeting after a half-hour Friday.

The Luxembourg government, which owns a majority share of Cargolux, that evening announced Qatar would shed its ownership stake. “Mr. Al Baker made a series of demands that were considered as being difficult to accept,” Cargolux spokeswoman Martine Scheuren told Bloomberg News.

The Boeing 747-8 delivered Monday, with a market value of about $185 million, was Cargolux’s sixth. The carrier has seven more on order.

The undelivered jets are worth $2.5 billion at list prices, though after standard discounts the real value, based on market data from aircraft-valuation firm Avitas, is about $1.3 billion.

The 747-8 has sold slowly. Boeing’s unfilled order book has less than 80 jets, or just over three years of production if all are delivered.

Boeing declined to discuss details of its customer’s business, but said it is working with Cargolux to deliver the remaining jets.

With the global cargo market depressed, Cargolux has been bleeding money. It lost $18 million in 2011, the third annual loss in four years.

The inflow of Qatari money was seen as a way to stabilize the airline.

However, the Qatari plans — which included cutting costs by closing a Luxembourg maintenance base and transferring some operations to Doha — didn’t sit well with the Cargolux unions or the government in Luxembourg, where Cargolux employs almost 1,200.

David Harris, senior editor of Cargo Facts, an industry newsletter produced by Seattle-based Air Cargo Management Group, said the government and Qatar Airways differed sharply over protecting local jobs.

“Luxembourg is a very union-friendly country and highly regulated,” Harris said. “There was a clash.”

Scott Hamilton, industry analyst with Leeham.net, said Qatar Airways was pressing Cargolux to open a hub in Doha and to use Qatar Airways’ 777 freighter jets instead of the larger 747-8s.

Qatar operates four 777 freighters, with four more pending delivery.

Hamilton said a source told him Qatar wanted Cargolux to cancel its remaining 747-8 orders.

Possible investors who might step in for Qatar’s stake in Cargolux are Russian carrier AirBridge Cargo and China’s HNA Group, owner of Hainan Airlines. HNA lost out to Qatar in bidding for the Cargolux stake last year.

Cargolux said Albert Wildgen, who was brought in as company chairman at the time of the Qatari investment, has resigned.

However, interim CEO Richard Forson, a former CFO at Qatar Airways, will stay on.

Citing the “many significant challenges facing Cargolux,” the carrier said in a statement that it now faces a “difficult phase of restructuring.”

Dominic Gates: (206) 464-2963 or [email protected]

25th Nov 2012, 09:34
I am very interested to know hot they are going to fix it.

I wonder what is the new shareholders composition and how much is public money.

And to finish, anybody care to share their thoughts to what might appen to CARGOMED? I have just learned they just promoted a couple of first officers, after just one year. Well done!


4th Dec 2012, 22:42
one of the biggest issues of AAB was to bring maintenance from this high cost environment to the Gulf.
One of the most regarded maintenance facilities is LH, located in the country with one of the highest labour costs. Funny enough this is where most of the VIP 747s are being outfitted and maintained!?!
CV maintenance is one of the best you can find on this planet, so maybe there is a way to build them up in respect to destroy them for some low cost pakistani substitute.
Just my few cents.....

sled dog
5th Dec 2012, 09:32
16 totally agree with what you said. After all, a Ferrari owner goes not take his car to the local Dacia dealer for servicing. By the way, my first contact with CV was back in the CL44 days.......:eek: :ok:

7th Dec 2012, 23:04
Mine wasn't,
but I have the pleasure to operate a/c under the supervision of cv maint for more than 14 years and I can tell you, you will not find a finer bunch of dedicated mechanics in this industry_ total support with not being supported by their superiors. those guys make your little pilots life a lot more easy and they are great fellows>
My high regards to every one of you!!! Anytime!

23rd Dec 2012, 11:11
from ch-aviation.ch22DEC2012: Luxembourg government takes full control of Cargolux Cargolux (http://www.ch-aviation.ch/portal/airline.php?airline=CV) (CV, Luxembourg Findel International (LUX) (http://www.ch-aviation.ch/portal/airport.php?airportid=2704)) is now under majority control of the Luxembourg government again after it has acquired back the 35% stake in the scheduled cargo carrier that minority shareholder Qatar Airways (http://www.ch-aviation.ch/portal/airline.php?airline=QR) (QR, Doha International (DOH) (http://www.ch-aviation.ch/portal/airport.php?airportid=3571)) wanted to sell following disagreements with the government over the carrier’s strategy. The government now directly and indirectly owns 56.6% of the cargo operator while the remaining 43.4% are owned by Luxair (http://www.ch-aviation.ch/portal/airline.php?airline=LG) (LG, Luxembourg Findel International (LUX) (http://www.ch-aviation.ch/portal/airport.php?airportid=2704)) which is turn also is mainly owned by the government and other state owned entities.
so how does it look like now guys? any hope of future recruitment? happy christmas to everyone

sled dog
24th Dec 2012, 14:21
Volga Dnepr said to be interested in taking over the ex Qatar shares.Lux government only holding shares until anothe buyer steps in according to the local media.

28th Jan 2013, 11:17
Some friends ask me what's news in the community out there; will CV start hiring soon?

There are some rumours that they will increase the fleet to 20+ a/c, that is a few more than today.

Let us know...

sled dog
28th Jan 2013, 12:04
According to local media, following companies are showing interest in taking over the ex Qatar shares : Hainan Airlines, Nippon Cargo, Volga Dnepr, Cobelfret, Silkway, Centurion Air Cargo, and local based private equity firm Saphir Capital Partners. As a massive financial input is required to keep things going, i would think thought of fleet expansion is somewhat optimistic............

29th Jan 2013, 15:36
if a company needs cash urgently to keep things going, the last thing to think about is probaply "expanding" their fleet. My guess is, the company will have to shrink to survife, but, that´s just my 50 cents!

1st Feb 2013, 10:56
The new strategy will be revealed next Tuesday (5th Feb). Until that date, any rumor is just that, a rumor... and I highly doubt one of the possible scenarios will be an expansion of the fleet.

6th Feb 2013, 09:42
According to local newspapers, two strategies are possible:

1. Oliver Wymeer recommends to reduce fleet size an cut salaries of all employees to save the company.

2. The management's own strategic task force wants to increase the number of the aircrafts without increasing the number of employees (pilots).

For the moment option number 2 seems to be the more favorable even though no further details are given and of course in this case, you need to have a few courageous investors wanting to shell out lots of money (close to a billion in the next 1-2 years)

6th Feb 2013, 11:40
When will they publish the strategy they're going to choose?

6th Feb 2013, 12:24
According to the newspaper linked below, the findings will be presented on Wednesday and then, supposedly, on Thursday the board will decide although a definite decision is not very likely.

Wort.lu - Eine schwierige Woche für Cargolux (http://www.wort.lu/de/view/eine-schwierige-woche-fuer-cargolux-511132bbe4b0d1e9e9bade58)

Joe le Taxi
6th Feb 2013, 22:02
So its expansion to 18 a/c, and +60 pilots then? (according to PPJN)

Good to see, if true.

7th Feb 2013, 06:51
Good day all !

Seriously considering Cargolux in the future, I am requesting the following informations updated from Cargolux Pilots please:

_ todays roster with how many days you can expect with your family per month.
_ how much you get pay per year at the beginning all included ?

Also, what about living few hundred Kms from LUX in Paris area for example ?
And, how is the "Tiredness" factor for crew now in 2013 ?

Thank you very much for your time !!


7th Feb 2013, 10:19

Thanks for considering CLX. ;)

A lot of your requested information can be found in this thread already.

Income depends on your family status and number of kids.
Expect 6-700 € per month more if you are married.
After 600 hrs on type you move to the SFO scale.

Per diem is not bad and some consider it part of their salary.

Days OFF are 3+1 and 6+1 per 28 day roster period, resp. 9+1.

CLX loves to hire people that are living close to LUX.
At least you should convince them that you intend to move close to LUX.
Many people commute in a range from 200 to 700 km by car, some by plane.

Tiredness depends on the actual trip you are doing. There are busy ones and not so busy ones with more or less night duties and with standard or augmented crew.

For example:





This is just about layovers (block to block).
The above samples do not reflect if you are operating and/or positioning or doing a commercial positioning.

In my opinion flying for CLX is less tiring than flying shorthaul nowadays.
But this might not be true for everyone.

Good luck!

hawkeye red
7th Feb 2013, 11:08

Thank you so much for making yourself available to Cargolux....I already feel a lot more confident that we will make it through these difficult times...:ok:


Hawkeye red

8th Feb 2013, 02:27
what a terribly inappropriate answer, honestly I would hope you're not a part of the team yet if you are. What did he do to you?

8th Feb 2013, 10:33
I have a hard working wife who needs some information about my roster well in advance. How´s the planning at Cargolux?
How well in advance do you get to see your off-periods?


8th Feb 2013, 13:31
28 day roster published 12 days in advance.
Expect to show a certain degree of flexibility since roster stability cannot be guaranteed due to the nature of the business.
Rosters may change after being published.
Only the 6 consecutive off days are untouchable (or only with your consent).
3 floating off days can be moved.

8th Feb 2013, 13:37
@ final06,

thank you very much for taking time to answer. :ok:

@ hawkeye red,

I feel so much sorry if you don't like my post, I feel very very sad because of this now, but I am confident I will make it through this difficult moment.
Sincerely. :sad:

15th Feb 2013, 10:18
Thanks for the very valuable info final06, finally someone posted some acual rosters! (5 days locked in the hotel in Lagos doesn't sound funny)
If you choose the 9+1 days off option are all 9 days fixed or still 3 of them can be changed? Any chance to get 9+9 days back to back?
Any news regarding the new plan? Any hiring ahead? Is salary going to be reduced? thanks.

15th Feb 2013, 13:30
3 days could still be changed but not likely if allocated after the 6 untouchable ones.
Just do not answer the phone. Same applies for blank days. ;-)

3 times per year you may ask for 6+6 back to back.

No news yet.
Expect some hiring late 2013 or in 2014.

5 days Lagos is good for meditating, tax declaration, reading books, watching movies, relaxing from the stressful LUX-LOS flight.
Some guys even request this trip. ;)

1st Mar 2013, 14:00
I am interested in Cargolux as well. Living about 2,5 hrs from LUX. So depending in the roster I think should be doable to drive from home to LUX and back after duty.

I tried to apply via Interpersonal.de but I cannot finish my application because I have to upload my school diploma wich I can't find at the moment. Is it really required to apply?

Currently flying as PIC C17 at the Heavy Airlift Wing based down in Papa, Hungary.

Would Cargolux be interested in a military cargo guy?


sled dog
2nd Mar 2013, 15:24
Mike, unless you are 744 rated you will be last in a very long line of applicants.........

16th Mar 2013, 15:44
... found this at http://www.facebook.com/ATTCcom:

" Cargolux Italia is recruiting B747 Crews

CLX Italia launched operations in 2009 operating 7 flights/week from Milan to Dubai, Hong Kong, Osaka, Almaty, São Paulo and Luxembourg with a Boeing 747-400 freighter. "

Do they look only for the italian branch?



30th Apr 2013, 07:59
they look for Malpensa-Crews, Swiss College passed the test in March, assessment in Germany IBF Dr.Schwan.

30th Apr 2013, 08:03
... are they still recruiting, Berny?



4th Jun 2013, 16:11
Do you have recent news how the recuitment process is going this year?

Can you give an example of a roster?

19th Jun 2013, 16:34
I can't see many replies from CARGOLUX. Nobody has news?:confused:

1st Jul 2013, 20:52
Is there anyone who could give an update? Is CV expecting to recruit or call the people who are in the holding pool? Maybe end of this year? Or am I to optimistic?

7th Jul 2013, 19:55
See following link:

Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better! A Pilot?s Perspective of the B747-8F (http://www.nycaviation.com/2013/05/anything-you-can-do-i-can-do-better-a-pilots-perspective-of-the-b747-8f/#.UdnHjuBQPhR)

10th Jul 2013, 00:22
The recent rumour is that they will start hiring by the end of this year.

10th Jul 2013, 09:16
Thanks, keep my fingers crossed.

31st Jul 2013, 11:57
Rumour is they are doing interviews, any comments?

sled dog
31st Jul 2013, 15:52
Local media recently reported that, as pilot union rejected new Collective Work Agreement, to meet cost cutting measures flight crew numbers may have to be reduced.......could be Management waving the big stick though.

1st Aug 2013, 12:51
Just wondering if its easy to commute from the UK when working for cargolux? Many days off in a row?

ray cosmic
4th Aug 2013, 17:29
trigger21: during the week plenty of flights by LG into London, during the weekend things get complicated due to the few available flights. Nothing is impossible, but you end up spending a lot of your time off commuting..

27th Aug 2013, 09:55
They are hiring pilots now, will they be able to find enough type rated pilots, or will the non-type rated stand a chance? I was contacted about a month ago, asked if I have a 747 rating, which I don't have.

30th Aug 2013, 12:23
Only in Luxembourg.........................................

Corruption, Sanctions, and Deal-Making: Luxembourg Style (http://english.nuqudy.com/english/article.aspx?Id=6213&MainCategoryTitle=General_Overview&CategoryTitle=Gulf&ArticleTitle=Corruption%2C_Sanctio)

5th Sep 2013, 14:03
Wort.lu - Arab news portal accuses former Economy Minister of corruption (http://www.wort.lu/en/view/arab-news-portal-accuses-former-economy-minister-of-corruption-5225cd87e4b03031681ef65d)


Wort.lu - Government could sue over cigarette smuggling allegations (http://www.wort.lu/en/view/government-could-sue-over-cigarette-smuggling-allegations-522731d6e4b03031681ef8e7)

In summary:

An unidentifable entity on the web make un-substantiated allegations.


18th Sep 2013, 10:54
Does anyone have any update for Non-type rated applicants?

25th Sep 2013, 14:38
Does anyone have some information regarding the latest selection. I've been invited to Saarlouis. (allthough I can't attent the days they have got for me, I'm hoping to reschedule)

25th Sep 2013, 15:20
Have any non rated applicants been invited to Saarlouis lately?

28th Sep 2013, 05:05
Anybody inside can shed some light on the atmosphere these days?

28th Sep 2013, 08:47
Hi all,

I am not rated on the 747.

737 sfi 3000 hrs

29th Sep 2013, 06:08
Got the "thanks,but no thanks" email Friday. Didn't think I'd get a look-in, only Turboprop rated. Shame.

29th Sep 2013, 22:38

When did you apply?

I applied in May and have not heard anything back other then the confirmation of receipt of my application.

Thank you!

Cliff Secord
2nd Oct 2013, 15:17
Has anyone heard anything in the last couple of week about interviews? I applied a few weeks ago, but I'm yet to hear anything. Type rated.


5th Oct 2013, 12:13
Sorry guys for the late response. I've applied with Cargolux on May 23th this year.

I was able to reschedule my dates in Saarlouis.

Anyone has a good idea what to prepare?

Randy Spangler
9th Oct 2013, 10:38
Fellow colleagues,

I've finally been invited to Saarlouis. Anyone has been there lately and willing to share what to expect? Why are they doing it two days now?
Found a pretty nice report earlier in this thread, however that one was from 2009, and the assessment back then was only one day.


10th Oct 2013, 08:24
Can those who've got interviews share their flying experience, do you speak German?

sled dog
10th Oct 2013, 11:48
Why should you need to speak German :ugh: CV is an international company.

10th Oct 2013, 16:00
Because Sled Dog, the application asked if you could. I'm not saying it was a requirement, just asking if anyone was able.

10th Oct 2013, 19:12
I assume German is required for is an official language in Lux, and what about French?

10th Oct 2013, 23:20
No german is needed nor french.... Just english and a european licence/passport