African Aviation Regional issues that affect the numerous pilots who work in this area of the world.

Gerry Broberg

Old 9th Nov 2006, 08:56
  #21 (permalink)  
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Hang those Zambians must really be desperate….I can see the headlines now… search continues for the missing Zambian air force helicopter....
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Old 9th Nov 2006, 08:58
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Correct - the whole circus is now being conducted fom a site located to the west side of the N1 Highway into downtown Cape Town. Close to Culemborg site on the Foreshore. The clowns there have an additional Ringmaster which is why I said in an earlier post "ake these things from whence they come". And what a circus that lot are. And of course GB is onto them and that's what they don't like. He's closing the loop holes out of which they operate.
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Old 9th Nov 2006, 09:05
  #23 (permalink)  
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Lets hope he closes all those loop holes sooner rather than later- when (not if) all that’s left of a bunch of tourists is an oily patch on the ocean/Smokey hole in the ground- its going to be bad for aviation as a whole in this country. Foreigners already lump us with the rest of Africa- lets not give them cause to believe this is true
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Old 10th Nov 2006, 08:02
  #24 (permalink)  
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For those that dont know me I publish the worlds largest civil helicopter industry trade magazine Heli Ops. I met Gerry a number of years ago and ALL my dealings with him, including our flight from JoBurg to Nairobbery along with 8 other helicopters, have been of the utmost professionalism. EVERYONE who I was with including Arthur Walker, Deon Roussouw, Vaughan Gows, Gary Arthur etc spoke very highly of Gerry and the work he does to help take the SA helicopter industry up a notch. To even suggest he would be anything but leaves me speechless.

How a piece of **** rag like African Pilot could run an advert like that makes me ashamed to be an aviation publisher. I hope that Gerry sues your ass for everything you have and I would suggest that EVERYONE in the SA industry boycott that rag and get SA Flyer instead.

Gerry - You have my utmost respect and if you want someone to start a fund to sue that rag just drop me an email and I will start the ball rolling. I have met a LOT of people in my travels and you rank there at the top.

Keep your chin up mate.

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Old 10th Nov 2006, 12:30
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Just to set the record straight!

I was not going to be drawn into this, but I think I better set the record straight by providing the true facts on a couple of issues. I have not posted here since I left the Huey Company, and decided when I left, that I was not going to be provoked into getting involved. I have however, received so many emails regarding accusations made by some people at the Huey Company, and since Gerry have now publically been drawn into this filth, I've decided to tell it like it is, once and for all.

1. I was the Director of Flight Operations at the Huey Company (WIN, HAMS & Huey Club) from September 2002 to October 2004. During my time there, we ran a professional company with no problems, and I fiercely defended the Huey during the "initial dark days".

2. The Huey came on line on 26 December 2002 after the initial certification process started in November of 2002.

3. Gerry Broberg did all the initial test flying for CAA certification purposes, and got paid for his services. A cheque was cut in my presence. Nothing sinister or underhand.

4. After the test flying stage, the SACAA certified the helicopter for flight, issued it with a C of A, and Gerry then converted the owner and a number of pilots to the helicopter, for which he got paid.

5. We then enjoyed 12 months of incident and accident free flying, all done within the scope of the law and with the blessing of the SACAA.

6. During December 2003, the owner flew the machine, had a FOD which resulted in a "forced landing". Thats when the trouble with the engine, the maintenance, the maintenance engineers and SACAA started, and everything became an issue. I continued to fly the Huey up to a point, court order and all.

7. After 12 hydraulic failures, 2 main drive shaft failures and one tail rotor failure, I decided that there were too many safety issues involved, and I left the company with the blessing of the owner. There was no fight or argument about it. I simply told him that I thought the helicopter was unsafe at the time, that I felt uncomfortable to fly it, and I resigned. He accepted my resignation, signed my copy in acceptance, and I left, and have not been back since. In my opinion the helicopter was simply not maintained correctly, as there were no qualified engineers to maintain it at that time. (Oct 2004)

8. Since I left the company, I have not been back, (not even to visit) and know absolutely nothing about the current operation or it's people.

9. What I can however with all truthfullness say, is the fact that Gerry at no time whatsoever, was bribed to do anything illegal or underhand, or accepted bribe money, as stated by some members of staff. He offered his services at a fee, the owner agreed, and Gerry honored his side of the agreement. At no time did he act out of line or engaged himself in anything underhand or illegal. It was in fact due to his support, that the Huey flew incident and accident free during the first 12 months. The operation was audited twice in that year, and passed with flying colors.

10. At no time whatsoever did Bert Sousa drop a pole on anybody. The stories that he did, was all fabricated by Latent Heat. Nothing of the sort happened. He came to fly the Huey in July 2003 on a slinging exercise at Chapman's Peak, and after releasing the pole, thinking it was secured, but it was'nt, the pole slid down the mountain onto a closed off road. No one was involved or injured. The engineer on board at the time, can also confirm that no one was involved or injured. These rumours were told to slander old Bert, and probably to take revenge on his criticism of the Huey.

11. At no time whatsoever did I go to jail for any "license fraud" as the Huey crowd so many times posted on these forums. I was involved with the CAA in a court case in 1997 about the validation of my FAA license, but at no time did I go to jail for 5 years as indicated by Fanaroff and others at the Huey company.

12. Also at no time did Gerry Broberg sell me or organise my licences for me as previously stated by Latent Heat and Fanaroff. Gerry has got nothing to do with exams or licencing at the CAA, and he's got no access to the curriculum or the system.

12. Lastly, I have known Gerry for 35 years, and we've done an awfull lot of aviating together since the mid 70's. From spraying crops to general aviation. Gerry is a true professional and on top of it, he's a gentleman. He has an impeccable safety record and he is fair and to the point. The rumours spread by these people are done in anger (for their own reasons) and it certainly shows their lack of class or integrity. It is easy to make statements and say things, but fortunately what they're saying, has no substance. It's all just a malicious act.

13. It's sad that Athol Franz have become so desperate to allow the publishing of such one sided rubbish, and I won't be buying his rag anymore. I feel sorry for Gerry that he's had to take the brunt of this rubbish, simply because he was doing his job. Don't worry about it Gerry, we all know the facts.

Fly safe out there guys, and give Gerry the necessary recognition and support he deserves.


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Old 10th Nov 2006, 13:00
  #26 (permalink)  
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Thanx for the information Francois, it's good to get an objective view for a change.

For those of you who are pi$$ed of at AF, why not drop him a e-mail and tell him what you think of his rag: [email protected]

-His e-mail and cellphone (082 552 2940) is in the public domain and can be found on the magazine's website-
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Old 10th Nov 2006, 13:15
  #27 (permalink)  
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I'm done with AP mag

Nice one Francoise even if a jetjock has to admit that to a chopperjock!

Mr AF, you stooped to a new level by publishing unprofessional trivia that does nothing constructive for our profession.

I'm done with your mag and any further involvment in photoshoots etc. Contact 121.5- good luck and good day dear Sir.
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Old 10th Nov 2006, 13:30
  #28 (permalink)  
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And to think that I placed an expensive advertisment in the last edition as well - never again!
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Old 11th Nov 2006, 05:45
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Looking at both the advert and the article there is, prima facie, plenty of material to bring successful libel charges against the author and indeed against the publisher for printing a clearly libellous advert.

Slamming someone's reputation in printed word is very risky, it is a gift for the victim's lawyers. But then looking at the style and content of the article, the slanderer is not your brightest penny.

This is just so unproffessional and my response is that today I have cancelled my subscription to AP.

Gerry, if you are reading this, have a go at suing them. If the Authority aren't keen on litigation then I am sure many readers here would be happy to chip into a pot to go towards your legal fees. I would gladly contribute.
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Old 11th Nov 2006, 11:20
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Bought the last issue of African Pilot and was amazed to see the personal attack on GB in the ads section as well as in the article itself. Very, very unproffesional - won't be buying this Rag again. Never met GB and know nothing of the saga, but the ad says more about the publisher and the author than anything else.

Having read the article, I have to concur that the author doesn't strike me as the sharpest cookie in the jar.
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Old 11th Nov 2006, 19:31
  #31 (permalink)  
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I have not posted here for sometime, but recent events have brought out a bit of anger on the "Helibase Gang" and their continual lies.
So, after signing the PPrune "I wont be a bad boy Rules" Im ready to fire off another salvo.

I received an email from Gerry, it contained a couple letters and photos. They can be seen on the Africa forum, but I have not got the right connection to post them here.

Heres Gerrys letter and another item which he asked me to share with you.

"Yo Bert,

Now that we have the truth from Francois I have to show the supporting docs to prove his statement, by the way, Francois took the photo of Gary and me. As you know, where I work requires a State Confidential Agreement so I may not post on any of the Sites, however, I can write to my friends and they may quote me. Not only did I convert those who Gary asked me to, I also recommended Francois to Gary to manage the Huey for him, which Francois did very well and when Francois left it fell apart. As for the advert in Efrikin Paairit, the public only witnessed one of his rantings and ravings. Attached are some more of the junk mail he sends out at regular intervals to all and sundry, and in which he even took a stab at Carnie and Richard. Do I work for payment?, of course I do, and every year I fill out a “Declaration of Interest” from which I am authorized by the CEO to do this work. As for helping others get through the bureaucracy, thanks for the compliment, I am proud of that. As for the “Hate the Huey” campaign, nothing could be further from the truth, I love the Huey,I enjoy every minute flying it, I helped Bernard when he brought the first 205 in, I helped Gary and will help any other that come along, ask Louis Venter who converted him, up to Mark Jackson, who I did not convert but greatly respect for his honesty and integrity, and I will bend over backwards to get the Hueys to fly, but only if they are legal. Gary knows this and I told him that personally not more than two weeks ago. We are judged by our peers such as Ned, who travels the world and sees what it should be like and has the guts to put it on paper, as well as the many professional folks who post on the prune . So when folks like 4HP and Gunss and the other many pros give their opinion we sit up and listen. And criticism, we should take it equally with the advice. However, when the amateurs get to throwing their toys out, the pros get off the fence and make a stand, as they have now, and that is what makes for less smoking holes in the ground with the melted aluminum lying scattered around. I have chosen my side of the fence and am proud of it, I have opted to listen to advice from the pros and will defend it, that way I don’t have to sleep with one eye open and don’t have to remember what I said yesterday, because my today and tomorrow talk is the same. Thanks to Francois for his straight talk, I salute him, thanks to the forum for setting the base line, I respect them, and thanks to the professionals who keep us from having to stand at that graveside and ask ourselves why was this really necessary. Let Arthole and his new found customer publish the names of the “Broberg Victims” and I will gladly stand under judgment from my peers, however, when Arthole publishes their statements we would like the whole story and the full facts, not just the condensed version as I will gladly fill in the blank spaces.


Gerry Broberg "

And then:

"From: Alan Fanaroff [[email protected]]
Sent: 04 October 2006 02:20 PM
To: Luvuyo Bali
Cc: Gerry Broberg
MR. BALI , Gary v d MERWE will state under oath in the form of an AFFIDAVIT with full responsibility for committing perjury and furthermore offer himself at his expense for you ( SACAA ) to put him on a polygraph ( lie detector test ) with you ( SACAA ) posing the questions that he paid Gerry Broberg R 5000 cash for a type rating , Gerry Broberg signed off this rating without doing the flying , he got someone else to do it ……





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Old 12th Nov 2006, 06:00
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Nice context Sousa, it makes one thing crystal clear (assuming the email from AF is real) i.e. the state of mind of the author.

The following words quickly spring to mind; demented, psychotic, unhinged - all no go traits in professional aviation.
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Old 12th Nov 2006, 11:44
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I only sumit a post when something really P-----s me off. I have never read such absolute drivel as the supposed email from AF.
Gerry is one of the nicest and most professional people I have met in and out of aviation and this is after knowing him for over 40 years. He is a credit to the CAA and is one of the few people there who is willing to tryn and help, when the papermill becomes bogged down with incompetence.

I would be more than willing to contrabute to a fund to help him get justice in a court of law.

Gerry you have more friends than you know.
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Old 13th Nov 2006, 00:45
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Thumbs up skymark

Well gents, I am amazed to hear the slander that is being directed at Gery! I am not a helicopter pilot, but met Gery quite a few years back whilst flying for a common aqauintance. I left SA in 2000, and am now sitting in Sydney on a flight.
Any dealings I had with Gery,( some subsequently at the CAA), have confirmed the reason why the man has so much support on this forum.

I salute you Gery and hope these idoits who are trying to put your reputation on trial, get what is due to them!
If you read this Gery send regards to DW.
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Old 13th Nov 2006, 06:06
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Unhappy Cancelled Subscription

Part of my e-mail, cancelling my A.Pilot sub.

"A lot of your magazine seem to cater for the rich , who fly expensive toys, normally helicopters, to boost their own ego's, and not work for the betterment of the aviation industry.

The last straw was the attack on a C.A.A. inspector. I feel the S.A .C.A.A. that is in such disarray, need every dedicated man and woman who want to better aviation for all us professional pilot's, and that your magazine should support these individuals, and not protect the people that can afford to buy aviation and try to claim it for them self's.

Thank you
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Old 13th Nov 2006, 07:20
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Whatever happened to the concept of Editorial integrity?
It would appear that Athol Franz and African Pilot have done the unthinkable and stooped to a level so low that it threatens to smear the good name of the South African Aviation Industry and all the good and worthy people who work in the South African Aviation Industry at the expense of a few rotten apples. It is with interest that I note that another SA aviation magazine had declined the offending advert.
Cancelling subs is just one measure of showing disapproval, and it's a potent one, but the Magazines depend on their advertisers for their existence. The advertisers need to know that their money is being used to propragate rubbish at their expense and advertisers do not normally wish to be associated with controversy as this would imply indirect support for a publication.
And Gerry, if you are reading this, as has been mentioned above, not only do you have more friends than you ever thought, and more people prepared to assist you in ever way, but you have the admiration and respect of many, many an airman, some of who you have never met.
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Old 13th Nov 2006, 08:23
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Thanks ladies and gents for bringing this saga to light. My subscriptions to email versions of African Pilot have been cancelled and I will not purchase another AP off the shelf.

My association with Gerry goes back 25 years and I too have only experienced professionalism and a genuine desire to assist the aviation industry going forward. This is what the industry requires. He is also expert in his field and determined to make the industry better. Given the current skills level within the SACAA, the Gerry Brobergs of this world are what the industry needs for the future if we are to be taken seriously. Gerry, you have my support.
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Old 13th Nov 2006, 11:23
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African Pilot Newsletter Vol.5 No.46

The Gerry Broberg saga explained
Much has been said about the article on the delivery of three Huey helicopters from Cape Town to Livingstone in Zambia by a team from Executive Helicopters. The story, written by Alan Fanaroff and the placing of a quarter page advertisement by Alan has solicited much criticism from certain readers. This article was edited in order to remove many of the unnecessary references made to Mr. Broberg, but then a little gremlin got into our works and the un-edited version was placed in error. However, the fact remains that Mr. Broberg did try to stop the export of three Huey helicopters from Executive Helicopters to the Zambian Air Force. The question that people should be asking is why did he take such drastic action? And what did he have to gain from not allowing a normal business transaction from taking place? According to Executive Helicopters all the required paperwork was in place for the export of military equipment to one of our northern neighbours. Once these helicopters were out of South Africa they are no longer the responsibility of the SA CAA.
African Pilot agrees that the placing of the advert could have been prevented, but then this was a normal business transaction, which was paid for. There is no doubt that where there is smoke there is usually a fire and according to Alan Fanaroff this particular advert has solicited many complaints from far and wide about the person in question. African Pilot does not wish to become embroiled in a squabble between two organisations or persons and therefore we wish to disassociate ourselves from the argument.
Since acquiring the Huey operation, Executive Helicopters have done everything in their power to normalise Huey operations in South Africa . Indeed, there are several other Hueys already operating within South Africa and more are going into operation in the near future. All the machines have been through vigorous refurbishment at the Executive Helicopters base in Cape Town and are being returned to active service in a variety of commercial roles in the normal course of business. Our December edition contains an article on the history of the Bell 205 Huey written by assistant editor, Mark Mansfield. The cover picture is a great head-on shot of one of the Cape Town Hueys also taken by Mark.


Abusive thread on AVCOM
It seems that the article and advertisement attracted abuse including foul language from an individual who obviously felt he had to take out his vengeance on the AVCOM forum. African Pilot applauds the moderators of AVCOM and Chris Booysen in particular for having what it takes to remove offending postings.
The following is a direct quote from Chris Booysen on AVCOM:
“There is a huge difference between criticism and abuse. When a poster has to resort to the type of language that was used then it is a moderator's duty to remove that post.

You have been around long enough to know that Avcom was self moderated until the character assassination got out of hand. After that the majority of Avcommers agreed that we need to appoint moderators and that those type of posts be removed.

Self moderation on Avcom - what a joke! I have had to remove two posts this week of full frontal nudity. Both male and female. On an aviation forum? Some people just don't know how to behave!”

To make matters worse a certain person who calls himself ‘ Goga ' keeps making unfounded statements about African Pilot, simply because he probably has a personal axe to grind. For the record SIR, the latest ABC statistics clearly show African Pilot's continued growth in this highly contested market segment. What is abundantly clear is the fact that African Pilot is selling more magazines every month; a growth curve which is exciting for our team.

Mhhhhh................Goga, you naughty boy
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Old 13th Nov 2006, 12:10
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This article was edited in order to remove many of the unnecessary references made to Mr. Broberg, but then a little gremlin got into our works and the un-edited version was placed in error.
You think they would be so kind as to share the "edited" version with us? or maybe the gremlin took it to Zambia with him?

African Pilot agrees that the placing of the advert could have been prevented, but then this was a normal business transaction, which was paid for.
Well, I guess that settles it boy's, we can all go home now, close this thread and start buying AP again, as long as the cr p they print is "bought and paid for" it seems they have no responsibility in the matter what so ever. WTF?

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Old 13th Nov 2006, 12:33
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Gerry Broberg

I have also dealt with Mr. Broberg for a number of years. Although I operate in the fixed wing area, I have found him to be firm but fair. If you break the rules with no good justification, he stomps on you pretty hard, but always within the boundaries of the regs and in a non personal manner. HOWEVER, if this article was penned due to the frustration of dealing with the largely ignorant and incompetant persons who pass themselves off as CAA inspectors, I can sympathise with the frustration, but not the manner in which this was done. Not in defence of the writer of the article and ad, but on many occasions inspectors are merely the instruments of those who rule. I have had the unpleaseant experience of throwing CAA inspectors out of my offices, only to find out they were the unwitting instruments of a person with a grudge deeper in the CAA.
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