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ncleflights 9th Oct 2007 08:32

GSM - Paphos

Yes its a based aircraft but the official press announcment aint been made yet.

DTVAirport 9th Oct 2007 09:43

The official press release has now been made, and those numpties at MME have included Palma in the list of GSM's winter destinations.

DTVAirport 9th Oct 2007 13:27

What I meant and should have said was, it's gotta be part of a second based aircraft, not 'a' based aircraft, but it seems the PFO fills the one and only gap in the schedule of the first based aircraft on a Wednesday afternoon.

N707ZS 10th Oct 2007 09:40

Just heard that the managment has had £1 coin slots placed on the airport trollies (like the supermarkets) just to stop passengers using the Spar hotel car park. This is also the reason for the new fence that cuts the terminal off from the hangers.

Now I wonder where the money could of been spent better!:ugh:

brownwings633 10th Oct 2007 22:17

N707ZS, the last time I parked there I came back to find some :mad: had abandoned their trolley up against my car and taken out a big chunk of my paintwork.

Anything to encourage people to put them back in the bays has got to be a good thing.:D

groundhand 11th Oct 2007 08:06


..or preparing the ground for their ultimate aim?

carbheathot 11th Oct 2007 12:21

The first stage of preparing the ground took place yesterday when the far sighted and politically astute members of the Stockton-on Tees Planning Committee approved Peels application for a variance of the previous consent to permit 20 acres of Industrial estate development....specifically NOT aviation related:{

DTVAirport 11th Oct 2007 12:25

So we're getting an Industrial Estate as opposed to the Cargo and Maintenance Village? Isn't it :mad: marvellous! Don't Darlington Borough Council also have to approve it? Although they would likely approve it as well if Stockton have.

Interesting how work begins almost immediately on this, and nothing as of yet has happened towards the aviation-related developments!

carbheathot 11th Oct 2007 12:51

Theres nothing being said about "immediate" starts, and Darlington might not be the council affected by this change, the councils boundary I believe runs somewhere near to or through the intersection of the taxiway with 23/05

N707ZS 11th Oct 2007 12:52

An industrial estate means nothing, how many other industrial estates are there in the Tees valley with empty units land for rent or sale. I can think of a dozen straight off! They must be getting desperate.

DTVAirport 11th Oct 2007 12:56

I'm confused, if there are so many existing Industrial Estates with free space, why build a new one here? Are you suggesting that freight companies such as our based TNT Airways might rent warehouses and other buildings in this Industrial Estate, and then we'd as good as have a Cargo and Maintenance Village anyway?

N707ZS 11th Oct 2007 13:15

I am led to believe that Peel want to build industry that is not related to aviation that is what the new aplication is for. And that is why I stated that there are numerous industrial sites for general industry.

The South side has planning permission for aviation related industry it went to a goverment inquiry and that was the outcome.

groundhand 11th Oct 2007 13:17

Or maybe the new Industrial Estate will be like the many plans for a Cargo Village that have been championed before; in other words, don't hold your breath.

Why would anyone think that building a Cargo centre and maintenance facility at DTV would invigorate the airport? There has to be demand BEFORE you build these things. Airlines want a maintenance base where they operate from (based operator?, err no.); stand alone maintenance companies will go where grant aid is best (not your area at the moment), or where there are lots of aeroplanes (sorry DTV).
We've been down the cargo line on this thread before; NCL, LBA and MAN have the air cargo market sorted; LBA and NCL truck far more than they fly anyway. To the best of my knowledge none of the courier operators are looking for a new UK hub so the likelihood of anything of any size dropping in at DTV is, at best, a long shot.

Maybe a multi functional site with many revenue streams will allow for the continuation of a few of the site users to use that big strip of tarmac. There are several airports around the country where non-aviation revenue streams make the airport operation, as a whole, a viable option.

carbheathot 11th Oct 2007 13:30

Groundhand sums up Peels strategy in that last paragraph.
The very real danger for the Airport, because it is run by Property developers, is that should the first 20 acres become successful then the temptation will be to expand that side of the multi functional business to the detriment of the flying side of the operation.Given the current circumstances of Heathrow and Globespans shambolic performance this summer, the big question for the top brass at DTV is whether they can sustain Peels' interest in aviation against the competition from rented industrial units

DTVAirport 11th Oct 2007 13:36

58 commercial airports in the United Kingdom and the one that is my local is probably the worst run in the country, with the worst luck, and the bleakest future. It's the same with my Football team - I started supporting Leeds United just before Rio Ferdinand went to Man Utd...look what happened to them after that!

Sorry everyone for being such a jinx!

BeaconInbound 11th Oct 2007 13:42

I agree with carbheat. The airport is run by a group of people who have absolutely no interest in how the airport does - so long as the land it is on makes them lots of money. It shows by virtue of who is in charge of the place...if they actually were interested in the future of the airport they would have paid decent money and got some proper directors in instead of the group running the Mickey Mouse show at the moment!!!

skyman771 11th Oct 2007 13:46

One can look at this in two ways, a) that the development will create employment, which will lead to an increase in business activity, which will in turn provide more customers for DTV, or b) that this is a small step towards the greater industrialisation of the DTV site with an ultimately detrimental effect on aviation activities which may be used by Peel to aid their own agenda. Certainly the former makes more economic sense, though I'd start to become concerned if I'd seen projections that would have suggested that greater economic benefit would be derived from the provision of a cargo & maintenance development as opposed to that of an industrial estate. As for the consent of local authorities, then they would have difficulty in rejecting any industrial development that proposes to create jobs and provide council revenue which accommodates local residents concerns and did not impact on DTV's current aviation activities, which presumably this development does not.:uhoh:

groundhand 11th Oct 2007 13:52

So it's all DTV's fault!

There is huge difference in 20-30 acres of Industrial development to the entire airfield site. I doubt whether the local community could support such a massive light industrial development.
Peel DO have a track record of developing and keeping an interest in the airport. But everyone has to remember that they are a business; they are there to maximise the value of their assets and make profits for their shareholders. In addition they provide employment for a number of people and provide a facility that enables employment for many more. Developing a proportion of the site could help sustain these jobs and create more.

DTV is not the only airport to suffer; many have over recent years and I'm sure, as the market fluctuates, others will in the future. Some come through, others sadly (the folly of Sheffield to name one) do not.

The positives:
There is local demand
There are airlines who have proven track records of making routes work
The facility is less congested, less stressed than some of the nearby competition

Keep the faith.

ncleflights 11th Oct 2007 16:00

Interesting points made in the last few posts on the future of DTV and GROUNDHAND summed it up in his last post. Peel are in the business of making money and, sheffield is a good example here,if the owners cant make money or rather enough money from Aviation to satisfy the demands of shareholders then they will look at alternative uses for the site whether that be industrial development or indeed housing development.

I believe though its rather shortsighted to blame the management at the Airport or indeed Peel if ultimately MMEs days are numbered. The real people to blame have to be the people of Teeside as they have a good airport on the doorstop they simply don't use enough to generate the desired profits. Look no further to the cut backs already by GSM for evidence of this one. Like any other business if you don't use it then you can't complain when you loose it.

The simple solution to the problem and ultimately to get new routes is get booking seats on existing routes and show airlines the folks of Teeside actually want the airport to grow.

carbheathot 12th Oct 2007 08:58

The simple solution to the problem and ultimately to get new routes is get booking seats on existing routes and show airlines the folks of Teeside actually want the airport to grow.
Good advice from NCLE flights:ugh:

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