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ray cosmic
7th Dec 2007, 18:22
Never will it take 20 years.

ray cosmic
8th Dec 2007, 08:16
Calculations will prove you right; experience doesn't.
There will always be some massive change happening which was unforeseen.
If for example a decent, well paying operator will start operations out of Germany, all at once 50 people could leave from one month to the other.
Nothing is as unpredictable as aviation. Only thing which is for sure is that the pension will be down the toilet.:}:}

8th Dec 2007, 09:43
Correct regarding the pension. Even in Luxembourg. The deal we have is..:mad:

8th Dec 2007, 11:11
The Luxembourg Index increase has been announced. It will be 2.5% as of the 1st of March 2008.

ray cosmic
26th Dec 2007, 10:34
Hi, there are only 2 pages in this forum section.
There is a huge topic about CV on the 2nd page.

- Never heard they sponsored,
Time to command is like knowing tomorrows lottery numbers but estimates run from somewhere between 8 and 15 years.
- Commuting can be tough, although it is being done by some it certainly is not encouraged.
- 1 base only; LUX
- staff travel on own aircraft and a limited amount of other carriers,

The rest you should be able to find here:

27th Dec 2007, 05:03
The official unofficial number of upgrades for 2008 is 14 to 16...

Merry Banana to all of you !

27th Dec 2007, 10:45
And after that it's way less upgrades per year acc training dept.

Schedules 9 off per 28 days (plus some rest etc). Read this thread!
42 days vacation/year.
Salary abt €5000 after 600hrs on type (abt one year). 13th month. Before 600hrs about €4000. First 3 months training salary.
Time to CMD - 15+ yrs if recent statement by CEO is correct.
Non-EU workers from USA, Canada, S Africa eand many more. Don't know how it works with permits.
Hiring now. All via Interpersonal.de. People leaving soon (relatively many have new jobs but no starting dates yet).
Commuting is not liked by the company. They cancel ID-agreements to make people stay closer. New-hires are really pushed to move within 1hr LUX at interview and after.
LUX expensive (and terrible boring). Across the boarder to D, F and BE cheaper, but as well very "quite" areas. Basically within 1hr LUX it's so boring the clocks stop.

Good luck.

27th Dec 2007, 17:48
Hello guys and girls,

Just got the job and was wondering just how far away realistically speaking you could live (into Germany that is) to be able to make the 90min callout ?

We (man, woman and one sprog) have been pointed in the direction of Trier. Any other suggestions or tales of good and bad experiences would be great.

Are there any definate no-go's or beware's ?

We are not fussed about nightlife, as our 2 year old takes up most of our spare energy:\.

Thanks Stierado :ok:

27th Dec 2007, 19:28
cancel i.d arrangments to make people live closer-

is that some kind of joke??

31st Dec 2007, 08:41
Yes, indeed a very interesting question. What arrangments do they offer currently?

And could anyone please be so kind to explain me the "call out" system? Is it a general STBY on Off days and can you be called out on every of these?

I understand Off days as days when I can do what I want and can be where I want. Is this seen differently by cargolux?


31st Dec 2007, 08:53
An Off-day is for sure an off-day in Cargolux.

But, you might (very rarely) come home a day or two late from a trip. Almost never happens. If it happens it depends which off-days you come home on. On your 6-day block you have to agree to come home late (or they have to commercial you home), and if so you will get 2 for 1 day. On your 3-day block they don't need your agreement and the days are compensated 1 for 1.

If they are really short of pilots (due to sickness or delays) they sometimes call people on off-days or vacation to ask if they are willing to fly. Again, 2 for 1. Some people do some don't. That's why they always call the same people...

You might end up having blank-days (not off and no duty). Here they can call you out, but latest the day before as far as I understand.

But to make it short, on your off-days you are off, like in any other airline. Did 738-Midranger understand it defferently?

31st Dec 2007, 13:20
Thanks so far.

I was just asking for it because this topic is completetly different in the company where I´m working at the moment. Here an "off" means nothing.

Now it also becomes clear for me why the company is trying to find people who stay close around the field.

It was stated that some pilots found new jobs and are about to leave in the future. What are the reasons? Is the majority unsatisfied with cargolux?

His dudeness
31st Dec 2007, 13:45
I worked one year in LUX whilst having a flat in Germany, a place called Trierweiler. That is a 25-30 minute drive to the airport. If you´d reside downtown Trier and Traffic is bad (7-9 am and pm) i could take 60 minutes from Trier to LUX. Problem is get through the city to the motorway, which usually is not a problem. (had 2 jams there in a year) There is a lot of commuting from France, Belgium and Germany into Luxembourg every day.
Luxembourg is very expensive in housing and living is also at a cost, however I liked the place. And its beautiful in summer!

Wasn´t employed by Cargolux, but met a few guys flying there, really good guys.

ray cosmic
31st Dec 2007, 14:02
If you have some cash to spare please do consider to buy a place in LUX.
Anywhere is good. If you have access to around 350.000 you can get yourself a very decent 2 bedroom apartment. Prices continue to climb in LUX, and this is an easier way to make money than to actually work for it.
Just a personal opinion, though. Some people would prefer to rent or buy a house in Germany instead for the same price you would own the smaller apartment here. I did the latter and never regretted it.

31st Dec 2007, 18:05
Thank you guys,:ok:


3rd Jan 2008, 09:59
Hi Guys,

I`d like to ask my last question again. One of you wrote that some pilots have new jobs and are about to leave in the future.

Is the majority unsatisfied with Cargolux? How is the atmosphere over there?

3rd Jan 2008, 10:12
To keep it short:

- Yes some are leaving. :D
- Atmosphere not good. :mad:

3rd Jan 2008, 11:46
@ hurz
so where are they going...?

4th Jan 2008, 07:15
It's correct the leaving numbers are low at the moment. But what is high is the amount of people looking for another job. Quite a few have passed AF selection, but they have startingdates one or two years ahead. But I'm sure in 2008 more people will leave than in 2007.

My impression meeting people on the line is that they are tired, worked very hard, it's more minimum rest, delays, no comm from management, no future vision etc. But I might be wrong :hmm:

5th Jan 2008, 05:17
Hello Bigiron,

please do not offer me cheese or wine. Just stay with facts and try to leave emotions out of this forum.

Thank you,


6th Jan 2008, 13:39
After following this thread for some time now, I thought that I would just add my 5 cents worth......

I have been living in Luxembourg for some time now and find that it has everything that I need and a little more if I want to pay for it. Summer nights in the city can be quite entertaining and free, Winter is winter and if I'm in a cultural frame of mind there is plenty to do as well.The restaurants are many varied and normally very good. Some great bands come to the city as well so we don't have to go far to see bands like MUSE. So when people say that it is a boring city I find that quite hard to support.

The job, I like it a lot. I struggle with jet-lag but find the rosters quite fair, hard at times but in line with what I signed up to do all those years ago. When I show my rosters to friends working at Charter airlines in the UK or with lads flying with BIG AIRWAYS they think that my job is to die for. The salary is fine though my wife like many others could do with a little more and the pension could do with a little more attention.

My message to the chaps who want to leave - go if you think that is best and I'm sure nobody is going force you to stay but I think that you will find that the grass is no greener and if you are a lot younger than me (i.e. in your twenty's) you may be able to get a better pension - and good luck!!!

METO power
15th Jan 2008, 23:48
Well said luxfreight, the grass only looks greener on the other side of the fence. When I left CV 17 years ago, I was convinced everything would be much better at KLM. Today I have to admit, some things are better (pension), some are worse (scheduling). All in all, its just different. If you have a job with CV, hang on to it and enjoy the good things. To me, CV is equivalent to KLM or any other European major airline.

27th Jan 2008, 21:53
hi guys,

I got an invitation to attend the selection at sarlouis. Can anyone tell me what will happen there.



30th Jan 2008, 20:16
... for me as an observer clear, that the cv that existed about 10 years ago isnt the same like today, too many complaints from pilots flying there, each of us has to make his own way, but cv with its present culture wouldnt be a job for me, neither I would recommendate it.

ray cosmic
31st Jan 2008, 11:39
Austrian, if you are not working for Cargolux I actually think your recommendations regarding CV employment are invalid. Sure it is less fantastic as it has been; it still is a good option if you want to fly worldwide, have fun and have a guaranteed base in the middle of Western Europe.
I totally agree with luxfreights post.

31st Jan 2008, 16:30
ray cosmic and birgi, but now you really confuse me - do the ppruners now need your approvement before writing their opinion in a public forum? Oh my dears - sorry - I didnt know how important you are (or maybe think you are) - take it easy - hold yourself on the yoke and enjoy your cruise :}

1st Feb 2008, 12:11
... for me as another observer also clear, that CV is by far NOT the only airline that has changed over the years. I do NOT work for CV and therefore I would not dare to recommend or judge the airline or it's working conditions. Just looking at the simple facts it seems attractive to me, you get a base that's unlikely to change in the near future, you fly worldwide, you have reasonable time OFF at home and you get to enjoy a tax and social security system which is very employee friendly.

just keep in mind that the people that complain and "whine" here on this forum might actually not represent the majority of pilots and therefore it could be difficult to build your own objective opinion, no matter which airline you look at.

Happy Landings!

2nd Feb 2008, 07:21
Hello A71, have you been sucking lemons lately? you sound bitter. Pray do tell and be honest - Which part of the selection process did you fail?:rolleyes:

2nd Feb 2008, 14:54
Unlike most flag carriers, fluency in the national language is not required, indeed 90% of CLX pilots can't speak a word of Luxembourgish (except maybe "moyen") Such a requirement would narrow the field somewhat.

I think we can assume from A 71s posts that the requirement for fluent English would have been an automatic fail point - certainly written and therefore probably spoken too!!!

As a native English speaker I am constantly impressed by my colleagues, of many different nationalities, firm grasp of technical and spoken English which puts my shaky attempts at French and Spanish to shame. Of course we Brits are renowned for our idleness in learning other languages - long live the Empire!

nose door
3rd Feb 2008, 23:31
Ahhh A71,
How is life sitting at the FBO in le bourget for 6 hrs waiting for your "guest " to finish his/her meeting, and then you will probably have jump into your CJ7to take him to farnborough and sit at that FBO for a few more hours, at which point you then have to go and find a stale sandwhich from the twirly machine, but opps, you don't get time to eat it because "guest" comes from meeting early and you have to fly him to luxembourg, where you will have to overnight, but on your way in you get to follow a nice new 747-4F and a little streak of jealousy sweep over you, because you can remeber the day that you wanted to join, but couldn't, because it was freight and freight dogs were "bad ass guys" and would prey on young innocent co-pilots who spouted a load of ****e all the time.....
Anyway, I must go now as i'm in Auckland for 5 days and the sun is shining, and i need to get in some sailing today, before we all meet up for a great steak dinner, some excellent Kiwi red wine, and then a few beers before bed, because tomorrow we off to do some sight seeing...oh and did i mention that we have 5 days of this...and we're being paid for it!! But if it's a little boring here during the week, all will be rectified when we get to hong kong for a large saturday night out... But yes your right...life is terrible, cos when i get back i have 3 weeks off...yep clear of all duty...except the kids...and then the next trip is....ahhh, yes... beautiful Brazil, with a couple of days here and a few there... and then to the silicone capital of the world.....before a quick relax in barbados before coming home again.
But yes you are right A71, things are worse then 10 years ago, because now we have guys joining who only do it for the money, and not the lifestyle, and all they want to do is sit in their hotel room, and whine on about how terrible it is because they think that the grass is always greener....they look at their per-diems as salary and hate to spend a cent on actually enjoying themselves!! you might well have met one or two or these staying at the novatel on your layover in luxembourg...and of course that will make you an expert on how unhappy we all are...but to do that you'd have had to have left your room...anyway, must go, have abusy day...enjoy the tuna sarni::rolleyes:

Hurz, your right, life is terrible here...i must leave, maybe i'll just go and look at the NJE forum to see how the green green grass of a massive paycut looks...but then again i'm not too keen on tuna sandwhiches....

4th Feb 2008, 16:00
gals and boys, calm down, its not you telling me the cv philosophy, just some mates flying couple of years on the rhs and asking me how to join nje, because they want to FLY again within a professional field, they are not willing to wait decades for upgrade due to too many retired 747 captains who fly lhs with cv,they know about the payrise due to new tax agreements with portugal, about shiny bus.jets range from c550 to f7x, gV, they told us to feel like a dummy sitting on the flightdeck and looking how the heavy metal flies them (instead of the other way around), they aked me how to pass the screening process, because they dont fell comfortable with the cv interview - they told us it wasnt an serious airline screening , whatever it means, everybody who is happy with this job - ENJOY, the people who complain about are sure not the majority (hope so), but also a minority has the right of their own opinion. Take care.

ex dog
4th Feb 2008, 17:01
Can anyone help me is Mr Eric Ellingworth still with Cargolux ( from planning i beleive ) would be great to catch up with him again

4th Feb 2008, 17:01
Nose Door,

Im thinking in applying. Could you please tell me if there is any chance of getting programmed out of a city other than luxemburg say for example, begin your days of duty flying out of BCN (ive seen a weekly flight there) and/or finish the trip back there or somewhere other than LUX. (For commuting reasons)


nose door
4th Feb 2008, 17:25
What a fantastic day's sailing A71.... ahhh got a wee bit of a tan, and even had a family of dolphin's visit us, they complemented us on how professional we looked. But hey ho, how were the tuna sarnies... did u check the expiry date? Off fishing tomoz, if you want we could catch and bring you back some fresh tuna for your sarnies!!!
As you rightly said, if the guys here "for a couple of years" want to leave...well let them...make way for the good guys who want to do the job, go out and enjoy life, drink beer and find entertainment, without fu*king whinging all the time. And i'm sure they will be very impressed by NJE, as yep, you have some ace guys there, and gr8 machinery, but if they have to fly with a jumped up, over opinionated God like you, who is a connoisseur on tuna sarnies...well good luck to them. Me, well I’ll take life as it takes me, with a smile on my face knowing full well my day is getting better due to the fact that the hangover will wear off and that i don't have to sit next to you for the next 7 days!!!
BTW next time your in Lux, pop into the office and ask to have a look around for yourself....you might even be surprised.....we have a twirly machine in the office with subsidized fresh tuna sarnies

4th Feb 2008, 22:44
nose door,

after 8 years with CV and still not trying to leave: this is the worst CRAP I´ve heard about our outfit. Too tired to go into details now. Talk to you later.

burgerking :ugh:

4th Feb 2008, 22:48
Hello ex dog,

Eric is indeed still with us and in the rudest of health! As he is quite a frequent contributor to PPrune then he has probably already replied but if not let me know and I will point him to this thread.

Happy catching up, Flightwatch.

ray cosmic
5th Feb 2008, 04:26
What a bitch-slapping event this thread turned into. Unbelievable.
Is it perhaps possible to simply ignore people like this Austrian fellow?

ex dog
5th Feb 2008, 06:42
Thanks Flightwatch,

Have made contact

nose door
5th Feb 2008, 07:35
Good evening A71,
What a great day's fishing, 25*C, clear blue skies, but i have some bad news for you i'm afraid...no tuna! Aparently they're further out to sea, yep that is a large area of water...bigger then a lake, now you know what a lake looks like, yes, well if you imagine the same picture but you can't see the other side, thats a sea, and an ocean is bigger then that, but not to digress back to the point at hand. How was your day, did you have a choccy milkshake to wash down your tuna sarnie, i don't normally give out advice, but why not try ham or cheese, try a bit of variety, that way you can actually back up what you are saying as opposed to trying to bluff your way through, it is also advisable to drink lots of water, as when your telling all your colleagues about how many guys want to leave cargolux and join a non profit making organization, they will probabbly want to hear a bit more from you as to "why"? and you don't want to let your throat get dry, as you'd then sound like "sdaffy duck" on the radio, and that would'nt be be very proffesional now, would it?
Met some guys over dinner this evening, from another freight outfit, lufty cargo, you might have heard of them, do you have any friend's there, do you have any pearls of wisdom for them? Anyway, we got talking about this and that, but the one point that they did mention and this was the interestiong bit is actually, the amount of pilot's that actually leave Cargolux or lufty is actually very small, probably 1-2% per year, actually go, and of that 1-2% is one guy who probably fills at least the 1/2% as last year he left luty to join CV and then 3 month's later left CV to join Lufty again, now where is the sense in that, we think he just like to do physco test's so he can actually tell guys he's good at them.
Oh well must off to bed, think about doing some wine tasting tomorrow, if you would like to imprees your colleagues in the other seat, go out for dinner with them and order a good bottle of New Zealand Red, they make some excellent red's now, as well as white wines. You know, that a lot of people really enjoy a kiwi over aussie, as the flavours are a lot more subtle, (and that's wine i'm talking about:=)
Try a stoneleigh, from marlborough county, now i'll probablly have to give you a bit of a geography lesson here, as we're talking about marlborough countynot country, this one is south of the equator, (not where your ciggie's are from,) you might have heard about that one during your flying exam's, it's also known as the 0 degree latitude, not to be mistaken for the 0 degree longitude which is also known as the greenwhich meridian, so called because it passes through a small town called farnborough, but you probabbly know about that place, one day you might even cross the equator and the only way you'd know is that your pee goes down the toilet the other way, but that's all for another day.... well my friend, you don't mind me calling you friend do you, i must hit the sack, as i have a beautiful ewe waiting, and someone has nicked her coat, she collect's cow bell's you know, so to impress her i told a little white lie!! I said that i had a little Austrian friend who might just be able to get her one.:rolleyes:

5th Feb 2008, 17:28
Nose door,

you must be a lux office guy fantasizing about the life of a cv pilot!

Sure the akl stop is great - more often its going to be los, kmq, gyd and the likes. Mostly min rest on the way there and back.

Sure it is still a good company, very professional and not many are leaving right now - but please: stop the BS!!

enjoy, bk

ray cosmic
5th Feb 2008, 22:52
Nose Door puleeze... maybe people in the office will think that each trip is like this. Unless, you -because of special favors and a standing bid- only go to AKL.
As the Burger says; it is not a continuous wet dream, but it belongs certainly to the better jobs around in the Freight/ Long Haul world.

btw, I like tuna sandwiches....

nose door
5th Feb 2008, 23:25
Double whopper with fries, and RC...
This will be the last one, for a while at least, as soon i'll have to go u know where. But I just wanted to let the Austrian 71 king of the hill, know that we can very gracously arrange for him to come and visit us and to try the phsyco test for him self, (probably for the second time so he should be a bit better at the spot the dot thingy) and that way, when he is asked by all these mysterious people he knows, what cargolux is really like he will now hopefully be fairly well informed about us, as opposed to the ****e he has been spouting!!! So you see in the previous post's i have put all the clues in there for him to work it out what a great bunch of guys and girls we really are, proffesional, educated, well paid, with a good solid company behind us, that posts profit's most, (well almost most,) years.
So if there are people out there who want to join, you have to do it for the right reason's. The flying is great, the routes are the best of any -400 operater in the world, but to play hard, we work hard, and even though we have a few issue's with whoever or whatever, on the whole we have a load less issue's then a lot of other operater's.
But if you don't like to party....well ur best staying at home.:ok:


oh, blue falcon, sorry no special treatment, you start in lux you finish in lux, if u want to commute, it's make ur own way.

6th Feb 2008, 20:32

as far as I know (happened to me last year) you will get a negative reply if you don't have the TT required. This is apparantly due to the Level-D / 0 flighttime training they do on the -400.


Buster Hyman
14th Feb 2008, 01:47
5 days in AKL is like a week in a padded room, IMHO!;) At least there's plenty of time to head back over to MEL & have a good time...you know, you passed through there on the way in.:p

14th Feb 2008, 09:57
Too right Buster... at least you get the weekend in MEL before having to put up with 5 days of speights drinkers and all black supporters...

No credit for the wally that decided to break up the long MEL layover and keep the long AKL

:ok: Straughanie

14th Feb 2008, 17:37
Gentlemen what is your problem?
CR2, not a pilot at all by the way, want to show some possible joiners how magnificent the world once was?
Cargolux is still a good job, not in anyway as outstanding as it was but those projectives ---- let's rather close this threat forever and start a new one, I'm tired of this howling, it has changed, a lot, but still, ---.
Things might change - again.....call me a darwinist, well,
And still there are much worse opportunities!
I'd like to welcome any volonteers in joining one of the better, not best, anymore, outfits to probably bring it towards the glory it once had.
Just my wishes,
good night

14th Feb 2008, 21:53
? eh ?


1st Mar 2008, 19:17
Am I going to be in for any big surprises for the selection? I have had a look around at the different threads regarding this... but I am just wondering if somebody has any new info (up to date)...
Never failed any selections yet... guess we'll see!

ray cosmic
21st Mar 2008, 23:44
CTS. I would prefer to refer it the off days as a block of 3 and a block of 6, where you might have a rest day in front if you crossed a bunch off timezones. Or do you get 4 days as well after a MST?

ray cosmic
22nd Mar 2008, 15:09
thanks for the explanation gents, was not clear to me!

24th Mar 2008, 18:54
Sound like Cargolux quality of life can be very challenging with so few days off. Just curious if Cargolux pilots decide to leave where do they end up going with their 747-400 type? Do they instead fly for LCC like Ryan or Easy or do they go to EK or maybe another 747 operator on average?

26th Mar 2008, 13:12
That sound better. What percent of Cargolux pilots leave company and where do they tend to go?

26th Mar 2008, 21:26
Anybody here recently passed through the application process?

Tests in Saarlouis - any new things or informations?


Merci :)

28th Mar 2008, 16:46
I had 200 days at home last year... and a few 3-5 days by the pool "working" on trips.

3-4 guys will leave for AF this year. Quite a few guys (mainly germans) applied for Aerologic. They start spring 2009, so that's to come how many will leave.

Generally people like it. I know I do.

The question is what will happen in the future? More a/c or more competition?


28th Mar 2008, 18:18
Do newhires generally come from low-cost carriers like Air Berlin, Easy and Ryanair? Where else do they source newhires? Also, as a newhire how many landings would you expect in a month on average?

29th Mar 2008, 04:35
Air Berlin, Brussels Airlines, CityJet, Transavia, Austrian/Tyrolean, Swiss (mainly former Crossair) and these kind of airlines.

Landings is no difference if you're new or old in company. About 7-8 sectors per month and you do half the landings.

30th Mar 2008, 21:01
Does anybody know how long the day in Saarlouis is?

I have received an invitation to attend a selection day in Saarlouis. To be able to fit it in my already busy flying schedule I would like to find out if it is possible to fly in a day before and fly out the same day. Flights operated to LUX and the return flight leaves at 1745.

And does anybody know what to expect at day one in Saarlouis?

Thanks for your help.


30th Mar 2008, 22:01
Tests in Saarlouis will take place at different locations starting at 0800loc and ending 1800loc.

1h Medical, 6h Computer tests, 1h Interview (if principle of last years is still valid)


31st Mar 2008, 18:18
Thanks again for all your help.

I have decided to drive over from the UK. This is the safest option and it also gives more oppertunities to go over to Saarlouis.

If (big IF) you pass day one, how many other days are there? I have heard two but can anyone confirm or deny this?


31st Mar 2008, 18:28
How many newhires expected through 2008? Do newhires start as Second Officers (cruise pilots) or First Officers?

13th May 2008, 20:01
Hi to all,

Has anyone been invited to the March 28th ´s interview?Any advice for the interview?What kind of question may I expect?


13th May 2008, 20:20
Has anyone been invited to the March 28th ´s interview?

No worries mate, you got nearly 11 months to prepare.:E

However you probably mean 28th of May. Which interview questions are you looking for? Day 1 (Saarlouis) or Day 2 interview with the Chief pilot?


14th May 2008, 07:46

Of course I mean MAY 28th!!Sorry!

I´m looking for some info about the first interview.There are so many posts in this threat that i´m getting crazy!!I´d like to know how to prepare the psyco test(if this is possible!!) and what kind of questions are asked in the interview.

I´d like to know also what is the average of succesfull candidates in each assesment.In my case, 3500h TT and 1500h on B-757.


20th May 2008, 20:42
obviously already thinking about the "half year off" before even starting work :p:ok:

29th May 2008, 18:58
Somebody knows about Parcaviaton recruiting FO for Cargolux:confused::confused::confused:

They would be recruiting in behalf of Cargolux for 6 month contract with a posible 6 months extension.

speed alive
30th May 2008, 12:36
just got an invitation for the interview at Cargolux. I`ve read the whole thread, but some infos seem to be pretty old! Any changes on the salary, roster, general T's&C's? What is the actual take home pay for a single FO first year?? Do they still have 7+4 days off per 28 days?? How long are the the trips in average?? Future outlooks for the company??? Hours flown per year? Are the figures on ppjn still accurate??
Thanks for your help!!

speed alive

3rd Jun 2008, 09:05
Cargolux'ers.... is it true that before you get an invitation to upgrade that the company has an internal psychological interview? I heard that several guys from 98/99/2000 entrance year have been bypassed and are currently in temporary sickleave because of the stress from not becoming a Captain. Any truth to this matter? I always thought that the psychological evaluations are at the beggining of the job not 10 years into it? I would like to know if this is just BS or true?

3rd Jun 2008, 09:35
Speed alive, how long did you wait for an invitation to attend the assessment day, after submitting your online application?
Good luck in Saarlouis...

4th Jun 2008, 12:27
Excellent comment CommitedToStay,
there is nothing to be added, description of the current situation and the training dep. to the point. Everything else is rumours or even worse.

5th Jun 2008, 09:10
Glad to hear our half persian friend is the exception. It still reflects poorly on both parties, it always takes two. I wonder how the court case will go? Perhaps that is why the system is being changed (which is a big improvment). Still, a very sad way of dealing with something that should have been addressed at the first instance of entering the company rather than 10 years down the road in the pilot's career.
I know two guys who turned the interview down after hearing about how the upgrade interview of the "old system" was used...
But let's look at the future, it does seem alot better.

nose door
5th Jun 2008, 09:37
6 2 8
Well time will tell if they were right to turn down the interview...cos a lot can happen in a week in politic's and even more in aviation....so in 10 yrs time if they passed the current 'dot to dot' test, who know's....to be offered a job, first you must get through the interview....then you are in a better position to make the call.... not before you have it...just ask my old m8 Austrian (From previous post's) now where has he gone...been a bit quiet recently...i'd have thought he'd have spouted his vast knowledge on this....he ho...
Hope it's locked !!

5th Jun 2008, 18:53
Speed alive:

To answer some of your questions.

Salary hasn't changed for many years except the increse of index from the Luxembourgish state. Per diem has technically increased (from USD to EUR).

After training you get about 4,200. As single you end up paying about 30% tax. About 800 tax free per diem is on top of that.

Roster still the same, 4 and 7 in every 28-days. 42 days vacation.

Average trip is about 7 days.

Hours flown is everywhere between 400 and 650 depending on seniority I would say. Some other guys would disagree. But it is a difference to always fly Shanghai and back or stay a week by the pool in Brasil.

Future outlook. Ah, now it gets interesting. Here probably some of my colleges will "correct" me. But whatever you hear the best answer is - nobody knows. The latest information in print is that in 2015 the company will have the same amount of aircraft as they have in one month (16). I fly more and more with guys saying they now expect between 15 and 20 years in right seat. Many have started to look for other jobs (not saying they will find something better). People, although small numbers, do resign for Air France and NetJets mainly.

Negotiations for a new CWA is coming soon. We all hope for some improvements, mainly regarding the rostering. Still one's private life is not always respected. For example they call you on your vacation or time off, they bring you home late (on off-days) etc etc. The whole operation is very tight. If something goes wrong (AOG, wx, overnight delay in LUX etc) the network (including the crew's rosters) is very easy distrubed.

8th Jun 2008, 08:27

I am very well aware of business strategy and what goes in the press and what not. But the main point I was trying to make was, once again: "(...) whatever you hear the best answer is - nobody knows". A few chosen ones maybe do know, although I believe even our management doesn't know. They're too busy with all the court cases going on.

Now, having said that, I just informed about what was the latest in print. One should take it for what it is. Also, from a personal experience, I informed about that I fly with many (and I mean many) colleges that look for other jobs. That's fact. But again, if they find something better, who knows.

Also a personal opinion regarding an expansion. Cargolux have in total 25 747-8 aircraft on order (of which 12 options/purchase rights). If they elect to utilize these options it won't be in LUX. The cargo apron (the current and the who-knows-when-future one) and cargo center won't take it. Then Cargolux have to expand somewhere else.

Just my own guess.

Until then we all should hope that our management have a plan for us. :confused:

8th Jun 2008, 21:01
not to mention the new customer friendly airport taxes..
any movement 23-2400 standing landing fees doubled,any movement 2400-0600 standard landing fees trebled..got to pay for the new green house and park and ride somehow...

22nd Jun 2008, 13:13
I see that you have recently gone through the job application process, was just wondering whether you have accepted the job offer,if any?

Secondly, what can you tell about the second interview(with Chief Pilot/Manager recruitment)?

Many thanks!

30th Jun 2008, 20:01
- Relational competence questions à la: You´re flying with a seasoned
captain who doesn´t talk much for ten days. How do you break the ice?

Snorri still there? :}

13th Jul 2008, 13:58
From the A1/E44 highway take the exit (no 9 I think) signed to the Airport/Senningerberg follow signs to airport to next roundabout, continue via the second exit south-west (do not go round to airport terminal). Go straight through the next set of traffic lights with the Etap and Ibis hotels to your right to the next set of lights where you turn right into Rue Kilwee. Continue 100 metres and the entrance is on your left, a lifting barrier. Press the call button and the security guard will let you in, follow the road around to your left to the front of the building and you will see the door marked reception - enter there and the receptionists are straight in front of you and will tell you where to go.

Good luck.

P.S. If arriving by air walk out of the terminal to the main road and turn left. Keep walking past the first set of lights and as above, it will take about 20 minutes.

Oops, beaten to it!

13th Jul 2008, 16:23
you cant get past reception unescorted so you will be meet
and taken to the various offices

if you get lost once past the ibis remember on the main road igonore buildings on your left even though they display cargolux logo's this is the old main building and hangar..your target is the lorang building behind the cafe check inn which is on your right..


13th Jul 2008, 20:22
Walk out of airport, turn left. Find pub on opposite side of the road. It's behind the pub. :} (Called Check Inn as acmi48 mentioned)

If the person you are looking for is unavailable, check pub :}:}

hawkeye red
15th Jul 2008, 09:54
......whatever they told you about the working conditions is propably what is agreed upon between the pilots union and management. That is, however, a distant truth when you start. Then they will roster you in stark violation to the collective work agreement, they will tell you that you are expected to fly on your off days if they are short of crews, they will cut down on your resttime, crew control will monitor your every step, and report to the chiefpilot if you do not comply with what they want you to do, etc. etc.
Good luck though...

Hawkeye red

ray cosmic
15th Jul 2008, 16:11
wow hawkeye; what company are you working for? Doesn't really seem like the Cargolux I know...

Launchpad McQuack
15th Jul 2008, 19:08
How strict is the requirement to reside within 2 hours of base/10 hours before duty? Are there any specifics (2 hours by train/car/bus etc)?. Do any of the faster trains like the ICE etc pass through or near LUX?



ray cosmic
16th Jul 2008, 03:46
It is just a requirement to be there, your mode of travel is your decision to make. If you don't make it, there's no excuse. But I suppose that's normal.
Regarding fast trains: you'll only have a TGV connection into LUX. From the German side everything goes via Trier. Not being familiar with the German part, I suppose you can go fast until Trier, and normal afterwards to LUX.
Mostly people drive from f.e. Cologne, and leave some time before their expected wake-up call. Mostly it's spot on, but if the wake-up call comes later than anticipated, they'll have to spend some hours in the crewroom.
Also in winter time they allow more time for travel, which can make it a pretty long day.
As alternative you'll find crewmembers sharing an apartment in Trier or surroundings, costing them maybe 150EUR all-in per person.

nose door
22nd Jul 2008, 21:15
QUOTE]Chief pilot clearly said tha expecting 10yr for upgrade right now would be "very very conservative". Was he selling me the job?[[/QUOTE]

very conservative, as it will take 20yrs or 5?

call is yours...if you want variety...CV, if you want routine CX, you'll do Europe-DXB-HKG, with a PVG turnaround or something, and then same way back to europe, they say command in min 18 month's....if you get past the "Ayre's rock assain's", but then you'll get more days off at home with CX, and depending on how you pay your tax...slightly more $$$.... but if you want to know more ask me old mate Austrian 79 ( from previous post's) he seems' to be full of in depth knowedge of all things CV....now where has he gone....


23rd Jul 2008, 17:25
I would say CV if you don't want routine, CX if you want routine and no fun at all.
Moneywise it's strongly depending on the US$ and where you're living as the HK$ is still somehow linked to the US one.
I don't see 20 years for the upgrade in CV but if that's your primary factor, stay away better opportunities out there those days, not in central Europe though!!! Unless you're 25 and qualified.
Good luck.

24th Jul 2008, 08:02
I hope the chief pilot knows more than we do... he should anyway. What we know is not too optimistic (no expansion for the next 8 some years). See previous posts.

Regarding CV or CX. I think one should think about having a European or Asian contract. I would prefer the first. A European contract is more regulated and one should be more protected in the long term. See what happened to the guys at Oasis, or what happened the the 49’ers at CX. And much more. I believe Asia is far away from Europe regarding the labor laws. As well is the States.

But yes, Luxembourg is very special. CV also had cases where people were unfairly dismissed. Guess it happens in Europe as well, but much much more in Asia and elsewhere.

And another good point with CV is that you have a European contract and homebase. What guaranties do you have that CX will let you stay at a base in Europe, or when you upgrade then might ask you to move all your family to lovely clean aired Hong Kong? With the Asians you have no guaranties.

I had quite a similar choice, and I went for CV rather than an Asian carrier. And I don’t regret it.

Just food for thoughts.


24th Jul 2008, 17:43
Ok, that's a good start. But I still think the Asian companies can do whatever they want with you. And doing that they would not consider local laws. They would simply offer you a new contract based in HKG, they won't fire you.

30th Jul 2008, 06:27

CTS is pretty accurate with accommodation, but a wee OTT and something to consider: CV might be holding back expansion plans for obvious reasons, since a new CWA negs are coming up. This has happened before and the real head of the company is known to run the show this way...

This has of course impact on ugrades and should be of consideration when thinking about joining. Naturally it doesn't help anyone right now but might make a difference...


30th Jul 2008, 14:29
Alcione, not sure if you got my PM but may I suggest websites "athome.lu" or "fishbach.lu" failing that try asking someone in Personnel.

2nd Aug 2008, 10:44
Maybe one should get the permanent contract (1 year after joining) before making too many changes in personal life, like moving there or moving your family to there etc. During that year it also gives you an idea of which areas you like and can afford ;).

But it's a nice company, easy to enjoy. Somewhat strange sometimes, but that's not the company, it's the business we're in.


7th Aug 2008, 19:35
Can Alcione or azdriver or others who have been hired recently talk about experience levels? Do most newhires far exceed the minimums or are they near the minimums? What about flight experience - are we talking about LCC, bizjet, military, regional jet? It would be helpful to know these things for people who are considering applying.

General question to the group: do newhires start as SOs (cruise pilots) or do they start as FOs on the line?


8th Aug 2008, 02:44
Cargolux doesn't have SO's or cruise pilots. Everyone is being hired as FO (junior). Depending how you agree within the crew, you’ll be flying FO or operate as a relief pilot on that very sector. Sometimes even you fly with two captains, then one of them work as a relief pilot.

Cargolux is very easy going in that sense. It is not much of the hierarchy as in, for example, many Asian airlines like Cathay.

8th Aug 2008, 20:54
Just hired have to start the 10th of Nov.

TT 5500hr
1300hr as Capt on the BAe-146/RJ
1400hr as Capt on the ATR

26th Aug 2008, 09:26
Ciao AZdriver,
what' your final decision? CV or CX?

4th Sep 2008, 23:58
Presently about 384 pilots and 16 a/c.
Capt/co approx. 50% so 12 captains and 12 co's per a/c.
Based on retirement at 65 and a steady expansion of 1 a/c per year up to a maximum of 25, the last one on the seniority list would get his/her upgrade in 2026.
To have an upgrade in 10 years 30 aircraft would be needed...

5th Sep 2008, 09:38
With the pension deal we have I don't see too many people leave before the age of 65.
If 3 pilots per year being higher on the seniority list would leave, a couple of eternal co's, then: max 25 a/c -> upgrade in 2022, max 20 a/c -> upgrade in 2027

5th Sep 2008, 11:04
CTS, maybe my math is not accurate but, between the day I joined and now we got 3 new aircraft.
With approx 24 crewmembers per aircraft I should have about 72 colleagues behind me right?
I think I'm FO 125 now and the last FO is 193 on my list so it looks like my math is not too bad :confused:
According to my calculation you need 24 new FO's for an extra aircraft as 12 FO's will be upgraded.

5th Sep 2008, 15:30
What is the Cargolux's pilot profile???
I have been applying for three years, JAR Frozen ATPL, FAA's ATPL,
4000 hrs SIC Heavy (more than 500 in B744), 6000 hrs total time and they
have always replied the same, KEEP TRYING!!!!

I don't speak German, maybe that's the reason...
There is any other way to send the CV than the interpersonal website:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

26th Sep 2008, 10:32
first of all a big thanks to all the contributors of this very informative post. I have read through it several times now in the last weeks and months in order to get a balanced picture of what's going on in cargoland.
I'm currently with a lowcost carrier based in the sunnier sides of western europe, but am finding out that I want something else in my career. I would like to return to my 'heimat' in the lower lands, and commute to luxembourg. So are there many commuters and does Cargolux frown upon that? how about the long run? do commuters eventually decide to move to luxembourg? I don't exclude a move to lux, however for now I prefer not to. I realize that this is a personal decision but I would appreciate to hear some experiences from other commuters, before I go to the screening.
thanks guys('n gals)


26th Sep 2008, 14:58
I´d say about 70% of us are commuters. As long as you can stand it and manage it reasonably - be there rested and on time - it´s o.k. Average twice a month.

Just be sensible in the interview.

30th Sep 2008, 08:34
Yea, I heard 80% commuters (living more than 2 hrs away). The fact is that the company don't find enough pilots in the Glorious Nation, why they hire people further away. But they can't force people to move. Again, they will ask you during your interview if you're willing.

And who isn't?! :ugh:

30th Sep 2008, 09:23
By the way, did we sort out how long the time to upgrade would be with the current known conditions?

I see they hire many new pilots now, several every month.

30th Sep 2008, 10:03
Thanks for the input guys,
I'll be discrete about it on the interview. I might want to move in a later stage, but now I just prefer a bit of stability( If I make it through ofcourse :-).
This approach seems a bit odd to me, talked to some other operators and they didn't have any problem with commuters. One of them was even proud of the fact that their pilots were living all over the place. One would think that for a long haul operator this wouldn't be an issue.
Can anyone explain what the thought behind this policy is?

30th Sep 2008, 11:53
By the way, did we sort out how long the time to upgrade would be with the current known conditions?

Hard to say, depends on the age at which people retire, people leaving for various other reasons, eternal F/O's and fleet expansion.
Without fleet expansion, retirement at 65, 2 more senior extra leaving per year and 5 eternal F/O's it would be close to 2030.
Same numbers but expansion of 1 a/c per year up to 25 a/c it would be 2024.
1 a/c per year up to 30 a/c it would be 2020.

4th Oct 2008, 13:22
LBR, that doesn't look too promising...

9th Oct 2008, 22:08
I need updated info about Cargolux roster.

Thanks to all!!!

10th Oct 2008, 11:22
You mean: I would like to have ..........:=

10th Oct 2008, 15:09
Does anyone have some details about the first day in Saarlouis?
would be great.
Thank you....

10th Oct 2008, 16:35
First advice: Take a hotel and be there the night before, so you arrive well rested for the day.

On the day itself: First thing you have to do, is go to the doctor for a medical check-up.

After that you go to IBF itself on a different location. The atmosphere is quite relaxed I have to say. When I went, I was there alone. You sit in a room with 4 or 5 computers. The guy from IBF will explain you how to use the computer and then off you go!

There are many different tests, like multitasking, concentration, recognizing shapes etc...
Also personality tests have to be done.

All in all, I did not find the tests that difficult, and there is not really a specific preparation you can do. If you play a computer game from time to time, you should be fine. Only thing is that it takes a long time to complete all the tests, and you need to keep your concentration up at all times, so what I did was only eat little portions in between the tests and the break at noon to avoid that lazy feeling after dinner (I only ate bananas that day;-)

Once all the tests are completed you go for a chat with the psychologist, takes about 30mins, he will ask you how you think you did the tests, wants to know your motivation for joining Cargolux etc..., and that's it for the day.

I got a call from Cargolux 1,5 week later telling me I passed the tests, and I got invited for an interview in the next coming weeks.

If there is a Cargolux pilot who wants to share a few of his rosters with me, please feel free to PM me.

Good luck!

10th Oct 2008, 18:25
thank you Bae,
that gives me an overview. i try to ask you about
the interview if i get that far....

18th Oct 2008, 12:54
Yes, I Know one guy with a date in January `09, why do you ask CTS?

23rd Oct 2008, 15:29
hi, could anybody give me an idea how realistic it is to live in France as I know there are a few froggies flying for CV, and also question about tax, what's the deal there? please pm me if possible. thanks.

23rd Oct 2008, 16:49
is it true that time to upgrade for new joiners would be about 15 years at current rate ???

28th Oct 2008, 15:06
Regarding the T&Cs´in Cargolux.

What kind of medical cover does the company provide you (and your family) with? (full care including dental care etc).
Any freebies ie. company phone/internet etc.

Very interesting thread.


12th Nov 2008, 08:56
...someone else starting TR 19.01.2009 ?

22nd Nov 2008, 11:29
Did anyone get a starting date in February or March?

24th Nov 2008, 08:26
they told around march but do not know exactly yet because of
the delay of the 47-8f.
did you get a fix date to start?

24th Nov 2008, 13:40
Yes!!! :ok:

28th Nov 2008, 13:26
I would be most interested in having a glance at a typical schedule for a cargolux fo. I am considering what my chances would be to join in the future and would be grateful if someone could enlighten me as to what to expect!
Feel free to PM me, and (of course) to remove any indications as to whom belongs the actual schedule!

Thank you very much!

28th Nov 2008, 13:44
jtanne, check your pm!

29th Nov 2008, 18:17
I have been told this week that nobody should expect to start in Feb for sure, March unlikely as well, more likely May at the earliest due to global economic situation and later arrival of 747-800s. So Jtanne, you replied yes but surely that cant be in reply to Feb/March starting date??

FCS Explorer
2nd Dec 2008, 13:34
CTS: what happened to

"Well, it´s safe to say that we´re still desparately short of crews at the moment. The sooner the newhires start, the better it is.."

(that was in october)?
all due to the fincancial crisis?

ray cosmic
5th Dec 2008, 16:21
cts, although you are mostly helpful and correct, i noted some other data.
No CV acft to be parked, courses only in jan and feb and pre command training only to have 'em ready when needed for upgrade.

5th Dec 2008, 19:02
Hello Cargolux pilots,

Little advice sought. Right to live and work in EU ( British national ) currently flying for a US cargo company in the -400 that, shockingly, is going to furlough me...... 5000TT, 250 on the -400, 2700PIC and +1000 Turbine PIC. Going down the conversion road presently. Would there be any benefit of calling your recruiters and pleading my case in my best A level German ( not Luxemburgisch mind you ), just to let them know I'm very interested and should be all converted within 4 months.

With a furlough looming I don't know whether to rock the boat or keep quiet and miss it? (Hint, our airplanes look like flying Chinese restaurants and we aren't well liked in EBBR....)

Thanks chaps.

15th Dec 2008, 14:53
Hey Guys,

does anyone know if Cargolux has put a hold on recruitment? I had an interview scheduled earlier this month, but it got postponed due to crewing reasons untill further notice. I haven't heard anything for 4 weeks now and was wondering if the current economic climate could have anything to do with it. In the coming weeks I will have to sign some new contracts with my current employer, so all information is highly appreciated....

and not to forget; merry christmas, hohoho!

ray cosmic
16th Dec 2008, 06:07
At the earliest you would be in a course at the end of next year, if not, even 2010.

20th Dec 2008, 09:26
Latest - six guys starting in January then no further recruitment for the year envisaged, no further upgrades in 2009

23rd Dec 2008, 23:25
Thanks for the info guys. It seems that I've just missed the boat. A bit of a disapointment, but at least I have an idea of where I stand.
To all of you who are starting your courses; good luck and enjoy your new adventure:).

All the best for 2009!


10th Feb 2009, 08:23
Good day,

Does anybody have any info regarding recruitment for Cargolux for 2009. As mentioned on another thread here at Pprune, they are launching Cargolux Italia. Is that expected to have any influence on the situation?

Also it would seem strange that if hiring has come to a complete stop, why Interpersonal keep running the ad on it´s webpage.

While we are on the subject, IATA has published a big plunge in cargo transport on a global basis, does anybody know how Cargolux is coping in todays market.


10th Feb 2009, 19:17
Having good payloads is one thing ... but at what price? At costprice?

About the hiring:
I hear ALL kinds of things:
-NO hiring for 2009
-10 F/O's more needed
-40 F/O's more needed

15th Feb 2009, 12:01

Look at page 22 of this thread, I made a description of what to expect on the day in Saarlouis.

Good luck,

15th Feb 2009, 12:44
All the best of luck for those invited to Saarlouis!

Again it seems strange that with at least a few people in the holding pool, and information given by Cargolux in January, that they will not hire any new pilots in 2009 that they are still accepting people for assessments.

Let us hope that hiring will again start in the near future, for those waiting in line.

5th Mar 2009, 10:52
Does no one have any info on Cargolux these days. Are they continuing to invite people for assessments in Saarlouis?

Any speculations on how long the people already in the holding-pool will have to wait for a shot at the right seat of a 744?


5th Mar 2009, 11:47
i heard a rumour that cv will hire some 50 f/o in 2010...
so holding pool time could be easily one year.

ray cosmic
6th Mar 2009, 20:18
i suppose it will be "in".

9th Mar 2009, 19:12
Hi guys I went to Saarlouis recently for Cargolux;

Here are some informations for you about how it happen overthere :

1st medical examination:
eyes : -long and short distance
-3 dimensions picture (you must see an elephant and star)
- colors (you must see some numbers)
hears, heart, blood and pee sample.
breathing capacity
general examination by doctor.

2nd, you'll spend the rest of the day in front of a computer :

1) you have 4 geometrical figures, and a fith one with is changing all the time (about every sec), when it corresponds to one of the four, you have to press a key. Quite difficult because sometimes only one detail differs.

2)the screen is divided in two, on both sides you have some lines of number or letters combinations or geometrical simple shapes.
On the left line side some itmes are crossed; you have to cross the items wich are identical on the right side, easy but you must do it fast.

3)You have some picture of streets with some traffic (little bit like the one I used to see during my driving licence examination :) )
This pictures are just a glimpse , it just stays a fraction of second on the screen then you if to click on the following boxes if you have see that in the picture :
traffic light
road sign

4)For this exercice, you must use
2 pedals

on the screen you have a triangle wich stands on his top

you must maintain the triangle straight on his top by using the stick (if it rotates towards its right, move the stick to the left to correct).

This triangle must stand on a cross but it is unstable, it moves right/left and front/back from that cross.
Press the right pedal to move it towards you
Press the left pedal to move it right
in order to keep it on the cross.

You have to use both pedals and stick together, this is a coordination exercise.

5) other coordination exercise :
you must use the keyboard wich has some round colors buttons
red, blue, white, yellow, green.
they are also two square buttons in the middle (grey and black), the grey button is above the black one.
you must also use the pedals.

When you see a red round on the screen, you press the red button
(like this for all the colours buttons)
When you ear a high sound, you press the grey button
When you ear a low sound, you press the black button
Wen you have a grey round on the left side of the screen, press the left pedal
When you have a grey round on the right side of the screen, press the right pedal.

It all go fast and you must be quick,

6) you have a kind of city map in front of you with some symbols, it stays on the screen maybe 3 seconds, you have to memorise the location, the map appear again and you must locate the symbols wich are asked to you.
There can be up to seven symbol on the chart, you can cheat by using your fingers on the screen if there are no too many of write them down quickly on a paper, or use a erasable pen on the screen :)

7) this is an endurance test (important for long haul like cargolux), you have a white dot moving every second on a black screen, it moves around like a clock, but sometimes maybe 10 times on the 30 min test duration, it moves by 2 centimeters instead of the usual 1 centimeter, so you must press a key when it's the case, easy but boring and tiring. Trick, follow the dot with your finger to well notice the skip

8) It's like a classical IQ test you have 5 figures on the screen and you must chose the sixth one among a choice of 4 corresponding to the logical sequence.

9)Orientation test, you have a plane picture with an heading given, then an other picture with that plane, you must chose wich axis and wich direction were used to move the aircraft, sometimes different solutions, but use always the shorter way,
3 axis :

and also chose clockwise / anticlockwise

10) You have 4 easy shapes on the screen, and one shape corresponding to one of the 4 hereabove appear, you must click on the corresponding one,
very easy, the next shape appears once you have clicked, but you must be as fast and precise as you can.

11) It is like the exercise 2)
but sometimes the computer ask you questions and you must first answer the questions and then continue on your task as exercise 2)
The questions sometime refer to an agenda wich you must open by clicking on it or to a phonebook, you have all the answer choice in the bottom of the screen or this kind of question :

Martin is shorter than Jack wich is shorter than Alan, who is the tallest ?
Complete this logical serial : 2 4 6 8 ...
How much is 42 plus 26 divided per 2.....
When do you have to go to the swimming pool ..... (refer agenda)
Wich city lives Mr Smith...... (refer to adress book)

You have also a timer on the corner of the screen and some answers must be giver at a certain time, so write them down and don't forget to click on the answer at the giver time.

Also during the day you will have to answer to about 600 psycholigical questions, it’s to find how is your personality,
Different aspects of the personality will be analysed like

-Introvert / Extrovert
-active / lazy

Here are a few questions that appareared :

Do you think love is more important than work ?
Do you work more than other people ?
Do you always respect speed limits ?
Do you like to drive fast?
Are you afraid by spiders?
Do you like gladiator movies?
Have you ever cried during a movie?
Do you sometimes feel so stressed that you can’t sleep?
Do you like order?
Does disorder makes you feel angry?

I hope this will help you guys, I think that is very important to share vital information to everybody than keeping it for himself so other can benefit and can be better prepared,

Good luck guys



11th Mar 2009, 17:17
hey guys,
as some of you already mentioned that staff travel arrangements with other carriers are poor, does that mean that commuting is available only on cargolux aircraft or do you have agreements with other carriers providing ZED/ID/STBY tickets to Cargolux Pilots? If so can anyone please specify these carriers.

thanks in advance :ok:

21st Mar 2009, 17:11
does nobody know?

21st Mar 2009, 17:37
Sorry mad12 but I'm afraid your chances to get the job are slim if 49 is your real age...

21st Mar 2009, 22:56
hi LBR, don´t let my age trouble you :cool:.
do you have any information concerning staff travel arrangements with other carriers? advice is appreciated :ok:.

emergency descent
22nd Mar 2009, 04:36
I have to back LBR, if 49 is your real age, you are too old.
The average age of the last peoples that joined is 28. Among the last 50 on the seniority list, the max. age is 37, average low thirtys.
You can travel free on all CV flights and ID tickets are avail. for Luxair. That´s it!
To answer Bluebirds question on speculation of how long colleagues joining now have to wait for an upgrade: If the fleet doesn´t grow, 25 to 30 years.
If we grow by 4 or 5 aircraft, 15 to 20 years,... and CLX was always very conservative with expansion.

22nd Mar 2009, 14:23
thanks for this info

2nd Apr 2009, 09:35
Hello everyone,

I am invited to LUX for final interview next week... So obviously there is some slow movement starting again?? Just heard, F/O's are working to the limits and are desperately waiting for some new people to join in order to relax rosters...??

I don't know how much Interpersonal really knows about things going on inside Cargolux, so I am hesitant to trust the news. Though, I will post some news when I am back from LUX and found out directly from the HR department how it looks like... I imagine there are quite a few guys in the same position that were happy to hear some real news.

Any suggestions for the final day?? Did quite a bit of research already, but everything's appreciated in order to calm down... :bored:

Best regards,

2nd Apr 2009, 14:24
Hi all,
Could anyone shed any light as to how long interpersonal take to process applications?
They do mention that they do receive many applications, but don't specify how long before you get a formal response . . .
Thanks in advance

2nd Apr 2009, 15:52
Hi 5150,

I was talking to IP on the telephone uncountable times. It occurs that they don't have an influence on who and when people are invited. In all, the only thing IP seems to do for Cargolux is a "pre-screening" in form of a filtering of applications. They forward the ones who meet the requirement. Cargolux then decides about the rest.

To give you an idea, it took me 8 months to get invited for the first step. Then another 3 months for the final interview. Might take even longer these days, where hirings are postponed :uhoh: good luck!

2nd Apr 2009, 19:04
The interview is straight forward, they just want to know a bit about you and what you know about CV (fleet, destinations etc.). Big point is if you are willing to move to LUX or close by. (I think it is 90km distance around the airport. If they get the feeling you won't, :(, chances are you won't get accepted.

Good luck!!


3rd Apr 2009, 07:11

thanks for your help. That's close to what I've heard in the past.

It occurs to me they are much more persistent with the "living in Luxembourg" question. I got to talk to the recruitment manager in early January and he said, "they'd really keep an eye on that now, as people are suffering too much"... If you really want the job, the answer is obvious. Though, I am wondering if that's what everyone else was told before and still people decided to commute at some point??

Do people share flats nearby LUX airport that they use to stay just right before and after work trips??

3rd Apr 2009, 07:31

check your pm!


3rd Apr 2009, 08:30
Thanks for the info Helm . . .
I won't hold my breath for a reply then! :rolleyes:

3rd Apr 2009, 08:46
Hello Helm737,

I would say about 60% commute, it is possible, but everybody needs to find out which way he/she likes it. Most people have/share a place nearby, also France, Germany, Belgium is possible. Germany for the time being is the cheapest deal, and only 25min to the Airport in LUX. If you register to be living there, you don't count as a commuter, so I would say there are actually even more commuters.

But to tell the truth, life is a lot easier if you live here. Trier, Saarbruecken or Cologne are nice places to be, and you also have SIM, Groundschool etc. in between, where commuting becomes a hassle.

Anyway, in your off days you can do whatever you like, so as I said b4, everyone has to find his luck for himself.

Cheers, WOB

3rd Apr 2009, 09:17

thank's a lot for all your information!

I am quite familiar with the German neighbourhood of LUX and wouldn't mind "living" there. My partner is from London and the major reason to think about commuting. But as you say, that's what you decide to do
on your OFF days and private.

However, I heard CV doesn't schedule any standby duties?! So do you have to expect being called on your off's as they want you to live in 60 min distance to LUX, or are short term changes covered by re-scheduling you whilst you are on a work trip??

I am confident there are other people looking for a shared place somewhere nearby once training starts again. First of all, the interview needs to be passed successfully next week...

Many thanks & best regards,

5th Apr 2009, 21:18
Well, Stby is rostered actually sometimes. You don't see it very often, but it happens. You won't be called on your off days, unless you are willing to do so. But there are fellows around who love to fly on their off, it pays off quite well.

Once you get stby duty it comes as a block of I guess 7 days, where you have to show up in 2 hours after the alarm. If you decide to commute and get this, you need to be within reach, but as I said before, it happens not often, from my experience, maybe once in two years.

If you ask how they cope with sick calls etc., I think since we fly longhaul, most guys are on the road anyway, they just shuffle the roster around to crew all the flights. You might get a rosterchange out of LUX or enroute on rather short notice. But with the right attitude it is ok to cope with, iso having the beer in New York you might just have it then in HongKong!

Life is great in Cargolux!!

Good luck again and enjoy it!

Cheers, WOB

8th Apr 2009, 18:11

This question/comment is directed to any of the Cargolux pilots.
I live in Europe and have Type ratings in B744 and B747 Classic, LR-jet, IA-Jet. Total time is relatively low at 4000 hours. 747 time is around 1300 hours.
Ok...here is the issue. I have an American FAA ATP; however I also have a JAA (issued in Germany) FCL, but it is a Com-ME/IR. The JAA said I needed to do a skills test in a JAR part 25 aircraft or sim in order to get the JAR ATPL. I have already taken all the JAA ATPL theory exams. I can not get the JAR ATPL because I simply can't go out out there and rent a sim or a B744 or other JAR part 25 aircraft in order to take the ATPL skills test. My B744 rating is obviously on my FAA license.
Ok...I really want to work for Cargolux and have for several y!ears! So the first question from the recruitment company that processes the applications is, "do you have ATPL?" I have to say no because I technically do not; however if I was hired by Cargolux then this would be as simple as doing 2 extra maneuvers on a line proficiency check. (that's what the German LBA told me). Now, I believe the recruiter at the recruiting company that processes applications really does not know anything about licenses or flying? It is like talking to a brick wall. I keep telling them that I am rated and current on the B744 and then they ask me why I only have a Comm-ME/IR!!! Round and round!!! Is there anyway that I could talk to somebody who is a pilot at Cargolux who has some authority in the hiring process who can understand my dilemna? All I want is a chance to interview, but I can't get by the "beaucratic guards" at the application processing company. I know that if I could speak with a PILOT then we would be on the same wavelength. Seriously, if anybody can help me, please PM or simply write in this forum. I am in desperate need of work...unemployed and wife has a baby on the way.

Thanks so much!

12th Apr 2009, 12:56
Yeah! Got some good news from LUX yesterday in the mail: made it in!! :}

For all of us who are on the waiting list now, I couldn't find out much about new starting dates when I visited LUX this week... Rumors keep talking about September... but then that's only rumors!

I had a look around the training department and talked to a Captain there. He said unlikely to start before next year, so I think it's all a matter of patience now...

Anywho, I am still thrilled about the good news and keep my fingers crossed for all of us to get to start rather sooner than later!

Many thanks to all for your friendly and helpful support :)


12th Apr 2009, 14:29
Yeah! Got some good news from LUX yesterday in the mail: made it in!!

Congratulations! Very good news, specially since one would have to assume that Cargolux would not be doing the interview process unless they would hire us at some point, hopefully in the near future!

Let´s hope it will be sooner than later for us already in the holding pool!


13th Apr 2009, 14:03
Thanks a lot! I can only agree. To quote the chief pilot, "us" is presently a number of 15. I am not rated on type nor longhaul experienced, so realistically, I prepare for a longer wait than some other guys out there. However, great feeling, great prospects and obviously a really nice set of people to get to know! :)

All the best and more later...

13th Apr 2009, 17:01
A warm welcome also from me.
Maybe I see you soon in the Cargolux training facilities :D

I suppose you flew B737 before.
So the type rating won`t be a problem for you at all...

leeds 65
14th Apr 2009, 13:03
I understand that step 1 - is the medical/computer tests for 4 hrs,step 2 - is an interview for 2 hrs

is the 2 hour interview more personal or technical?
1. what tech questions can one expect (systems on previous aircraft,principles of flight? etc)
2. how many people interview you ?
3. some examples of personal questions?

I have not read anything about a sim check? is one required

rgds - a very interested cargo wannabee

14th Apr 2009, 14:21
leeds 65,

1.The interview is only personal.
2.You are interviewed by two people, HR recruiter and chief pilot (in my case).
3.Go back to page 19/20 of this thread!

There is no sim check. With the min req airline you have to bring along, you should have learned to fly... And there's lots of training waiting, too.

And jetlag1969, thanks a lot for your nice and encouraging words!! ;)

leeds 65
14th Apr 2009, 14:40
ok thanks lads much appreciated information.


16th Apr 2009, 12:14
Well, during the initial TR people are mostly very motivated especially with the prospective of flying the B744.
During all these years I have hardly seen somebody fail it.
(Maybe that is a good sign about the quality of our training department :ok:

Regular Sim checks however are different.
Although very fair people start to get lazy and simply don`t follow up with Revisions and Flight Tech Advisories.

If you always keep up to date you won`t have any probs in the Sim as the Training department is no Kindergarten with people having to proof something.

Just straight forward with no surpries.


16th Apr 2009, 18:49
What do you guys at Cargolux think about statements made here recently, that F/O´s are beeing worked to the limit these days.

When reading news on cargolux.com it seems that the company is still expanding on many of it´s routes. Are the loads still good, or is marketing shifting it´s focus on more lucrative routes and discontinuing others?

Would you think there is room for recruitment in the near future?

- Rgds

17th Apr 2009, 14:01
As I am considering applying for Cargolux would someone be able to PM me an example Cargolux roster?

In general I know how Cargolux schedules off days of flightcrews (one block of 6 and one of 3 days in a row each with min. 24h rest before each block begins = 7+4 days) nevertheless it would be great to get an impression how a "real" roster looks.

help is appreciated :ok:

17th Apr 2009, 14:07

it's good to see people keep talking about september being likely for training to start again... If that's the case, I will be ready! :ok:

When I talked to the chief pilot last week, he said there were around 15 guys on the waiting list at this time (incl. me). I don't know how many more will be processed until then and how many of the ones listed will start or go somewhere else meanwhile...

I flew in command on the 737NG in the last 2 years. Seeing people talking about time until upgrade here a lot, I personally don't think that's what you should worry about when you first applied or just get to start your training. I am sure it's a different story for those guys who fly on the right seat for 4, 6, 8 years by now, but I am actually first of all really looking forward to get started, to learn to operate the 747 in the great network CV has and about all the bits and pieces that come along with that!

Do you know how early people will be informed about their starting date?? ...just curious because of my notice period. Do you get your A/C operation manual by mail in order to start preparing before arriving in LUX??

Kind regards,

19th Apr 2009, 18:57
@ jetlag 1969

you got mail - thanks for your help :ok:

23rd Apr 2009, 07:39

thanks for your reply. I'll be fairly flexible. As of now, though, I'll keep being patient. I will let you know about my TR date as soon as I get one... see you around!


28th Apr 2009, 19:09

Check your PM!


30th Apr 2009, 11:17
Hello everyone,

just came back home via MXP today in the morning... and I was wondering: any news about Cargolux Italia or the ENAC??

Would be interesting to know what's happening and even fantastic if that would cause some movement on the "waiting list" in near future :O


1st May 2009, 07:28
may 08th d-day for ICV

3rd May 2009, 11:14
Hi happyapple,

First of all, I think what Frank is trying to say, is that no-one will be able to tell you if you´re going to like the lifestyle or not...!

It is very much an individual/personal thing.
What suits one person is not the best for the next...anyway, I´m sure you know this already.

Guys deal with the lifestyle in very different ways.
In the end, what you choose to do with your time downroute is up to you.
You can decide to mope in a hotel room, or as mentioned before in this thread...go drinking, hoaring or praying...or all three...:)

I joined about a year ago from short haul 5-4-5-3 stuff and for me personally it has been a great choice.

I got very fed up with 5 earlies in a row or 5 lates ending in your first day off. Also, my idea of being an airline pilot, involved actually getting off the aircraft for more than a walkaround and talking to a refueller.....I wanted to see something of the destinations I was flying to.

Again, personally in those respects, it has been a 150% improvement.

Yes, I am only just past my first year here, but I still enjoy the places we go to. I think to completely explore all of them in the network, will take several years. And the mix/variance of the places is just right for me.
One minute your in Los Angeles and the next your in Lagos or Kinshasa...that to me, makes it a great job, with enough "spice" to keep you interested and on your toes.

My biggest concern when I applied was my family.
You will need a wife/husband/partner who is willing to put up with the fact, that you might be gone for the next 10 days.
The way I looked at it was, that in the short haul, I might have been in the house every day at SOME point, but not nessecarily at the times that my family were awake.

One thing my wife and I noticed within the first months of working at CLX is, that I seemed to come home a lot more rested, than I did in short haul. Of course you have trips which will get you home tired, but in the grand scheme of things, I feel more alert and keen to do things with the family on my off days, were as before I felt like a Zombie tagging along.

The hotels we stay in are all the in the top best any destination has to offer and our hotel commitee do a very good job.

The decession lies with you in the end of course, and YOU will have to make the choice.
I also looked at it with the attitude of..."If you hav´nt tried it you wont know if you like it"

I hope this helps a bit...for me its been a change for the better...:ok:

3rd May 2009, 15:14
But as we are short on crews right now (like always!), our training facilities will expect the first trainees in Sept 09 for the new a/c arrival.

Jetlag: Do you know if that is official news from the training department.

If true that would be fantastic news for those of us waiting in the holding-pool, and of course everyone interested in applying.


3rd May 2009, 17:05
Pow-wow has a point here.
I flew 737 before myself and still know how exhausting this can be.
You are home every day but what sense does it make to come home late, when the children are already in bed and leave house when they are still asleep. Also, a boring fact is to see only airports and aprons :\

Cargolux has rotations with layovers between min rest of 12h and 5 days !
In general it`s between 24-48 hours.
75 different destinations !
You will see the world.

And yes we have a bidding system in place for trips and OFF days.
For me it works perfectly fine as I am with Cargolux for some time.
Newcomers however must know, the system is based on seniority.

The majority is happy with the change to long haul.
But nobody can give you a guarantee that you also will like it.

So, no risk no fun :ok:


3rd May 2009, 18:13
Thank you Jetlag for your very informative posts here, and of course for the very good news regarding training for this year! :D

4th May 2009, 06:06
My pleasure.
Keep up guys, things will move soon. :ok:

4th May 2009, 07:10

You got mail!


4th May 2009, 17:46
Hello everyone! Very good news to hear that training will resume in Sept 09 :O I have now been in "the pool" since December :) Could I ask you who are with CV to send me via PM one or two rosters...
With many thanks

4th May 2009, 18:59
The requirements vary with the number and quality of applications !
Very few application => minimum requirement
Large stack of interesting people => at least training with NASA required :ugh:

But if you meet the TT you`ll be considered.

14th May 2009, 15:27
Has anybody gotten a firm starting date yet? If Sep 09 will be the start of training, people should get their contracts soon. Anyone signed yet?

14th May 2009, 16:59
For sure I am standing by, hoping for some news.

What about you?


14th May 2009, 17:13
well, standing already by since november 2008 ....
anybody any news...?

14th May 2009, 17:31
I am also waiting since November 08. Sent an e-mail to the Recruitment Department last week, they still insist that most likely no new training in 2009!

Still hoping for the best.

14th May 2009, 19:20
Ditto! Same here, been in waiting since December. Same answer from HR "no change untill end of 2009" But I'll be very ready :)

Donkey Duke
15th May 2009, 01:21

Can you give me an example of a recent tour you flew, to see how many different parts of the world you saw. Sounds facinating. Are there cities that you prefer to layover? Cheers.

ray cosmic
17th May 2009, 21:34
one thing to add to Jetlag's comments, though is that he is a captain with some seniority. Now for junior F/Os rosters are pretty unstable. still manageable, but the only thing you are sure of are VAC and COD. The rest is up for grabs. So CV is a great job and company, but flexibility is needed and required. Certainly right now. just to make it a little less green!:ok:
It helps though if you live close, so its easier to adjust to last minute changes.

22nd May 2009, 00:33
Just had a quick check a propos nothing in particular.... this thread has been running for over 3 years now; well done and a special thanks to all the current and former CLX peeps who have been contributing. You know who you are.

I'd love to hear from anyone who was a "wannabe" who now works for CLX and found this thread helpful.

Post it here or PM if you prefer.


(CLX 89-07)

23rd May 2009, 11:48
Hi CR2,

I 'm one of those wannebees who got in CLX almost two years ago and still loving it. Now looking forward to the introduction of the B748F and the economy picking up again.

This thread was a big help in knowing what was going on and what to expect once being invited:ok:
So thanks to all who contributed to it and for those who want to join have a good read through the whole thread and take it all in to consideration. It s a great life if it suits you, but ask youself it's really you and more even that it suits your family! Good luck


23rd May 2009, 18:53
I can only agree with Supahfly...have been here just over a year and the thread was VERY usefull...all you need to know is here...thanks again to CR2, Ray Cosmic and all the others for some good info :ok:

23rd May 2009, 20:21
One more !!!

Was a wannabee, now an employee :ok:

This thread was a great help !
Just READ the whole thing, its worth it.

Thanks to everyone for the past posts :)

26th May 2009, 11:16
Does anyone know what are the requirements to get hired by Cargolux. Residency, flight times, certificates,etc. I am a holder of the FAA certificates with EU passport.
Thank you

26th May 2009, 23:48
Congrats to all the new people hired!

Any idea what percentage of people finally make it into Cargolux after being invited for Saarlouis?

Edit: just got word from Interpersonal, all hiring stopped now. Maybe end of year more recruitments, but nobody knows.

27th May 2009, 20:17
PH-JPC: there have been no new hires since the last course in January this year. You have to understand that there is a big difference between ongoing screening by Interpersonal and the actual hiring by Cargolux. The holding pool should be nicely filled by now, no more screening makes sense...I am just mentioning it.

28th May 2009, 01:02
flyby71.... read the thread, the answers are there for you, 3 years worth of experience from current crews and wannabe questions. Look at the last few posts and you will see what this thread is worth; BUT put the effort in. As 411A would say (and he's right) RTFB!!!!!


28th May 2009, 01:56

I know and understand. Sorry, should have used the word screening instead of hiring. :ok:

21st Jun 2009, 15:50
Time to wake up this thread again.

Has anyone heard any rumours regarding starting dates for new-hires for 2009?

How is Cargolux coping in the current global situation?


21st Jun 2009, 16:33
Hi Bluebird,

I emailed the HR department a few days ago. I sent them a short message asking for a quick update on how things look like by now. The response came yesterday telling situation unchanged. No news about starting dates at that time.

I guess we are asked for more patience. :rolleyes:

21st Jul 2009, 14:21

Are these rumors about the sale of 2 a/c circulating inside or outside the company?

I have heard a rumor from inside the company about a possible requirement for an additional (10?) crew to start in September to accomodate expansion on the Italian side...

Any more rumors around (since that's all we seem to have at the moment...)?:confused:

22nd Jul 2009, 02:59
How old is that rumor, highflyer?
There are talks about 2 A/C leaving but apparently that has not been decided
yet. The A/C are sold but might be leased back if needed.

There have been talks about 20-50 hirings 2009-10 for the last months as well as no hirings at all until mid 2010.
Anyway, my opinion is the company is short of pilots, and even if 2 A/C leave the fleet there would still be room for some new pilots since a couple of older pilots leave on early or actual retirement.

Sit tight, my guess is they will call anyone who applied on a very short notice soon!!! :ok:

Take care, WOB

23rd Jul 2009, 01:34
As people may have already noticed, an update from the Interpersonal website!

"Actual recruitment situation - updated in July 2009:

According to the latest corporate planning there will definitely be no demand for pilots and no vacant positions in the year 2009!

Nevertheless we keep the job posting open in case you want to see the formal requirements or want to apply for any possible demand in the future."


23rd Jul 2009, 19:40
Hi guys,

A question regarding family life, if you work for Cargolux:

As far as I understand, you got 9 off day in 28 cons days. Which comes to 11 days. And you can split that into 6+3. +2x 24. Right?

So what about the rest? Are you on trip all the time or.....
In this case wife doesn t work..somebody s got a take care for the kids! Is an F/O pay good enough to live a decent life in lux.

How are the schools there? Is living in Germany a better option? What is with the tax in that case?

that is all for now



4th Aug 2009, 19:55
Just to add to the last post, if there are any FOs, married, with one or two kids who could provide a NET monthly salary... Trying to do the maths to see if we could afford it (wife would not be able to work for a while because of professional licensing requirements).

I have read the entire thread and understand that, with per diem/nights/weekend/13th month/ etc payments I would be looking at approx 5000 euros net per month. But I understand that to be true for a single guy with no kid. Anybody married with kid(s) can help?



5th Aug 2009, 10:01
What about the Capt (junior/senior)salary?with/without kids...

5th Aug 2009, 10:43
If you plan to join CV, Cpt's salary should be the last thing you worry about for quite some time!
If you're in, you can figure that one out on you're own.

5th Aug 2009, 13:44
Thanks Alcione, PM incoming :-)

6th Aug 2009, 21:53

Quote: Financially, the worst part is while your are doing the hole training. But this could be forecasted.

Please advise what is "hole" training, anything to do with golf ??

ray cosmic
9th Aug 2009, 20:35
yeah, smartass. Don't forget to bring your Putter.

10th Aug 2009, 13:12
Sorry, but I don´t play golf,

In all the airlines, you don´t received full payment from day zero. I would say more, in almost all jobs.

In the meantime, you must pay kindergardens, mortatge and many other bills related to power suply, water suply, heating, some gas,food and last but not least, from time to time you have to fly home to see your kids and wife.

Also you have to live in lux, so you have some more basic bills.
By the way, I´m extreme thrifty person. I don´t need a lot of money to pass the month. But if you are honest and make the sum, you would realise that this is not peanuts.

This happends in the very first months, then normal life.

To sum up with: Clx is a great company, pays very well and the atmosphere is very nice. I´m very happy, and I would strongly recommend to work here. :ok:

Safe landing to all, specially for those who play golf :}:}

nose door
17th Aug 2009, 22:47
we have some "thrifty person's" who only live's on $1 per day, we don't want them to apply, life on the road is long enough and even worse if your colleague doesn't want to play with you in the beer tent....as for life in lux...you'll get by, somehow!

19th Aug 2009, 07:24
For those in the hold pool...

I just called the HR depmt. Thought, it wouldn't hurt to get back in touch after another two months had passed. I was told: No start before next year. So basically, nothing new. I thought I'd let you know, though, as September is approaching and things seemed a bit likely to change around that time... However, the year is growing quite old by now and I keep my fingers crossed for all to be scheduled for TR soon next year! :ok:

Many kind regards

21st Aug 2009, 13:38
Good day all,
I´m not so familiar with CX. Is Cargolux planning to fly out of MXP in Future? If yes will they base crews there or is Luxemburg the only Base!?

Thanxx in advance

21st Aug 2009, 15:21
CX is Cathay Pacific, and no, no base in MXP, all crews based in LUX.

Chox Off
24th Aug 2009, 07:57
Could somebody working for CV please pm me. I worked there back in the 80's and have lost touch with most people for various reasons, age mainly, and I was just wondering if some of the old guys were still around. Thanks in anticipation.

18th Sep 2009, 13:43
First a/c got parked in the desert yesterday. Second one will follow next week! A friend inside CV told me about it yesterday and said it's a difficult time at the moment, but not hopeless.

Regarding that, I want to tell everyone who is in immediate need of a new job and who is getting more stressed out hearing about the latest news: Aerologic is now accepting new applications on their website and starts hiring new FO's for B777F (non-rated). I have a friend who started there last year and she absolutely loves it!

I will sit it out and wait for better times in LUX, however, I am having a safe and permanent contract. Lets keep fingers crossed for all of us!


18th Sep 2009, 15:39
Parked in the desert !?!?!?!?!:confused:

That would be the first I heard of it !?!:eek:

The first aircraft went to UPS recently.:ok:

Here is a related article from Air Cargo News :: The World's Best Read Air Cargo Newspaper (http://www.aircargonews.net)

Quote: "First B747-400F recalls a previous crisis


IT recalls an earlier era when carriers enthusiastically ordered a brand new freighter type, only to have second thoughts in a sharp economic downturn.

B747-400 freighter LXFCV, now undergoing a C-check in the gleaming new maintenance hangar of Cargolux, was ordered by Air France in 1989, and was only the second of the type ever to be built. Then the French carrier changed its mind and parked it in the desert. The aircraft finally entered service with Cargolux in 1993, the first B747-400F ever to take flight with commercial cargo.

Air France was not the only carrier to have second thoughts about the -400F. In 1989-90 a range of other carriers – including Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Korean Air and Asiana - ordered the freighters from Boeing, but faced with the Gulf War and the early 1990s recession decided to defer delivery. But ultimately, in the late 1990s, the -400F became the workhorse of global air cargo, with 166 delivered by Boeing before production ceased last year.

Is it a good omen for today’s freighter orders? With finance tight to non-existent and volumes plummeting, today’s B777 and B747-8 orders look equally as shaky as those early B747-400Fs. But air cargo may yet go on to shrug off today’s difficulties and enter a new period of golden growth.

In the meantime, LXFCV and one of its fellows is off to UPS in September. As it goes, Cargolux president and CEO Ulrich Ogiermann may shed a sentimental tear, but he will also breathe a big sigh of relief.

The sale of the two aircraft – agreed two years ago – allows Cargolux to trim 12.5 per cent off its capacity and gives it breathing space till its first B747-8Fs – for which it is also the launch customer – arrive in mid 2010.

Ogiermann is currently not over-optimistic about how the market will be by then, forecasting that airfreight will not return to 2007 levels until 2013. He also notes a loss of business to sea freight, as time to market suddenly no longer becomes such an important factor for shippers, and blasts the “irrational capacity that does not follow normal rules” that still remains in the market.

He has a particular target in mind: “Middle Eastern carriers who go for market share and get a lot of money out of the deep pockets of certain governments.” Cargolux is not competing on a level playing field with such operators, he says.

On the other hand, he notices a slight rise in yields out of Asia and the US in recent weeks, a possible glimmer of hope. “But how long these will stay at this level, no one know. We have been wrong twice with our predictions this year, so we have given up making predictions.”..end quote

18th Sep 2009, 18:38
FCV was never ordered by Air France but is the original first ordered A/C from Cargolux as can be easily seen by her Boeing customer code =R7, the only aircraft not ordered and built to CV specs in the fleet is ICV which is indeed the first -400F and as a 428F was ordered by Air France and spend some time in the desert before joining CV as the 3rd A/C.
CV didn't put FCV in the desert but it was delivered to UPS flown to Roswell as N581UP.

18th Sep 2009, 20:14
FCV was never ordered by Air France but is the original first ordered A/C from Cargolux as can be easily seen by her Boeing customer code =R7, the only aircraft not ordered and built to CV specs in the fleet is ICV which is indeed the first -400F and as a 428F was ordered by Air France and spend some time in the desert before joining CV as the 3rd A/C.

16down2togo is correct.

19th Sep 2009, 10:10
Yup, think they got their Foxtrots and Indias mixed up:} main thing is, that there was NO parking of any Cargolux aircraft in any deserts:ok:

19th Sep 2009, 10:22
Guys and girls,

A few people have written private messages to me recently, asking about tips and tricks for the CV selection process.

Whilst I am not against helping people, I find it very annoying that people dont seem to READ THIS THREAD...ALL and I do mean ALL the info you need is right here.

I cannot remember anything that is not already on here...just take the time to read through it.

I did NO SPECIAL preparation, I only read this thread before I went...HONESTLY!!!



21st Sep 2009, 10:12
@ Stierado,

sorry if I upset you by posting this thread. I was told about it by someone I trust who is F/O for CV for many years. But then of course I don't know where he got his information from.

But honestly, it doesn't make much of a difference to future newhires whether or not aircraft are parked in a desert or sold. Fact is, they are gone. That means, also regarding the capacity cut of 12%, no one will be needed in near future, at least not before new deliveries are due.

However I do understand that for reputation and management purposes it might make a difference if they are sold or grounded. Therefore I apologize.


23rd Sep 2009, 10:07
The sale of FCV and ICV was planned years ago to coincide with the introduction of the new -8's. As the production of the -8 has slipped (perhaps conveniently?) there should be a surplus of crews for a while though this doesn't seem to be the case with people still flying in off-days .....:rolleyes:

23rd Sep 2009, 10:12
@offa, Unless we're doing the same amount of flights as we did some weeks/months ago...

24th Sep 2009, 11:16
Dear Helm 737,

Dont worry, you did not upset me.

I was just a bit puzzled to hear the rumour.

Thanks again.


26th Sep 2009, 11:40
just a question for the cargolux pilots, what are the layovers like?
with how many crew would you share your layovers, do you regularly go out and do stuff together?

ray cosmic
26th Sep 2009, 19:48
with how many crew would you share your layovers, do you regularly go out and do stuff together?
Normally one crewmember from VA, KL or BA would do, but if you're into groups that's possible as well, I guess. Anything goes, no witnesses.

29th Sep 2009, 15:56
Wow Ray,
you must be the one setting the benchmark!!!
Carry on,
Best regards,

sled dog
30th Sep 2009, 08:31
I hope Ray wipes it off afterwards......:p

13th Oct 2009, 19:07
Any news?!!
Or should we just wait until 2010?


13th Oct 2009, 20:26
According to the latest news from the Recruitment department nothing will happen untill the middle of 2010, unless Bill Boeing steps up with the -8 !

4th Nov 2009, 14:28
Rumors say CLX will start hiring in Jan 2010. Anybody heard similar things?
Or anyone been invited for an interview yet? Seems like business is slowly picking up again and with two wetleases to support demand it might look brighter now for any fleetexpansion, although CV is known to be very conservative.


4th Nov 2009, 16:24
Why would they hire new pilots??
We just got rid of 2 aircraft, so unless they get hold of at least 3 aircraft we don't need extra pilots.

5th Nov 2009, 08:57
HR department just came back to me with bad news two days ago.

The email sais that due to an additional delay of -8 deliveries, flight crew personnel planning has to be adjusted and that all candidates on the waiting list will receive an email in December about how things look like.

The email also clearly sais there is no need for new crews for the next year. Mrs Wallenborn said, there might be a small chance for newhires at the end of 2010, but as of now, no one knows.

Sad news really....

8th Dec 2009, 13:03
So, as we are in December now, has anyone received that email from HR as mentioned in the previous post?

8th Dec 2009, 17:35
tried to get mss Wallenborn on the phone a few days ago.
absent till 21st....

sled dog
9th Dec 2009, 10:17
CV is set to receive 100 million euro in state aid according to local media. Activity dropped 12% in the first nine months of this year compared to 2008, resulting in a 100 million euro loss. The "price fixing fine" has still to be determined, and paid...........Would-be new hires had better not be holding their breath.

9th Dec 2009, 12:57
Government financial aid for Cargolux (http://hello.news352.lu/?p=edito&id=8510)

LUXEMBOURG – The transport airline Cargolux will receive a 100 million euro financial guarantee from the state.

Cargolux shareholders and the Luxembourg government have agreed on a rescue plan for the financially challenged airline.

On Monday a meeting was held between the airline shareholders and the government and a capital increase of 100 million dollars (75 million euros) was confirmed by the group. The group has registered a 100 million euro loss this year, and the state has therefore agreed to lend Cargolux a further 100 million euros.

The record losses are mostly due to the economical and financial crisis since the demand has decreased brutally. The freight rates have dropped dramatically since the beginning of the economic crisis and they are currently 30% lower than beforehand. In the first 9 months of 2009, Cargolux activity has dropped about 12% compared to 2008.

FCS Explorer
4th Jan 2010, 10:28
you want some speculation?:bored: ok, let's see.
they getting 100 million from the state.
+ they just removed 2 a/c from the fleet.
= they are short on cash and have 2 sets of spare crew.

okay, maybe scheduling was tight before and has gotten some relief now.

but i would still rate the chance for new recruiting to 'rather slim'.:sad:

8th Jan 2010, 18:17
Helm737, check your PM!

12th Jan 2010, 22:58
While the Luxembourg government will provide state guarantees to Cargolux, new investors in the company are simply ignored. A US lead consortium who proposed to invest in the company and provide a turnaround strategy that is based on new markets and profitable routes has made an offer to invest 400m into Cargolux. The government has totally ignored this offer and instead is working on a half concocted plan to sell 33% to Qatar airways. This means that Cargolux would halve to operate the 777 fleet of Qatar which is totally contrary to the company’s successful business strategy of a uniform 747-400 fleet with 13 new -8F’s on order. Luxembourg tax payer’s money is preferred over private funds. Hmmm

13th Jan 2010, 10:24
arnold, that looks like a copy/paste of something from somewhere. Kindly post the link so that it may be correctly attributed.


13th Jan 2010, 21:14
Rumours, rumours, the spicy part of a pilot life.....

To be honest, I could not believe that CLX change its complete strategy, maintained for decades in such a movement.


14th Jan 2010, 09:01
u.s led consortium= asset strippers ???

ray cosmic
23rd Jan 2010, 20:25
Arnold, amongst other things the Luxembourgers are extremely well in managing assets and capital. Selling a major part of the shares in the 5th (?) biggest employer of the country would seem reckless. It will be the best decision for the company, employees and everyone else dependent on the existence of this company.

27th Jan 2010, 16:26
Is it just me or does it still say " no more vacancies until end of 2009 " on the Interpersonal website.

Let´s hope for some positive news in the near future.


4th Feb 2010, 22:27
worked there from 1990 to 1997 . great times. crews were great . mostly from Iceland , Scandinavia and the few like myself from ireland. hope they are all keeping well .
im taking back by the wages you are all talking about now in cargolux.

9th Feb 2010, 10:27
If the B747-8f is now flying and Cargolux will be in a position to take their allocated airframes, then where are the new trained and qualified groundcrew to look after them? I'm aware that all the aircrew are fighting to get their 'bums-on-seats' for driving them, but so far no back-up or support facilities being created. Logistical support doesn't happen overnight, so if the launch is mid-2010, the offices, stores, ground equipment and personnel need sorting now. And to take it one step further, Pilots can usually be positioned around the globe relatively easily, are they going to have "Flying Spanners" to travel around until they have support staff in place?

FCS Explorer
9th Feb 2010, 15:53
maybe the 748 isn't that much different from the 744. it's a nose-loader that now takes 4 more pallets. maybe the forklift needs to go some inches further up. and it consumes fuel and oil.

9th Feb 2010, 22:49
Dear Cargolux pilots:

At the start of this thread, it was said that the crew were flying to the limits, with long absences from home etc.

3 years later, how have things changed? What is a typical month like now? Still only 6 days off in a row, with a few floating days? If I send my application to Cargolux and get hired, how many days would I spent at home every month?

Also, I tried to find the information on the thread: could you tell me some of the stayover of the Cargolux network?

Thanks a lot

10th Feb 2010, 15:46
Any info. on the B747-8 conversion training dates gratefully accepted.

ray cosmic
10th Feb 2010, 21:09
hashman, if you are CV, call Flight Crew Training. If you aren't, I wonder why it's supposed to be any of your business?

11th Feb 2010, 06:24
... how many pilots are still in the holding pool? and how many of those are still current?

12th Feb 2010, 19:36
This rumour has been around a little while. Bear in mind though that this still only takes them back to the number of aircraft operated last September.

I could tell you where they are coming from but i would have to kill you! (No, they are not -ERFs from Loadair).